DX LISTENING DIGEST 6-101, July 10, 2006 Incorporating REVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL BROADCASTING edited by Glenn Hauser, http://www.worldofradio.com Items from DXLD may be reproduced and re-reproduced only if full credit be maintained at all stages and we be provided exchange copies. DXLD may not be reposted in its entirety without permission. Materials taken from Arctic or originating from Olle Alm and not having a commercial copyright are exempt from all restrictions of noncommercial, noncopyrighted reusage except for full credits For restrixions and searchable 2006 contents archive see http://www.worldofradio.com/dxldmid.html NOTE: If you are a regular reader of DXLD, and a source of DX news but have not been sending it directly to us, please consider yourself obligated to do so. Thanks, Glenn NEXT SHORTWAVE AIRING OF WORLD OF RADIO 1321: Wed 0930 WWCR1 9985 Complete schedule including non-SW stations and audio links: http://www.worldofradio.com/radioskd.html For updates see our Anomaly Alert page: http://www.worldofradio.com/anomaly.html WRN ON DEMAND: http://new.wrn.org/listeners/stations/station.php?StationID=24 OUR ONDEMAND AUDIO [also CONTINENT OF MEDIA, MUNDO RADIAL] http://www.worldofradio.com/audiomid.html or http://wor.worldofradio.org WORLD OF RADIO PODCASTS: www.obriensweb.com/wor.xml ** AFGHANISTAN [non]. 17700, ENGLAND. R. Solh via Rampisham. Fair-good 7/9/06 at 1250-1340. High energy vocals that sounded like a combination of modern Arabic and Turkish music; no ID at 1300; clear ID and frequency at 1330; rapidly fading by 1340 Fair ­ good (Jim Ronda, OK, NASWA Flashsheet via DXLD) ** ALBANIA. See INTERNATIONAL VACUUM; and INTRUDER WATCH below ** ARGENTINA. 3780 harmonic, R. Revivir, QTH?, (1260 x 3), 0900+ escuchada desde jul 6, con programa "Musimateando", ID "la radio", dando teléfono "4694...". Es religiosa, "dando bendiciones para cada uno". Identificada en jul 9, 1000, "te hacemos compañía con nuestra música, a través de Revivir, AM 1260" (Horacio A. Nigro, Montevideo, Uruguay, July 9, condig list via DXLD) ** ARGENTINA. UNIDENTIFIED. Hello all, This morning, I tuned to 1610 and found accordion music there. So I listened and there was almost non-stop music for the next 90 minutes (subject to fading and some interference). There was an ID at 0321 - you can hear it here: http://uk.geocities.com/andrew.brade@btinternet.com/1610_0321_9.7.06.mp3 The ID was repeated at 0344. I think this might have been R. Guaviyz [sic], Buenos Aires. However internet research has proven confusing about this station. In 2004 I saw that it was reported playing chamami music (which I now know to be accordion!), but there was some controversy over whether it was in Argentina or Uruguay. To compound the problem, WRTH lists R. Guaviyz as Argentina on 1590. Does anyone know anything about this station? From the 90 minutes of music there are some bits of speech, but only amounting to four or five minutes in total; the rest is the chamami music. There may be some more clues in the speech, but someone with a better knowledge of Spanish would need to listen to them. Also can anyone confirm my Vida AM recording on the same web site? 73 (Andrew Brade, UK, July 9, MWC via DXLD) Radio Guaviyú 1610 --- Captose recién en Gran Bretaña la mencionada emisora en la frecuencia que digo. No figura en la lista X-BAND de Marcelo Cornachioni actualizada a finales de mayo. Supongo que se trata de la que figura en 1590 en el WRTH 2006. Qué significa Guaviyú? (Henrik Klemetz, Sweden, July 9, condig list via DXLD) Estimado Henrik: La búsquda en Google dió http://letras-uruguay.espaciolatino.com/notas/guarinismos.htm GUAYUVIRA - De guaviyú, nombre de un árbol frutal (Eugenia, series eriocarpae m.), y virá, color rojo. Guaviyu-virá deriva de îvá, fruta; jhaviyú, vello, y pîtä, colorado: fruta velluda y colorada. O de guayupiá, hechicero, mago. O de guasuvirá, venado colorado. Con cordiales saludos a todos (Jorge Enrique Knüll, condig list via DXLD) Guaviyú, nombre de un árbol frutal (Eugenia, series eriocarpae m.) http://letras-uruguay.espaciolatino.com/notas/guarinismos.htm En Uruguay, mas precisamente en el departamento de Paysandú, están las termas de Guaviyú. Y el arroyo en Tacuarembó (Horacio Nigro, Uruguay, July 9, condig list via DXLD) Radio Guaviyu has begun broadcasting from the Argentine capital Buenos Aires on 1610 kHz mediumwave. Arnaldo Slaen in Buenos Aires heard the station testing on May 16, and on May 19 the station was picked up by Ole Forr all the way in Norway. Radio Guaviyu is located in Gregorio de Laferrere, Provincia de Buenos Aires. Logs of the station can be found in the South America forum of the DXing.info Community. A list of the Argentinian X-band stations and a collection of station identifications are also available (DXing.info, May 19, 2004, spelling corrected on June 1 via Horacio Nigro, Uruguay, July 9, 2006, condig list via DXLD) Henrik, Horacio y amigos de la Lista: Yo viajo prácticamente todas las semanas por el Gran Buenos Aires; en esa inmensa y poblada región del conurbano bonaerense aparecen y desaparecen constantemente emisoras como Radio Guaviyú. Entre su nacimiento y salida del aire definitiva, cambian varias veces de frecuencia sin reparar en los problemas que causan al instalarse en una nueva QRG e irrumpir en forma abrupta e impensada en la misma. Evidentemente, uno de estos casos es el de Guaviyú, que justo una semana atrás, la reporte con excelente recepción en 1590 kHz. Desde el lugar del diexista, no dejan de sorprenderme las condiciones de propagación y las cualidades de antenas que facilitan que una emisora de estas características cruce el océano. 73 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina, July 10, condig list via DXLD) ** BELARUS. RADIO STATION BELARUS LAUNCHES NEW WEBSITE Radio Station Belarus, the international service of the Republic of Belarus, has launched a new website. The site includes online news in text format, audio of the latest broadcasts in English, German, Russian and Belarusian, and a 24-hour live Internet stream. The Internet stream carries additional programming in English and other languages. According to the website, airtime in English is 2 hours and 30 minutes a week on shortwave plus 30 hours and 20 minutes on the Web. The schedule of Internet broadcasts is on this page http://www.radiobelarus.tvr.by/eng/prognet.asp but please note that the times are in local time (UTC+3). But old habits die hard - we were rather amused to hear the announcer on a Web-only portion of the broadcast inviting us to ``stay tuned.`` Radio Station Belarus http://www.radiobelarus.tvr.by/eng/default.asp? (July 10th, 2006, 12:39 UTC by Andy, Media Network blog via DXLD) So how much of that 22-hour-per-day program schedule in English is about programs in English? Zero? (Glenn Hauser, ibid.) They were actually broadcasting in English during the period I was listening - 1245-1305 UT. But I agree, the schedule doesn`t make that clear (Andy Sennitt, ibid.) ** BRAZIL. BRASIL - A Rádio Guarujá Paulista, de Guarujá (SP), pleiteia a freqüência de 3385 kHz para a faixa de 90 metros. O processo tramita no Ministério das Comunicações e o sinal já ocupa, em caráter experimental, o canal. O contrato de uso da freqüência de 3325 kHz já venceu e provavelmente a Clube está usando o canal apenas por mais alguns dias. A Guarujá emitirá para sempre em 3385 kHz. BRASIL – A freqüência de 9715 kHz, da Rádio Guarujá Paulista, de Guarujá (SP), estava prevista para entrar no ar antes da Copa do Mundo. Entretanto, aconteceram alguns imprevistos com a instalação dos equipamentos. Algumas peças precisaram ser remetidas para a fábrica e ocorreu o atraso, conforme informações do diretor, Orivaldo Rampazo. Ele não sabe precisar a data exata em que a nova freqüência será ativada, mas assegura que será em breve. O diretor ressalta que está ``implantando um status de emissora conhecida no Brasil e nomundo`` para a Rádio Guarujá, apesar das ondas curtas não terem apelo comercial nos dias atuais. BRASIL – A Rádio Senado Ondas Curtas, de Brasília (DF), tem tido regular sintonia pela freqüência de 5990 kHz. Foi captada, em São Gonçalo (RJ), em 1º de julho, às 1955, pelo Francisco Jackson dos Santos. Em São Bernardo do Campo (SP), o Rudolf Grimm ouviu a emissora, em nove de julho, às 1158, emitindo música popular brasileira (Célio Romais, Panorama, @tividade DX July 9 via DXLD) ** BRAZIL. Saudações caros amigos da lista. Venho desta vez a fim de informar aos amigos sobre um programa da Rádio Nacional de Brasília que, se alguém ainda não ouviu poderá então ouví-lo. Trata-se de "Os Radionautas" que é um programa feito por jovens e adolescentes de uma ONG chamada "Radialista do Furuto" que em parceria com a referida rádio, abre este espaço semanal de duas horas aos domingos para os integrantes da mostrarem seus talentos e aprendizado que recebem dos profissonais na ONG. Pode até ser que o programa não tenha um conteúdo profissional ou mesmo de alta qualidade - tal como estamos acostumados das emissoras internacionais -, mas é interessante ver algo incomum: jovens no rádio. Pra quem quiser ouvir, o programa é veiculado aos domingos das 13 às 15 UT (10 às 12, hora de brasília) em OC nas frequências de 6180 e 11780 ou pelo site http://www.radiobras.gov.br pelo media player. Boas escutas!!! (Bruno Caldeira, July 10, radioescutas yg via DXLD) ** BULGARIA. See INTRUDER WATCH below ** CAMEROON [non]. CLANDESTINAS: CAMERÚN --- RUSIA, 15695, Radio Free Southern Cameroons, 1833-1900, escuchada el 9 de Julio en inglés a locutor con comentarios en lectura de un decálogo sobre exigencias políticas, segmento de música regae y folklórica, sintonía e identificación en inglés, SINPO 55544 (José Miguel Romero, Burjasot (Valencia), España, July 9, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) QSLs --- Clandestine, R. Free Southern Cameroons, Samara, 15695 kHz, E-QSL in 2 giorni. Nuovo E-QTH: rfscboard @ fdrsoutherncameroons.info N.B. A TDP non ho più scritto perché negli ultimi due anni ho inviato loro ben 10 rapporti d'ascolto e relativa francorisposta per ciascuno di essi come richiesto, ma in cambio non mi è mai arrivato nulla. Se non confermano più i rapporti d'ascolto dei radioappassionati dovrebbero correggere le relative indicazioni sul loro sito web, onde evitare di farci spendere soldi per niente (Luca Botto Fiora, Italy, July 9, bclnews.it via DXLD) Says ten reports to TDP for various clandestine clients have resulted in no replies, and they ought to remove their QSL info from website (gh, DXLD) ** CANADA. The application by CKPC-1380 Brantford ON to increase power to 25 kW U from the 10 kW presently used has been approved by the CRTC: http://www.crtc.gc.ca/archive/ENG/Decisions/2006/db2006-281.htm CKPC Brantford – Technical change 1. The Commission approves the application by Telephone City Broadcast Limited to change the authorized contours of the English-language commercial radio programming undertaking CKPC Brantford, by increasing the power of the transmitter from 10,000 watts to 25,000 watts, day- time and night-time. 2. The licensee indicated that this change will increase the station’s coverage and improve service both during the day and the night, in all directions (via Deane McIntyre VE6BPO, July 9, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CHINA. Dear Glenn, I just stumbled over a Chinese broadcast on 18160 kHz. Reception is with a dipole antenna and a FT-1000 as a receiver. The signal of the intruder is S 8. I will listen at full hour if there is a break of 5 minutes, as usual. Regards, (Uli, DARC MONITORING SYSTEM Intruder Watch Coordinator 1423 UT? July 9, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Hi Glenn, it`s me again. When just looking thru the DX-Cluster I found the following: QRG: Time UTC: Spotter: 18160 0957 ZS1Y 18160 1210 DK4KW Regards, (Uli, DJ9KR, ibid.) Dear Glenn, greetings from Tuebingen, southern Germany. In the attachment you will find the report re CNR Domestic Service. I have monitored all reports myself, and the BC did not show up again after 4 Juli 2006. I am not sure if my phone calls, emails and faxes worked; however the Press Attaché of the Chinese Embassy rang me up the next day and wanted to know everything about the "Intruder". He promised to inform the relevant persons in P. R. China to fix the problem. PSE HIT http://www.iarums-r1.org for a wealth of information re the MONITORING SYSTEM Intruder Watch You find info about myself in http://www.qrz.com/dj9kr Regards, (Ulrich (Uli) Bihlmayer DJ9KR, Lis Ham since 1964, 355 DXCC countries confirmed in SSB. My languages: German (of course), French, English, Spanish, a bit Italian, some bad words in Arabic... Coordinator of DARC MONITORING SYSTEM Intruder Watch since 20 years and Vice Coordinator of IARU MONITORING SYSTEM for Region 1 of IARU / ITU, DX LISTENING DIGEST) See also INTRUDER WATCH below the ~~~ line Monitoring System --- Intruder Watch and Spectrum Control National Coordinator: Ulrich Bihlmayer, DJ9KR, Eichhaldenstrasse 35, 72074 Tübingen, Germany Phone: .+49- 7071 – 81847 Fax: +49-7071– 82419 eMail: bandwacht @ darc.de ______________________________________________________________________ The Embassy of the People`s Republic of China H.E. Mr Canrong Ma, Ambassador Kurfürstenallee 12 10179 Berlin 2 July 2006 Harmful Interference on exclusive Amateur Radio Frequency by illegal Transmissions of China Radio, P.R. China Your Excellency, Yesterday I have reported to you the activity of China Radio Domestic Service on the frequencies 14180 and 14260 kHz. Today the broadcast station is on 14350 kHz and thus causing very harmful interference in the exclusive 20-Meter Amateur Radio band of the Radio Amateurs. What dirty game is Radio China playing with the radio amateurs of the world? Frequency (kHz) 14350,0 Mode: A3E Date: 2 July 2006 Time (UTC): 0300 – 0800 and still lasting on Callsign of Station: China Radio Domestic Service QSA: 5 (S 9) Country: P.R. of China, CHN Comments: Program in Chinese language This interference is caused by a powerful transmitter of China Radio, located in the P.R. of China. As the frequency band 14000-14350 kHz is allocated worldwide on an exclusive basis to the Amateur Radio Service the usage of the frequencies in the above spectrum by ``Radio China`` is against the Regulations of the International Telecommunications Union ITU, Geneva. Therefore I ask you very urgently to contact the relevant Frequency Management Bureau in the P.R. of China to stop the very harmful interference. The Radio Amateurs of the world have the right to use their exclusive frequencies without the interference of Radio China. Yours very truly, Ulrich Bihlmayer, DJ9KR, Coordinator of DARC Monitoring System Intruder Watch and Spectrum Control 14180 0815 - 1300 22 06 CHN China National Radio Domestic Service A3E Chinese program heard 0815 - 1300 14180 0815 - 1300 23 06 CHN CNR-DS A3E Chinese px heard 0815 - 1300 14260 0300 - 1800 29 06 CHN CNR-DS A3E Chinese px S 9 + 20 dB, heard 0300 – 1800 14260 0615 - 0810 30 06 CHN CNR-DS A3E Chinese px 0615 - 0810 18160 1147 23 06 CHN CNR-DS A3E Chinese px 18160 0740 - 0920 27 06 CHN CNR-DS A3E Chinese px S 9 + 20 dB heard 0740 - 0920 14230 0617 - 0700 01 07 CHN CNR-DS A3E Chinese px heard 0617 - 0700 14230 0615 02 07 CHN CNR-DS A3E Chinese px 14305 vt 01 07 CHN CNR-DS A3E as b4, heard 0455 – 0500, 0754 - 1030 14305 0300 - 1200 02 07 CHN CNR-DS A3E as b4, heard 0300 - 1200 14310 1205 - 1730 02 07 CHN CNR-DS A3E as b4, heard 1205 – 1730, found // 18160 14350 0300 - 0810 02 07 CHN CNR-DS A3E as b4, heard 0300 - 0810 18160 1205 - 1500 02 07 CHN CNR-DS A3E as b4, heard 1205 – 1500, found // 14310 18160 0500 - 1000 04 07 CHN CNR-DS A3E as b4, heard 0500 - 1000 Explanations: ``vt`` means ``various times`` Reception was made with a YAESU FT-1000 rx/tx and a 3-element-tribander Fritzel FB-33 at 8 dB gain. Station of: Ulrich Bihlmayer DJ9KR Eichhaldenstrasse 35 72074 Tuebingen Germany EMail: bandwacht @ darc.de (via DXLD) Note there are additional 14 MHz frequencies to those reported here before, and one of them ends in -5! (gh, DXLD) See also CUBA [and non] ** COSTA RICA. 5054.7, Faro del Caribe seems off the air since experiencing transmitter distortion and ``FM``ing in March (Robert Wilkner, Pómpano Beach FL, July 8, SW Bulletin via DXLD) ** CUBA. After checking the Venzuelan relay, q.v., July 10 at 2030, 11760 with RHC IS, English ID, but then Spanish vocal music rather than English programming, // 9505 whose feed was slightly out of synch causing a reverb effect when simultaneously monitored on another radio (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CUBA [and non]. Checking 9955 July 10 at 1952 to see whether Cuba has stopped jamming WRMI since it is broadcasting Brother Stair in English now --- no, still heavy jamming and no WRMI audible; to boot, Firedrake jamming from China also on frequency! Altho CRI overtly uses relays in many countries (nothing beamed to NAm any more is direct from China itself), we have always assumed that Firedrake comes only from inside-China sites. This is probably true, since its main purpose is to prevent domestic listeners from getting any info from outside not under the control of the Party, and if there is any collateral damage to the same stations abroad, or any other stations, that`s just too bad. Often these jammers exhibit unexpectedly good propagation from China on bands you would not expect for time of day. However, with new Chinese transmitters being installed in Cuba, Firedrake could easily start coming from there too. But why would it be on 9955 at 1952? Because, per EiBi, R. Taiwan International has an hour in Mandarin at 1900. Presumably not worth jamming the 1800 hour in German or the 2000 hour in French (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CUBA. Re 6-100: ``I found many a pleasant "son" on Radio Revolución, a long gone net, . . . on 640 Habana`` Revolución was in fact, of course, "Liberación." A correction made to DXFlorida. My mistake. Long day. Regards, (Brock Whaley, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CUBA [and non]. Are you still checking for Marti 530 every Saturday afternoon? (Glenn to Terry Krueger, via DXLD) No, not checked every Saturday these days, only when I think of it. However, I happened to have sat on the channel prior to 5 pm and 6 pm local this past Saturday. Nada. Likewise, I've not heard the low-power 530 k/c Rebelde for a long time. Clearly, Air Martí is inactive. And Fidel's monitors know it (Terry L. Krueger, Clearwater FL, July 9, DX LISTENING DIGEST) MIM exile program in Tampa: see U S A ** EGYPT. EGITO – A pedido do DX Clube do Brasil, a Rádio Cairo estuda a mudança de freqüência em sua emissão em língua portuguesa. Atualmente, a emissão, que é irradiada entre 2215 e 2330, vai ao ar em 11785 kHz. Ocorre que o canal é ocupado, há muitos anos, pela Rádio Guaíba, de Porto Alegre (RS). Amal El Disuki, do Departamento Brasileiro da emissora informa que ``há uma oportunidade em ocupar a freqüência de 11755 kHz``, onde são emitidos os programas em espanhol. Ele solicita que os ouvintes brasileiros opinem a respeito da mudança de freqüência e se 11755 kHz tem regular sintonia em sua localidade. As sugestões devem ser enviadas para o e-mail: brazilian_prog @ egyptradio.tv (Célio Romais, Panorama, @tividade DX July 9 via DXLD) ** ERITREA. See INTRUDER WATCH below ** ETHIOPIA [non]. Clandestinas: ETIOPÍA --- ALEMANIA, 15565, V. of Democratic Path of Ethiopian Unity, 1915-1930, escuchada el 9 de Julio en Amhárico a locutor con boletín de noticias con referencias a Sudán y la Democracia, segmento musical, SINPO 44444 (José Miguel Romero, Burjasot (Valencia), España, July 9, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** ETHIOPIA [non]. Voice of Oromía Independence --- Saludos cordiales, recibida respuesta a un reporter a Voice of Oromía Independence en tres horas, adjunto mensaje original: De: "Guree G" ganamo @ hotmail.com RE: Reporter: Voice of Oromia Independence. Fecha: Sat, 08 Jul 2006 21:50:23 -0500 yes it very accurate...thank you jamal (José Miguel Romero, Spain, July 10, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** FRANCE [non]. Re 6-099: Here's a version from the Angola Press Agency: RFI signs to broadcast in Haoussa [sic] from Nigeria Paris, France 09/07 - Radio France internationale (RFI) is expected to air new daily programmes in Haoussa as early as September from Lagos following a cooperation accord signed here between RFI and the "Voice of Nigeria" (VON). The head RFI, Antoine Schwarz, and the managing director of the "Voice of Nigeria", Aboubakar Jijiwa, signed the agreement Thursday, according to an RFI statement published here. RFI will use its various transmitters in Short Wave (SW) and in Frequency Modulation (FM) in Nigeria, Niger, Ghana, Cameroon and Sudan to broadcast to some 100 million Africans. The accord also provides for the joint development of the adaptation in Haoussa, and later on in other Nigerian languages, of a French teaching method, to be broadcast on the two stations. The statement said the new Haoussaphone editorial staff will be set up in the offices of the Voice of Nigeria in Lagos, with a team of five trilingual journalist (Haoussa, French, English) and with two technicians supervised by a co-ordinator detached from the RFI editorial staff (via Andy Sennitt, dxldyg via DXLD) Are RFI at all aware of the sorry state of VON`s AF and RF? Or will they bring it up to snuff at last? (gh, DXLD) I agree with Andy that the wording of the press release is ambiguous, but this latest version suggests - to me - that the programme is to be prepared (and probably broadcast from) VONigeria offices and studios in Lagos and that it will be broadcast via RFI SW transmitters and RFI FM relays in the countries listed. And this part of the statement ``The accord also provides for the joint development of the adaptation in Haoussa, and later on in other Nigerian languages, of a French teaching method, to be broadcast on the two stations.`` seems to indicate that the programme will also be broadcast via Radio Nigeria stations too. And by "various transmitters" I assume this also refers to relay stations, and what could be better than the under-used Gabon senders! (Noel R. Green, England, ibid.) ** GERMANY. VOR 1359 is Wilsdruff spur --- See below a posting from Karel Honzik to the MWDX group, forwarded to the A-DX list as reply to a note from yours truly that I checked out the 1359 signal at Dresden: Rather strong there and exactly the same null than 1044 and 1431. Aha. Hmmm, do conventional AM modulators for TRAM transmitters use a 72 kHz tact? (Kai Ludwig, Germany, July 10, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) Ich habe mir das heute früh in Dresden mal angeschaut: Das seltsame Signal auf 1359 kHz war deutlich stärker als hier in Elsterwerda, und es kam aus derselben Richtung wie 1044 und 1431 kHz ... (Kai Ludwig, Germany, July 7, ADX via Martin Elbe, via Ludwig, ibid.) Dies hat Karel gerade auf der yahoogroup MWDX dazu gepostet: Now I think the culprit is already known. It seems to be clear now after I found another identical signal on 1503 kHz. It is a bit weaker that the one on 1359 kHz. Both signals are parallel to 1431 kHz (Dresden-Wilsdruff, Germany) which is quite new and very strong Voice of Russia relay. A bit of calculation helps: 1431 - 72 = 1359 1431 + 72 = 1503 So the 1431 transmitter produces these parasitic signals on both sides of its frequency. It is no local thing, parasite signals can be heard 400 km easterly with fair strength in the morning at 0400 UT. (Karel Honzik, the Czech Republic (Czechia), AOR AR-7030, 50 m LW, MWDX via Elbe, ADX via Ludwig, dxld yg via DXLD) ** GERMANY [non]. USA: DW BLOCKOUT DEMANDED BY PAY TV OPERATORS Christian Zietz wrote today in the A-DX mailing list about a message from Deutsche Welle concerning US IP's being blocked out from the DW- TV stream. He quotes them as saying that certain Pay TV platforms required them to do this as condition for including DW-TV into their services. In a reply Willi Paßmann wrote that he finds this developments rather worrying, considering that BBC already uses such technology to lock out strangers from certain content. -----Original Message----- Date: Mon, 10 Jul 2006 15:57:50 +0200 Subject: [A-DX] Re: DW-TV Live Stream in den USA gesperrt From: Christian Zietz To: liste@a-dx.at Ich vermute, dass die [Deutsche Welle] mit den Pay-TV-Betreibern in den USA einen Vertrag ha[t], der diesen Exklusivität zusichert, also gibt's halt keinen Stream. Jetzt habe ich plötzlich doch noch eine Antwort von der DW bekommen: Es ist, wie ich vermutet habe. Die Pay-TV-Betreiber haben von der DW die Sperrung des Livestreams verlangt, bevor sie DW-TV in ihr Programm mitaufgenommen haben. Christian Zietz (via Kai Ludwig, July 10, dxldyg via DXLD) ** GREECE. Programs in English: Katerina: I listened to your Greeks Everywhere program on the Macedonia question on 7475 and 9420 (also on 17520 but not here) on Sunday at 0200-0300 UT. Apodimos: I think that the It's All Greek To Me program on 7475, 9420, and 15650 on Monday at 0000-0100 UT was the repeat of last Monday's program (John Babbis, Silver Spring, MD, USA, July 10, via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** GUATEMALA. 4799.v, Radio Buenas Nuevas seems struggling with a bad transmitter --- 4799.80v, Radio Buenas Nuevas 0330-0350, transmitter over modulated and distorted, 8 July. 1044 7 July with same problems (Robert Wilkner, Pómpano Beach FL, July 8, SW Bulletin via DXLD) ** HONDURAS. 4819.2, HRVC, La Voz Evangélica, Tegucigalpa 1045 on 6 July noted with La Palabras de Dios program, after an absence for about six days. Signs of transmitter problems on 30 June (Robert Wilkner, Pómpano Beach FL, July 8, SW Bulletin via DXLD) ** INDONESIA. 4790v: see PERU ** INTERNATIONAL VACUUM. CUBAVISION --- Kai Ludwig is correct that Hispasat 1D with Cuban TV and radio is theoretically available in the U.S., but it is very close to the eastern horizon and would require unobstructed view. Look angle is part of the reason uplinkers find semi-rural sites like Ellenwood and Douglasville, Ga. -- because they'd be hard pressed to "see" the satellites in more urban surroundings, such as the city of Atlanta (Mike Cooper, GA, Jul 8, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** INTERNATIONAL VACUUM. Satellite transmissions: Ukraine, Albania Observations from Dietrich Hommel, posted into the A-DX list: Radio Ukraine International will apparently start transmissions via the Ukrainian bouquet on Sirius at 5 degrees East [the European Ku band satellite system, not to be confused with the US Pay radio system], 11.766 GHz horizontal. This bouquet now contains an audio channel labelled "RUI 2", so far with no modulation yet. Radio Tirana no longer broadcasts foreign service programmes via Eutelsat W2 (16 deg. East, 12.656 GHz vertical), instead again only the first domestic network is on air here all day long. One has to wonder why? (Kai Ludwig, Germany, July 10, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Viz.: -----Original Message----- Date: Sun, 9 Jul 2006 10:18:04 +0200 Subject: [A-DX] Ukraine und Albanien auf Satellit From: "Dietrich Hommel" To: "ADX Liste" Radio Ukraine International wird scheinbar in Kürze seine Programme auch über Satellit verbreiten. Ein leerer Träger unter der Kennung "RUI 2" ist bereits auf Sirius 5 Grad West, 11766 GHz horizontal, 27500, ¾ aufgeschaltet. In diesem Zusammenhang: Ich konnte seit Juni Radio Tirana nicht mehr auf Eutelsat 16 Grad Ost mit seinen Auslandsprogrammen beobachten. Auf 12656 GHz vertikal, 4883, 1/2 ist wieder ganztägig das Inlandsprogramm Radio Tirana 1 zu hören. Dietrich (A-DX via Kai Ludwig, DXLD) Is this the first step for RUI to get its feeds to relay stations abroad? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** IRAN. 9495, VoIRI. 7/6/06, 0158-0229 in English. Phone interview on US Army in Iraq, ID, series of short (anti American) news articles read by alternating M & W with bridge music between, ID, music, ID, address, music, off. All ID's were for ``Voice of Justice``. Poor to good by end (Mark Taylor, WI, NASWA Flashsheet via DXLD) ** ISLE OF MAN. 279 Long Wave Radio --- With the Long Wave Radio station from the IOM due to commence "during July" I have just checked their web site and it has been removed!! Is this in preparation of the start of the station or is it due to be another setback? (John Williams, July 7, MWC via DXLD) ** ISRAEL. Kol Israel studio video clips --- I happened to come across a webpage which has video from a few of the Kol Israel (domestic) studios and I thought that some people may find it interesting. Shapam, the website where these links are found, is the company with the sole rights to market and sell Kol Israel airtime. (This is not an advertisement - and I have no connection to the company.) The webpage is in Hebrew, but I'll point out a few of the links: http://www.shapam.co.il/Index.asp?CategoryID=90 The top link is a tour of the studio which was refurbished and named for the late music composer, Ehud Manor. This studio is used some times for Reshet Gimel, Bet or 88 FM. It is located in Tel Aviv. The two pictures that you see in the video, are pictures of Ehud Manor. Here is the direct URL: http://www.shapam.co.il/_Uploads/429ulpan_ehud_manor.wmv The second link, is from the 88FM (Broadcasts what they call, "Quality Music", including the only Israeli outlet for Jazz and Blues) http://www.shapam.co.il/_Uploads/430Ulpan_88fm.wmv The next link, is the opening of the first 88 FM broadcast -- 10 years ago --- p://www.shapam.co.il/_Uploads/431ulpan5tlv.wmv The link after that is, the inauguration of the Ehud Manor studio http://www.shapam.co.il/_Uploads/432Lot.wmv Short 88 FM video of the people running the station (looks like it was played at an internal party): http://www.shapam.co.il/_Uploads/52288fm_Dance.wmv If you can read Hebrew, you can click on the names to look at a bunch of pictures of Kol Israel staff and Israeli celebrities, at the microphone: http://www.shapam.co.il/Index.asp?CategoryID=60 (Doni Rosenzweig, July 9, DX LISTENING DIGEST0 ** KASHMIR. QUAKE-HIT RADIO STATION LEFT TO SUFFER --- By Tariq Naqash http://www.dawn.com/2006/07/07/nat7.htm MUZAFFARABAD, July 6: The quake-stricken employees of Radio Muzaffarabad are still working in abject conditions due to an `indifferent` attitude of Pakistan Broadcasting Corporation towards their plight. Of the two buildings of the 150 kW radio station, one was flattened and the other was rendered unusable by the Oct 8 quake which consequently brought its transmissions of to a grinding halt. The tremor also destroyed the adjacent radio employees` colony. According to the United Staff Organisation (USO), the representative body of radio workers, there had been 59 deaths in the families of radio employees. However, many employees returned to ruined premises within two weeks and resumed transmissions from flimsy tents through an FM network. Ever since, they regretted, they had been left by the PBC at the mercy of circumstances as it ``has shown least concern to improve their working conditions``. Talking to this correspondent, the employees made various complaints against the organisation. ``We have been working in these conditions from a biting winter to severe summer. It seems as if we are not part of this society,`` remarked USO president Jamil Anwar Kashmiri, who had taken off his shirt to fight the sizzling temperature. Mr Kashmiri claimed that salaries of AJK TV Centre employees were doubled and each of them was given an immediate relief of Rs100,000 after the earthquake. However, he regretted, no such benefit was passed on by PBC to its employees in Muzaffarabad. He pointed out that employees of Radio Pakistan Faisalabad had sent an amount of Rs350,000 for their quake-hit colleagues in Muzaffarabad but nobody knew where that money had vanished. He said the PBC was building only five shelter homes in the colony which he feared could pitch the employees against each other at the time of allotment. He asked the PBC to follow the AJK government which had exempted its employees from taxes and recovery of loans like house building, motorcycle and car advances. He said the PBC should increase the salary of contract employees (Dawn July 7 via DXLD) see also PAKISTAN ** KOREA NORTH [non]. OPEN RADIO FOR NORTH KOREA TO BROADCAST MISSILE PROTEST MESSAGES FROM SOUTH KOREANS Open Radio for North Korea will broadcast, free of charge, messages from South Koreans who want to express their thoughts to Kim Jong Il in regards to North Korea’s missiles. According to Open Radio ``The event is intended to relay voices of South Korean citizens to North Korea’s foremost Commissioner Kim Jong Il and make North Korean authorities reflect upon their policies.`` Open Radio says the messages can contain anything except instigations of violence or breaches to existing law. The messages should be kept to 1 A4 page and undoubtedly include a message of protest to Kim Jong Il or a message to another North Korean person. Messages can be sent via email, fax or posted on the Open Radio homepage website. Open Radio will be airing the messages on 5880 kHz on July 16th and 17th, between 6 PM and 6:30 PM (0900-0930 UT). Open Radio http://www.nkradio.com/ http://blogs.rnw.nl/medianetwork/wp-content/uploads/2006/07/OpenRadio.jpg (Source: The Daily NK) (July 10th, 2006, 09:56 UTC by Andy, Media Network blog via DXLD) One must wonder how effective this, or Shiokaze can possibly be in influencing Kim Jong Il (gh, DXLD) See also INTRUDER WATCH below ** LIBYA [and non]. 9 Julio --- En el día de hoy las emisiones de la Voz de África han comenzado a las 1200 por 17665 con su emisión musical y por 17660 y 17670 las emisiones de La Voz de África con un boletín en inglés de tres minutos y otro en francés de cinco minutos, posteriormente en árabe. A las 1211 cesa la emisión en 17670, aparece una portadora en 17635 y a las 1213 comienza la emisión en árabe y en paralelo por 17660. A las 1308 se escucha a Sawt Al-amal en 17650; por otra parte en ésta segunda hora no hay rastro de las emisiones de La Voz de África a excepción de la emisión musical en 17665. CLANDESTINA: LIBIA --- MOLDAVIA, 17650 Sawt Al-amal, 1308-1325, escuchada el 9 de Julio en árabe con sintonía y canto del Corán, cuña de identificación y locutor con comentarios, canticos, SINPO 45242 (José Miguel Romero, Burjasot (Valencia), España, July 9, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** MALAYSIA. Traxx FM via RTM; for those of you who cannot enjoy hearing them on SW, now you can catch their streaming live online at http://www.traxxfm.net/ by just clicking ``Real Player``. For a long time this did not work. In the past I liked to tune in on Saturday, on 7295, for their ``Traxx Chart Toppers``, but now they have changed the day from Saturday to Friday (1100-1400 UT). Now if they would only podcast I would be truly happy! All of their programs are in English (Ron Howard, Monterey, CA, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** MEXICO. Mexico TV ID update XEFB-2 Monterrey has dropped the circle-2 and is now IDing as "Televisa Monterrey." Their long-time trademark, the temp/time lower right, is also gone. The program schedule has changed, as well. XHFM-2 Veracruz has a new logo and is now relaying XHTV-4 (4TV). However, they are covering the 4TV bug upper right their own logo much of the time. XHFM's new logo is a rectangle with a "2" in the left half and "XHFM SUPER TV" in small letters in the right. XHATU-2 Tampico continues to relay regional news from XHFN-7 Monterrey from 7 AM to 1 PM weekdays [CDT = UT -5]. A circle-7 logo has been added lower right. XHRIO-2 Matamoros is now "FOX XRIO 2" and is affiliated with FOX (Danny Oglethorpe, Shreveport LA, July 9, WTFDA via DXLD) ** MEXICO. Acabo de recibir este mail de XERTA: "Amigo de XERTA Radio, le escribimos para informarle que ya estamos transmitiendo por onda corta en el 4810 khz en la banda Internacional de los 60 Metros. También nos pueden escuchar por medio de internet en http://www.misionradio.com o por medio del chat en vivo poniendo de contacto a "EstudioEnLinea" o "ministeriosbuenapalabra" en el messenger de Yahoo. Contáctenos por e-mail a: rubencastaneda @ hotmail.com ó aquí en charlaxerta @ yahoo.com.mx Nos da gusto que nos contacte, le invitamos a escuchar nuestra nueva programación musical de Lunes a Domingo; con programas en vivo: De Lunes a Viernes "Charlas de Cafe" de 4 a 6 pm hora de México [UT - 5] El Sábado a las 10-11 am Programa Infantil y de 11-12 am Hora de México programa para Mujeres. Y el Domingo a las 11 am "El Altar de Dios", Escuela Dominical. Dios le Bendiga." (via Manuel Méndez, Lugo, Spain, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Program grid at http://www.misionradio.com/barra.htm is rather confusing. The only hours covered are 07:00 to 16:00, local? Above the 0700 line M-F it says ``SW trx off``, and above the 1500 M-F line it says ``SW trx on``. The programs above are not shown, mostly music and capsules, except for a newscast M-F at 1500. Saturday is blank, and Sunday has entries only for 1100 to 1500 (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 4810, XERTA. 7/4/06, 0210 in Spanish. Coverage of Mexican presidential election. Fair-poor (Jim Ronda, OK, NASWA Flashsheet via DXLD) 4810.1v, Radio Transcontinental de America. 7/4/06, 0856-0924 in Spanish. Man with talk with brief musical segment ending program at 0910 followed by another man with ID at 0911. Vocals and instrumental music program followed. Poor to fair signal with slight CODAR QRM but needed LSB to avoid awful noise on the channel (Rich D`Angelo, PA, NASWA Flashsheet via DXLD) 4810, XERTA. 7/6/06, 0401, in Spanish, Pop-ish vocals, man at 0419. Fair, with hum (Gerry Dexter, WI, NASWA Flashsheet via DXLD) 4810, XERTA, Radio Transcontinental de América, 0525-0540, 09-07. Sólo audible en LSB. canciones religiosas y comentarios por locutor, español. Señal débil. 24222 variando a 14221 (Manuel Méndez, Spain, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** NIGERIA. 4770, Radio Nigeria, 7/7/06, 0427-0443 in English. Open carrier noted at 0427 followed by drum IS at 0433. Choral National Anthem at 0435 followed by a prayer. A male announcer gave the Station ID and opening announcements (Radio Nigeria ``4.77 megacycles on 60 meters.``) followed by a religious talk. Fair with some UTE QRM (Rich D`Angelo, PA, NASWA Flashsheet via DXLD) See FRANCE [non] ** NORWAY [non]. Just out of curiosity I tried listening a few minutes ago to 1314 on the Folkstone, UK DXTuner receiver to see what was dominant tonight with Norway now kaput. Very clean signal from Radio Nacional de España (Radio Nacional 5) playing English language 70s oldies. Hear Gerry Rafferty ``Baker Street`` and ``Everybody Needs Somebody to Love`` by the Blues Brothers. Spanish language DJ. I confirmed what I was hearing by listening to their internet stream. 73, (Rene F. Tetro, Lansdale, PA, USA, W2FIL, WPXG816, WPXU288, July 8, MWC via DXLD) Hello Rene, I too was about around at 11 pm Eastern [0300 UT]. My mixer box was set against Norway for what it was worth! I have adjusted the mixer box to reduce Spain on 1314. 1310 had an off frequency Spanish talker this morning. The guys in Sweden have this as Radio Nacional in Barcelona Venezuela. Now that I have reset the mixer box I will keep an eye on 1310.10 to confirm RN Barcelona via unattended recordings (Barry Davies, England, ibid.) Rene, Barry, I have also seen this reported as RN in Barcelona in the Scandinavian mags, but have not seen any local IDs or other programme detail reported that would differentiate this from the RN transmitter on the same frequency in Guri. Are they assuming it is Barcelona because it is higher power (10 kW), whereas Guri is only 1 kW? Perhaps Scandinavian DXers are using frequency offsets to separate Barcelona from Guri, using knowledge gained from Venezuelan DXers, or maybe they have they heard local content? Have I missed this in the reports? Without such information, then it can only be a guess that it is the Barcelona transmitter they are hearing, in which case this station should be reported as "2 sites listed" to DX Loggings and to this list. If anyone hears any local programme content on the Venezuelan Radio Nacional on 1310 kHz, or has other information on this issue, please let us know. 73s (Martin A. Hall, Clashmore, Scotland, ibid.) ** OKLAHOMA. It appears my local KTBZ-1430 "The Sports Buzz" is running IBOC. Have no idea when they went IBOC, first noted this morning tuning past --- what a mess on 1420/1440, totally unlistenable (Bruce Winkelman AA5CO, Tulsa, OK, July 10, ABDX via DXLD) Heh heh, "The Sports BUZZ". That's a good one :-) (Brian Leyton, CA, ibid.) What an apropos slogan! Better yet, maybe they should now call themselves "Sportstalk 1430, the Buzz 1420 and 1440"! 73 (Bill Dvorak, Madison WI, IRCA via DXLD) ** PAKISTAN. STILL OVER 100 ILLEGAL FM STATIONS IN PAKISTAN`S NWFP The Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority (PERMA) admitted yesterday that more than 100 seminaries were still operating illegal FM radio stations across the North West Frontier Province (NWFP). At least 115 illegal FM radio stations are in operation all over the NWFP, sources revealed, while requesting anonymity. They said that while most seminaries used FM radio broadcasts to impart Islamic teachings, many used them to spread sectarian hatred. When PERMA first launched its crackdown on illegal stations, the police claimed to have put 90 such stations out of operation. However, PERMA sources described these claims as being far from reality, pointing out that all these radio stations were still broadcasting on air. They pointed out that if there had been an adequate counter- verification system to check police claims, PERMA officials would have at least have seen the seized equipment following the reported closure of illegal stations. In addition to being used to stoke sectarian unrest, PERMA officials stressed that the illegal broadcasts posed a serious threat to the police`s wireless systems as well as to passenger and fighter plane navigation systems. The illegal FM stations are hijacking others frequencies since they have not obtained their own frequency waves from the army-run Frequency Allocation Board. However, PERMA sources admitted that the authority lacked the sufficient staff strength to adequately crack down on illegal FM radio stations. ``We have 167 staff members countrywide. We cannot control the whole country with such a small staff body,`` they admitted. (Source: Islamic Republic News Agency [Iran]) (July 10th, 2006, 13:37 UTC by Andy, Media Network blog via DXLD) See also KASHMIR ** PERU [and non]. 4790.25, Radio Visión, Chiclayo 1020 with religious program in church. In USB, the signal has a distinct hum which seems produced by the church being used. Priest speaks followed by congregation answering. 6 July. 0930 sudden on with no anthem of ID, into music 8 July. Radio Atlántida has been reported on 4790 once or twice in the last wo years. Is it possible that two Peruvian station are on the same frequency? On 27 June tuned to 4790, as 4790.15, Radio Visión, Chiclayo, had not broadcast regularly, if at all, during the early morning Peru hours since it changed frequency from 4385.8v. At 0850 found RRI Fak-Fak, Indonesia, on 4790 broadcasting slow instrumental music parallel to 4604.90, RRI Serui. Followed the parallel till 0912. No announcements were heard, only music. No sign of Radio Atlántida in the background. I used four antennas in the attempt. Repeating the process on 28 June, I found 4790.15, Radio Visión at 0955 ``blasting in`` with their usual religious service. Radio Visión had been one of the first Peru stations to sign on when the frequency was 4385.83. No chance now to log a second OA station as Radio Visión had reverted to early broadcasting. RRI Fak-Fak was also blocked! Two Peruvian stations on close frequencies do broadcast. [4824v. Radio La Voz de la Selva in Iquitos and 4826.v Radio Sicuani.] I found La Voz de la Selva 4824.53 and Radio Sicuani on 4826.38 at 1030 to 1040 on 27 June and again on 28 June. May be interesting to listen half way in between these two stations. Has Don Moore done this? Photos of La Voz de la Selva: http://www.strubb.de/eh_in_peru3.htm and Radio Sicuani http://www.cafod.org.uk/content/view/full/942 (Robert Wilkner, Pómpano Beach FL, July 8, SW Bulletin via DXLD) ** PHILIPPINES. Re 6-100: Hi Glenn, It`s true that this program sounded almost like ``Heaven Today`` and one might naturally assume this is the name of a Christian religious program, but when I was in Shanghai, I clearly heard it as actually ``Haven Today``, a program presented by Charles Morris and is a presentation of the Haven Ministries http://www.haventoday.org/ Their website lists ``Radio Stations`` ``International``, but nothing for FEBC, nor SW. The Philippines stations are all MW and FM. Believe the reference to ``DXKI-AM 11062`` is a typo and should be 1062 (Ron Howard, Monterey, CA, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** RUSSIA. 5910, Bible Voice Broadcasting, July 9, 1034-1112, Roger Hedderick with a Gospel Crusade Ministries program in English, gives address: P.O. Box 1026, Erie, Pennsylvania; ID for Bible Voice Broadcasting and gives website http://www.biblevoice.org --- ToH into assume Korean, along with English translation; during the entire time the audio was on for maybe 3-4 minutes, then off for a short time (carrier on the whole time); after ToH audio distorted, as well as intermittent; fair. Listed as via Petropavlovsk-Kamchatski (Ron Howard, Monterey, CA, Etón E5, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) See also INTRUDER WATCH below ** SAMOA AMERICAN. 648, WVUV, AS, Leone - WVUV has applied to move to 720 kHz with U1 5000/5000. This amendment requests U1 5000/2000. The lower power is specified so as not to interfere with KUAI-720 Eleele, Hawaii (AM Switch, NRC E-DX News July 17 via DXLD) ** SAUDI ARABIA. Mixing products on 14m: See INTRUDER WATCH below ** SPAIN. See NORWAY [non] ** SRI LANKA. We have a few more weeks near solstice to hear 15 and 17 MHz transmissions in the middle of the night; July 9 at 0335, DW to ME, 300 degrees, 250 kW audible on 15640; also R. Free Afghanistan on 17670. Another possibility should be DW in German to E&SAf at 04-06 on 17575, 270 degrees (Joe Hanlon, NJ, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** SRI LANKA [non]. 7315, GERMANY. IBC, Tamil via Wertachtal. 7/4/06, 0040 on 7/4 in presumed Tamil. Man in rapid talk. Brief music at 0044 and what I think was a quick ID, then woman and man back and forth with music bridges (Gerry Dexter, WI, NASWA Flashsheet via DXLD) ** TRINIDAD & TOBAGO. TRINIDAD GETS A HINDU RADIO STATION PORT OF SPAIN: After several years of legal battles at different levels, Trinidad and Tobago will get its first 'Hindu' radio station. The move comes after the British Privy Council ordered the government to give the 'Sanatan Dharma Maha Sabha' (SDMS) led by Satnarayan Maharaj a radio licence "forthwith". The Law Lords ruled that "an appropriate frequency to be agreed with by the Central Broadcasting Services (CBS) Ltd., or in default of agreement, to be determined by the High Court." The state was also ordered to pay the SDMS costs of brining its appeal to the Privy Council and those incurred. The station will be the first radio facility "promoting" Hinduism in the Caribbean nation which has a population of over 300,000 Hindus. Meanwhile, Maharaj has called on Prime Minister Patrick Manning to appoint a commission of inquiry into the process by which the organisation was finally granted its broadcasting licence. "The drama is now beginning to unfold. We are not satisfied merely with this judgment," he said, and claimed that the "treatment meted out to the Maha Sabha was consistent to that against the Hindu and East Indian community if they did not support the ruling People's National Movement --- Regards & 73's (source? via Mukesh Kumar, MUZAFFARPUR, INDIA, dxldyg via DXLD) ** UKRAINE. See INTERNATIONAL VACUUM ** U K [non]. REINO UNIDO – Os profissionais brasileiros que fizeram pouco caso quando a BBC anunciou o corte das emissões em ondas curtas começam, agora, a sentir os efeitos nos seus bolsos e status. A BBC Brasil acaba de anunciar que vários profissionais vão deixar a Bush House e atuar em São Paulo e Brasília. Voltam para a terra tupiniquim os seguintes jornalistas: Asdrúbal Figueiró, Edson Porto, Carolina Glycerio, Daniel Gallas, Flávia Nogueira, Rafael Gómez e Diego Toledo, para São Paulo. Já Denize Bacoccina troca os palácios da capital inglesa pelos de Brasília. As informações são do site http://www.comunique-se.com.br A BBC Brasil é cada vez mais Brasil! Literalmente! (Célio Romais, Panorama, @tividade DX July 9 via DXLD) ** U K. The future of the BBC - cutting edge and cutting staff: Friday's launch of the BBC governors' final annual report was a sombre affair, overshadowed by wrangles over the licence-fee bid and fears about restructuring 07/09/2006 09:08:41 PM EDT THE GUARDIAN BBC chairman Michael Grade is usually a master at leavening a serious meeting with humour. But his tone in presenting the last annual report from the BBC governors - they are making way for a trust - last Friday was serious and restrained. And notable for what he did not say. There was no attempt, ahead of today's parliamentary debate on the BBC's charter and licence renewal, to use what has been a pretty successful year in programming and audience approval as a lever to badger for a substantial licence-fee rise. He knows it is a lost cause. The bid for an annual rise of 2.3% above inflation was savaged by John Whittingdale, the chairman of the Select Committee on Culture, Media and Sport, who described the BBC as asking for a swimming-pool of cash. Tomorrow the same group will be interrogating Grade and director general Mark Thompson on the annual report. The bigger point is that the decision on the licence fee, which had been due this summer, has been delayed till the end of the year. That is because there is ferocious negotiation going on, and the issue now is what will be politically expedient. The dispute over the BBC's licence bid figures, exposed by the Department of Culture, Media and Sport's advisers PKF, combined with concerns about generous executive pay levels, mean the word on the Westminster street is that the BBC will get RPI plus an adjustable slice to cope with the as-yet- unquantified costs of digital switchover. It is not a bad deal for the BBC, and the corporation is likely to settle for it without much complaint. There is also the looming realisation that a generally supportive Labour gov-ernment is being harried by a revived Conservative opposition that is far less enamoured of BBC futuristic thinking, with David Cameron wooing Rupert Murdoch. Hugo Swire, Conservative MP for East Devon and shadow Culture spokesman, who will be leading for the Tories in today's Commons debate, criticises the current system, which divorces the BBC charter and agreement - which sets out the BBC's duties and services - and the level of funding. "It's iniquitous. The two are inextricably linked." If the BBC does not get what it asked for, he says, "then what happens? What comes off the agreement over the BBC's future services? Which part has to go? It makes the process null and void." Swire says the BBC's bid, which would take the licence fee to pounds 180 a year, is too high. "We must ensure we get the best deal for the licence fee payer." At the annual report presentation, Thompson was also low-key. His Creative Future vision is due to lead to the loss of another 2,000 jobs this year, bringing the headcount down to around 21,000. He said the BBC's big programme of change "is going to continue, probably for ever - it inevitably means a level of disruption certainly for a period". He confirmed the MediaGuardian.co.uk story that yet another restructure will be announced on July 19, but said he was trying to handle it in a more open manner than in the past - not that this is likely to improve internal morale. Thompson also says he wants the new big structural changes to be as consensual as possible. This is why there is still debate over the role of Ashley Highfield's online empire. One view is that each programme division should have its own online expertise, so that the on-demand and internet bases are covered from the moment a show is commissioned. But equally, the BBC does not want to destroy the cutting-edge culture fostered in Highfield's new media division. John Willis, who quit as director of factual and learning last week, is not the only senior BBC executive to have balked at the scale of the restructuring now being pro- posed. It is instructive that Ruth Pitt, the senior BBC executive responsible for organising the Creative Future project, left the BBC a week ago, after overseeing its unveiling on April 25. Insiders say it was surprising that Willis, who had overseen 420 redundancies in factual and learning, had stayed on so long, presiding over an ever-shrinking empire. The whole area of factual programming is being rebranded in the Creative Future vision as BBC knowledge-building, and integrated into other areas - it is a key example of how the new vision for so-called "360 degree commissioning" will impact. In the future a team working on a factual programme, or project, will "own" - that is take responsibility for and handle - its multi-media rollout. That may mean providing educational material and an online version, all areas which were once the province of learning and education. The BBC has experienced, for example, a strong demand from broadband users for niche programming, such as serious documentaries - with 600,000 downloading The Power of Nightmares. "All of this is very alien to a traditional programme-maker," said a well-placed insider. This was echoed by Simon Shaps, ITV's director of television, who commented in a Royal Television Society speech on Thompson's plans: "The BBC's vision appears to focus on virtually everything but programme-making." But Thompson is relying on key veterans to push forward his plan, including Jana Bennett, who will head a beefed-up TV division, and Alan Yentob, who is 60 next year, who will act as an over-arching creative leader. Jenny Abramsky, director of radio and music, has been asked by Thompson to delay her retirement for several years - she is 60 this autumn - to oversee the new BBC audio division. As the Creative Future thinking is implemented, the BBC has undertaken a spring clean. Programmes axed include Grandstand, Top of the Pops, Byker Grove and They Think It's All Over. The BBC has also announced a new teens strategy for the underserved 12-16 age group. And BBC News has started to promote itself as a single brand, rather than News 24, or BBC news online, exemplifying the approach allowing the same BBC content to be accessed anyway, anywhere, anytime. And so the licence fee bid bandwagon rumbles on to Westminster tomorrow, followed by Norwich on Thursday for the governors' annual general meeting, to be held in public for only the second time. Meanwhile, stung by criticism from PKF over its rough costings, the BBC is understood to be preparing a second, more detailed licence fee submission in September. The revised bid is likely to feature firmer costs for the Salford move, which have come down by at least a third, as well as more clarity on digital switchover. As he was struggling to get away from Friday's press conference, a visibly disgruntled Grade stood by the decision to publish the BBC's licence fee bid so publicly. Having it pulled apart by the commercial opposition was preferable to the "deals in smoke-filled rooms" that characterised previous negotiations, he insisted. "There's no going back now." Copyright (c) 2006 The Guardian (via Mike Cooper, DXLD) ** U K [and non]. BBC Radio 4 two-part documentary on AFN starts Tuesday: American Forces Network, two part documentary, Tuesday 11th and 18th July, 1130 to 1200 BST, 1030 to 1100 UT, BBC Radio 4, streamed and available via Listen Again at http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio4/ American GIs stationed in Britain in the Second World War were so dismayed at the stuffy entertainment on the BBC that they demanded a network of their own. General Eisenhower obliged and the American Forces Network was born. It quickly became just as popular with British listeners who deserted the BBC for AFN in their thousands. These programmes hear memories from listeners who were part of the large British audience captivated by the sounds of the American big bands and entertainers. There are also archive interviews with two of AFN's first announcers, Syl Binkin and Ben Doberman. Music from the period plays throughout along with rare footage from the most popular AFN programmes and presenters, all sewn together with personal anecdotes by the consummate jazzman, Humphrey Lyttelton, the UK's leading jazz authority (BBC Press Office via Mike Barraclough, dxldyg via DXLD) ** U S A [non]. AFN in WW II UK: see just above ** U S A. VOA with Special English commentary about the Interstate Highway System, July 10 at 1956 via Greenville 15445 to Africa. During slight fades of this signal, I could hear a reverb/echo, which would be simultaneous long-path reception of approximately 38 megameters; // 15410 much weaker (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A [non]. ESTADOS UNIDOS VIA CHILE – A CVC – A Sua Voz apresenta o programa Rádio DX no seguinte esquema: nas sextasfeiras, às 1400, em 15525 kHz; nos sábados, às 1100, em 6110 kHz; nas segundas universais, às 0000, em 11745 kHz. Na edição que irá ao ar a partir de 14 de julho, o segmento Através do Rádio relembrará um áudio histórico do antigo Serviço Brasileiro da Voz da América, onde o jornalista mineiro Pedro Kattah narra a ida do homem à lua. Confiram! (Célio Romais, Panorama, @tividade DX July 9 via DXLD) Is this show a full hour long like its predecessor? (gh, DXLD) ** U S A. ``THE SHORTWAVE REPORT`` is not entirely recorded from shortwave, as the title implies. I listened to the complete July 7 edition, which featured five stations: CRI, SNR, RN, RHC and VOR. The CRI and VOR segments were obviously not from SW --- no selective fading or distortion, but from webcasts instead, near-perfect audio. Dan Roberts also gave an imaginary frequency for CRI, 6080 between 8 and 11 pm PDT. Then I spot checked the previous edition for June 30, which strangely enough featured exactly the same stations in the same order, but different content, and once again the opening CRI items, and the closing VOR items, were not from shortwave. Since the point of the show is to promote SWLing, it is rather misleading to include some stations from webcasts instead. I sent him this message (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Hi Dan, I appreciate your program and its objective to promote SWLing! However, I can`t help but notice that not all the clips you include on your program are actually recorded from SW, notably those from CRI, which are too perfect and must be webcasts, and it seems also VOR. Don`t you think you should either use SW only, which is the stated objective of the program, or make clear when you are not? Regards, Glenn Hauser (via DXLD) ** U S A. ``NIGHT OF NIGHTS VII`` TO COMMEMORATE LAST COMMERCIAL MORSE MESSAGE IN US --- July 10, 2006. Coast stations will return to the air this week for an evening of listening for calls from ships and sending messages just as they did for so many years before Morse operations were shut down. . . http://www.arrl.org/news/features/2006/07/10/2/?nc=1 (via John Norfolk, dxldyg via DXLD) Updates some earlier info, KPH+ ** U S A. 1520 KHZ MOVIMIENTO INSURRECCIONAL MARTIANO PROGRAM IN TAMPA A new one for me: stumbled upon the opening of the local chapter of the Old School anti-Castro group, Movimiento Insurreccional Martiano (MIM) program via WXYB, 1520 kHz, Indian Rocks Beach, Florida, today. Opened with an unidentified (MIM?) vocal anthem of sorts at 1:59 p.m. EDT. All-Spanish programming, of course, announcing the schedule as Saturday's 2-4 p.m. local and with lots of Tampa references. Listened to the entire program, "Programa Radial del Movimiento Insurreccional Martiana de Tampa" which was poorly produced with lots of microphone bumps, no VOX limiter, gaps when the occasional Spanish vocal songs were included. Of course, no legal station ID's at 2, 3 or 4 p.m. despite an approximately five-minute 3 p.m. break for local store commercials (all in Spanish). Finally, a canned legal ID at 5 p.m., during the "Radio Restauración" local Christian two-hour show that followed MIM's program. Not parallel the sometimes-parallel sister station WPSO, 1500 kHz, New Port Richey. Jointly logged on my car radio with the visiting David Crawford (Terry L Krueger, Clearwater, Florida, USA, 27.55.83 N, 82.46.08 W, July 8, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. Strong rumor from allegedly reliable sources is that the FCC will be making an across-the-board authorization for nighttime IBOC on MW within the next two weeks. Better enjoy your nighttime MW listening and DXing while you can. More and more ``clear`` channel stations have been testing it in the daytime, and once they all start running it at night, large portions of the AM band will be devoted to noise (Glenn Hauser, July 9, DX LISTENING DIGEST) see also OKLAHOMA This is just plain crazy! HD/IBOC = QRM. So sad (Steve Lare, MI, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) FCC TO WEIGH FINAL HD RADIO RULES ON JULY 13 FCC commissioners are set to hammer out some guidelines about the future of HD Radio and also to issue a second request for comments, perhaps on nighttime AM interference on IBOC channels, at their monthly meeting, set for Thursday morning in Washington, DC. Exactly what territory the five-member panel intends to cover was unclear in the FCC meeting announcement, which simply said they`d address various issues in a discussion called ``Digital Audio Broadcasting Systems and Their Impact on the Terrestrial Radio Broadcast Service.`` But one of the biggest lingering questions about HD Radio is the depth of interference that happens on the AM band at night. The NAB has long encouraged the FCC to give broadcasters the green light for nighttime HD broadcasts on AM, a clearance that would bring a sigh of relief from HD Radio developer iBiquity (Jeffrey Yorke, R&R Washington Bureau Chief, radioandrecords.com Monday, July 10, 2006 via Brock Whaley, DXLD) ** U S A. NATURE'S FIREWORKS AND THE KINDNESS OF STRANGERS http://www.mssu.edu/kxms/blog4.htm Although June is my favorite month of the year (the sun is high in the sky, the spring wind has calmed, and the outdoor temperature has moderated), June 2006 has had its share of issues. First, our transmitter coupler was hit by lightning, an expensive event. A few years ago, MSSU invested in limited lightning protection, and we have discovered some of those limitations. When the station is off air, we discover who our most avid listeners are. One of them is Isa Shott, whose lifestyle was disrupted enough to call and ask about the disruption of service. This is not unusual, but then she followed up with a generous check to help defray some of the cost of repair. Thank you, Ms. Shott. Another listener called during the outage to say the public should be informed. We agree, and we use our Web site to announce service disruptions when they occur. Sadly, it is precisely these times when we find out that a sizeable number of listeners do not have access to the Internet. In fact, I don't have Internet access at home myself (my fortress of spam-less solitude), so I cannot judge others too harshly in this matter. Perhaps we should have put a message on the out-going voicemail. But we could not say when service would resume, nor would describing the electronic apparatus that failed be of any help. I have never seen that transmitter part before and I've been in radio for almost 34 years. Anyway, we appreciate the calls, and we especially appreciate those who helped us return to air. You missed our product; we missed giving it to you. Also in June, 88.7KXMS began the process of updating its satellite downlink. We had no choice in the matter. A new, innovative (expensive) system is coalescing that will provide more flexibility in access to radio programs we deliver to your home and car. This project also involves moving our satellite dish closer to our studios, a decision we hope will improve the sound. The old equipment was installed in 1986 and has been updated little in the intervening score of years. The change is overdue. We only wish we had more notice of the changeover. We expect some bugs in the system, but we must have it in place by the end of August, regardless. So, thank you to those of you who expressed disappointment in the disruption of service in June. We missed you, too. And a really big THANK YOU to those such as Isa Shott who helped us pay some of the unforseen bills of June 2006. As always, we'd like your reaction, the e-mail address is kxms@mssu.edu (Jeff Skibbe, manager, KXMS, Joplin MO, via DXLD) See our previous items about webcast jumping to KRPS instead during the outage; and our mail to that address never got thru (gh, DXLD) SOME REFLECTIONS ON 20 YEARS OF SERVICE http://www.mssu.edu/kxms/blog1.htm 88.7KXMS celebrated 20 years of classical radio service this past April. In 1986 there were no classical radio services in this market. Today we compete with signals from four other university radio stations. But, just like in 1986, our service remains unique in a couple of ways. First, 88.7KXMS is an all-classical station. We aren't spending any time trying to avoid any classical/art music that news/talk listeners might find too challenging. Secondly, our program schedule is almost all non-duplicated, even compared to the most classical of our competitors. Finally, 88.7KXMS uses proprietary software to formulate playlists. There is a lot of time and thought put into our music mix, and at no time do we presume that you don't like vocal music. After all, vocal/choral music makes up a good 25% of the body of classical music and we don't clip off the arms and legs of the "corpus musica" in order to play "elevator classics" or "office music." This will become more apparent later this year when we celebrate the centenary of the birth of Dmitri Shostakovich. We invite comparison in the fall with any station when we put together our playlists in tribute to the great Russian composer. We think you'd be amazed at what we consider in formulating a day's playlist. Just on face value, you can recognize that we coordinate many anniversaries and then go the extra mile to notate those connections in the marginalia on our Web playlist pages. In fact, we are the only classical radio station anywhere with such marginalia. Our program schedule as well as our listings reflect an educational agenda, something one would expect from this university licensee. Two programs, "Exploring Music" and "Adventures in Good Music" are overtly educational, while the rest of the schedule entertains and educates you covertly. However, we hope you enjoy the service overtly. We look forward to hearing from you and please check out those playlists I mentioned by clicking on PLAYLISTS at the top of this page (Jeff Skibbe, KXMS, via DXLD) I was checking them once again, Sunday July 9 during the 14 UT hour when their grid still shows Sante [sic] Fe Chamber Music Festival, but still not to be heard; instead, the syndicated classical music service they use on weekends instead of original programming. At least the audio was pretty clean this time, tho lacking treble, 20 kbps (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. TX, Dallas, WRR 101.1 continues to be in the news concerning a possible frequency swap with KVTT *91.7, whose call letters stand for former owner the Texas Trade School. Several key leaders of the city have since come out against the plan, including city council members who say they`re hearing from constituents who don`t want any changes at WRR. I suppose those people would rather hear commercials on the classical station, than have to put up with on-air fundraisers. A strong advocate for WRR`s staying put is Mayor Laura Miller, who said, ``What`s wrong with having the city`s only classical station in the middle of the dial, with a strong signal?`` Miller said the idea of a swap was explored a few years ago, and that it`s time for the city toi get on to more urgent issues. KVTT officials say the plan, which could net the city up to $50 million (but probably dribble in over several years), still deserves serious consideration (Bruce Elving, July FMedia! via DXLD) ** U S A. TX, Brazos (county, not a city), WA2XNX, 87.9 is supposedly on for experimental purposes based at the east side of College Station TX. The FCC claims it is a mobile station with 1 watt h,v; 2 meters above average terrain and having permission to broadcast within a 160 km radius. This is one of only three Channel 200 stations authorized in the US. It is not to be listed in the FM Atlas (Bruce Elving, July FMedia! via DXLD) ``BRA-zuss`` with a short A, not as in Spanish (gh) ** U S A. GA, Athens, WUOG *90.5, rj, plus oldies, hip-hop and other musics. It is signing on at 4 pm [EDT = 2000 UT], rather than 10 am [1400] this summer, and stays on until 3 am [0700]. Later sign-on isn`t because University of Georgia students like to slpeep in; it`s because of electrical interference to experiments by the chemistry department. G. M. Erin White said she hopes the station can go 24 hours on weekends to give some displaced employees work. Sensitive instruments in the chemistry department have detected strange chemical reaxions caused by the FM radio signals bouncing around new buildings that have been constructed on the campus. Dr Nigel Adams, professor of chemistry, uses those instruments to research the atmosphere of the Saturn moon Titan. WUOG`s engineer claims to have found a filter for the lab equipment that might work, but it`s not yet been installed. It should be installed in a month, and then they`ll know if WUOG can operate its 26 kW fulltime and coexist with the chemists. Add it to p. 30, FM Atlas XX map. I think WUOG was deleted for a while (Bruce Elving, July FMedia! via DXLD) ** U S A. Selected AM Happenings: IN, South Bend, WHLY 1580 was off, but then reappeared. In question is the FCC rule requiring an expanded band station or the original station to leave the air after five years. WWLV 1620 has remained on the air, with reports one or both of the stations have applied to be sold. NE, Bellevue-Omaha, KYDZ 1180 back on the air, this time with Spanish ``La Bonita``. It moved to 1620 as KOZN, but the FCC allowed 1180 back on the air with a special interest format, rather than forcing it to delete (Bruce Elving, July FMedia! via DXLD) ** U S A. NC, Mount Airy, WPAQ 740, was founded by Ralph Epperson in 1948. Epperson recently died at 85; he had worked at the station until two weeks before his death. It`s now being run by his son, according to Radio Journal online. The station`s nearly 60 years is considered a record, especially since it has been a one-owner station run from the same studios with local music and news. Another contender for longevity with one owner and from the same studios is WCAP 980 Lowell MA, which came on in 1951. One of three brothers who put it on, Maurice Cohen, not only survives but runs the daily operation. TN, Nashville, WNAY 1360 may be the station run the longest time by a single owner. Van Irwin, who started the station in December 1949, still works there (Bruce Elving, July FMedia! via DXLD) ** U S A. Low power AM proponents are still at it; this time the various factions have united on technical details. Stations would be limited to 10 watts with antenna no taller than 15 mters, the same as for TIStations. They`re not in agreement whether to allow commercial versus noncommercial operation. It`s a ``bad idea`` said Entercom and Greater Media, as well as the National Association of Broadcasters. NAB said the spectrum is overcowded, and it`s a bad time with stations transitioning to digital (Bruce Elving, July FMedia! via DXLD) ** U S A. PUBLIC FILES TO TERMINATE? Communications attorney David Tillotson has petitioned the FCC to drop the public files, calling them ``burdensome`` to stations. Even worse, the rules often bring hearty fines for even minor omissions from a file, which ``no one ever looks at.`` Comments on the proposal were due at the Commission by June 19. It is RM-1132. Tillotson and others contend that much of the info in the files is now available on the Internet (Bruce Elving, July FMedia! via DXLD) ** U S A. Re 6-100, 870 interference problem --- Glen[n], I live in the Tri-cities, just a few miles from the 1090 and 870 transmitters, and when WPWT is on at night with that carrier, they bury everything on 870, though you can usually hear WWL underneath. Thank you for the info on WINU, but have to believe it is WPWT causing the problems on 870. Once again, thank you for the effort you make to keep up with these things. Take care, (ED in TN, July 9, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. RHODE ISLAND'S WRIB FALLS SILENT http://www.fybush.com/images/2006/wrib.jpg One of the dangers of leased-time broadcasting is, quite simply, that the broadcaster doesn't have full control of the station - so when a leased-time station is sold, as happened recently to WRIB (1220) in Providence, RHODE ISLAND - there's always the danger that the new owners will want to change the programming. The ethnic broadcasters who have called WRIB home for decades are steaming this week, though, and given the way their broadcasts were abruptly ended, we don't blame them one bit. The sale itself was no surprise - NERW reported the $1.9 million deal back in our October 17, 2005 issue - http://www.fybush.com/NERW/2005/051017/nerw.html but when Seekonk, Massachusetts-based mega-church Faith Christian Center was making its plans to take over operations from longtime WRIB owner Carter Broadcasting, the expectation was that the Spanish, Portuguese, Armenian, Italian and other ethnic broadcasters, as well as the mainly Catholic leased-time religious programmers, would have 30 days' notice to allow them to transition to other signals in the market. Instead, the end came with no warning at all. Last Friday, church attorneys simply pulled the plug on WRIB at 12:30 in the afternoon, giving several broadcasters just a few hours to remove their office equipment from the station's building and threatening them with trespassing charges if they didn't move quickly enough. Whenever WRIB returns to the air, it will be from a new studio, with new calls (as we reported in April, Faith Christian Center has applied for new calls WSTL) and a religious format that will apparently be far less diverse than the old WRIB. (It'll also need a new engineer; contract engineer Craig Healy has ended his long involvement with the station as well.) As for the programmers, some of whom have been with WRIB since the station signed on in 1947, they're now scrambling to find space elsewhere on the Providence dial. With no chance to tell their listeners about the transition, they stand to lose audience in the process. We hear several of them are planning protests at Faith Christian Center - they argue (and it's hard to disagree) that the way they were treated when the station changed hands wasn't very "Christian" at all (Scott Fybush, NE Radio Watch July 10 via DXLD) ** U S A. DW BLACKOUT DEMANDED BY PAY TV OPERATORS: see GERMANY [non] ** VENEZUELA [non]. Checking RNV via Cuba, July 10 at 2002, 13680 was very good with program summary lasting 3 more minutes; 2005, contact info including internacional @ rnv.gov.ve and http://www.rnv.gov.ve and ID as Radio Nacional de Venezuela, Canal Internacional. At 2006 first item about MERCOSUR and Venezuela becoming its fifth member. Recheck at 2032 and confirmed // 9550 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** VENEZUELA. RNV SE EXPANDIRÁ POR VENEZUELA Y EL MUNDO --- Helena Salcedo: ABN 07/07/2006 http://www.abn.info.ve/go_news5.php?articulo=52925&lee=5 Caracas, 07 Jul. ABN.- La directora general del circuito Radio Nacional de Venezuela (RNV), Helena Salcedo, informó que su gestión se orienta a profundizar los planes de expansión de la señal radiodifusora dentro de Venezuela y hacia el exterior. La directora de RNV informó: ``Ampliaremos la señal para cubrir el todo el territorio nacional, actualmente tenemos 85% de cobertura, además rescataremos el canal internacional que fue abandonado durante mucho tiempo``. Helena Salcedo aseguró que la visión de RNV está enfocada a convertir este circuito radial en el ``primer prestador de servicio de radio de Venezuela y uno de los más importantes medios de comunicación americanos``. El crecimiento de RNV alcanzará a todos los canales de la frecuencia: informativo, clásico, juvenil, popular y onda corta internacional. Con el objeto de darle fuerza a la integración Latinoamericana, se ha previsto que en poco tiempo la página web se presente en otros idiomas y se iniciarán con el portugués, explicó Salcedo. Para alcanzar los planes previstos RNV cuenta con un equipo comprometido que garantizará cobertura, calidad, veracidad, oportunidad, profesionalismo y ética en la producción y difusión de mensajes, afirmó su directora. Radio Nacional de Venezuela cumplirá 70 años el próximo 29 de julio. Desde su creación en 1938 ha experimentado cambios tecnológicos, administrativos e ideológicos. Los antecedentes históricos indican que en su génesis se llamó Radiodifusora Nacional. Se convierte en servicio autónomo mediante Decreto Presidencial en 1987, cuando adquiere el nombre que actualmente posee (Agencia Bolivariana de Noticias via José Bueno, Córdoba - España, July 9, condig list via DXLD) see also NORWAY [non] ** ZANZIBAR. 11735, Radio Tanzania Zanzibar, 1805-1810, escuchada el 7 de Julio en inglés a locutor con comentarios, SINPO 33443. 1810-1815, escuchada el 7 de Julio en Swahili a locutora con comentarios y cantos folklóricos, SINPO 33443 (José Miguel Romero, Spain, @tividade DX via DXLD) UNIDENTIFIED. East Coast MWDXers: 1180 [unk] [US East Coast or Cuba] At 1406 EDT, noted a heterodyne of about 70 Hz on high-side of 1180. Does anyone know where this is coming from? It's NOT WMYT Carolina Beach, NC which is dead-center +/- 2 Hz of 1180. If anyone knows who this is, let's coordinate via e-mail and try to talk them back on frequency. NOTE: Since the FCC doesn't require a frequency monitor at the station, we're often the first to note an off-frequency operation. Since it's against the FCC R&R to operate a station outside +/- 20 Hz, the station becomes illegal. We have a responsibility to report to the station. If they refuse to correct the off-frequency operation, it becomes their responsibility. Getting the station back on frequency may require some diplomacy and/or some BS. Please pass this to the NRC (Charles Taylor, NC, July 10, ABDX via DXLD) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ UNSOLICITED TESTIMONIALS ++++++++++++++++++++++++ Rev. Hauser, Please accept this love offering in support of your radio ministry and outreach. 73, (Harry Helms) with a PayPal donation Thank you, Harry. Nice or you to think of me and glad to see your sense of humor is intact. Hope your treatment is going well (Glenn) PUBLICATIONS ++++++++++++ NAGOYA DX CIRCLE NEWSWIRE Includes lots of audio archives of historic DX http://www.newswire.ndxc.org/ (Joe Hanlon, DX LISTENING DIGEST) LANGUAGE LESSONS ++++++++++++++++ THE DISAPPEARANCE OF THE "ME" GENERATION http://www.mssu.edu/kxms/blog2.htm I am driven to distraction these days by television and radio reporters of the "Communication Arts" Generation, as opposed to what I will call the "Me" Generation, in whose company I include myself. Let me make my case, an oblique case, so to speak. When I was in seventh grade English class, Mrs. Smith drilled us in sentence diagramming, the discipline of taking sentences and labeling the nouns, verbs, adverbs, adjectives, etc., in sometimes elaborate sentence trees. I rather enjoyed discovering the secrets of sentences, their forms and word functions. While English classes are still taught in the public schools, they have become part of the trendy "Communication Arts" curriculum. I fear sentence diagrams have all but disappeared in the mélange of courses that emphasizes topics other than learning the rudimentary basics of our national language. The decline and imminent death of the word "me" in broadcast media is an example. "Me" is an objective personal pronoun. An objective pronoun functions as the target of a verb, as distinguished from the subjective pronoun "I". In the past few decades broadcasters came along who got the notion that "you and me" in a sentence was somehow always wrong and started substituting "you and I" regardless of the context. "You and I are going to school together." is correct, while the sentence "The teacher teaches you and I." is not. "The teacher teaches you and me." can be parsed to read "The teacher teaches you." and "The teacher teaches me." Everyone recognizes that "The teacher teaches I." is incorrect, but broadcasters, in an effort to appear correct and sophisticated, often say "The teacher teaches you and I." This has led to the disappearance of the word "me" and thus the end of the "Me" Generation. Another example of not knowing the native language is the recent TV ad for a brand-name outdoor grill. The actor says "We headed for a deserted island for our BBQ." when he should have said "We headed for a DESERT island for our BBQ." From the looks of the sandy beach, it was indeed a desert, but how would he have known anyone deserted it? Perhaps the voice-over actor should have said "uninhabited island," which is really what the grill-maker meant to convey. While there are many more words today than in the year 1600, writers today have a vocabulary of only about 25% of that of Shakespeare. Another bug-a-boo is "dearly departed," which makes no sense. Just because it seems vaguely similar to "dearly beloved," one does not depart (die) dearly. The person is the "dear departed." There are many, many more. Perhaps you would like to e-mail your pet- peeves on the use of English in the media. The Disappearance of the "Me" Generation (Part 2) Add "him" and "her" to "me" as pronouns disappearing from media English. http://www.mssu.edu/kxms/blog3.htm This morning, a co-host of a national network morning TV program coined a new word. Rather than use the unfashionable personal pronouns "him" or "her," she said "themself." Her place in the Oxford English Dictionary is secure! What has happened to personal pronouns? Why are they taboo and why didn't I get a media memo on this new convention? We in the media are supposed to be opinion leaders, so you might suppose that we are all taking care to use something resembling proper English. Instead, gender-specific references are being tortured into a new 21st-century- speak. Perhaps we all achieve equality with the use of this new made- up word "themself," I don't know, it makes no sense to me. And what is up with TV's unnecessary use of the preposition "from ", as in "In the next hour we'll hear from...."? It sounds as if the person is going to call or write a letter to the show. No, the performer is backstage and we will hear so-and-so next hour. We can hear Beethoven next hour, but we will certainly not hear from Beethoven next hour unless we engage a medium and Beethoven has something to say from the Great Beyond. Finally, in local TV news.... Lately I repeatedly have heard a local TV newscaster refer to the state of Oregon as "Organ" and another pronounce the Colorado city of Columbine with a long-o sound. The o- sound of said flowery city and the word "column" are the same, I looked it up to be sure. Mass media newsrooms need good dictionaries and a few books on misused words (there are excellent ones that can serve as quick reference). If we expect legal immigrants to learn English, the media should at least take their role as opinion leaders seriously and make every attempt to use the right words in the proper context and with the correct pronunciation. We'd like to hear your reaction, the e-mail address is kxms @ mssu.edu (Jeff Skibbe blog at KXMS, via DXLD) Which bounces INTRUDER WATCH ++++++++++++++ From DARC`s list of intruders in the hambands during June, and July so far, we excerpt only the tiny fraction concerning broadcast stations; vt = various times; vd = various days; UiBC = unID broadcaster: 7000.0, 0550 10 06 A3E UiBC Dutch px S 4- 5 // 7125 7100.0, 1824 01 06 A3E KRE Voice of Korea (North) unid voice 7100.0, 0450 10 06 A3E KRE Voice of Korea (North) Korean? 7100.0, 0450 10 06 A3E UiBC Korean? 7100.0, 1630 15 06 A3E ERI Voice of Broad Masses Ar px, QSA5 (S9) 7100.0, vt DLY 06 A3E Voice of Korea (North) 1900: French voice 1958: En voice 2016: Korean voice 7100.0, vt DLY 06 A3E KRE Voice of Korea (North) French px audible after s/off of VobM - heard 18 27 at 1630, 1831, 2028 14000.0, 1750 30 06 A3E RUS Golos Rossiye (Voice of Russia) totally distorted px, FM, S9, very widebanded - 1750 - s/off at 1800 - source: 13855 14180.0, vt vd 06 A3E CHN CNR Domestic Service Chinese px heard 22 and 23 at 0815 - 1330 - is FUNDAMENTAL! 14230.0, vt 01 07 A3E CHN CNR Domestic Service Chinese px heard 0617 - 0700 14230.0, 0615 02 07 A3E CHN CNR Domestic Service Chinese px S9, heard 0615 - 0700 14240.0, 2002 01 07 A3E UiBC BC, 2nd harmonic? 14240.0, 2002 01 07 A3E UiBC harmonic? 14260.0, vt 29 06 A3E CHN CNR Domestic Service, Chinese px heard 0300 - 1800 - signal S 9 + 20 dB - is FUNDAMENTAL! 14305.0, vt 01 07 A3E CHN CNR Domestic Service Chinese px heard 0455 - 0500 and 0754 - 1030 14305.0, vt 02 07 A3E CHN CNR Domestic Service 0300 - 0800 14310.0, vt 02 07 A3E CHN CNR Domestic Service 1205 - 1730 s/off - found // to 18160 till 1500 14350.0, 1917 12 06 A3E ALB Radio China Intl. harmonic of 7175, relay Tirana 14350.0, 1944 26 06 A3E ALB / CHN Radio China Intl. harmonic of 7175, relay Tirana 14350.0, vt 02 07 A3E CHN CNR Domestic Service 0300 - 1200 18115.0, vt 07 07 A3E UiBC Ar px [not likely a 3rd harmonic – gh] 18160.0, vt 27 06 A3E CHN CNR Domestic Service Chinese px 0740 - 0920, 1015: only carrier - FUNDAMENTAL 18160.0, vt vd 06 A3E CHN CNR Domestic Service program in Chinese language, heard 02 18 at 0448, 1559 - FUNDAMENTAL 18160.0, vt vd 06 A3E TWN Sound-of-Hope program in Chinese language, heard 02 18 at 0448, 1559 18160.0, vt vd 06 A3E TWN Sound-of-Hope Chinese px heard 11 25 at 1430, 1255 18160.0, vt vd 06 A3E CHN CNR Domestic Service Chinese px heard 11 25 at 1430, 1255 - FUNDAMENTAL 18160.0, vt 02 07 A3E CHN CNR Domestic Service 1205 - 1500 - found // to 14310 18160.0, vt 04 07 A3E CHN CNR Domestic Service 0500 - 1000 s/off 21370.7, 1302 30 06 A3E ARS SABS Riadh IM of 21460 and 21505,4 21410.0, 1308 15 06 A3E ARS SABS Riadh spurious from SABS Riadh 21410.6, 1302 30 06 A3E ARS SABS Riadh IM of 21460 and 21505,4 21410.6, vt vd 06 A3E ARS SABS Riadh spurious from SABS Riadh heard 05 06 at 1337, 1419 21420.0, 0655 08 07 A3E SABS Riadh spurious 28200.0, 1400 28 06 A3E BUL Radio Bulgaria S7-signal, 3f de 9400 (via Ulrich (Uli) Bihlmayer DJ9KR, DARC Monitoring System Intruder Watch, DXLD) see also CHINA RADIO EQUIPMENT FORUM +++++++++++++++++++++ OVER-THE-AIR RECEPTION DEVICES RULE Preemption of Restrictions on Placement of Direct Broadcast Satellite, Broadband Radio Service, and Television Broadcast Antennas Federal Communications Commission Information Sheet July 2005 Quick Links to Document Sections Below € Questions and Answers € Links to Relevant Orders and the Rule € Guidance on Filing a Petition Where to Call for More Information As directed by Congress in Section 207 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996, the Federal Communications Commission adopted the Over-the- Air Reception Devices (`OTARD`) rule concerning governmental and nongovernmental restrictions on viewers' ability to receive video programming signals from direct broadcast satellites ("DBS"), broadband radio service providers (formerly multichannel multipoint distribution service or MMDS), and television broadcast stations ("TVBS"). The rule (47 C.F.R. Section 1.4000) has been in effect since October 1996, and it prohibits restrictions that impair the installation, maintenance or use of antennas used to receive video programming. The rule applies to video antennas including direct-to-home satellite dishes that are less than one meter (39.37") in diameter (or of any size in Alaska), TV antennas, and wireless cable antennas. The rule prohibits most restrictions that: (1) unreasonably delay or prevent installation, maintenance or use; (2) unreasonably increase the cost of installation, maintenance or use; or (3) preclude reception of an acceptable quality signal. . . [MUCH MORE] http://www.fcc.gov/mb/facts/otard.html (via Kevin Redding, AZ, ABDX via DXLD) DIGITAL BROADCASTING ++++++++++++++++++++ IBOC / HD: see OKLAHOMA; U S A HDTV is here --- or is it? By Ellen G. Lahr, Berkshire Eagle Staff Caryn Fishlevich and Joshua Rosenthal stand in front of their new HDTV television. Despite their careful research, the couple was surprised when they found their new television could only receive four high- definition channels in the Berkshires… http://www.berkshireeagle.com/localnews/ci_4004802 (via Kevin Redding, ABDX via DXLD) Bullpuckey. Have these people never heard of antennas and OTA tuners? They should EASILY be within range of all the Albany DTVs, which share a common master tower site up in the Helderberg Mountains. They'll get a smoking signal from WCDC-DT 36, which is // Albany's WTEN-DT with ABC HDTV, broadcasting from the highest point in the Berkshires. And they should see at least one or two of the Springfield DTVs, too. s (Scott Fybush, NY, ibid.) DRM QRM Check out the Miscellaneous pictures section of the yg for some recent sporadic E catches on 11 metres by Roger Thauer near Halle/Saale. I'm sure you will find them at least as fascinating as SBG. They also include an example for overlapping DRM signals. Glenn raised the question what will happen in such cases: One always gets only the stronger signal, provided that one of them is stronger than the other one by a certain amount (sorry, don't know by how much db). Otherwise neither signal can be decoded, i.e. one will get nothing at all. And, by the way, carriers of AM transmissions quickly kill a DRM signal as well. 26000 is a good example for that: The WRN transmitter at London is a quite rare catch, since very often Radio Maria drowns it out with their mere 25 watts. For location and pictures of this transmitter see http://mediasuk.org/archive/radio_maria.html (Kai Ludwig, Germany, July 9, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) see also PROPAGATION PROPAGATION +++++++++++ 11 METERS Re 6-100, KSL on 26190: It is most unusual how these 25-26 MHz signals propagate. Sporadic is certainly the right word to use! In a recent report I wrote about reception of DRM in this band around 1500+ and added that Radio Maria from Italy was not audible on 26000. However, when I tuned 26 MHz later around 1730 it was audible at fair strength - but not the DRM. And Maria has also been heard well around 0700 but with no trace of DRM. I haven't checked the exact location of Maria's transmitter but it is certain to be further away than Croydon(!), Junglinster and Rennes/Paris. There are other voices to be heard in and around the 11m bc band but I haven't been able to pin down who or what they are (Noel R. Green (NW England), July 9, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) TIPS FOR RATIONAL LIVING ++++++++++++++++++++++++ HARDESTY, OKLAHOMA --- JUST ANOTHER SALEM http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=show_mesg&forum=173&topic_id=1263&mesg_id=1790 (via AA Newsletter July 9 via DXLD) Also read his earlier post: http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=show_mesg&forum=173&topic_id=1263&mesg_id=1510 (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###