DX LISTENING DIGEST 5-008, January 11, 2005 Incorporating REVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL BROADCASTING edited by Glenn Hauser, http://www.worldofradio.com Items from DXLD may be reproduced and re-reproduced only if full credit be maintained at all stages and we be provided exchange copies. DXLD may not be reposted in its entirety without permission. Materials taken from Arctic or originating from Olle Alm and not having a commercial copyright are exempt from all restrictions of noncommercial, noncopyrighted reusage except for full credits For restrixions and searchable 2005 contents archive see http://www.worldofradio.com/dxldmid.html NOTE: If you are a regular reader of DXLD, and a source of DX news but have not been sending it directly to us, please consider yourself obligated to do so. Thanks, Glenn NEXT AIRINGS OF WORLD OF RADIO EXTRA 53: Wed 2300 WOR WBCQ 7415 Thu 0000 WOR WBCQ 17495-CUSB Thu 1700 WOR WBCQ after hours Thu 2130 WOR WWCR 9985 Fri 1700 WOR WBCQ after hours Sat 0955 WOR WNQM Nashville TN 1300 Sat 1130 WOR WWCR 5070 Sun 0330 WOR WWCR 5070 Sun 0400 WOR WBCQ 9330-CLSB Sun 0430 WOR WRMI 6870 Sun 0730 WOR WWCR 3210 Sun 1030 WOR WRMI 9955 Sun 2030 WOR WWCR 12160 Mon 0330 WOR WRMI 6870 Mon 0400 WOR WBCQ 9330-CLSB Mon 0530 WOR WBCQ 7415 Mon 1700 WOR WBCQ after hours Tue 1000 WOR WRMI 9955 Tue 1700 WOR WBCQ after hours Wed 1030 WOR WWCR 9985 Wed 1700 WOR WBCQ after hours NEXT AIRINGS OF WORLD OF RADIO 1259: Wed 1030 WOR WWCR 9985 Wed 1700 WOR WBCQ after hours Fri 0200 WOR ACBRadio Mainstream [repeated 2-hourly thru 2400] Sat 0000 WOR Studio X, Momigno, Italy 1584 87.35 96.55 105.55 Sat 0900 WOR WRN1 to Eu, Au, NZ, WorldSpace AfriStar, AsiaStar, Telstar 12 SAm Sat 2030 WOR R. Lavalamp Sun 0930 WOR WRN1 to North America, also WLIO-TV Lima OH SAP Sun 0930 WOR KSFC Spokane WA 91.9 Sun 0930 WOR WDWN Auburn NY 89.1 [unconfirmed] Sun 0930 WOR KTRU Houston TX 91.7 [occasional] Sun 1100 WOR R. Lavalamp Sun 1400 WOR KRFP-LP Moscow ID 92.5 Sun 1500 WOR R. Lavalamp Sun 2000 WOR Studio X, Momigno, Italy 1584 87.35 96.55 105.55 Sun 2100 WOR RNI Mon 0430 WOR WSUI Iowa City IA 910 Mon 0900 WOR R. Lavalamp Mon 1700 WOR WBCQ after hours Tue 0700 WOR WPKN Bridgeport CT 89.5 [new time] MORE info including audio links: http://worldofradio.com/radioskd.html WORLD OF RADIO 1259 in the true shortwave sound of 7415: (stream) http://www.piratearchive.com/media/worldofradio_01-05-05.m3u (d`load) http://www.piratearchive.com/media/worldofradio_01-05-05.mp3 WOR 1259 also available via phone feed to WBCQ`s stream via http://www.radio4all.net/proginfo.php?id=10770 (Larry Will, Jan 5, DX LISTENING DIGEST) WRN ONDEMAND [from Fri]: http://new.wrn.org/listeners/stations/station.php?StationID=24 OUR ONDEMAND AUDIO [also for CONTINENT OF MEDIA, MUNDO RADIAL]: WORLD OF RADIO 1259 (high version): (stream) http://www.w4uvh.net/wor1259h.ram (download) http://www.w4uvh.net/wor1259h.rm WORLD OF RADIO 1259 (low version, without the WOR opening): (stream) http://www.w4uvh.net/wor1259.ram (download) http://www.w4uvh.net/wor1259.rm (summary) http://www.worldofradio.com/wor1259.html [from Thu] WORLD OF RADIO ON WPKN. For the past couple weeks, at least, no sign of WOR at the scheduled time of 1930 UT (2:30 pm ET) Saturdays on WPKN`s webstream. Finally we have this explanation: WOR is now broadcast at 2 am on Monday-into-Tuesday. Luis Pomales is the Program Director (Harry Minot, GM, WPKN, Jan 11, DX LISTENING DIGEST) That would be 0700 UT Tuesdays. So Pomales the person to contact if any of our WPKN listeners find this time inconvenient (gh) TSUNAMI ITEMS: INDIA, SRI LANKA ** AFGHANISTAN [non]. UK, 15265, Radio Solh via Rampisham logged with excellent reception Dec 21 at 1500 with opening of transmission. News and music from Afghanistan, etc. E-mail QSL received within 4 hours from: MARLO.BAHRAIN @ me.navy.mil (Torre Ekblom, Finland, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** ALBANIA. 5960, 7285, CRI, handwritten date-only "Dawn at Ciping" postcard "..welcoming your reception report of our relayed broadcasts via Albania..", short form letter with Albanian relay to N. America schedule and "Happy New Year-Rooster" card in 32 days for $1 (Scott R. Barbour, Jr., Intervale, NH, R75, 200' Beverage antennas, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** ARGENTINA. ONDA MÉDIA - GRANDE BUENOS AIRES En atención al elevado número de novedades que se han venido produciendo en el dial de Onda Media en el área de la Capital Federal y el Gran Buenos Aires en estos últimos meses, seguidamente se ofrece el listado completo de emisoras que operan desde esta zona geográfica del país. Solo se hace constar: frecuencia, nombre de la emisora y localidad desde donde se hallan ubicados sus estudios de transmisión. Entre corchetes se hace saber la programación y luego el carácter que tiene cada una de estas emisoras -(ver detalle al pie del listado)-: 530, Radio República (San Justo) / [Gen] / B 570, Radio Argentina (Capital Federal) / [Gen] / B 590, Radio Continental (Capital Federal) / [Gen] / A (LS-4) 610, Radio General San Martín (Villa Lynch) / [Gen] / B 630, Radio Rivadavia (Capital Federal) / [Gen] / A (LS-5) 650, La Nueva Radio (Florida) / [Gen] / B 660, Radio Popular (Claypole) / [Gen] / B 680, Radio Melody (Remedios de Escalada) / [Gen] / B 690, Radio Maranata en las Nubes (Lomas del Mirador) / [Rlg] /B 710, Radio 10 (Capital Federal) / [Gen] / A (LRL-202) 730, Radio Excelsior (Monte Grande) / [Gen] / B 740, Radio Cooperativa (Capital Federal) / [Gen] / B 750, Radio del Pueblo (Capital Federal) / [Gen] / B 770, Radio Urbana (Lomas del Mirador) / [Gen] / B 790, Radio Mitre (Capital Federal) / [Gen] / A (LR-6) 820, Estación 820 (Lomas de Zamora) / [Gen] / A (LRI-208) 830, Radio Filadelfia (Isidro Casanova) / [Rlg] / B 840, Radio General Belgrano (Capital Federal) / [Gen] / B 850, La Voz de América (San Miguel oeste) / [Pop] / B 870, Radio Nacional Buenos Aires (Capital Federal) / [Gen] / A (LRA1) 880, Radio Claridad (Monte Grande) / [Gen] / B 890, Radio Soberanía (Capital Federal) / [Gen] / B 910, Radio La Red (Capital Federal) / [Gen] / A (LR-5) 930, Radio Alfa (Villa Ballester) / [Gen] / B 950, Radio Belgrano (Capital Federal) / [Gen] / A (LR-3) 970, NCN, Cadena de la Nueva Conciencia (Villa Insuperable)/ [Rlg] /B 980, Radio Carisma (El Talar) / [Rlg] / B 990, Radio Splendid AM 990 (Capital Federal) / [Gen] / A (LR-4) 1000, Radio Sintonía (José C. Paz) / [Gen] / B 1010, Radio Onda Latina (Capital Federal) / [Gen] / B 1010, Sintonía Ghost (Remedios de Escalada) / [Gen] / B (i) 1010, Sonido 88.5 FM (Lomas de Mirador) / [Pop] / B (i) 1010, Radio Oasis “Cadena de la Vida” (Victoria) / [Rlg] / B 1030, Radio del Plata (Capital Federal) / [Gen] / A (LS-10) 1050, Radio Conurbana (Gregorio de Laferre) / [Gen] / B 1050, Radio Federal (Lanús) / [Gen] / B 1060, Radio Restauración (Llavallol) / [Rlg] / B 1070, Radio El Mundo (Capital Federal) / [Gen] / A (LR-1) 1090, Radio Décadas (Hurlingham) / [Gen] / B 1090, Radio Nuestras Raíces (Valentín Alsina) / [Gen] /B 1100, Radio Estilo (Glew) / [Gen] / B 1110, Radio de la Ciudad (Capital Federal) / [Gen] / A (LS-1) 1120, AM Tango (Capital Federal) / [Pop] / B 1120, Radio Catedral del Encuentro (Guernica) / [Rlg] / B 1130, Radio Tropicana “Cadena Vida” (Capital Federal) / [Rlg]/B 1150, Concepto AM 11-50 (Capital Federal) / [Gen] / B 1170, Radio Mi País (Hurlingham) / [Pop] / B 1190, Radio América (Capital Federal) / [Gen] / A (LR-9) 1210, Radio Mailín (Gregorio de Laferrere) / [Pop] / B 1220, La Voz del Aire (Capital Federal) / [Gen] / B 1230, Radio Litoral (Isidro Casanova) / [Pop] / B 1240, Radio Vida (Monte Grande) / [Rlg] / B 1250, AM Estirpe Nacional (San Justo) / [Pop] / B 1260, Radio Fortaleza Cristiana (Rafael Castillo) / [Rlg] / B 1270, Radio Provincia de B. Aires (La Plata) / [Gen] / A (LS-11) 1280, Radio Eco Porteña (Capital Federal) / [Gen] / B 1290, Radio Cristal (Lanús) / [Gen] / B 1290, Radio Provinciana (Mariano Acosta) / [Pop] / B 1300, Radio Metropolitana (Luis Guillón) / [Gen] / B 1300, Radio Identidad (Capital Federal) / [Gen] / B 1310, Radio Integración (Capital Federal) / [Gen] / B 1320, Radio Sentir (Remedios de Escalada) / [Gen] / B 1320, Radio Mística (Libertad) / [Gen] / B 1330, Radio Cadena Central (Bernal) / [Pop] / B 1340, Radio Tradicional (Ituzaingó) / [Gen] / B (i) 1350, Radio Buenos Aires (Capital Federal) / [Gen] / A (LS-6) 1360, Radio Itatí (Morón) / [Pop] / B 1370, AM 13-70 (Isidro Casanova) / [Pop] / B 1380, Radio Buenas Nuevas (Merlo) / [Rlg] / B 1380, Radio La Voz (Monte Chingolo) / [Gen] / B (i) 1390, Radio Norteña (Grand Bourg) / [Pop] / B 1390, Radio Ribera Sur (Ingeniero Budge) / [Gen] / B 1390, Radio Universidad de La Plata (La Plata) / [Gen]/A (LR-11) 1400, Radio Gamma (Valentín Alsina) / [Gen] / B 1410, Radio Folclorísimo (José León Suárez) / [Pop] / B 1420, Radio Mágica (Lanús) / [Gen] / B 1430, Radio Imágen (Castelar) / [Gen] / B 1430, Radio José de San Martín (El Jaguel) / [Pop] / B 1440, Radio Impacto (Tapiales) / [Gen] / B 1450, Radio Presencia (Martínez) / [Gen] / B 1450, Radio Ciudad (Remedios de Escalada) / [Gen] / B 1460, Radio Nativa (Claypole) / [Pop] / B 1460, Iluminares al Mundo (Ezeiza) / [Rlg] / B 1460, Radio Contacto (Ituzaingó) / [Gen] / B 1460, Radio Almirante Brown (San José) / [Gen] / B 1470, Radio Mburucuyá (José León Suárez) / [Pop] / B 1470, Cadena 14-70 (Lanús) / [Gen] / B 1480, Radio Sensaciones (Tapiales) / [Rlg] / B 1490, Radio Canaán Celestial (Isidro Casanova) / [Rlg] / B 1500, Radio Bonaerense (Llavallol) / [Gen] / A (LRI-214) 1510, Radio Urkupiña (Capital Federal) / [Pop] / B 1510, Radio Sentimiento Litoraleño (Bánfield oeste) / [Pop]/B(i) 1510, Radio Alabanza (Guernica) / [Rlg] / B 1510, La Voz del Oeste (Libertad) / [Pop] / B 1520, Radio Metropolitana (Ciudadela) / [Gen] / B 1520, Radio Model (Monte Grande) / [Gen] / B (i) 1530, Radio La Morena de Itatí (Grand Bourg) / [Pop] / B 1530, Radio Contemporánea (Lomas de Zamora) / [Gen] / B 1530, La Voz del Futuro (Parque San Martín) / [Pop] / B 1540, AM Quince 40 (Capital Federal) / [Gen] / B 1540, AM Fuego (Longchamps) / [Gen] / B 1550, Radio Trompeta de Dios (Isidro Casanova) / [Rlg] / B 1560, Radio Eben-Ezer (Ezeiza) / [Rlg] / B 1560, Radio Castañares (Ituzaingó) / [Pop] / B 1560, Radio Renacer (Quilmes oeste) / [Rlg] / B 1570, Radio Interactiva (Ciudad Madero) / [Pop] / B 1570, Radio AM Rocha (La Plata) / [Gen] / B 1580, Radio Activa (Longchamps) / [Gen] / B 1580, Radio Tradición (San Martín) / [Gen] / B 1590, Radio Guaviyú (Gregorio de Laferrere) / [Pop] / B 1590, Radio Cristiana Adonai (Banfield Oeste) / [Rlg] / B 1600, Radio Armonía (José Ingenieros) / [Gen] / B 1610, Radio Copacabana (Gregorio de Laferrere) / [Pop] / B 1610, Radio Exitos (Castelar) / [Gen] / B 1610, Radio Luz del Mundo (Rafael Calzada) / [Rlg] / B 1620, Radio Tropicana “Cadena Vida” (Capital Federal) / [Rlg] /B 1620, Radio Italia (Villa Martelli) / [Pop] / B 1630, AM Restauración (Hurlingham) / [Rlg] / B 1630, Radio Buen Ayre -Red 92- (La Plata) / [Gen] / B 1640, Radio Libre (Capital Federal) / [Pop] / B 1650, AM Fortaleza (Ezeiza) / [Rlg] / B 1650, Radio Sueños (Monte Chingolo) / [Rlg] / B 1680, AM Getro (Lanús oeste) / [Rlg] / B 1690, Radio Apocalipsis II (San Justo) / [Rlg] / B Programación: [Gen] Programas de interés general. [Pop] Música popular. [Rlg] Religiosa. Caracter de las emisiones: (A) Emisora de carácter “oficial” (B) Emisora de carácter “no oficial” (i) Reportada inactiva. Nota: Se denomina emisora “no oficial” a aquella que no cuenta con licencia para operar otorgada por autoridad competente (COMFER/CNC), más allá de las acciones legales que haya interpuesto para permanecer en el aire. Estadística general: Emisoras de la Capital Federal: 30 (13 de ellas “oficiales”) Emisoras del Gran Buenos Aires (Zona Norte): 13 Emisoras del Gran Buenos Aires (Zona Oeste): 37 Emisoras del Gran Buenos Aires (Zona Sur): 40 (2 de ellas “oficiales”) Emisoras de La Plata: 4 (2 de ellas “oficiales”) TOTAL EMISORAS: 124 estaciones Oficiales: 17 estaciones No Oficiales: 107 estaciones OBSERVACIONES: Como pude advertirse, existe un gran número de emmisoras operando dentro de un área geográfica estimada en alrededor de 60 kms a la redonda (!!!), y muchas estaciones “no oficiales” actualmente operan desde canales adyacentes a frecuencias asignadas a emisoras “oficiales”. Asimismo, y salvo en las frecuencias de 550 KHz y 810 KHz, en ningún otro canal de de AM pueden ser audibles estaciones que operan desde el vecino Uruguay. Actualización: 02-01-2005 (Marcelo A. Cornachioni, Lomas de Zamora, Argentina, lista Conexion Digital via @tividade DX Jan 9 via DXLD ) ** ASCENSION [non!]. Islanders suffer postal blunder --- BBC NEWS The Royal Mail accidentally sent Christmas post bound for a South Atlantic British colony to Paraguay and the Caribbean, it has emerged. Thousands of pounds worth of presents meant for Ascension Island were sent to Asunción, the capital of Paraguay. To make matters worse, mail due for Ascension's major settlement, Georgetown, arrived thousands of miles away in Georgetown, Guyana. Royal Mail has apologised and says islanders will still receive the mail. 'Early start' But its arrival could be delayed further because of the small number of flights between the territories involved. "We apologise that mail to customers in Ascension did not arrive in time for Christmas," the Royal Mail said in a statement. "We have taken steps to rectify this to ensure it will not happen in the future." Islander Paul Knowles, 29, whose family hail from Barnsley, South Yorkshire, ordered £1,000-worth of presents from the internet in September in an effort to make sure recipients received their gifts in time for Christmas. He aimed to take delivery of them on Ascension Island, which belongs to the British St Helena colony, so he could wrap them and then send them back to the UK. His local post office contacted the Royal Mail when islanders started to wonder where their post had got to. 'Expecting presents' Speaking from the village of Two Boats on Ascension, he said: "First the Royal Mail said it was held up and then they said there was a good chance it was actually sent to Paraguay or Guyana." He said he thought it "unlikely" the mail would ever turn up, but added: "It would be nice if it did." It has not ruined Christmas but a great deal of people do not have correspondence from people in the UK "Just about everyone is expecting Christmas presents they were getting for friends and family. "It has not ruined Christmas but a great deal of people do not have correspondence from people in the UK. "A company like the Royal Mail should know about Ascension." He said that, although the Royal Mail had sent an apology to the post office on Ascension, he had received no assurances the same problem could not happen again. Story from BBC NEWS: http://news.bbc.co.uk/go/pr/fr/-/2/hi/uk_news/4160235.stm Published: 2005/01/09 23:04:40 GMT © BBC MMV (via Dan Say, BC, DXLD) ** BRAZIL. R. Verdes Florestas --- I have been following this one and finally got a positive ID on Jan 7. It came on at 1036 and went into nice upbeat inspirational vocals by man, some kids chorus; nice canned ID at 1043 with AM and "ondas tropicais" calls and frequencies, location as Cruzeiro do Sul. Then bells and muffled talk by man, seemed like a prayer, and into more audible preaching with intermittent background choral singing. Canned ID again at 1058, into music. This one pops on at various times circa 1035, once at 1041, and the signal is seldom very good (Jerry Berg, MA, NASWA Flashsheet via DXLD) ** BURKINA FASO. 5030, Radio Burkina, 0600, Inicio de la transmisión, francés, locutor, Noticias: "Ici l'information", lectura de la programación del día. Música vernácula. 34333.. (Enero 8 y 9). (Manuel Méndez Lugo, Spain, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CHINA. 5075, Voice of Pujiang, Shanghai logged Dec 21 with fair reception at 1225 - talk programme, interviews and music 33433 (Torre Ekblom, Finland, DX LISTENING DIGEST) See also SPAIN [non] ** CHINA. WHY DOES CCP STILL FRET OVER THE NEWS? By DAVID WALL, Special to The Japan Times http://www.japantimes.co.jp/cgi-bin/geted.pl5?eo20050110a2.htm LONDON -- A short while ago, when I was in Beijing, I wanted to keep up with some political development in Hong Kong. I turned on my computer and went to the Asia-Pacific page of the BBC's Web site. Or at least I tried to; I had forgotten that the BBC site is blocked in China. As I was staying in a five-star hotel where it is possible to receive the BBC World station, I turned on the TV. Just as a Hong Kong news item appeared, the screen went blank. At first I tried adjusting the set, but then it came on again showing a different news item. This is a nonsensical situation, of course, because all I had to do was tune in to other news sites on the TV (such as CNN), or other sites on the World Wide Web (such as Reuters), to find out what was going on. Foreigners in China can find out what is going on anywhere in the world through these channels and via the foreign newspapers available in hotels. Chinese people can also keep up to date with world events if they choose to, via satellite television, which is illegal but widespread. Some can also find ways around the censors on the Internet -- at home. There is strict surveillance over access to the Internet in Internet Cafes: They have all been closed down in Beijing. Elsewhere, identity cards have to be shown by Chinese and passports by foreigners. Their details, the times and the computers used are written down, and the information is made available to the security services. Most Chinese do not have access to world news, do not travel and do not have friends or relatives abroad. They are dependent on the national media for their news about both world events and national news. That media is heavily censored; it has been getting censored more rigorously under the new leadership of President Hu Jintao. It is a strange experience to give a public lecture in China about events in China that the audience is not aware of. In the last couple of years I have given several lectures in China in which I have referred to high-level corruption in the Chinese Communist Party and, accordingly, its government. Such references have been met with disbelief, and I have been criticized for my ignorance even though all of my information came from official Chinese sources as reported in the Western media. These stories, while available in the international media (even some that circulate in hotels in China), are not published in media accessible to the Chinese people as a whole. I have also had calls from Chinese friends visiting Britain to express their surprise at news items they have come across in the British media, either about China or about global issues. They have either not heard the stories in China at all, or heard or read completely distorted versions of the stories before they left China. Why does Beijing restrict the access of Chinese citizens to accurate and honest (as it can be) news about events in both China and the world? The CCP has recently been tightening that censorship to make it even more restrictive, for example, instructing the media to limit or even cut out all references to the growing number of street demonstrations criticizing the party and its regime. What is it frightened of? The Chinese Communist Party and its government want to be taken more seriously on the world stage as the economy grows. Surely, then, shouldn't it be seeking to allow Chinese citizens to become more educated about what is going on in China and the world? The problem is that an educated and informed citizenship can form opinions as to whether the policies that the government imposes on them, and its international policies, are the most sensible or the most appropriate. It is this that the party wishes to prevent. Once citizens can argue on a well-informed basis about policies being followed by their government, then they can question the legitimacy of that government, and the party that controls it, if they consider the policies it follows wrong most of the time. There is no doubt that the CCP and the government want to prevent that. There is also the problem of corruption. Citizens everywhere in China are aware of the corruption at the local level. It affects them all in their everyday lives as local party officials, their friends and their protected associates in local government and state-owned enterprises take advantage of their positions to illegally accumulate wealth. The gap between the corrupt and the exploited is widening too much and too fast not to be noticed. As far as the media goes, the party makes sure that there is publicity for some of the prosecutions of lower-level officials, and occasionally of higher-level officials when their crimes cannot be hidden. It also makes sure that the media cannot engage in investigative journalism. Journalists are not allowed to investigate the belief that corruption is more widespread nationally and at much higher levels than the party is willing to admit. As the CCP seeks to raise the status of China on the world stage, its position on that stage will be questioned by issues of its legitimacy. It is sad that the party believes that it can only ensure that the Chinese people accept that legitimacy if they are kept ignorant of the truth about what is going on in China and the world outside. David Wall is an associate fellow of the Royal Institute of International Affairs at Chatham House, London -- Japan Times Jan. 10, 2005 (C) All rights reserved (via kimandrewelliott.com via DXLD) ** COLOMBIA. NEWS FROM RUSSELL AND MARINA STENDAL January 10, 2005 As we enter the dry season here in eastern Colombia the conflict has intensified. Firefights have even erupted within thirty miles of our radio station at Lomalinda between hundreds of men. We are planning another small radio station in the municipality of Puerto Rico to the south east of Lomalinda. This is the place where we had the boat fire last year. The entire town has been very supportive of our ministry and it appears that the government may grant us the necessary license within the next few months. We will need about five thousand dollars for red tape and paperwork and then another ten thousand to mount the initial part of the station. To the west of Lomalinda we are contemplating another situation. I have located a large mountain and hope to install an FM repeater at the 5600 ft. level on a triangular ridge that overlooks the jungle. This will allow us to project our signal over five hundred kilometers into a very needy area which we have up until now been unable to reach and which has virtually no churches, pastors or missionaries. The site has the possibility of electric power (we will have to build a half mile or so of high tension lines). We have most of the equipment and the tower but we have to build a small transmitter building and pay for installation of the electricity. Ten thousand dollars would go a long ways towards making this a reality. Our second short wave transmitter is now in the final stages of installation and we hope to begin transmitting a test signal soon. The goal is to use one transmitter for pre-evangelism and the other for post-evangelism. One set of programming is aimed at bringing the unconverted into contact with the truth. The second station is geared towards teaching and building up those who have definitely chosen to follow the Lord. We are hoping to be able to link the short wave transmitters at Lomalinda with the studio in Bogotá. This requires permission from the government, permission from the national Telecom which controls the remote link site, and the necessary equipment to link the two sites. We are also planning to stream our short wave stations onto the internet. The internet portion of this project is already underway and we hope to enter a test phase shortly. I have had a very intense time for the past several weeks driving and hiking all over the mountains seeking out the proper sites. In the course of the above objectives we have run into members of all the fighting factions --- all of whom have received us with open arms. It is amazing to be able to run across all the different lines of this conflict and have open doors. Truly the time is right and the harvest is ripe here in Colombia. Your prayers and financial help make it possible for us to continue. May the Lord continue to bless each and every one of you. Tax deductible donations may be sent via: Pan America Mission Inc. P.O. Box 429, Newburg, Oregon, USA 97132-0429 Bethesda Fellowship c/o Jean Bergeron, 12629 248th St., Maple Ridge, BC, Canada V4R 1K4 (Colombia para Cristo newsletter Jan 9 via Henrik Klemetz, Sweden, DXLD) gh, the sw station is the one intended to operate on 5920 kHz. /HK Henrik, Tnx. Wasn`t it 5910? 5920 would be clashing with WBOH. Hmmm, 5910 would be clashing with RUI... Or was it 5915? I suppose they have to use the frequency MinCom really authorized, whatever the international interference consequences (Glenn to Henrik) Honestly, I do not recall which was the actual frequency, perhaps 5915, after all, but by keeping the frequency slightly offset, a sesquikilohertz or so, it might reach afar... /HK (Henrik Klemetz, ibid.) ** COLOMBIA. 6035, 29.12 0805, HJOY, La Voz del Guaviare. Announced something like "Colombia la letra" (which does not make sense). QSA 3 (Jan Edh, Sweden, SW Bulletin Jan 9, translated by editor Thomas Nilsson for DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CONGO DR. 5066.491, 30.12 1610, Radio Candip with a domestic program in native language. Closedown 1645. 2 (Stig Adolfsson, Sweden, SW Bulletin Jan 9, translated by editor Thomas Nilsson for DX LISTENING DIGEST) 5066.5, 5.1 1558, R. Candip with ID just after 16.00. S1-3 (Olle Bjurström, Sweden, SW Bulletin Jan 9, translated by editor Thomas Nilsson for DX LISTENING DIGEST) see also KATANGA ** CUBA. Los Boyeros del aire --- Luego de estar mucho tiempo sin sintonizar la frecuencia 13339 USB, he podido comprobar el dia de hoy a las 14:40 UTC que la misma sigue activa, es una frecuencia donde se encuentran Los Boyeros del aire, controladores aereos, que como su nombre lo indica, controlan, vigilan y tienen contacto con los aviones que entran o salen de Cuba. Hoy he podido escuchar el vuelo 405 de Mexico reportandose é informando que subiría a 10.000 pies ya que a los 3000 pies había mucha nubosidad. Hasta los momentos solo he escuchado comunicaciones en español en esta frecuencia. ¿Habrá alguna dirección donde se pueda escribir ó enviar un informe de recepción? Receptor Yaesu FT- 890. Atte: (José Elías Díaz Gómez, Venezuela, Jan 10, Noticias DX via DXLD) ** CUBA. Hello, all, Last evening, while cruising 49 meters, I came upon Radio Havana Cuba on 6000 or so. As I tuned up to the frequency, the transmission had the "feel" of being a really strong signal (At least, it appeared to affect other broadcasts more than 10 kHz away from the center.). When I got to the center of the frequency, however, I found the audio very weak. To hear the broadcast, I had to turn the audio gain way up. Changing antennas and switching to another broadcast indicated that only Havana was affected. Any idea why? (Ron Hunsicker, Wyomissing, Pennsylvania swl at qth.net via DXLD) I`ve noticed this too at times lately, also on 12000. It could be a problem in the studio-transmitter link, or anywhere along the line; not unusual for them (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** ECUADOR. Quito 10/1 2004 *** Monday edition: *** Recording of HCJB R. Internacional via R. Buen Pastor 4815.00 kHz. We have had a little "problem" with an ID I heard from my unID LA on 4864.96 kHz. Yesterday evening 2330 I was listening to R. Buen Pastor, Saraguro (Ecuador) on 4815.00 kHz with very good reception and I made a perfect recording of "ALAS HCJB Radio Internacional" ID. Many stations are buying this program service from HCJB and it´s good to know this ID. As you know I´m now always using my new DSP receiver Tem-Tec RX 350D. Comments and recordings at: http://www.malm-ecuador.com 73s (Björn Malm, Quito, Ecuador, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Or ALAS is buying time from stations? ** EGYPT. The Media Minister announced that he took the decision of minimizing the languages of the overseas sections of Radio Cairo to 11 languages only, out of 35. But decision didn't come into effect yet (Jan 8-9); most of the R. Cairo transmissions could be monitored yesterday. 15 and 11 MHz outlets towards Africa couldn't be traced here in Europe at 1830-2230 UT time slot, due of bad propagation. EGYPTIAN RADIO &TV UNION (ERTU). BROADCAST ENGINEERING PROGRAM SCHEDULE (B-04) UTC kHz mb PROGRAM TARGET AREA 0030-0430 7115 41 ARABIC EaNoAMERICA 0045-0200 7260 41 SPANISH NoAMERICA 0045-0200 11755 25 SPANISH CeAMERICA 0045-0200 9415 31 SPANISH SoAMERICA Abis site 9415 signal is three quarters second behind Abu Zaabal site 7260 & 11715 kHz. # 0200-0330 7260 41 ENGLISH NoAMERICA 1100-0300 12050 25 GENERAL PROGRAM NoAMERICA & EUR 0700-1100 15115 19 GENERAL PROGRAM WeAFRICA 1015-1215 17775 16 ARABIC M.EAST & AFG 1115-1215 15710 19 THAI SoEaASIA 1215-1330 17670 16 ENGLISH SoASIA 1215-1315 15710 19 MALAY SoEaASIA 1230-1530 15490 19 PERSIAN TADZHIKSTAN 1320-1450 15710 19 INDONESIAN SoEaASIA 1330-1430 17670 16 BENGALI SoASIA 1300-1600 15365 19 ARABIC WeAFRICA 1400-1530 11655 25 AZERI AZERBAIJAN Abis odd 11655.58 QRM het of co-ch 11655, VoRUS Armavir in Dari. # 1500-1600 13660 22 HINDI SoASIA 1430-1600 15670 19 PASHTO AFGHANISTAN 1530-1630 9480 31 UZBEKI UZBEKISTAN 1530-1630 15155 19 AFAR Ea&CeAFRICA Abis odd 15154.91 # 1530-1730 17810 16 SWAHILI Ce&EaAFRICA 1600-1800 13660 22 URDU SoASIA 1600-1645 15620 19 ZULU Ce&SoAFRICA 1600-1800 6230 49 TURKISH TURKEY Abis odd 6230.60 # 1600-1800 9990 31 ALBANIAN ALBANIA Abis odd 9990.10 # 1630-1730 15155 19 SOMALI Ea&CeAFRICA Abis odd 15154.94 # 1630-1830 9855 31 ENGLISH Ce&SoAFRICA 1645-1730 15620 19 SHONA Ce&SoAFRICA 1730-1815 15620 19 INDEBELE Ce&SoAFRICA 1730-1900 15155 19 AMHARIC Ea&CeAFRICA Abis odd 15154.96 # 1800-1900 7120 41 RUSSIAN WeRUSSIA 1800-1900 9988 31 ITALIAN EUROPE Abis odd 9988.10 # 1800-2100 9760 31 HAUSA WeAFRICA Abis odd 9759.96 # 1830-1915 9855 31 LINGALA Ce&SoAFRICA 1830-1930 15375 19 WOLOF WeAFRICA 1900-2000 9990 31 GERMAN EUROPE Abis odd 9990.10 # 1900-0030 11665 25 VOICE OF THE ARABSCe&EaAFRICA 1915-2030 15425 19 FULANI WeAFRICA 1930-2030 15375 19 BAMBARA WeAFRICA 2000-2200 7270 41 ARABIC AUSTRALIA 2000-2115 9990 31 FRENCH EUROPE Abis odd 9990.10 # 2030-2200 15375 19 ENGLISH WeAFRICA 2030-2230 15335 19 FRENCH WeAFRICA 2100-2200 9760 31 YORUBA WeAFRICA Abis odd 9759.96 # 2115-2245 9990 31 ENGLISH EUROPE Abis odd 9990.10 # 2215-2330 11790 25 PORTUGUESE SoAMERICA 2300-0030 7115 41 ENGLISH EaNoAMERICA 2330-0045 9735 31 ARABIC SoAMERICA 2330-0045 11755 25 ARABIC SoAMERICA (Tarek Zeidan-EGY SU1TZ, BC-DX Dec 4, 2004. # all comments by (Wolfgang Büschel, Jan 8-9, 2005, dxldyg via DXLD) ** FINLAND. On 11 Jan at 1415 noted a weak station on 5045 with music. I already had hopes for RRI Yogyakarta reactivation but then the station faded up a bit and I realised the song was in Finnish. Checking weak YLE on 6120, yes - in parallel. Some calculating and I checked also 7195, parallel program. This was a transmitter-site mixing product 7195-6120=1075, 6120-1075=5045. These are rather common around 6 MHz when YLE has two transmitters on at the same time in the 49 mb (Jari Savolainen, Kuusankoski, Finland, Jan 11, DX LISTENIING DIGEST) ** GERMANY [non]. Hansjörg just drew my attention to the circumstance that in 1925y the German stations were not called Reichssender yet, so the information I quoted was in part incorrect. At least it appears to be true that a programme from Pittsburgh had been transferred to Germany via shortwave (Kai Ludwig, Germany, Jan 10, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** GUYANA. 3291.2, 4.1 0120, GBC, Georgetown, as an unID with English and music -- and mostly as a proof that the new beverage works. I had to restring once more because the farmer next door after a few days took away a lot more than 100 meters which was strung deep in his spruces. Despite this it was hindering taking care of the trees. But after some "longer apology" I could string out the wire "along the edge". Well, a gawky "but it will not be straight" was for deaf ears (could be because of the motor saw was idle), so it ended up "along the edge" up to the spruces -- which in principle means just outside his land for someone used to read maps. Five days later I am even more clever after discovering the value of squeezed Delta-loops, so called Kaz-antennas (Hermod Pedersen, Sweden, SW Bulletin Jan 9, translated by editor Thomas Nilsson for DX LISTENING DGIEST) ** INDIA. 4971, 5.1 1224, AIR Shillong. Today one kHz above its nominal frequency. A nice station to listen to as they often have melodious Asian and Western music. Today a program in English with among others rock S3 (Olle Bjurström, Sweden, SW Bulletin Jan 9, translated by editor Thomas Nilsson for DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** INDIA. AIR Shillong has been on split 4971 for several days (Jari Savolainen, Kuusankoski, Finland, Jan 11, DX LISTENIING DIGEST) ** INDIA. 5010, AIR Thiruvananthapuram, 0118-0132, Jan. 10, Vernacular, Presumed "tsunami" coverage as the announcer mentioned the word several times during monitoring with PSA re "alcohol" at 0122, "Akashvani" at 0123, another PSA at 0130 re "tsunami" into lite Hindi music and "Mirimana" by OM. This AIR outlet has been pounding into N.H. the past few weeks at this time. Is it safe to assume it's running at increased power to provide local tsunami coverage to the affected regions? (Scott R. Barbour Jr., Intervale, NH, R75, 200' Beverage antennas, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** INTERNATIONAL. FRECUENCIAS DE RADIO CLUB INTERNACIONAL KHZ RADIO CLUB PAIS 26775 Federación Catalana de CB España 26575 Independientes de la Perla Tapatia México 26805 Grupo Internacional Cherokee México 26256 Delta Tango España 26485 Lima Oscar Internacional España 27525 Sierra Alfa Argentina 28310 Radio Club Peruano (1930) Peru 26615 Internacional CB Club Correcaminos (AM) México 27740 Grupo Radio Argentina Argentina 27810 Sugar Delta Francia Francia 27520 Papa Alfa Zulú Argentina 27895 Agrupación R.B.D España 27655 Echo Tango Internacional Francia 27590 Alfa Tango Australia 27085 IMBA Protección Civil Imbabura Ecuador 27525 Sierra Papa Group Italia 27710 Romeo Charly Italia 27628 Fantasmas Internacionales Puerto Rico 27675 Sierra Alfa 27765 Zetas Internacionales México 27520 Agrupación Paz Argentina 26975 Romeo Hotel Costa Rica 27570 Mike Romeo Charly Francia 27085 Agrupación Sierra Bravo Mexico 27465 Atlantic Voice Dx Club I.C España 27440 Zetas Internacionales USA 27695 Alfa Juliet Romeo España 27485 Rodeo Dimensión Latina Internacional USA 27605 Radio Familia Nacional Los Ángeles USA 26485 Eco Alfa España 27550 Bravo Romeo Charlie (USB) Alemania 27865 Mike Uniform España 28310 URE Unión de R.E. Españoles España 27135 Águilas Internacionales (AM) El Salvador 27155 Filial de Emergencias México 27115 Protección Civil (AM) México 27725 Romeo Charly Mike Italia 27565 Alfa Tango Canal de encuentro 27525 Radio Club de América USA 27455 Canal de Contacto Internacional 27815 Amigos Sin Fronteras México 27415 Charly Alfa (27855) Italia 27765 Panteras Internacionales México 27475 Pipiles Internacionales USA 27595 Conejos Internacionales México 26585 Aztecas Internacionales México MATERIAL ENVIADO POR CORTESÍA HONDURAS DX CLUB. (HDXC) APDO. POSTAL 376. C.P 01-1804-01, EL PROGRESO, YORO, HONDURAS, C.A --- 1ER. CLUB DE RADIO ESCUCHAS DE LA ONDA CORTA (SW) MARZO 2004 (via Utilitarias, Conexión Digital Jan 8 via DXLD) Are any of these legal? The ones above 28 MHz actually licensed ham? (gh) ** INTERNATIONAL VACUUM. Radio programming has been just terrible for more than ten years. XM is such joy and fun, I want to giggle. My best comment: I haven't enjoyed radio so much since I was 16. It's really true. It's a blast. I am an avid baseball fan of an out-of-town team (the world champion Boston Red Sox) and I can't wait to hear them on XM. No more pre-emptions of games because Rush Limbaugh makes more money (thanks WTIC-AM Hartford.) Solid reception, day and night, of play-by-play anywhere in conUS. I will continue to Rock (and Roll) on! Get with the 21st century, analog-philes! (Karl Zuk, N2KZ, WTFDA via DXLD) ** IRAN. 6120, 0218-, Voice of Justice, Jan 8. ID heard at 0218 in English with western accented male announcer. Only at fair level. Checked for their parallel of 9580, only to hear a very distorted very strong signal, CRI in Mandarin via Cuba. Distorted sufficiently to only be able to identify language and not much else. Seems to be a common problem in Cuba these days. I initially thought I was simply swamping my Timewave 599zx digital audio processor, but no, it was working fine. Sign-off announcements with times and frequencies from 0226 (Volodya Salmaniw, Victoria, BC, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** ITALY. 5775, IRRS, 2213-2231, Jan. 9, English, Lecture by spokesman for the "National Public Land Grazing Committee" railing about the evils of livestock grazing on federal lands. YL with production info, phone number and tape offer at http://www.tucradio.org IRRS POB and WBCQ promo ("Listen Up Radio-?") at 2230 into lite music. Rough copy, best listening in LSB (Scott R. Barbour Jr., Intervale ,NH, R75, 200' Beverage antennas, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** ITALY [non]. Medialine --- Mr. Brice tells me in an e-mail that ``as of 15 January, the programme will be expanding to 1-hour in length, and will be heard [at] 2030-2130 UT on 5775 kHz and http://mp3.nexus.org There will also be a separate online broadcast at 1430-1530 UT also at http://mp3.nexus.org The format of the programme will also expand to include all aspects of radio both old and new. I will be continuing to present selected news items and interviews with various people, but will also include some old-time radio drama, programming highlights and occasional specialist features ... While it is not as complete and regularly updated as I would like it to be, I will still be maintaining the website at http://medialine.150m.com ``(via John Norfolk, dxldyg via DXLD) ** KASHMIR [non]. PAKISTAN. R. Pakistan/Azad Kashmir Radio 100 kW transmitter has been on split 4790.8 for some days now. Same transmitter is used as a clandestine Voice of Jammu Kashmir Freedom 1300?-1430 and seems to be on 5102.8 (Jari Savolainen, Kuusankoski, Finland, Jan 11, DX LISTENIING DIGEST) ** KATANGA. CONGO DR. 7205, RTNC, Lumbumbashi, 1942 Nov [correct] 25 in French, M&W talk with brief afropop music between segments at 1950, 1955 and 1958, dead air for about 20 [seconds] at 2000, then a woman mentioning "Congolaise," more abouot Bukavu, Bunia, Lumbubashi --- all towns in Katanga province --- then back to M&W talking, brief African tribal rhythms between segments at 2012, 2016 and 2017. Very weak. You have to hope for an early opening for this one, as a Russian-language service, probably BBC, takes over this frequency from 2030 (Mark A. Coady, Ont., Your Reports, Jan ODXA Listening In via DXLD) ** KOREA NORTH. B04 KRE changes from Jan 1, 2005 KOREA D.P.R. Unter http://www2.starcat.ne.jp/~ndxc/nk.htm ist ein am 05.01.2005 aktualisierter Sendeplan der Stimme Koreas mit Stand vom 01.01.2005 veröffentlicht. Hier fehlen nun die üblichen Arabischsendungen um 1500 und 1900 UT. Diese sollen durch Englischsendungen ersetzt worden sein. Gleichzeitig erfolgte angeblich der Tausch der Europasendungen in Spanisch (bisher 1800) und Englisch (bisher 1900), so daß diese nun 1800 in Englisch und 1900 in Spanisch kommen sollen. Bei den gegenwärtig sehr schlechten Empfangsbedingungen kann ich selber gar nichts aus Pyongyang zu diesen Zeiten empfangen. Kann jemand die Änderungen bestätigen/dementieren? (Arnulf Piontek, Germany, BC-DX Jan 10 via HCDX via DXLD) B-04 Voice of Korea, Pyongyang, eff. as from Jan 1st, 2005 0000 Chinese 13650 15100 SoEaAS 4405 0000 Korean (PBS) 7140 9345 9730 NoEaCHN 3560 0000 Spanish 11735 13760 15180 CeAM 0100 English 7140 9345 9730 NoEaCHN 3560 0100 English 11735 13760 15180 CeAM 0100 French 13650 15100 SoEaAS 4405 0200 Chinese 7140 9345 9730 NoEaCHN 3560 0200 English 13650 15100 SoEaAS 4405 0200 Spanish 11735 13760 15180 CeAM 0300 Chinese 13650 15100 SoEaAS 4405 0300 English 7140 9345 9730 NoEaCHN 3560 0300 French 11735 13760 15180 CeAM 0700 Japanese 621 3250 7580 9650 JPN 0700 Korean (PBS) 7140 9345 NoEaCHN 4405 0700 Russian 9975 11735 FE 3560 0700 Russian 13760 15245 Eu 0800 Chinese 7140 9345 NoEaCHN 4405 0800 Japanese 621 3250 7580 9650 JPN 0800 Russian 9975 11735 FE 3560 0800 Russian 13760 15245 Eu 0900 Japanese 621 3250 6070 7580 9650 JPN 0900 Korean (KCBS) 7140 9345 NoEaCHN 4405 0900 Korean (PBS) 9975 11735 FE 3560 0900 Korean (PBS) 13760 15245 Eu 1000 English 9335 9850 CeAM 1000 English 6185 6285 SoEaAS 3560 1000 Japanese 621 3250 6070 7580 9650 JPN 1000 Korean (PBS) 7140 9345 NoEaCHN 4405 1100 Chinese 7140 9345 CHN 4405 1100 French 9335 9850 CeAM 1100 French 6185 6285 SoEaAS 3560 1100 Japanese 621 3250 6070 7580 9650 JPN 1200 Japanese 621 3250 6070 7580 9650 JPN 1200 Korean (KCBS) 9335 9850 CeAM 1200 Korean (KCBS) 6185 6285 SoEaAS 3560 1200 Korean (PBS) 7140 9345 NoEaCHN 4405 1300 Chinese 6185 9850 SoEaAS 3560 1300 English 7570 12015 WEu 4405 1300 English 9335 11710 NoAM 1300 Korean (PBS) 6285 9325 Eu 1400 French 7570 12015 WEu 4405 1400 French 9335 11710 NoAM 1400 Korean (KCBS) 6185 9850 SoEaAS 3560 1400 Russian 6285 9325 Eu 1500 English 9990 11545 ME, NAf 3560 (xArabic 9975 11535 ME, NAf 3560) 1500 English 7570 12015 WEu 4405 1500 English 9335 11710 NoAM 1500 Russian 6285 9325 Eu 1600 German 6285 9325 Eu 1600 English 9990 11545 (x9975 11535) ME, NAf 3560 1600 French 7570 12015 WEu 4405 1600 French 9335 11710 NoAM 1700 Korean (KCBS) 7570 12015 WEu 4405 1700 Korean (KCBS) 9335 11710 NoAM 1700 Russian 6285 9325 Eu 1700 Spanish 9990 11545 (x9975 11535) ME, NAf 3560 1800 German 6285 9325 Eu 1800 French 7100 11910 (x11710) SAf 1800 French 9975 11535 ME, NAf 3560 1800 English (xSpanish) 7570 12015 WEu 4405 1900 English 7100 11910 SAf (x1900 Arabic 7100 11710 SAf) 1900 English (xArabic) 9975 11535 ME, NAf 3560 1900 Spanish (xEnglish) 7570 12015 WEu 4405 1900 German 6285 9325 Eu 2000 French 7570 12015 WEu 4405 2000 Korean (KCBS) 7100 11910 (x11710) SAf 2000 Korean (KCBS) 6285 9325 Eu 2000 Korean (KCBS) 9975 11535 ME, NAf 3560 2100 Chinese 7180 9345 NoEaCHN 3560 2100 Chinese 9975 11535 CHN 2100 English 7570 12015 WEu 4405 2100 Japanese 621 3250 7580 9650 JPN 2200 Chinese 7180 9345 NoEaCHN 3560 2200 Chinese 9975 11535 CHN 2200 Japanese 621 3250 7580 9650 JPN 2200 Spanish 7570 12015 WEu 4405 2300 Japanese 621 3250 7580 9650 JPN 2300 Korean (KCBS) 7180 9345 NoEaCHN 3560 2300 Korean (KCBS) 7570 12015 WEu 4405 2300 Korean (KCBS) 9975 11535 CHN 80 program sections to various targets. Target Voice of Korea B-04 schedule, Pyongyang. CeAM CeAmerica CHN China Eu Europe FE Far East JPN Japan ME Middle East NAf NoAfrica NoAM NoAmerica NoEaCHN NorthEast China SAf SoAfrica SAm SoAmerica SoEaAS SouthEast Asia WEu Western Europe (thanks to Nagoya DXC-JPN; Arnulf Piontek-D; wb, BC-DX Dec 10 via HCDX via DXLD) ** KUWAIT. 11835, VOA, sharp looking, f/d "IBB-Kuwait Transmitting Station" verification letter in 32 days for 1 IRC and a f/up report direct to Kuwait. Original report to VOA-U.S offices still unanswered. V/S, George Miller, Supervisor (Scott R. Barbour Jr., Intervale, NH, R75, 200' Beverage antennas, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Interesting! What is the direct postal address of the IBB Kuwait Transmitting station? (Reijo Alapiha, Joensuu, Finland, hcdx via DXLD) There are two addresses listed. Return address on envelope: Broadcasting Board of Governors, Kuwait Transmitting Station, POB 77, 13001 Safat, Kuwait. The address on the verification letter is: Kuwait Transmitting Station, c/o American Embassy-Bayan, POB 77, Safat, 13001 Kuwait. This is the address I used and was first posted by Koichi Saito, JSWC DX Guide, Japan. I should have posted this info with my original QSL log. Hope this helps (Scott Barbour, ibid.) ** KUWAIT [and non]. Survey of FM radio band --- BBC Monitoring undertook a survey of the VHF/FM radio band in Kuwait City in the afternoon and early evening [European time] of 9 January 2005, with the following results: FM band in Kuwait City (MHz) 87.9 - Radio Kuwait Classical Arabic Music Programme 88.3 - [Saudi] BSKSA Koran Programme 89.5 - Radio Kuwait Main Programme 90.1 - BBC World Service, in Arabic 90.8 - Radio Qatar main service 91.4 - [UAE-based] MBC 92.5 - [Radio Kuwait] Easy FM, in English 93.3 - Radio Bahrain FM 95.7 - [US-based] Radio Sawa 96.3 - Radio Kuwait Classical Arabic Music Programme 96.5 - Radio Bahrain English Service 96.9 - Voice of America, in English 97.5 - Radio Kuwait 2nd Programme 98.4 - Radio Bahrain News Channel 98.9 - Radio Kuwait Koran Programme 99.3 - [Iranian] IRIB World Service, in Arabic 99.7 - [Radio Kuwait] Super Station, in English 100.5 - Kuwait TV1 sound 101.6 - [Iranian] IRIB Radio Javan network, in Persian 103.0 - [UAE-based] Panorama FM, Bahrain 103.7 - Radio Kuwait Modern Arabic Music Programme 105.6 - Radio Kuwait Modern Arabic Music Programme 105.9 - [Iranian] IRIB Radio Farhang network, in Persian 106.3 - BFBS Radio 2, in English, southern Iraq 107.3 - Radio Monte Carlo - Middle East, in Arabic & French 107.9 - American Forces Network, in English All broadcasts were in Arabic unless otherwise indicated. Some changes noted during this survey were that the Radio Kuwait Koran Programme was not observed on their former 93.3 MHz frequency, and Radio Kuwait's International FM was absent from 95.0 MHz. Source: BBC Monitoring research 9 Jan 05 (via BBCM via DXLD) ** LATVIA. 9290, Q103, f/d "Lighthouse" card with site; V/S Juna Viren; info sheet, stickers and a personal letter from DJ Volker in 10 days for an e-mail report. Thanks to George Maroti who put me in touch with Tom Taylor at EMR who forwarded my e-mail query to Q103 (Scott R. Barbour Jr., Intervale ,NH, R75, 200' Beverage antennas, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** LUXEMBOURG. See DRM below ** MADAGASCAR. Hello, some notes about RNW's Talata Volonondry site as featured at http://www5a.biglobe.ne.jp/~BCLSWL/Madagascar.html : The transmitters rated as 350 kW would be the Philips 8FZ521. As far as I know are Bonaire and Yavne (Israel) the only other sites where this model can be found. Frankly, I am shocked about the portrayed transmitter being run with open PA stage cabinet. Have these Philips rigs no door contacts? The "new 250 kW transmitter in construction in red case" appears to be a Brown Boveri SK55. These transmitters are no longer manufactured, so the question is, where they obtained this rig? The Sottens transmitter looked exactly like this... Also interesting to note the mixing consoles on the control desk. Actual audio sources are hardly visible, only three Optimods (certainly 9105A). (Kai Ludwig, Germany, Jan 10, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** MEXICO. Mexico's Zapatistas have been broadcasting their popular radio show for the past 21 years; now, a new website is allowing them to archive the history they're recording. It's dark – the kind of profound darkness that a lack of electricity ensures in a mountainous jungle region. A dull pulse carries through the night of the southeastern Mexican state of Chiapas like an old woman's heartbeat. It's 4 a.m., and one can hear what has been a regular soundtrack at this hour for hundreds of years: a steady pounding as creased and callused brown hands massage dough for the day's tortillas. And for the past year, Chiapas has greeted 4 a.m. with another soundtrack. Fade in crackle, which quickly disappears, replaced by a clear and youthful female voice: "Muy Buenos Dias."/"A very good morning." The voice is that of an insurgent fighter with the Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional (EZLN), perhaps one of the world's quietest and most powerful rebel armies. The world knows them as the Zapatistas. "Estás escuchando Radio Insurgente, la voz de los sin voz."/"You are listening to Radio Insurgente, the Voice of the Voiceless." The voice is being relayed to nearby Zapatista autonomous communities from a makeshift and very clandestine radio studio. The Zapatistas have built egg carton-lined studios, erected transmitters and trained themselves to operate a radio station. Hundreds of years of media voicelessness ended in August 2003 with daily, 16-hour broadcasts. "...voz oficial del Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional."/ "...official voice of the Zapatista National Liberation Army." She is the official voice of the EZLN on the Zapatista radio network. The intimacy and immediacy of this uncensored mass communication is something that the indigenous rebel army has never before had. "Son las cuatro de la madrugada."/"It's four in the morning." Zapatista time. Daybreak. Fade in Zapatista national anthem. . . [more] http://www.alternet.org/mediaculture/20932/ (via Andy Sennitt, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** MEXICO. First time I moved up to 1590 to see if I could get a handle on México City's new "Radio Reloj," there it was from 0219 UTC tune-in for about three minutes before KVGB's Fox Sports Net programming took over the channel. Each minute, as expected, there's a time check; It begins with a deep-voiced man saying "Radio Reloj" and then short sentence, followed by two-pip note, like cuckoo, and a different man giving the time. Several bits of, maybe 10-20 seconds each, are contained between the time checks, several different voices. Presumably, there are information, short commercial, and maybe PSAs. The electronic cuckoo is very close to WWV's time checks, as one would expect from an ACIR outlet (John Callarman, Krum TX, Jan 9, NRC-AM via DXLD) ** OKLAHOMA. About plans for KOSU to acquire KGND 107.5 Ketchum OK and turn it into a public radio relay as KOSN --- I previously said it would cover ``slivers`` of four states, but when I actually checked a map, found it is not as close to Tulsa as thought – Ketchum is over not far from the AR/MO border with OK. But --- surprise --- the transmitter site is actually west of Ketchum and thus somewhat closer to Tulsa, somewhere in the Nowata/Chelsea area, eyeballing the coordinates 36 46' 13" N 95 27' 7" W on my Rand McNally atlas. That still puts it NE of Tulsa, and thus more in a position to be claiming to serve four states. In any event, when I was in Tulsa the last week of December, reception was OK on the car radio, but 107.5 was still operating commercially as KGND, altho per the Sept KOSU press release, the sale was supposed to be completed before 2005 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** PERU. 4386.56, Radio Imperio, 1133-1140 Jan 10. Noted a man in religious comments before a live audience which continually joins in with possibly "amens". At 1134 program ID. This followed by live comments, TC and ID "Imperio". Signal was fair in Clewiston, Florida. (Chuck Bolland, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** PERU. Radio La Hora del Cusco, Perú ha repotenciado su transmisor de onda corta con 02 kW de potencia y pronto los últimos sábados de cada mes alista a partir del mes de junio del 2005 su programa de onda corta que tendrá una duración de 20 minutos y mantendrá contactos con Radio Madre de Dios, Radio la Voz de Andahuaylas, Radio Sicuani, Radio Melodía de Arequipa, Radio Tacna de Tacna entre otros. Por intermedio de Carlos Gamarra se tiene autorización de Radio Santa Mónica del Cusco para remitir a los oyentes del mundo la tarjeta QSL. Felicitaciones por la página web. Un saludo cordial, CARLOS ANTONIO GAMARRA MOSCOSO (via Pedro Sedano, Spain, Jan 11, Noticias DX via DXLD) WTFK??? Says R. La Hora has powered up its SW transmitter to 2 kW, and will be on the air the last Saturday of each month starting next June for 20 minutes to make contact with the other stations listed! This certainly raises further questions (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** SPAIN [and non]. ESPANHA – A emissão, em espanhol, da Rádio Exterior de Espanha, destinada aos ouvintes no Japão, foi suspensa. Motivo: o Administratrive Boreau of State Administration of Radio, Film & Televisión of China, informou que ``está remodelando o centro emissor de Pequim``. A programação da REE permanece apenas no satélite AsiaSat. Já as emissões para as Filipinas, entre 1200 e 1400, em 11910 kHz, via transmissor localizado em Kunming, permanecem no ar normalmente. As informações são do sítio da REE. ESPANHA – Tem programa novo na grade da Rádio Exterior de Espanha. É o espaço ``España en la Europa del Este``, que é irradiado, desde o início do ano, entre 1700 e 1730, em 9665 kHz. O objetivo é tornar a Espanha mais conhecida em quinze países do Leste da Europa, principalmente para familiares de cerca de 150 mil cidadãos do Leste que trabalham em território espanhol. A emissora informa que ``parte da programação será no idioma destes cidadãos e parte em espanhol``. Inclusive, já está sendo emitido um curso de espanhol para a audiência russa. Quem foi que disse que o rádio em ondas curtas, um método de comunicação relativamente barato e fácil de se lidar, estaria com os dias contados? (Célio Romais, Panorama, @tividade DX Jan 9 via DXLD ** SPAIN [non]. La Pirenaica --- Estimados amigos, es posible que este mensaje no proceda. Pero va dirigido a nostálgicos y a gente como yo que nunca hemos tenido la oportunidad de escuchar a esta emisora, Radio España independiente "La pirenaica". En la siguiente dirección se puede escuchar el último programa emitido en 1977. Creo que es un documento al menos curioso e interesante. http://personal4.iddeo.es/mende/pirenaica/principal.htm Reciban un cordial saludo (Jose Miguel Romero, Spain, Jan 10, Noticias DX via DXLD) Muchas gracias. La grabación es estupenda. No es larga, pero tiene una excelente calidad que, obviamente, he guardado en mi PC. Parece mentira cuando escuchaba esta emisora, junta a otras, cuando recibí su QSL y, finalmente, no llegué a escuchar la última emisión. Una vez más, gracias por la info. Chao (Pedro Sedano, Madrid, España, ibid.) [Luego:] De nuevo soy yo. He encontrado una grabación de 45 minutos del último día de la emisora antifranquista 14 de julio de 1977, cuya dirección es http://www.portaldelexilio.org/apl/AHPCE_Audio.asp Esta al final del todo, son 10 Mb (18 Mb en MP3 que tiene mejor sonido), muchos megas de historia y lo tienes en formato WMA y MP3. Al fnal se esucha a Virgilio Fernández y la Internacional. También tiene una de sus "emisiones volantes" del año 1959. Así mismo, hay otras grabaciones, todas del REI La Estación Pierenaica --- La Pasionaria, Carrillo, etc. ¡Si mi abuelo levantase la cabeza! Un saludo (Pedro Sedano, Madrid, España, ibid.) ** SRI LANKA. WATCHDOG URGES LAWS TO PERMIT ACCESS TO INFORMATION | Text of press release by Free Media Movement on 10 January Colombo, 10 January: Sri Lanka's biggest journalists' group, the Free Media Movement (FMM), on Monday urged all political parties to immediately pass the Freedom of Information Act (FIA), which deals with accountability, to aid the process of reconstruction of the disaster-hit country. While praising the media for its role in quickly informing people about the tsunamis and also helping in the relief process, the FMM said all political parties and Committees and Task Forces currently operating under the President's Office in particular should consider the immediate enactment of this draft bill. The February 2004 bill has been endorsed by both the current ruling party and the opposition United National Party (UNP). "This bill (turned into legislation) would be part of the structures that are to be enacted to deal with this crisis. A freedom of information regime will be invaluable in facilitating the role of the media as the primary instrument of accountability in a democratic society," said FMM spokesman Sunanda Deshapriya in a statement. The proposed law would allow the media more access to state information, which is restricted right now or doled out according to the will of the ruling party. The FMM praised the media's role in explaining the tsunami phenomenon, creating mass awareness and collecting and distributing immediate humanitarian relief for tsunami victims in the days following the tragedy. "The capacity demonstrated by the television channels to mobilise people to donate food, clothes and medicine within the first 48 hours was an example of the salutary influence of audio visual media in our society," the FMM statement said, adding the imperatives of rehabilitation and reconstruction are now becoming the priority, above immediate relief. The FMM said that in this context, the role of the media as a watchdog over reconstruction and relief efforts assumes more significance than facilitating relief. It urged all Sri Lankan media institutions and journalists to bear in mind the media's foremost responsibility as an instrument of democratic accountability, noting that FMM was in the process of networking with journalists' organizations at national as well as provincial level in this regard. Source: Free Media Movement press release, Colombo, in English 10 Jan 05 (via BBCM via DXLD) ** TURKMENISTAN. 4930, 30.12 1639, Turkmen Radio with news in English. Later a short notice about Islam. 3 (Christer Brunström, Sweden, SW Bulletin Jan 9, translated by editor Thomas Nilsson for DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** UKRAINE. With the tumultuous events taking place in Ukraine, I thought it would be of interest to highlight the programming of RUI; in English: UKRAINE TODAY --- Digest of the day`s news CLOSEUP --- Daily analytical program on Ukraine`s life ROOTS --- Cultural and educational programme HELLO FROM KYIV --- Saturday listeners` letters programme DX PROGRAMME --- programme for radiolisteners and DXers MUSIC FROM UKRAINE --- Sunday concert UKRAINIAN DIARY --- review of the week`s main events [days of week not otherwise specified!] (from http://www.nrcu.gov.ua/index.php?id=157 via Fred Waterer, Programming Matters, Jan ODXA Listening In via DXLD) ** U K. AMATEUR RADIO UNDER THREAT IN THE UK Andrew Moseley (G7VOT) on January 9, 2005 OFCOM are the UK's Regulator for Communications. And they have come up with a pathetic plan called the Spectrum Framework Review. After reading this please visit my Notice board here http://g7vot.myikonboard.com/viewthread.php?threadid=20 and let me know your opinion. UK Hams. Your opinion counts in this matter don't just sit there and let others act for you as it may not be enough. Amateurs outside the UK can help too by emailing Ofcom here, contact @ ofcom.org.uk and let them know what you think. Ofcom s Spectrum Framework Review has been given a thorough examination and what has been uncovered is very very alarming. If you have not yet sent a letter of concern to OFCOM, then reading the following may well give you a kick up the butt to do so. Deadline is the 15th of February. The following information is taken with thanks from the Chelmsford Amateur Radio Society's web site. It is also with a serious request to put pen to paper and reply to the Ofcom Proposal. Failure to inform them that they are acting in a totally cavalier manner, will result in the radio spectrum used by Radio Amateurs being swallowed up by Mobile Phone Companies. By the time that Ofcom realise their errors, the infrastructure will be fragmented and the damage will be done. It should be realised that Ofcom is now no longer Staffed by Engineers/Radio Amateurs, it is entirely Commercial people with Mobile Phone backgrounds who are attracted by the possibility of charging someone £1m/MHz. The phrase "If you do not use it, you will loose it" will be wasted unless YOU put pen to paper. Summarised Ofcom's 23rd November 2004, proposals for Licenses and spectrum. o Spectrum Framework Review with a Deadline for replies by 15 February, 2005. o Advocates total disregard of all International rules in the interest of National flexibility o Suggest that 60% of all spectrum is tradable o Is in favour of Software/Cognitive Radio that could potentially operate on top of Radio Amateurs without warning o Proposes to withdraw from CB, Amateur, Maritime licensing o Proposes to simplify access to entrants - barely after the new Licence structure is in place o Has caught RSGB totally off guard, with a weaker structure o All Radio Amateurs and Clubs are urged to reply with a copy to their MP with a request that he/she questions Ofcom on their intentions. o Original Documents on http://www.ofcom.org.uk Be warned this is a massive document which seems as thought it has been made deliberately big - the cynical would say "to stop people reading it"! It is OK for Broadband users. o Easier to download from www.essexrepeatergroup.org.uk Many of the threats are TLAs (Three Letter Acronyms) so here are some:- o PSB - Public Service Broadcasting o DTT - Digital Terrestrial Television o DRL - Digital Replacement Licences o SFN - Single Frequency Network - BBC/National DAB is a SFN o DVB-T, DVB-H - Digital Video Broadcasting o DAB-S, DAB-T - Digital Audio Broadcasting (Satellite, Terrestrial) o SFR - Spectrum Framework Review o ACC - Adaptive Cruise Control, - uses SRR and LRR o SRR/LRR - Short /Long Range Car Radar on 79 or 24GHz o UWB - Ultra Wideband o SDR - Software Defined Radio o A whole new set of threats is on us now. . . o Most attention so far on Broadband over Powerlines o BPL - Broadband over Power Lines - USA o PLT - Power Line Telecoms - UK o Data can be Voice, Internet or TV o In use by Southern Electric o Raises noise floors etc over most of HF bands http://www.eham.net/articles/10030 (via Mike Terry, dxldyg via DXLD) ** U K. There is a document "Radio - preparing for the future" out for consultation on the Ofcom website http://www.ofcom.org.uk Go to current consultations to download it, and they are proposing an expansion of DAB as well as advertising some new AM licences for commercial and community radio, subject to the BBC agreeing to vacate some frequencies. Long term they see some possible use of DRM on the AM band as a complement to DAB. DAB/DRM chipsets have been developed so one receiver could be used for both modes of digital reception [more under DRM below] (Mike Barraclough, UK, Jan 9, MWC via DXLD) ** U S A. WWCR Specialty Programs [not necessarily matching WWCR webpage of the same name] [with rounded-off durations] WORLD OF RADIO (30) Thu 2130 9985, Sat 1130 5070, Sun 0330 5070, Sun 0730 3210, Sun 2030 12160, Wed 1030 9985 MUNDO RADIAL (15) Tue 2230 9985, Wed 2200 9985, Fri 2215 9985 DX PARTYLINE (30) Sun 0300 5070, Tue 1030 9985, Thu 2100 9985 DX RADIO SCHOOL (30) Sun 0430 5070, Mon 2100 9985, Thu 1030 9985 RADIO WEATHER (30) Sun 0400 5070 CYBERLINE (55) Sun 0505 5070 ASK WWCR (15) Wed 2030 15825, Fri 1045 9985, Sat 0945 5070, Sun 0045 3210, Sun 0245 5070, Sun 1115 15825, Sun 1800 15825, Mon 1/3/5 1330 15825 WORLD WIDE COUNTRY RADIO (60) M-F 1100 15825, M-F 1400 15825, Tu-Sa 0500 5070, Sat 1000 9985, Sat 1300 9985, Sat 2300 5070, Sun 0700 5070 KEN`S COUNTRY CLASSICS (30) Fri 2130 9985 OLD RECORD SHOP (30) Sun 1030 5070 ROCK THE UNIVERSE (55) Sat 1205 5070, Sun 0905 3210 INTO THE BLUE (55) Sun 0805 5070 SING FOR JOY (30) Sat 2130 9985 LATIN CATHOLIC MASS (30 Sun 1700 15825 A VIEW FROM EUROPE (50 Sat 1210 15825, Sun 1115 5070 GOLDEN AGE OF RADIO (55) M-F 0905 3210 AMERICA`S GREATEST HEROES (55) Sat 1505 15825, Mon 0005 5070 ACTING PRESIDENTIAL AND DEMOCRATIC RADIO ADDRESSES (15) Sat 2000 15825 (extracted by gh from WWCR printed sked Jan 1 for DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. WOR - 710 NEW TRANSMITTER SITE Hello all, I've just noted this on: http://www.wor710.com/tx_construction.shtml "The WOR Transmitter facility has been located in Lyndhurst, New Jersey, since 1967. It was built upon what was, at one time, a dump. The State of New Jersey will be developing this land, along with the remainder of several dump sites that extends approximately 2,500 acres from Lyndhurst south. The development will include at least 3-18 hold golf courses, approximately 600 housing units, at least 2 hotels, two office buildings, a train station off the Bergen line, and numerous other things. As part of this redevelopment, WOR will be completely rebuilding our transmitter facility on a piece of virgin swamp, approximately 2,500 feet north of our present location. Please come back often to check on our progress through this online photo album. And soon, we will be offering a unique perspective on the construction of our transmitter facility, courtesy of Radio World, Moseley Broadcast, and Broadcaster's General Store. Stay tuned!" Thomas R. Ray III, CPBE, Corporate Director of Engineering, Buckley Broadcasting / WOR Radio === Cheers & 73s (via Jeff Weston, BDXC-UK via DXLD) ** U S A. 650: Last night, I was around Batavia, NY around 5:45 pm and heard current T40 under WSM (Blink 182 type music). Was NOT Radio Disney (my first thought when I hear that stuff on AM.) This doesn't fit anything (Greg Coniglio, NY, NRC-AM via DXLD) Greg, how close were you to Genesee Community College? In addition to WGCC 90.7, they have (as Jim Renfrew and some of the folks at NRC '04 already discovered) a "carrier current" AM on 650, usually // 90.7, that has a tendency to leak quite badly... s (Scott Fybush, NRC-AM via DXLD) ** U S A. RADIO GIANT CUTTING CLUTTER By Rick Bird Post staff reporter Will listeners notice an extra song an hour on stations like WEBN-FM or WOFX-FM? Maybe an extra caller or two squeezed in on Mike McConnell or a bonus wacky bit from Gary Burbank? Clear Channel has made good on a promise, initially announced last summer, to reduce clutter on its 1,200 radio stations including the eight it owns in the Cincinnati market (WCKY-AM, WLW-AM, WKRC-AM, WSAI-AM, WEBN-FM, WKFS-FM, WOFX-FM, WVMX-FM). The changes, which have taken effect on the stations over the past four weeks, are real, not simply smoke and mirrors. Discerning listeners should notice a difference. The stations are running anywhere from two to four minutes of fewer commercials per hour. It is the first effort in memory by a radio company to do something about the single biggest reason listeners tune out: commercials. . . http://www.cincypost.com/2005/01/10/clut011005.html . . .Clear Channel nationally is backing away from the oldies format, converting some of its oldies stations to the new liberal Air America format, which will debut in Cincinnati on Jan. 17, replacing the WSAI (1530) oldies format (Cincinnati Post, Publication Date: 01-10-2005 via Tom Roche, DXLD) GALVIN TO BE SPRINGER'S SIDEKICK http://www.cincypost.com/2005/01/11/broad011105.html Springer will have a sidekick when his local talk show debuts at 9 a.m. Monday on Cincinnati's new liberal talk radio station being launched by Clear Channel. He is Gene Galvin, teacher, writer, longtime worker for the Democratic Party, former talk host on WDBZ-AM (1230) and a 35-year buddy of Springer's. "We started hanging out in 1970 along with our wives," Galvin said about working with Springer. "I'm excited on a personal level; our chemistry is pretty good." Starting Monday, what is now WSAI-AM (1530) will drop its oldies format picking up the frequency's historical call letters of WCKY-AM (The WSAI letters will go back to 1360, which is now known as the "Sports Animal/Homer"). The new liberal talker will be known as "1530 WCKY: The Revolution in Talk Radio." The Springer/Galvin show will be the only local component on the station, which will air a heavy dose of programming from Air America, the national liberal talk radio network that came on the air last April, including Al Franken (noon-3 p.m.) and Randi Rhodes (6-10 p.m.). The station will anchor its afternoon drive with Ed Schultz, perhaps the hottest liberal talk show in the country. His North Dakota-based brand of heartland populism is getting even more attention this week since he debuts on a Washington, D.C., station -- his first major market -- with his barely year-old syndicated show. Galvin, who played a wonderfully flaming liberal talk host on WDBZ in the evenings a couple years ago, says Springer will be the star of this show. But he admits to being thrilled that a full-time liberal radio talk format is a dream come true for this market. "It's great for what we think is the 40 percent of this town that think the way Springer and I think," he said. The new role as Springer sidekick will cause Gene to leave, "Those Stupid Galvins," the long running radio show he has co-hosted on 10 p.m. Sundays on WVXU-FM with brother Jerry. Said Jerry, a former columnist for The Post, "I'll somehow manage to continue without him" -- Rick Bird, The Post (via Artie Bigley, DXLD) ** U S A. A VOICE FROM ABOVE, AND TO THE LEFT --- NORTH DAKOTA TALKER ED SCHULTZ IS SET TO BLANKET WASHINGTON | By Howard Kurtz Washington Post Staff Writer Monday, January 10, 2005; Page C01 The most widely carried liberal on radio is a "prairie-dwelling, red- meat-eating, gun-toting former conservative" who broadcasts from the unlikely locale of North Dakota. Since launching his syndicated show last January, former football player Ed Schultz has peddled his Fargo brand of populism to 70 markets, including stations in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Miami, Phoenix, Denver, Boston and Detroit. "A year ago they were laughing at us," says Schultz, who debuts on Washington's WRC next week. "I knew I had the talent and could get the job done. I didn't believe what the industry was saying, that liberal talk radio couldn't make it." . . . http://www.washingtonpost.com/ac2/wp-dyn/A61992-2005Jan9?language=printer (via Mike Cooper, DXLD) ** U S A. FINES: WLAA, 1680, Winter Garden, FL, has been fined $18,000 for ``willful and repeated violation of the Commission`s Rules regarding the station`s failure to maintain operational Emergency Alert System (EAS) equipment and failure to make available the required public file documents during regular business hours. During the inspection, the agents tried twice to run an EAS test using the shared EAS equipment wity co-located and co-owned station WOKB 1600, also in Winter Garden, FL. The tests were not successfully transmitted over station WLAA. The station logs for WLAA showed no entries of EAS tests for the past six months. Further, the public inspection file for WLAA did not contain a copy of the current Commission license, contour maps, most recent ownership report, employment reports, issues / program lists or local public notice announcements``. On a later visit, the agents made another investigation which revealed that the entire public file was not available at the main studio, but at another address instead (via Bill Hale, AM Switch, NRC DX News Jan 10 via DXLD) ** U S A. WTVF-DT would be easy to ID these days even without PSIP, as they're running a slide with huge calls on their second virtual channel. Rumor has it Comcast told them they'd stop carrying WTVF's other program "5+" if they kept running it on their DTV there. |insert not-FCC-safe comment about cable operators here| (Doug Smith, Nashville TN, Jan 9, WTFDA via DXLD) The Comcast threat to WTVF is another reason the FCC needs to require all multicast feeds to be on cable. Now the cable company is deciding what non-cable subscribers can watch. I shouldn't be penalized because I don't subscribe to cable. Commercial stations in Kansas City and Topeka aren't doing anything with multicasting with the exception of KPXE-DT 51 which does the four PAX feeds. Non of the area ABC stations (KQTV, KMBC or KTKA) use the ABC news feed. And nobody is putting their weather radar on as is done in many cities. Saw it recently on KWTV-DT out of Oklahoma City. They even enhance it with some other weather data. Pretty nice. I talked to the program director at WIBW-TV in Topeka on Friday. She didn't even know what multicasting was (Dave Pomeroy, Topeka, Kansas, ibid.) ** U S A. I would personally think that the clockwork-like format of Radio Reloj [Cuba] would get tiresome after a few minutes, though it would be an interesting experiment for one of the commercial USA or Canada all-news stations (e.g. KYW, WTOP, WCBS, WINS, CFTR, KQV, KNX) to try a format like this in English. Stations with all-news formats seem to change very little over the years --- in many ways KYW sounds about the same as it did when I moved to the region in 1979. It would seem unnatural if they changed the format -- it's a comfort thing, sort of like a conversation with an old friend (Richard Cuff, Allentown, PA USA, Jan 11, swprograms via DXLD) ** VENEZUELA. 4939.70, Radio Amazonas, 1050-1100 Jan 10. Noted a man in Spanish comments until 1054 when canned promos presented. Many mentions of "Amazonas" during these. When live, TC's preceded by two- note tones. I am wondering if the two note tones are randomly keyed and the announcer is required to give the time when he hears them? Thus the station makes sure the morning listeners have the time on a regular bases? Just a thought. Anyone know for sure? ID given on the hour. Signal was good here in Clewiston, Florida (Chuck Bolland, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Sporadically active ** VENEZUELA [and non]. VENEZUELA'S CHÁVEZ NAMES NEW HEAD OF STATE TV; RELAUNCHES "HELLO, PRESIDENT" | Excerpt from report by Venezuelan Union Radio text web site on 9 January President Hugo Chávez Frías has appointed Blanca Eeckout as the new president of Venezolana de Television (VTV) [state TV channel, also known as Channel 8]. He made the announcement this Sunday [9 January] during the transmission of his Sunday programme "Hello, President", number 210, broadcast from the Ayacucho Room of Miraflores [Presidential] Palace. Eeckout previously worked as the director of Vive TV. "You are the mother of Vive TV and now you will be the mother of Channel 8, I congratulate you, Blanca Eeckout", said the president. [Passage omitted] Source: Unión Radio text web site, Caracas, in Spanish 1749 gmt 9 Jan 05 (via BBCM via DXLD) So we`ll have to start looking for it again via Cuba on SW from about 1400 to 1800 UT Sundays (Glenn Hauser, DXLD) ** WESTERN SAHARA [non]. ALGERIA, 7460, RASD, 2050 8/1, talks by OM in Arabic, traditional song with stringed instrument. Low signal. New tune in 2120 with Arabic songs, 2140 OM with ID 'saab sahrawi' then with possibly political talks. Nice signal. New tune in 0750 9.1 with talks by YL and S5. 34433 (Zacharias Liangas, Thessaloniki, Greece, greekdx @ otenet dot gr http://www.geocities.com/zliangas Pesawat penerima: ICOM R75, Lowe HF150, Degen 1102+1103, Chibo c300/c979, Yupi 7000, Antenna: 16m hor, 2x16 m V invert, 1 m Australian loop, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** ZAMBIA. Dear Glenn, 6165, ZNBC, Radio 2, Lusaka, *0250-0305, Jan 08, back on this nominal frequency from 4500 with strong and stable signal. Clear Fish Eagle cry under R Netherlands, Bonaire in Spanish (Dutch from 0300), 0250 orchestral National Anthem, 0252 Ann in heavily accented English, 0254 hymn followed a programme of Afropop. SINPO 43443. On 4500 was only heard Xinjiang PBS in Mongolian around 0300. 4910, ZNBC, Radio 1, Lusaka, *0242-0305, Jan 08, very strong and clear signal with Fish Eagle cry until 0252, then National Hymn by Choir and Vernacular programme, SINPO 45444. Different opening on 6165 and different programme. Best 73, (Anker Petersen, Denmark, UT Jan 10, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 4910, 1601-1655, ZNBC Radio 1 Jan 10. 'A Mighty Fortress is Our God' hymn by bell choir at tune-in; male announcer with mentions of Zambia at 1603, then female announcer with presumed news items in unID language. Mentions of Lusaka at 1610, and into another hymn by a bell choir at 1611; followed by 'What A Friend We Have In Jesus' song on organ. Female chorus to woman announcer at 1615, and into soft Afropops music. Mentions of Zambia again at 1630. Good reception half- hour before Lusaka sunset, and 40 minutes after my local sunrise; finally dropping down to poor by 1650. Strong het only noted on 3306. I also checked 4965 for R. Christian Voice, but it was also just a het (Guy Atkins, Puyallup, WA, HCDX via DXLD) Geez, Zambia has its own Christian station; why is the government station running sectarian programming? (Glenn Hauser, DXLD) UNIDENTIFIED. 11776.2, 1745-, Jan 9. World University Network from Anguilla is heard on 11775, along with a weaker station cochannel, but there's also someone causing a relatively loud het on about 1.2 kHz higher. Any ideas? SLBC off frequency? (Walt Salmaniw, Victoria, BC, DX LISTENING DIGEST) I`d guess a residual Cuban jamming transmitter; they jam the bejeezus out of 11775 at night when Martí is on. I often hear a bit of jamming on Martí frequencies (e.g. 15330) when they are `open` (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ UNSOLICITED TESTIMONIALS ++++++++++++++++++++++++ Glenn puts a lot of work into compiling the most interesting (and timely) radio-related news from several radio-related groups, lists, websites, and personal correspondence. I know there is no way I could every review as much source information as Glenn -- I don't have the free time (Richard Cuff, swprograms via DXLD) GRAPHIC GAFFES ++++++++++++++ `PAPAU NEW GUINEA` said the map on CNN`s Lou Dobbs, Jan 10 at 2323 UT, accompanying a story on the submarine accident near Guam. If you`ve ever heard it pronounced, you`d know it is PAPUA, along with the Indonesian side of the island. Maybe confused with PALAU, which is not PALUA? But wait --- before I could publish this, on the repeat at 0423 UT Jan 11, this had been corrected to PAPUA! (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) DRM +++ NUOVO SITO ITALIANO SUL DRM Ciao a tutti, vi segnalo il sito italiano http://www.drmradio.it/ che e' nato perdivulgare gli esperimenti fatti per la ricezione del DRM Broadcasting e per divulgare gli esperimenti di ricetrasmissione DRM nel campo radioamatoriale. I creatori sono due radioamatori i3rke e iw3sqt. saluti, And IW0HK (Andrea Borgnino, IW0HK, bclnews.it via DXLD) However if you check the forums at http://www.drmrx.org you will see that the tests on 1440 [LUXEMBOURG] have shown problems with using DRM on medium wave, many dropouts due to local electrical interference and interference from other stations and when you change the bit rate to make the system more robust the audio quality is poor. One of the advantages for broadcasters of DRM is its supposed ability to cover the same area as analogue with lower power, therefore reducing costs, but both DAB and DTT have had to increase the power they use to achieve effective coverage (Mike Barraclough, UK, Jan 9, MWC via DXLD) PROPAGATION +++++++++++ MW AND LW PROPAGATION ``Can anyone refer me to some web pages dealing with MW and LW propagation in particular (as opposed to the numerous pages dealing with SW or ham-oriented).`` KN4LF has a strong interest in MF propagation, and the following site shows some of his thoughts, and references the work of Bob Brown, NM7M and Carl Luetzelschwab, K9LA, both of whom are widely respected for their work with MF propagation with a concentration on 160 meters see: best wishes, (Nick Hall-Patch, BC, MWC via DXLD) The most complete website resource concerning MF radio propagation theory on the Internet is KN4LF MF Radio Propagation Theory Notes: http://www.kn4lf.com/kn4lf8.htm 73, (Thomas F. Giella, KN4LF, Retired Space & Atmospheric Weather Forecaster, Plant City, FL, USA, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Estimado Ángel José Nicolás Esteve, Iba buscando la respuesta a su pregunta, al final encontrando la mejor, aunque sea en ingles. Espero que le sea de ayuda. http://www.kn4lf.com/kn4lf8.htm Saludos, (Glenn to AJNE, via DXLD) Estimado Sr. Glenn Hauser, saludos cordiales: Efectivamente, la dirección que me ha indicado es excelente. Contiene unos datos muy valiosos para mí y gracias a ella comenzaré a realizar experimentos junto con los datos que se ofrecen diariamente sobre propagación en algunas páginas Web (índices A y K, Flujo Solar, Aurora, etc.). Muchísimas gracias por su atenta y valiosa información. Si alguna vez puedo servirle de ayuda en lo que necesite, por favor, cuente conmigo. 73's y buenos DX (Ángel José Nicolás Esteve, DX LISTENING DIGEST) MULTI-MEGAMETER TRANS-EQUATORIAL FM DX, CARIBBEAN TO SOUTHERN BRAZIL Caros amigos, Após alguns dias distante, venho com uma novidade bastante interessante: Nos últimos dias estive na cidade de Apiaí/SP (sudoeste do estado) em visita familiar. Entre as atividades normais deste tipo de visita, efetuei algumas escutas e o resultado na minha opinião foi ótimo. Várias emissoras do Caribe foram sintonizadas. Como o tempo para as escutas foi curto, não pude reportar todas as emissoras sintonizadas, então adotei a estratégia de sintonia apenas das emissoras com sinal bom ou ótimo além de dar prioridade a escuta da maior quantidade de países possíveis. Assim sendo, consegui reportar as seguintes emissoras: 88.9 - Radio Guadeloupe 94.0 - Radio Martinique 95.3 - Hot FM (Barbados) 95.5 - ZJB (Montserrat) 100.1 - Caribbean Beacon (Anguilla) 100.7 - WXYX (Porto Rico) 107.9 - Kairi FM (Dominica) Em comparação com a localidade em que fiz pela primeira vez este tipo de escuta (Cananéia/SP - 4ºASDXC), percebi que Apiaí possui a vantagem de ter menos emissoras interferentes. Em Cananéia várias emissoras de São Paulo chegam com forte sinal. Sintonizei pouco mais de 10 outras emissoras de países "repetidos" ou que pela qualidade de sinal tiveram que ser ignoradas devido a limitação de tempo. Não sei a localização exata da cidade. Sei que há um membro da lista que é desta cidade e que talvez possa ajudar. A única informação que consegui foi a localização de um parque cujo centro está há cerca de 30km do local em que eu estive e que é: 24 17´ a 24 38´ LAT S 48 27´ a 48 44´ LONG W Além de ser um ótimo local para DX em FM, Apiaí é uma cidade em que se pode encontrar belíssimos trechos de Mata Atlântica. 73 (Ivan Dias – Sorocaba/SP, Membro do DXCB, DXCB, o mais tradicional clube dexista do Brasil, Junte-se à nossa família! http://www.ondascurtas.com radioescutas via DXLD) The geomagnetic field ranged from quiet to major storm levels. Quiet to minor storm levels were experienced on 03 and 05 January, while quiet to active conditions were observed on 04 January. Elevated activity on these days was due to the effects of a geoeffective coronal hole high speed stream (HSS). Quiet to unsettled conditions were observed on 06 January as the effects of the HSS began to decrease. Quiet to major storm conditions were seen on 07 and 08 January due to the arrival of transient flow from CME activity on 04 and 05 January. Quiet to unsettled conditions were observed on 09 January. FORECAST OF SOLAR AND GEOMAGNETIC ACTIVITY 12 JANUARY - 07 FEBRUARY 2005 Solar activity is expected to be very low to low with a chance of isolated of M-class activity from Region 719. A greater than 10 MeV proton event is not expected. The greater than 2 MeV electron flux at geosynchronous orbit is expected to be at high levels on 14 - 15, 18 - 19, and 25 January to 02 February. The geomagnetic field is expected to range from mostly quiet to active levels with isolated minor storm periods. Coronal hole high speed streams are expected to produce occasional storm periods on 24 – 26 and 29 - 31 January. Otherwise, expect quiet to unsettled conditions. :Product: 27-day Space Weather Outlook Table 27DO.txt :Issued: 2005 Jan 11 2211 UTC # Prepared by the US Dept. of Commerce, NOAA, Space Environment Center # Product description and SEC contact on the Web # http://www.sec.noaa.gov/wwire.html # # 27-day Space Weather Outlook Table # Issued 2005 Jan 11 # # UTC Radio Flux Planetary Largest # Date 10.7 cm A Index Kp Index 2005 Jan 12 90 15 3 2005 Jan 13 90 15 3 2005 Jan 14 90 10 3 2005 Jan 15 90 8 3 2005 Jan 16 95 8 3 2005 Jan 17 95 8 3 2005 Jan 18 95 12 3 2005 Jan 19 90 8 3 2005 Jan 20 90 8 3 2005 Jan 21 85 10 3 2005 Jan 22 85 10 3 2005 Jan 23 90 10 3 2005 Jan 24 95 15 3 2005 Jan 25 95 15 3 2005 Jan 26 90 15 3 2005 Jan 27 90 8 3 2005 Jan 28 90 15 3 2005 Jan 29 90 25 5 2005 Jan 30 90 25 5 2005 Jan 31 85 20 4 2005 Feb 01 85 15 3 2005 Feb 02 85 8 3 2005 Feb 03 90 8 3 2005 Feb 04 90 8 3 2005 Feb 05 90 8 3 2005 Feb 06 85 8 3 2005 Feb 07 85 8 3 (http://www.sec.noaa.gov/radio via DXLD) ###