CONTINENT OF MEDIA 06-10, December 20, 2006 
[with DXLD issues where you may read more]

*This is Continent of Media 06-10, a.k.a. World of Radio Extra 74
*Universal makes COM possible, 1-800-431-3939, for a catalog, or
*Universal also sponsors  for much more info 
 including audio access to this program
*VOA Bethany officially a National Historic Site [6-184]
*Only 26 percent of Americans like Rush Limbaugh [6-184]
*Air America listeners in Madison vs. Clear Channel [CC relented and 
 will keep AA on 92.1 in Madison, at least for now] [6-184, 6-185]
*Emergency radio in Los Álamos [6-185]
*FCC drops Morse code requirement for hams [6-185, 6-186]
*Mystery interference on SW spectrum, OTH radars? [6-181]
*Remembering early car radios [6-184]
*Why do trains whistle Q? [6-184]
*Buying a new digital TV [6-183]
*New shortwave station planned in Bolivia [6-184]
*That`s COM 06-10, a.k.a. later as World of Radio Extra 74 ###