DX LISTENING DIGEST 5-018, January 29, 2005 Incorporating REVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL BROADCASTING edited by Glenn Hauser, http://www.worldofradio.com Items from DXLD may be reproduced and re-reproduced only if full credit be maintained at all stages and we be provided exchange copies. DXLD may not be reposted in its entirety without permission. Materials taken from Arctic or originating from Olle Alm and not having a commercial copyright are exempt from all restrictions of noncommercial, noncopyrighted reusage except for full credits For restrixions and searchable 2005 contents archive see http://www.worldofradio.com/dxldmid.html NOTE: If you are a regular reader of DXLD, and a source of DX news but have not been sending it directly to us, please consider yourself obligated to do so. Thanks, Glenn NEXT AIRINGS OF WORLD OF RADIO 1261: Sun 0330 WOR WWCR 5070 Sun 0400 WOR WBCQ 9330-CLSB Sun 0430 WOR WRMI 6870 Sun 0730 WOR WWCR 3210 Sun 0930 WOR WRN1 to North America, also WLIO-TV Lima OH SAP, and: Sun 0930 WOR KSFC Spokane WA 91.9 Sun 0930 WOR WXPN Rhinelander WI 91.7 91.9 100.9 Sun 0930 WOR WDWN Auburn NY 89.1 [unconfirmed] Sun 0930 WOR KTRU Houston TX 91.7 [occasional] Sun 1030 WOR WRMI 9955 Sun 1100 WOR R. Lavalamp Sun 1400 WOR KRFP-LP Moscow ID 92.5 Sun 1500 WOR R. Lavalamp Sun 2000 WOR Studio X, Momigno, Italy 1584 87.35 96.55 105.55 Sun 2030 WOR WWCR 12160 Sun 2100 WOR RNI Mon 0330 WOR WRMI 6870 Mon 0400 WOR WBCQ 9330-CLSB Mon 0430 WOR WSUI Iowa City IA 910 [week delay] Mon 0530 WOR WBCQ 7415 Mon 0900 WOR R. Lavalamp Mon 1700 WOR WBCQ after hours Tue 0700 WOR WPKN Bridgeport CT 89.5 Tue 1000 WOR WRMI 9955 Tue 1700 WOR WBCQ after hours Wed 1030 WOR WWCR 9985 Wed 1700 WOR WBCQ after hours MORE info including audio links: http://worldofradio.com/radioskd.html WRN ONDEMAND: http://new.wrn.org/listeners/stations/station.php?StationID=24 OUR ONDEMAND AUDIO [also for CONTINENT OF MEDIA, MUNDO RADIAL] WORLD OF RADIO 1261 (high version): (stream) http://www.w4uvh.net/wor1261h.ram (download) http://www.w4uvh.net/wor1261h.rm WORLD OF RADIO 1261 (low version): (stream) http://www.w4uvh.net/wor1261.ram (download) http://www.w4uvh.net/wor1261.rm (summary) http://www.worldofradio.com/wor1261.html WORLD OF RADIO 1261 in the true shortwave sound of 7415: (stream) http://www.piratearchive.com/media/worldofradio_01-05-26.m3u (d`load) http://www.piratearchive.com/media/worldofradio_01-05-26.mp3 ** ARMENIA. A new program of Public Radio of Armenia can be heard daily from 1600 to 1640 hours on 9960 kHz (Rumen Pankov, R. Bulgaria DX Program Jan 28, via John Norfolk, dxldyg via DXLD) Language? Indeed, not in WRTH 2005, but in the Jan 28 update it`s 1600-1715 in Armenian (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** BOTSWANA. VOA relay adding 4930? See USA [non] ** BULGARIA. At the end of 1935y a group of radio technicians under the guidance of Kosta Adamov modified the existing telegraph transmitter located near Sofia Railroad Station. Its power was increased to 1.5 kW and the first test transmission was carried out on November 12, 1935, now with speech and music. The first official broadcast on short wave from Bulgaria took place on January 19, 1936. During the day the frequency of 14970 kHz was used while the frequency at night was 7460 kHz. Then the name of the station was Radio Sofia (Rumen Pankov, R. Bulgaria DX Program Jan 28, via John Norfolk, dxldyg via DXLD) ** BURMA [non]. MAINTAINING THE BBC STANDARD An Interview with Tin Htar Swe, January 2005 The BBC's Burmese Service is the most popular, and generally regarded as the most reliable, of the Burmese-language shortwave broadcasters. The Irrawaddy spoke recently with Tin Htar Swe, head of the Burmese Service. . . http://www.irrawaddy.org/aviewer.asp?a=4330&z=6 (via Alokesh Gupta, dxldyg via DXLD) ** CHINA [non]. CRI relay via Petén: see GUATEMALA ** DENMARK. 5815, World Music R, Ilskov seems to be off the air until further notice, cf. DX-Window no. 263. Nothing was heard Sat Jan 15 and 22 or Sun Jan 16 and 23 (Erik Køie and Anker Petersen, Denmark, DSWCI DX Window Jan 26 via DXLD) ** DOMINICAN REPUBLIC. RADIO JUVENTUS DON BOSCO GOING ON INTERNET, WORKING ON EXTENDING SIGNAL TO ENTIRE COUNTRY from Conexión Digital, Nro. 300, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Santo Domingo, Jan 28 (Conexión-Digital) — A Spaniard vacationing on the seashore of his country picked up the newest Catholic radio station in the Dominican Republic in the Caribbean last November, Radio Juventus Don Bosco 1640 AM. Two months after sending in a reception report, he received a letter from the station. ``Radio Juventus Don Bosco is a new station, since we began broadcasting on May 24 of this year (2004). The station is owned by the Society of Salesians of Don Bosco, an educational work that began in Italy and is dedicated to youth. The station programming is educational–pastoral, with special attention given to childhood, adolescence, youth, and the family, and with an evangelizing purpose. Although we still have many targets for growth ahead of us, we try to broadcast 24 hours a day, and little by little we are continuing to strengthen our programming,`` the station director, Padre Luis Rosario, wrote to Manuel Méndez of Lugo, Spain. ``Right now we are making arrangements to put the station on the Internet. It will be a very positive step and will expand our coverage area. At the same time, we are taking the necessary steps to amplify the coverage area to the national level. Granted, if our Dominican Republic is small (46,000 sq km), it has high mountains in the center of the territory. I believe that in a short time we will be able to extend our coverage to the entire country.`` (Catholic Radio Update Jan 31 via DXLD) ** ECUADOR. Tuned in La Voz de los Andes, 11960 at 1430 Sat Jan 29, for Aventura Diexista segment on Club de Amigos, the time it showed the week Jeff White`s interview with me aired a few weeks ago. But the 10-minute DX show did not appear until 1446, a discussion of what QSLs are by Allen Graham (or rather Alan Grájam) and his co-host. Maybe it`s subjective, but it seems to me Allen speaks Spanish at a faster clip than English, at least as on DX Partyline. The theme of HCJB`s 2006y QSL series has already been decided: Galápagos (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** EQUATORIAL GUINEA. Is a small, former Spanish colony in Central Africa of 28,000 square km (Two-thirds the size of Denmark). Most of this area is on the continent between Cameroon and Gabon, but the capital Malabo is located on the biggest of its five islands in the Gulf of Guinea, Bioko. The country gained independence in 1968, but under the corrupt President since 1979, retired Brigadier General Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo, democracy has not at all been introduced! Two third of the population have been killed or fled the country and just about half a million is left out of which less than 1000 are Europeans. This population speak Fang, Bibi and Ibo, but the official languages are Spanish and French. Some speak Pidgin English. 5005, R. Nacional de Guinea Ecuatorial could not be heard here on Jan 24 or 25 (Anker Petersen, Denmark, DSWCI DX Window Jan 26 via DXLD) 15190.0, R Africa No. 2, Malabo --- Beware of R Pilipinas from *1730! (Vlad Titarev, Ukraine, ibid.) No trace of it here Jan 29 at 1700 (gh) ** ERITREA. 7100, Voice of Broad Masses, Asmara, 1459-1555, Jan 24, Horn music and announcements. An A Cappella group with ethnic music 1524-28, talk 1530-35, more horn music and talk. This is a tough one on West Coast with moderate to severe BBC and RTI QRM from 7105. Co- channel QRM until 1530 then only from what sounds like ARRL CW practice net on 7100 (on every day with 5 wpm continuous transmission). Signal was fairly constant S3 until starting to fade after 1545 (Bruce Churchill, Fallbrook CA, DSWCI DX Window Jan 26 via DXLD) ** FRANCE. Hi Jouko and the lists! I also heard this French station on 738 kHz, but on the 19th of January at 1525-1600 UT. They had a programme in Vietnamese, followed by Pashto or Farsi. Very good strength, but interfered by Spain. I also wondered about the strength - only 4 kW? 73 from (Björn Fransson, on the island of Gotland, Sweden, Jan 28, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Reason is simple: At that time Spain was running on reduced power on 738, as they built a new transmitter for that frequency. So the Paris transmitter was better audible. -- 73, (Martin http://home.wolfsburg.de/elbe/ Elbe, HCDX via DXLD) ** GERMANY. 177, 855, 6085 = DRM from April 1st? Klaus Schneider says that "most likely" Ismaning 6085 will be converted from AM to DRM as of April 1st. Also effective April 1st Zehlendorf 177 will switch to DRM (I understand from his wording that it will be "pure" DRM, i.e. no simulcast mode) and Berlin-Britz 855 always run DRM as well. Original posting: http://forum.myphorum.de/read.php?f=8773&i=163397&t=163397 Well, for the time being is 990 still silent and 855 run 24/7 in AM as a substitute, as if there would be a need for it (Deutschlandradio Berlin has full FM coverage in the area still served by the Berlin- Britz mediumwave outlets as they are today). (Kai Ludwig, Germany, Jan 28, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** GREECE. VOICE OF GREECE: B04 PROGRAM SCHEDULE (Effective October 31, 2004 to March 30, 2005) [in Greek, u.o.s., but titles translated to English, by John Babbis] UTC Program MON-FRI 0000-0400 News Headlines Every Half Hour 0000-0100 Connection With ERA Sport Continued 0100-0105 News In Greek 0105-0200 Network Connection (Communications Program) 0200-0205 News In Greek 0205-0300 Popular Watch 0300-0305 News In Greek 0305-0400 For Your Favor Today (Mon Wed Fri) For You Patriots (Tues Thurs) 0400-0600 Greek Coffee 0600-0700 Connection With NET 105.8 (Radio-Newspaper) 0700-0800 For You, Patriots 0800-0900 Traveling With Art (Mon) Greek Aromas + Everything Becomes Songs (Tues) Story Of One Week (Wed) Persons Of The Week (Thurs) Good Luck (Fri) 0900-0905 News In Greek 0905-0915 Athletic Panorama 0915-0930 Know Sea Songs 0930-1000 Everything Becomes Songs 1100-1105 News In Greek 1105-1200 Culture Eulogy (Mon) Silent (Tues) Profits And Losses (Wed) Traveling With Art (Thurs) Greece From The First Person (Fri) 1200-1330 Mid-Day Radio-Newspaper And NET On The Economy (Connection With NET 105.8) 1330-1430 Postman 1430-1435 From Where And Why 1435-1500 Deck News 1500-1505 News In Greek 1505-1600 Party Songs 1600-1700 Little Greece`s, For You 1700-1800 Connection With NET 105.8 (Radio-Newspaper) 1800-2000 ERA 5-Network Without Borders 2000-2005 News in Greek 2005-2015 Athletic Panorama 2015-2200 Live Wire (Mon Tues Wed Thurs) Connection With Second Program (Fri) 2200-2400 Connection With ERA Sport (Mon Tues Wed Thues) 2200-2400 Live Line (Fri) 2300-2400 News Headlines Every Half Hour SATURDAY 0000-0400 News Headlines Every Half Hour 0000-0100 Connection With ERA Sport Continued 0100-0200 Connection With Second Program (Communications Program) 0200-0205 News In Greek 0205-0300 Popular Watch 0300-0305 News In Greek 0305-0400 For You Patriots 0400-0405 News Bulletin 0405-0415 Athletic Panorama 0415-0445 Money And Investments Of Saturday 0445-0500 Ecological Pages 0500-0700 Connection With Second Program 0700-0800 Connection With NET 105.8 0800-0900 Sweet Country, Cyprus 0900-0905 News In Greek 0905-0915 Athletic Panorama 0915-1000 Past Beautiful Years 1100-1105 News In Greek 1105-1200 Party Songs 1200-1300 Mid-Day Radio-Newspaper And NET On The Economy (Connection With NET 105.8) 1300-1315 Unknown Hellenism 1315-1330 Know Sea Songs 1330-1400 Everything Becomes Songs 1400-1405 News Bulletin 1405-1500 Persons Of The Week 1500-1600 Hellenes Everywhere (In English) 1600-1700 Connection With ERA Sport 1700-1800 Connection With NET 105.8 (Radio-Newspaper) 1800-2000 Connection With ERA Sport 2000-2005 News Bulletin 2005-2015 Athletic Panorama 2015-2300 Live Wire 2300-2400 Connection With ERA Sport 2300-2400 News Headlines Every Half Hour SUNDAY 0000-0400 News Headlines Every Half Hour 0000-0100 Connection With ERA Sport 0100-0200 Connection With Second Program 0200-0205 News In Greek 0205-0300 Popular Watch 0300-0305 News In Greek 0305-0400 For You Patriots 0400-0405 News Bulletin 0405-0415 Athletic Panorama 0415-0430 Folklore Evidence 0430-0500 Everything Becomes Songs 0500-0600 Story Of One Week 0600-0815 Divine Liturgy Connection With NET 105.8 0815-0900 Connection With NET 105.9 0900-0905 News In Greek 0905-0915 Athletic Panorama 0915-0930 Know Sea Songs 0930-1000 Good Word 1100-1105 News In Greek 1105-1200 Musical Broadcast (In English) 1200-1300 Mid-Day Radio-Newspaper And NET On The Economy (Connection With NET 105.8) 1300-1330 Greek Aromas 1330-1400 The Third Bell 1400-1405 News Bulletin 1405-1700 Connection With ERA Sport 1700-1800 Connection With NET 105.8 (Radio-Newspaper) 1800-2000 Connection With ERA Sport 2000-2005 News in Greek 2005-2100 Live Wire 2100-2200 Good Luck 2200-2400 Connection With NET 105.8 2300-2400 News Headlines Every Half Hour (John Babbis, Silver Spring, MD, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** GUATEMALA. RADIO PETEN 1460 AM RETRASMITIRÁ UNA HORA A RIC "Estamos en la mejor disposición de colaborar con Radio Internacional de China, para lo cual nos hemos ofrecido en retransmitir una hora diaria de su programación, sin costo alguno, durante tres meses, en nuestra RADIO PETÉN 1460 AM. Es muy importante que en este lugar del mundo se de a conocer más sobre la China continental, y la única manera es por medio de la radio, y como aquí la mayoria de los oyentes no utilizan la onda corta, sino broadcast y la FM, hemos considerado muy importante retransmitir sus espacios en AM. Los felicitamos por las transmisiones de Radio Internacional de China en onda corta. Estimamos que aunque no existen relaciones diplomáticas entre China y Guatemala, si pudieramos establecerlas comercialmente, y haremos lo que podamos para que nuestro gobierno comprenda la importancia de China y establecer amistades diplomaticas." (tomado del sitio de RIC, http://espanol.chinabroadcast.cn/1/2005/01/17/1@51125.htm ene 17 via Conexión Digital Jan 28 via DXLD) ** GUYANA. GUYANA GOVERNMENT PUNISHES TV STATION FOR CRITICIZING GOVERNMENT FLOOD RESPONSE | Text of report by Caribbean Media Corporation (CMC) news agency on 23 January Georgetown, Guyana: The government has suspended the licence of a private television station for one month complaining of persistent "inflammatory" statements against the administration during its coverage of the flooding. Communications minister, Prime Minister Sam Hinds in a Government Information Agency (GINA) statement censured CNS Channel 6 for misrepresenting the flood situation "by portraying the government as being insensitive to the flood and to the suffering and losses" people have experienced. Hinds accused the popular CNS Channel 6 owned by 2001 Presidential candidate, and leader of the Justice For All Party (JFAP), Chandra Narine Sharma on his "Voice of the People" show of uttering "inflammatory statements which would create an environment hostile to the relief effort and that are very likely to create public disorder." The alleged breach by CNS Channel 6 was "despite calls for restraint from the prime minister", GINA said. The government's handling of the flooding here has been criticized by several individuals and groups, including the main opposition People's National Congress Reform (PNC/R), which described it as "chaotic... [ellipsis as received] and partisan". "I do not want to get into this right now. I think it is trivializing our efforts. I just do not want to get into pettiness," President Bharrat Jagdeo said when questioned about the matter. Jagdeo admitted that persons on the ground "from various political affiliations, are doing inappropriate things during the distribution process," GINA said. However, he said: "It is wrong. The foodstuff goes to people regardless of race, religion and politics." Outraged by the accusations, Jagdeo reiterated that "it is not the time for this nonsense. Not the time for pettiness and I am not going to get sucked into this. I have a job to do in a tough situation and I have to try my best to deliver support to people who are suffering." "We have everybody pulling together. Government, the Churches, private organizations, individuals," the president added. Source: Caribbean Media Corporation news agency, Bridgetown, in English 2104 gmt 23 Jan 05 (via BBCM via DXLD) GUYANESE TV STATION GOES TO COURT IN BID TO OVERTURN LICENCE SUSPENSION | Text of report by Caribbean Media Corporation (CMC) news agency on 25 January Georgetown, Guyana: Lawyers for the owners of a television station whose licence was suspended by the Guyana government for one month have gone to court seeking to overturn the suspension handed down over the weekend [22-23 January]. The lawyers have filed an ex-parte constitutional motion seeking Conservatory Orders from Justice Rishi Persaud to disallow the government or its agencies from interfering with the operations of CNS Channel 6. The judge is expected to hand down a ruling this week. Prime Minister Samuel Hinds said the decision to suspend the licence was linked to the station's coverage of the flood situation in the country. Hinds said that on one of the programmes of the television station "the host and his guests have misrepresented the situation by portraying the government as being insensitive to the flood and to the suffering and losses caused to persons thereby". "They have continually uttered inflammatory statements which would create an environment hostile to the relief effort and that are very likely to create public disorder despite calls for restraint from the prime minister," Hinds said in a statement. But the lawyers have argued that the suspension "is in flagrant violation" of their client's rights guaranteed by the Guyana constitution. [The station's owner C.N.] Sharma's legal team said too that the seizure of the equipment "was unlawful and unconstitutional". Sharma claimed [on] Monday [24 January] that several pieces of equipment had been destroyed during the police operation. Source: Caribbean Media Corporation news agency, Bridgetown, in English 2216 gmt 25 Jan 05 (via BBCM via DXLD) (via BBCM via DXLD) SUSPENDED TV STATION RESUMES TRANSMISSIONS IN GUYANA | Text of report by Caribbean Media Corporation (CMC) news agency on 28 January Georgetown, Guyana: Less than a week after the Guyana government announced it had suspended the licence of CNS Channel 6, the television station Friday [28 January] resumed its broadcasting. CNS chief executive Chandra Narine Sharma said the company's lawyers had advised that the decision taken by the government and the National Frequency Management Unit (NFMU) were "unconstitutional and null and void" and that the television station should resume its daily programming. Prime Minister Sam Hinds last weekend announced that the licence had been suspended after accusing the television station of transmitting "inflammatory" programmes on the flood situation in the country. Hinds said that the suspension would have lasted a month, after indicating that on one of the programmes, "the host and his guests have misrepresented the situation by portraying the government as being insensitive to the flood and to the suffering and losses caused to persons thereby". "They have continually uttered inflammatory statements which would create an environment hostile to the relief effort and that are very likely to create public disorder despite calls for restraint from the Prime Minister," Hinds said in a statement said. But Sharma has denied the allegation and the suspension was criticized by the main opposition People's National Congress Reform (PNC/R) and the Guyana Media Association. Sharma told the Caribbean Media Corporation (CMC) that he had not yet received any court order on the matter. He said he has not received any communication from the NFMU or the watchdog Advisory Committee on Broadcasting (ACB). "I have workers to pay and a family to take care of I can't wait while the court is dragging its feet on the matter," Sharma said. Sharma said he lost an estimated 20m Guyana [G] dollars (100,000 US dollars) in revenue during the closure and that other television stations "sympathetic to my plight" had loaned him equipment since the authorities have not yet returned his equipment that had been seized over the last weekend. (Source: Caribbean Media Corporation news agency, Bridgetown, in English 1954 gmt 28 Jan 05 (via BBCM via DXLD) GUYANA SECURITY FORCES TRY TO TAKE TV STATION OFF AIR AGAIN | Text of report by Caribbean Media Corporation (CMC) news agency on 29 January Georgetown, Guyana: The standoff between the Guyana government and the privately owned CNS Channel 6 television station worsened early Saturday [29 January] when army troops and police surrounded the building in a fresh bid to remove transmission equipment. CNS Channel 6 proprietor Chandra Narine Sharma told CMC that at 5 a.m. [local time] Saturday, Guyana Defence Force (GDF) troops and police officers maintained a presence at his Robb Street, Georgetown, business to facilitate the removal of power lines by Guyana Power and Light (GPL) employees to ensure the station was off the air. "What the GPL did is illegal, I don't owe them," Sharma protested. One week ago the Guyana government announced it had suspended the licence of CNS Channel 6, but the television station resumed broadcasts Friday on the advice of company lawyers who said the decision taken by the government and the National Frequency Management Unit (NFMU) was "unconstitutional and null and void". NFMU officials turned up at CNS Channel 6 Friday afternoon to confiscate broadcast paraphernalia, but Sharma and his employees locked themselves in the building. A large and vociferous crowd gathered later at the Robb Street business to show solidarity for the popular political leader of the Justice For All Party (JFAP), which contested the 2001 polls and won three regional seats. "This is a personal matter between me and (Prime Minister) Sam Hinds. He is using all the government apparatus to harass me," Sharma said in a telephone interview. Hinds ordered a one-month suspension of Sharma's licence last week after accusing the television station of transmitting "inflammatory" programmes on the flood situation in the country. "They have continually uttered inflammatory statements which would create an environment hostile to the relief effort and that are very likely to create public disorder despite calls for restraint from the prime minister," a government statement said. Sharma has denied the claim and said Saturday that the administration has moved against him after he promised to disclose some sensitive information on key administration officials. "I will do so soon... [ellipsis as received] what they do will make me strong," the defiant businessman said. By his own estimation CNS Channel 6 has lost an estimated 20m Guyana dollars (100,000 US dollars) in revenue during the closure. He said other television stations "sympathetic to my plight" had lent him equipment to resume broadcasting Friday since the authorities have not yet returned his equipment that had been seized over the last weekend. Sharma told CMC he is yet to receive a court order on the matter. Meanwhile, both the main opposition People's National Congress Reform (PNC/R) and the Guyana Press Association (GPA) have condemned the government action. Source: Caribbean Media Corporation news agency, Bridgetown, in English 1818 gmt 29 Jan 05 (via BBCM via DXLD) ** INDIA. 11585: Heard 1525-1545, Jan 25, with English programme of evergreens till 1530, then Hindi and Indian pop songs, jingles and ID: "FM Rainbow 102.6". Strong, but overmodulated, 55444 (Anker Petersen, Denmark, DSWCI DX Window Jan 26 via DXLD) ** IRAQ. RADIO STATIONS KEY PLAYERS IN IRAQI ELECTIONS Pro-government and coalition-sponsored radio stations in Iraq are urging Iraqis to go to the polls on January 30 despite the threat of suicide bombers. Insurgents have targeted radio stations, and continuously threaten journalists promoting elections, but many stations still manage to operate relatively freely and play a crucial role in the elections. Call-in shows are one of the few forums left where campaigning and political discussion is still possible. German Foreign ministry has even helped set up Election Radio, which produces election-related programs that are rebroadcast over affiliate stations around Iraq. The broadcasting scene has developed rapidly over the past months with new stations being set up also on the mediumwave band, but surprisingly, very few of these have been reported heard outside Iraq. To help in discovering and monitoring Iraqi stations, DXing.info is publishing a list of Iraqi AM stations, based on information from the BBC Monitoring Service and the Iraqi Communications and Media Commission. . . http://www.dxing.info/news/ (via DXLD) ** ITALY. Would European monitors please check whether any or all of Rai`s foreign-language SW broadcasts have been cancelled, as alleged in R. Bulgaria`s DX programs. Here`s one version of the B-04 schedule: http://www.bclnews.it/b04schedules/rai.htm (Glenn Hauser, Jan 28, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) I don't understand --- all of Rai`s foreign-language reported on http://www.bclnews.it/b04schedules/rai.htm are still on the air... what's the problem??? (Roberto Scaglione, bclnews.it, ibid.) Radio Bulgaria`s DX program last week misquoted me, or leapt to a conclusion, both in English, and in Spanish: Italia. Desde comienzos del pasado mes de diciembre fueron suspendidas las emisiones para el exterior en onda corta de la RAI. Según el señor Glen Houser (sic), presentador del programa DX ``El mundo de la Radio``, la radio italiana y el centro transmisor de programas para el exterior han sido ofertados para la venta. No obstante, en Sofía y el pasado 16 de enero, entre las 02.00 y las 04.00, por las frecuencias de 6060, 846 y 900 kilohercios se captó el programa ``Notturno dall`Italia`` y luego, entre las 0800 y las 0900, en 11800 kilohercios, un programa en italiano (Programa DX de Radio Bulgaria del 26 de enero Por Rumen Pankov, Versión al español: Mijail Mijailov via Ignacio Sotomayor, Noticias DX via DXLD) Hello Glenn, RAI was heard yesterday (26/11) in French at 1530 et 1630 UTC according to the B04 schedule. I also checked the end of the Swedish programme at 2020 this Friday with music and national anthem only, on 6035 and 9760. I could hear the English programme at 2025 beamed to Africa on 6040 and 11880 and the Arabic transmission at 2025 on 6010 and 7290. All frequencies are extremely weak. 2050 UT: Portuguese programme on 11880 and 6010 (very weak) Interval signal on 15250 at 2048, but nothing after 7290 heard with the IS and from 2059 after V of Russia 2135 UT: Arabic on 6010 and 7290 2135 UT: Czech (?) on 6125 (IS and national anthem) As before, reception is extremely difficult. Regards (Jean-Michel Aubier (France), ibid.) When read your item tonight: Due to LOUSY prop condition in last five days, heard tonight usual BIRD CHIRPING on all three channels RAI's IS signal before the transmission starts. 2050-2110 11880 15250 Portuguese 2115-2135 6125 Romanian Need more observation. 6135 Yes, heard Italian canzones at 2130-2134, then Italian National Anthem!! 73 wolfgang, pressure under lousy prop condition... 6125 2115-2225 UT to EaEUR 2300-0500 657 900 1332 6060 And at 2300 UT SW 6060 kHz joined night program on 657, 900, and 1332 kHz. 73 wb (Wolfgang Büschel, Germany, ibid.) ** ITALY [non]. 5775 Santec's English program entry See (thanks to Kai Ludwig) http://www.radio-santec.com/deutsch/radiofrequenzen_int.html 5775 English, Programm from Oakland CA Address given oneheartforkiss.com IRRS brokered, only Fridays from Sofia Kostinbrod Bulgaria. 22:00 MEZ, (CET) 21:00 UTC to Europe + Overseas, for example Oceania ! SW 5775 kHz Bernd Friedewald' ILG file, notes that under Thursday. Now at 2208 UT still nice classical piano music played (Wolfgang Büschel, Germany, Jan 28, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** KOREA SOUTH. Radio Korea International pronto anunciará la inclusión de su decimoprimera sección de idiomas. A partir del 1 de marzo y coincidiendo con la celebración del Movimiento Independentista del Uno de Marzo y el 10 aniversario de las relaciones diplomáticas con entre la República de Corea y Vietnam, KBS incorpora el Servicio en Vietnamita. Dicho nuevo servicio tendrá una duración de 45 minutos y, si bien no existe información exacta sobre los horarios y frecuencias, habrá más de un bloque de emisión diaria. (Fuente original: Ramiro Trost de Spanish Service of RKI via Rubén Guillermo Margenet, Casilla de Correo 950, S 2000 WAJ - Rosario, ARGENTINA, Jan 28, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Add 11th language, Vietnamese ** MALDIVE ISLANDS. On Jan 19, I had a most welcomed phone call from Sri Lankan DX-er Sarath Weerakoon who for the time being is Head of Operations of the Hong Kong Shanghai Bank in Male. He told me that during school holidays in December, his wife and children did visit him. On Dec 24 and 25 they went snorkeling from one of the holiday resorts on one of the many, very flat islands in the South of the Maldives, but fortunately they returned on Dec 25 to the capital Male. The next day many of these islands whose highest point above normal sea level is only one meter, were flooded by the tsunami. Most of the other coasts along the Indian Ocean like in Sri Lanka are higher and the flood came several times and made severe devastations. But it was different on the Maldive islands where the big tsunami wave just passed over the islands once and carried people and material away. There are some reefs around Male, so only a minor flooding occurred there and Sarath and his family are safe. But about 100 people are dead or missing on the Maldives. Nobody there had imagined that such a catastrophe could happen. Six years ago Sarath and his wife Niranjalee showed me great hospitality in letting me be their guest in their bungalow in Mount Lavinia south of Colombo. Sarath furthermore showed me around at various interesting places in Colombo, Bentota and Galle on the south coast of Sri Lanka. Fortunately their bungalow on a hill is untouched and the school of their children is only slightly damaged. Sarath Weerakoon also told me that the compound of the Voice of Maldives in Male was unhurt. Their extensive network of FM-repeaters covers all the inhabited islands. But they have absolutely no plans to return to the use of Shortwaves. Sarath sent his best regards to all members of the DSWCI. - With the current world media focus on the political situation in the Maldives, it is interesting to note that President Gayoom a few days ago promised more democracy on his archipelago (Anker Petersen, Denmark, DSWCI DX Window Jan 26 via DXLD) ** MEXICO. OPERAN 124 ESTACIONES DE TV Y RADIO ILEGALES EN EL PAÍS --- ( José Contreras ) ( 2005-01-19 ) De acuerdo con un documento interno de la Secretaría de Comunicaciones y Transportes, en el país operan 124 estaciones de radio y televisión sin concesión ni permiso oficial. La mayoría transmite en FM y en buen número están vinculadas con organizaciones afines al Partido de la Revolución Democrática. De hecho, cinco radiodifusoras clandestinas operan desde los edificios de ayuntamientos gobernador por el PRD. La cifra de la SCT corresponde al día cuatro de enero del presente año. El propio Ejército Mexicano ha denunciado la existencia de estaciones clandestinas, como "Radio Comunitaria", ubicada en San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas, que fue denunciada por los generales de brigada Alfredo Arellano Raygosa, director general de Transmisiones de la Secretaría de la Defensa Nacional, y Javier del Real Magallanes, subjefe del Estado Mayor Operativo de la Sedena. El mismo general del Real Magallanes también denunció la operación de "Radio Zapata, la voz de la Montaña", en Chenhaló, Chiapas, y de "Radio TZONTCHOJ", en Ocosingo, Chiapas. En Teloloapan, municipio de Guerrero, gobernado por el PRD, la emisora clandestina 107.3 MHz de FM "Radio Tecampana" transmite desde la planta baja del Palacio Municipal. En Zitácuaro, Michoacán, también con alcalde perredista, la estación "TEC FM" opera desde las instalaciones de la sede de gobierno; "Estereo Lluvia" lo hace desde el Ayuntamiento en el también municipio perredista de San Pedro Tututepec, Oaxaca. Otros municipios gobernados por el PRD, y donde funcionan emisoras clandestinas, son Mazatlán de Villa Flores, Oaxaca, donde "Radio Mazatlán de Villa Flores" es propiedad del Ayuntamiento. Y Escuinapa, Sinaloa, donde es el propio secretario general del Comité Ejecutivo Municipal del PRD quien está solicitando el permiso para Canal 2 de Televisión Comunitaria de Escuinapa.. Javier Lozano Alarcón, ex presidente de la Comisión Federal de Telecomunicaciones (Cofetel), afirmó que quienes defienden la reforma a la Ley Federal de Radio y Televisión para establecer un régimen simplificado para las radios comunitarias, "son los mismos que eventualmente podrían servirse de ella para apoyar lo que llaman ellos proyecto alternativo de nación". De hecho, estas emisoras ilegales se han extendido en territorios donde se tejen las Redes Ciudadanas de apoyo al Proyecto Alternativo de Nación de Andrés Manuel López Obrador, dirigidas por Manuel Camacho Solís en el norte del país, y por César Raúl Ojeda Zubieta en el sur. Entre las emisoras que transmiten en el norte están "Canal 10 de Televisión Sindicato Salinero de Guerrero Negro", en el municipio del mismo nombre, estado de Baja California Sur, donde gobierna el PRD. En el sur, sobresalen: "El Faro", en Zihuatanejo, Guerrero; "Radio Zapata, la voz de la Montaña", en Chenhaló, Chiapas; "Radio TZONTCHOJ", en Ocosingo, Chiapas; "Radio Purépero", en Purépero, Michoacán; "La Explosiva", en Tacámbaro, Michoacán; "Radio Nopalera", en San Martín Mexicapan, Oaxaca y "Radio Nguixo", en Eloxochitlán de Flores Magón, Oaxaca. Ante la intención de la SCT y de Gobernación de obligar a las emisoras clandestinas a solicitar permiso oficial o cancelar operaciones, la fracción del PRD en la Cámara de Diputados, propuso un punto de acuerdo, el 11 de diciembre de 2003, para pedir a ambas dependencias que "suspendieran la campaña" en contra de estas estaciones radiales y televisivas. En tanto, el Sindicato de Trabajadores de la Industria de la Radio, la Televisión y Conexos de la República Mexicana reveló que partidos políticos de izquierda operan estaciones clandestinas de radiodifusión en zonas rurales de difícil acceso para promover sus posiciones partidistas. Precisó que de acuerdo con información que les proporcionó la Cámara de la Industria de Radio y Televisión, se han detectado en diversas partes del país que partidos políticos financian estas estaciones al margen de las disposiciones que fija el Código federal de Procedimientos e Instituciones Electorales. Este tipo de radiodifusoras depredan contra la industria y contra las condiciones laborales de los trabajadores, ahí se trabaja sin prestaciones laborales firmes, sin nada. Condenamos la presencia de ese tipo de estaciones y su presencia no se puede tolerar", asentó Fortino Vargas López, secretario general sustituto de la organización laboral. La mayoría de emisoras pirata, en áreas rurales Sin precisar cuántas estaciones de radio clandestinas hay en territorio mexicano, organizaciones de la sociedad civil organizada, sindicatos y académicos advierten que podrían ser casi un centenar que operan principalmente en zonas rurales de difícil acceso. De acuerdo con información publicada por la Revista de Comunicación, a finales de 2003 la Secretaría de Comunicaciones y Transportes clausuró 30 de 100 estaciones que transmitían sin permiso. Pero hasta el momento no hay un informe preciso del número de este tipo de estaciones. De acuerdo con estimaciones de la Asociación Mundial de Radios Comunitarias, a través de su representante en México, habría unas 87; según el catedrático Eduardo Ruiz Vega serían decenas, y el Sindicato de Trabajadores de la Industria de Radio y Televisión estima cerca de un centenar. En junio de 2003, la Unidad de Enlace de la SCT informó que cuatro emisoras habían sido aseguradas hasta ese momento, tres en 2001 y una en 2002, en los siguientes sitios: Guerrero Negro, Baja California Sur; Comitán, Chiapas; Almoloya, Hidalgo, y Tacámbaro, Michoacán. Sin embargo, señala la información de la Revista de Comunicación hay otros casos documentados como son Radio Santa María Tlahuitoltepec, Oaxaca, clausurada el 7 de agosto de 2002; La Voladora, en Amecameca, Estado de México, el 11 de septiembre de 2003. Así como tres emisoras ubicadas en Jalisco: Radio Santa María Zapotitlán, de Vadillo; Emisora Zona Cero, de Tonaya, y Radiografía, de Tolimán, el 15 de diciembre, de ese año. Aleida Calleja, representante de la Asociación Mundial de Radios Comunitarias para la región México, demandó mantener una clara diferencia entre las radios comunitarias y las clandestinas que operen en territorio nacional. Recalcó que a pesar de que algunas radios comunitarias trabajan sin los permisos correspondientes, sirven a una comunidad; mientras que las clandestinas operan escondidas de las autoridades, algunas con fines de lucro, para beneficiar a grupos económicos o a familias. Precisó que aquellos que instalen y operen unas estaciones sin permiso serán multados con cinco mil días de salario mínimo y los bienes que utilicen en la radiodifusora serán asegurados por el Estado mexicano en beneficio de la sociedad. Indicó que cuando la AMRC tuvo conocimiento de que el Ejército Mexicano denunciaba a estas estaciones comunitarias como clandestinas, inició la alerta y dejaron claro al gobierno federal que de ninguna manera eran clandestinas, pues servían a la sociedad. "Estaban abiertas a la sociedad y si no tenían los permisos era porque sistemáticamente o la autoridad no le contestaba o les ponía requisitos inalcanzables para las posibilidades de los grupos ciudadanos. Algunas han cerrado, pero ninguna por que se les pruebe que operen con el apoyo de grupos guerrilleros o el narco", atajó. Algunas de las radiodifusoras que operan sin autorización QUEJA, FRECUENCIA DE IDENTIFICACIÓN, UBICACIÓN, OBSERVACIONES [NOTE: the lines in the following entries were garbled/out of order in the original. Rather than trying, perhaps inaccurately, to sort them out, I suggest you try connecting the caps with the caps. Perhaps they were originally in two separate columns; but this is still valuable info with frequencies/channels and names. The personal names at the beginning of the entries are apparently the upright citizens who filed reports on the pirates, not the perps: one was anonymous --- gh] BAJA CALIFORNIA SUR RAFAEL HERNÁNDEZ CANAL 10 DE GUERRERO NEGRO, Correo electrónico del 28-11-01 TELEVISION B.C.S. SINDICATO SALINERO DE GUERRERO NEGRO CHIAPAS LIC. FERNANDO MARTELL RUIZ 99.1 MHz de FM SAN CRISTOBAL DE LAS Con fecha 20 de mayo de 2002, el Apoderado de las estaciones XEWM-AM y “RADIO CASAS, CHIS. Centro SCT Chiapas, presentó XHCRI-FM de San Cristóbal de las Casas, COMUNITARIA denuncia penal ante el Ministerio Público de la Federación de San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chis. Chis. Escritos 7089 del 21-XI-01 y 1124 del 20-III-02 (Expediente ACSCL/024/2002) ING. LINO PALACIOS PERALTA CANAL 7 BERRIOZABAL, CHIS. Director General del Centro SCT Chiapas DE TELEVISION Oficio SCT. 707.1.5/0362 del 10-VI-02 GRAL. BGDA. DEM. JAVIER DEL REAL 97.9 MHz de FM BELISARIO DOMINGUEZ, MAGALLANES “RADIO ZAPATA LA MPIO. DE CHENALHO, CHIS. Subjefe Operativo del Estado Mayor DEF NAL VOZ DE LA Oficio del Estado Mayor 36712 del 31-V-02 MONTAÑA GRAL. BGDA. DEM. JAVIER DEL REAL 100. 1 MHz. de FM EJIDO PRADO PACAYAL, MAGALLANES RADIO MPIO. DE OCOSINGO, CHIS. Subjefe Operativo del Estado Mayor DEF NAL TZONTCHOJ Oficio del Estado Mayor 36712 del 31-V-02 LIC. FELIX VIDAL MENA TAMAYO CANAL 7 DE COMITAN, CHIS. Apoderado legal de TELEVISION AZTECA, TELEVISION S.A. DE C.V. GOBIERNO DEL Escrito 1636 del 30-III-2000 ESTADO DE CHIAPAS GUERRERO LIC. EDILBERTO HUESCA PERROTIN 107.3 MHz. de FM TELOLOAPAN, GRO. Representante Ejecutivo y Director General de `RADIO Núcleo Radio Mil Comunicaciones` TECAMPANA Escrito 1349 del 15-V-02 LIC. CASIO CARLOS ENRIQUE NARVÁEZ 102.1 MHz. de FM ZIHUATANEJO, GRO. LIDOLF `EL FARO` Escrito 6371 del 23-IX-02 HIDALGO HORACIO RAMIREZ CURIEL CANAL 7 y 9 ALMOLOYA, HGO. Presidente Municipal de Almoloya. Hgo. DE TELEVISION Oficio PM/0045-02 del 26-III-02 MICHOACAN LEODEGARIO PARENTE MORA 1610 KHz de AM TACAMBARO, MICH. Impresión de correo electrónico recibido el `LA EXPLOSIVA` 26-VI-01 LIC. ARTURO HERRERA CORNEJO Presidente de la Delegación Michoacán de la Cámara Nacional de la Industria de Radio y Televisión Escrito del 22-I-02 LIC. ARTURO HERRERA CORNEJO 99.5 MHz. de FM IXTLAN DE LOS HERVORES Presidente de la Delegación Michoacán de la `RADIO PUREPERO` MICH. Cámara Nacional de la Industria de Radio y Televisión Escrito del 22-I-02 LIC. ARTURO HERRERA CORNEJO 100.1 MHz. de FM TANGANCICUARO, MICH. Presidente de la Delegación Michoacán de la Cámara Nacional de la Industria de Radio y Televisión Escrito del 22-1-02 LIC. ARTURO HERRERA CORNEJO `EMISORA DE LA MORELIA, MICH Presidente de la Delegación Michoacán de la ESCUELA DE Cámara Nacional de la Industria de Radio y MEDICINA` Televisión Escrito del 22-1-02 LIC. ARTURO HERRERA CORNEJO 104.5 MHz. de FM OCUMICHO, MICH. Presidente de la Delegación Michoacán de la `RADIO Cámara Nacional de la Industria de Radio y OCUMICHO` Televisión Escrito del 22-1-02 ING. VICTOR HUGO CASTAÑON 104.1 MHz. de FM ZINAPECUARO, MICH. GUEVARA Encargado de la Dirección General del CENTRO SCT oficio SCT.715.301.02. 0635/2002 DEL 20-I-02 ING. VICTOR HUGO CASTAÑON SE DESCONOCE ECUANDUREO, MICH. GUEVARA Encargado de la Dirección General del CENTRO SCT oficio SCT.715.301.02. 0635/2002 DEL 20-I-02 LIC. VERONICA, SANCHEZ GUTIERREZ CANALES 8, 9, 10 Y 11 TINGAMBATO, MICH. Gerente Relaciones Públicas DE TELEVISION GRUPO MARVER, S.A. DE C.V. Escrito del 6-VIII-02 NUEVO LEON GUILLERMO FRANCO 90.7 MHz. de FM MONTERREY, N.L. Grupo Multimedios Estrellas de Oro `RADIO TIERRA Y VOLANTE de la Subsecretaria de LIBERTAD` Comunicaciones N.2-206 del 5-111-02 OAXACA GRAL, BGDA DEM. JAVIER DEL REAL 94.5 MHz de FM SAN MARTIN MEXICAPAN, MAGALLANES `RADIO MPIO DE OAXACA, OAX. Subjefe Operativo del Estado Mayor DEF. NAL. NOPALERA` Oficio del Estado Mayor 36712 del 31-V-02 GRAL, BGDA DEM. JAVIER DEL REAL 104.9 MHz. de FM ELOXOCHITLAN DE FLORES MAGALLANES `RADIO NGUIXO` MAGON OAX Subjefe Operativo del Estado Mayor DEF. NAL. Oficio del Estado Mayor 36712 del 31-V-02 GRAL. BGDA. DEM. JAVIER DEL REAL `RADIO TOTONTEPEC VILLA MORELOS MAGALLANES TOTONTEPEC` OAX. Subjefe Operativo del Estado Mayor DEF. NAL Oficio del Estado Mayor 36712 del 31-V-02 GRAL. BGDA. DEM. JAVIER DEL REAL 104.9 MHz de FM SANTA MARIA MAGALLANES `RADIO JEN POJ` TLAHUITOLTEPEC, OAX. Subjefe Operativo del Estado Mayor DEF. NAL Oficio del Estado Mayor 36712 del 31-V-02 ING. REYNALDO GUAJARDO VILLARREAL 104.5 MHz de FM SAN ANTONIO CASTILLO Director General del Centro SCT Oaxaca XHRC-FM VELASCO. OCOTI.AN, OAX. Oficio SCT.719.SC.302.0193/2002 del 22-II-02 `RADIO CALENDA` PUEBLA INFORMANTE ANÓNIMO 100.1 a 103.3 MHz de ACATLAN DE OSORIO, PUE. Mediante copia de fax 22-IV-02 FM `RADIO ACATLAN` SAN LUIS POTOSI RICARDOMARTINEZ CERDA 94.7 MHz de FM CHARCAS, S.L.P. Jefe de la junta de Barrio Charcas, S.L.P. `XHEMIT MEGA Escrito 7086 del 21-XI-01 UNIVERSO DIGITAL` ENRIQUE CARRILLO ORTIZ 107.1 MHz. de FM COLONIA LOMA DORDA Director General del Centro SCT S.L.P. SAN LUIS POTOSI, S.L.P. Oficio 723.403.111/2002 del 6-V-02 SINALOA LIC. JORGE CUEVAS REANUD CANAL 9 DE PRESIDENCIA MUNICIPAL DE Representante legal MEGACABLE, S.A. DE C.V. TELEVISIÓN EL ROSARIO, SIN. Escrito 3192 del 19-VI-02 SONORA RONALDO ORTEGA DUARTE 92.7 MHz de FM ESQUEDA, SON. Escrito 392 del 30-I-02 JUAN CARLOS QUIROZ URRUTIA 106.9 Mhz de FM PRESIDENCIA MUNICIPAL DE Escrito 393 del 20-I-02 `RADIO NACO, SON. AYUNTAMIENTO` DANIELA GARCIA NOCETTI Representante legal de Televisión por Cable CANALES 4, 7 y 13 NACOZARI DE GARCIA, SON. Del Norte de Sonora. S.A. de C.V. `AYUNTAMIENTO` Escritos del 29-VIII-00 y 16-I-01 TABASCO FELIPE DE JESUS RIVERA VALENZUELA CANAL 6 TENOSIQUE, TAB. Director General del Centro SCT Tabasco DE TELEVISION Oficio 726.302-360 del 22-VII-02 `Canal Seis` antes `TELECABLE Pomona` MARCO ANTONIO HERNÁNDEZ CANAL 10 FRONTERA CENTLA, TAB. GUERRERO DE TELEVISION Gerente de la estación XEFRO-AM antes Escrito 8-XI-0 1 `TV CINTI.A` Hoy “TVQ, S.A. DE C.V.” ZACATECAS FERNANDO DIAZ ALONSO 88.1 MHz. de FM NOCHISTILAN, ZAC. Director General de la estación XEFP-AM de Jalpa, Zac. Fax del 10- IX-0 1 (José Contreras, http://www.cronica.com.mx/nota.php?idc=162845 ene 19 via Conexión Digital via DXLD) ** MEXICO. The Mexican clandestine "Radio Insurgente" continues claiming regular Friday broadcasts in the 49 mb; the audio files (up to 21 January) 2005) are archived at: http://www.radioinsurgente.org/index.php?name=archivo ``Programas semanales de Onda Corta Estos programas de Radio Insurgente están dirigidos a la sociedad civil nacional e internacional. Se transmiten semanalmente, todos los viernes a las 15:00 horas (hora del centro de México GMT-6) en la frecuencia 6.0 MHz en la banda de 49 metros. Cada programa tiene una duración de aproximadamente una hora. Puedes escucharlos o bajarlos para su retransmisión. Para escucharlos haz clic en Escuchar. Para bajarlos haz clic en el botón derecho del ratón (con la opción "guardar como").`` (Bernd Trutenau in Dxplorer, Jan 24 via DSWCI DX Window Jan 26 via DXLD) Just a thought, and I realize that others have tried for this and not heard it, but I wonder if this could be via R. Habana Cuba? 6.0 MHz is one of their regular frequencies. I listened to the start of one of the programs on line. It opens with a multi-lingual ID, and I see on the website under "Quienes Somos/Onda Corta": "El programa semanal de onda corta está destinado especialmente a los pueblos de México y de las Américas, pero también a la sociedad civil de Europa, África, Asia y Oceanía." So they seem to be pretty ambitious about the reach of the SW signal. In the program they give the frequency carefully as "seis punto cero" MHz (Jerry Berg, Jan 24, ibid.) I hope somebody would try this Friday at 2100 UT on 6000 (Anker Petersen, DSWCI Ed) It was I who tried this back in November(?) with no results, except to note that Cuba occasionally relays Venezuela at 21 on 6000, whether or not it be in the published schedule for that (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** SRI LANKA. As a response to the financial donation from the DSWCI and the devotion of SWN/January to the support from Sri Lankan radioamateurs to the humanitarian aid right after the tsunami catastrophe, Victor Goonetilleke sent us this report of Jan 14: Thank you for the wonderful support, Anker and I think it is my duty to inform you and others who have been supporting us from the first days by inquiring from us. I must however tell you Anker and others that we have not tried to issue press coverage stories etc, but trying to do whatever we can. However, the problem is so huge that it is impossible to match up to the need of the hour. As I write this our team of 2 Sri Lankan hams with 2 British visiting hams who came with radio equipment for us and 5 boxes of medicine and some toys are camping out in the East Coast about 30 kms North of Pothuvi. They left this morning at 2.30 AM. We were fitting out a hired vehicle with VHF and HF Mobile rigs and antennas. We are in contact with them on 3775 kHz dusk to dawn and 7060 on LSB and when conditions get bad on CW (Morse). When disaster strikes as mentioned before the things that get affected most are the Hi-tech stuff and then raw HF radio survives. My friends are running an Icom 706 transceiver with a Mobile antenna. 100 watts, powered off the car battery. They are taking their generator, water, cooking stuff gas etc including an inverter with tube lights. So they are self supporting and can stand the rough conditions.. at least that is what we think. I have checked the mobile phone, but there is no coverage there. The Amateur Community is small, so within our capacity we are doing what we can. In addition to going into these areas, we have been helping some NGOs who are coming into help, plan with their communications networks. We know the country, the propagation and the spectrum. As a point of interest one big NGO was telling me they cannot use their HF after 1100 UTC and when they told me their frequency was 7454.5 wasn’t it a wonder when KTWR Guam and RFA are .5 kHz up blasting away. So I recommended they get a new frequency which I could check out for them. So Anker, Gerhard and my friends there are a lot of things we can do. We are also helping some state agencies to improve their communications, re-doing their antennas and advising them what frequencies to use. The help you are giving goes a long way. Thank you for dedicating SWN to us. We have not done great things but all of us can have some happy moments in the thought that we might have saved some lives and eased even a few nights of pain and hunger of those people out there. But sometimes the magnitude of the problem overwhelms you and you feel ashamed that you are incapable of doing more because what we are doing is just nothing compared to what we must do. My friends just told me that they must keep awake, at least one of them, because this is jungle area where elephants roam. I think Gerhard knows Lahugala Elephant National Park well. Most of the East and SEast is tropical jungle and people, mainly fishermen live along the coast and the Tsunami just came for them. I must close now. Thankfully today Friday was a holiday and we have a long weekend. Sometimes I feel tired. Thanks a lot once again. The kindness you show afflicted people should surely give you peace. Yours, Victor (Victor Goonetilleke, Sri Lanka, DSWCI DX Window Jan 26 via DXLD) ** SUDAN. Chris, based on unexpectedly strong signals in North America a few weeks ago, we strongly suspected R. Peace on 4750, was, at least part of the time, being relayed, perhaps on a test basis, from some other site, by VT, such as UAE? Please be on the lookout for signs of site-switching and strength jumps (Glenn to Chris Greenway, Kenya, dxldyg via DXLD) I've been monitoring 4750 routinely for about a year 1600 UT onwards, but noted no dramatic signal boost of R Peace. Even on good conditions they are just and just audible here. I haven't tried the morning transmissions, but checked the Finnish loggings and there are no "real good" signals reported (Jari Savolainen, Finland, Jan 29, DX LISTENING DIGEST) The dramatically stronger signals were only (?) reported in the 0330 UT half-hour (gh, DXLD) ** SUDAN. Sudan People's Liberation Movement/ Sudan National Alliance Press Release January 22, 2005 The SPLM/SAF Committee for the Unification of New Sudan political forces metin Nairobi between January 14 - 19, 2005 to review the progress achieved. The meetings noted the completion of joint training courses (in the Eastern Front) leading to the full integration of SAF combatants in SPLA, the shared administration of the Voice of New Sudan radio as well as increased political coordination between their respective chapters both within and outside Sudan. Consequently, the Committee concluded that the terms of the February 28, 2002, Unity Agreement between SPLM/A and SNA/SAF has been fully implemented; and, recommended to the leadership of the two parties that all SAF political, military, humanitarian and administrative structures become part of the SPLM/A. By finalizing this union, the SPLM renews the call to political and civil society organizations to widen dialogue, consolidate peace and achieve democratic transformation by building a Sudanese political movement capable of realizing the objectives of a New Sudan based on voluntary unity and the free will of its people. Cdr. Pagan Amoum, SPLM/SPLA. Dr. Taisier M. Ahmed Ali, SNA/SAF." (sudantribune.com website via Jari Savolainen, dxldyg via DXLD) Are they talking about the SAF controlled clandestine (6985) in Asmara, Eritrea or about the one in New Site? 73 (Jari Savolainen, Finland, dxldyg via DXLD) ** TAIWAN [non]. Until Wednesday, Feb 2, the German programme of Radio Taiwan International will be carried 1900-2000 on 6170 via Al-Dhabbaya instead of the usual Skelton site. A note about this has been put at http://www.cbs.org.tw/german/index.htm as well. Reminds me on the BBC's axed German service which was also transmit via Cyprus to overcome the skipping problems for transmissions from England to Germany in winter nights. Should be the very first time that Al- Dhabbaya carries German-language stuff, by the way (Kai Ludwig, Germany, Jan 28, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Subject: [A-DX] Frequenzbeobachtung bei Radio Taipei International Hallo, folgende Mitteilung kam gerade per E-Mail von Radio Taipei International: unser Deutschprogramm wird ab sofort bis voraussichtlich Mittwoch, den 2. Februar probeweise von 19:00 bis 20:00 UTC auf der Frequenz 6170 kHz aus Dhabayya ausgestrahlt. Wir sind ueber Empfangsbeobachtungen sehr dankbar! BTW: Weiß jemand, wo Dhabayya ist? Gruß, (Bernhard Walle, Jan 28, A-DX via Ludwig, DXLD) I do; it`s in the UAE. So Dhabbaya has antennas suitable for Europe? I thought they were all aimed out toward Asia and Africa (gh, DXLD) ** U A E. Now relaying Taiwan in German: see TAIWAN [non] ** U K. BBCWS Burmese service: see BURMA [non] ** U S A. Re: WWV Voices --- John Doyle did many of the automated "time and temperature" phone-based services dating from the 1960s; he also was an on-camera meteorologist with the Weather Channel for a while. He's still doing weather, locally in Atlanta, with a bio here: http://www.cbs46.com/Global/story.asp?S=313189 Another bio that refers to his "time and temperature" days is here: http://www.etcia.com/john_doyle.html (Richard Cuff / Allentown, PA, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A [non]. Probably VOA will add a tropical band frequency from Botswana site, effective Feb 1st on 4930 kHz // MW. Proposed schedule: at 0300-0630 VOA English, 1600-1700 VOA English, 1700-1800 VOA "Studio 7" [for Zimbabwe], 1800-2200 VOA English. 4930 is co-channel to Ashqabat, Turkmenistan (Wolfgang Büschel, Jan 28, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A [non?]. January 26 new frequency 7811 kHz USB as earlier reported for AFRTS was heard with weak signal at 0730 UTC. Makes me wonder where was Grindavik, Iceland at the very same time? No signal what so ever on 9980 kHz USB. Is 7811 kHz USB Key West, FL as earlier reported or replacing Grindavik? 73s (Jouko Huuskonen, Turku, FINLAND, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 7590(U), 1852, AFN Keflavik, E 4 (27.01.2005) E=English. RX Kenwood R- 5000 Ant. Inverted V 2x11m, LW 100m, MW Loop, 4El. Yagi 10m; QTH Wittenberg, Germany, JO61HV vy 73s & nice a weekend (Kay DE0KRW Richter, HCDX via DXLD) ** U S A. THREE CLEAR CHANNEL STATIONS IN ST. LOUIS NOW IBOC Clear Channel has converted KSD 93.7 St. Louis, MO, KATZ-FM 100.3 Alton, IL and KMJM 104.9 Columbia, IL to IBOC-DAB, or Low-Definition Radio. As a consequence of this, the 101.5 Fort Bellefontaine translator for KDJR 100.1 may be silent because of KATZ's IBOC sidebands. The sidebands wipe out everything on the first adjacents, and directly causes interference on the second adjacents. As for the signals themselves, Stereo separation has degraded somewhat, rendering the analog signals no longer capable of CD-quality separation. Competitors WIL 92.3 and WFUN-FM 95.5 ("Foxy 95.5") have far better separation than KSD and KMJM. With KSD, 93.5 and 93.9 are totally wiped out; the sidebands interfere with the Stereo pilots from KNSX 93.3 Steelville, MO and KPVR 94.1 Bowling Green, MO; both semi-locals. When the antenna is pointed at the transmitter site, 93.3 and 94.1 are either severely weakened or gone entirely due to KSD's IBOC sidebands. With KATZ-FM, 100.1 is totally wiped out, interfering with the ministry outreach of KDJR. Ditto with 100.5, which means I can no longer hear WYMG on a good trop opening into central Illinois. Minor interference can be found to the stereo pilot of KFAV 99.9 from KATZ-FM's IBOC sidebands; a picket- fence effect can be found on the signal of KFNS-FM 100.7 Troy, MO (which is used to fill gaps in 590's coverage in St. Charles County). With KMJM, WNSV 104.7 is almost blocked out, 105.1 is totally blocked out (say goodbye to WGEM-FM and WTAO). When the antenna is pointed toward KMJM's transmitter site, WNSV is totally wiped out and KSLQ 104.5 is difficult to hear; KSLQ is a semi-local. WAOX 105.3 also suffers from interference, especially to the Stereo pilot. This proves, once and for all, that the FM band is not suitable for digital audio broadcasting of any kind. With Michael Powell on the way out at the FCC, IBOC's future could depend on who becomes the next FCC Chairman. It is totally illogical for broadcasters to test a technology that there's no market for. There's simply no market for IBOC; most Americans are satisfied with AM and FM radio in the analog format. 73, (Eric (N0UIH) Bueneman, MO, Jan 28, WTFDA via DXLD) ** U S A. The FCC has announced that Media Bureau chief Kenneth Ferree is resigning effective in March. He had three years' service in this position. – (Doug Smith, W9WI, Pleasant View (Nashville), TN, EM66 http://www.w9wi.com Jan 28, WTFDA via DXLD) ** U S A. 1710 kHz Lubavitcher et al. Thread from NRC-AM I believe that the Lubavitch Pirate is in Crown Heights (Lubavitch world headquarters), not Williamsburg. Not to re-hash the whole discussion again, but there is definitely something fishy about the whole operation. As I recall, the building owner is a big shot in the Lubavitch movement. Even if he had nothing to do with the actual operation of the station, it's highly unlikely that he was unaware of its existence, and it's hard to imagine how it could have operated from his building without his approval/assistance. The simple fact that it's still on the air is enough to convince most people that they are being deliberately ignored by the FCC (Brian Leyton, Valley Village, CA, DX-398 / RS Loop / 18" Box Loop, Jan 28, NRC-AM via DXLD) I was out one day driving through Williamsburg. I had a FIM [field intensity meter] with me. Not that I was really looking for them, but I would say by the indications I was within a few blocks of the station. Unless maybe they have more than 1 transmitter? (Neal Newman) Why do you think the FCC is ignoring them? (Bob Young, Millbury, MA, Hammarlund HQ-180/NRC 4/ loop, ibid.) Because they are so widely heard, they have already been visited once (way back in 2003), and when the building owner (against whom the NAL was filed) claimed ignorance, they actually believed him and revoked the NAL. This despite the fact that the building owner is a prominent member of Chabad/Lubavitch, who owns other buildings in the neighborhood. See http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-237849A1.html and http://www.fcc.gov/eb/Orders/2004/DA-04-2888A1.html The FCC inspectors appear to have made no attempt then or since then, to silence the station. To summarize the previous thread: Scott Fybush's opinion, which most of us agreed with, is that the FCC has no enforcement power of their own. They need the assistance of local authorities in order to actively silence a pirate station. Since Chabad/Lubavitch is so politically powerful in NYC, getting the necessary cooperation would be difficult. At the same time, Radio Moshiach is on 1710, so they are not interfering with any licensed operations. Someone appears to have made a calculated decision to leave them alone (Brian Leyton, CA, ibid.) Thank you, this right here was my real question. I could see that they were being ignored and left alone since they had been around for so long and everyone here seemed to know about them, I just didn't understand why they were being ignored. I did not realize the FCC has no enforcement powers of it's own (Bob Young, ibid.) Have the FCC or other authorities touched the Haitian pirates in the Boston area? Are Haitian Americans politically well connected? Are they interfering with licenced x-banders? Has anyone filed a formal complaint about them? Is content an issue? [The Haitian and Lubavitcher pirates are either playing music, serving a particular ethnic community, or preaching, or some combination thereof. Some Florida Caribbean music pirates, perhaps their closest U.S. counterpart (programming-wise), have been busted; others haven't. Some Florida pirates did generate complaints from licenced broadcasters. A few, ironically, have had cooperation from licenced broadcasters, though admittedly not direct competitors]. What to make of all this, including some obvious contradictions? What about pirates that are (were) overtly, radically political. Like Black Liberation Radio, or Free Radio Berkeley? They were busted in spectacular fashion. What about so-called cheaters? (I mean the daytimers on after 11 pm, not ones where we're not sure if they're cheating or if 3 watts really is carrying 400 miles). What about the FCC? What about its budget? Its priorities? The cultural and political divide in the U.S.? The social-political outlook currently represented in the White House, under GWB, and the one represented prior to GWB? (Saul Chernos, Ont., ibid.) If they are playing music, the best way to nail them is with one of the licensing companies like BMI or ASCAP. They can be real mean about not paying licensing fees (Paul Smith, Sarasota, FL, ibid.) My understanding is that, above all else, there need to be legitimate complaints of interference made by other broadcasters, whether commercial, educational or government. Absent that, I don't care who or where they are, they're not gonna get anywhere. Second, there are no X-banders with protected coverage in New England, so there's the answer on the Boston area pirates. In Florida, there are so many of them that the FCC can't staff chasing even all of those which have complaints against them. I'm not sure how they're selecting who to go after other than by severity of interference, and not many of them are likely to try 1700. I will otherwise refrain from further comment as to the more political aspects of the discussion other than to say that the FCC's budget is controlled by politicians who may not have the priorities we might like them to have. I have to wonder how many of these foreign-language pirates under discussion play much music which is even licensed with those organizations in the first place (Russ Edmunds, Blue Bell, PA ( 15 mi NNW Philadelphia ), ibid.) Saul makes a good point. Radio Moshiach is far from the only pirate that's been left alone. I think that most of the criticism of the Radio Moshiach case comes from the fact that the FCC DID actually pay them a visit, and issue an NAL, but never followed through with it. Whether that is because of political issues, lack of resources or incredible stupidity is unknown to us. We're really all just speculating here (Brian Leyton, CA, ibid.) Glenn, check out the spectrogram I captured just a while ago from 1710 kHz and look at the note below. Since I wrote the note below, I am hearing a station in French. http://mywebpages.comcast.net/billqsl/sounds/01710-20050128-1957-pirates.jpg Right now I have several carriers on 1710; the stronger ones seem to be on 1709.975 1709.982 1709.994 1710.010 and 1710.020. The 1709.975 is the strongest one of all and it seems to have no audio. I am getting some audio from at least one of the weaker carriers. Since this is the Sabbath, I assume that Lubavitcher Radio is just running an open carrier. Now to figure who has the audio (Bill Harms, Elkridge MD, 0120 UT Jan 29, DX LISTENING DIGEST) [Later:] 1710, MA, Boston Pirate, Possibly Nouveauté - 1/28 1900 [EST] – Poor-fair through an open carrier. Several carriers noted, some of the stronger ones on 1709.975, 1709.982, 1709.994, 1710.010 and 1720.020. (The strongest, the open carrier, was on 1709.975.) (NOTE: measured frequencies are +- 0.005, subject to re-calibration and they drifted some what.) The programming consisted of announcers in French and music. Listened for about 1.5 hours and did not hear an ID. (WJH- MD) 1620, MD, TIS, UMBC Arbutus - 1/24 1334 [EST presumably] - Reporting for the record. This TIS, located at the University of Maryland Baltimore County (UMBC), has been testing here for several months. There is no call listed for it in the FCC database, but its application file number is 0001508295. The 8-second long message by a man announces a test broadcast on a loop tape that is 2:11 long, there is silence for 2:03. Good signal here in Elkridge, but can get overwhelmed at night (Bill Harms, Elkridge, MD, K9AY, R8B, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. AIR AMERICA CASTS LIBERAL TALK LINE TODAY ON AM 680 --- In county where 57.5% voted for Kerry, there's 'hole in market,' says director --- By Tom Walter. Contact, January 28, 2005 Air America Radio, the liberal talk alternative, has landed in Memphis on AM 680. Now playing adult standards, station officials are ditching music, which doesn't fare well on AM, for talk, which does. "We think there's a definite hole in the market for this," said program director Jerry Dean. Shelby is a blue county in a red state: 57.5 percent of Shelby County's voters cast ballots for Democratic Sen. John Kerry last November. "Most of the talk (radio) in this market is pretty conservative. We think a majority of Shelby County isn't represented on talk radio," Dean said. Dean hoped to put the format on the air, with new call letters WWTQ- AM, sometime this morning. Memphis talk radio is dominated by conservative-leaning stations, News/Talk WREC-AM 60 and Family Values Radio AM 990. There are also two sports talk stations, WHBQ-AM 560 and WMC-AM 790. "This station will provide a voice for a part of the community that has not had a voice," said Gale Jones Carson, secretary of the Tennessee Democratic Party and aide to Memphis Mayor Willie Herenton. "The views on most talk shows are weighted heavily toward the Republican Party. Now there will be more of a balance." Comedian and author Al Franken is Air America's best-known personality. His show airs from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. [CST = 1700-2000 UT] The network is aimed at liberals disenfranchised by talk radio. The network celebrates its first anniversary in March. "I think that's a smart move on their part," said Memphis radio veteran Tony Yoken, who recently left the Citadel stations here. "It's pretty exciting for Memphis, and the target audience will find AM 680 because they'll want to hear the product." Kemp Conrad, chairman of the Shelby County Republican Party, doesn't think the station will have a big impact in Memphis. He's offended by what he calls "baseless claims" made by various hosts. "There's not enough people who believe this propaganda or who will listen to it," he said. The network airs in 47 markets. Memphis is one of the few Southern cities that carry Air America. It's heard in Atlanta, Miami, Charleston, S,C., and Asheville, N.C. "We're excited about it,'' AM 680's Dean said. ''We think anytime you can come up with a format that's fresh and new, it has potential for success." (via Artie Bigley, DXLD) It looks as though WJCE 680 AM here in Memphis has switched from running the Westwood 1 Standards network to running Air America. They are currently running // 1690, but oddly, 1530 isn't running the same programming. Waiting for the top of the hour reveals a new call as well. WWTQ 680, Progressive Radio for Memphis. They ran a long promo with remarks about how the left majority in Memphis finally has a voice, and saying that "WMD" stands for "we're Midsouth Democrats," and stating that this WMD actually exists, unlike the other one. So, another station to add to Air America's network (Adam Myrow, Memphis, Jan 28, NRC-AM via DXLD) Glen[n], I'm hearing the new Air America affiliate, WWTQ 680 (ex, WJCE) Memphis in Star City, AR (175 air miles away). Reception is decent on a Realistic DX 375 portable and also on my Sony shelf system on a tunable loop antenna. The station is billing itself as "Progressive Talk 680". The owner is Entercomm so there isn't any live streaming of the station (although the AAR network itself does). The bad news is that nighttime reception is near impossible here, so won't be able to hear Mike Malloy (Harold Prentice, KC5KBV, Jan 29, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. This week in Flagstaff history 01/29/05 --- 75 years ago Dan Lamb, local operator of the Western Air Express radio station, is now operating at 616 No. Beaver on a short-wave length of 42.2 using a Zeppelin antenna. http://www.azdailysun.com/non_sec/nav_includes/story.cfm?storyID=102480 (via Mike Terry, dxldyg via DXLD) Presumably 42.2 meters? (Terry, ibid.) About 7110 kHz; ham operation on the side? (gh, DXLD) ** U S A. This may be news only to me, wondering what became of Gregg Whiteside, classical announcer and host of the NY Philharmonic broadcasts, who was abruptly fired by WQXR a couple of years ago. He appeared in a Met Opera intermission feature Jan 29, and it was mentioned he is now with WRTI in Philadelphia. Here`s his bio and mugshot on their site: http://www.wrti.org/staff/hosts/whiteside.htm (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. SERBIAN ORTHODOX CHICAGO PROGRAM ON WEB Chicago, Jan 24 (CRU)— The Serbian Orthodox have made their Chicago broadcasts over commercial stations there available on the Internet at http://www.serbianorthodoxradio.com/ (Catholic Radio Update Jan 31 via DXLD) ** VENEZUELA. 4940 kHz, Radio Amazonas, 28-01-2005, 1215 UT, se explicaba el uso del preservativo 5000, YVTO, Observatorio Naval Cajigal, 28-01-2005, 1217 UT, la señal horaria de Venezuela continúa llegando fuerte, pero el ruido de fondo continúa igual. 6810, Aeropuertos venezolanos, 28-01-2005, 1244 UT, Caracas- Libertador, Libertador-Maiquetía. USB 6991.6, Compañía de Aviación, Creo que es Rutaca, "Rutas Aéreas C.A, 28-01-2005, 1246 UT, él me dijo que te llamaría cuando el avión estuviera en el aire. USB Receptor: Yaesu FT-890. Atte: (José Elías Díaz Gómez, Barcelona, Venezuela, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** VIETNAM. The official schedule of Radio Voice of Vietnam says that the programs in English are aired at 16, at 18, at 19 and at 20.30 hours on 11630 kHz, but in fact, in Sofia it is received on 7280 kHz and irregularly on 9730 kHz. The Letter Box program is on Wednesday (Rumen Pankov, R. Bulgaria DX Program Jan 28, via John Norfolk, dxldyg via DXLD) ** WESTERN SAHARA [non]. However, on Jan 22 and 23, 7460 was off again! I wonder whether they have got some transmitter malfunction, but on the other hand the signal is strong and well modulated when the outlet is in use. Power saving perhaps? (Carlos Gonçalves, Portugal, DSWCI DX Window Jan 26 via DXLD) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PUBLICATIONS ++++++++++++ EXCELSIOR, YOU FATHEAD! According to Advertising Age this week, there is a new book scheduled for release next month that will delight fans of the great Jean Shepherd It is "Excelsior, You Fathead!" by Eugene B. Berman to be published by Applause Theatre & Cinema Books (Pete Kemp, FL, Jan 28, NRC-AM via DXLD) RADIO STAMPS ++++++++++++ Ciao Dario, J'ai trouvé le timbre de Finlande, c'est pour les 100 ans de la ville de Lahti. Tu peux le voir là: http://puoti.pmk.posti.fi/cgi-bin/ncommerce3/ExecMacro/idx.d2w/report?kieli=e&merchant=222 Et voilà la photo: 1c8e0b5.jpg [sic] C'est peut être intéressant de faire une commande directement à la Poste de Finlande, surtout pour avoir les FDC. Je vais aller voir les conditions, si on peux payer avec la VISA (Christian Ghibaudo, France, via Dario Monferini, via Horacio Nigro, radiostamps yg via DXLD) Stamps issued by Finland to commemorate city of Lahti 100 year anniversary. The YLE antennas in nocturnal view are depicted. (photos courtesy of Christian Ghibaudo via Dario Monferini, Italy, with the info, via Nigro-Uruguay, Jan 28) The two stamps cost 1.30 euro acc. to info in the Finnish Post Stamp store website (Horacio Nigro, Uruguay, ibid.) CONVENTIONS & CONFERENCES +++++++++++++++++++++++++ WINTER SWL FESTIVAL, KULPSVILLE PA, MARCH 10-13 The 18th annual Winter SWL Festival will take place in Kulpsville, Pennsylvania on March 11 and 12, 2005. Kulpsville is about 30 minutes driving time north of the city of Philadelphia. The convention is the largest gathering of listeners to the radio spectrum — longwave, mediumwave, shortwave (broadcast, utilities, pirates), VHF/UHF, FM, scanners, television and satellites — in the United States, perhaps the world. About 200 persons from around the world attend each year. It is a nice way to break out of the doldrums of the northern hemisphere winter. Broadcaster representatives, clubs, and vendors attend. The emphasis is heavily on shortwave listening and broadcasting. At last year's SWL Winter Fest, the NASB had a large exhibition with representations from many of our member stations, including WMLK, which is located quite near to Kulpsville. Formal events commence Friday morning, March 11, with registration, and conclude with the post-banquet activities Saturday night. Travelers usually arrive on Thursday (March 10) - the hospitality room opens that afternoon - and depart Sunday (March 13). Many people take some extra time before or after the 'fest to visit area tourist attractions. Complete information on the convention, and a schedule of events when it becomes available, can be found at: http://www.swlfest.com (Jan NASB Newsletter via DXLD) COMMENTARY ++++++++++ A MAGIC CARPET RIDE We lay awake at night, my brother and I, as long as we could, listening to his marvelous Zenith table radio. That Zenith could pull in stations, and when we tired of the meager offerings of the local stations, we tuned to WLAC, the Life and Casualty Insurance Company station in Nashville, Tennessee. WLAC`s jocks played real rhythm and blues, music with a wallop, with bewitching melodies, unlike the stuff our parents listened to, stuff that hadn`t changed much from the 1930`s and 1940`s. We did have one really good local station, a daytimer put on the air by a Puerto Rican electronics engineer. The station was an afterthought to the powerful FM station he had built the year before, the city`s first. FM radio would not catch on for another twenty years, and none of us knew anything about it, except that the local paper listed a handful of FM stations that merely duplicated their AM counterparts. But that daytimer was magnificent. The afternoon jock`s show started at one o`clock, and it brought us all the great songs by the great groups --- the Moonglows, Frankie Lymon and the Teenagers, the Imperials, Etta James, the Pretenders, Smiley Lewis, the Edsels, the Collegians, the Five Discs, Fats Domino, the Valiants, the Duprees. Another generation would label the music doowop. But it was more than doowop. It was life, it was soul. After school we listened as we could, but at our latitude the daytimers went off at 5 p.m. in the dead of winter. That did not give us much time to listen during most of the school year. Their broadcast day lengthened as the equinox approached and by mid-summer they were on till 7 p.m. Thereafter we scrounged up what we could. When Top 40 radio came along, it was as welcome as spring, but our trusty old daytimer still was the kids’ choice during daylight hours. We listened, we danced, we rode around listening to the station until that disliked, inevitable hour came when the announcer wrapped up the broadcast day with statement of ownership and call letters, city, and frequency. The music was over. A few seconds of silence ensued while he got up from the console and walked over to the transmitter remote control and cut the voltage to the plates of the final amplifier. Then the open carrier was gone, to be replaced by the low chattering and indistinguishable music of distant stations. In winter particularly, the station was audible if one listened closely: strange call letters, strange weather, strange auto dealers coming through the dusk from hundreds of miles away. It was a glimpse into the lives of other people far, far away, a sign of life on some distant planetary city whose existence we had known only from geography in school. Later, after homework, we would try the local stations, but often the audio quality was poor (one guy did his program from his suburban house over tinny phone lines) or the music selection pathetic, or both. At bedtime, Mel turned on his Zenith, and we lay in the glow of the big Zenith dial listening to WLAC, or KOA Denver with those deep-freeze temperature readings, or KSL in distant Salt Lake City, or the Chicago quads -- WBBM, WGN, WMAQ, WLS and, if we were early enough, WCFL and WJJD. We tuned into XERF Ciudad Acuña, Coahuila, Mexico—Del Rio, Texas, if we wanted to be amused or grossed out by wacko American preachers offering blessed water, prayer cloths, pamphlets warning about universal damnation or men from Mars in America now, ropes, mineral waters for impacted constipation, heaven knows what. But most of the time we turned to the upper end of the dial, to 1510, to WLAC and Randy`s Record Shop in Gallatin, Tennessee. The music lived. That Zenith was a magic carpet that transported us across cold, wintry skies to far away places and great music. Come to think of it, radio is still a magic carpet (Michael Dorner, editor, Catholic Radio Update Jan 31 via DXLD) 2004 - RADIO YEAR IN REVIEW, FROM RADIO BULGARIA DX PROGRAM IN SPANISH [combined scripts from Jan 12, 19, 26, 2005] A comienzos de cada año nuevo solemos hacer repaso a algunos de los acontecimientos diexistas más relevantes del año anterior. Vamos a enumerar ahora, en forma resumida los relacionados con el primer trimestre de 2004. Enero. Desde el primero de enero de 2004 dejaron de emitir en Onda Corta la Radio de Irlanda, la Radio de Noruega, la Radio de Dinamarca, siete secciones de las emisoras Libertad y Europa Libre, la radio``La Voz del Mediterráneo``, desde Malta, que había comenzado a transmitir en 1984.Siempre el primero de enero la emisora ``The Overcomer Ministry`` registró un récord mundial de transmisión simultánea en mayor número de frecuencias, 11 en total, para una emisora privada. El cinco de enero comenzó a operar la nueva emisora``RMC Info``, desde Francia y, en Israel, tras 32 años de actividad dejó de emitir el transmisor en 738 kilohercios por su inadmisible campo electromagnético que generaba en la zona. El 7 de enero el ministro de Exteriores de Rumania se opuso al cierre de las emisiones de la emisora ``Europa Libre`` dirigidas a los Balcanes. Siempre el día 7 de enero se captó una nueva emisora de Taiwan, la radio``La Voz de China``. El primero de enero la radio adventista Mundial recortó gran número de sus emisiones, y la Radio Exterior de España anunció que en lo sucesivo no enviaría tarjetas QSL. El día 19 de enero comenzó a transmitir radio ``Futuro`` para los refugiados de Somalia en Etiopía. Febrero. En la República Checa son cerrados 6 transmisores en Onda Media que emitían el programa número 6 de la Radio checa y emisiones de ``Europa Libre``. En febrero se suspenden igualmente las emisiones de la radio ``La Voz de los Mojajidines`` que desde 1981 transmitía desde Irak en las ondas corta y media. El 18 de febrero el transmisor de Radio Nacional Paraguay reanuda su funcionamiento tras haberse eliminado su avería con la asistencia de Taiwan. El 24 de febrero y por cuatro días deja de emitir el servicio exterior de Radio Argentina, por incendio surgido en el recinto de las antenas de la emisora. Marzo. El primero de marzo la Radio China comienza a transmitir para Bulgaria desde el territorio de Albania. Siempre ese día el número de los programas radiales en China llega a la cifra récord de 1983. El primero de marzo de 2004, en la frecuencia de 1575 kilohercios comienza a operar la nueva emisora privada de Francia ``Nuevos Talentos``. Mientras, la emisora ``La Voz de América`` recorta gran número de sus emisiones en inglés y otros idiomas. En marzo de 2004 las autoridades de Ucrania cierran, por razones políticas, radio ``Kontinent``. El 30 de marzo del año pasado falleció el periodista legendario de la BBC Alister Cook, quienes escasos meses antes se había jubilado a los 95 años de edad tras haber redactado casi 3000 programas, transmitidos desde 1946 hasta 2004 por el Servicio Mundial de la citada prestigiosa emisora. Sus programas, de periodicidad semanal se titulaban ``Carta de América``. Abril. En ese mes fue construido un nuevo transmisor de Onda Corta en Afganistán, mientras Irán suspendía sus emisiones en los idiomas inglés y francés para Norteamérica, por razones financieras. Desde el primero de abril de 2004 Radio ``Tampa`` se transformó en radio ``Nikkei``, emisora en Onda Corta que opera desde Japón. El 12 de abril aparece la ``Asociación Cristiana Bíblica`` emisora que, en un principio sólo emite en idioma polaco. El 16 de abril es desmantelado el último transmisor en el radiocentro básico en Alemania de las emisoras ``Libertad`` y ``Europa Libre``. Mayo. El cierre previsto de Radio Eslovaquia, planeado para el primero de mayo, no tuvo lugar por el enorme respaldo de sus oyentes .Ocurrió lo mismo en las fechas posteriores previstas para el cierre, 1 de julio y 31 de octubre de 2004. El primero de mayo la Unión de la Radio Digital Mundial ya comprendía 81 participantes de 30 países. Vio la luz también el receptor de radio de segunda generación ``Maya 2010`` apto para ser utilizado en la captación de programas analógicos y digitales. Tras larga ausencia, por medio de transmisor emplazado en Dinamarca, salió al éter, en Onda Corta, por las frecuencias de 5815 y 15810 kilohercios, la Radio Musical Mundial. El 13 de mayo radio Argentina volvió a suspender sus transmisiones. En esa ocasión concreta la causa residió en el robo de un cable de conexión entre el estudio y el transmisor. Con el cierre de gran número de transmisores el 15 de mayo se inició una importante reforma en la radiodifusión en Onda Media, en Italia. Junio. En ese mes comienza a transmitir la nueva emisora ``Siria Libre`` desde Alemania. Mientras, Radio Portugal, Radio Netherlands, entre otras emisoras, incrementan el número de frecuencias y horas que utilizan, en relación con el Campeonato de Fútbol. El 28 de junio sale al aire radio``La Voz del Nuevo Sudán``, frecuencia de 9310 kilohercios. Julio. Dos emisoras de Alemania que transmiten para Africa dejan de operar: se trata de Radio Africa Internacional y de Radio Rayno. En cambio, el 4 de julio comienza a transmitir desde Etiopía la emisora de la Alianza Africana. El 15 de julio sale al éter la emisora islámica``Orient``, desde Francia y también ese día aparece, en las ondas corta y media, el nuevo programa de ``La Voz de Rusia``, ``Radio internacional Rusa``, en idioma ruso. El 16 de julio marca el 80 aniversario del nacimiento de uno de los mayores expertos, a nivel mundial, en el mundo de la radio, George Jacobs. El 22 de julio el parlamento de Alemania inicia debates en torno a la resolución de modernizar la emisora pública ``Deutsche Welle`` Agosto. El primero de agosto se celebra la edición 500 del famoso programa DX ``Wavescan``, de la Radio Adventista Mundial, AWR.Aparecen nuevas emisoras: la ``Internews`` que desde los Emiratos Arabes Unidos y Gran Bretaña transmite para Afganistán , la ``Leading the way``, emisora cristiana con programas para Asia Central e Irán, radio ``Superloustic``, en Francia, frecuencia de 675 kilohercios, radio ``Minivan`` de Alemania y Gran Bretaña, con programas para las Maldivas, radio``La Voz de la nación de Irán``. Sale al éter en China una nueva ``China business radio``, que transmite en chino y en inglés. Siempre en agosto Albania se dota de dos nuevos transmisores en Onda Corta, de 100 kilovatios, cada uno. Desde el 14 y hasta el 19 de agosto Radio Netherlands emite programas especiales dedicados a los JJ.OO. en Atenas, en Onda Corta. Desde el 21 de agosto de 2004 se comienzan a utilizar los aviones del sistema ``Comando Solo`` para la transmisión directa de programas de radio y televisión de EE.UU. para Cuba. El 13 de agosto el huracán ``Charlie`` derriba las antenas de Radio Habana. Septiembre. En ese mes se celebra el más importante concurso internacional de diexismo de la Radio Adventista Mundial, AWR y del programa ``Wavescan`` de la misma. En ese mes Radio Varna, de Bulgaria abandonó la frecuencia de 981 kilohercios adoptando la de 774 kilohercios. Técnicos de Taiwan instalaron nuevos transmisores en Onda Corta en Burkina Fasso y Chad. Las señales radiales desde Chad ya son captadas óptimamente en Europa. En Francia apareció en septiembre una nueva emisora privada, Radio ``Ciel``, frecuencia de 981 kilohercios. Octubre. La organización``Reporteros sin Fronteras`` protestaron ante el presidente galo Jacques Chirac por haber importado una empresa francesa a China transmisores empleados en el jamming de emisiones radiales de emisoras extranjeras de Gran Bretaña, EE.UU. ,Rusia etc. Las autoridades angoleñas prohibieron a la emisora católica ``Ecclesia``transmitir programas radiales fuera de la capital, Luanda. El 4 de octubre reanudó sus transmisiones la emisora ``Océano Pacífico``, de Rusia. Apareció una nueva emisora ``Sonido de la Esperanza`` que transmitía desde Taiwan. El 30 de octubre se produjo la emisión de despedida de la Radio Suiza en Onda Corta. Noviembre: salieron al éter varias emisoras nuevas. Nos referimos a la emisora ``Radio Paz``,transmitiendo desde Gran Bretaña para Afganistán, radio ``Cimarrona``, transmitiendo desde Alemania con destino a Uruguay. Desde Alemania comenzó a emitir para Irán la emisora ``La Voz de las mujeres``. Siempre desde ese país comenzó a emitir la emisora ``Ciencia cristiana``. Siempre en noviembre comenzó a operar la emisora belga ``Tierra de promisión`` y otra más, ``La Voz de los consuelos``. Mientras, en Madagascar la radio ``Nile`` sustituyó a la emisora ``La Voz de la esperanza``. En onda corta apareció también la radio ``Hamburger local``. Por reparaciones de sus transmisores Radio Budapest se puso a utilizar tales de Eslovaquia. En noviembre de 2004 por vez primera desde hacía unos 15 años, una emisora extranjera comenzó a radiar programas en onda corta con la ayuda de un transmisor búlgaro. Nos referimos a la emisora evangélica ``Voz Cristiana``, con programas dirigidos a Africa. Siempre en onda corta salió al éter la emisora cristiana ortodoxa rusa ``Rádonezh``. El 8 de noviembre desde Dallas, Tejas, se emitió un programa digital especial en relación con el primer simposio en EE.UU. sobre la Radio Digital Mundial. La ``Deutsche Welle experimentó una transmisión digital en la frecuencia de 17770 kilohercios de onda corta utilizando, por primera vez en el mundo, cuatro canales de audio. El 28 de noviembre radio Tirana, Albania cumplió 60 años de existencia. En Papúa-Nueva Guinea se inició el montaje de un transmisor para una nueva emisora. El 21 de noviembre en Macedonia, en la frecuencia de 810 kilohercios fue transmitida la primera emisión digital en los Balcanes. El 28 de noviembre en Albania se inauguró un nuevo centro de la Radio China, de cuatro transmisores. Desde Somalia se iniciaron las emisiones experimentales de radio ``Galcayo``, sobre la cual se asegura que transmite desde Sudán. El 25 de noviembre Radio Austria interrumpió sus emisiones en onda corta por derribar una fuente tormenta sus antenas. Diciembre: En EE.UU. decidieron esparcir en el cielo sobre Corea del Norte receptores portátiles. Las nuevas emisoras en diciembre fueron:``Sonidos de esperanza``, desde Taiwan, la ``Truck radio``, de Alemania, radio ``Kue Me`` transmitiendo desde Uzbequistán par Vietnam y radio ``La Voz de Delina`` transmitiendo desde Alemania para Eritrea. Después de casi cuatro años de ausencia, en la onda corta volvió a aparecer Radio Gabón y, por razones desconocidas, siempre en onda corta, desapareció la radio italiana, RAI. En diciembre de 2004 fue puesto a la venta el libro ``Cien Años de equipos de radio en Alemania``. Por medio de transmisores emplazados en Arabia Saudita transmitían la radio ``La Voz del Consejo Unido``, de Bahrein, los días 20 y 21 de diciembre, y la Radio ``Peregrino``, en 10 idiomas, cuyas emisiones se prolongarán hasta el próximo 9 de febrero. Enormes daños sufrieron a fines de diciembre las instalaciones radiales del grueso de los países ribereños del océano Índico por el devastador seísmo y posteriores maremotos por éste provocados. (Por Rumen Pankov Versión al español: Mijail Mijailov via Ignacio Sotomayor, Noticias DX via DXLD) PROPAGATION +++++++++++ MORE TRANS-EQUATORIAL FM, AND 2-METER DX, CARIBBEAN TO SOUTHERN BRAZIL Olá amigos radioescutas, Estive entre os dias 20 e 26 de janeiro de 2005 com os colegas Luiz PY2OC e o iniciante na radioescuta Luciano Bianchini em Ilha Comprida, especialmente dedicados à TEP (evento que impediu minha presença este mês em outras operações DXistas). Finalmente conseguimos o primeiro contato entre São Paulo e o Caribe na banda dos dois metros (144 MHz), seja por repetidora caribenha, seja no ponto a ponto, estações 8P6JB e 8P6RF em Barbados (antes se acreditava que nesta banda o limite norte estava no Paraná). No radioamadorismo aproveitamos também uma boa Tropo, possibilitando contatos até em UHF (70 centímetros, 432 MHz) com São Paulo e Florianópolis. Monitoramos nos 6 metros os beacons V44KAI (St Kitts), 9Y4AT (Trinidad), TI2NA (Costa Rica), OA4B (Peru); eram indicadores da propagação. Na mesma banda mágica contatos com PJ2BVU (Antilhas Holandesas), FM5JC (Martinica), FJ5DX (St Martin). Escutamos NP3 (Porto Rico). Estivemos também fazendo FM-DX e mesmo TV-DX, esta última sem sucesso. Sobre as broadcastings: - A QRG de 100,7 (que havíamos escutados em outras ocasiões) é provavelmente Barbados, Quality FM, do mesmo grupo da Liberty. - Fortíssima a presença da CBC, na vinheta como "Caribbean Best´s Connection" em 94.7 MHz, programação totalmente musical. Antes da identificação, captei no mesmo canal emissora com músicas latinas como merengue, canções em espanhol. Creio ser difícil ser outra estação (Porto Rico?) já que ambas estariam com sinais fortíssimos, neste caso a variação de propagação seria radical e sem intermodulação, mas enfim, fica a dica. Qual seria o QTH desta CBC? Seria nova QRG de Barbados? Seria a estação de Porto Rico no início da propagação? - Mais uma de Barbados: 96.9 MHz emissora "Mix Nine Six", programação basicamente musical. - Madrugada do dia 22 de janeiro: o único momento em todas nossas incursões no sul da Ilha sem TEP em FM Broadcasting. Em 6 metros 9Y4AT e V44KAI. Efeito dos recentes flares? - Madrugada do dia 24 de janeiro: forte Tropo, emissoras nacionais rivalizando com as caribenhas. Exemplos: Terra FM de Jundiaí x Liberty FM; Nativa FM de São Paulo x Hot FM. - Relação das captadas por TEP na ocasião: 88.6 - Kairi FM (Tent) - Dominica 90.7 - BBS (Tent) - Barbados 92.9 - Voice of Barbados (Tent) - Barbados 94.0 - RFO (Tent) - Martinica 94.7 - CBC - QTH? 95.3 - Hot FM - Barbados 96.5 - Unid em FF 96.9 - Mix Nine Six - Barbados 97.3 - R St Lucia (Tent) - St Lucia 98.1 - Liberty FM - Barbados 100.1 - Unid em EE (Anguilla, St Lucia?) 100.7 - Quality FM (Tent) - Barbados 102.1 - Faith FM (Tent) - Barbados 104.1 - Yes Ten Four (Tent) - Barbados 105.3 - Unid em EE (Anguilla, St Lucia?) - Tivemos MUITA dificuldade nas montagens (devido as chuvas, muitas áreas alagadas, tínhamos que demonstar todas as noites nossas instalações, etc), nem chegamos a utilizar todas antenas e equipamentos, mas aos poucos nos adaptamos e trabalhamos com o adequado. No final, eis o setup utilizado: - 12 elementos Yagi PY2NI para 144 MHz na vertical; - 12 elementos Yagi PY2NI para 144 MHz na horizontal; - 15 elementos Yagi PY2NI para 432 MHz na vertical; - 3 elementos Yagi PY2NI adaptada para 50 MHz; - Yagi 4 elementos para recepção de radiodifusão FM (Thevear 416-C); - Yagi 5 elementos para recepção de radiodifusão FM (Vital FM5); - Log comum de 8 elementos para recepção de teledifusão (Vital L8); - Yaesu FT-100-D, Kenwood THD7A, ICSW-7600D, Transglobe, Kchibo, uma antiga mini-TV Mec. - Observação: quando escutamos OL com antena unifilar no 7600, sempre utilizamos um terra feito no local mesmo (ficamos ao lado de um alagado) com barra de cobre e fio conectado no "externo" do conector de antena, isso melhora muito a recepção. Agora notamos isso claramente no caso da escutas em FM, no momento em que os sinais de Barbados eram quase imperceptíveis, conectamos o terra e novamente os escutamos, ainda com sinal baixo; no momento trabalhávamos com antena externa. Quando ela foi conectada no FT-100D, que dispõe de entrada de coaxial notamos que fica muito mais fácil de se trabalhar com antenas externas e notamos melhor resposta nas recepções, porém mantivemos o Yaesu nas bandas de amador, também parte do nosso trabalho DXista. - Em breve vamos atualizar a nossa home page, inclusve com gravações. Por enquanto segue no próximo e-mail o log completo. - Agradecimentos ao Japy DX Group, ao amigo Horta, PY2NI, cujas antenas maximizadas para o DXismo novamente contribuíram para o desenvolvimento do hobby, bem como a atenção de W7GJ, KH6/K6MIO, J73CI, 9Z4BM, F5NQL, F8OP, ON4IQ, YV4DDK, PJ2BVU, P43L, P42E, PJ2BZ, FJ5DX, HI8ROX, HI3TEJ, CO8RF, CO8LY, entre tantos outros colegas nos QSPs e QTCs que acreditaram - mais do que em nossa missão - em uma atividade experimental radioamadora no VHF. - Agradecimento ao DX Clube do Brasil, ao pessoal do ENCADEX, a turma ativa que compartilhou informações e concedeu os indícios pela radioescuta prática e portátil que a TEP em 144 MHz seria possível do Estado de São Paulo. - Fica a dica para os radioescutas e radioamadores no sul do Brasil aproveitarem estas aberturas: gostaríamos de avançar em outros experimentos a longo prazo como mudança de polarização, inclinação da antena, comparação entre áreas abrangidas, correlações com dados geomagnéticos e atividade solar, mas fica difícil para uma expedição finita como a nossa. Até a próxima! HI! (Flávio Archangelo "Ark", PY2ZX, Jundiaí - SP, radioescutas via DXLD) ###