CONTINENT OF MEDIA 02-01, produced January 22, 2002 by Glenn Hauser *COM 02-01, the first for year 2002; intention to produce more or less monthly, but longer since the last one. Thanks for patience. *COM sponsored exclusively on SW by Radio for Peace International; and on the Internet by that is, Universal Radio, offering quality amateur and shortwave radio equipment since 1942. For info or a catalog call 1-800-431-3939 or visit them on the web at or *HF Apex broadcasting stations in the US, 1939y on 26+ MHz AM: *If you miss any URLs check these summaries at *Sounds of the Far East Network: including Tokyo Calling: *What happened to XERB-1090 and Wolfman Jack? and *Reginald Aubrey Fessenden, inventor of radio, not Marconi *CFYZ, airport info station in Toronto, has live drivetime shows, seems increased power *Chicago lakefront gets HAR station AM-1650 *Plans for multi-transmiter low-power AM, Auburn Community Radio, WA *WCBS switchboard can`t find radio station, nor chief engineer *Joint radio-TV call stations make original radio a poor relation *FCC a joke, allowing daytimer AMs like WLBA to operate all-night *Broadcast TV a waste of spectrum, says FCC Chairman Powell *WBBM DT channel 3 on the air in Chicago; coverage and interference problems *East Coast State of Mind Rules TV News, to disadvantage of West Coast [and ignoring Central as usual] *FCC decision allows states to seek new area codes exclusively for cell phones and pagers *Cuba considers internet a high-risk medium; savvy surfers steal passwords to use it after hours *El Salvador TV website updated, with logos to help TVDX IDs: *Check out our growing schedule of Shows We Like, mainly webcast, at *Lots of good original programming at Boulder`s community station KGNU, including Musica Mundi, UT Thu 0200-0400; *Tip For Rational Living from Epicurus, thanks to *Seeking out hidden audio URLs -- that would be UXing... *Glenn Hauser, concluding COM 02-01 ###