DX LISTENING DIGEST 6-131, September 1, 2006 Incorporating REVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL BROADCASTING edited by Glenn Hauser, http://www.worldofradio.com Items from DXLD may be reproduced and re-reproduced only if full credit be maintained at all stages and we be provided exchange copies. DXLD may not be reposted in its entirety without permission. Materials taken from Arctic or originating from Olle Alm and not having a commercial copyright are exempt from all restrictions of noncommercial, noncopyrighted reusage except for full credits For restrixions and searchable 2006 contents archive see http://www.worldofradio.com/dxldmid.html NOTE: If you are a regular reader of DXLD, and a source of DX news but have not been sending it directly to us, please consider yourself obligated to do so. Thanks, Glenn WORLD OF RADIO, CONTINENT OF MEDIA, MUNDO RADIAL BROADCAST SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE SEPTEMBER 1, 2006 For latest updates see our Anomaly Alert page: http://www.worldofradio.com/anomaly.html Days and times here are strictly UT. Note: some WBCQ times may be followed by an immediate repeat. Note: WWCR streams run up to 5 minutes behind broadcast Wed 2200 WOR WBCQ 7415 [first airing of each edition] Wed 2300 WOR WBCQ 18910-CLSB Thu 0630 WOR Radio Free Veronica [NEW] Thu 1005 WOR World FM, Tawa, Wellington, New Zealand 88.5 Thu 1230 WOR Radio Free Veronica [NEW] Thu 1800 WOR KLC [irregular] Thu 1830 WOR Radio Free Veronica [NEW] Thu 2300 WOR World FM, Tawa, Wellington, New Zealand 88.5 Fri 0000 WOR WTND-LP 106.3 Macomb IL Fri 0030 WOR Radio Free Veronica [NEW] Fri 0200 WOR ACBRadio Mainstream Fri 0400 WOR ACBRadio Mainstream Fri 0600 WOR ACBRadio Mainstream Fri 0800 WOR ACBRadio Mainstream Fri 1000 WOR ACBRadio Mainstream Fri 1200 WOR ACBRadio Mainstream Fri 1400 WOR ACBRadio Mainstream Fri 1600 WOR ACBRadio Mainstream Fri 1800 WOR ACBRadio Mainstream Fri 2000 WOR ACBRadio Mainstream Fri 2000 WOR RFPI Fri 2030 WOR WWCR1 15825 Fri 2105 WOR World FM, Tawa, Wellington, New Zealand 88.5 Fri 2200 WOR ACBRadio Mainstream Fri 2115 MR WWCR1 15825 Sat 0000 WOR ACBRadio Mainstream Sat 0000 WOR RFPI Sat 0400 WOR VoiceCorps Reading Service, WOSU-FM subcarrier, cable Sat 0400 WOR RFPI Sat 0800 WOR RFPI Sat 0800 WOR WRN to Eu, Au, NZ, WorldSpace AfriStar, AsiaStar Sat 0800 WOR WRN 13865 DRM via Bulgaria Sat 0830 WOR Radio Free Veronica [NEW] Sat 0855 WOR WNQM Nashville TN 1300 Sat 1000 WOR WPKN Bridgeport CT 89.5 & WPKM Montauk LINY 88.7 Sat 1200 WOR RFPI Sat 1230 WOR WRMI 9955 Sat 1430 WOR WRMI 7385 Sat 1430 WOR Radio Free Veronica [NEW] Sat 1600 WOR WWCR3 12160 Sat 1600 WOR RFPI Sat 1732 WOR WRN1 to North America also WLIO-TV Lima OH SAP [including Sirius Satellite Radio channel 140] Sat 1732 WOR World FM, Tawa, Wellington, New Zealand 88.5 [from WRN] Sat 2030 WOR Radio Free Veronica [NEW] Sat 2300 WOR Radio Studio X 1584 http://www.radiostudiox.it/ Sun 0230 WOR Radio Free Veronica [NEW] Sun 0230 WOR WWCR3 5070 Sun 0630 WOR WWCR1 3215 Sun 0730 WOR World FM, Tawa, Wellington, New Zealand 88.5 Sun 0800 WOR WRMI 9955 NEW Sun 0830 WOR WRN to North America, also WLIO-TV Lima OH SAP [including Sirius Satellite Radio channel 140] Sun 0830 WOR KSFC Spokane WA 91.9 Sun 0830 WOR WXPR Rhinelander WI 91.7 91.9 100.9 Sun 0830 WOR WDWN Auburn NY 89.1 [unconfirmed] Sun 0830 WOR KTRU Houston TX 91.7 [occasional] Sun 1030 MR WRMI 9955 [maybe not every week; likely jammed] Sun 1230 WOR R. Veronica 91.3 Sun 1300 WOR KRFP-LP Moscow ID 92.5 Sun 1400 COM KRFP-LP Moscow ID 92.5 [monthly] Sun 1530 WOR WRMI 7385 [temp] Sun 1732 WOR WRN1 to North America also WLIO-TV Lima OH SAP [including Sirius Satellite Radio channel 140] Sun 1732 WOR World FM, Tawa, Wellington, New Zealand 88.5 [from WRN] Mon 0300 WOR WBCQ 9330-CLSB Mon 0330 WOR WSUI Iowa City IA 910 Mon 0415 WOR WBCQ 7415 Mon 1800 WOR RFPI Mon 2115 MR WWCR1 15825 Mon 2200 WOR RFPI Tue 0200 WOR RFPI Tue 0600 WOR RFPI Tue 1000 WOR RFPI Tue 1400 WOR RFPI Wed 0930 WOR WWCR1 9985 Latest edition of this schedule version, with hotlinks to station sites and audio, is at: http://www.worldofradio.com/radioskd.html For updates see our Anomaly Alert page: http://www.worldofradio.com/anomaly.html WRN ON DEMAND: http://new.wrn.org/listeners/stations/station.php?StationID=24 OUR ONDEMAND AUDIO [also CONTINENT OF MEDIA, MUNDO RADIAL] http://www.worldofradio.com/audiomid.html or http://wor.worldofradio.org WORLD OF RADIO PODCASTS: www.obriensweb.com/wor.xml THIS WEEK`S WORLD OF RADIO IS EXTRA 71 New CONTINENT OF MEDIA 06-08 from http://www.dxing.com/conmedia.htm (stream) http://www.dxing.com/com/com0608.ram (download) http://www.dxing.com/com/com0608.rm NETS TO YOU Sept by John Norfolk: http://www.w4uvh.net/nets2you.html DXLD YAHOOGROUP: Why wait for DXLD? A lot more info, not all of it appearing in DXLD later, is posted at our yg. When applying, please identify yourself with your real name and location. Here`s where to sign up http://groups.yahoo.com/group/dxld/ ** AFGHANISTAN [non]. UK: Radio Solh (presumed) 17700 at 1600 in Dari or something similar. I haven't been paying attention to this station lately but I don't recall any logging within the past month. Just music, no ID at TOH. PWBR says via UK, tho' I recall it being via UAE a while back. Fair. 73/ (Liz Cameron, Michigan, Aug 30, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) Yes, I noticed 17700 was coming in around 1330 Aug 30; conditions are picking up as equinox approaches (gh, DXLD) ** ANTARCTICA. Subject: [HCDX] Fw: [DXA-leden] 15476 kHz Poor signal, good audio. Try the 15476 khz R. Nacional Arcángel San Gabriel op 15476 khz weer van de partij best in usb. Greetings (Maurits van Driessche, Belgium, dxa111, DXA-Leden yg Aug 31 at ``9:49 pm`` (via HCDX, 2002 UT, via DXLD) ** AUSTRALIA. VL8A, Alice Springs NT: 2310 observed after quite a long time, at 1846-1906, 29 Aug, English, songs, talks; only audible 120 m band outlet; 25321 and deteriorating. 4835 audible at 2143-2208, 27 Aug, English, talks on local plants & flowers, music; 54433 but deteriorating; avoidable het with Mali 4835.4. 2325, VL8T, Tennant Creek NT, 2052-..., 29 Aug, English (tentative), talks; 15231; inaudible on // 2310 or 2485 at the same time (Carlos Gonçalves, Portugal, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Dear Glenn, 2485, VL8K, Katherine, Australia, 2110-2130, Aug 31, back on the air with new transmitter with own programme, not // Alice Springs on 2310 and Tennant Creek on 2325 also heard, English chatting, talk about Australia and nuclear weapons, pop songs, 35343. Best 73, (Anker Petersen, Denmark, Sept 1, DX LISTENING DIGEST) And now his full report: Dear friends, Here is what I heard in Skovlunde, Denmark on my AOR AR7030PLUS with a 28 metres longwire: 2310, 2105-2130* 31-08, VL8A, Alice Springs, English talk, pop song, 35343 // 2325 AP-DNK 2325, 2105-2130 31-08, VL8T, Tennant Creek, English talk, pop song, 25343 // 2310 AP-DNK N2485, 2110-2130 31-08, VL8K, Katherine, English chatting, talk about Australia and nuclear weapons, pop songs 35343 - back on the air after refurbishment. Own programme AP-DNK 4835, *2130-2140 31-08, VL8A, Alice Springs, English news read by man and woman, 33333, Heterodyne Mali. 4910 and 5025 could not be heard. (Anker Petersen, Denmark, via Dario Monferini, playdx yg via DXLD) ** AUSTRALIA [non]. Reception has finally improved on Aug 30, so at 1429 I could hear CVC via Germany on 15795 at 1429 with news and sports headlines by woman with Oz accent. This is a transmission scheduled to end after Aug 31, as per DX Mix News, Bulgaria in 6-106: 1400-1700 15795 JUL 100 kW / 160 deg to WeAs English till Aug. 31 1200-1500 13830 JUL 100 kW / 060 deg to EaEu English But will continue on 13830 during the 1400 hour (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) On 13830 1200-1500 they now test in Russian, as well as on 13800 1500- 1700. A block of music and announcements is repeated each 30 minutes. The reception in Moscow is very poor until 1400, due to a strong "firedrake" on the same frequency (per EiBi, there is RFA in Tibetan: 13830 1100-1400 USA Radio Free Asia TB CHN /TJK) --- 73! (Sergey Nikishin, Moscow, Russia, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) So the English transmissions all summer/winter have just been a stalking horse for Russian (gh, DXLD) ** BOLIVIA. R. Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, 6134.8, 0010-0103* Aug 26. Mostly continuous Spanish talk. 0017 & 0059 IDs. Many music bridges, some talk over flute music. 0100 closing announcements and 0103 sign- off with flute music. Fair; best in ECSS-LSB to avoid weak unID station on 6135 (Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg PA, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** BURKINA FASO. Another "interesting" African station: 7230 / 5030, R. Burkina. Even yesterday, 29/8, both outlets were "pumping" the carrier, no audio. Don't they notice this?! (Carlos Gonçalves, Portugal, Aug 30, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CANADA [non]. The 13 MHz CODAR normally doesn`t affect frequencies as high as 13655, where I listen to RCI a lot in the mornings, but its swish-swish could be heard Aug 30 at 1420. It was much worse, of course, against CVC 13630 and WINB 13570, but I could also detect it on an open frequency as high as 13685 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CANADA. Application: CBA [1070] Moncton conversion to FM http://www.crtc.gc.ca/archive/ENG/Hearings/2006/n2006-9.htm 46. Moncton, New Brunswick --- Application No. 2006-0763-2 Application by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation to convert radio station CBA Moncton from the AM band to the FM band. The new radio station would operate on frequency 106.1 MHz (channel 291C1) with an effective radiated power of 69,500 watts (non-directional antenna/antenna height of 211 metres). The applicant is requesting permission to simulcast the programming of the new FM station on CBA for a period of 3 months from the date of implementation of the new FM station (via Ricky Leong, DXLD) This would be a major loss to the CBC Radio One listening audience in much of SE Canada, and NE USA. CBA 1070, I am sure, is the best or only place to hear CBC in many remote and non-Canadian locations, as well as for anyone preferring to use AM radio at home or in car. It`s at the same site as RCI in Sackville, and I believe originally was identified with Sackville rather than Moncton, the nearest larger town, pronounced MUNK-tunn (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Wow! CBA. I am glad I QSL'd that one some years back. I wonder if any plans have changed to keep the Western CBC stations on AM? When I talked to the CE at CBU and CFPR some years ago, both told me that there were no plans to move any of the powerhouse CBCs here in the West. The FMers just could not cover the area nearly as well. Even CBXQ 540 on Vancouver Island. That one stays on AM for the same reason. 73, (Patrick Martin, Come to Seaside Oregon for the 2006 IRCA Convention! It will be held at the Comfort Inn on September 22-24, 2006, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Five Canadian AM stations, including CBA-1070 Moncton NB, have applied to move to FM: CBA-1070 Moncton NB has applied to the CRTC to move to FM (106.1 MHZ, 69.5 kW). This would leave the CBC with only six 50 kW AM stations (CBU, CBR, CBX, CBK, CBW and CJBC) in Canada: http://www.crtc.gc.ca/archive/ENG/Hearings/2006/n2006-9.htm#46 [The others:] Application by CJNB-1050 North Battleford Saskatchewan to move to FM (102.9 MHz, 100 kW): http://www.crtc.gc.ca/archive/ENG/Hearings/2006/n2006-9.htm#27 Application by CHVO-560 Carbonear (official COL Spaniard's Bay) Newfoundland to move to FM (103.9 MHZ, 14 kW): http://www.crtc.gc.ca/archive/ENG/Hearings/2006/n2006-9.htm#44 Application by CFWB-1490 Campbell River BC to move to FM (106.1 MHz, 663 W): http://www.crtc.gc.ca/archive/ENG/Hearings/2006/n2006-9.htm#49 Application by CHQB-1280 Powell River BC to move to FM (94.1 MHz, 9.2 kW): http://www.crtc.gc.ca/archive/ENG/Hearings/2006/n2006-9.htm#52 73, (Deane McIntyre VE6BPO, AB, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC [and non]. The other two African "puzzles" if I may say so kept puzzling me for days after first stumbling into them: 7220, R. Centrafrique, 17 AUG 1019-1211 7270, RD. TV Gabonaise, 26 AUG 1338-1520 I was unable to track them again since. Maybe it's due to propagation, but I'm really more inclined to believe they aren't regular. Guinea 7125 for instance is almost inaudible some days, off on others (I say "off" because neighbouring Mauritania 7245 is well heard), and very good on other occasions (Carlos Gonçalves, Portugal, Aug 30, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CHINA. Sichuan PBS, Chengdu, 7225.00, Aug 29, 1440 Chinese, brief male & female announcement after every pop song, local rendition of Dolly Parton's "I will always love you", pips on hour. New frequency in the clear between 1400 (BBC Nakhon off) and 1514 (DW Trincomalee on). Thanks to Mauno Ritola for IDing this. Mauno says this is // 6060 which I can't hear at my location. Looking through old WRTHs I noted 7225 mentioned for Sichuan in 1998 issue, so this frequency is a reactivation, it seems. First noted Aug 8 (Martien Groot, Netherlands, TenTec RX340, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 7225.0, PBS Sichuan, Sept 1, 1114-1132, with their Life, Travel and City Service program in Chinese, sound of phone ringing, on-air phone conversation, plays variety of music (Chinese pop song, traditional ballad, etc.), BoH their usual program ID in Chinese and English, ``This is the Voice of Golden Bridge``, fair, //6060, which was under Argentina but getting stronger. For the past month 6060 has been too weak and in QRM to ID this program, but by 1230-1300 was usually fair, but by then the Voice of Golden Bridge program was not on. Is nice to be able to hear them on this new frequency. This is from Chengdu, capital of Sichuan province, in southwest China. Thanks very much to Mauno Ritola and Martien Groot (Ron Howard, Monterey, CA, RX340, with T2FD antenna, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) see also MALAYSIA ** CHINA [and non]. Firedrake still going on 20m, 14050, Aug 30 at 1325 with good signal; considerably weaker at 1424 recheck. Aug 31 at 1327 it was poorly audible; Sept 1 at 1315 inaudible but that doesn`t mean it was not on. Tuning 7270 for the Gabon report, Aug 30 at 1439, I find the frequency dominated by Firedrake, along with the usual het. Firedrake seems to be // 14050 and 15285, and still going after 1500 altho losing out to increasing local noise level. ILG explains this: clandestine V. of China is now on 7270 at 1430-1530; Anyhow, Firedrake blots out much chance of hearing Gabon, Malaysia or anything else during this hour now. As for how far into daylight 7 MHz can hold up, this was three hours after sunrise here. Japan 7190 still audible too, and Australia 7240 still listenable, tho NZ 7145 was just about gone (Glenn Hauser, Enid OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) See also GABON! ``So we have 2 intruders - jammer and the station being jammed...`` Yes, I sent a recording of what the mainland was jamming a number of days ago & caught it four or five more times again today. Can only imagine now, given the official "denial" from CTARL, that it is an amateur who is operating the pirate station (being protected by a silent united front of other BV amateurs) or that the pirate station has the blessing of local BV government with either the BVs being somewhat sympathetic, afraid of Ah-bian or maybe even in cohoots with whoever is involved. This being an amateur fits with the bigger signal on 20m - either better antenna (like a beam) or power (like an amp). I could never hear SoH on 17 - now on 20, it is often 20 over S9 (Hainan jammer often pegs S-meter here). My money is on the pirate being in southern BV - although could very well be as far north as BV4. 73, (VR2BrettGraham, HK, Aug 31, DX LISTENING DIGEST) This morning's recording should, for those who do not know _any_ Chinese, convince that the pirate is Falun Gong (Faat Leon Gong in these parts)... you can hear FLG mentioned a few times in the attachment. Now, FLG could not transmit from inside China. Then think about the places in general direction this pirate is coming from - which place with diplomatic relations with the mainland would allow such transmissions from its soil? It has to be BV [Taiwan]. I have my rotary dipole back up, but so far arrival angle has not been right for me to get a null on it. But plenty of the FLG pirate in the clear the last few days - I would expect those TAs [trans-Asiatics?] with DF capability to have been able to get a bearing on it by now (hint, hint ;^). Although BV has no relations with anything but a dwindling number of banana republics, all the major countries do have varying levels of clandestine official interface through trade representative offices. BV somehow can IDD & receive IDD, send & receive international post, as well as a fair amount of civil aviation links. None of this is possible without some sort of administrative contact and therefore one would expect it possible for some sort of complaint to be made once the pirate is tracked down. Get rid of the pirate & the jamming should go away. The jamming is there for a reason. It wasn't there before, was it? One more comment - I would suggest that the only valid conclusion that can be made from hearing the program material being used to modulate the Hainan transmitter is that it is the same jammer. Has this SoH program material been heard any further beyond an amateur band than 18200? Unless someone can clearly hear SoH ID or some program material discussing FLG on some other frequency, what we have is ham-band-only operation from this pirate - a _very_ important data point, IMHO. Southern BV is Ah-bian's home turf - I'm afraid it all fits pretty darn well, right down to the denials from our BV friends. 73, (VR2BrettGraham, Hong Kong, PRC, Sept 1, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Brett, Sorry, but SOH is not confined to the ham bands. They have a 3- hour M-F broadcast at 14-17 UT via KWHR in Hawaii on 9930; and here is another recent log in DXLD 6-108 along with further monitoring of another FLG service (Glenn Hauser, to Brett, via DXLD) 11765 & 11700 ** CONGO. ...maybe: 5985, 1758-1830*, Aug 30+31, SINPO 33333, best in LSB mode, News in French by male and female, much on Africa, only short musical piece at the end, but I'm quite sure that it's Radio Congo. 73 (Thorsten Hallmann, Münster, http://www.africalist.de.ms DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CUBA. 5025, R. Rebelde, Bauta, is not an easy catch this early, chiefly when co-channel Benin is still very strong, but was perceived at 2132-..., 28 Aug, Spanish, songs, talks; 12341, QRM de BEN, very strong. 9506.4, R. Rebelde (tentative), Bauta, 1212-..., 30 Aug, Spanish, talks; 15331; fade out before 1300. If not CUBA, then what? (Carlos Gonçalves, Portugal, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CUBA. Hello, I noticed something interesting today while listening to the 2100 UT English and 2130 UT French programs of Radio Havana Cuba on 11760. In between the English and French programs, while there was a 30 second moment of silence I could hear a Spanish number station, woman giving numbers. Wonder if it is some mixing product at the Havana transmitter site. It's not image; I was using my kenwood R- 5000. Anyone else noticed this? (Gilles Létourneau, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Wasn`t listening then, but there have been other occasional reports of such mixups, sometimes I think with RHC audio being heard on number- station frequencies. 73, (Glenn to Gilles, via DXLD) ** CZECH REPUBLIC. RADIO PRAGUE CELEBRATES ITS 70TH BIRTHDAY TOMORROW [= Aug 31] Tomorrow is Radio Prague`s 70th birthday. On 31 August 1936, the first ever programme in English was broadcast from Prague and the date is considered the birth of the international shortwave service in Czechoslovakia. We take this opportunity to wish our friends and colleagues at Radio Prague a very happy birthday. To mark the occasion, Radio Prague`s Ian Willoughby paid a visit to the place from where the first programme was broadcast in 1936; Radio Prague’s original transmission centre is a very interesting building just outside the central Bohemian town of Podebrady, and is now home to a golf club. Ian’s guide was Oldrich Cip, Czech Radio’s shortwave expert. Among the issues that came up are why Radio Prague was established, what was the content of early programmes, what jamming entailed - and much more. Read the two-part Web feature and listen to the audio http://www.radio.cz/en/article/82638 The occasion is also marked by an interview with Radio Prague’s editor-in-chief Gerald Schubert who stresses that in 2006, Radio Prague is much more than a shortwave radio station. Radio Prague’s editor-in-chief on Radio Prague in 2006 http://www.radio.cz/en/article/82665 (August 30th, 2006, 14:54 UTC by Andy, Media Network blog via DXLD) 5930.0, 2000-2027 31-08, R Prague English programme about its 70 years Anniversary [sic] today with many old recordings. Special QSL-card promised 44444 // 11600 (25232) (Anker Petersen, Denmark, via Dario Monferini, playdx yg via DXLD) ** ETHIOPIA. R. Fana, New 7210, *0255-0335+ Aug 26. Sign-on with IS, 0302 local Horn of Africa music, vernacular talk. // 6110 = very weak under BBC [Spanish via WHRI]. 7210 weak under BBC at *0258-0329*. 7210 in the clear with a fair signal after BBC [Swahili via Rampisham] sign-off at 0329 (Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg PA, DX LISTENING DIGEST) See also MALAYSIA According to info received from Radio Fana, Ethiopia, they still use mediumwave 1080 kHz with 3 kW (Jari Savolainen, Kuusankoski, Finland, Sept 1, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** EUROPE. EUROPirates --- 3277.8, unID Greek station, 2120-.., 20 Aug, Greek songs; 45332; this is actually a harmonic of fundamental 1638.9 rated 45343. 6295, Reflections Europe, Ireland, 1929-..., 28 Aug, English, religious propaganda; 55444; // 3910 at 55333. 3927, The Spaceman, Holland, observed 2143-2212, 26 Aug, Dutch/English, pops and few talks; 55343. 4025.3, Laser Hot Hits, Ireland, noted 2117-..., 19 Aug, English, talks, music and songs, reading of reception reports; 34231; parallel 6274.2 & 6220 (Carlos Gonçalves, Portugal, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** FINLAND. SCANDINAVIAN WEEKEND RADIO 1-2 SEPTEMBER Welcome to listen SWR's September 2006 transmission - 24 hours on 1602 KHz MW and on SW's....! Reception reports are highly appreciated and specially important is info of best and worsiest times on each frequency as well knowledge of source and type of interference - this info will help us much when planning our winter schedule. All correct reports with handling cost of 2 Euro/2 IRC's (correctly stamped!) will be verified with our QSL-card. Postal address for reports is SWR, P O Box 99, 34801 Virrat, Finland. More info can be found: http://www.swradio.net Programe schedule (times local Finnish time) [subtract 3 h for UT] 00-02 TrickyTrevs Music for lovers 02-07 SWR crew - open studio 07-08 Science corner by Esa. 08-10 Huomenta-Good Morning Virrat by Häkä 10-11 Luontopläjäys. Lähderetki. 2. esitys 11-12 Kotimainen musiikkihetki. Irvin Goodman 12-13 Radio news by Rick Random & Radiolehtikatsaus 13-14 SWR Crew 14-16 TrickyTrev Crazy Show. 16-18 EDXC Special. Kolme vuosikymmentä kokouksia Suomessa. 18-19 Pohjanmaa vuonna nolla. Olavi Letku ja Tenho Liiteri 19-20 Progressive rock and other strange things by Esa 20-21 SWR Crew 21-22 Saunan lämmitys - varming up the Sauna by Häkä 22-23 SWR Crew 23-24 Closing seremony by Häkä Here's our A06 schedule for this transmission day: MW 24 hours 1602 kHz 48 MB 00-01 (21-22 UT) 6170 kHz 01-06 (22-03 UT) 5980 kHz 06-19 (03-16 UT) 6170 kHz 19-21 (16-18 UT) 5980 kHz 21-24 (18-21 UT) 6170 kHz 25 MB 00-09 (21-06 UT) 11720 kHz 09-14 (06-11 UT) 11690 kHz 14-21 (11-18 UT) 11720 kHz 21-24 (18-21 UT) 11690 kHz 73 (Alpo Heinonen, Scandinavian Weekend Radio, Sept 1, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** GABON [and non]. The other two African "puzzles" if I may say so kept puzzling me for days after first stumbling into them: 7220, R. Centrafrique, 17 AUG 1019-1211 7270, RD. TV Gabonaise, 26 AUG 1338-1520 I was unable to track them again since. Maybe it's due to propagation, but I'm really more inclined to believe they aren't regular. Guinea 7125 for instance is almost inaudible some days, off on others (I say "off" because neighbouring Mauritania 7245 is well heard), and very good on other occasions (Carlos Gonçalves, Portugal, Aug 30, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Re 7270, See also CHINA, MALAYSIA Re This Gabon-Chaos-Item yesterday --- Hi, RTG transmitter is most likely not at Moyabi, but near Libreville, and not 250 kW. Tony Rogers (BDXC) gives site as Melen and power as 100 kW. ``RTG is not "now using their daytime frequency only" (Ludwig). Recently there have been some logs on 4777 *0500. Last winter in Europe 7270 has also been logged *0800 and 4770 *1600 and 1700* or 1900*, so it's been likely still as "shown in WRTH 1995 as on air 0800-1600 (other times on 4777)" though other times are also quite limited to local daytime. I think the good time for 41m in full daylight is over now in Europe. But in July I heard VON on 7255 without any problem at 1300 and why not Gabon in Arizona? "... on 7270.16 kHz and it signed off at 1559 (could also have been RTM Kuching?). The other is on 7270 kHz exact and it still continues at 1620." (Ritola) In fact both are expected signing off at 1600, but maybe Gabon dropped 4777 for only one hour in the afternoon after cutting back the regular evening transmission on SW to 1700*, maybe Malaysia went 24 hours or had a special nighttime broadcast? 73 (Thorsten Hallmann, Münster, Germany, http://www.africalist.de.ms Aug 30, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** GABON. Africa #1, 17630 at 1553 in French. Over CRI via Mali. 15475 at 1611 in French. Good but QRN. 9580 at 2200 in French. Good but as usual no sign of BSKSA prg 2 underneath. That program must be gone (Liz Cameron, Michigan, Aug 30, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** GERMANY [and non]. DW TO ABANDON WERTACHTAL, SHUT DOWN SHORTWAVE TO NORTH AMERICA? Information from reliable sources indicates that Deutsche Welle will be on air via the Wertachtal transmitters for the last time on New Year's Eve. Programmes in Albanian, Bulgarian, Croatian, Mazedonian, Polish, Serbian and Turkish (including Romany from RBB) will be entirely taken off shortwave at this date (Polish is already on air only via Sines anymore). Deutsche Welle will continue to use Nauen, at least for the time being (remember that their contract with VT includes an option to substantially increase the airtime beyond the initial 90 frequency hours). Some Wertachtal transmissions will move to Nauen, the remainder will go to the VT facilities in the UK, including 6075. A webboard posting from an anonymous but usually reliable source indicates that Deutsche Welle will soon cancel all shortwave transmissions to the USA (as in the original, so North America = USA at DW?): http://forum.mysnip.de/read.php?8773,440241,441462,sv=1#msg-441462 Otherwise this posting is about DRM on IFA, how much of all the promises made in last year became reality (nothing) and which news can be expected this year (none). (Kai Ludwig, Germany, Sept 1, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) Hasn't DW already dropped English to N Am? German is probably the only service available to cut (Jerry Lenamon, TX, ibid.) Certainly, but there is still quite a lot of German. Hmmm, maybe they have figured out that their German-speaking SW audience in NAm could only be a tiny fraxion of the abandoned English-speaking audience (gh) ** GUINEA [and non]. 7125 for instance is almost inaudible some days, off on others (I say "off" because neighbouring Mauritania 7245 is well heard), and very good on other occasions (Carlos Gonçalves, Portugal, Aug 30, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** INDIA. AIR Imphal, Leh, Kargil etc. Dear Friends, Here are my monitoring observations of interest on AIR today 1 Sept 2006. 1. In today morning AIR News I heard that 3 stations in Kashmir will start broadcasting today, viz Kargil 684 kHz 200 kW and low power relay stations in Tiesuru and Drass. 2. AIR Imphal noted sign on at 0000 UT on 4775 kHz (They used to sign on at 0030) 3. AIR Leh noted sign on at 0130 UT on 4760 (Used to sign on at 0213.) 4. The Kashmir station noted on 25 August night on 4765.8 was Leh itself which signed off at 1700 UT that day. The updated SW schedule of AIR as on 1 Sept 2006 in frequency order is now available at: http://www.qsl.net/vu2jos/sw/freq.htm The same copy has been uploaded to the Files area of the dx_india group and is available to those having yahoo ids at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/dx_india/files/AIR%20SW%20Sept%20khz.xls Yours sincerely, 73 (Jose Jacob, VU2JOS, National Institute of Amateur Radio, India, Aug 31, dx_india yg via DXLD) ** INDONESIA. VOI reactivated on 9525.0, after a few weeks` absence, as I have checked just about every morning, good clear signal in Indonesian talk 1312 August 30 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Thanks Glenn. Noted VOI on 9525, Aug 31, 1019-1042 with good reception, Thai programming with pop music, BoH changed over to Chinese. I also check this one most days, but was focused on PBS Nei Menggu, so did not catch their first day back (Ron Howard, Monterey, CA, Etón E5, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) Yes, still there during the 1300 hour at least on Aug 31, Sept 1 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** INTERNATIONAL INTERNET. RADIO FREE VERONICA NOW ONLINE Good afternoon All, The exciting news from Radio Veronica is that our new Internet Radio Service, "Radio Free Veronica" went online last night, August 29, at 6:00 PM [EDT = UT -4]. It is our hope that this new global internet radio service will be a reliable and continuing source for peace and truth in our troubled world. Radio Free Veronica is a 24/7 service that broadcasts a wide array of alternative, progressive, and independent programming. We are excited that so many of our programmers from Veronica-FM are also going to appear on RFV. Our new RFV schedule is designed as a daily 6-hour rotation. In other words, each program scheduled to be heard every six hours on its scheduled day. For instance a program scheduled to be broadcast at 0000 will also be broadcast at 0600, 1200, and 1800 [EDT]. Each program is also aired on two separate days per week. This gives each program eight plays per week in varying time slots to maximize audience reach. The exception to this "two day" rule is our daily newscasts, Democracy Now and Free Speech Radio News, which of course only appear on their days of production. The schedule on our home page contains links to your programs. There is also a second page with your logos containing hyperlinks to your website. Here is an alphabetical listing of all programming on Radio Free Veronica and their respective air-times. ALL LISTED TIMES ARE EASTERN TIME [ADD FOUR HOURS FOR UT!!] A World of Possibilities: Wed 0100, 0700, 1300, 1900; Sun 0200, 0800, 1600, 2200 Alternative Radio: Tue 0100, 0700, 1300, 1900; Sat 0300, 0900, 1500, 2100 Between the Lines: Building Bridges: Tue 0230, 0830, 1430, 2030; Sat 0530, 1130, 1730, 2330 Counterspin: Mon 0400, 1000, 1600, 2200; Sat 0000, 0600, 1200, 1800 Democracy Now: Mon thru Fri 0000, 0600, 1200, 1800 Echoes of A Century: Tue 0500, 1100, 1700, 2300; Sun 0000, 0600, 1200, 1800 Free Speech Radio News: Mon thru Fri 0300, 0900, 1500, 2100 Honoring Mother Earth/Indigenous Voices: Thu 0100, 0700, 1300, 1900; Sun 0500, 1100, 1700, 2300 Making Contact: Thu 0200, 0800, 1400, 2000; Sun 0400, 1000, 1600, 2200 Mind Over Matters: Wed 0500, 1100, 1700, 2300; Sat 0030, 0630 1230, 1830 Progressive Radio: Tue 0200, 0800, 1400, 2000; Thu 0500, 1100, 1600, 2200 Radio Free School: Thu 0530, 1130, 1730, 2330; Sat 0130, 0730, 1330, 1930 Radio Nation: Fri 0100, 0700, 1300, 1900; Sun 0300, 0900, 1500, 2100 Scan Dot Org: Mon 0530, 1130, 1730, 2330; Thu 0400, 1000, 1600, 2200 Short Wave Report: Tue 0330, 0930, 1530, 2130; Fri 0330, 0930, 1530, 2130 Spiritual Awakening: Mon 0430, 1030, 1630, 2230; Fri 0230, 0830, 1430, 2030 Sue Supriano: Wed 0230, 0830, 1430, 2030; Sun 0430, 1030, 1630, 2230 Talk Nation Radio: Mon 0330, 0930, 1530, 2130; Thu 0430, 1030, 1630, 2230 This Way Out: Wed 0330, 0930, 1530, 2130; Sat 0100, 0700, 1300, 1900 TUC Radio: Thu 0330, 0930, 1530, 2130; Sun 0100, 0700, 1300, 1900 Voices of Our World: Wed 0530, 1130, 1730, 2330; Sat 0400, 1000, 1600, 2200 Vyzygoth's Grassy Knoll: Wed 0400, 1000, 1600, 2200; Sat 0200, 0800, 1400, 2000 Unwelcome Guests: Mon 0100, 0700, 1300, 1900; Fri 0300, 0900,1500, 2100 War News Radio: Tue 0400, 1000, 1600, 2200; Sun 0130, 0730, 1330, 1930 War's Toll: Mon 0500, 1100, 1700, 2300; Fri 0200, 0800, 1400, 2000 World of Radio: Thu 0230, 0830, 1430, 2030; Sat 0430, 1030, 1630, 2230 World Report: Tue 0515, 1115, 1715, 2315; Fri 0215, 0815, 1430, 2030 Thanks for your continued participation in Radio Veronica's efforts to bring "a better way" to our world. Sincerely, (Rene' F. Tetro, Radio Veronica (US), West Point, PA, Aug 30, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** IRAN [non]. CLANDESTINE, 4374, V. of Communist Party of Iran (tentative), northern Iraq (?), 1821-1830*, 29 Aug, Farsi (hard to perceive on account of the [Iranian] jamming signal), talks; 22341. (Carlos Gonçalves, Portugal, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** ISRAEL. Just a reminder, as per the Summer Kol Israel schedule, as of Sep 1, the following frequency changes for Israel Radio English and Reshet Bet (Hebrew) occur. All times UT: English: 0330: 7530 (NAm/Eu) 9345(NAm/Eu) 17600 (Australia - unchanged) Reshet Bet - Hebrew: At these hours, replace 11585/11590 at these times: 2000-2300: 9400 2300-0330: 9345 0400-0500: 9345 Full shortwave schedule, including the changes for the other languages: From IBA - in local Israel Time: http://www.iba.org.il/doc/shortwaves.pdf In UT: http://israelradio.org/sw.htm The domestic REKA 954 MW transmitter which was off the air as of last week, is no longer listed as off the air on the IBA website. I have yet to confirm if it has been repaired (Doni Rosenzweig, NY, Sept 1, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 5915: see ZAMBIA ** ITALY. Rai closing broadcast to Canada, as announced to 1425* Aug 30 on 17780 with the ever-squealing transmitter (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** JAPAN. Another Excellent Asian AM: Aug 31 --- Another excellent Asian AM, with lots of signals even 90 minutes before dawn. Nothing was quite at the stunning levels of a few of the sigs yesterday, but most sigs seemed more stable, over-all. There were more Japanese than normal and fewer Chinese and Koreans than expected and the JJs at the bottom of the dial (below 774) seemed to be doing better than usual. The pick of the litter for me was listening to the NHK2 weather on 1152 and hearing a semi-imaginary ID at 1319 of Kuchiro (western Hokkaido). The other NHK-2 station on 1152 is in Kochi, far to the south on Shikoku Island. I've never been able to catch that ID at Grayland and I don't think that they have ever been in audio here before. Right now, the local ID time for NHK-2 is smack in the middle of max. dawn. That NHK2 weather show (1300 to 1319 UT) has to be the hands-down winner for the most boring show ever broadcast. It is almost exclusively listings of the 50 or so largest cities in Japan, followed by temperatures. I think that they go through the list three or four times, with daily high temps., low temps, then forecast highs and lows --- I think. My Japanese is very rusty and I go crazy after the 10th or 11th city. They go from northern Hokkaido south to southern Kyushu and follow each city with a single temperature. They never say, during the list, whether it`s the high or low temp, just the city name and a number. So, when they are working on northern Honshu, it might be: "Aomori, ni-ju,san; Akita, ni-ju hachi; Morioka, ni-ju ichi, etc." In Japanese "ni-ju" is 20, so 23 degrees Celsius is "ni-ju san" Does anyone (but DXers) listen to this trash??? Do they do audience research in Japan??? Anyway, that's off my chest. It as a very nice Asian AM. Hope that you get a chance to be bored by the Weather show soon! :>) (John Bryant, WA, Aug 31, IRCA via DXLD) ** KASHMIR. See INDIA ** KOREA NORTH [non]. Shiokaze, 9485 via Taiwan, had been reported in English the past few Wednesdays, but not Aug 30: Japanese, and quite a good signal today, at 1312 check. Let`s see if it`s still in English on Friday. [Later:] Yes, it was Fri Sept 1, if the abbrs. Mr. or Mrs. preceding every name can be taken as proof of that; on Thu it was Japanese or Korean, not sure (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** LIBYA [and non]. Cf 6-130: Sawt Al-amal en 17640 kHz. Saludos cordiales, situación de Sawt Al-amal a 1 de Septiembre del 2006: MOLDAVIA, 17640, Sawt Al-amal, clandestina para Libia, parece haber tomado esta frecuencia cómo habitual, tanto el 31 de agosto cómo el 1 de septiembre se la puede escuchar desde las 1200 UT; hoy 1 de septiembre viene acompañada de una fuerte señal de interferencia en forma de burbuja, muy fuerte y atorando a Sawt Al-amal, la gran perjudicada La Voz de Rusia en su servicio en vietnamita transmitiendo por esa frecuencia. Por otra parte las emisiones jammer de La Voz de África parecen haber desaparecido por completo; tan sólo una emisión en 17660 se pudo escuchar el 31 de Agosto, en inglés, francés y árabe. Sin embargo hoy no se la escucha. Las emisiones musicales también parecen haber desaparecido (José Miguel Romero, Spain, Sept 1, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) Says Sawt al-Amel seems to have settled on 17640 and jamming has abated; nothing from V. of Africa, nor the music (Glenn Hauser, DXLD) ** LIBYA [non]. V. of Africa, via France, 17725, *1406-1559* Aug 25. English opening announcements and news about Middle East, many IDs. 1410 gave sked, hi-life music. 1418 about UN programs for African Union. 1427 news. 1507 program about reorganization of the AU. 1537 news again. 1559 abrupt sign-off. // 17850, both with fair level but slight hum (Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg PA, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** MALAYSIA. I did not see John Wilkins` report on Wai FM until Aug 31. Had been keeping an eye on 7270 myself for some time and from my own observations I have the impression that it is in fact Wai FM who are on 7270.16. Heard there in the clear on Aug 30 from 1605 (het off) to 1658 when powerhouse REE appeared on adjacent 7275 effectively making reception impossible. Apparently Wai FM were running late, there was some kind of Malay? on-the-spot coverage of some local event, later popsongs. The station closing at 1605 was on exact 7270.00. At a guess I would say this might have been Nei Menggu PBS. I realize NDXC website only lists Nei Menggu PBS here from 0045-0830 but I tentatively heard Mongolian on Aug 29 in the clear at 1600 (Wai FM off as scheduled) to carrier off 1608. I was right about Fana on 6109.94, but I may very well be wrong here. Anyone any comments please (Martien Groot, Netherlands, TenTec RX340) Best of DX, keep up the good work! 73, (Martien Groot, Schoorl, Netherlands martiengroot @ hetnet.nl Aug 31, DX LISTENING DIGEST) see also GABON ** MALI [and non]. Guinea 7125 for instance is almost inaudible some days, off on others (I say "off" because neighbouring Mauritania 7245 is well heard), and very good on other occasions (Carlos Gonçalves, Portugal, Aug 30, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** MOROCCO. 1126.5v, RTM-"A", site?, 2125-..., 27 Aug, Arabic, songs; 54444 but almost useless audio which seemed as if noise also modulated along to it, surely denoting a faulty (which?) transmitter; my DF indicated East of the country. It was still there the next day. Inaudible during the day (Carlos Gonçalves, Portugal, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** NEW ZEALAND. New schedule coming Sept 3: Radio New Zealand International The Voice of New Zealand, Broadcasting to the Pacific http://www.rnzi.com/pages/listen.php Te Reo Irirangi O Aotearoa, O Te Moana-Nui-A-Kiwa --- How to Listen Our direct broadcasts can be heard on short-wave as follows: 03 Sep 2006 - 29 Oct 2006 UTC kHz Target Azimuth 0659-1059 6095 AM Pacific 0 0659-1259 7145 DRM Pacific 0 1059-1259 9870 AM NW Pacific, Bougainville, PNG, Timor 325 1259-1750 7145 AM & 6095 DRM Pacific 0 1751-1850 9630 AM & 9440 DRM Pacific 35 1851-0658 13730 AM & 15720 DRM Pacific 0 (via Nino Marabello, DXLD) ** NIGERIA. Audio matters: R. Nigeria & V. of Nigeria audio is, well.... On 26/8 at 1511-1529, the former was putting better audio [7275??] than VON 7255, only the carrier was weaker. 73, (Carlos Gonçalves, Portugal, Aug 30, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** NORTH AMERICA. Per a posting on the Free Radio Net; listen for "south of the border" pirate Radio Caliente this weekend on 13995/U. Check Saturday 1700-1800 UT (MARE Tipsheet Sept 1 via DXLD) ** OKLAHOMA. I tried and tried to find this online at http://www.enidnews.com but without success; it`s part of an August 30 supplement, not the regular newspaper, which does have an almost daily column listing silly ballgames on radio, and that can show up on worldwide radio news-trawling searches. So, altho I have absolutely no use for SBGs and would rather miss DXing a station than have to listen to one in order to ID it, perhaps with illegal daytime facilities on Friday night, for the greater DXing good I put myself to retyping the following info, which is not in the format Art Blair so ably puts together, but still might help someone with IDs (and I hope Art has not already covered these). ``ENID WILL BE BROADCAST ON 2 LOCAL RADIO STATIONS The Enid Plainsmen will be the rare HS program to have two radio stations doing their football games – KCRC 1390 and KGWA 960. [no further details in this item] The Alva Goldbugs can be heard on KALV 1430. [no further details] KNID 99.7, KFXY 1640, and KOFM 103.1 will be doing a game of the week. [skipping the FM stations here] --- KFXY`s announced schedule includes Sept. 1, Chisholm at OBA [Oklahoma Bible Academy, Enid] Sept. 8, Crescent at Hennessey Sept. 15, Covington-Douglas at Kremlin-Hillsdale Sept. 22, OBA at Crescent Sept. 29, Weleetka at Cashion Oct. 6, Waukomis at Garber`` I point out once more that KFXY-1640, unlike most x-banders, voluntarily has a direxional pattern NNW/SSE to maximize coverage toward Enid and OKC from the site a few miles east of Hénnessey, which is in line between the two cities, and thus is seldom reported from direxions near nulls, ENE/WSW. It looks like none of these stations will need to cheat, altho KFXY might be tempted to run 10 kW instead of 1. Both KCRC-1390 and KGWA 960 are 1 kW with same power and pattern day and night. KCRC`s major lobe is just north of west. KGWA-960 major lobe is towards OKC to the SSE, with a minor lobe in the opposite direxion. Its site is on the NW edge of Enid. KALV 1430 Alva OK, which has remained on the air while in license- renewal limbo, is 500 watts day and night but with slightly different patterns; at night SW toward Roswell, strangely enough. This info based on the NRC Antenna Pattern Book, and the 2006 NRC AM log (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** OMAN. R. Sultanate of Oman, 15140, *1400-1420+ Aug 25 & 26, very low modulation but strong carrier and strong hum. Sign-on with English news, commentary followed by pop music. Barely audible by 1420 (Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg PA, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** PERU. [A survey of current SW activity, including the rare 10+ MHz one; segments are in time order, so perhaps from a few different days] RADIO MELODÍA - AREQUIPA - 5940 0010 UT -Música cumbias, ID OM RADIO SANTA ROSA – LIMA - 6045 0012 UT Rezo del Rosario, ID OM RADIO HUANCABAMBA - 6535 0015 UT Pasillos ecuatorianos RADIO LA VOZ DE LAS HUARINGAS - 6820 0018 UT Huaynos, ID OM RADIO VISION – CHICLAYO – 4790 0025 UT Charla religiosa, ID OM RADIO HUANTA 2000 - 4745 0030 UT cumbias, ID YL RADIO FRECUENCIA VH - 4485 0028 UT Huaynos, ID OM RADIO LUZ Y SONIDO – HUANUCO - 3235 0032 UT Musica religiosa, ID YL RADIO QUILLABAMBA - CUZCO - 5025 0035 UT charla religiosa, ID OM RADIO LA VOZ DEL BOLIVAR - LA LIBERTAD - 5460 0038 UT cumbias, ID OM RADIO REINA DE LA SELVA – AMAZONAS - 5485 1435 UT Música, ID OM RADIO SAN ANDRES – CAJAMARCA - 5545 0040 UT Cumbias, ID OM RADIO FRECUENCIA SAN IGNACIO – 5700 0042 UT Boleros, ID OM RADIO VICTORIA - LIMA - 6020 0045 UT, Charla religiosa, ID OM RADIO CHOTA – CAJAMARCA - 4890 0400 UT Huaynos en vivo, ID OM RADIO WILKAMAYU - CUZCO – 10354 1930 UT Huaynos, avisos, ID OM RADIO TAHUANTINSUYO – CUZCO - 0048 UT Huaynos, saludos, ID OM [no fq] RADIO [ends there; another entry missed?] [And one MW item; WRTH lists 3 other 1610s in Peru, but not this:] RADIO ALEGRIA – JULIACA 1610 2230 UT - Huaynos, ID OM RECEPTORES: GRUNDIG YB 400 PE, SONY ICF 7600 G ANTENAS: DIPOLO DE 25 MTS A 10 MTS DE ALTURA, EWE ESTE – OESTE SUPER LOOP DE CUADRO PARA MW, LOOP MAGNETICA PARA MW Teléfono Cell: 51-043- 9662832 Cesar_perezds @ yahoo.es perudx @ gmail.com NOTA: Primer ENCUENTRO DIEXISTA PERUANO – TARMA 2007 (CESAR PEREZ DIOSES, CHIMBOTE, PERU, Aug 30, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** POLAND. IF THEY WILL NOT STOP RADIO MARYJA FROM BROADCASTING HATE, THE EUROPEAN UNION SHOULD. --- POLISH PROSECUTOR'S DROPPING CASE AGAINST ANTI-SEMITIC RADIO STATION IS "DISGRACEFUL" New York, NY, August 30, 2006 --- The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) has strongly criticized the decision of a Polish prosecutor for dropping the case against a well-known anti-Semitic radio station for broadcasting an anti-Semitic rant, calling it "disgraceful." In April, Stanislaw Michalkiewicz, a regular commentator on Radio Maryja, a right-wing Catholic radio station with a mass audience, openly scorned the expropriation of Jewish property during the Holocaust . . . http://tinyurl.com/jj3zg (ADL via Jilly Dybka, WA4CZD, DXLD) ** SAUDI ARABIA. BSKSA, 15435 at 1615 in Arabic with "Voice of Islam". Talk format. Excellent signal. // 15315 moderate. Qur'an on 13710 in Arabic at 1618. Barely audible. // 15205 excellent. Just a trace on // 17560. Perhaps Turkish on 15345 at 1630 under Morocco but only presumed. No trace of Program 2 on 11855 at 1600-1700 or on 9580 from 2000. Program 1 alive and well at that time on 9555 and 9870. 73/ (Liz Cameron, Michigan, Aug 30, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** SLOVAKIA. MINISTRO DE CULTURA PROPONE RESTABLECER TRANSMISIONES INTERNACIONALES EN ONDA CORTA http://www.slovakradio.sk/inetportal/rsi/core.php?page=showSprava&id=3247&lang=6 Hudzovièová El ministro de Cultura, Marek Maïariè, presentará hoy en la reunión del Gabinete una propuesta de restablecimiento de las transmisiones al exterior en onda corta de la Radio Nacional Eslovaca. Como lo había declarado anteriormente Maïariè, su cartera tratará de que vuelvan al aire estas emisiones a partir del 31 de octubre de 2006. ``Dado que las transmisiones internacionales juegan un papel importante en la propagación de nuestro país en el exterior e informan sobre el acontecer sociopolítico y cultural diario en Eslovaquia, el Estado tiene la obligación de financiar esta actividad con partidas presupuestarias``, añadió Maïariè. (via José Miguel Romero, Spain, Aug 31, dxldyg via DXLD) Slovak names with accents mangled Above says that the Minister of Culture has proposed resuming external SWBC from Oct 31, but the following says an agreement *guaranteeing* the return of RSI to SW from 31 October has been reached. I wonder if they have anyone at HFCC? (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST) RADIO SLOVACCHIA TORNA IN ONDE CORTE Un accordo tra il ministero slovacco della cultura e la radio slovacca (SR) garantisce la ripresa delle trasmissioni in onde corte di Radio Slovakia International con la nuova stagione radiofonica dal 31 ottobre 2006. Lo stato assicurerà i mezzi finanziari. Lo annuncia il servizio tedesco del sito internet di Radio Slovakia International. Il ministro della cultura Madaric ha dichiarato tra l'altro che le trasmissioni in onde corte rappresentano un valore ineliminabile per la diffusione della situazione della Slovacchia nel mondo. Si sottolinea infine che - dopo la restrizione al solo satellite per l'Europa delle trasmissioni per l'estero - la Radio Slovacca ha perso totalmente la possibilità di essere ricevuta in America ed Australia (Cobisi via rr ml via Roberto Scaglione, Sicily, Aug 30, bclnews.it via DXLD) Why isn`t this headline news on RSI`s webpage in English? Well, only this is found in their Aug 30 file, and it was not quite so certain: CULTURE MINISTER INTERESTED IN THE SITUATION OF RADIO SLOVAKIA INTERNATIONAL --- Culture Minister Marek Madaric wants to allow Radio Slovakia International to broadcast again via shortwave. The broadcast was cancelled at the end of June due to the lack of funds. Radio Slovakia International needs 921,000 euro to cover the cost of its shortwave broadcast (via Glenn Hauser, DXLD) ** SURINAME. 4990, R. Apintie, Paramaribo, quite a seldom catch here these days, noted at 2210-2219, 27 Aug, Dutch, talks during some phone-in show or program; 24421 (Carlos Gonçalves, Portugal, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** TURKEY. Live from Turkey, Thu Aug 31 at 1310-1325 on VOT 15450 had fair to good reception, and perennial caller David Crystal from Israel with his comments about recent strife; this starts at 1250. Believe they also expected him back next Tuesday, which would be on the later broadcast at 1850 on 9785 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. BROADCAST BIGWIG ACCUSED OF FUNDS MISUSE -- by Joe Gandelman Remember the guy who was going to shake up Public Broadcasting because he felt it was biased in one direction? His problems aren't vanishing: Democrats are pushing for the ouster of the chairman of the Broadcasting Board of Governors who is accused of misusing government money, overbilling for his time and hiring a friend as a consultant. Does this mean there is cronyism in the Bush administration and other things perhaps a bit worse? . . . http://www.themoderatevoice.com/posts/1156946749.shtml (via Al Quaglieri, NY, DXLD) ** U S A. EDITORIAL --- HOMESTRETCH FOR A HACK Published: August 31, 2006 http://www.nytimes.com/2006/08/31/opinion/31thu3.html?ex=1157601600&en=7debfde3c3adbad6&ei=5070&emc=eta1 The spectacle of a high federal appointee brazenly pleading preoccupation with the war on terror when called to account for billing for unwarranted paydays --- while running a horse racing operation from his State Department office --- sounds like the stuff of a wise-guy Broadway musical. Or an indictment. So far neither is in the cards for Kenneth Tomlinson, the Republican ideologue ousted last November in an earlier ethics scandal at the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. Once again Mr. Tomlinson has been caught up to his old tricks, this time as chairman of the separate agency that runs the Voice of America. Investigators found that Mr. Tomlinson, who owns a thoroughbred stable, used office time tending to Karzai, Massoud and his other horses and still had the temerity to bill the government for more than the 130 workdays he was limited to by law. He also hired a friend and signed off on $244,000 in two years’ undocumented compensation. Mr. Tomlinson should have been humbled by his previous troubles. Investigators found he repeatedly broke ethics rules by packing the Public Broadcasting payroll with Republican partisans and pushing for a $4 million deal to “balance” public television with conservative polemicists. But Mr. Tomlinson, who has close ties to the White House, double-billed the government for 14 workdays on which investigators discovered his two broadcasting jobs somehow overlapping. Mr. Tomlinson says he is proud of his work, assuring taxpayers that he spent far more time working the broadcast job from his horse farm than working the horses from his government post. It’s inexplicable why the White House maintains confidence in Mr. Tomlinson. The Senate should immediately show him the barn door as he comes up for reappointment at the State Department (via David Cole, Goodwell OK, DXLD) There has been a LOT more press about this. Now Kim Andrew Elliott has caught up with it, so check the Aug. 31-Sept. 1 items (currently on top) at http://www.kimandrewelliott.com which contain numerous links to the original stories which I will not attempt to insert here (gh) KENNETH TOMLINSON ACQUIRES A NEW HORSE, AND HIS NAME IS FURY. "It`s inexplicable why the White House maintains confidence in Mr. Tomlinson. The Senate should immediately show him the barn door as he comes up for reappointment at the State Department." New York Times, 31 August 2006. "Some allies say everyone does it (yet, does everyone hire a $250,000 consultant that no one sees?) and that the government should get out of the broadcasting business anyway. On the latter point, Tomlinson's pals may have a point. But he didn't move to shut down either the Corporation for Public Broadcasting or the Broadcasting Board of Governors. He milked them." Margaret Carlson, Bloomberg News, 31 August 2006. "Tomlinson is not going to become a coast-to-coast punch line, but he offers a tempting election-year target for Democrats eager to portray this Republican administration as esteeming political loyalty over good government. If Tomlinson has violated the trust of the president, to say nothing of the public, he should withdraw - or be withdrawn." Editorial, Dallas Morning News, 31 August 2006. "Today's revelations are just the latest example of Mr. Tomlinson's pattern of abuse and misgovernment while in public service." Rep. Louise Slaughter press release, 30 August 2006. Comment regarding the fact that Tomlinson's horse Karzai is a gelding. Timothy Noah, Slate Hot Document, 30 August 2006. Posted: 01 Sep 2006 ROBERT NOVAK COMES TO THE DEFENSE OF KENNETH TOMLINSON BY ASSURING US THAT VOICE OF AMERICA *IS* BIASED. "I received a list of television guests used by VOA 'who favor the Iranian regime' and a post-9/11 VOA interview with Taliban leader Mohammed Omar. In fact, the guests listed were defectors from and critics of the Iranian regime. The Omar program was compared by Tomlinson, a year before his return to VOA, to interviewing Hitler, Mussolini or Tojo during World War II." Robert Novak, Chicago Sun- Times, 31 August 2006. "As it turns out, the friend he hired as a consultant had 35 years of experience with Voice of America, and Tomlinson says the report concluded his focus on his horses amounted to one e-mail a day and two-and-a-half minutes on the phone." Brit Hume, Fox News, 30 August 2006. "The truth here is that Kenneth Tomlinson, a great and idealistic journalist, tried to make the Public Broadcasting System more honest -- a fact that no amount of mud the Times and its Democratic staff allies on the Hill try to throw at him is going to obscure." Editorial, New York Sun, 30 August 2006. "We have seen this game before where people will release selected parts of reports to try to color people's views of a particular issue. I'm not going to play that game." Sean McCormick, State Department Daily Press Briefing, 30 August 2006. Posted: 31 Aug 2006 KENNETH TOMLINSON IS UP TO HIS CHEST IN A SUBSTANCE FOUND ABUNDANTLY ON HORSE FARMS AND IN U.S. FEDERAL AGENCIES. State Department inspector general's report finds that chairman of the Broadcasting Board of Governors "improperly used his office, putting a friend on the payroll and running a 'horse-racing operation' with government resources." Tomlinson: "I believe it will become clear that this ... investigation was inspired by partisan divisions." Washington Post, 30 August 2006. "The State Department report noted his use of his office to oversee a stable of thoroughbreds but did not mention one specific way in which his professional responsibilities and personal interests appear to have intersected. The horses, according to track records, include Karzai, as in Hamid Karzai ... ." New York Times, 30 August 2006. Senate Foreign Relations Committee will not act on his nomination to a second term as chairman of BBG before his first term expires. Reuters, 31 August 2006. [This corrected version of the Reuters story points out that "Tomlinson can remain in his position until Senate confirms a new term for him or a replacement."]* Three Democratic members of Congress call for Tomlinson's ouster. AP, 31 August 2006. See also Rep. Howard Berman press release, 29 August 2006. And Rep. Tom Lantos press release, 30 August 2006. Posted: 31 Aug 2006 (all: kimandrewelliott.com via DXLD) *This one depends on how the election goes this fall, more than likely because of the Rove connection this will be a recess appointment like the current UN ambassador, who is still up for re-confirmation in front of the Senate (lou josephs August 31st, 2006 at 13:44 Media Network blog via DXLD) ** U S A. WTJC missing from 9370 at 2237. WBOH moderate on 5920. 73/ (Liz Cameron, Michigan, Aug 30, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) But back since (gh, DXLD) ** U S A. A Message from Scott Bailey, GM/CE WMRO-AM, Gallatin, TN What most folks don't know about the High School Football deal is this, the Commission knows that AM is in trouble, and on Friday Nights, the FCC turns theIr heads on the AM stations running full power during the high school football games. I know one station that has no nighttime at all, but they do have a letter from the Class A station (1100 WTAM) to [not object if they?] run full power during Friday night football and I advised the owner to put that letter in his Public File. I told him as soon as the game was over, turn it off. This is serving the community and keeping little AM's from going dark. There have been a few DX'ers acting nasty about it. I don't know why. Most of them have never run a station before. Believe it or not, I DX while we are doing our football games. It makes me feel proud that we Americans still have that "Mayberry/Hometown Feeling" towards our communities, high schools and children. Bert, Please explain to Neal and the members of the NRC to do this for me and other small town broadcasters, "Be A Proud American", and support the little stations broadcasting H.S. Football for their communities on Friday Night! I know one night the other station here in town, WHIN (1010), was left up on high power one night after a HS game. The kid running the board at the station, turned it up higher than he was suppose to, 5 KW. I think he misunderstood because he was only supposed to raise it to 500 watts. He forgot to turn it down after the game was over. Gee, I knew that night after I got home what happen. My signal meter was pegged on my Sony 2010, with the "RF setting" on local! I saw reports on list of everybody hearing "Real Country 1010", bouncing all over the eastern US. Scott Bailey, GM/CE, WMRO-AM, Gallatin, TN (via Bert New, ABDX via DXLD) How pitiful that such small towns have nothing better to build a sense of community than stupid ballgames, broadcast legally or not. See also OKLAHOMA (Glenn Hauser, DXLD) ** U S A. RADIO REBELS ON THE MARCH --- LOCAL MUSIC FANS CHASE AN ELUSIVE FM LICENSE. BY CHRISTIAN GASTON [August 30th, 2006] Portland radio fans galled by the city's dull, corporation-cluttered FM dial now have a sliver of hope. As soon as next spring, the Federal Communications Commission plans to accept applications for new, noncommercial FM stations for the first time in six years. That prospect has mobilized a loose coalition of radio enthusiasts who want to hear more creative, locally focused programming on Portland's airwaves. That group includes activists from the Portland Radio Authority, a former pirate station that broadcast illegally at 96.7 FM for three years before the FCC forced it off the air this spring. Those behind the new effort to create a legal, nonprofit local station face a tricky obstacle course. The metro area's radio spectrum is already jam-packed; radio engineer Gray Haertig, who helped nonprofit KBOO get its start in the late '60s, say there's "zero" chance that a new non-commercial station will be heard in Portland for that very reason. But those prospects haven't dampened the dream of a radio station dedicated to Portland music. Jeff Simmons, station manager for the Portland Radio Authority (now a legal Internet radio operation), says he's been at work for a year on a plan to use a radio tower southeast of Portland to beam a signal into the city. Simmons says preliminary studies show a station broadcasting from Mount Hood, possibly licensed in Welches, Ore., would be able to slice the clutter of the metro airwaves and serve the city from 48 miles away. That plan would mimic what other recent additions to Portland's FM lineup have had to do. Christian broadcasting company Salem Communications snuck 104.1 The Fish into the metro area by licensing the station in Scappoose while broadcasting from the West Hills . . . [MORE] http://wweek.com/editorial/3243/7941/ (Willamette Week Online, via Bill Westenhaver, QC, DXLD) ** U S A. Re KMPH-840 Modesto, CA, v/l dated 7/16/06: "Regular programming has yet to begin. We are currently finalizing the Day and Night directional patterns for KMPH 840. The station is 5,000 watts day and night. KMPH 840 is operating under Program Test Authority from the FCC while the directional patterns are being adjusted. Once that project is complete and the FCC approves, regular programming will begin. KMPH is using the 5 towers at the former KTRB 860 transmitter site near Waterford/Riverdale/Oakdale, CA. The transmitter is a brand new 5000 watt solid-state Harris. The backup transmitter is KTRB's original transmitter installed in 1979, a 10000 watt Continental tube- type transmitter. The music (you heard for a while) on KMPH was "The Vibe" format from our former FM station, KVBE 107.5 Hanford, CA. Our company purchased KCML 107.5 in 1992. On March 13, 1993, KMPH 107.5 Newsradio went on the air. For 6 years the station was all-news, 24 hours a day. Then talk programming was introduced. So Newsradio became "News-talk radio". After 13 years of News and talk, 107.5 changed to KVBE "The Vibe" with R&B and Old School music. The station was sold to Univisión in April of 2005 and turned into a Spanish (Mexican) oldies station, as it is today, "Recuerdo". Program lineup [PDT = UT -7]: M-F: 1-5 AM: Adult standards music 5 AM- 6AM The Wall Street Journal This Morning 6-8 AM Adult standards music 8-9 AM Adult standards music/various paid programming 9-10 AM The Truth About Nutrition (Roex) 10 AM-noon The O'Reilly Factor with Bill O'Reilly noon-1 PM Adult standards music/various paid programming 1-2 PM The Clark Howard Show 2-3 PM The Clark Howard Show/American advisor (2-2:30), various paid programming (2:30-3 PM) 3-4 PM The Clark Howards Show 4-5 PM Adult standards music/various paid programming 5-6 PM Adult standards music 6-7 PM The Truth About Nutrition (Roex) (encore show) 7-11 PM Radio TNT- Vietnamese Full Service Programming 11 PM-1 AM The Foundation For Human Understanding Saturdays: 1-7 AM Adult standards music 7-9 AM On The House With The Carey Brothers 9AM-1 PM: Adult Standards Music/various paid programming 1-4 PM Bob Brinker's Money Talk 4-7 PM Handel On The Law 7-11 PM Adult Standards Music 11 PM-1 AM The Foundation For Human Understanding Sundays: 1-7 AM Adult Standards music 7-8 AM Better Horses Radio 8-9 AM The National Defense 9-11 AM Adult Standards Music/various paid programming 11 AM-1 PM Into Tomorrow (tech show) 1-4 PM Bob Brinker's Money Talk 4-7 PM Best Of Clark Howard Show 7-9 PM Radio-Video Active With Dee Sloane 9 PM-1 AM Adult Standards Music (via Richard E. Wood, HI, IRCA Soft DX Monitor Sept 2 via DXLD) ** U S A. The Federal Communications Commission has been asked by about two dozen people to impose financial penalties in connection with television and radio broadcasts in which President Bush was heard swearing at the G-8 summit in July http://tinyurl.com/onn9s (Marketwatch.com via Jilly Dybka, TN, DXLD) ** U S A. Welcome to the online home of the Mike Malloy show. MIKE MALLOY FIRED BY AIR AMERICA RADIO There will be no Mike Malloy program on Air America Radio as we have been terminated as of 8/30/06. We are as shocked as you are, especially since as recently as last Tuesday we were told we had the go-ahead to announce our return to NY airwaves and that our contract was "on the way." We are told its a financial decision. More details to follow as we hear them ourselves. Members of the press can contact malloyproducer @ aol.com to schedule interviews UPDATE --- Hey Truthseekers, Malloy here. My good friend Peter Werbe will be temporarily broadcasting on Air America Radio at night in my old time slot. He's a good guy, a true left-liberal, and now finds himself in an awkward position. He cannot comment about the circumstances of my termination on the air, which I completely understand and support. I have been in Peter's exact position in the past. So I have a request: Please treat Peter with the respect he truly deserves. Please keep in mind he did not ask to be in this position. The righteous anger and frustration felt right now by so many supporters of our program should be expressed to Air America Radio directly. Here's the phone number to call: 212-871-8290 or email to: comments @ airamericaradio.com Again, we will keep you updated as more details develop and thanks as always for your incredible support (from http://www.mikemalloy.com/ Sept 1 via gh, DXLD) AA has been slow to remove MM`s page on their website, which links to his personal page as above. Checked Aug 30, Werbe was shown as subbing for Malloy in the evening, and we confirmed that by monitoring; but MM was in turn supposed to be subbing for Randi Rhodes in the afternoon. When checked Sept 1 at 1925 UT, she was on as usual, so I guess the latter switch never occurred (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST) AIR AMERICA RADIO FIRES MIKE MALLOY http://newsbusters.org/node/7285 (via Kevin Redding, ABDX via DXLD) Far-righters gleeful (gh) Umm, two things here -- one, Air America is not in any "rapid decline", nor any decline at all. It is doing well in some markets, poorly in others -- as has been the case for the past two years. It still struggles with poor signals in many markets and a business model that has many of us scratching our heads. But that aside, I've been a radio consultant for 24 years and alas, people do get fired or replaced or whatever. It doesn't usually "mean" anything -- as in, whether we like a certain host, his removal is not usually a sign that the republic is about to fall. It's disappointing to fans, but in this case, Mike is a talented announcer and I have the feeling we haven't heard the last of him. He will undoubtedly turn up somewhere else. Somehow, we all do... 8-) (Donna Halper, MA, ABDX via DXLD) More Air America News --- Air America Radio is apparently so broke that it is now struggling just to pay for basic news services, the Radio Equalizer has exclusively learned. . . http://radioequalizer.blogspot.com/2006/08/air-america-radio-finances-associated.html (via Craig Seufert, DXLD) That being another far-right blog; it seems Craig only forwards negative stories about A.A. (gh, DXLD) ** U S A. In news from WCBS [880 NYC], PD Crys Quimby has announced that the station will simulcast the first segment of the CBS Evening News with Katie Couric, beginning Tuesday, Sept. 5, the same day Couric debuts as host of the broadcast. Additionally, Couric will be heard on the station weekday afternoons anchoring ``Katie Couric`s Notebook``, a one-minute look at a top story or issue. Starting October 9, Couric will also be heard on WCBS as anchor of the CBS Radio Network's top-of-the-hour newscast at 5:00 p.m. (ET) Monday- Friday [bong; 2100 UT] (Radio & Records via Brock Whaley, GA, DXLD) ``Dan Rather Reporting`` on CBS Radio network used to run about 5 minutes (including commercials) (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** WESTERN SAHARA [non]. Also strong are the reactivated Polisario Front 7460 & 700 kHz outlets. Obviously, 700 kHz fades in later than 1550 kHz, but remain fair~good after getting stable, and as I put it moments ago to Anker, its audio is sometimes better than on // 7460. (Carlos Gonçalves, Portugal, Aug 30, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** ZAMBIA [and non]. 5915 is really ZMB. Dear Glenn, I'm back from the SW coast place. Thanks for your 26th inst. mail. Yes, I was able to confirm on 28 AUG what Kouji Hashimoto in Japan reported in Japan Premium. Just yesterday, 29/8, they were very strong prior to 1900, better than when I first tuned to them, on 23/8 2114-2203*, at which time the "menu" usually consists of phone-ins, many "hello" & "Radio One" IDs. Curiously, the Israeli outlet 5915 is "far back"; in fact, hardly received via my 80 m mini-Beverage at 150º toward Central Africa. The main QRM is adjacent, viz. from 5910 (Carlos Gonçalves, Portugal, Aug 30, DX LISTENING DIGEST) UNIDENTIFIED. I have been hearing a very widespread pulse type interference across the shortwaves for nearly two years and wonder why I have not seen any reference to it anywhere, despite having written a few letters to magazines (Practical Wireless, RSGB Rad Comm and others with little response). The pulses are about 5 per second, not unlike those heard on the Russian time/frequency station on 9996 kHz, and are some form of OHR, over-the-horizon-radar, but what astounds me is that unlike the 'woodpecker' of years ago with a limited bandwidth, this thing can be heard over ALL the frequencies of about 6.8 right up to 25 MHz at times, but more usually strongest around 7 to 9 MHz and 12 to 15 MHz. Usually it can be heard during the day but not exclusively, depending on propagation conditions. It cuts across BC, amateur, marine and aero frequencies and when strong can be heard as ta-tat-tat-tat-tat with signals and often equal in volume. I've heard it in S.E. Spain too, somewhat stronger and for longer periods. I suspect it is coming from East or S.E. Asia but cannot be sure. Certainly with strong Chinese and Australian signals it is strong at the same time. Last Sunday evening I was tuned to ABC at 2200 UT on 13620 and BBC 15400 when I noticed what I call the 'clacker' pulse in the background. But suddenly after 20 minutes it suddenly disappeared; it`s never done this before. I've even made a tape cassette of it and will put in on CD when I manage the technology to do so. To produce an RF pulse that covers nigh on 20 MHz of spectrum to be heard thousands of miles away takes some transmitter, aerial system and power take my word. Yet so far I have not seen any reference to it as I have said and it puzzles me. One suggestion was that it is OTHR in Cyprus but I think not with the variation in signals heard over periods of time. Second source of noise is nearer to home; in fact is in the home(s). Modern switched-mode power supplies are now everywhere, especially as power/chargers for much electronic equipment, PCs, Computer, cameras, DVDs etc. Some produce 'white-noise' hash over LF & HF frequencies, other pulses of wobbly noise varying across wide frequencies and worst of all are the electronically switched small fluorescent bulbs we are being encouraged to install. The older heavier variety with choke/capacitor starting were no noisier than the tube variety but the (imported) new ones produce a terrible amount of HF hash right across all HF frequencies and wipe out weaker signals. It is getting more and more difficult nowadays to listen to shortwave with all the junk electronic equipment around producing more and more interference and no recourse in reality in having it quietened. If you complain you are treated as a nuisance at best and a nutter at worse by people who don't care. Yes, a dedicated shortwave listener`s life is a difficult one. Regards, (Des WALSH (1907), UK, Sept World DX Club Contact via DXLD) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ UNSOLICITED TESTIMONIALS ++++++++++++++++++++++++ Howdy Glenn: I`m still alive and kickin`, and I hear you every week, so I guess you are too. Reception is kind of weird these days, and usually that`s bad news, but not always. Last Monday at 0300 UT I heard WORLD OF RADIO on [WBCQ] 9330 kHz. For a long time that one`s been so bad I couldn`t hear anything. This time, it was really strong and clear. Maybe that was a one-timer, but just in case, I put it back on my personal schedule, as another possible airing of WOR. JKDI (Pete Bentley, East Aurora NY, 25 August by P-mail, with a donation by check) Thank you, Pete! MUSEA +++++ L'OMROEP MUSEUM DI HILVERSUM ha chiuso! Ciao da Nino! L'OMROEP MUSEUM DI HILVERSUM ha chiuso. La settimana scorsa sono stato a Hilversum e ho potuto constatare di persone che il museo era chiuso. Sono andato poi al Media Park e una hostess mi ha detto che il nuovo edificio "Istituto olandese per i suoni e visioni" verrà inaugurato alla fine del 2006 all'ingresso del Media Park. La pagina web del nuovo "Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision" è al seguente URL: http://www.beeldengeluid.nl/index.jsp 73 da Treviso (Nino Marabello, via Dario Monferini, playdx yg via DXLD) PUBLICATIONS ++++++++++++ WRTH 1947 Edition For twenty years or so I have dutifully returned the survey card included in each edition of the WRTH. This year I finally won a prize, a CD of the first edition WRH from 1947. I wasn't DXing back then, in fact I wasn't even alive yet, so I can't say that reviewing the contents is a nostalgic experience. I haven't dug through it enough to offer any kind of review, but I did note a list of LW channels that were in use at that time - lots more than in 2006! My main point is that if you turn in the survey card, you may win something! (Jim Renfrew, Byron NY, DX LISTENING DIGEST) They sent me one too as a collaborator over the years (gh) EiBi JUST UPDATED AGAIN BC A06 - The comprehensive shortwave broadcasting schedule ========================================================== http://www.eibi.de.vu/ Valid March 27 - October 28, 2006 *** All stations - all languages - all SW frequencies *** DRM fans: Search this file for keyword "DIGITAL" Last update: August 30, 2006 (via José Miguel Romero2, Spain, dxldyg via DXLD) ENTREVISTA A UN DIEXISTA EN TV Estimados miembros de Noticias DX: El otro día visitando la famosísima página sobre videos en la red http://www.youtube.com en la que hay colgados cientos de miles de videos sobre las más diversas temáticas de todas las partes del mundo, encontré lo siguiente: Si en el pequeño buscador que se encuentra en la parte superior derecho de la página ponemos las palabras radio onda corta, encontraremos un video de unos seis minutos de duración, 1987 del programa Sábado Gigante conducido por el mítico D. Francisco en el que se entrevista a un diexista chileno con el objeto de que de a conocer el mundo del diexismo a la audiencia. Comienza diciendo algo así como, ¿Alguién sabe que es un diexista? A mi me ha parecido una pequeña joya en si mismo, pues nada, dicho queda. A disfrutarlo. Un saludo a todos (Álvaro López Osuna, Granada, (España) EA7-1026, Noticias DX via DXLD) Sinceramente he visto este video y es maravilloso, lo he disfrutado al maximo. Querido amigo Alvaro, gracias por haber pasado este dato. Y al amigo Carlos Toledo gracias por haber comentado en forma sencilla y tan amena lo que es un diexista y diexismo. La verdad es que este video hay que rescatarlo porque es una autentica joya (José Elías, ibid.) Realmente magnifica la entrevista; creo que en ella nos vemos reflejados todos los diexistas, ya que todos vivamos donde vivamos, tenemos las mismas inquietudes y las mismas formas de escucha y coleccionismo, simplemente magnífico. Saludos desde (Cartagena-España, de JOSE HERNANDEZ MADRID, ibid.) Estimado Alvaro: Sin dudas, el colega chileno Carlos Toledo nos ha representado cabalmente a través de TV 13. Es un video para recomendar. Ojalá existan otros espacios como el de Don Francisco para que podamos testimoniar acerca de nuestra querida afición (Rubén Guillermo Margenet, Argentina, ibid.) Yo también he visto la entrevista del famosísimo programa del Canal 13 chileno "Sábados Gigantes" y, sinceramente, me ha emocionado, pero sobre todo porque me recuerda tiempos pasados del DX-ismo, tiempos que ya no volverán. Esta entrevista fue hecha en el año 1987, hace casi 20 años cuando en aquellos tiempos nuestra afición aún estaba en su apogeo. Por ejemplo, hablan de más de 40 DX-istas censados en Chile y hoy no creo que haya más de 5 ó 6. ¿Cuántas emisoras de onda corta, tanto en las bandas internacionales como en las tropicales han desaparecido desde entonces? Hablan para una audiencia televisiva millonaria de lo bonito que resulta enterarse de lo que ocurre en el mundo a través de la onda corta, lo que resultaba, hasta cierto punto impactante para los televidentes, cuando, en aquellos tiempos, era casi el único medio que había de poder traspasar las fronteras, "viajar a otros países" sin salir de casa, etc. Hoy, en el mundo de Internet, del cable, de los satélites esto resulta casi absurdo para la mayoría de las personas, que ven nuestra maravillosa afición casi como un sinsentido. En fin, que creo que hoy en día, lamentablemente, esta entrevista nunca hubiera salido en "Sábados Gigantes". Un abrazo a todos (Manuel Méndez, ibid.) Tim Hendel also appeared on that program a few years ago, in its all- too-brief ``serious segment``, about some device of use to the blind, I think. BTW, it originates in Miami, tho Don F. is of course Chilean and it`s carried in most LAm countries; Spain too? (Glenn Hauser, DXLD) RADIO EQUIPMENT FORUM +++++++++++++++++++++ KinStar antennas Someone asked about the vertical radiation pattern of these very short and heavily top-loaded antennas. According to the vertical radiation plots buried in a technical paper at Kintronics' Web site, the vertical pattern is not super different from that of a standard 90- degree series-fed radiator, but it IS different. The area where I find the differences to be most noticeable lies between about 75 degrees and 90 degrees (where ground is zero degrees), At these high angles, the KinStar appears to exhibit significantly (maybe 25%) greater field intensity than that of the series-fed 90-degree tower. If that observation is correct, I would expect the KinStar's nighttime performance close to the antenna to be inferior and I would expect phasing between the groundwave and reflected skywave to be more severe. OTOH, the area where phasing problems would be likely may lie so close to the antenna that the groundwave would overwhelm the skywave, making the effect hard to notice unless your receiver was equipped with a signal-strength meter. I think one of the significant contributions of the KinStar project was that of Louis duTreil of duTruil, Lunden, and Rackley. Mr duTreil developed practical topolgies for the matching networks for these inherently very-low-impedance antennas. Without suitable matching networks, existing AM transmitters could not drive such low-impedance loads. Although the KinStar design allows most stations to use antennas considerably shorter than 100' and to avoid using metal towers in most cases (substituting five wooden utility poles for one steel tower), the KinStar is no thing of beauty from an aesthetic standpoint. I can imagine NIMBY neighbors becoming just as exercised about having a KinStar on the next lot as they would be about a 190' guyed base- insulated tower. I guess if I were worried about the tower falling over and crushing my house, I'd prefer the KinStar, but an array of five wooden utility poles is not especially pretty. In my opinion, a uniform-cross-section tower or a self-supporting tower is nicer to look at. -- (Dan Strassberg, AC 707, NRC-AM via DXLD) TINY TENNA SOAP BOX Dear Glen[n], I Came across one of your articles recently. About the vulnerability of the tiny-tenna's components. What works for me is a soap box. Travel type. I made sure it would fit inside because they are not all the same size. Most of them are made of a poly-plastic material. cordially, (Richard Yankee, Aug 31, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Not sure what article he refers to, but OK GRUNDIG G5 PORTABLE RADIO The Grundig G5 will probably be available this fall. Looks like the Etón E5. http://www.universal-radio.com/catalog/portable/3005.html (Ron Howard, Monterey, CA, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) DIGITAL BROADCASTING DRM: see GERMANY; NEW ZEALAND; PUBLICATIONS ++++++++++++++++++++ DRM/DAB RECEIVER UPDATE Sangean Europe have now deleted reference to an October release date for their MP40 DAB/DRM radio from their webpage, it now just says soon to be released. Himalaya have however announced two demonstration models of DRM/DAB sets to be shown at IFA and IBC 2006 (Mike Barraclough, Sept World DX Club Contact via DXLD) Anybody go any opinions on Sangean's upcoming DRM-40 digital rig? Is there sufficient DRM in North America? I've pasted a link to Universal Radio's listing for it. Thanks. Jim N8RPI http://www.universa l-radio.com/ catalog/portable /0040a.html (banjojim, N8RPI, Aug 30, swprograms via DXLD) I believe, combined, there are perhaps 5-10 total daily transmitter- hours of DRM protocol, for all stations targeting North America. I will ask a couple guys who have spent more time with it for confirmation. General opinion from people with modified AOR-7030s is middling audibility at best, both in New Jersey and Nevada. DRM is still very much a novelty here in North America, and I fear that overall North American indifference to SW will doom DRM before DRM reaches critical mass here, in part because there are already two other digital radio standards being rolled out in Canada and the USA.. You didn't mention your location -- much of the DRM that targets North America originates in Sackville -- if you don't hear Sackville well, you are less likely to find DRM useful (Richard Cuff / Allentown, PA USA, ODXA yg via DXLD) Thanks to Ralph Brandi, here's a summary of DRM services targeting North America (Richard Cuff, ibid.) viz.: If you go to http://www.drm- dx.de/ and click on the header for "Target", it will sort all the existing DRM broadcasts by, you got it, target. The two targets to look for are N America and NE USA. Basically, you have Sackville on from 1945 to 2300 with a round robin of broadcasters; Radio Netherlands from 2200-2300 from Bonaire; Vatican Radio from 1100-1200 and again from 2300-2345 (both direct from Santa Maria di Galleria and surprisingly robust); and Kuwait in Arabic from 2200-0200. That's just under six hours a day in English (but you can only listen to five of them, since Sackville and Bonaire both target us 2200-2300), 15 minutes in Italian (the last 15 minutes of the afternoon VR broadcast), and four hours in Arabic. Slim pickings. During the winter, I've found reasonably reliable reception throughout the evening from DW on 3995, which is omnidirectional, but I have no idea if that would be the case on a portable. I kind of doubt it. RNZI was surprisingly strong a month or two ago, but not so much now. (Ralph Brandi, NJ, via Rich Cuff, PA, ODXA via DXLD) FRAUNHOFER IIS TO INTRODUCE THE PROFESSIONAL DRM BROADCAST SOLUTION ``FRAUNHOFER DRM CONTENTSERVER™ R4`` Press Release August 30, 2006 Visit us at: IFA 2006, Berlin, Hall 5.3, Booth 04 Erlangen, Germany – Today, Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits IIS has announced the immediate availability of its professional encoder and broadcast solution Fraunhofer DRM ContentServer™ R4 as well as the Fraunhofer DRM Developer Solution. The solutions will be demonstrated at IFA 2006 in hall 5.3, booth 04, and at IBC together with TRANSRADIO SenderSysteme Berlin AG in hall 8, stand 8251. Digital Radio Mondiale (DRM) is the new Digital Radio standard replacing the analog AM radio. . . http://www.iis.fraunhofer.de/pub_rel/presse/2006/drmcs/index.html (via Siriol Jane Evans, DRM, DXLD) Everybody knows when IFA is? (gh) CVC SPECIAL DRM TRANSMISSIONS FOR IFA AND IBC CVC, the media arm of Christian Vision, is making special DRM transmissions over the next couple of weeks in connection with the Internationale Funkaustellung in Berlin, the world’s largest consumer electronics trade fair, and the International Broadcasting Convention in Amsterdam, the largest broadcasting trade exhibition and conference outside North America. The CVC transmissions are as follows: 1st – 6th September Times: 0700-1600 UT Freq: 5975 kHz Bearing: 65 deg Target: Berlin / W Europe Power: 40 kW Language: English Site: Juelich 8th – 12th September Times: 0800-1600 UT Freq: 5975 kHz Bearing: 270 deg Target: Amsterdam / UK Power: 40 kW Language: English Site: Nauen (Source: Andrew Flynn, CVC, via DRM Software Radio Forums) (September 1st, 2006, 13:23 UTC by Andy, Media Network blog via DXLD) IBOC SPREADING Re 6-130: Hi, Glenn, Locally, WRDT-560 Monroe has picked up that junk, and the hash is evident under CKWW-580, which I actually enjoy listening to. CKWW already has a somewhat spotty signal (500w) but thanks to WRDT, I can now hear that crap hissing away behind them --- very annoying indeed! In addition to WRDT, other Detroit area stations that carry that rubbish on a regular basis include: WJR-760 Detroit (Talk) WFDF-910 Farmington Hills (Disney) WWJ-950 Detroit (All-News) WDFN-1130 Detroit (Sports -- could this have been the 'Mystery IBOC' the others heard? Don't know if they left it on Saturday night, but it's possible.) WXYT-1270 Detroit (Sports) I believe WEXL-1340 Royal Oak also carries that junk, as I used to be able to hear WFIN-1330 Findlay and WARF-1350 Akron weakly during the day, but now those channels have "Exaggerated-sounding" static on them. Thankfully they shut it down at night, but the times WWJ has left it on at night, I couldn't do anything to null the hash. And I still shudder to think that at one time WRDT-560 used to be the mighty Honey Radio (One of the pioneers of the Oldies formats.) Total shame to see they've only become a shell of what they once were (Eric Berger, MI, Aug 30, DX LISTENING DIGEST) LANGUAGE LESSONS ++++++++++++++++ ANNIVERSARY It`s not the ``one-year anniversary`` of Katrina; it`s the FIRST anniversary. The anni- in anniversary MEANS ``year`` already, so saying it that way is redundant and indicative that the speaker doesn`t even know the derivation of the word anniversary! This exemplifies the problem currently, but is applicable in any other context. This mis-use is becoming pervasiver; I just heard someone refer to a ``ten-year anniversary`` (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST) LOSS ANGELEASE Having lived in LA for a number of years, I also cringe when I hear the pronunciation 'Loss Angeleeeze' coming from most British, Australians and New Zealanders. I've no idea why it's mispronounced, apart from ignorance, laziness or people trying to appear as if they know how it should be pronounced and that Americans, perforce, must be pronouncing it wrongly in the first place. One would think, after watching thousands of hours of Hollywood TV shows and movies based in LA, that the correct pronunciation may have rubbed off, but it hasn't. I think it's just a typical British mangling of foreign words. I also cringe at 'Buunus Ireeeeze' which receives equal damaging treatment. Then again, the English have never had much time for anything Spanish, except the Costa del Sol, Seville marmalade and cheap red wine. However, I do wonder how most Americans succeed with the correct pronunciation of Welsh placenames? And no, there is no LA in the UK. At least so far as I'm aware, although my knowledge of British geography is hopeless. Regards, (David Ricquish, Wellington, NZ, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Re: DXLD 6-130, BBC & US City Names, LOSS ANGELEEZE Hi, Glenn! There's also the tendency of the BBC (& other European broadcasters) to call Saint Louis "Saint Louie", probably due to the "Meet me in Saint Louie, Louie" from the World's Fair movie. Unfortunately, there seems to be a movement around here to call the place "the Lou". I think this is based on some hip-hop slang... 73, (Will Martin, St. Louis MO, DX LISTENING DIGEST) The British `Saint` part also changes from a long A to a short I or a short E; do they also do that with other St.-names? (gh, DXLD) Leeward Islands --- On the other hand, those French Polynesians can not lay claim to the only Marquesas (Islands), for we have a group of low, uninhabited islands just west of Key West, also the called the Marquesas (Keys). (Terry L Krueger, Clearwater, Florida, USA 27.55.83 N, 82.46.08 W, DX LISTENING DIGEST) PROPAGATION +++++++++++ KN4LF DAILY LF/MF/HF RADIO PROPAGATION OUTLOOK TERMINATED I retired from "for profit" space weather consulting and forecasting in April 2004 and "not for profit" space weather forecasting in April 2005, due to personal health issues. However I received many emails between April 2005 and May 2006 requesting I begin producing my propagation outlooks again, so did. Well those health issues have reared their ugly head again. I do not have the physical stamina and mental focus to provide the timely and accurate radio propagation outlooks that many have come to expect from me over the years. Therefore I've decided to permanently terminate my KN4LF Daily LF/MF/HF radio propagation outlook, effective with #2006- 015 which was published on August 24, 2006. However I will continue to update my KN4LF Solar Space Weather & Geomagnetic Data Archive http://www.kn4lf.com/kn4lf5.htm maintain and update my KN4LF 160 Meter Propagation Theory Notes http://www.kn4lf.com/kn4lf8.htm and moderate my Radiowave Propagation Yahoo eGroup http://groups.yahoo.com/group/radiowavepropagation --... ...--, (Thomas F. Giella, KN4LF, Retired Meteorologist & Space Plasma Physicist, Lakeland, FL, USA, Grid Square EL97AW, kn4lf@arrl.net Aug 30, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Thanks, Thomas, for resuming it while you could and best of luck to you! (Glenn) TIPS FOR RATIONAL LIVING ++++++++++++++++++++++++ KEITH OLBERMANN delivered a remarkable commentary at the conclusion of Wednesday evening`s COUNTDOWN on MSNBC. Here`s the text on his blog at http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/1s2131617/#060830b but for max impact I recommend you go watch the video/audio clip (gh) Aug. 30, 2006 | 8:34 p.m. ET FEELING MORALLY, INTELLECTUALLY CONFUSED? The man who sees absolutes, where all other men see nuances and shades of meaning, is either a prophet, or a quack. Donald H. Rumsfeld is not a prophet. Mr. Rumsfeld`s remarkable speech to the American Legion yesterday demands the deep analysis—and the sober contemplation—of every American. For it did not merely serve to impugn the morality or intelligence -- indeed, the loyalty -- of the majority of Americans who oppose the transient occupants of the highest offices in the land. Worse, still, it credits those same transient occupants -- our employees -- with a total omniscience; a total omniscience which neither common sense, nor this administration`s track record at home or abroad, suggests they deserve. Dissent and disagreement with government is the life`s blood of human freedom; and not merely because it is the first roadblock against the kind of tyranny the men Mr. Rumsfeld likes to think of as ``his`` troops still fight, this very evening, in Iraq. It is also essential. Because just every once in awhile it is right and the power to which it speaks, is wrong. In a small irony, however, Mr. Rumsfeld`s speechwriter was adroit in invoking the memory of the appeasement of the Nazis. For in their time, there was another government faced with true peril—with a growing evil—powerful and remorseless. That government, like Mr. Rumsfeld`s, had a monopoly on all the facts. It, too, had the ``secret information.`` It alone had the true picture of the threat. It too dismissed and insulted its critics in terms like Mr. Rumsfeld`s -- questioning their intellect and their morality. That government was England`s, in the 1930`s. It knew Hitler posed no true threat to Europe, let alone England. It knew Germany was not re-arming, in violation of all treaties and accords. It knew that the hard evidence it received, which contradicted its own policies, its own conclusions — its own omniscience -- needed to be dismissed. The English government of Neville Chamberlain already knew the truth. Most relevant of all — it ``knew`` that its staunchest critics needed to be marginalized and isolated. In fact, it portrayed the foremost of them as a blood-thirsty war-monger who was, if not truly senile, at best morally or intellectually confused. That critic`s name was Winston Churchill. Sadly, we have no Winston Churchills evident among us this evening. We have only Donald Rumsfelds, demonizing disagreement, the way Neville Chamberlain demonized Winston Churchill. History — and 163 million pounds of Luftwaffe bombs over England — have taught us that all Mr. Chamberlain had was his certainty — and his own confusion. A confusion that suggested that the office can not only make the man, but that the office can also make the facts. Thus, did Mr. Rumsfeld make an apt historical analogy. Excepting the fact, that he has the battery plugged in backwards. His government, absolute -- and exclusive -- in its knowledge, is not the modern version of the one which stood up to the Nazis. It is the modern version of the government of Neville Chamberlain. But back to today`s Omniscient ones. That, about which Mr. Rumsfeld is confused is simply this: This is a Democracy. Still. Sometimes just barely. And, as such, all voices count -- not just his. Had he or his president perhaps proven any of their prior claims of omniscience — about Osama Bin Laden`s plans five years ago, about Saddam Hussein`s weapons four years ago, about Hurricane Katrina`s impact one year ago — we all might be able to swallow hard, and accept their ``omniscience`` as a bearable, even useful recipe, of fact, plus ego. But, to date, this government has proved little besides its own arrogance, and its own hubris. Mr. Rumsfeld is also personally confused, morally or intellectually, about his own standing in this matter. From Iraq to Katrina, to the entire ``Fog of Fear`` which continues to envelope this nation, he, Mr. Bush, Mr. Cheney, and their cronies have — inadvertently or intentionally — profited and benefited, both personally, and politically. And yet he can stand up, in public, and question the morality and the intellect of those of us who dare ask just for the receipt for the Emporer`s New Clothes? In what country was Mr. Rumsfeld raised? As a child, of whose heroism did he read? On what side of the battle for freedom did he dream one day to fight? With what country has he confused the United States of America? The confusion we -- as its citizens— must now address, is stark and forbidding. But variations of it have faced our forefathers, when men like Nixon and McCarthy and Curtis LeMay have darkened our skies and obscured our flag. Note -- with hope in your heart — that those earlier Americans always found their way to the light, and we can, too. The confusion is about whether this Secretary of Defense, and this administration, are in fact now accomplishing what they claim the terrorists seek: The destruction of our freedoms, the very ones for which the same veterans Mr. Rumsfeld addressed yesterday in Salt Lake City, so valiantly fought. And about Mr. Rumsfeld`s other main assertion, that this country faces a ``new type of fascism.`` As he was correct to remind us how a government that knew everything could get everything wrong, so too was he right when he said that -- though probably not in the way he thought he meant it. This country faces a new type of fascism - indeed. Although I presumptuously use his sign-off each night, in feeble tribute, I have utterly no claim to the words of the exemplary journalist Edward R. Murrow. But never in the trial of a thousand years of writing could I come close to matching how he phrased a warning to an earlier generation of us, at a time when other politicians thought they (and they alone) knew everything, and branded those who disagreed: ``confused`` or ``immoral.`` Thus, forgive me, for reading Murrow, in full: ``We must not confuse dissent with disloyalty,`` he said, in 1954. ``We must remember always that accusation is not proof, and that conviction depends upon evidence and due process of law. ``We will not walk in fear, one of another. We will not be driven by fear into an age of unreason, if we dig deep in our history and our doctrine, and remember that we are not descended from fearful men, not from men who feared to write, to speak, to associate, and to defend causes that were for the moment unpopular.`` And so good night, and good luck. Comments? Email Kolbermann @ msnbc.com Watch ``Countdown`` each weeknight at 8 p.m. ET on MSNBC TV [0000 & 0400 UT] (via gh, DXLD) ###