DX LISTENING DIGEST 5-212, December 10, 2005 Incorporating REVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL BROADCASTING edited by Glenn Hauser, http://www.worldofradio.com Items from DXLD may be reproduced and re-reproduced only if full credit be maintained at all stages and we be provided exchange copies. DXLD may not be reposted in its entirety without permission. Materials taken from Arctic or originating from Olle Alm and not having a commercial copyright are exempt from all restrictions of noncommercial, noncopyrighted reusage except for full credits For restrixions and searchable 2005 contents archive see http://www.worldofradio.com/dxldmid.html NOTE: If you are a regular reader of DXLD, and a source of DX news but have not been sending it directly to us, please consider yourself obligated to do so. Thanks, Glenn For latest updates see our Anomaly Alert page: http://www.worldofradio.com/anomaly.html Latest edition of this schedule version, with hotlinks to station sites and audio, is at: http://www.worldofradio.com/radioskd.html NEXT AIRINGS OF WORLD OF RADIO 1296: Sun 0330 WOR WWCR 5070 Sun 0400 WOR WBCQ 9330-CLSB Sun 0600 WOR World FM, Tawa, Wellington, New Zealand 88.2 Sun 0730 WOR WWCR 3215 Sun 0930 WOR WRN to North America, also WLIO-TV Lima OH SAP [including Sirius Satellite Radio channel 140] Sun 0930 WOR KSFC Spokane WA 91.9 Sun 0930 WOR WXPR Rhinelander WI 91.7 91.9 100.9 Sun 0930 WOR WDWN Auburn NY 89.1 [unconfirmed] Sun 0930 WOR KTRU Houston TX 91.7 [occasional] Sun 1400 WOR WRMI 7385 Sun 1400 WOR KRFP-LP Moscow ID 92.5 Sun 1830 WOR WRN1 to North America [including Sirius Satellite Radio channel 140] Sun 2000 WOR RNI Sun 2230 WOR WRMI 7385 [temporarily] Mon 0400 WOR WBCQ 9330-CLSB Mon 0430 WOR WSUI Iowa City IA 910 Mon 1900 WOR RFPI [repeated 4-hourly thru Tue 1500] Wed 0030 WOR WBCQ 7415 [usually but temporary] Wed 0100 WOR CJOY INTERNET RADIO plug-in required Wed 1030 WOR WWCR 9985 WRN ON DEMAND: http://new.wrn.org/listeners/stations/station.php?StationID=24 OUR ONDEMAND AUDIO [also CONTINENT OF MEDIA, MUNDO RADIAL]: http://www.worldofradio.com/audiomid.html or http://wor.worldofradio.org WORLD OF RADIO 1296 (real high): (stream) http://www.w4uvh.net/wor1296h.ram (download) http://www.w4uvh.net/wor1296h.rm WORLD OF RADIO 1296 (real low): (stream) http://www.w4uvh.net/wor1296.ram (download) http://www.w4uvh.net/wor1296.rm WORLD OF RADIO 1296 (mp3 high): (download) http://www.obriensweb.com/wor1296h.mp3 WORLD OF RADIO 1296 (mp3 low): (download) http://www.obriensweb.com/wor1296.mp3 (lower download) http://www.piratedxer.com/worldofradio_12-07-05.mp3 (lower stream) http://www.piratedxer.com/worldofradio_12-07-05.m3u (WOR 1296 summary) http://www.worldofradio.com/wor1296.html ** ALBANIA. A acreditar nas fotos que foram publicadas há meses na Internet e a que tive acesso, é muito que isso era de esperar. Grande parte dos emissores já tinham sido desmontados e as carcassas eram utilizadas como, imaginem, galinheiros. Segundo as mesmas fontes, as peças eram vendidas ao desbarato aos turistas que se aventuram por aquelas paragens; os funcionários não recibam o salário á meses e a corrupção era enorme. Para já não falar na manutenção que não existe, aliás fácilmente verificável pela péssima qualidade de algumas se não todas, as transmissões. O mistério era como ainda faziam transmissões nesse caos económico (João Gonçalves Costa, Almada/Portugal, radioescutas via DXLD) Saludos João, es muy triste que una emisora llegue a esos extremos, una pena por la historia que acarrea Radio Tirana. Por regla general a pesar de las dramáticas circunstancias económicas de un país, siempre la gente hace lo imposible por llevar para adelante cualquier proyecto; no me extraña que a pesar de todo, los trabajadores de Radio Tirana habrán hecho lo imposible por seguir emitiendo. Atentamente (José Miguel Romero, Spain, ibid.) ** ANTIGUA. NEW MEDIUMWAVE TRANSMITTER SITE PLANNED FOR ABS RADIO The Prime Minister of Antigua, Baldwin Spencer, has told parliament that the Government will relocate the mediumwave transmitter of state- owned ABS Radio from Radio Range to a potential site at Parham. "There have been ongoing complaints from residents of Upper Ottos. And the MP from St. John’s Rural South Hon. Winston Williams has been making strong representation for the relocation and we are responding to that situation. Hopefully we will have that relocation taking place early in the New Year." said the Prime Minister Spencer said plans were also afoot to get a new transmitter for ABS Radio since the one currently used on 620 kHz is getting too old. "The 20 foot container that houses the transmitter is about 25 years old. The roof is rotten and many areas leak water to the room where 15,000 volts of electricity are located. That is extremely dangerous, Madame Speaker.`` He said his administration was looking at providing a permanent home to house ABS Television, Radio and the Government Information Service. (Source: Antigua Sun) # posted by Andy @ 16:43 UT Dec 8 (Media Network blog via DXLD) ** BAHRAIN. Bahrain Radio started transmission as the first broadcasting station in the Arab gulf region when it went on air in 1941 during the Second World War but was closed down in 1945. However the official Bahrain broadcasting station was inaugurated on 21st July 1955, in Manama. During the sixties transmission hours were increased to 12 hours daily. In 1974, the transmission hours were extended to 18 hours daily upon carrying major development in the equipment available at the time. However 1981 was the turning point in the development of radio, when the station was moved into its new building at the ministry of information complex in Isa town. The new building housed 9 fully equipped studios with state of the art audio equipment. The new transmission station also housed two 100 kW AM transmissions, transmitting two programmes on the medium wave band. In 1990-1991 Bahrain radio extended its transmission hours to 24 hours daily. Later in 1991 worldwide broadcasting started on two short wave frequencies. General Programme It is the main Arabic service of Bahrain Radio and 75 percent of its programme output is local productions. All major local events are broadcast live by this service. This service is characterized with programmes that deal with live communication with listeners and provides on the spot news of local services. It also broadcasts the local productions of drama serials, educational and cultural programmes as well as other Arabic programme. Summaries run every hour. The general programme can be heard round the clock on 801 kHz, 1548 kHz MW and 90.9 MHz FM. Radio Bahrain transmits this service on 9745 KHz short wave. Second Programme The service was introduced in 1982 as a cultural service covering discussions, lectures, seminars, poetry recitals and extended live coverage of events. It concentrates on local and regional programmes. The second programme broadcasts for 12 hours daily from 8 a.m. and is merged with the general programme for news bulletins. These broadcasts can be heard on 612 and 1521 KHz MW and 93.3 MHz FM. Holy Qur`an Programme This service, established in 1982, cover Islamic religious affairs, holy qur`n recitals, Islamic jurisprudence etc. This programme is transmitted daily from 8 p.m till midnight Sports Programme This service specialises in sports and carries live all local fa cup football matches as well as regional and Arab live sports tournaments and matches. Radio Bahrain Radio Bahrain, the English language service, started on 2nd April 1977. Its target audience were non-Arabic speaking expatriate communities in Bahrain and the gulf region in general. By the end of 1978, Radio Bahrain was broadcasting 18 hours daily, on both FM and MW bands. In 1982 Radio Bahrain was transferred from Isa town to the Bahrain broadcasting station building in Manama, following the transfer of the latter service to its new building at the ministry of information complex in Isa town. However, Radio Bahrain moved house again to Isa town in 1989. In 1990 Radio Bahrain extended its daily transmission to 24 hours. A year later it started broadcasting worldwide on 6010 kHz shortwave. However this frequency has been inactive during recent years. The reactivated frequency of 9745 KHz carries general and music programmes. This service offers local and international news (on the hour every hour) and coverage of political, social and culture activities in Bahrain. 75% of radio Bahrain's daily output is music including 13 hours of live DJ shows. The rest of the output covers drama, comedy, talks, educational, topical programmes and sports. Radio Bahrain provides a commercial service to local businesses and international advertises. Verifications Radio Bahrain verifies reception reports with full data QSL Card. Reception reports on their mediumwave or shortwave broadcasts could be addressed to: Radio Bahrain, P. O. Box 702, Manama, BAHRAIN (Compiled by T. R. Rajeesh, VU3PIK [Courtesy Radio Bahrain Website], Dec World DX Club Contact via DXLD) ** BULGARIA. DIRECTOR OF BULGARIAN RADIO VARNA DISMISSED Focus News Agency, Varna, Bulgaria, 9 December 2005 The Board of Managers of the Bulgarian National Radio /BNR/ led by the Director General Polya Stancheva, dismissed Stoyan Cheshmedzhiev from the position of a director of Radio Varna, the regional office of the National Radio in the Bulgarian coastal town of Varna. The information was confirmed by Polya Stancheva herself. The action is taken because of exceeding of Mr. Cheshmedzhiev's rights. http://www.focus-fen.net/index.php?catid=108&newsid=78299&ch=0&datte=2005-12-09 (via Mike Terry, dxldyg via DXLD) That explains it. Sun 2200 on 7600 ** CAMEROONS [non]. NEW RADIO FREE SOUTHERN CAMEROONS CRITICIZES GOVERNMENT, INDEPENDENCE CALLS A Cameroonian opposition radio station has started broadcasting. Radio Free Southern Cameroons is the station of the Southern Cameroons National Council (SCNC). The programme is highly critical of President Paul Biya's government, condemns the reunification of Francophone and Anglophone Cameroon and promotes the independence of Southern Cameroons which it sees as being occupied by the "Francophone Republic of Cameroon". Following is a summary of the broadcast of 27 November 2005 Radio Free Southern Cameroons has broadcast a programme in English for one hour every Sunday between 1800-1900 gmt since late October 2005. It is available online with archived audio on its website at http://www.fdrsoutherncameroons.info and the one-hour programmes are usually available ahead of the scheduled broadcast date. The website is registered to Martin Ayim, number 38, 2300 Rusty Lane, Ruston, LA 71270, California [sic: that is LOUISIANA! -- gh]. The programme can also be heard on 12130 kHz shortwave. The transmitter is believed to be based in Krasnodar, Russia. It has also been heard on an alternative 17860 kHz shortwave frequency. 1800 gmt Unnamed male announcer introduces the programme, saying this is Radio Free Southern Cameroons broadcasting from Buea [the capital of the South West Province of Cameroon] on shortwave every Sunday from 1900-2000 local time. Followed by the Southern Cameroons National Council's (SCNC) "national hymn". 1803 The presenter calls a minute of silence and prayer for "fallen heroes". The announcer prays for Southern Cameroonians and for the mothers and fathers who have died in the struggle and reads out the names of some of the people who have died. Twenty-one "woes of reunification" 1804 Unnamed female presenter reads out the "21 woes of reunification". Addressing the audience as fellow Southern Cameroonians she begins by saying Southern Cameroonians are now in the position to assess whether 43 years of unification between 1961-2004 has been a blessing or a curse. The presenter then lists in detail the 21 woes, numbering each one. 1805 One, customs duties paid to France - The presenter says that since the former French colony of Cameroon and the former British colony of Southern Cameroons were reunited at independence, France has been benefiting from duties on imports. She goes on to say that Southern Cameroonians have been paying extra custom duties for the benefit of French citizens, though they were never their colonial subjects, and that this "unjust enrichment" of France would not have been possible without reunification. Therefore in order to stop paying France and get back what Southern Cameroons has already paid, reunification must end. 1807 Two, republicanism or monarchy? - Traditionally Southern Cameroons is a kingdom. Firstly, because every village is a chiefdom or fondom, headed by a chief or a fon [traditional leader], when villages come together to form a nation that nation should be called a kingdom or a united kingdom. Secondly, in recent history Southern Cameroons was a territory under United Kingdom administration and as such was a part of the UK. At independence it should have reverted to its historical status of a kingdom. She says that Francophone Cameroonians, brought up under the French culture of republicanism use the weight of their population to extend their republican status over the kingdoms of the Southern Cameroons and impose their commoner ruler over the territory. She says that it is inconceivable that when a monarchy and a republic merge the outcome should be a republic. It should be the other way round because it is kings who rule commoners. The illegal Cameroon reunification of 1961 was therefore an affront to tradition and the subsequent coronation of commoner Paul Biya as fon of fons [the highest leader] was an expensive joke. 1809 Three, second-class citizenship - Although the constitution of the united Cameroon specifies that French and English are the official languages and laws are published in both languages, it is also stated that the French version is authentic. The English language which the southern Cameroonians speak in the Republic of Cameroon and everything done in English is regarded as neither genuine nor true. When certificates are printed in French and English the French version is always first and in bolder print. This is clearly another way of telling the world that southern Cameroonians are second-class citizens in Cameroon. 1810 Four, civil servants and politics - While under British rule civil servants in southern Cameroons were not allowed to participate in politics, the civil service was insulated from politics. Civil servants were also not allowed to run private businesses and their assets were closely monitored. This made for maximum efficiency. The position was the reverse in Francophone Cameroon whereby at the time of independence on 1 January 1960 a civil servant, Ahmadou Ahidjo was already the head of state. The presenter says that again the Francophone Cameroonians used the weight of their population to banish the Southern Cameroons' culture of a civil service insulated from politics. The result is the institution of a very strong bureaucracy which turns civil servants into masters rather than servants of the people, giving them liberty to engage in unfair business competition with ordinary businessman. She goes on to say that civil servants' participation in politics is therefore an evil brought about through reunification. 1811 Five, chasing files in Yaoundé - The presenter reads out the fifth rule of reunification, criticizing the bureaucracy in Cameroon. She says that before the two Cameroons were unified Southern Cameroonians were part of a very large country called Nigeria. No one had to go to Enugu or Lagos to chase a file and when regional autonomy was attained no one had to travel from the southern Cameroons to chase a file. Although there were no computers, everything worked with precision. 1813 Six, state dishonesty - The presenter says the state corporations are allowed by the state to disregard the plight of Cameroonian workers and farmers who have not been paid for months, or in some cases, for over a year. When workers are eventually paid they do not receive interest. But people are charged penalties for the late payment of bills. She asks, out of what do they expect the bills to be settled? Why should a state turn away from its responsibilities to its citizens? Before unification Southern Cameroons was an example of honesty and efficiency. It is the reverse today and most Southern Cameroonians are convinced that only an end to reunification can settle the issue. 1815 Seven - Lake Nyos. The presenter says that reunification opened with politically motivated murders and says the six people who died during the pro-democracy demonstrations in Bamenda on 26 May 1990 only serve as a recent reminder. She says the Lake Nyos disaster would not have happened if reunification had not taken place. The Lake Nyos disaster was presented to the world as a "natural disaster" [at least 1,200 people were believed to have died from what was thought to be a cloud of lethal gas which had escaped from the volcanic lake] but she asks, could anyone dare contradict the president by saying it was a neutron bomb test? Where is the special commission the head of state set up to aid the victims of the disaster? She says that unfortunately people are still blinded by majority politics. 1816 Eight, regional autonomy won and lost - In mighty Nigerian's politics Dr E.M.L Endeley led Southern Cameroons into achieving regional autonomy and became its first prime minister. [John Ngu] Foncha took over the crown from him, wore it into reunification and lost it in 1972 - all with the House of Assembly and the House of Chiefs - thus placing Southern Cameroons back at square one. How then can we see reunification as a blessing and not a curse? 1817 Nine, Cameroon Development Corporation (CDC) makes no more profits - Before unification this giant corporation yielded great profits annually, the surplus of which were used to undertake development projects in the entire Southern Cameroons. These profits disappeared with reunification and today the corporation has become a liability rather than an asset. She says the CDC will never be the same again until reunification ends. 1818 Ten, marketing board lost - The West Cameroon Marketing Board was changed to the National Produced Marketing as a national integration process in the reunification of Cameroon. The headquarters was moved from Victoria in its founding province and transferred to Douala. A Francophone was appointed as its managing director, Anglophones were declared redundant but were replaced by Francophones. Its capital was mishandled by the reunification bosses. It was finally liquidated after they had used much of its capital building a head office building in Douala. 1819 Unnamed male presenter continues to read out the "woes of reunification". Eleven, cheated or owing money - Reunification has been used to deprive Southern Cameroonians of even those benefits which nature had bestowed on us. The discovery of petroleum was made a secret. Secret oil transactions were rumoured, with leaks about illegal oil transactions. A plan to construct a deep sea port at Cape Limba was shelved and replaced by a plan to pipe petrol from Victoria to Douala for international shipping. Today the Republic of Cameroon is pretending to pay petroleum taxes into Limba's treasury which is controlled by their treasurer. 1820 Twelve, electricity corporation lost - West Cameroon Electricity Corporation, Powercam, installations inherited from the Nigeria Government Electricity Undertakings, have been totally dismantled to make Southern Cameroons totally dependent on supply from Edea in French Cameroons. Thirteen, Victoria sea port closed - The Victoria natural sea port was closed by reunification and the city would have become a ghost town had the discovery of oil nearby not brought partial salvation. 1821 Fourteen, banana trade lost - Before reunification the banana was one of the Southern Cameroons' cash crops. Shortly after reunification private farmers in Southern Cameroons lost the trade even though east of the Mungo, especially in the Littoral province, individual farmers still plant and sell them abroad. Fifteen, uncustomary redistribution of revenue - As has been shown in the cases of CDC, Marketing Board, and petroleum the improperly negotiated reunification has enabled the Republic of Cameroon in the name of a single fatherland to use the weight of their population to make themselves bosses over our wealth. We are now called upon to accept with thanks whatever they give us and many of our kith and kin are paid to pass motions of support for the fraud. 1822 Sixteen, Tiko airport and wharf closed - Both Tiko airport and wharf have been closed. Tiko airport has been turned into a military base. Seventeen, the railway closed - The Meanja-Tiko railway has been abandoned by the disheartening reunification. Eighteen, Mamfe Enclaved - Mamfe town which, as Southern Cameroons gateway to Nigeria was bustling with economic activity, was economically paralysed by reunification. The Kumba-Mamfe-Bamenda highway was abandoned, forcing all traffic to pass through the Republic of Cameroon's Nkongsamba-Mboudam highway. Mamfe has since become an enclave. 1823 Nineteen, law on subversion - The presenter says that a law passed in March 1962 made it a crime for anyone to oppose or criticize any government action promulgated into law less than six months after reunification. Under this law many civilians have been heavily fined or imprisoned by Military Tribunals for doing what before unification was a civic right. 1824 Twenty, unjust penal code - Even though the penal systems are not harmonized Anglophones are often arrested west of the Mungo and transferred, detained, tried and jailed east of the Mungo under a system which is alien to them. East of the Mungo confessions are extracted through torture. Because the accused is presumed guilty upon a complaint being lodged against him there is no question of bail. The magistrate may convict and make a "no appeal" order which is obeyed meticulously. Prisons are extremely overcrowded and the prisoners are underfed. That is the side of reunification many Anglophones don't know, and have deliberately refused to know because they are busy as "handclappers". 1825 Twenty-one, stolen radio transmitter - In early 1994 it was discovered that a FM radio transmitter donated by the Japanese government for installation at Buea, the headquarters of Southern Cameroons, was instead installed at Douala. If your uncle inherits your father's estate and is using its proceeds to maintain only his own children, when you attain maturity what do you do? Of course, you take back your father's estate. In the case of the Republic of Cameroon and Southern Cameroons it is clear that the so-called uncle is no uncle at all. The transmitter was easily stolen because of reunification. 1826 Report over background hymn. The presenter reads out a catalogue of human rights abuses and lists in detail examples of intimidation, torture and assassinations which he says have taken place under President Paul Biya's leadership. He says that the restoration of independence and statehood of the former British Southern Cameroons must be done, one way or another. He mentions the arrest on 11 November 2005 of several officials from the Southern Cameroons National Council, one of the organizations involved in the struggle to free Southern Cameroons from its current "occupation" by the Republic of Cameroon, is part of "an ongoing genocidal process" which can be linked to the killing of six Southern Cameroonian youths in Bamenda on 26 May 1990 during the launch of the Southern Cameroons opposition party, the Social Democratic Front (SDF). Cataloguing "abuse" 1828 The presenter tells listeners that more facts can be obtained from the peace and security office of the African Union and at the United Nations. Also additional information can be obtained from the International Federation of Human Rights League, FIDH, which between 23 August and 1 September 2003, carried out an investigation into the plight of Southern Cameroonians. The FIDH mission was led by Mr Jean- Bernard Padare, the vice-president of the Chadian League of Human Rights and Mr Benoit Van der Mertieu, coordinator of the Belgian Section for the Defence of Children Internationally. More information can also be obtained from the United Nations Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization, UNPO. 1830 The presenter says that as recently as 13 November 2005, armed gendarmes stormed the offices of one of the Southern Cameroons' liberation movements in Bamenda and confiscated documents and computers. This happened while several liberation movement officials were in custody. Mr Nfor Ngala Nfor the Vice chairman of the SCNC, Stephen Kongso of Bui, Office Clerk Pricilla Khan, and Militants Peter Pizizi Nkweti, Njoka and Ishiaku Wirdin are in custody even as we present this report. An Australian journalist, Andrew Mueller, delegated by the UNPO to research a paper on the Southern Cameroons' struggle was arrested in Kumbo, Southern Cameroons and then deported on 12 November 2005 by President Biya's government. 1831 The presenter reads out an extensive list of Southern Cameroonians who it says have been the alleged victims of illegal detentions, arrests, torture, summary execution and assassinations since 1990. 1838 The report continues giving details of abuses it says were committed by the gendarmes against activists in Southern Cameroons and gives details of the poor conditions of their detention as well as details about how they were abused by the authorities. 1855 The presenter says that the standard practise over the past 40 years in the country has been to transport arrested Southern Cameroonians to prisons and military bases in Francophone Cameroon where they are far from home and have no one to feed them. Also, despite the presence of police in Southern Cameroons, the Republic of Cameroon sends out its paramilitary police, the gendarmes, with live bullets to confront Southern Cameroonians. Independence and colonization 1856 The presenter says that the bone of contention between Southern Cameroons and the Republic of Cameroon is easy to understand. The Republic of Cameroon became independent on 1 January 1960. Southern Cameroons became independent in 1961. The United Nations endorsed the Independence of Southern Cameroons on April 19 1961. The Federal Republic of Nigeria and the United States of America joined 50 other countries by voting in favour of a separate Independent Southern Cameroons on 19 April, 1961. That vote granting independence to the former British Southern Cameroons is in the record of the 1152nd meeting which took place on 19 April 1961. Southern Cameroons' independence was unequivocally endorsed by UN Resolution 1608 (XV), paragraph 5, of 21 April 1961. 1857 He says that today the Republic of Cameroon is trying to annex and colonize Southern Cameroons and that Southern Cameroonians are fighting to restore the independence that was proclaimed by the United Nations and it will be restored. 1900 The presenter speaks over a drumbeat bidding listeners goodnight and tells them to tune in at the same time next week. Programme ends. Source: BBC Monitoring research 9 Dec 05 (via DXLD) ** CANADA. ABORIGINAL VOICES RADIO http://www.crtc.gc.ca/archive/ENG/Notices/2005/pb2005-118.htm 1. Vancouver and Abbotsford, British Columbia; Calgary, Alberta; Ottawa, Ontario and Montréal, Quebec. Application No. 2005-1468-9 Application by Aboriginal Voices Radio Inc. for an extension of the time limit to commence the operation of the Native Type B radio programming undertakings at Vancouver and its transmitter at Abbotsford, Calgary, Ottawa and Montréal authorized in Decision CRTC 2001-314 (Vancouver), Broadcasting Decision CRTC 2003-67 (Abbotsford), Decision CRTC 2001-172 (Calgary), Decision CRTC 2001-627 (Ottawa) and Broadcasting Decision CRTC 2003-195 (Montréal). The licensee is requesting an extension until 1 September 2006 for primarily technical and logistical reasons. The application represents the fifth request for an extension for the undertaking at Vancouver, and the second request for its transmitter at Abbotsford, the fifth request for an extension for the undertaking at Calgary, the sixth request for an extension for the undertaking at Ottawa and the second request for an extension for the undertaking at Montréal. The licensee is also requesting, until 1 September 2006, an extension of the time to submit an application for the use of a frequency other than 90.9 MHz to operate its new radio programming undertaking in Vancouver. The Commission approved AVR’s application for the new service in Decision CRTC 2001-314 but later directed the applicant to submit an amendment to the proposed technical parameters predicated on the use of another frequency. Moreover, the licensee is requesting, until 1 September 2006, an extension of the time limit to submit an application for the use of a frequency other than 100.1 MHz to operate its new radio programming undertaking in Montréal. The Commission approved AVR`s application for the new service in Broadcasting Decision CRTC 2003-195 but directed the applicant to submit an amendment to the proposed technical parameters predicated on the use of another frequency. This represents the sixth request for an extension of time to submit an application for another frequency. The Commission places the applicant on notice that, as a part of its decision making process, it will decide, in the light of the extensions already requested and approved, the information contained in the present application and any interventions to be received, whether it should accord any further extensions (via Ricky Leong, DXLD) ** CANADA. GLORIOUS CKLW: NOW ON DVD By GUY DIXON Friday, December 9, 2005 Posted at 6:53 PM EST Few can tell a story as well as radio guys: "In June on a hot summer night, you could drive up [Detroit's] Woodward Avenue, and you didn't have to have the radio on. Every car had CKLW tuned . . . and the music was just in the air like the humidity." That was Bob Lusk, a board operator at the Top 40 AM station CKLW in Windsor, Ont., describing a magical time in the late 1960s in the documentary Radio Revolution: The Rise and Fall of the Big 8. The film, now on DVD, tells the story of how the Canadian station, 50,000 watts at number 800 on the AM dial, came to dominate the Detroit market and influence play lists at stations throughout the U.S. and Canadian Midwest. . . http://www.theglobeandmail.com/servlet/story/LAC.20051209.RADIO09/BNPrint// (via Dan Say, DXLD) ** CANADA. CHWO Anniversary QSL --- On January 8th, 2006, CHWO / AM740 in Toronto will be celebrating it's 5th anniversary on the air. Although the station has been on the air since 1956, it moved to 740 in 2001 providing with a much larger signal and audience. In all of those years, it has remained a family run station and the adult standards format has never changed. The Ontario DX Association has been the QSL manager for the station since its move and has received more than 330 reception reports from as far as Finland, Jamaica, Washington State and all points in- between. Once again, the ODXA and CHWO will be presenting a special QSL for January 8th, 2006. Here are the details: Date: January 8, 2006 Time: 0000 to 2359 UT Program material (at least 10 minutes of specific program material heard: i.e., name of announcer, commercials heard, news items etc.) Signal/sound report (a general overview of how well you heard the signal at your location and the sound quality of the program) The type of equipment and antenna you were using to hear the signal Your mailing address ----------- If you have any further questions, please email me at am740 @ rogers.com Please feel free to forward this to any appropriate radio list so the word can be spread. All the best this holiday season and a very prosperous new year from CHWO AM740 and the ODXA. (Brian Smith - am740 @ rogers.com AM 740 - http://www.am740.ca Reception Reports - http://www.odxa.on.ca/chwo.html Yahoo Group - http://groups.yahoo.com/group/AM740/ Dec 10, ODXA via DXLD) ** CONGO. 6115, Dec. 10, 1805-1815, Radio Congo in French, News, ID at 1814, fair with QRM from Belarus. No // heard. 73 (Thorsten Hallmann, Münster, Germany, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CUBA. JPG of Manolo de la Rosa and Malena Negrín, of RHC`s DX program En Contacto, is now in the dxldyg Photos, under DX Listeners; from an Xmas greeting (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** DENMARK [and non]. Re: Cartoon Jihad See http://www.jihadwatch.org/dhimmiwatch/archives/009267.php where, at the very end, there is a link to the wretched cartoons (Henrik Klemetz, Sweden, DX LISTENING DIGEST) {Denmark must be safe from terrorist attacks in retaliation as that would merely prove the point of the cartoon! Sneaky (gh, an addendum to 5-211} Unfortunately, not the case exactly, as calls are made to kill the offending cartoonist; interesting discussion on the above site (gh) Saturday, December 10 and Sunday, December 11 2005: Copenhagen Calling Copenhagen Calling this week looks at the thorny issue of why a Danish newspaper has earned the wrath of the Muslim community by commissioning and publishing cartoons and caricatures of the Prophet Mohammed. Julian Isherwood interviews Flemming Rose, the editor at Jyllands-Posten who commissioned the drawings and who explains why his newspaper is not prepared to apologise. The programme also looks at the problems Denmark's hospitals may be causing by not fully treating their waste and pumping radioactive material and not least resistant bacteria into the environment. Finally the weekly, half-hour programme looks at the large number of migrating birds that have come to Denmark this winter. [via WRMI 7385, UT Sun 0630] In North America: Sun 0130 am ET / Sat 1030 pm PT In Africa and the Middle East: Sat 0930 UTC / 1130 CAT --- Sun 0730 UTC / 0930 CAT In Africa and Europe on WorldSpace AfriStar: Sat 0930 UTC / 1130 CAT - -- Sun 0730 UTC / 0930 CAT In Asia and the Pacific: Sat 0930 UTC / 2030 AEDT --- Sun 0730 UTC / 1830 AEDT In Asia on WorldSpace AsiaStar: Sat 0930 UTC / 2030 AEDT --- Sun 0730 UTC / 1830 AEDT In Europe: Sat 0930 UTC / 1030 CET --- Sat 1730 UTC / 1830 CET --- Sun 0430 UTC / 0530 CET (WRN Newsletter via DXLD) And ondemand via http://www.wrn.org/listeners/stations/station.php?StationID=11 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** ETHIOPIA [non]. Re 5-210: ``Voice of Ethiopian People 1700-1800 7380 AM .t...s. Amharic Africa (Bernd Trutenau, Lithuania, dxldyg via WORLD OF RADIO 1296, DX LISTENING DIGEST)`` Please check out this twice-weekly broadcast and render guesses as to transmitter site. 73, (Glenn, dxldyg via DXLD) Saludos cordiales, chequeando a las 1730 UT por 7380 kHz desde Valencia, no se percibe señal alguna, el nivel de ruido es elevado (José Miguel Romero, Burjasot (Valencia), España, Sat Dec 10, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) Just read my e-mail at 1754 and noted only a weak carrier on 7380, no audio heard. Splashes from both sides. The carrier went off at 1800 (Jari in Finland Savolainen, ibid.) ** EUROPE. Hi guys, After almost 2 years WR International is trying a come back. The frequency is as always 12256 kHz. We have a new audio stage and modified output stage. The transmitter is on air right now [exactly when would that have been? Would people please put specific times in the body of messages! --- gh] playing non stop music whilst we try and make it sound as nice as we can. Your comments are welcome to radio @ wrinternational.net please let us know where you are and how it sounds, we thank you very much. 73's The WR International team (swpirates via José Miguel Romero Burjasot (Valencia) España, Dec 10, DXLD) So the website is http://wrinternational.net a.k.a. Europe`s Nostalgia Station, power as 35 watts, postal: WRI, Ostra Porten 29, S442 54 Ytterby, Sweden (Glenn Hauser, DXLD) Town named after element ** GERMANY. Re. Sorbian on 999 kHz: The actual location of the mediumwave transmitter listed as ``Cottbus`` (or ``Schwarze Pumpe``) for some time was Hoyerswerda. Here are current pictures of the site: http://macs.ma.funpic.de/hoyerswerda.htm The mast is new and of the same design than on other new FM facilities. The old mediumwave antenna (51 metre mast with top load as widely found on East German stations) stands on the now empty meadows in the foreground, and a backup antenna (triangular hammock) was placed behind the transmitter building, to the right of the unrelated cellphone tower. The actual transmitter was a 20 kW Funkwerk Köpenick, same model than the one at Wilsdruff http://janbalzer.gmxhome.de/wilsdruf/wils03.htm (and the Hoyerswerda transmitter was like Wilsdruff administered by Funkamt Dresden). At the time in question a Sorbian programme from Cottbus was on air via Hoyerswerda 999 and Reichenbach 1188 (later also FM Löbau 91.8) on Sundays only 12:00-14:00 CET, later 11:30-13:00. On workdays a Sorbian programme was on air 09:30-10:00 as part of the regular ``Sender Cottbus`` (local station) program line-up on FM (Calau 98.6). At this time ``Sender Cottbus`` was on air until 10:00, and I think it is safe to assume that on Sundays the very same studio went afterwards live on mediumwave. These mediumwave transmissions ceased when a new FM transmitter on 100.4 became operational at Hoyerswerda (two-bay antenna mounted on the mediumwave mast, ERP was given as 17 kW) more or less together with an entirely new studio in the Serbski Dom, the ``Sorbian House`` at Bautzen. Here is a German-language article about the history of Sorbian broadcasting (location of studio picture there not given, so I can only assume it is Cottbus): http://www.mdr.de/sorbisches-programm/rundfunk/geschichte/1929181.html Apparently in 1990 Sorbian programming returned to 999, 1188 and also the existing 1485/1584/1602 transmitters in the area between Cottbus, Bautzen and the Polish border, vaguely listed as ``Sender Lausitz`` then, but I had no opportunity so far to find out more about this. In 1991 the Hoyerswerda transmitter came out of use, but now RIAS grabbed it, together with the co-channel Wöbbelin outlet. Here is a sketch of the RIAS coverage on mediumwave from 1992 or perhaps 1993: http://www.biener-media.de/0990.html The Hoyerswerda transmitter on 999 finally went off for good on January 2 1996. All the best, (Kai Ludwig, Germany, Dec 10, DX LISTENING DIGEST) See also SAAR ** HUNGARY [non]. R. Budapest news in English coming in well at 2202 UT Dec 10 on 6025, via Slovakia, intended only for Europe (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** INDIA. ADDITIONAL RADIO STATIONS TO BE SET UP IN TRIBAL AREAS 18:56 IST LokSabha The Government proposes to set up All India Radio (AIR) centers particularly in the tribal districts. During the Tenth Five Year Plan period, three radio stations viz. (i) Himatnagar (Gujarat), (ii) Saraipalli (Chattisgarh), and (iii) Mandla (Madhya Pradesh), have been commissioned in tribal areas. Two more radio stations in the tribal districts of Soro (Orissa) and Dharamapuri (Tamil Nadu) are technically ready; but have not been commissioned due to non-sanction of Operation and Maintenance (O&M) staff. One radio station in the tribal district of Churachandpur in Manipur is also technically ready, but could not be commissioned as a decision about link language is yet to be taken by the State Government. Besides, another forty-one Radio Stations spread-over in the tribal districts of Andhra Pradesh, Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Karnataka, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Orissa, Rajasthan, Maharashtra, Nagaland, Tripura, Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal have been proposed during the 10th Plan. While planning setting up of radio stations, AIR is motivated by (i) coverage analysis (including feed-back reports); (ii) population density; (iii) people's representation; and (iv) availability of resources. This information was given by Minister of Information & Broadcasting and Parliamentary Affairs, Sh. P.R. Dasmunsi in written reply to a question in Lok Sabha today. RS/GK Via http://pib.nic.in/release/release.asp?relid=14006 Regards & 73’s (via Mukesh Kumar, MUZAFFARPUR, INDIA, DXLD) WTFK? SW? ** LATVIA. 9290 kHz, KWRN - Radio Nordland (Relay via Ulbroka), detailed computer generated QSL-card with personal notes (including transmitter site), card shows a lighthouse, v/s Felix Stein. Also contained a calendar and a magnetic calendar. In 9 days for a report in German with 1,10 EUR in German stamps to R KWRN, Postfach 101145, 99801 Eisenach, Deutschland (M. Schoech, Eisenach, Germany, December 2005, GRDXC via DXLD) ** LATVIA. Radio Caroline Eifel auf/on 9290 kHz Am [Sonntag] 18. Dezember 2005 läuft um 1000-1100 UT ein Programm von Radio Caroline Eifel über "Krebs TV" in Ulbroka, Lettland - der Sender hat 100 kW - die Sendung ist für die Musik der 50er & 60er Jahre gewidmet. Freu mich über jeden Zuhörer :-) Empfangsberichte sind sehr willkommen. Reception reports are very welcome. Rückporto / return postage: 2 x 0,55 ct Briefmarken (D) Inside Europe: 1 Euro Outside Europe: 1 or better 2 USD or 1 IRC Kontakt: radio-caroline-eifel @ web.de http://www.radio-caroline-eifel.de.vu SRS Deutschland - R Caroline Eifel - Postfach 101145 99801 Eisenach, Deutschland/Germany OP Roman u. SRS Deutschland (Martin Schoech - PF 101145 - D-99801 Eisenach, dxldyg via DXLD) ** MALAYSIA. 5964.96, Nasional FM (RTM), Dec 10, 1540-1601, in language, woman DJ with pop songs (one song in English: Melissa Manchester singing ``Don`t Cry Out Loud``), singing station jingle, 1551-1558 reciting from the Qur`an, ToH spoken ID for ``Nasional FM,`` fair-poor (Ron Howard, Monterey, CA, RX340 + T2FD antenna, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** MALDIVES. The Maldives is a beautiful string of 1,200 low lying coral islands scattered across the Equator in the vast expanse of the Indian Ocean. Out of these, only 202 islands are inhabited by the local people and 98 islands are developed exclusively as tourist resorts, while the rest of the islands are uninhabited. Archeological and historical discoveries indicate that the islands have been inhabited for more than three thousand years. Being on an important trade route, Maldives was visited by people all over the world particularly from Asia, Africa and the Middle East. These visitors left a strong influence on the people, their religion and culture of the Maldives. Maldives, called Maldive Islands until 1969, formerly had an elected Sultan as head of State. The islands were places under British protection, with internal self government, in 1887. Maldives became fully independent outside the Commonwealth on 26 July, 1965. Following a referendum, the country became a republic in November 1968. Due to the increasing water level, as a result of global warming, Maldives could go underwater by the second half of this century. Many residents of these islands have had to be transferred. Voice of Maldives Radio and Television are government owned and the administration uses it effectively to promote government policies. Since the TV transmissions are limited to Male and adjacent atolls, radio plays a dominant role to educate and entertain 310,000 Maldivians. According to government statistics 90% of the Maldivians listen to radio broadcasts. Voice of Maldives broadcasts on medium wave and FM. Their 10 kW MW transmitter on 1449 kHz reaches most inhabited islands, of the Maldivian archipelago. The transmitter is housed in a two story building on 'Moonlight Higun'. There is also a standby MW transmitter of 5 kW for emergency situations and it could be operated on 1458 kHz. The studios located a few meters away feed the programmes by cable to the transmitter. Voice of Maldives begins transmission at 0025 UT in the morning and continuously broadcasts until 1645 UT. A dedicated English programme is on the air daily from 1200-1400 UT with news at 1300 UT. The rest of the programmes are in the national language Dhivehi. Veteran DXers can remember the crackling sound of Radio Maldives on 4740 kHz in the 1970's. Alas, it is no longer broadcasting on shortwave. Maldives ceased SW broadcasts about 25 years ago. The aging transmitter and antennas are no longer in existence. A few years back, the Chief Engineer of Voice of Maldives, Mr Maizan Ahmad Maniku stated that they are keen to resume shortwave operations. However nothing has been heard since the feasibility study of resuming SW operations from Maldives. Voice of Maldives can be heard easily in South India and Sri Lanka during their evening broadcast. During favourable propagation conditions they can be heard as far as Australia and New Zealand. They used to be a good verifier in the past, but in recent years the station hesitates to respond even after many follow-up reports. Voice of Maldives can be contacted at: 'Moonlight Higun', Male 20-06, Maldives. Minivan Radio Minivan Radio "Friends of Maldives" is a clandestine radio station, set up as a voice for the people of the Maldives. At present all radio stations, press and other media is controlled by the Maldivian government. Minivan Radio claims that they are able to express the views of local Maldivians without being intercepted and cut off by the government. Minivan News means independent in Dhivehi, and is broadcast informing people of the reform movement and social change in Maldives, reform that the President Gayoom claims to be committed to without effects being seen. The Friends of Maldives are based at Salisbury, England and they claim that their aims are peaceful, democratic change in the Maldives. Minivan Radio leases air time via Deutsche Telekom in Germany. However these broadcasts are being jammed at Male. Minivan Radio verifies reception reports with full data letter and they can be contacted at: Friends of Maldives, 64 Milford Street, Salisbury, England SP1 2BP. e-mail: admin @ friendsofmaldives.co.uk Compiled by T R Rajeesh 'VU3PIK' with courtesy to Sarath Weerakoon and UDXL for taken info about VOM. (TRR 2504) (Dec World DX Club Contact via DXLD) Strange that the Maldivian government has failed to resume SW broadcasts which might strengthen their position in the eyes of overseas opinion, but has invested in a SW jammer which might be the 1 kW SW transmitter once talked of in WRTH (WDXC ed, ibid.) ** MEXICO. EL CANAL 40 REINICIA EN ENERO SU PROGRAMACIÓN http://www.diariodemexico.com.mx/?module=displaystory&story_id=69450&format=html (via Héctor García B., DF, condiglist via DXLD) ** NIGERIA. VON announced current schedule tonight Dec. 10 at closedown at 1900: 0700-0900 and 1700-1900 on 7255 in English. Last few weeks very irregular on 7255 or 15120. 73 (Thorsten Hallmann, Münster, Germany, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** PAPUA NEW GUINEA. 4960, Catholic Radio Network, November 30th, 1655, Pidgin, religious program, ID; surprisingly good signal with O=3-4 7120, Wantok Radio Light, November 30th, 1710, English, Christian songs, talks, ID; O=2 (Michael Schnitzer, Germany, 17th Bavarian DX- Camp, all loggings are corrected now and can be found on my website: http://home.arcor.de/mschnitzer/Camp%2017.htm HCDX via DXLD) ** POLAND. HF80PR SPECIAL EVENT CALL FOR POLISH RADIO ANNIVERSARY Last weekend there was a special event amateur radio station on the air commemorating the 80th anniversary of Polish Radio broadcasts. A google search found info in Polish from http://www.radio.org.pl --- HF80PR will be on the air until December 31, 2005 (Wade Smith, VE9WGS, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) BROADCASTING LIVE FROM POLAND By Marcin Mierzejewski, 30 November 2005 Polskie Radio has broadcast regular programs for 79 years. Over that time, more than a provider of reliable and up-to-date information, it has also been a proponent of culture-the culture of the spoken word and sound. "Halo, halo, Polskie Radio Warszawa, fale [waves] 480" --- with those words, Polish Radio launched its regular broadcasts. The first program was aired on Sunday, April 18, 1926, at 5 p.m. from a studio on the second floor of an old building of Towarzystwo Kredytowe Ziemskie at the corner of Kredytowa and Mazowiecka streets in Warsaw. . . http://www.warsawvoice.pl/view/10006 (via Mike Terry, dxldyg via DXLD) ** RUSSIA. 7330, R. Tikhiy Okean (R. Station Pacific Ocean), Dec 10, *0935-1000*, testing here again, starts with "Govorit Vladivostok," into their usual IS (chimes), Russian programming, several selections of nice Russian ballads, many IDs for ``Radiostantsiya Tikhiy Okean,`` fair-poor, // 5960 which was fair-good (Ron Howard, Monterey, CA, RX340 + T2FD antenna, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** SAAR. The new 1179 kHz program of Saarländischer Rundfunk will be launched on Monday (Dec 12) at 0700 UT. It will be called SR Antenne Saar, reminiscent to a commercial station that shared FM frequencies with Deutschlandradio Berlin but had to give up after some time, allowing Deutschlandradio to go 24/7 on these frequencies. SR Antenne Saar will most of the time relay SWR cont.ra, the remainder of the service will be relays of SR 2 and SR 3 plus French news from RFI (however, RFI's German service will not be relayed). Own programming will be limited to occasional live coverage (Saarbrücken parliament, other events via Phoenix TV audio) and SR's Italian programme. http://www.sr-online.de/as And while checking this out I find a news item about Berlin's senator of finance (the one who considers Brandenburg as ``landscape management of Berlin``) demanding the wind-up of Saarland and Bremen: http://www.sr-online.de/nachrichten/30/445444.html This is broadcast-related in as far as some observers think that sooner or later SR and Radio Bremen will be swallowed by SWR and NDR, respectively (Kai Ludwig, Germany, Dec 10, DX LISTENING DIGEST) I suppose there is as much justification for maintaining radio-country status for Saar as for similar formerly autonomous or separately governed regions (gh, DXLD) ** SCOTLAND [non]. There will be some extra transmissions of Radio Six International during the holiday period, including four hours of HF transmission on Christmas Day. Here's the shortwave schedule: Saturday, December 24th 0700-0800 SATURDAY SOUNDS on 9290 kHz (100 kW via Ulbroka, Latvia) 0930-1030 FESTIVE FUN (studio party with all the presenters) on 13840 kHz (20 kW via IRRS [Italy, or Bulgaria?]) Sunday, December 25th 0800-0900 FESTIVE FUN on 13840 kHz (20 kW via IRRS) 1200-1500 FESTIVE FUN + RECORD OF THE YEAR 2005 on 9290 kHz (100 kW via Ulbroka, Latvia) Thursday, December 29th 2000-2100 FESTIVE FUN on 5775 kHz (20 kW via IRRS) Seasons greetings to all our listeners and many thanks to everyone who has sent us Reception Reports, recordings, postcards, and souvenirs of their countries during 2005. And a special thank you to Glenn Hauser and Andy Sennitt for their ongoing help and co-operation (TONY CURRIE, Programme Director, radio six international, Dec 10, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Did anyone hear the UT Dec 1 0100-0300 broadcast via Lithuania on 7585? I unfortunately missed it and have not seen any other reports of it (gh, DXLD) ** SENEGAL. If some of you, especially Mark [Connelly], wonder what happened with Senegal [765 kHz], I have an answer. I read a few weeks ago an article about the history of Senegal's radio in .PDF, in French, on the web http://www.unrisd.org/unrisd/website/document.nsf/d2a23ad2d50cb2a280256eb300385855/ba28329c8e73447d80256b5e0037ab04/%24FILE/sagna.pdf Since Sénégal is more developed than several neighboring countries, FM is quite popular. I presume since RTS has now a good FM network; there is no more need to run super-power on AM. Also, private stations such as Sud FM do steal RTS's audience, and the national public radio is less and less listened to and have perhaps less financiary revenues, so they did not have the money to pay for the huge power 765 kHz radiated. By the time I came up in the scene in the 2000-2001 season, they were already impossible for non-NF Beverage antenna users, which is sad (Bogdan Chiochiu, QC, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** SPAIN. HISTORIA DE LA RADIO: LA NOCHE DE LOS TRANSISTORES Saludos cordiales, hace pocos días se conmemoró el 30 aniversario de la muerte de Franco y dentro de pocas semanas será el 25 aniversario del 23 F, dos acontecimientos históricos que maracaron el destino de España. La radio fue fundamental en estas fechas; al intento de golpe de estado del 23 de febrero se la conoce como la noche de los transistores. Un guión de lo que ocurrió en las estaciones de radio en aquella fecha puede leerse en la siguiente dirección: http://www.portalmundos.com/mundoradio/acontecimientos/nochetransistores.htm También una pequeña selección de archivos sonoros de aquellos acontecimientos pueden escucharse en los archivos de la Cadena SER: http://www.cadenaser.com/static/especiales/historiaradio/Secciones/3_LaTransicion/0La_transicion.htm Acontecimientos para el recuerdo. Personalmente muchos de aquellos acontecimientos fueron escuchados a través de las estaciones de radio (José Miguel Romero, Burjasot (Valencia), España, Noticias DX via DXLD) ** SRI LANKA [and non]. AIR Chennai free from SLBC interference Dear Friends, From 0800 UT, 9 Nov 2005 Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corp. has vacated from the AIR Chennai frequency of 7275 kHz to 7300 kHz. So now AIR Chennai is free of interference on 7275 at 0025-0430. At 0700-1330 & 1430-1740 Chennai uses 7270. For some time both Chennai and SLBC were using 7275 simultaneously in the mornings. Trouble started when SLBC suddenly changed over from 7300 to the long established AIR Chennai channel of 7275 some months back. Latest SLBC sked on 7300 // 11905 is 0030-0400 0800-1530 in Indian languages. By the way, SLBC English Service is noted sign off at 0400 UT Mon-Sat. On some Sundays they sign off at 0430 and sometimes 0500. 0400 onwards on Sundays they have Christian programming. Fqs are 6005 9770 15745. 73 (Jose Jacob, VU2JOS, National Institute of Amateur Radio, Hyderabad 500082, India, dx_india via DXLD) ** SUDAN [non]. Don`t you believe the Sudan Radio Service schedule in the Nov Long, Medium & Short column in Short Wave Magazine, UK. The times specified as UTC are actually UT+3 Sudan local time. Same mistake made its way into Dec NASWA LN since info from Cumbre was quoted. The SRS website makes it clear that the times shown are GMT +3; but hasn`t got around to replacing 11665 with 15575 at 1500-1700 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** TAHITI. December 10 - Early TP/DU indicators --- 0600 UT - actually had audio on 738 kHz, Tahiti-Mahaina for about 4 minutes here on the West Coast of North America - very rare indeed considering that this station runs their transmitters at about 30% modulation - 738 has to be coming in at about S7 before there is a whisper of audio. Currently fighting a local noise problem - we have not had a good rain in weeks and I think it might be salt build up on a power transformer across the street (about 150 m away) - noised started at about S7 cover to cover (100 kHz to 30 MHz) but has not settled down to about S2 to S3. Looks might be a good evening - relative to other recent evenings which have been, well, pretty much dead (Colin Newell - Victoria B.C. Canada, Drake R8 - Wellbrook ALA100, Dec 10, IRCA via DXLD) ** TAIWAN [non]. A second attempt by Radio Taiwan International to use Tbilisskaya for German 1900-2000 on 6170 started yesterday (Dec 9) and runs till tomorrow (Dec 11). I did not check yesterday, but at least today they finally managed to bring RTI German on air. Pretty good signal, but co-channel Grigoriopol (VOR Arabic) is still a problem. I would suggest to just forget the horribly overcrowded ``Europaband`` and use a frequency between 7300 and 7500, the proven range for transmissions from Russia to Central Europe in winter nights (Kai Ludwig, Germany, Dec 10, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** THAILAND. THAI MINISTER SAYS FREE CABLE TV IN SOUTH PERSUADES YOUTH AGAINST MILITANCY | Text of report in English by Thai newspaper The Nation website on 10 December Interior Minister ACM [Air Chief Marshal] Kongsak Wanthana claimed yesterday that the increasing number of suspected militants surrendering to authorities was thanks to his own initiative: the installation of free cable televisions at teashops across the restive region. Kongsak gave the remark before his weekend visit to the deep south. He said that the newly installed cable television channels had enabled young locals to receive direct messages from the ministry, and with whose help they could form a better understanding of the situation. He did not mention which programme he thought had had just a great influence on the young locals. Last August, Kongsak proposed that free cable televisions be installed in local teashops, arguing that the ability to watch English Premier League football games on television might help lure potential insurgents away from taking up arms against the state. The idea came in for harsh criticism from academics and locals alike for not addressing the root causes behind the insurgency. Critics feared that illegal gambling practices might also receive a boost. During his weekend visit to the region, Kongsak will chair a ceremony in Yala, during which more than 100 youths are expected to turn themselves in to authorities. The minister has called them "misguided" youngsters who possibly sympathised with the insurgents. Kongsak said that their surrender was a result of hard work by Interior Ministry officials to convince militant young locals to turn their backs on violence. He cited the installation of free cable television channels in teashops as a decisive factor behind the surrender. Yet critics have accused the government of misleading locals by luring them to turn themselves over to authorities, whereupon they will need to undergo a weeklong re-education camp, even though they may have not committed any crimes. In the re-education camp, occupants are required to denounce separatism and reiterate their loyalty to the state. Critics said such staged mass surrenders were only a way for local authorities to earn political Brownie points with the central government. Kongsak has become a main target for critics within the Thai Rak Thai Party clamouring for the dismissal of several key cabinet members. Source: The Nation website, Bangkok, in English 10 Dec 05 (via BBCM via DXLD) ** U S S R [and non]. I BELIEVE IN SHORTWAVE http://brotherlawrence.blogspot.com/2005/12/i-believe-in-shortwave.html I used to have a girlfriend who didn’t believe in shortwave radio. This was surprising because she was quite educated and extremely intelligent. Yet, somehow, she just couldn't fathom the existence of such a thing. I explained to her how, when I was a kid, my father gave me a shortwave radio, the size of a large textbook. I would walk around the house with it until I could get a good reception. I would spend hours listening to the BBC World Service and was even a subscriber to its monthly program guide. There were many other stations I would listen to as well, and they had their own personalities, reflections of what their governments wanted the world to think of them. Voice of America would play pop songs, which is how I heard Shannon`s ``Let The Music Play`` for the first time. I had another, smaller shortwave radio when I found myself in the middle of the Mediterranean as a teenager, tuning into the broadcasts that were familiar to me while I was in the middle of the sea miles from land. These were the days before ubiquitous Internet access. But the station I listened to as if it were audio pornography was Radio Moscow. There was something almost dirty in listening to the enemy broadcast during the tense days of the Cold War. For a stretch of time in the 1980s, the Soviet Union would change leaders almost every year. Before announcing the Party Chairman’s death, Radio Moscow would play somber classical music for about a day or two. The newsreaders would then come on to announce the death and would do so with perfect American accents. I would often wonder about these newscasters. Where were they from? Were they Americans? Were they Soviets who studied perfect American diction? Did they ever cross the Iron Curtain? What did they look like? What did they think of their jobs? When the Soviet Union collapsed, I wondered about these people and what became of them and how they really viewed the world. And I would get chills when I heard the news of a Party Chairman’s death. There was something haunting in hearing the news broadcasted from Moscow as opposed to hearing it on an American newscast. It was as if the ghost of the godless departed would travel through the airwaves on a shortwave band across the ocean and into my room. Shortwave carried the souls of the faithless, allowing them to live forever as their messages were broadcasted across the globe and beyond the atmosphere. Shortwave was the path to immortality for those whom religion failed. Many years later, I was walking down Broadway on the Upper West Side with my then-girlfriend, trying to convince her there was such a thing as shortwave radio and I would hear broadcasts from all over the world. It seemed like a fairytale for her. I found myself frustrated and led her to the Barnes and Noble in the West 60s and to a bookshelf that contained shortwave radio guides. She was finally convinced it was real. Of course, I never had a doubt. I always believed in shortwave. posted by Brother Lawrence # 11:38 AM (blog via Ed Stone, DXLD) ** U K. New radio reading service from the UK, presumably in English: UNA NUOVA STAZIONE RADIO SU INTERNET PER GLI ASCOLTATORI CON HANDICAP VISIVI Gli utenti ciechi di Internet hanno ora una nuova fonte di informazioni e divertimento, dopo il lancio di blueIRIS, avvenuto il mese scorso. http://www.blueIRIS.info Si tratta di una nuova stazione radio online, gratuita e rivolta alle persone con disabilità visive, con sede a Blackpool, nel Lancashire (Regno Unito). Questo servizio, presentato dalla Blackpool, Fylde and Wyre Society for the Blind (Associazione dei Ciechi di Blackpool, Fylde e Wyre), fornirà programmi che tratteranno di argomenti di interesse sia locale che nazionale. Il team di blueIRIS sta trattando con alcuni editori per fornire un servizio di libri parlati e ha già stipulato un accordo per trasmettere il best-seller di Dan Brown "Il Codice Da Vinci". Altri argomenti di tipo locale verranno forniti dall'Archivio Sonoro Nord- Occidentale, che ha donato diverso materiale relativo alla storia della Costa del Fylde, comprese alcune registrazioni provenienti dalla BBC Radio del Lancashire. Al momento, i programmi quotidiani hanno una durata di circa quattro ore, con vengono trasmessione di notizie e temi a carattere locale, come pure un elenco degli eventi che si previsti nella zona. Gli utenti possono accedere alla radio tramite i loro computer, utilizzando i sistemi operativi Microsoft Windows o Apple Macintosh, e tramite un collegamento a banda larga. Il servizio blueIRIS deriva da un progetto pilota partito all'inizio dell'anno, collaudato da quindici utenti di età variabile fra i 20 e gli 80 anni, con diversi gradi di disabilità visive e di conoscenze informatiche. La maggior parte delle 150.000 sterline necessarie per questo progetto è stata fornita dall'Ente di Sviluppo Digitale del Lancashire, un'organizzazione finanziata dall'Ente Per lo Sviluppo Regionale dell'Area Nord-Occidentale, allo scopo di promuovere l'uso della banda larga. Fra gli altri associati al progetto, il Consiglio Comunale di Blackpool e le aziende Ultralab, Rural Surround e Interface IT Services. (Notiziario Internazionale sull'Accessibilità 11/05 -> Gianni221 via Luca Botto Fiora, Radio&Media Dec 9 via DXLD) ** U S A. HITTING THE FAN --- Interesting times these past few weeks in the corridors of international broadcasting. On November 5, the New York Times reported http://www.commondreams.org/headlines05/1105- 01.htm that Kenneth Tomlinson, chairman of the Broadcasting Board of Governors, boss of all bosses in U.S. international broadcasting, is the ``subject of an inquiry into accusations of misuse of federal money and the use of phantom or unqualified employees.`` (I was amazed that hiring unqualified employees would spark an inquiry in the federal government. Seems to me that federal agencies, when filling a senior position, will take months to find a candidate who is suitably unqualified.) One day later, the Financial Times reported http://www.publicdiplomacywatch.com/2005/11/trouble_at_al_hurra.html that Alhurra, one of the prominent components of U.S. international broadcasting under Tomlinson`s watch, was being investigated for possible financial irregularities and the political slant of its programming. The news about Tomlinson`s troubles at the BBG came just days after he resigned from the board of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. He had been chairman of the CPB until September, concurrent with his continuing chairmanship of the BBG. News accounts revealed that a report of the CPB`s inspector general would not reflect well on Tomlinson`s activities in that agency. Indeed, the report, made public on November 15, stated that he ``improperly helped create a conservative news show for public television and pushed for Republican hires after discussions with the White House`` --- Bloomberg http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=10000103&sid=aFw4MlYqhunc&refer=us You can see the complete CPB IG report at http://www.cpb.org including Tomlinson`s response: ``I am disappointed, but not surprised, by the Inspector General`s report. It was apparent early on that (he) would opt for politics over good judgment.`` As for Tomlinson`s situation at the BBG, no news as of the time I type this. It remains to be seen if his difficulties at BBG and CPB are linked. HELLE OF AN ESSAY Helle Dale of the Heritage Foundation writes occasionally about international broadcasting and public diplomacy. Her latest is ``Al- Hurrah Television and Lessons for U.S. Public Diplomacy.`` http://www.heritage.org/Research/MiddleEast/Iraq/hl909.cfm The essay goes beyond Alhurra and deals with the organization of all U.S. international broadcasting. One of her suggestions is that ``all broadcast operations should be consolidated under one roof with services tailored by channel and content to priority countries and regions.`` In other words, no more VOA competing with RFE/RL in one language, and VOA competing with RFA in another. I can relate to this, because it`s what I advocated in ``Too Many Voices of America,`` Foreign Policy, Winter 1989/90 (except that there was no RFA back then). Ms. Dale also writes that international broadcasters ``should be given all possible means to succeed in a highly competitive media environment.`` One way to do this, she suggests, is the elimination of the Smith-Mundt law that prohibits the content of U.S. international broadcasting from being disseminated within the United States. This is because ``broadcasting to a domestic audience could give more incentives for the public to under­stand and support the broadcasters` mission. Fur­thermore, it could lead to an increase in program quality by appealing to experts or other possible guests who would otherwise not see the significance in appearing in front of a foreign audience where they are often unknown.`` I don`t know how elimination of Smith-Mundt would make much of a difference, given that all the U.S. international broadcasting websites are already fully available to U.S. audiences. Some of the extremes of Smith-Mundt should be eliminated, so that, for example, U.S. shortwave listeners can get a VOA transmission schedule. But tax money for U.S. international broadcasting should be spent on international audiences. Finally, Ms. Dale discusses the relationship between U.S. international broadcasting and U.S. public diplomacy. She worries about ``reducing U.S. international broadcasting to the status of any other news agency that needs, to a certain degree, to appeal to its audience and seek `scoops` in order to survive.`` But, ultimately, on this point, she lacks a clear thesis. (If you can find it, please let me know.) Karen Hughes, Undersecretary of State for Public Diplomacy, similarly obfuscates. At a hearing of the House International Relations Committee, she acknowledged the ``firewall`` between the government and U.S. international broadcasting. But, she added, ``there are opportunities for some synergy. For example, we do all these exchange programs. We bring ten clerics from Jordan to the United States, a program we did not too long ago. ... Why should that experience be limited to those ten people? Why wouldn`t it make sense for ... Alhurra to cover that exchange, to do a documentary about that exchange program, and therefore share it with a much wider audience?`` In other words, Hughes will go to the BBG and say, ``I`m sure you will want to cover this.`` The BBG members, if they opt for expediency rather than courage, will respond, ``Oh yes, how much time would you like?`` This is emblematic of the of the confusion that occurs when the distinction between international broadcasting and public diplomacy is muddled, as it is by America`s decision makers and distinguished fellows. In contrast, the British understand this concept, keeping the function and management of BBC World Service and that of British public diplomacy clearly separate (Kim Andrew Elliott, DC, Kim`s NASWA Column, December 2005 via DXLD) ** U S A. BUSH`S WAR ON THE PRESS Defend Democracy from the White House Assault on the Media America`s leadership is waging a war against the journalistic standards and practices that underpin not only a free press but our democracy. The Fourth Estate is withering under an unprecedented White House assault designed to intimidate, smear and discredit investigative journalism — and allow the president and his political cronies to lie with impunity. If left unchecked, this and future administrations will continue to: . . . http://www.freepress.net/presswar/ (via Claudio Morales, Argentina, condig list via DXLD) ** U S A. LIMBAUGH CROWNED NO. 1 IN TALK RADIO AGAIN New York, December 10, UPI http://www.upi.com/NewsTrack/view.php?StoryID=20051210-123009-6245r Talkers magazine reports conservative hosts Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity are the most popular radio hosts in the United States. More than 13.75 million people listen to Limbaugh per week while Hannity draws more then 12.5 million weekly listeners, Talkers reported. Michael Savage is third with more than 8 million listeners a week. There is tie for fourth place between shock jock Howard Stern -- soon due to move to Sirius Satellite Radio -- and Dr. Laura Schlessinger with more than 7.75 million weekly listeners, the New York Daily News reported Saturday. Laura Ingraham filled out the Top 5 with more than 5 million. Talkers said it used Arbitron data and "other reliable indicators" for its semiannual rankings report (via Mike Terry, dxldyg via DXLD) Proving once and for all that P.T. Barnum was right. For non-U.S. readers, P.T. Barnum of circus fame is perhaps falsely reported to have said, "There's a sucker born every minute." A more apt quotation for this state of affairs might be H. L. Mencken's, "No one every went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American people." (John Figliozzi, ibid.) ** U S A. LAW OFFICERS RANSACK PIRATE RADIO STATION By VALERIE KALFRIN, Tampa Tribune, Published: Dec 10, 2005 TAMPA - They called themselves "the sound from the underground," guys who love club music and hip hop. They had a turntable, microphones, CD players and mixers, advertisements for a Tampa nightclub and live banter during a rush- hour show they called "Traffic Jams." What they didn't have was a broadcasting license, Tampa police say. Working with the Federal Communications Commission, police pulled the plug on the pirate station at 99.1 FM on Thursday, ending a broadcast heard since Nov. 20 from Largo to Seffner, Tampa police Capt. Paul Driscoll said. "It went from right in the middle of a song to just a little hum," Driscoll said Friday. According to police, Infinity Broadcasting of St. Petersburg reported the broadcast to the FCC, which alerted police. The FCC tracked the signal to an antenna atop Palm Avenue Baptist Tower, a high-rise apartment building at 215 E. Palm Ave., Driscoll said. FCC technicians then tracked the signal's origin to 4402 Melton Ave., down the street from St. Joseph's Hospital, where the unlicensed broadcasters had installed an antenna and cable through the wall of a rear second-story office. Police served two search warrants on the office and seized about $20,000 worth of equipment, Driscoll said. The antennae appear to have been installed without the building managers' knowledge, he said. As of Friday, police were still investigating and had made no arrests. Driscoll said he expects charges to be filed. A person who makes unlicensed radio transmissions or interferes with a public or commercial radio station can be charged with a third-degree felony punishable by up to five years in prison. Police had listened to the station for a few moments a day since Nov. 22. They heard profanity - which the FCC prohibits - an advertisement for Club 112, a nightclub at 901 N. Franklin St., and a call-in number for requests, Driscoll said. No one answered the phone at the club on Friday. The FCC declined to comment. Roland Martino, 32, who owns the Melton Avenue building, said the unlicensed station used an office near studio space rented by a rock band. He said a man had contacted him months ago seeking to rent the space and viewed it with a key Martino's office loaned to him. Martino thought the man might have copied the key. Florida, especially Miami, is a "hotbed for pirate radio activity," which can interfere with air-traffic control signals and other stations, said Dennis Wharton, spokesman for the National Association of Broadcasters in Washington. People seem to take to the airwaves when their programming is "not on the dial," said Rob Lorei, news director of WMNF, 88.5 FM. (via Terry L Krueger, Clearwater, Florida, USA, 27.55.83 N, 82.46.08 W, Visit my "Florida Low Power Radio Stations" at: http://home.earthlink.net/~tocobagadx/flortis.html or: http://www.geocities.com/geigertree/flortis.html Dec 10, DXLD) PIRATE RADIO STATION CLOSED http://www.sptimes.com/2005/12/10/Hillsborough/Pirate_radio_station_.shtml Hip-hop music, club ads and profanity all came from a radio frequency police say nobody should have been using. By Times Staff Writer December 10, 2005 Tampa, Fl Police this week shut down a pirate radio station that they say has been broadcasting hip-hop music on FM 99.1 since last month. Tampa police and Federal Communications Commission officials seized about $20,000 in electronic equipment after searching Thursday at 4402 N Melton Ave. and at Palm Avenue Baptist Tower Apartments, 215 E Palm Ave. Investigators say the unlicensed broadcasting began Nov. 20, with operators working from the peach-colored building at Melton and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard. Authorities later determined the signal was coming from the Palm Avenue Baptist Tower Apartments, where they found two FM antennas on the roof. A similar antenna was found on the northwest side of the Melton building, pointing southwest. On Nov. 22, investigators began listening to the radio station almost daily. They heard men announcing advertisements for Club 112, a nightclub at 901 N Franklin St. in Tampa, police spokesman Joe Durkin said. They also heard announcers using profane and "violent language," according to a report. Following Thursday's search warrants, detectives questioned and released three people associated with the station, Durkin said. The person authorities say they believe set up the pirate station has been identified and will be interviewed. Police have not arrested anyone, but Durkin said Detective Greg Stout is still investigating. Unauthorized radio transmissions or interference with commercial radio stations is a felony. (via Mike Terry, dxldyg via DXLD) ** U S A. Again on Sat Dec 10 at 2140 check, WYFR 6855 was overridden by a 5-digit YL Spanish numbers transmission; WYFR in the clear rechecked after 2200 when in Portuguese. What happens if you have more transmitters than you really know what to do with? Put four of them in a row 20 kHz apart carrying the same programming, as WYFR mailbag in English was observed Sat Dec 10 at 2136 on 17515, 17535, 17555 and 17575. O, wait a minute; the schedules seem to show at 20-22: only 17535 and 17555 in use, so the other two are mixing products? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. WRFU, Radio Free Urbana on 104.5, a new LPFM station is third of four topics on the monthly Sidetrack, on WILL, which aired at 2300-2400 UT Sat Dec 10, in the 17-23 minute segment. More info with audio links: http://www.will.uiuc.edu/am/sidetrack/default.htm WRFU: http://www.wrfu.net/ (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. American Atheists Media ELLEN JOHNSON LIVE ON FOXNEWS "HEARTLAND" PROGRAM TONIGHT, SATURDAY DECEMBER 10, 2005 -- ATHEIST LAWSUIT TO REMOVE CROSSES ELLEN JOHNSON, President of American Atheists will be the guest tonight Saturday (December 10, 2005) night on the popular FoxNews Channel program "Heartland with John Kasich." The program begins at 8:00 PM ET -- check your local listings. Ms. Johnson will be discussing the American Atheists lawsuit to remove 12-foot-high Christian crosses which have been placed on public property in Utah adjacent to highways ostensibly as "memorials" to state troopers. (See: http//www.atheists.org/flash.line/utah12.htm for background on this story.) One state official says that the enormous crosses have nothing to do with religion, and that the cross is simply a "symbol of peace." American Atheists charges that the crosses are inappropriate sectarian symbols, and that there are more appropriate -- and constitutional -- ways to honor law enforcement officers who gave their lives in the line of duty. Saturday, December 10, 2005 -- 8:00 PM ET (check local listings) [0100 UT Sunday Dec 11, repeating at 0400 and 0900] MORE INFO: http://www.foxnews.com, http//www.atheists.org/flash.line/utah12.htm Bring Ellen Johnson to your next Atheist/freethought event! Visit http://www.atheists.org/speakers for more information about the American Atheists Speakers Bureau, and its roster of professionals who address a wide range of topics! (AMERICAN ATHEISTS is a nationwide movement that defends civil rights for Atheists; works for the total separation of church and state; and addresses issues of First Amendment public policy.) (AA Newsletter Dec 10 via DXLD) ** U S A. DOBSON -- HOW LONG DOES THE TEFLON HOLD? Meetings with Bolton, FOIA requests, IRS complaints For over two decades, James Dobson has been one of the most influential power-brokers on the religious right. His Colorado-based Focus on the Family ministry, one of the many organizations Dobson has formed or been involved with has made the evangelist-cum-Christian psychologist an influential force in Republican Party politics and on Capitol Hill. Millions tune in to his daily radio program, subscribe to the flood of publications pouring out of the FOTF campus, and eagerly purchase his books, videos and other materials that cover everything from child-rearing and marriage to political and culture war issues like public prayer, display of the Ten Commandments, or his effort to stop same-sex marriage. Dobson is so vital to certain political interests that when it came to mobilizing support behind ex-Supreme Court hopeful Harriett Miers, he was approached by none other than senior White House operative Karl Rove, and by Dobson's account was provided "confidential" background information on the embattled nominee. Members of the Senate Judiciary Committee were outraged and intended to call Dobson as a witness. The avuncular preacher likely avoided that potential mine field when Miers, under fire by social and religious conservatives, withdrew her name from consideration. But there is evidence that Dobson's troubles may not be over, and could in fact be mounting. * The Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) has filed a complaint with the Internal Revenue Service against Focus on the Family, calling for a probe into whether the group violated agency regulations by endorsing partisan political candidates. Focus is a 501(c)(3) non-profit group with a federal tax exemption. Such an organization "must not participate or intervene in any political campaign on behalf of or in opposition to any candidate for public office." While there has always been a large "gray" area of how the notoriously convoluted IRS regulations may be interpreted, CREW charges that the activities of Dobson's ministry were so blatant that Focus on the Family should be investigated and, if found in violation, lose its special tax-exempt status. Part of the 99-page complaint to the IRS discusses Dobson's 2004 endorsement of GOP Rep. Patrick J. Toomey in his Pennsylvania senate race. The preacher also openly backed other candidates including Pat Ballentine for Governor in North Carolina, and Tom Coburn for the U.S. Senate. Should the agency turn a blind eye to a possible Dobson probe, it would be hard pressed to explain why it is has been pushing ahead with investigations that examine practices far short of electioneering activity. Melanie Sloan, executive director for CREW, told reporters that the IRS "has established a track record of scrutinizing organizations, in particular liberal ones, that have purportedly violated electioneering regulations. We hope that the IRS will fully investigate Focus on the Family activities as vigorously as it has targeted those of progressive organizations." * In early November, 2005 American Atheists filed a Freedom of Information Action (FOIA) to compel the White House to release documents and any other materials pertinent to communications between Dobson and White House advisor Karl Rove. Dobson had been enlisted by the Bush administration to mobilize support among religious right evangelicals behind the faltering nomination of Harriet Miers. The eminence grise of the religious right breezily boasted to reports that he had been "privy" to "confidential" information about Miers. Members of the Senate Judiciary Committee announced that they wanted to learn the substance of this "confidential" material that had not been made available to either the SJC or the news media. What did Dobson know? The answer likely resides in White House records, phone logs, e-mails and other materials that would ordinarily be protected under the veneer of so-called "Executive Privilege. American Atheists filed the FOIA action to compel disclosure of that information, arguing that the veil of "Executive Privilege" had been broken since Rove had spoken to a private citizen, to wit, James Dobson. The FOIA action was conveyed to the White House Office of Administration through attorney Edwin Kagin. On November 2, 2005, the Office of Administration responded claiming that it is "a distinct entity from the White House Office and 'Focus on the Family' and does not process the type of records requested..." Curiously, the letterhead on which Carol Erhlich ("Freedom of Information Act Officer") responded reads: EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT, OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATION Acting on behalf of American Atheists, Mr. Kagin filed a "Freedom of Information Act Appeal" on November 30, 2005 with the Deputy Director of the Office of Administration. Kagin said that the appeal is within the parameters of the FOIA process. He told the Office of Administration official: "My client, American Atheists, Inc. disputes the assertion that the Administrative Office does not have the records requested, and appeals the action taken. My client further disputes the assertion that the White House is exempt from the requested disclosure..." "My client states that any privilege the White House has, or may have had, in the subject matter requested has been waived by statements made by James Dobson and other disclosing, to the public at large, the general nature and content of the statements sought under FOIA." It is likely, Mr. Kagin told AANEWS, that the White House will deny the appeal, and that court action will be the next step in order to force the administration to release any Rove-Dobson materials. Although the Miers nomination is political history, Kagin warned that permitting the White House or other government agencies to share information with private U.S. citizens who are religious leaders and political operatives -- but not congress or the news media -- sets a dangerous and destructive principle. * Dobson's political reach inside the Bush administration was again underscored by revelations that he and a group of Focus staffers recently huddled with U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations John Bolton to discuss future global initiatives and planning. Word of the hour-long gathering broke came first on Dobson's radio broadcast, then Arianna Huffington's blog (the Huffington Post). Dobson gushed, "We had an opportunity to talk to him (Bolton) about the possibility of Focus on the Family working with the United Nations. That really did excite me." FOTF staffer Jim Daly responded: "Absolutely, I think what came across in the meeting is that he (Bolton) is pro-life and pro-family and he gave us an invitation to work with him in setting some policy there at the U.N. that would support the values we believe..." Dobson goes on to describe Bolton as "pro-life, pro-family, pro- morality" adding that the ambassador "sees things the way we do regarding condom distribution and abstinence and other things." The prospect of Dobson helping to steer American global policy at the United Nations is breathtaking, but comes as no surprise considering the nexus of relationships linking Dobson, Karl Rove and John Bolton. Bolton was a controversial nominee when he was proposed for the post of U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations. Rove, who ran the White House effort to clear Bolton through the confirmation maze on Capitol Hill, admitted that he had known him closely for more than thirty years. In light of Bush administration policy, it was only logical that Rove, a virtual puppet master of influence, made the introductions and enlisted Dobson to take the religious culture war battle beyond the Supreme Court and all the way to the United Nations. http://www.atheists.org/flash.line/court40.htm ("Atheists file FOIA action to force release of 'confidential' Dobson/Rove communiques," 10/11/05) http://www.atheists.org/flash.line/court39.htm ("Miers appointment to SCOTUS, 10/8/05) http://www.atheists.org/action (American Atheists Action Alert on "Dobsongate") (AA News Dec 10 via DXLD) ** U S A. EARLY LINE ON THE NEW 'NIGHTLINE': HOPEFUL THERE ARE FLAWS, BUT GIVE CHANGE A CHANCE. By Jonathan Storm, Inquirer Columnist Posted on Tue, Dec. 06, 2005 What's the new Nightline trying to do with all those jiggling graphics and the lights of Times Square glaring in the background - send viewers to bed with a headache? With three anchors and a trio of stories to cover each evening, Nightline forges into the 1990s in TV news coverage. Triple the effort provides more to like and dislike... http://www.philly.com/mld/inquirer/news/magazine/daily/13336697.htm (via kimandrewelliott.com via DXLD) UNIDENTIFIED. Re 7160: 7160 0200-0300 zone 17 WER 125 kW 285 degrees 15 216 7=UT Sat 101205-101205 RMI DTK Scheduled only one single day towards zone 17 = Iceland [285 + 15 = 300 degrees]. RMI brokered test. Ask Jeff White. 73 wb (Wolfgang Büschel, Germany, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) UNIDENTIFIED. Re 15040 and 17387: Hello Glenn, Thanks for the reply. I am very interested in two of the DX digest reports you have on your site. DX LISTENING DIGEST 5-210, December 7, 2005 and DX LISTENING DIGEST 5-211, December 9, 2005 Referring to E22. And in fact giving my web site. In the 5-211 it says: "The UnId numbers station which Jose Jacob reported is known as E22" "A recording of the broadcast an hour before Jose's report by "Mike" is available at: http://mysite.wanadoo-members.co.uk/thesecretsiteofmike At the bottom of "Numbers Page 2" (E 22 dated 7/12/2005)" I would very much like to communicate direct with Jose as his report suggests a broadcast that I did not hear despite listening long after my observations at 08:30. Is there any chance of putting us in touch please? Also the web link you provide will not work as you need to add /indext.html [sic] to the end of it! Thanks Glenn http://mysite.wanadoo-members.co.uk/thesecretsiteofmike/index.html For strange sounds, Spy Numbers pages and other study pages. Send mail to update @ insussex.fsworld.co.uk to go on my site update list. See my web site for shack detail. How close is that thunder storm? http://www.isleofwightweather.co.uk/live_storm_data.htm Best wishes from (Mike in West Sussex On the South Coast of the UK, Dec 10, DX LISTENING DIGEST) I do not find /index.html necessary (gh) UNIDENTIFIED. Unknown Location, 18160, 0237, Chinese, 433, Dec 6, A YL and OM with comments. Could not find a listing for this Frequency (Stewart MacKenzie, CA, shortwavebasics via DXLD) Those who have read DXLD recently, or listened to WOR 1296 know all about it. Now reported from at least three continents (gh, DXLD) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PUBLICATIONS ++++++++++++ DXTV AND ARCHIVE TV WEBSITE http://www.test-cards.fsnet.co.uk (Keith Hamer & Garry Smith, DX TV, Nov Short Wave Magazine via DXLD) RADIO EQUIPMENT FORUM +++++++++++++++++++++ GEARLOG RADIO: BOB CRANE OF C. CRANE CO. By David Coursey, Gearlog Radio Guest: Bob Crane, Founder & President, C. Crane Co. Host David Coursey talks with one of the few entrepreneurs with whom he'd like to trade: Bob Crane, founder and president, of the C. Crane Co. Bob is the inventor of the CCRadio, a portable radio intended for long-distance AM radio reception and the marriage-saving padded pillow speaker that allows David to listen to his radio late at night without waking his wife. Crane is also a pioneer in LED flashlights and other consumer electronics devices. Also discussed: Eton E-1 AM/FM/SW/XM Radio and a few moments about the Coast-to-Coast AM radio program and its hosts, Art Bell and George Noory. Link to C. Crane items on Gearlog. http://zdpub.vo.llnwd.net/o2/GLR/gearlogradio.12.02.05.mp3 Listen to the program. (Runs 19:34) (via Larry Nebron, CA, DXLD) NEW ETON SW PORSCHE RADIOS Hi, all! Just got a new Sharper Image catalog in the mail yesterday. Oddly enough, it does NOT include the new Eton E1-XM radio, though most of the people who now have one of those seem to have bought theirs through Sharper Image. But it DOES include an Eton SW (& XM) radio I had never seen before, a "Porsche Design P'7131" model. I went to the Eton website and found this page: http://www.etoncorp.com/US/porschedesign/product_specs.aspx?specs=true&prodID=1&subID=1 Note that this shows two new radios, the P'7131 and P'7136. But there are specs (sort of) only on the larger P'7131. And these so-called "specs" don't give any details of the SW coverage. It appears that this is aimed at the designer/appearance-is-what- matters market; Sharper Image is selling this toy at $349.95, plus $50 for the XM-antenna add-on VX300 unit (& of course the XM subscription cost). That brings up another question. The picture of the VX300 unit, which I cannot find on the Eton site but only on the Sharper Image site, at http://www.sharperimagebest.com/vx300.html does NOT exactly match the image of the XM-antenna add-on unit that is pictured with the Eton E1 image all over the net. THAT is by Audiovox, the CNP-1000; here is a picture of that XM antenna unit: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0009GE7G8/ref=e_deav_acc_1_1/102-7785761-1430500?%5Fencoding=UTF8 I find this odd. Why would Eton (& Sharper Image) want to handle two different XM-antenna units? Are they really interchangeable or not? The mind reels. Anyway, I look forward to finding out more about these new Porsche- designed Eton SW radios. If anyone finds more-detailed specs, and especially performance evaluations, please post! Could this P'7131 really be worth $350? It IS physically small for something supposedly a non-portable ((6" High X 5" Wide X 8.5" Deep) and has a remote. Maybe you want to add that to your Christmas want-list? :-) If it performs decently on SW, the wife-acceptance-factor could be higher than for many other radios... 73, (Will Martin, Dec 7, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) Ray, I'll address only the antenna question. If XM is like Sirius, then the antenna units are interchangeable within their intended function. The two examples you show are the antennas for a home installation; they would optimally be set on a windowsill or on the roof. I have mine snugged under a couple roof shingles to give it more vertical visibility. While this is just my opinion, $350 seems expensive, without knowing more about its technical performance specs. Based on the rather sparse description at the website, I personally wouldn't buy one. I'd rather save my money for an E1XM which has received very favorable reviews. You should contact Eton and volunteer to review one for the hobby community, and sell that review to Monitoring times (Richard Cuff / Allentown, PA USA, swprograms via DXLD) Caution! The antenna "module" for the E1XM and the P-7131 is different from the antenna unit provided with the plug and play units. See: http://www.universal-radio.com/catalog/portable/0101cnp.html A number of "XM-Ready" receivers are coming on market that require only the "antenna module" (and a subscription, of course) in order to become functional (John Figliozzi, ibid.) So that means the antenna module contains the digital decoder chip, not the radio? (Rich Cuff, ibid.) Yeah, I think you're right about that (John Figliozzi, ibid.) DIGITAL BROADCASTING ++++++++++++++++++++ EXPLAINING DRM If you are feeling a little in the dark about the DRM digital broadcasting standard, you may like to take a look at http://www.drmradio.co.uk/ The site explains, amongst other things, the four different DRM modes, the audio compression techniques and multimedia. It also highlights that in order for DRM to provide near FM quality it will actually require 18 kHz bandwidth rather than the 9 kHz often quoted. This will inevitably lead to pressure to increase the spectrum allocated to broadcast services. This could come about through an expansion of upper limit of the MW band from 1611 to 1790 kHz and increase in the SW broadcast band. Such developments will make it harder for radio amateurs to achieve a 7000- 7300 kHz world-wide allocation. If the MW band was extended to 1790 kHz it could impact on amateur 1.8 MHz operation just a few kHz away at 1810 (Nov Short Wave Magazine [UK] via DXLD) PROPAGATION +++++++++++ AURORAL ZONE ON THE MOVE It looks like the auroral donut may be rolling out of North America. Not that it will affect us much in the near term, but some of the younger guys might see a change eventually. This can only make Alaska easier to hear 'round these parts. http://www.sciencedaily.com/upi/index.php?feed=Science&article=UPI-1-20051209-20425600-bc-us-northpole.xml (Craig Healy, Providence, RI, Dec 9, IRCA via DXLD) ###