DX LISTENING DIGEST 4-056, March 27, 2004 edited by Glenn Hauser, http://www.worldofradio.com Items from DXLD may be reproduced and re-reproduced only if full credit be maintained at all stages and we be provided exchange copies. DXLD may not be reposted in its entirety without permission. Materials taken from Arctic or originating from Olle Alm and not having a commercial copyright are exempt from all restrictions of noncommercial, noncopyrighted reusage except for full credits For restrixions and searchable 2004 contents archive see http://www.worldofradio.com/dxldmid.html NOTE: If you are a regular reader of DXLD, and a source of DX news but have not been sending it directly to us, please consider yourself obligated to do so. Thanks, Glenn NEXT AIRINGS OF WORLD OF RADIO 1225: Sat 2130 on WWCR 12160 Sat 2130 on WBCQ 17495-CUSB Sat 2200 on DKOS usually, http://www.live365.com/stations/steve_cole Sun 0030 on WBCQ 9330-CLSB Sun 0330 on WWCR 5070 Sun 0730 on WWCR 3210 Sun 1100 on WRN1 to North America, webcast; also KSFC 91.9 Spokane WA, and WDWN 89.1 Auburn NY; maybe KTRU 91.7 Houston TX, each with webcasts [or 1000 UT already? If not next week] Sun 1900 on Studio X, Momigno, Italy 1584 Sun 2100 on RNI webcast, http://www.11L-rni.com Mon 0200 on WBCQ 9330-CLSB [NEW] Mon 0430 on WSUI 910, webcast http://wsui.uiowa.edu [last week`s 1224] Mon 0515 on WBCQ 7415, webcast http://wbcq.us Tue 0400 on SIUE Web Radio http://www.siue.edu/WEBRADIO/ Wed 1030 on WWCR 9475 WRN ONDEMAND: http://new.wrn.org/listeners/stations/station.php?StationID=24 OUR ONDEMAND AUDIO [also for CONTINENT OF MEDIA, MUNDO RADIAL]: Check http://www.worldofradio.com/audiomid.html WORLD OF RADIO 1225 (high version): (stream) http://www.w4uvh.net/wor1225h.ram (download) http://www.w4uvh.net/wor1225h.rm (summary) http://www.worldofradio.com/wor1225.html WORLD OF RADIO 1225 (low version): (stream) http://www.w4uvh.net/wor1225.ram (download) http://www.w4uvh.net/wor1225.rm WORLD OF RADIO 1225 in mp3 recorded from 5070 at 1130: (stream) http://www.piratearchive.com/media/worldofradio_03-27-04.m3u (d`load) http://www.piratearchive.com/media/worldofradio_03-27-04.mp3 CONTINENT OF MEDIA 04-02 (low version only): (stream) http://www.w4uvh.net/com0402.ram (download) http://www.w4uvh.net/com0402.rm (summary) http://www.worldofradio.com/com0402.html THE BEGINNING A04 SKED IS CURRENTLY AVAILABLE AT: http://eibi.gmxhome.de/hp/bc-a04.txt I'm not sure when it will be moved up to the 'current' position, but there it is! (Steve Lare, Holland, MI, (via John Norfolk, DXLD) A-04 Shortwave Schedules are now available on this website [selected English broadcasts only]: http://www.primetimeshortwave.com (March 27 via gh, DXLD) It should be a few more days until HFCC posts their censored/abridged version by frequency. See also USA for IBB A-04 already available (gh) ** ALBANIA. The A04 schedule for IBB transmissions (except RFA of course) is now online at http://sds.his.com:4000/fmds_z/ The IBB schedule also includes an interesting hint about the operational practices at Fllakë: One transmitter is shown for 1458 0430-0500, a second one for 1215 0500-0530 as well as 1458 0530-0600 and 1830-1900 (Kai Ludwig, Germany, March 27, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** ARGENTINA. Marcelo Cornachioni reported that Radio Luz del Mundo has switched from 1600 to 1610 kHz, and Radio Trompeta de Dios (/) from 1130 to 1630 kHz (DXing.info, March 27, 2004 via DXLD) ** BELARUS. 7105, R. Minsk, 2142-2159*, March 23, English, Folk music at tunein followed by OM at 2145 "..and now more news from Belarus" re environmental agreements, US Embassy in Belarus and art director in Ankara, Turkey. "You are listening to Radio Minsk" IDs between items. Local music at 2151 followed by ID, production credits, "Thank you for listening" and music at signoff. Fair signal, tho audio quality a bit "muffled". My first usable, interference free reception of Radio Minsk in quite some time! (Scott R. Barbour Jr, Intervale, NH, R75, MLB-1, RS longwire with RBA balun, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** BULGARIA. R. Bulgaria have new interval signal, trumpet and drums (Bob Thomas, CT, March 18, DX LISTENING DIGEST) He also sent new English schedule, already in DXLD ** CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC. Re: "On shortwave, Radio Centrafrique is heard daily on two channels with 100 kW, 6310 [sic] & 7220 kHz. Wide reception of the channel 7220 kHz is particularly good." 6310 is a receiver generated image, 7220 - 2 x 455 (Mike Barraclough, UK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CZECH REPUBLIC. Received the R. Prague A04 sked in the postal mail on March 23, 2004. English frequencies and program details: 0700-0727 9880, 11600 North-West Europe 0900-0929 21745 West Africa/ South Asia 1030-1057 9880 North Europe, 11615 North-West Europe 1300-1329 13580 North Europe, 21745 East Africa 1600-1627 5930 North-West Europe, 17485 East Africa 1700-1727 5930 North-West Europe, 17845 Central Africa 2000-2027 5930 North-West Europe, 11600 South & East Asia/ Australia 2230-2257 7345, 9415 North America 0000-0027 7345, 9440 North America 0100-0127 6200, 7345 North America 0300-0327 7345, 9870 North America 0330-0357 11600, 15600 Middle East/ South-West Asia Radio Prague Programme Schedule Every show starts with a brief bulletin of news from the Czech Republic to keep you up-to-date with events in or relating to the country. On weekdays this is followed by a current affairs magazine, offering in-depth coverage of political, economic, social, cultural and sports events in the Czech Republic. The rest of the show is reserved for the following regular features: MONDAY Talking Point - a closer look at the issues - big and small - shaping the day-to-day lives of people in the Czech Republic. TUESDAY Czech Science - everything about Czech science, past and present. One on One - an informal interview show, where you have the chance to meet some of the most interesting figures in Czech life today. WEDNESDAY Czechs in History - remarkable people and events in the history of the Czech Lands (once a month). Czechs Today - a Who's ho of personalities shaping contemporary Czech society (also once a month). These alternate with Spotlight - a popular feature in which we take you to different corners of the Czech Republic. THURSDAY Economics Report - a weekly round-up of business and technology news from the Czech Republic. FRIDAY Stepping Out - a nighthawk's guide to the wilder side of Prague. The Arts - reports on the rich cultural life of a country in the heart of Europe. SATURDAY Magazine - The show that starts where the news ends - we bring you the stories you might otherwise have missed. Letter from Prague - a personal view of life in and around the Czech capital. One on One - another chance to hear Tuesday's interview. At 0700, 1300, 1700, 2230 and 0000 we broadcast Insight Central Europe, our pioneering Central European current affairs magazine programme, produced jointly by Radio Prague, Radio Austria International, Radio Slovakia International, Radio Polonia, Radio Hungary and Radio Slovenia International. SUNDAY Mailbox - we reply to your letters, e-mails and phone calls and answer your questions. ABC of Czech - we unravel the mysteries of the Czech language. Encore - our monthly look at what's going on in the world of Czech classical music. Magic Carpet - Czech world music, also once a month. Czech Books - Czech writing today - once a fortnight. Send us a reception report and we'll send you a QSL card. This year, we have a series devoted to the Year of Czech Music. So please keep your reception reports coming in! e-mail: english @ radio.cz Radio Prague English Service Vinohradska 12 120 99 Prague 12 Czech Republic 73, (via Kraig Krist, KG4LAC, Annandale, VA, March 27, DXLD) ** DEUTSCHES REICH [non]. Allan: I saw the movie "The Passion of the Christ" tonight. It caused me to have a question for you. Regarding the Crucifixion of Jesus, one of the High Priests/Rabbi's is said to have told Pontius Pilate "Let His blood be upon us and our children." Here then, is my question: Do you, as a Jew, accept the Rabbi's position that Jesus' blood is on you? (Hal Turner, March 21, to and via Allan Weiner, WBCQ, DX LISTENING DIGEST) The Hal Turner Show airing Monday evenings from 8:00-9:00 PM EDT on WBCQ is herewith cancelled. No further shows will be aired (Hal Turner, March 22, via Allan Weiner, WBCQ, DX LISTENING DIGEST) So that`s what it takes; wonder what Allan replied to Hal, if anything? (gh, DXLD) ** GERMANY. The A04 schedule for IBB transmissions (except RFA of course) is now online at http://sds.his.com:4000/fmds_z/ Munich 1197 will be used for Balkan services almost exclusively now: 0230-0330 RFE Serbocroatian, 0430-0500 VOA Croatian, 0530-0600 VOA Serbian, 1500-1530 only Mon-Fri VOA Bosnian, 1600-1700 RFE Serbocroatian, 1830-1900 VOA Bosnian, 1900-1930 VOA Special English (from the Asia feed, by the way), 2100-2130 VOA Serbian, 2130-2200 only Mon-Fri VOA Bosnian, 2200-2400 RFE Serbocroatian. The broadcast at 1500, under broad daylight, will of course not propagate into Bosnia but is anyway to be done with the nondirectional antenna pattern so far used for regional coverage of VOA English during daytime, so aims at refugees in Germany from the start (Kai Ludwig, Germany, March 27, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** GERMANY [and non]. From the complete schedule below, we excerpt the DW shortwave English portion only and rearrange it into time order, overlooking minor variations in end times: ENGLISH 07130 0000 0059 250 TRINCOMALE 345 SAS ENGLISH 09505 0000 0059 250 TRINCOMALE 015 SAS ENGLISH 09825 0000 0100 500 WERTACHTAL 090 SAS ENGLISH 07225 0400 0500 250 KIGALI 0ND C/EAF ENGLISH 09630 0400 0457 250 KIGALI 030 ME/EAF ENGLISH 11945 0400 0500 500 WERTACHTAL 150 ME/EAF ENGLISH 09630 0500 0600 250 SINES 150 C/SAF ENGLISH 09700 0500 0600 250 KIGALI 0ND C/EAF ENGLISH 12045 0500 0600 250 KIGALI 180 SAF ENGLISH 15410 0500 0600 250 TALATA VO. 320 SAF ENGLISH 17860 0500 0559 250 DHABAYYA 220 C/EAF ENGLISH 06140 0600 0700 100 JUELICH 175 EUR ENGLISH 07170 0600 0700 250 SINES 180 WAF ENGLISH 15275 0600 0700 500 WERTACHTAL 195 WAF ENGLISH 17860 0600 0700 250 KIGALI 295 WAF ENGLISH 06140 0700 0800 100 JUELICH 175 EUR ENGLISH 06140 0800 0900 100 JUELICH 175 EUR ENGLISH 06140 0900 1000 100 JUELICH 175 EUR ENGLISH 15190 1000 1030 100 KRANJI 013 FE ENGLISH 15350 1000 1030 250 VLADIVOST. 230 FE ENGLISH 17820 1000 1030 250 TRINCOMALE 045 FE ENGLISH 15105 1100 1200 250 TRINCOMALE 105 SEAS ENGLISH 17820 1100 1159 250 TRINCOMALE 075 SEAS ENGLISH 21820 1100 1200 500 NOVOSIBIR. 145 SEAS ENGLISH 06140 1300 1400 100 JUELICH 175 EUR ENGLISH 06140 1400 1500 100 JUELICH 175 EUR ENGLISH 06140 1500 1600 100 JUELICH 175 EUR ENGLISH 06170 1600 1659 250 TRINCOMALE 015 SAS ENGLISH 07225 1600 1659 250 TRINCOMALE 345 SAS ENGLISH 17595 1600 1700 500 WERTACHTAL 090 SAS ENGLISH 07225 1900 1957 250 KIGALI 0ND C/EAF ENGLISH 13590 1900 1959 500 WERTACHTAL 135 ME/EAF ENGLISH 15545 1900 1959 250 TRINCOMALE 255 ME/EAF ENGLISH 17770 1900 1957 250 SINES 125 C/EAF ENGLISH 07130 2000 2059 250 KIGALI 190 SAF ENGLISH 13820 2000 2100 500 NAUEN 155 C/EAF ENGLISH 15205 2000 2100 500 WERTACHTAL 180 C/SAF ENGLISH 09440 2100 2200 500 WERTACHTAL 195 WAF ENGLISH 11865 2100 2200 250 KIGALI 295 WAF ENGLISH 15205 2100 2157 250 KIGALI 295 WAF *** ENGLISH 07115 2200 2300 500 ALMA ATA 094 FE ENGLISH 09720 2200 2300 500 NAUEN 070 FE ENGLISH 07115 2300 2359 250 TRINCOMALE 105 SEAS ENGLISH 09890 2300 2359 250 KIGALI 085 SEAS ENGLISH 15135 2300 0000 250 VLADIVOST. 230 SEAS Note that there is one half-hour broadcast now, at 1000. Note the 0500 broadcast via UAE on 17860; new relay site for DW? *** is the one best heard in NAm, as it happens to be aimed our way (via Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST) DEUTSCHE WELLE, A04 LANGUAGE KHZ START END POWER STATION AZIMUTH TARGET [the first 88 and 106, etc. must actually be MHz FM] ALBANIAN 00088 0530 0600 001 PRSTINA 0ND SOFIA ALBANIAN 00088 0700 0705 001 PRSTINA 0ND SOFIA ALBANIAN 00088 0800 0805 001 PRSTINA 0ND SOFIA ALBANIAN 00088 0900 0905 001 PRSTINA 0ND SOFIA ALBANIAN 00088 1000 1005 001 PRSTINA 0ND SOFIA ALBANIAN 00088 1100 1130 001 PRSTINA 0ND SOFIA ALBANIAN 00088 1200 1205 001 PRSTINA 0ND SOFIA ALBANIAN 00088 1300 1305 001 PRSTINA 0ND SOFIA ALBANIAN 00088 1500 1530 001 PRSTINA 0ND SOFIA ALBANIAN 00106 0530 0600 001 TIRANA 0ND TIR ALBANIAN 00106 0700 0705 001 TIRANA 0ND TIR ALBANIAN 00106 0800 0805 001 TIRANA 0ND TIR ALBANIAN 00106 0900 0905 001 TIRANA 0ND TIR ALBANIAN 00106 1000 1005 001 TIRANA 0ND TIR ALBANIAN 00106 1100 1130 001 TIRANA 0ND TIR ALBANIAN 00106 1200 1205 001 TIRANA 0ND TIR ALBANIAN 00106 1300 1305 001 TIRANA 0ND TIR ALBANIAN 00106 1500 1530 001 TIRANA 0ND TIR ALBANIAN 00810 1100 1130 100 OVEC POLE 0ND EUR ALBANIAN 00810 1500 1530 100 OVEC POLE 0ND EUR ALBANIAN 01215 0545 0600 500 FLLAKA 0ND TIR ALBANIAN 07190 0530 0600 500 WERTACHTAL 135 EUR ALBANIAN 09605 1500 1530 500 WERTACHTAL 135 EUR ALBANIAN 09750 0530 0600 500 NAUEN 150 EUR ALBANIAN 09770 1100 1130 500 WERTACHTAL 135 EUR ALBANIAN 11905 1100 1130 500 WERTACHTAL 120 EUR ALBANIAN 17835 1500 1530 250 SINES 075 EUR AMHARIC 11810 1400 1450 250 KIGALI 0ND C/EAF AMHARIC 15410 1400 1450 250 KIGALI 030 C/EAF AMHARIC 17860 1400 1450 500 WERTACHTAL 135 C/EAF ARABIC 01350 2100 2130 999 EREVAN 232 NAF ARABIC 09495 2000 2130 500 WERTACHTAL 120 ME ARABIC 09495 2000 2130 500 WERTACHTAL 210 NAF ARABIC 11695 2000 2130 250 SINES 105 NAF ARABIC 13590 1600 1630 500 WERTACHTAL 120 ME ARABIC 15195 1600 1630 250 KIGALI 030 ME ARABIC 15360 1600 1630 250 KIGALI 325 NAF ARABIC 15515 1400 1430 250 SINES 170 NAF ARABIC 15515 1430 1500 250 SINES 170 NAF ARABIC 15520 1300 1330 500 WERTACHTAL 210 NAF ARABIC 15595 1300 1327 250 SINES 100 NAF ARABIC 15595 1430 1459 500 WERTACHTAL 120 ME ARABIC 17485 1400 1430 500 WERTACHTAL 210 NAF ARABIC 17485 1430 1459 500 WERTACHTAL 210 NAF ARABIC 17780 1600 1630 250 SINES 190 ME ARABIC 21790 1300 1330 250 KIGALI 030 SEUR/ME BENGALI 09505 0100 0200 250 TRINCOMALE 015 SAS BENGALI 11760 0100 0200 250 TRINCOMALE 025 SAS BOSNIAN 00088 0600 0615 001 PRSTINA 0ND SOFIA BOSNIAN 07170 1200 1230 500 WERTACHTAL 120 EUR BOSNIAN 07185 1600 1615 500 WERTACHTAL 120 EUR BOSNIAN 07190 0600 0615 500 WERTACHTAL 135 EUR BOSNIAN 09750 0600 0615 500 NAUEN 150 EUR BOSNIAN 09770 1200 1230 500 WERTACHTAL 135 EUR BOSNIAN 17835 1600 1615 250 SINES 075 EUR BULGARIAN 00095 0400 0430 001 SOFIA 0ND SOFIA BULGARIAN 00095 0500 0530 001 SOFIA 0ND SOFIA BULGARIAN 00095 0600 0605 001 SOFIA 0ND SOFIA BULGARIAN 00095 0700 0705 001 SOFIA 0ND SOFIA BULGARIAN 00095 0800 0805 001 SOFIA 0ND SOFIA BULGARIAN 00095 0900 0905 001 SOFIA 0ND SOFIA BULGARIAN 00095 0930 1000 001 SOFIA 0ND SOFIA BULGARIAN 00095 1000 1005 001 SOFIA 0ND SOFIA BULGARIAN 00095 1100 1105 001 SOFIA 0ND SOFIA BULGARIAN 00095 1130 1200 001 SOFIA 0ND SOFIA BULGARIAN 07190 0400 0430 500 NAUEN 135 EUR BULGARIAN 07190 0500 0530 500 NAUEN 135 EUR BULGARIAN 09770 1130 1200 500 WERTACHTAL 120 SOFIA BULGARIAN 11970 0930 1000 500 NAUEN 135 EUR CHINESE 06175 2300 2350 250 TRINCOMALE 015 FE CHINESE 07305 1300 1350 500 IRKUTSK 152 FE CHINESE 09570 2300 2350 500 ALMA ATA 094 FE CHINESE 09610 2300 2350 250 TRINCOMALE 045 FE CHINESE 09690 2300 2350 250 IRKUTSK 110 FE CHINESE 15190 1030 1055 100 KRANJI 013 FE CHINESE 15350 1030 1055 250 VLADIVOST. 230 FE CHINESE 15355 1300 1350 250 TRINCOMALE 005 FE CHINESE 15445 1300 1350 100 KRANJI 013 FE CHINESE 15490 1030 1055 250 TRINCOMALE 005 FE CHINESE 17820 1030 1055 250 TRINCOMALE 045 FE CHINESE 17820 1300 1350 500 WERTACHTAL 075 FE CROATIAN 07170 1230 1300 500 WERTACHTAL 120 EUR CROATIAN 07170 1400 1415 500 WERTACHTAL 120 EUR CROATIAN 07190 0800 0815 500 WERTACHTAL 120 EUR DARI 00801 1730 1745 999 DUSHANBE 0ND ME DARI 09825 1730 1745 250 KRASNODAR 110 SAS DARI 13755 1730 1745 250 TRINCOMALE 335 SAS DARI 15360 1730 1745 500 NAUEN 095 ME DARI 15525 0800 0815 250 SAMARA 140 ME DARI 15595 1330 1400 250 KRASNODAR 110 ME DARI 17485 0800 0815 500 WERTACHTAL 090 ME DARI 17705 0800 0815 250 TRINCOMALE 335 ME DARI 21820 1330 1400 250 SINES 065 ME ENGLISH 00096 0400 0500 002 KIGALI 0ND KIG ENGLISH 00096 0500 0600 002 KIGALI 0ND KIG ENGLISH 00096 0600 0700 002 KIGALI 0ND KIG ENGLISH 00096 0800 0900 002 KIGALI 0ND KIG ENGLISH 00096 0900 1000 002 KIGALI 0ND KIG ENGLISH 00096 1100 1200 002 KIGALI 0ND KIG ENGLISH 00096 1600 1700 002 KIGALI 0ND KIG ENGLISH 00096 1900 2000 002 KIGALI 0ND KIG ENGLISH 00096 2000 2100 002 KIGALI 0ND KIG ENGLISH 00096 2100 2200 002 KIGALI 0ND KIG ENGLISH 00096 2300 0000 002 KIGALI 0ND KIG ENGLISH 00106 0600 0630 001 TIRANA 0ND TIR ENGLISH 01548 0000 0100 400 TRINCOMALE 035 SAS ENGLISH 01548 1600 1700 400 TRINCOMALE 035 SAS ENGLISH 06140 0600 0700 100 JUELICH 175 EUR ENGLISH 06140 0700 0800 100 JUELICH 175 EUR ENGLISH 06140 0800 0900 100 JUELICH 175 EUR ENGLISH 06140 0900 1000 100 JUELICH 175 EUR ENGLISH 06140 1300 1400 100 JUELICH 175 EUR ENGLISH 06140 1400 1500 100 JUELICH 175 EUR ENGLISH 06140 1500 1600 100 JUELICH 175 EUR ENGLISH 06170 1600 1659 250 TRINCOMALE 015 SAS ENGLISH 07115 2200 2300 500 ALMA ATA 094 FE ENGLISH 07115 2300 2359 250 TRINCOMALE 105 SEAS ENGLISH 07130 0000 0059 250 TRINCOMALE 345 SAS ENGLISH 07130 2000 2059 250 KIGALI 190 SAF ENGLISH 07170 0600 0700 250 SINES 180 WAF ENGLISH 07225 0400 0500 250 KIGALI 0ND C/EAF ENGLISH 07225 1600 1659 250 TRINCOMALE 345 SAS ENGLISH 07225 1900 1957 250 KIGALI 0ND C/EAF ENGLISH 09440 2100 2200 500 WERTACHTAL 195 WAF ENGLISH 09505 0000 0059 250 TRINCOMALE 015 SAS ENGLISH 09630 0400 0457 250 KIGALI 030 ME/EAF ENGLISH 09630 0500 0600 250 SINES 150 C/SAF ENGLISH 09700 0500 0600 250 KIGALI 0ND C/EAF ENGLISH 09720 2200 2300 500 NAUEN 070 FE ENGLISH 09825 0000 0100 500 WERTACHTAL 090 SAS ENGLISH 09890 2300 2359 250 KIGALI 085 SEAS ENGLISH 11865 2100 2200 250 KIGALI 295 WAF ENGLISH 11945 0400 0500 500 WERTACHTAL 150 ME/EAF ENGLISH 12045 0500 0600 250 KIGALI 180 SAF ENGLISH 13590 1900 1959 500 WERTACHTAL 135 ME/EAF ENGLISH 13820 2000 2100 500 NAUEN 155 C/EAF ENGLISH 15105 1100 1200 250 TRINCOMALE 105 SEAS ENGLISH 15135 2300 0000 250 VLADIVOST. 230 SEAS ENGLISH 15190 1000 1030 100 KRANJI 013 FE ENGLISH 15205 2000 2100 500 WERTACHTAL 180 C/SAF ENGLISH 15205 2100 2157 250 KIGALI 295 WAF ENGLISH 15275 0600 0700 500 WERTACHTAL 195 WAF ENGLISH 15350 1000 1030 250 VLADIVOST. 230 FE ENGLISH 15410 0500 0600 250 TALATA VO. 320 SAF ENGLISH 15545 1900 1959 250 TRINCOMALE 255 ME/EAF ENGLISH 17595 1600 1700 500 WERTACHTAL 090 SAS ENGLISH 17770 1900 1957 250 SINES 125 C/EAF ENGLISH 17820 1000 1030 250 TRINCOMALE 045 FE ENGLISH 17820 1100 1159 250 TRINCOMALE 075 SEAS ENGLISH 17860 0500 0559 250 DHABAYYA 220 C/EAF ENGLISH 17860 0600 0700 250 KIGALI 295 WAF ENGLISH 21820 1100 1200 500 NOVOSIBIR. 145 SEAS FRENCH 00096 1200 1300 002 KIGALI 0ND KIG FRENCH 00096 1700 1800 002 KIGALI 0ND KIG FRENCH 07225 0500 0512 250 KIGALI 0ND AF FRENCH 09690 1700 1757 250 KIGALI 280 C/EAF FRENCH 11795 1200 1257 250 KIGALI 0ND AF FRENCH 13780 0500 0515 500 WERTACHTAL 165 AF FRENCH 13790 1500 1600 250 SINES 115 ME FRENCH 13790 1600 1700 250 SINES 115 ME FRENCH 13790 1700 1800 250 SINES 115 ME FRENCH 15215 1700 1759 500 WERTACHTAL 195 WAF FRENCH 15410 1200 1300 250 KIGALI 295 AF FRENCH 15520 1200 1300 500 WERTACHTAL 210 WAF FRENCH 15595 0500 0515 250 KIGALI 115 AF FRENCH 17595 1700 1757 250 KIGALI 295 WAF FRENCH 17640 1600 1657 250 KIGALI 295 C/EAF FRENCH 17650 1200 1300 250 SINES 155 NAF FRENCH 17715 1500 1557 500 NAUEN 210 WAF FRENCH 17715 1600 1700 500 WERTACHTAL 195 WAF FRENCH 17745 1700 1800 500 WERTACHTAL 165 WAF FRENCH 17770 1200 1300 500 WERTACHTAL 180 AF FRENCH 21665 1200 1300 250 KIGALI 295 AF FRENCH 21820 1500 1557 250 KIGALI 295 C/EAF FRENCH 21820 1600 1659 500 WERTACHTAL 165 WAF GERMAN 00088 0500 0530 001 PRSTINA 0ND SOFIA GERMAN 00088 1700 1800 001 PRSTINA 0ND SOFIA GERMAN 00095 0300 0330 001 SOFIA 0ND SOFIA GERMAN 00095 1700 1800 001 SOFIA 0ND SOFIA GERMAN 00095 1800 1900 001 SOFIA 0ND SOFIA GERMAN 00096 0000 0200 002 KIGALI 0ND KIG GERMAN 00096 0200 0300 002 KIGALI 0ND KIG GERMAN 00096 0700 0800 002 KIGALI 0ND KIG GERMAN 00096 1300 1400 002 KIGALI 0ND KIG GERMAN 00096 1400 1500 002 KIGALI 0ND KIG GERMAN 00096 1800 1900 002 KIGALI 0ND KIG GERMAN 00096 2200 2300 002 KIGALI 0ND KIG GERMAN 00106 0500 0530 001 TIRANA 0ND TIR GERMAN 00106 1700 1800 001 TIRANA 0ND TIR GERMAN 00693 0200 0300 010 MOSKVA 0ND MOSKAU GERMAN 00693 0400 0600 010 MOSKVA 0ND MOSKAU GERMAN 00693 0600 0800 010 MOSKVA 0ND MOSKAU GERMAN 00693 0800 1000 010 MOSKVA 0ND MOSKAU GERMAN 00693 1000 1200 010 MOSKVA 0ND MOSKAU GERMAN 00693 1200 1400 010 MOSKVA 0ND MOSKAU GERMAN 00693 2000 2200 010 MOSKVA 0ND MOSKAU GERMAN 01188 0200 0300 010 ST.PETERB. 0ND PETERSBG GERMAN 01188 0400 0600 010 ST.PETERB. 0ND PETERSBG GERMAN 01188 0600 0800 010 ST.PETERB. 0ND PETERSBG GERMAN 01188 0800 1000 010 ST.PETERB. 0ND PETERSBG GERMAN 01188 1000 1200 010 ST.PETERB. 0ND PETERSBG GERMAN 01188 1200 1400 010 ST.PETERB. 0ND PETERSBG GERMAN 01188 2000 2200 010 ST.PETERB. 0ND PETERSBG GERMAN 01512 1400 1600 025 WOLVERTEM 0ND EUR GERMAN 01548 1400 1429 400 TRINCOMALE 035 SAS GERMAN 01548 1700 1800 400 TRINCOMALE 035 SAS GERMAN 03995 0000 0200 500 WERTACHTAL 0ND EUR GERMAN 03995 0200 0400 500 WERTACHTAL 0ND EUR GERMAN 03995 0400 0600 500 WERTACHTAL 0ND EUR GERMAN 03995 2000 2200 500 WERTACHTAL 0ND EUR GERMAN 03995 2200 0000 500 WERTACHTAL 0ND EUR GERMAN 06075 0000 0200 250 SINES 040 EUR GERMAN 06075 0000 0200 500 WERTACHTAL 0ND EUR GERMAN 06075 0200 0400 250 SINES 040 EUR GERMAN 06075 0200 0400 500 WERTACHTAL 0ND EUR GERMAN 06075 0400 0555 250 SINES 040 EUR GERMAN 06075 0400 0555 500 WERTACHTAL 0ND EUR GERMAN 06075 0555 0600 250 SINES 040 EUR GERMAN 06075 0558 0800 500 WERTACHTAL 0ND EUR GERMAN 06075 0600 0630 250 SINES 040 EUR GERMAN 06075 0800 1000 500 WERTACHTAL 0ND EUR GERMAN 06075 1000 1200 500 WERTACHTAL 0ND EUR GERMAN 06075 1200 1400 500 WERTACHTAL 0ND EUR GERMAN 06075 1400 1555 500 WERTACHTAL 0ND EUR GERMAN 06075 1557 1800 500 WERTACHTAL 0ND EUR GERMAN 06075 1800 1959 500 WERTACHTAL 135 SEUR/ME GERMAN 06075 1800 2000 250 SINES 040 EUR GERMAN 06075 1800 2000 500 WERTACHTAL 0ND EUR GERMAN 06075 2000 2200 250 SINES 040 EUR GERMAN 06075 2000 2200 500 WERTACHTAL 0ND EUR GERMAN 06075 2200 0000 250 SINES 040 EUR GERMAN 06075 2200 0000 500 WERTACHTAL 0ND EUR GERMAN 06100 0200 0359 250 SACKVILLE 277 N/CAM GERMAN 06100 0400 0600 500 WERTACHTAL 300 N/CAM GERMAN 07185 1800 2000 250 KIGALI 180 AF GERMAN 07185 2000 2200 250 KIGALI 180 AF GERMAN 07430 1000 1200 250 PETROPAVL. 247 FE GERMAN 07430 1200 1400 250 PETROPAVL. 247 FE GERMAN 09545 0000 0200 500 WERTACHTAL 240 LA GERMAN 09545 0000 0200 500 WERTACHTAL 300 N/CAM GERMAN 09545 0555 0600 500 NAUEN 230 SWEUR GERMAN 09545 0600 0800 500 NAUEN 230 SWEUR GERMAN 09545 0800 1000 500 NAUEN 230 SWEUR GERMAN 09545 1000 1200 500 NAUEN 230 SWEUR GERMAN 09545 1200 1400 500 NAUEN 230 SWEUR GERMAN 09545 1400 1600 500 NAUEN 230 SWEUR GERMAN 09545 1600 1800 500 NAUEN 230 SWEUR GERMAN 09545 1800 2000 500 NAUEN 230 SWEUR GERMAN 09545 2000 2200 500 NAUEN 230 WAF/LA GERMAN 09545 2200 0000 500 WERTACHTAL 240 LA GERMAN 09640 0000 0159 250 SACKVILLE 212 N/CAM GERMAN 09655 1400 1600 250 TRINCOMALE 005 SAS GERMAN 09655 1600 1800 250 TRINCOMALE 005 SAS GERMAN 09690 0600 0800 250 ANTIGUA 205 OC GERMAN 09690 0800 1000 250 ANTIGUA 205 OC GERMAN 09735 0200 0400 250 ANTIGUA 310 NAM GERMAN 09735 0400 0600 250 ANTIGUA 310 N/CAM GERMAN 09735 0600 0800 500 WERTACHTAL 255 OC GERMAN 09735 1800 2000 500 WERTACHTAL 150 AF GERMAN 09735 2000 2200 500 WERTACHTAL 150 AF GERMAN 09900 1000 1200 250 IRKUTSK 152 SAS/SEAS GERMAN 09900 1200 1400 250 IRKUTSK 152 SAS/SEAS GERMAN 11690 2200 2359 250 SACKVILLE 212 N/CAM GERMAN 11795 0600 0800 500 WERTACHTAL 270 OC GERMAN 11795 0800 1000 500 WERTACHTAL 270 OC GERMAN 11795 1800 2000 500 WERTACHTAL 180 AF GERMAN 11795 2000 2200 500 WERTACHTAL 180 AF GERMAN 11865 0000 0200 250 SINES 235 LA GERMAN 11865 2200 0000 250 SINES 235 LA GERMAN 11960 0000 0155 250 ANTIGUA 310 N/CAM GERMAN 11985 0600 0800 250 ANTIGUA 270 OC GERMAN 13780 0555 0600 500 WERTACHTAL 120 SEUR/ME GERMAN 13780 0600 0800 500 WERTACHTAL 120 SEUR/ME GERMAN 13780 0800 1000 500 WERTACHTAL 120 SEUR/ME GERMAN 13780 1000 1200 500 WERTACHTAL 120 SEUR/ME GERMAN 13780 1200 1400 500 WERTACHTAL 120 SEUR/ME GERMAN 13780 1400 1600 500 WERTACHTAL 120 SEUR/ME GERMAN 13780 1600 1800 500 WERTACHTAL 120 SEUR/ME GERMAN 13780 1800 2000 500 NAUEN 165 AF GERMAN 13780 2000 2200 500 NAUEN 165 AF GERMAN 13810 1800 2000 500 WERTACHTAL 195 WAF/LA GERMAN 13810 2000 2200 500 WERTACHTAL 195 WAF/LA GERMAN 15275 0000 0200 250 KIGALI 265 CAM GERMAN 15275 1400 1600 500 NAUEN 092 SAS GERMAN 15275 1400 1600 500 WERTACHTAL 120 ME GERMAN 15275 1600 1755 500 NAUEN 092 SAS GERMAN 15275 2200 0000 250 KIGALI 265 CAM GERMAN 15410 2200 0000 250 ANTIGUA 340 N/CAM GERMAN 17485 1000 1200 500 ALMA ATA 136 SEAS/OC GERMAN 17485 1200 1400 500 ALMA ATA 136 SEAS/OC GERMAN 17845 1200 1400 500 NAUEN 090 CIS GERMAN 17845 1400 1600 250 KIGALI 030 ME GERMAN 17845 1600 1755 250 KIGALI 030 ME GERMAN 17860 1800 2000 250 KIGALI 295 WAF/AM GERMAN 17860 2000 2200 250 KIGALI 295 WAF/AM GERMAN 17860 2200 0000 250 KIGALI 295 N/CAM GERMAN 21640 0600 0800 250 TRINCOMALE 120 SEAS/OC GERMAN 21640 0800 0959 250 TRINCOMALE 120 SEAS/OC GERMAN 21640 1000 1200 250 TRINCOMALE 075 FE GERMAN 21640 1200 1355 250 TRINCOMALE 075 FE GERMAN 21840 1000 1200 500 NAUEN 060 CIS HAUSA 11925 0630 0700 250 SINES 150 WAF HAUSA 11965 1800 1857 250 KIGALI 295 WAF HAUSA 13590 1800 1900 500 WERTACHTAL 195 WAF HAUSA 15390 1800 1900 500 WERTACHTAL 180 WAF HAUSA 15410 1300 1350 250 KIGALI 295 AF HAUSA 15470 0630 0700 500 WERTACHTAL 180 WAF HAUSA 17770 1300 1350 500 WERTACHTAL 180 AF HAUSA 17800 1300 1350 250 KIGALI 310 AF HAUSA 21665 1300 1350 250 KIGALI 295 AF HINDI 01548 1515 1600 400 TRINCOMALE 035 SAS HINDI 06170 1515 1600 250 TRINCOMALE 015 SAS HINDI 07225 1515 1600 250 TRINCOMALE 345 SAS HINDI 17595 1515 1600 500 WERTACHTAL 090 SAS INDONESIAN 06000 2200 2250 250 TRINCOMALE 120 SEAS INDONESIAN 09670 2200 2250 250 TRINCOMALE 105 SEAS INDONESIAN 09815 2200 2250 250 KIGALI 085 SEAS INDONESIAN 15105 1200 1250 250 TRINCOMALE 105 SEAS INDONESIAN 17820 1200 1250 250 TRINCOMALE 120 SEAS INDONESIAN 21820 1200 1250 250 DHABAYYA 105 SEAS MACEDONIAN 00810 0630 0645 100 OVEC POLE 0ND EUR MACEDONIAN 00810 0900 0930 100 OVEC POLE 0ND EUR MACEDONIAN 00810 1530 1545 100 OVEC POLE 0ND EUR MACEDONIAN 07170 1300 1330 500 WERTACHTAL 120 EUR MACEDONIAN 07190 0630 0645 500 WERTACHTAL 135 EUR MACEDONIAN 09605 1530 1545 500 WERTACHTAL 135 EUR MACEDONIAN 09770 0900 0930 500 WERTACHTAL 120 EUR [Note: these must be approximate Megahertz FM frequencies --- beyond me why they don`t display them properly --- gh] MUSIC 00088 0000 0500 001 PRSTINA 0ND SOFIA MUSIC 00088 0630 0700 001 PRSTINA 0ND SOFIA MUSIC 00088 0705 0800 001 PRSTINA 0ND SOFIA MUSIC 00088 0805 0900 001 PRSTINA 0ND SOFIA MUSIC 00088 0905 0930 001 PRSTINA 0ND SOFIA MUSIC 00088 1005 1100 001 PRSTINA 0ND SOFIA MUSIC 00088 1130 1200 001 PRSTINA 0ND SOFIA MUSIC 00088 1205 1300 001 PRSTINA 0ND SOFIA MUSIC 00088 1305 1330 001 PRSTINA 0ND SOFIA MUSIC 00088 1400 1500 001 PRSTINA 0ND SOFIA MUSIC 00088 1530 1700 001 PRSTINA 0ND SOFIA MUSIC 00088 1800 0000 001 PRSTINA 0ND SOFIA MUSIC 00095 0000 0300 001 SOFIA 0ND SOFIA MUSIC 00095 0330 0400 001 SOFIA 0ND SOFIA MUSIC 00095 0430 0500 001 SOFIA 0ND SOFIA MUSIC 00095 0530 0600 001 SOFIA 0ND SOFIA MUSIC 00095 0605 0700 001 SOFIA 0ND SOFIA MUSIC 00095 0705 0800 001 SOFIA 0ND SOFIA MUSIC 00095 0805 0900 001 SOFIA 0ND SOFIA MUSIC 00095 0905 0930 001 SOFIA 0ND SOFIA MUSIC 00095 1005 1100 001 SOFIA 0ND SOFIA MUSIC 00095 1105 1130 001 SOFIA 0ND SOFIA MUSIC 00095 1200 1700 001 SOFIA 0ND SOFIA MUSIC 00095 1900 0000 001 SOFIA 0ND SOFIA MUSIC 00106 0000 0500 001 TIRANA 0ND TIR MUSIC 00106 0630 0700 001 TIRANA 0ND TIR MUSIC 00106 0705 0800 001 TIRANA 0ND TIR MUSIC 00106 0805 0900 001 TIRANA 0ND TIR MUSIC 00106 0905 1000 001 TIRANA 0ND TIR MUSIC 00106 1005 1100 001 TIRANA 0ND TIR MUSIC 00106 1130 1200 001 TIRANA 0ND TIR MUSIC 00106 1205 1300 001 TIRANA 0ND TIR MUSIC 00106 1305 1500 001 TIRANA 0ND TIR MUSIC 00106 1530 1700 001 TIRANA 0ND TIR MUSIC 00106 1800 0000 001 TIRANA 0ND TIR PASHTO 00801 1745 1800 999 DUSHANBE 0ND ME PASHTO 09825 1745 1800 250 KRASNODAR 110 SAS PASHTO 13755 1745 1800 250 TRINCOMALE 335 SAS PASHTO 15360 1745 1800 500 NAUEN 095 ME PASHTO 15525 0815 0830 250 SAMARA 140 ME PASHTO 15595 1400 1420 250 KRASNODAR 110 ME PASHTO 17485 0815 0830 500 WERTACHTAL 090 ME PASHTO 17705 0815 0830 250 TRINCOMALE 335 ME PASHTO 21820 1400 1420 250 SINES 065 ME PERSIAN 07230 1800 1900 200 KRASNODAR 132 ME PERSIAN 15230 0900 0930 500 WERTACHTAL 105 ME PERSIAN 15245 1230 1300 500 WERTACHTAL 105 ME PERSIAN 15605 0900 0930 200 KRASNODAR 128 ME PERSIAN 17545 1230 1300 200 KRASNODAR 128 ME PERSIAN 17820 1800 1857 250 KIGALI 030 ME POLISH 05925 1200 1230 500 WERTACHTAL 045 EUR POLISH 07130 1200 1230 500 WERTACHTAL 045 EUR POLISH 15595 1630 1700 250 SINES 040 EUR PORTUGUESE 09565 0515 0545 250 KIGALI 210 AF PORTUGUESE 09875 2000 2050 250 KIGALI 210 AF PORTUGUESE 11870 2000 2050 250 TRINCOMALE 240 AF PORTUGUESE 15275 2000 2050 500 WERTACHTAL 165 AF PORTUGUESE 15520 0515 0545 500 WERTACHTAL 165 AF ROMANES 15275 1030 1100 500 WERTACHTAL 105 SEUR/ME ROMANES 17765 1030 1100 500 WERTACHTAL 105 SEUR/ME ROMANIAN 11970 1000 1200 500 NAUEN 135 EUR RUSSIAN 00693 0300 0400 010 MOSKVA 0ND MOSKAU RUSSIAN 00693 1400 1500 010 MOSKVA 0ND MOSKAU RUSSIAN 00693 1500 1600 010 MOSKVA 0ND MOSKAU RUSSIAN 00693 1600 1700 010 MOSKVA 0ND MOSKAU RUSSIAN 00693 1700 1800 010 MOSKVA 0ND MOSKAU RUSSIAN 00693 1800 1900 010 MOSKVA 0ND MOSKAU RUSSIAN 00693 1900 2000 010 MOSKVA 0ND MOSKAU RUSSIAN 00999 0500 0530 500 GRIGORIOPO 0ND CIS RUSSIAN 00999 1500 1600 500 GRIGORIOPO 0ND CIS RUSSIAN 00999 1800 1900 500 GRIGORIOPO 0ND CIS RUSSIAN 01188 0300 0400 010 ST.PETERB. 0ND PETERSBG RUSSIAN 01188 1400 1500 010 ST.PETERB. 0ND PETERSBG RUSSIAN 01188 1500 1600 010 ST.PETERB. 0ND PETERSBG RUSSIAN 01188 1600 1700 010 ST.PETERB. 0ND PETERSBG RUSSIAN 01188 1700 1800 010 ST.PETERB. 0ND PETERSBG RUSSIAN 01188 1800 1900 010 ST.PETERB. 0ND PETERSBG RUSSIAN 01188 1900 2000 010 ST.PETERB. 0ND PETERSBG RUSSIAN 05955 1800 1900 500 NAUEN 065 CIS RUSSIAN 05955 1900 2000 500 NAUEN 065 CIS RUSSIAN 07105 0100 0200 500 WERTACHTAL 075 CIS RUSSIAN 07105 0300 0400 500 WERTACHTAL 075 CIS RUSSIAN 09545 0300 0400 500 WERTACHTAL 075 CIS RUSSIAN 09545 0400 0500 500 WERTACHTAL 045 CIS RUSSIAN 09545 0500 0530 500 WERTACHTAL 045 CIS RUSSIAN 09715 1600 1700 500 NAUEN 065 CIS RUSSIAN 09715 1700 1757 500 NAUEN 065 CIS RUSSIAN 09715 1800 1900 500 WERTACHTAL 045 CIS RUSSIAN 09715 1800 1900 500 WERTACHTAL 075 CIS RUSSIAN 09715 1900 1959 500 WERTACHTAL 045 CIS RUSSIAN 09715 1900 1959 500 WERTACHTAL 075 CIS RUSSIAN 09885 1800 1900 250 TRINCOMALE 345 CIS RUSSIAN 09885 1900 1959 250 TRINCOMALE 345 CIS RUSSIAN 11655 0400 0500 500 WERTACHTAL 075 CIS RUSSIAN 11655 0500 0530 500 WERTACHTAL 075 CIS RUSSIAN 11895 0000 0100 200 VLADIVOST. 320 CIS RUSSIAN 11915 1400 1500 500 WERTACHTAL 075 CIS RUSSIAN 11915 1500 1600 500 WERTACHTAL 075 CIS RUSSIAN 11915 1600 1700 500 WERTACHTAL 075 CIS RUSSIAN 11915 1700 1759 250 TRINCOMALE 345 CIS RUSSIAN 12070 0000 0100 250 PETROPAVL. 263 CIS RUSSIAN 13690 0000 0059 250 TRINCOMALE 015 CIS RUSSIAN 13720 0100 0159 250 TRINCOMALE 345 CIS RUSSIAN 13840 1400 1500 500 WERTACHTAL 045 CIS RUSSIAN 13840 1500 1559 500 WERTACHTAL 045 CIS RUSSIAN 15425 1400 1458 500 WERTACHTAL 060 CIS RUSSIAN 15425 1500 1600 500 WERTACHTAL 075 CIS RUSSIAN 15425 1600 1700 500 WERTACHTAL 075 CIS RUSSIAN 15425 1700 1759 500 WERTACHTAL 075 CIS RUSSIAN 17800 0200 0300 250 TRINCOMALE 345 ZAS RUSSIAN 17800 0300 0400 250 TRINCOMALE 345 ZAS SERBIAN 00088 0615 0630 001 PRSTINA 0ND SOFIA SERBIAN 00088 0930 1000 001 PRSTINA 0ND SOFIA SERBIAN 00088 1330 1400 001 PRSTINA 0ND SOFIA SERBIAN 00810 0930 1000 100 OVEC POLE 0ND EUR SERBIAN 01458 2000 2015 500 FLLAKA 004 EUR SERBIAN 06130 2000 2015 500 WERTACHTAL 120 EUR SERBIAN 07170 1330 1400 500 WERTACHTAL 120 EUR SERBIAN 07190 0615 0630 500 WERTACHTAL 135 EUR SERBIAN 07190 0930 1000 500 WERTACHTAL 120 EUR SERBIAN 09750 0615 0630 500 NAUEN 150 EUR SERBIAN 09770 0930 1000 500 WERTACHTAL 120 EUR SERBIAN 09770 1330 1400 500 NAUEN 150 EUR SERBIAN 13750 2000 2015 250 SINES 065 EUR SWAHILI 00096 0300 0400 002 KIGALI 0ND KIG SWAHILI 00096 1000 1100 002 KIGALI 0ND KIG SWAHILI 00096 1500 1600 002 KIGALI 0ND KIG SWAHILI 06180 0300 0400 250 KIGALI 180 AF SWAHILI 07225 0300 0400 250 KIGALI 0ND AF SWAHILI 09475 0300 0400 500 WERTACHTAL 150 AF SWAHILI 09535 0300 0400 500 NAUEN 170 AF SWAHILI 09565 1000 1050 250 KIGALI 0ND AF SWAHILI 09735 1500 1600 250 KIGALI 0ND AF SWAHILI 11665 1500 1557 250 KIGALI 180 AF SWAHILI 13790 1000 1050 250 KIGALI 265 AF SWAHILI 15410 1000 1050 250 KIGALI 180 AF SWAHILI 21780 1000 1050 500 WERTACHTAL 150 AF SWAHILI 21840 1500 1600 500 NAUEN 165 AF TURKISH 11865 0530 0600 500 WERTACHTAL 105 SEUR/ME TURKISH 13740 1430 1457 500 NAUEN 128 SEUR/ME TURKISH 15215 0530 0600 500 WERTACHTAL 105 SEUR/ME TURKISH 15275 1030 1100 500 WERTACHTAL 105 SEUR/ME TURKISH 17610 1430 1500 500 WERTACHTAL 105 SEUR/ME TURKISH 17765 1030 1100 500 WERTACHTAL 105 SEUR/ME UKRAINIAN 00999 0430 0500 500 GRIGORIOPO 0ND CIS UKRAINIAN 05910 0430 0500 500 WERTACHTAL 075 CIS UKRAINIAN 09780 0430 0500 500 WERTACHTAL 075 CIS URDU 01548 1430 1515 400 TRINCOMALE 035 SAS URDU 09825 1700 1730 250 KRASNODAR 110 SAS URDU 13755 1700 1730 250 TRINCOMALE 335 SAS URDU 15360 1700 1730 500 NAUEN 095 ME URDU 15470 1430 1514 250 TRINCOMALE 335 SAS URDU 17595 1430 1515 500 WERTACHTAL 090 SAS (via Andreas Volk-D, ADDX March 11 via Wolfgang Büschel, DXLD) A04, 04. Mrz. 04, DW-RADIO Frequenzplan DRM, 28.03.04 bis 30.10.04 UTC Frequenz Azimut Station Zielgebiet kWeff Programm 0600 0700 21675 300 TRINCOMALE Nahost - 80 kHz ENGLISCH 0700 0800 21675 300 TRINCOMALE Nahost - 80 kHz ENGLISCH 0800 1100 15440 040 SINES Europa - 80 kHz MUSIK 0800 0900 21675 300 TRINCOMALE Nahost - 80 kHz ENGLISCH 0900 1200 15545 040 SINES Europa - 80 kHz MUSIK 0900 1000 21675 300 TRINCOMALE Nahost - 80 kHz ENGLISCH 1000 1300 06140 120 JUELICH Europa - 40 kHz MUSIK 1100 1355 15440 040 SINES Europa - 80 kHz MUSIK 1200 1359 09655 0ND WERTACHTAL Europa - 150 kHz MUSIK 1300 1330 21820 300 TRINCOMALE Nordafrika - 80 kHz ARABISCH 1400 1559 06180 0ND WERTACHTAL Europa - 150 kHz MUSIK 1400 1430 21560 300 TRINCOMALE Nahost - 80 kHz ARABISCH 1430 1500 21560 300 TRINCOMALE Nahost - 80 kHz ARABISCH 1430 1459 21820 115 SINES Nahost - 80 kHz ARABISCH 1600 1900 06140 120 JUELICH Europa - 40 kHz MUSIK 1600 1759 07125 040 WERTACHTAL Europa - 150 kHz MUSIK 1800 1900 03995 0ND WERTACHTAL Europa - 150 kHz MUSIK 2000 2130 15545 300 TRINCOMALE Nahost - 80 kHz ARABISCH 2200 2230 09800 268 SACKVILLE Nord-/Mittelamerika - 80 kHz ENGLISCH DEUTSCHE WELLE Ausstrahlungsmanagement, 53110 Bonn T: +49.228.429-3208 F: +49.228.429-3220 Mail: tb @ dw-world.de (via Andreas Volk-D, ADDX March 11 via Wolfgang Büschel, DXLD) ?? I assume the figures labeled ``kHz`` are actually kW ERP, as implied in the header seemingly for that column. Makes you wonder about their technical savvy (gh, DXLD) ** GREENLAND. IBC Radio Network is now back on the air 24/7 with 15,000 Watts out of Greenland. Our NEW Shortwave Transmitter reaches Canada, Greenland and the tip of North America. Please tune in 24/7 to frequency: 7.330 MHz. Please send all reception reports to: office@ibcradio.com Please include the Date/Time and Broadcast. Shortwave is carried via an "Ionosphere bounce" that can actually carry the signal all over the world. Order a shortwave radio online now! [link] Learn more about shortwave radio. Here is a schedule of some English language broadcasts for you to experiment with [link to Prime Time Shortwave] http://www.ibcradio.com/shortwave-radio.htm (via Greg Hardison, CA, March 26, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ?? I find this hard to believe; where in Greenland is a 15 kW SW available for this? And why Greenland, of all places? Anyhow, 7330 is occupied by Russia in the evening here, tho maybe not in A-04 imminently. Can anyone hear IBC Radio on 7330 from Greenland or anywhere else? So far no reply to our inquiry for more details. See also last issue for IBC`s innovative idea to cover Philadelphia with tiny transmitters (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** HUNGARY. The A04 schedule for IBB transmissions (except RFA of course) is now online at http://sds.his.com:4000/fmds_z/ Many of the broadcasts now scheduled for 1197 have been redirected from Marcali 1188 that is now with the exception of only a half hour reserved for transmissions to the CIS: 0300-0400 RL Ukrainian, 0400- 0500 RL Belorussian, 1500-1700 RL Belorussian, 1700-2000 RL Ukrainian (Sat til 1900 only), 2000-2100 RL Ukrainian, 2100-2130 VOA Serbian, 2130-2200 RL Belorussian. This contradicts earlier information about VOA News Now using the 2100-2200 slot. I especially wonder what will happen on Saturdays between 1900 and 2000; has IBB really agreed with Antena Hungaria that the transmitter will be silent then? Otherwise this would be a place for the declining VOA News Now to pop up ... IBB usage of Jászberény: 0400-0500 RL Russian on 7295, 1600-1700 RL Uzbek on 11835 (Kai Ludwig, Germany, March 27, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** INDONESIA. Just spent a few days in Palu and Tanjung Karang, Central Sulawesi. Tanjung Karang has a great setting with a sandy beach, warm blue sea and no local electricity supply to spoil radio reception. At night the mediumwave band is swamped with strong signals from the Philippines, but I also noted the following on shortwave: RRI Palu Pro-1 was noted daily 20-26 March on daytime frequency 7235v kHz (currently around 7234.6) at 0000-0800, parallel 1035 kHz and 90.6 MHz. 3960 kHz operates sign on-2400 and 0800-sign off. 7235v has been regularly operating for the past few years, but is seldom reported or listed. Singapore co-channel on 7235 doesn't help its audibility. RRI Sorong was heard with local ID at 1210 on 23 March on 4875 kHz (ex-4870), with quite bad Morse QRM. There was no sign of RRI Wamena on 4870 (Alan Davies, March 27, Cumbredx mailing list via DXLD) See also MALAYSIA; PHILIPPINES ** INTERNATIONAL WATERS [and non]. RADIO'S PIRATE QUEEN STILL RULES AT 40 --- CAROLINE, THE SOUNDTRACK TO THE 60S, CELEBRATES FOUR DECADES Tania Branigan Saturday March 27, 2004 The Guardian http://media.guardian.co.uk/radio/story/0,12636,1179268,00.html Dave Lee Travis and revolutionary are words rarely heard together. But when the pioneers of Radio Caroline celebrate its 40th anniversary in London tomorrow, they will be toasting the station which launched popular broadcasting as we know it. For four decades, the station has combined a buccaneering ethos with the hippy dream of peace and love. Defying governments, creditors and at times the taste police, it was the soundtrack to the 60s and, say its devoted fans, helped to fire that decade's zeal for youth, irreverence and independence. "You cannot overestimate how revolutionary, edgy and trendsetting it was," said the hypnotist Paul McKenna, who began DJing on Caroline at 20, in the wake of Tony Blackburn, Johnnie Walker, Kenny Everett - and the Hairy Cornflake. "Broadcasting was in the hands of a dominant elite and they wanted to keep it that way. Caroline was a free speech movement and that paved the way for the diversity of broadcasting nowadays." Freedom Though few under 35 remember Caroline, the name still conjures up magic to those who spent their teenage years glued to transistor radios beneath the bedclothes. "It felt romantic, exotic ... almost subversive," recalls one listener. "It wasn't even the music; it was the freedom." McKenna, a fan long before he became a presenter, recalls the shock of the demotic style embraced by Caroline DJs after the buttoned-up diction and "wall-to-wall Mantovani" heard on the BBC. "It was like being talked to by a schoolmaster, whereas Caroline DJs brought the informal and creative style still emulated today," he said. Like most great inventions, Caroline was born of necessity; its father was the maverick Irish entrepreneur Ronan O'Rahilly. Now described as "reclusive" and "eccentric", he was then known as a man about town, making his mark on London's burgeoning pop scene and at one point managing the Rolling Stones. But he soon discovered it was almost impossible to win his acts airplay. The BBC played tiny amounts of pop music and frequently offered baroque orchestral covers of pop hits. Radio Luxembourg, the commercial alternative, made so much money from record labels that it played only a minute of each song. O'Rahilly's solution was idiosyncratic: he decided to take to the airwaves, by taking to the sea. The authorities claimed no frequencies were available for a new station, but British law covered only the three miles of territorial waters. Once in international waters, the MV Amigo could broadcast whatever she wished. Radio Caroline burst on to the airwaves on Easter Sunday 1964 - the date chosen in honour of his grandfather, shot by the British in the Easter Rising of 1916 - with Not Fade Away by the Rolling Stones. By that autumn it claimed to have more listeners than the three BBC networks put together and its clout was unmistakable. When Tom Jones's first single, It's Not Unusual, was released the following year, it was judged "too hot" for the BBC. Within weeks, Radio Caroline's backing had sent him to number one. But the government was appalled when imitators sprang up in Caroline's wake. The pirates were castigated for "a sinister evasion of the law". The Ministry of Defence wanted to blow up their bases; the Department of Trade to jam the signals; and within three years the Marine Broadcasting Offences Act had shut down every pirate station bar the original. DJs such as Johnnie Walker and Roger Day defied the threat of jail and stayed aboard the MV Amigo, broadcasting from Dutch waters. But financial problems eventually brought down the station. Radio One - introduced to keep the kids happy - stole its style, DJs and ultimately its audience. Commercial rivals emerged. Advertising petered out and the cost of keeping the radio ships going proved overwhelming. Lifeboats had to rescue the crew when one ship sank, and again when her replacement was grounded in storms. "People always talk about Caroline in the past," complained Peter Moore, the station manager. "But we're still going. We've got a range over the world which we never, ever dreamed of in the 60s." Dry land The station now operates legally and from the safety of dry land, in Maidstone, broadcasting via its website, Sky satellite and a subscription radio channel, for which, alas, you require a special radio. Run by volunteers and funded by donations, the station retains a defiantly uncommercial ethos. Mr Moore says he takes advertising "if it's offered", but rejects lengthy promos. Many of its DJs, like Bob Lawrence and Roger Day, are alumni who earn a living from commercial and BBC radio but return to their old love. "There's a magic about Caroline that's indefinable," said Lawrence, who was such a fan of the station that he "ran away to sea" to join the crew as an 18 year old. Forty years on, its devotees argue that the station has as vital a role to play as ever. Mr Moore argues that mainstream music radio has become bland and repetitive, offering only the illusion of choice. Independent stations have been swallowed by networks; advertising and jingles interrupt the music; and the short, restrictive playlists are chosen by focus groups. "Normal stations might rotate 250 tracks. We rotate about 12,000," says Mr Moore. "We don't play Britney Spears. We don't have Madonna or Mariah Carey. We definitely don't have Eminem, Missy Elliott or Mis- teeq. A lot of this music just isn't very good." So far, so old-fogeyish. Yet Caroline's youngest DJ is 20; and Pandora, who presents the Rock Box, says teenagers call in to request Linkin Park songs alongside Gong and Caravan album tracks. "Modern radio underestimates its listeners," said Mr Day. "People want to hear music they don't know. They want DJs to be able to talk about life, not just read station idents. We have people listening all over the world and I still get the buzz I did in the 60s. "That's why Caroline keeps coming back. You can't kill an ideal." Playlists 1964 Rolling Stones Not Fade Away Chuck Berry No Particular Place to Go Cilla Black Anyone Who Had a Heart The Animals House of the Rising Sun Lulu Shout Manfred Mann Do Wha Diddy Diddy The Zombies She's Not There Georgie Fame Yeh Yeh Swinging Blue Jeans Good Golly Miss Molly Beatles Can't Buy Me Love 2004 Rolling Stones Not Fade Away The Darkness Love Is Only a Feeling Janis Joplin Mercedes Benz Snow Patrol Chocolate Pink Floyd Comfortably Numb The Coral Dreaming of You Led Zeppelin Immigrant Song Dirty Americans Deep End The White Stripes Fell In Love With A Girl Beatles Can't Buy Me Love (via Mike Terry, DXLD) Radio Caroline just featured on BBC "PM" national news programme! Superb 3 minute report on Radio 4 from 17.16 GMT tonight, interview with Johnnie Walker, jingles, tape of Simon Dee programme, Caroline theme extract, tape of sinking of Mi Amigo (first time on BBC radio?) etc. Telephone interview today with Dave Foster about the Satellite service. Must be HUGE publicity. Fantastic plug for satellite service. How things have changed in 40 years - the Beeb publicising Caroline!! (Mike Terry, March 27, DX LISTENING DIGEST) RADIO 192 COMMEMORATES START OF RADIO CAROLINE Radio Caroline, Britain's first offshore broadcaster, made its first transmission on 28th March 1964. Among the various tributes on other stations are two special programmes from Dutch broadcaster Radio 192. On Saturday evening between 1600 and 1900 UT they will broadcast a programme called 'The roaring sixties'. Then there will be a Radio Caroline special on Sunday at 1200-1500 UT [taking into account DST shift?] with music, jingles and audio fragments from Radio Caroline's first period in 1964-68. DJ's René van Elst and Ad Roberts will be among the special guests. Radio 192 streams on the Internet. Click on the flashing green "live radio" button on the radio dial at the top right of the home page, then on the Union Jack for information in English. http://www.radio192.nl # posted by Andy @ 09:45 UT March 26 (Media Network blog via DXLD) ** INTERNATIONAL WATERS. Re: DXLD 4-055 USS Hornet ARC [amateur radio club] Disbanded I received this from a friend, the USS Hornet Amateur Radio Club has been disbanded... (JJ, am-sw-dxing yahoogroup Mar 22 via DXLD) WOW!!! I passed over the following item when sending the Amateur Radio Newsline items for March 26, but after seeing the above here it is (John Norfolk, DX LISTENING DIGEST) THE CLUB SCENE: USS HORNET ARC NOT DISBANDED Contrary to rumors, the Amateur Radio club that supports museum ship USS Hornet has not been disbanded. This, according to Tom McGlinn, KO6HA who is the trustee for the NB6GC callsign and the new president of the USS Hornet Amateur Radio Club. Writing on the QRZ.com websire, McGlin says the original story of the club being dissolved is untrue. He says that the group is still active and aboard the USS Hornet and that all QSL requests will be handled as in the past. Please direct any inquiries concerning the USS Hornet ARC QSL program to ko6ha @ earthlink.net (QRZ.com via ARNewsline March 26 via John Norfolk, DXLD) As far as I can tell, they are blaming the story of the club disbanding on one disgruntled member who just resigned (Norfolk) ** IRAN [non]. 9740, CLANDESTINE, Radio Pedar, *1830-1910, March 23, Farsi, Abrupt sign-on over music, "animated" OM, followed by different OM and YL with passing mention "Radio Pedar", presumed NA at 1832, techno/dance instrumental into long talk by OM from 1835-1855, followed by continuous vocal and instrumental music bits with talks [commercials?] until tune-out. Fair at best with the occasional static burst and fades (Scott R. Barbour Jr, Intervale, NH, R75, MLB-1, RS longwire with RBA balun, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** IRELAND. I wonder the poor signal level from the recently re- activated RTE 1, Clarkstown on 252 kHz. A lot better and very much stronger signal of RTE 1 on 567 kHz noted this night 2230 UT. Is RTE 1 on 252 kHz really running 500/150 kW as WRTH 2004 suggests? Tullamore 567 kHz, famous for its whisky, came a lot better! 73´s (Jouko Huuskonen, Turku, FINLAND, March 26, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** ITALY. Rai doesn`t always show up on 9675 for English at 0055-0110; \\ 11800 usually good (Bob Thomas, CT, March 18, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** KALININGRAD. A collection of past Voice of Russia comments on the Kaliningrad matter can be found at http://www.vor.ru/opros/com_main_eng.html Re: ``By the way, I was told that it is planned or perhaps already reality that all broadcast transmitters in the Kaliningrad region will be operated by a dedicated company. So far the Bolshakovo site belonged to the Sankt Petersburg regional centre of RTRS while another organization was responsible for the other transmitters, i.e. the Kaliningrad city mediumwave station (that's in fact the old Reichssender Königsberg site) and the FM transmitters (Kai Ludwig, Feb 13, Cottbus?, Gemany, DXLD 4027)`` I can confirm that the transmitting centre in Bolshakovo is no longer run by St. Petersburg (former CRR-2), since November 2003 it is part of Kaliningradskiy ORTPC, which is the regional branch of Russia's unified state transmitter network operator RTRS in the Kaliningrad region and now owner of all transmitters in the oblast. In general, RTRS is pressing hard on re-organizing the ownership of the regional transmitter networks. The state transmitting enterprises CRR-1 in Moscow and CRR-2 in St. Petersburg were dissolved more than a year ago (the old names are still circulating in the DX press, but these CCRs no longer exist); their facilities were united with those of other state transmitting enterprises in these regions under the new names "Moscow Regional Centre" and "Sankt-Peterburg Regional Centre". Similar new, unified structures are due to be implemented in other parts of Russia as well (Bernd Trutenau, Lithuania, March 26, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** KASHMIR [non]. The timings of Radio Sadayee Kashmir are [via Delhi]: 6100 0230-0330 1430-1530 in Urdu etc. 9890 0730-0830 (Jose Jacob, VU2JOS, March 27, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** LIBYA. V. of Africa/R. Jamahiriya, 15435, n/d letter on "V of Africa" stationery from the Researches and Studies Section, Listeners Affairs in 853 days, thanking me for following up on VOA programmes, with ornate, green glossy report form mailed in a hieroglyphic/fresco embossed (front & back) envelope from the Tripoli address (Scott R. Barbour Jr, Intervale, NH, R75, MLB-1, RS longwire with RBA balun, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** LITHUANIA. With the impeachment of Lithuanian President Rolandas Paksas, and the country's impending entry into the European Union, Radio Vilnius is an especially timely broadcaster to listen to. The schedule appears to be the same as last summer. The first broadcast is at 1800 UTC, with the other three being repeats. To Europe: 1800 UTC 666 kHz MW 0830 UTC 9710 kHz (Repeat of previous evening's broadcast) To North America: 2330 UTC 9875 kHz (same as during the winter) 0030 UTC 11690 kHz (Ted Schuerzinger, Swprograms mailing list via DXLD) ** MALAYSIA. Here's a current incomplete and tentative Mon-Fri shortwave schedule for RTM Sarawak: Sibu 6050 kHz: ????-2200 in Malay (?relay Kuching) 2200-0100 in Iban (relay Kuching) 0100-0300 in Malay (local) 0300-0600 in Iban (local) 0600-0900 in Mandarin (local) 0900-?1100 in Malay (local, appears to sign off around 1100) Sibu local programmes in the various languages announce a new FM frequency of 87.6 MHz. Kuching 7270 kHz: 2200-0100 in Iban 0100-0400 in Bidayuh 0400-0700 in Iban 0700- in Bidayuh, then lost in the mush after around 1000. Iban and Bidayuh programmes from Kuching are announcing a new FM frequency of 101.3 MHz, and appear to have been consolidated into a single programming stream. 4895 and 5030 still seem to be inactive. 7130 kHz has been heard within the last few months carrying schools programming from 0100 sign-on, but was silent during the past few days. Possibly local schools are on holiday this week. RTM Sabah is still active on 5980v in local afternoons and evenings but was apparently off air for a day on Monday 22 March (Alan Davies, March 27, Tanjung Karang, Central Sulawesi, Cumbredx mailing list via DXLD) ** MEXICO. XERMX confirmed still on the air, UT Sat March 27 at 0530 with continuous variety of instrumental music on 9705, heavy splatter as usual from WYFR 9715, but XERMX improving slightly by 0559 brief sign-off announcement with ID, which I caught on tape for posterity, poor as it was (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** NETHERLANDS [non]. RNW confirms more frequencies for funeral of Princess Juliana --- Three additional frequencies planned for Radio Netherlands' coverage of the funeral of Princess Juliana on Tuesday 30th March have now been confirmed. They are 9855, 13830 and 17540 kHz, all at 0700-1230 UTC via transmitters in the CIS. # posted by Andy @ 09:51 UT March 26 (Media Network blog via DXLD) BTW, heard a good docu on HM last Saturday at 2000 on RN and no doubt repeatedly. I don`t follow royalty that closely and must admit I was a bit surprised to hear the deceased called `Princess` -- she`ll always be Queen Juliana to me. So when you abdicate, your title gets demoted, instead of ex-Queen, or Queen Mother? Is this peculiar to the Netherlands, or SOP in other euromonarchies? Our heads of state are still called presidents even when they`re out of office (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** OKLAHOMA [and non]. KFAQ 1170, Tulsa is much stronger than normal in Memphis tonight. They are equal or greater than KRMG. They may be running on day pattern as they are normally very weak. If you need them, go for it now. Also, I think this has been pointed out once before, but the Radio Rebelde outlet from Cuba on 1180 is generating a very strange sideband. They are putting an almost constant high whistle on 1170 and 1190 similar to a het. I wonder if it's on purpose, or just poor transmitter maintenance? (Adam Myrow, TN, March 25, NRC-AM via DXLD) ** PALESTINE. RADIO STATION AQSA VOICE STARTS INTERNET BROADCASTS A radio station in Gaza said to be close to Hamas has started Internet broadcasts in order to reach more Arab speakers outside its limited FM coverage area. Aqsa Voice is reported by sources in Israel to be exhorting the Palestinian people not to renounce the armed struggle and to follow the example of former Hamas leader Sheik Ahmed Yassin who was killed on Monday. http://www.aqsavoice.net # posted by Andy @ 17:26 UT March 26 (Media Network blog via DXLD) Every time I hear ``Hamas`` I think ``never``, as in Spanish jamás --- which would seem to be an appropriate meaning in Arabic, but what does the name really mean? (gh, DXLD) ** PAPUA NEW GUINEA. 3385, NEW BRITAIN, R. East New Britain, 1040- 1114, March 23, Surprisingly decent reception of local and tribal-like music with vernacular talks by male announcer, presumed IDs over pounding drums at 1048 and 1103. YL news at 1103 followed by OM with choral music selections until fadeout by 1114. Weak but steady signal, fair at best around 1100 (Scott R. Barbour Jr, Intervale, NH, R75, MLB-1, RS longwire with RBA balun, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** PERU. 6329.10 kHz, La Voz de Faique, Distrito de Faique, Departamento de Cajamarca. 26th of March 2004, 1853 UT. Some days ago Rafael Rodríguez reported a new Peruvian station on 6329.10 kHz. I have not noted anything on this frequency thereafter but this evening 2353 UT the station was there. I do not think it is former Estación C, Moyobamba from "Departamento de San Martín". The ID is crystal clear: The station is transmitting from "Distrito de Faique, Departamento de Cajamarca". You are very welcome to listen to my recording of LV de Faique" at: http://www.malm-ecuador.com Saludos Cordiales desde "La Mitad del Mundo"! (Bjorn Malm, Quito, Ecuador, March 26, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** PHILIPPINES. PBS Radio Ng Bayan, Manila, heard 0419 22 March on 9582 with local ID and good signal. Regards from Makassar, (Alan Davies, March 27, Cumbredx mailing list via DXLD) ** ROMANIA. RRI English 2300 on 9550 just audible; Havana English covers it! I`ve heard RHC modulation vary on 9550. RRI parallel 11830 inaudible (Bob Thomas, CT, March 18, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Situation may be about to change (gh) ** RUSSIA. VOR A04 Schedule has NOT been released on the web yet. I don't know where these other people are getting these skeds, no disrespect to Glenn or Pavel, but even *I* can't get an early release of the sked until it's put up on the official VOR web site. VOR is one of the last stations that traditionally release their skeds and the one *I* go by is the one on their web site. I am leaving for overseas this weekend and hopefully it will be put up before I go. I still will treat what's out on the web as leaked info unless VOR informs me directly. It is not fair to VOR, or the swprograms/ODXA list readers and it doesn't help anyone. Frustrated!! (Maryanne Kehoe, GA, March 26, Swprograms mailing list via DXLD) No comments about Glenn :) But Pavel [Mikhailov] works at VoR's Russian service. More importantly, he used to be employed by the technical dept. of Radio Moscow for many years during the Soviet times. It is my understanding that he still has some connections there (Sergei Sosedkin, ibid.) That's my understanding too. I've been in Moscow (up to a week before the sked change) and even asked Ol`ga for new schedules and the answer was always the same, whether I was there 2 weeks, 1 week or 1 month before --- the sked "is not ready yet." A friend of mine just came back from Moscow beginning of March and it was the Fall/Winter ones he brought back. If I could get the skeds early, believe me Olga would release them, as she tells me "you get them when *I* get them!" 73 (Maryanne Kehoe, ibid.) I do the DX programs list for Glenn, and I know I have not seen or received anything from him that (to me, at least) even remotely resembles an A04 schedule for VOR (after all, Moscow Mailbag is listed and I would need this information to update). There was a schedule published in DXLD in early March, but it was for March, from the B03 schedule, and identified as such (John Norfolk, ibid.) hmmm ... I guess Ol`ga's out of the loop; she probably didn't vote for Putin or attend the latest youth rally (Jim Strader, ibid.) I think the latest issue of DXLD was for an AO4-I will double-check. [Later:] Hi John, I did a quick check of DXLD and it is identified as the "Summer 2004" schedule (Maryanne Kehoe, ibid.) But it's the Russian service, not English (John Norfolk, ibid.) I am looking at the March 26 DXLD and it lists the 0100 and 0200 frequencies for the "Western Hemisphere" --- I looked on the Russian sked and the new A04 hasn't been posted there either. The frequencies Pavel listed are also some ones the English service uses; "Russian World Service'" to me means the World Service from Russia. Perhaps Pavel should state if these are Russian *language* broadcast or not, it can get confusing. (I always post my skeds as *English language* so speakers of other languages are not confused.) (Kehoe, ibid.) It has been obvious to me that the earlier English schedule for VOR was the final month of B-03, i.e. from beginning of March, as I already pointed out here, and equally obvious that the recent schedule was for VOR in Russian language (gh, DXLD) Jim: In today's Russia it's not about voting or not voting for Putin. It's about personal connections! Maryanne personally knows Ol`ga so she gets those frequencies faster then other "regular" VoR's listeners do. Pavel personally knows people who select the VoR's frequencies so he gets them before Ol`ga does. I guess Olga doesn't have personal friends at VoR's technical dept ;) Maryanne, Pavel speaks about VoR's Russian World Service as opposed to Sodruzhestvo (Commonwealth Service) and Russkoye Mezhdunarodnoye Radio (Russian Radio International). 73s! (Sergei Sosedkin, IL, swprograms via DXLD) ** SOUTH AMERICA. RADIO COCHIGUAZ will be active hoisting the pirate flag, with a own programme and with Jorge Garcia on board as DJ with a lot of Latin American pop music. Sat 27 Mar 2004 21.00-22.00 11430U kHz Sun 28 Mar 2004 01.00-02.00 6950L kHz For reports write to: (Pls add return postage) Radio Cochiguaz, Box 159, Santiago 14, CHILE. Cachito Radio Cochiguaz op. http://www.geocities.com/rcochiguaz (Free Radio Weekly via DXLD) ** SPAIN. REE English 28-03 to 30-10-2004 schedule. 0000-0059 UT 15385 kHz [daily] America 2000-2059 UT 9570 kHz Mon-Fri Africa 2000-2059 UT 15290 kHz Mon-Fri Europe 2100-2159 UT 9570 kHz Sat-Sun Africa 2100-2159 UT 9640 kHz Sat-Sun Europe (REE website via Dan Sampson, Prime Time Shortwave, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** SPAIN. Radio Exterior de España A-04 --- Spanish schedule and program titles posted at http://www.rtve.es/rne/ree/OndaCorta/p-h-f1.htm Unfortunately, downloading to a text file scrambles the text, at least on my WP. Foreign Language schedule (no program titles) is at http://www.rtve.es/rne/ree/OndaCorta/lextrj.htm 28-03-2004 ... 30-10-2004 África Arabic 1900-2059 7270 Monday-Friday? 2000-2159 7270 Saturday-Sunday? Français 1900-1959 9570 Lundi -Samedi 2000-2059 9570 Dimanche English 2000-2059 9570 Monday-Friday 2100-2159 9570 Saturday-Sunday América English 0000-0059 15385 kHz. Français 2300-2359 15385 kHz. Sefardí 0115-0145 11795 Martes 0415-0445 9650 Martes Português 1800-1900 21700 kHz Terça-feira-Sexta-feira Europa Deutsch 1700-1730 9665 kHz Montag und Donnerstag Français 1800-1859 9655 Lundi-Samedi 2000-2059 15290 Dimanche 2300-2359 6055 English 2000-2059 15290 Monday -Friday 2100-2159 9640 Saturday-Sunday Pyccknñ 1700-1730 15325 nH-nTH Oriente Medio Arabic 1700-1859 21610 1900-2059 17560 Monday-Friday? 2000-2159 17560 Saturday-Sunday? Français 1900-1959 7150 Lundi-Vendredi 1900-1959 17560 Samedi-Dimanche Sefardí 1825-1855 17770 Lunes ?-script in Arabic, assumed days (via John Norfolk, DXLD) Also from their web site, a description of their program schedule: The first half-hour of our weekday broadcasts consists of a newscast of Spanish and international news, with particular emphasis on those areas to which the broadcast is directed: Europe, Africa and America. The second half includes Spanish pop music; a daily review of the Spanish press, and each day's general interest program, including "Radio Waves", a specialised spot for Dxers; Euro-American "Chronicles", focusing on Spain´s relations with the EU and the US; "Entremeses", related to food and travel; Africa Today", and our mailbag program "Radio Club". Our weekend broadcasts include "Visitors Book", on foreign personalities who've been here recently; "Window on Spain", on some aspect of the current cultural scene; different series giving a more in-depth look at Spanish history and culture, and rebroadcast of our weekday programs for listeners who can't tune in during the week (via John Norfolk, swprograms via DXLD) ** SYRIA. Hi Glenn, "Damascus Radio News" was the ID 2010 UT on 13610 kHz . German program heard another day 1840 UT also only on 13610 kHz. Traditional 25 mb outlet 12085 kHz was off the air? 73´s (Jouko Huuskonen, Turku, FINLAND, Mar 26, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** TAIWAN. Voice of Han BC, Kuanyin on 9745 heard at 1230 UT with pretty strong (S9) signal. ID: Han shen guan bo tien tai..." This station is broadcasting from Taiwan to mainland China. 73´s (Jouko Huuskonen, Turku, FINLAND, March 27, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** TAIWAN [non]. RTI English to NAm via WYFR 5950 at 0200 and 0300 hindered by RFI 5945. RTI \\ 9680 hit by 9675 Rai Rome or other (Bob Thomas, CT, March 18, DX LISTENING DIGEST) No such problems out this way with WYFR dominating versus the neighbors (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** THAILAND [and non]. The A04 schedule for IBB transmissions (except RFA of course) is now online at http://sds.his.com:4000/fmds_z/ I also note Radio Thailand via the transmitters in the USA, new? 0030- 0200 via Greenville and 0300-0430 via Delano, both on 5890 (Kai Ludwig, Germany, March 27, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Yay! I`ve been urging them to do this for years, instead of using Udorn only, which, nearly transpolar, still has spotty reception in NAm. Now we should be able to hear English from Thailand much, much, better at 0030 and 0300. Every country that hosts an IBB relay site should insist on using US sites in exchange --- or any other sites in the IBB network that would be advantageous (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 7305, Radio Thailand, 1100-1110 March 27. Noted interval signal, then person gives ID in English as, "This Radio Thailand, broadcasting from Thailand ...." The program continues in the Vietnamese language with feature. Signal was fair but QRM (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, Florida, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U K. R. Caroline anniversary: see INTERNATIONAL WATERS ** U K. The A04 schedule for IBB transmissions (except RFA of course) is now online at http://sds.his.com:4000/fmds_z/ Is Skelton a new site for IBB? RL Russian 1100-1300 on 13745 (Kai Ludwig, Germany, March 27, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A [non]. BBG/IBB QSL INITIATIVE Greetings, Glenn: I very much enjoy your newsletter, and, if possible, I would like to enlist your wide readership as participants in an on- going project for the Broadcasting Board of Governors/International Broadcasting Bureau in Washington. I have been tasked with installing a compliance and verification system that provides the BBG/IBB with reliable programming and carriage data about its some 1400 worldwide affiliates (VOA [radio and TV], RFE/RL, Radio Free Asia, and soon a new medium wave service in Pakistan called "Radio Aap ki Dunyaa"). We are using a wide variety of methods to compile and freshen this data, including listening reports from persons "in possession of the facts." My office will happily provide QSL cards for any reception report on an affiliate or other rebroadcaster carrying programming clearly identified as one of the BBG/IBB services listed above. All reception reports should be (e-)mailed or faxed to the address/number listed below. Address: QSL, Room 3666, Cohen Building, 330 Independence Ave., SW, Washington, DC 20237 USA E-Mail: verify@IBB.GOV Fax # 1-202-203-4185 Many thanks for your help. Very best regards, Bill Torrey Office of Marketing and Program Placement US International Broadcasting Bureau 330 Independence Ave., SW, Rm. 3666-I Washington, DC 20237 Phone: Fax: (Bill Torrey, March 26, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Those would mainly be FM stations in various countries; apparently not for IBB`s own SW transmissions (gh, DXLD) ** U S A. VOA FRAUD NOW! During the winter we have heard all kinds of people telling us that VOA News Now has been broadcasting for 19 hours per day, with their only silent period being from 0700 to 1200 UT. However, this is far from the case. When you take out the 2 hours when Music Mix programming airs, i.e. 0200-0300 and 2100-2200, plus Border Crossings at 1900-2000, plus Talk to America 1700-1800, you are in fact left with only 15 hours per day (16 at weekends when Talk to America is not aired). So, if News Now does reduce to only 14 hours a day when the B04 period comes in on 31 October, that will in fact amount to just a one-hour reduction on what we have during the season just ending. What is more serious is the quite extraordinary cutbacks in frequency hours outlined in World of Radio 1225, particularly the complete elimination of News Now on Munich 1197. So this means, if I am not mistaken, that there will be only 4 MW carrying News Now at any time during the day, namely 1143 from the Philippines, 1575 from Thailand, 909 from Botswana and 1530 from São Tomé. The 1188 transmission at 2100-2200 does not count, as there will apparently continue to be Music Mix programming during that hour (PAUL DAVID, Wembley Park, United Kingdom, March 25, swprograms via DX LISTENING DIGEST) VOA'S OUR WORLD DROPS A CLANGER --- It's bad enough hearing about the swingeing cuts at VOA for the new season. However, I was listening to the 0133 UT transmission of the Our World programme on 27 March 2004, and at the end Presenter Roseanne Skirble (apologies if I have spelled her name incorrectly) listed the frequencies which would carry the 1800 UT broadcast of the programme from next weekend. The first frequency she mentioned was "nine point zero nine" MHz. The delivery of SW frequency in MHz is not normal practice these days, but in this instance somebody obviously put the decimal point in the wrong place, as it obviously should have read "point nine zero nine" MHz, and of course refers to the 909 kHz *Medium* Wave transmitter in Botswana. (PAUL DAVID, Wembley Park, United Kingdom, ibid.) ** U S A. AGENCY GIVES UNION REORGANIZATION PLAN AND THEN REFUSES TO BARGAIN DATELINE: Washington, 03/25/04. The Agency provided the Union with its plan to reorganize VOA radio and Worldnet television yesterday afternoon. The Union informed the Agency's chief negotiator, Mary Rasmussen, that it was requesting negotiations and provided negotiable proposals (groundrules for bargaining). Ms. Rasmussen responded for the Agency by saying "we do not believe we have a bargaining obligation." The Union believes the Agency is once again committing a number of Unfair Labor Practices. Groundrules for bargaining clearly are negotiable. The Union is preparing a series of Unfair Labor Practice charges and possible grievances against the Agency (AFGE Local 1812 website March 27 via DXLD) ** U S A [and non]. The A04 schedule for IBB transmissions (except RFA of course) is now online at http://sds.his.com:4000/fmds_z/ (Kai Ludwig, Germany, March 27, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Resultantly, see ALBANIA, GERMANY, HUNGARY, THAILAND, UK The new A04 IBB schedule has been put online: http://sds.his.com:4000/fmds_z/schedules/freqsked.txt The schedule is reflecting the announced budget cuts; a.o. it can be noted that Radio Sawa is no longer carried on SW, instead the station is concentrating on coverage by MW, FM and satellite (Bernd Trutenau, Lithuania, March 27, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. LUBAVITCHER/CHASSIDIC RADIO: Brooklyn NY (presumed); 1709.85/AM, 2350-2400+, 26-Mar; M&W interview in English -- sounds philosophical. Occasionally copiable (Harold Frodge, MI, Free Radio Weekly via DXLD) Has anybody actually ever heard an ID from these guys? (Neil Wolfish, FRW ed., ibid.) ** U S A. WWVA, THE VOICE OF... STOW? WEST VIRGINIA RADIO STATION SEEKS PERMIT FOR TOWER IN SUMMIT By Denise Grollmus, Beacon Journal staff writer http://www.ohio.com/mld/beaconjournal/living/8281589.htm Clear Channel Communications is making power moves in Stow, where the media monolith hopes to relocate the transmission tower for its Wheeling, W.Va., station WWVA (1170-AM), home of the famous Jamboree USA. Clear Channel applied to the Federal Communications Commission in January to put WWVA's 50,000-watt transmission tower in Stow. The station's signal already reaches cities as far north as Toronto. ``We'd just be under a different signal strength here in Wheeling,'' said Scott Miller, WWVA's general manager. ``The call letters and the talk-radio format would remain the same, but I don't know how it will take shape in the Ohio market.'' Stow Mayor Karen Fritschel also doesn't know yet how the transmitter's move would affect her city. ``We don't know anything about it. We really don't know what's coming,'' said Fritschel, who wasn't notified about Clear Channel's plans until the press contacted her for comment Thursday morning. ``Our legal department is looking at this. Our understanding is that our zoning regulations would apply.'' Fritschel said her office has tried to contact Clear Channel, but it has not returned the calls. ``I would have liked it better had they contacted the city of Stow and said they were looking into this move before we were contacted by the media,'' Fritschel said. Stow will have plenty of time to consider the implications of the move, however. FCC approval takes ``an enormous amount of time,'' said Miller. A spokesperson for the FCC said that moving the transmitter does not necessarily imply a move for the entire station. A spokesperson for Clear Channel said the move may benefit Stow economically. He didn't say how or why. WWVA has broadcast Jamboree USA, the second-oldest country music program after the Grand Ole Opry, since 1933. Though the station's format changed from country music to talk in 1996, Jamboree USA still airs at 6 p.m. Saturdays. The station's other programming is dedicated to syndicated Clear Channel talk shows such as Rush Limbaugh and conservative Christian talk programs. The station fell under scrutiny in December, when it eliminated two local talk programs as well as the Wheeling news director's position. Critics of the firings contend that the station's ``former commitment to local news has now been violated,'' according to one Ohio Valley Web site (via Artie Bigley, OH, DXLD) ** U S A. FCC FINES RESTAURANT FOR LONG-RANGE TELEPHONE USE (Mar 26, 2004) --- A Chinese restaurant in New Jersey is facing a $10,000 fine from the FCC for operating transmitting equipment on 2 meters without a license. The case involves Best Wok in Westville, which apparently had been using a so-called ``long-range cordless telephone`` to communicate with its delivery vehicle. The FCC says the telephone in question --- said to have been obtained outside the US and not FCC certificated [sic] --- operated within the 2-meter satellite subband at 145.8376 MHz. Acting on a tip, the FCC conducted an investigation that resulted in the February 26 issuance of a Notice of Apparent Liability for Forfeiture (NAL) to Best Wok. While the case dates back to 2001, the FCC asserted in its NAL that the restaurant had violated the Communications Act as recently as early last year. Full Story at http://www2.arrl.org/news/stories/2004/03/26/1/?nc=1 (ARRL via John Norfolk, DXLD) Some Chinese restaurants in the US also think US health/food safety rules don`t apply to them (gh, DXLD) ** VATICAN CITY STATE. R. Vaticana, 7365, 9660, 11625, Large envelope stuffed with QSL cards; one for each frequency; stickers, "Radio Vaticana: Past, Present and Future" booklet, Africa Service poster and program guide along with a friendly, personal letter from Festus Tarawalie on behalf of the English-Africa Team in 55 days for 1 IRC (Scott R. Barbour Jr, Intervale, NH, R75, MLB-1, RS longwire with RBA balun, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CONVENTIONS & CONFERENCES +++++++++++++++++++++++++ FESTGOERS GET FLU . . .also with the Winterfest FLU (Jim Strader, swprograms via DXLD) Jim, you sick too --- poor thing. That makes 3 of us with it, you, me and Marie Lamb had something and was sent home from work early that weekend (she only stayed Wednesday and Thursday.) Anyone else in sick bay? (Maryanne Kehoe, ibid.) Marie Lamb had to miss last week`s DWC, and this week apologizes for her not recovered voice, plays other versions of theme and pirate king to fill (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Me 4, Flu like, hacking, sore ribs, but not a very high temp (Steve Coletti, ibid.) POWERLINE COMMUNICATIONS ++++++++++++++++++++++++ SHORTWAVE RADIO IS IN TROUBLE The following is an URGENT plea to all shortwave radio listeners, ham radio operators and anyone that has an interest in the shortwave radio spectrum. BPL - Broadband Over Power Line is a new form of broadband internet service being deployed by Electric Utilities around the world. BPL uses the shortwave radio spectrum to deliver internet service over their power lines to the home. In field trials thus far conducted around the world, BPL causes severe interference to shortwave radio reception. Japan and The Netherlands have concluded that BPL is too great a threat to the shortwave radio spectrum and have banned its deployment. The electric utilities deny that this service causes interference to shortwave radio reception. A typical scenario just to give you an idea of how much a threat BPL is - Part 15 governs BPL deployment and Part 15 does not adequately address our concerns for the prevention of interference. Part 15 states that the hard limit is 30uv/meter at 30 meters (98.4 feet). According to W1RFI, this type of signal at 3.5 MHz will produce a S- meter reading of S9 +16 when using a dipole antenna. Clearly, an issue for most shortwave radio spectrum users that live close to power lines in their neighborhood. You must investigate the following links: ARRL Power line Communications information page http://www.arrl.org/tis/info/HTML/plc/ W1RFI's excellent technical presentation on BPL http://www.arrl.org/tis/info/HTML/plc/BPL_Presentation.htm Observe this threat for yourself and then file your comments on FCC Notice of proposed rulemaking for Dockets 03-104 and 04-37. The comment filing window is only 45 days and is already ticking away. File your comments now. Downloadable copy of FCC Notice of proposed rulemaking http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-04-29A1.doc Please understand that your comments made on this NPRM must demonstrate to the FCC that BPL must avoid using the shortwave radio spectrum. It is very easy to file comments online. Follow Broadband Over Power Line (BPL) - Docket 04-37 http://gullfoss2.fcc.gov/ecfs/Upload/ Comments from individuals are needed to let the FCC understand there are lots of shortwave enthusiasts out there who choose to listen to HF broadcasts without interference from BPL. Please forward this email message on to inform others of this impending threat. Stephanie WX3K wx3k @ arrl.net "BPL - Broadband Over Power Line, is a dire threat to the shortwave radio spectrum. " http://www.wxpage.com (via Ron Trotto WDX-4KWI, ASWLC, via Mike Terry, DXLD) FCC CLARIFIES DOCKET NUMBER FOR FUTURE BPL COMMENTS The FCC says anyone filing comments on the its Broadband over Power Line (BPL) Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) in ET Dockets 03-104 and 04-37 should reference only the latter docket number, not both docket numbers. The ARRL was among those who had asked the FCC to clarify the matter. The deadline to file comments is Monday, May 3. Reply comments are due Tuesday, June 1. ``To simplify this filing process and minimize the burden on both interested parties and the Commission`s resources, we are requesting that parties responding to the Notice of Proposed Rule Making submit comments, replies and any other pleadings or information only in the newly established ET Docket No 04-37,`` the FCC said this week in a public notice. Written comments may be filed via the Electronic Comment Filing System (ECFS) http://www.fcc.gov/cgb/ecfs/ The Commission says that commenters should include their full name, US Postal Service mailing address and ET Docket No 04-37 when completing The transmittal screen. The FCC ECFS Express system http://gullfoss2.fcc.gov/ecfs/Upload/ also now is accepting brief comments on the BPL proceeding, which is the top item on the list. For additional information on filing comments, see the FCC public notice http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-04-760A1.doc (ARRL Letter March 26 via John Norfolk, DX LISTENING DIGEST) RADIO EQUIPMENT FORUM +++++++++++++++++++++ LIGHTNING PROTEXION Sci-Tech File on RCI 26 March has a segment about "the electrical currents and electromagnetic fields lightning generates that are of interest to scientists. Studying Toronto's CN Tower, the world's tallest freestanding structure, they are hoping to develop mathematical formulas which could be applied to the design of any communications tower in order to protect increasingly sensitive computer and communications technology from the indirect effects of lightning." http://www.rcinet.ca/Scripts/default.asp?s1=Programmes&s2=ProgrammeLangue&s3=79 (Gerald T. Pollard, NC, DX LISTENING DIGEST) PROPAGATION +++++++++++ THE K7RA SOLAR UPDATE SEATTLE, WA, Mar 26, 2004 --- Solar flux and sunspot numbers rose this week, and geomagnetic K and A indices were down. This is a perfect combination for the first days of spring. HF operators always love to see the K index lower than 3 and the A index below 10. There is nothing magic about those numbers, but lower numbers are better, and those are below the values (about K=3 and A=15) that we think of for unsettled conditions. For quiet conditions, it`s hard to beat this last Wednesday, March 24, when the mid-latitude K index was 0 for most of the reporting periods. With sunspot numbers rising amid quiet geomagnetic conditions, the springtime propagation over the past week has been fantastic. Average daily sunspot numbers rose nearly 27 points to 92.7 this week (compared to last). The average daily planetary A index dropped nearly 7 points to 8.7. Sunspot numbers and solar flux are rising, and the predicted solar flux for this weekend, March 26-28 is 130, 135 and 130. This may be due to a pair of large sunspots emerging over the sun`s northeastern limb. But early spring is also a time when auroras are more intense, which of course is an indicator of elevated geomagnetic activity. This weekend is the CQ World Wide WPX SSB Contest, and the outlook for the next few days is good, with some active conditions probably returning around March 29-30. A bulletin received earlier today from the Australian Government IPS Radio and Space Services warns that there may be rising geomagnetic activity this Saturday, March 27 due to solar wind from a coronal hole. One good daily resource for updates on solar wind streams is http://spaceweather.com/ Mark Dullea of Peabody, Massachusetts asked for a good source of daily Ap readings (planetary A index). The place to go is the NOAA Space Environment Center http://www.sec.noaa.gov/ftpdir/indices/DGD.txt This is also a good resource for comparing the daily variations in mid-latitude, high-latitude and planetary geomagnetic indices mentioned in the first paragraph. Tony Salvate, N1TKS of Greenwich, Connecticut wrote for any thoughts regarding a friend who is going fishing about 150 miles south of the Arctic Circle in Northwest Canada this summer. He will be packing HF gear along with a solar panel and batteries, and Tony wonders about propagation to the Northeast United States. I noted that being so far north, propagation will be strongly affected by geomagnetic conditions, so hope for a K index lower than 3. I also suggested calculating some paths with W6ELprop, the free propagation prediction program http://www.qsl.net/w6elprop/ I ran some projections for the end of June from Rae Lakes, Northwest Territories (which is roughly the area Tony described) to Tony`s location and found some good possibilities for 40, 30 and 20 meters. Users of Scott Craig`s Solar Data Plotting Utility may or may not have noticed a leap year error a few weeks ago. If you look at the data file, February 29 is not there. Open the graph.dat file with a text editor such as Windows Notepad, and insert 81 for sunspot number and 110.0 for solar flux for the 29th. If you haven`t used Scott`s program, you can download it from the WA4TTK web site http://www.craigcentral.com/sol.asp This program automatically sucks up the data from the end of each of these bulletins and displays it in a nice graph running from January 1, 1989. Sunspot numbers for March 18 through 24 were 107, 89, 82, 65, 87, 110 and 109 with a mean of 92.7. 10.7 cm flux was 115.4, 112.2, 113.6, 111.2, 116.4, 118.3 and 119.7, with a mean of 115.3. Estimated planetary A indices were 10, 6, 9, 13, 11, 8 and 4, with a mean of 8.7. Copyright © 2004, American Radio Relay League, Inc. All Rights Reserved (via John Norfolk, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###