DX LISTENING DIGEST 6-172, November 20, 2006 Incorporating REVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL BROADCASTING edited by Glenn Hauser, http://www.worldofradio.com Items from DXLD may be reproduced and re-reproduced only if full credit be maintained at all stages and we be provided exchange copies. DXLD may not be reposted in its entirety without permission. Materials taken from Arctic or originating from Olle Alm and not having a commercial copyright are exempt from all restrictions of noncommercial, noncopyrighted reusage except for full credits For restrixions and searchable 2006 contents archive see http://www.worldofradio.com/dxldmid.html NOTE: If you are a regular reader of DXLD, and a source of DX news but have not been sending it directly to us, please consider yourself obligated to do so. Thanks, Glenn FIRST SHORTWAVE AIRINGS OF WORLD OF RADIO 1337 Wed 2300 WBCQ 7415 Thu 0000 WBCQ 18910 Fri 2130 WWCR 15825 Latest edition of this schedule version, including AM, FM, satellite and webcasts with hotlinks to station sites and audio, is at: http://www.worldofradio.com/radioskd.html For updates see our Anomaly Alert page: http://www.worldofradio.com/anomaly.html WRN ON DEMAND: http://new.wrn.org/listeners/stations/station.php?StationID=24 OUR ONDEMAND AUDIO [also CONTINENT OF MEDIA, MUNDO RADIAL] http://www.worldofradio.com/audiomid.html or http://wor.worldofradio.org WORLD OF RADIO PODCASTS: www.obriensweb.com/wor.xml DX/SWL/MEDIA PROGRAMS Nov 21 (pending) http://www.worldofradio.com/dxpgms.html ** ABKHAZIA [and non]. Re 6-171: Hi Glenn, While Googling around for some details concerning latest DXLD's interesting tip on 9495 kHz I have stumbled upon a British NGO Web site touting its South Caucasus Radio Diaries project. Described as involving "20 radio stations and over 40 journalists working in Georgia, Abkhazia, South Ossetia, Armenia, Azerbaijan and Nagorny Karabakh. "Every month, dozens of 3-5 minute diaries recorded by ordinary people talking about their lives and challenges after war are broadcast on radio stations in the region. The idea is to break down stereotypes and influence public discussion in communities long divided by conflict." A list of contributing stations from the region follows, some with their own Web sites (Abkahz Radio Soma http://www.radiosoma.com/ is really not bad, with English content too). The project is giving way to a book in Russian and an audio CD, excerpts of which can be heard, with short English introductions, at http://www.c-r.org/resources/audio-video/radio-diaries3.php The SCRD project intro page can be found at: http://www.c-r.org/resources/audio-video/radio-diaries-intro.php. 73s (Andy Lawendel, Italy, Nov 17, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** AFGHANISTAN. 9345, Radio Solh presumed, heard via DX Tuner Sweden October 8th at 2230 already in progress, not on or not audible at 2100 check, fair signal, not much fading. Continuous music, no announcements till 2316 tune out (Hans Johnson, Jihad DX via Nov World DX Club Contact via DXLD) ** ALBANIA. There were for a while in my office several ARTV administrative, technical and journalist people chatting about the new Management of ARTV. The new Director of Radio Tirana was nominated on Friday, 17 Nov, the well-known news journalist, Ms. Zamira Koleci, who worked for more than 25 years at Radio Tirana till 1997, 1997-2006 at private radio; till now she was the Head of the newsroom at Top Albania Radio (Drita Çiço, R. Tirana, Nov 20, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** ALGERIA [non]. Radio Algerienne (Holy Koran Service in Arabic) via VT Communications for B-06: 0400-0500 on 6090-Rampisham 6125-Woofferton 0500-0600 on 6025-Woofferton 6090-Rampisham 1900-2000 on 9825-Woofferton 11815-Rampisham 2000-2100 on 9455-Woofferton 11815-Rampisham 2100-2300 on 6055-Woofferton 9850-Rampisham Appears in HFCC B-06 under "USA NEW MER". Heard at 0400 UT sign-on on 6090 and 6125 kHz on 20 November 2006 (Tony Rogers, Birmingham, UK, Nov 20, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Tnx for finding this. Wonder what the USA has to do with it?? 04-06 has competition from an alleged Christian, Defunct Gene Scott. Ran across Qur`an on 9825, Nov 20 at 1945, then M&W talking in Arabic. This would be RTA via VTC Woofferton, in new B-06 schedule at 19-20, uncovered by Tony Rogers (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ARGELIA. Hoy 20 de Noviembre desde Valencia en España se observa en la frecuencia de 11815 a las 1910-1930, una emisión en árabe con locutor y comentarios así como canciones del Cor`án, también una canción que ya se escuchaba en transmisiones anteriores, quizás a modo de sintonía. La señal es buena pero acompañada de mucho ruido; sin embargo en 9825 no se capta señal alguna. SINPO 34232. A las 2000 UT chequeo las frecuencias de 11815 y 9455, no aprecio señal alguna de Radio Argelia; sin embargo en 9455 una débil señal de Firedrake jamming se escucha. A las 2004 una señal musical en 11815, prácticamente inaudible, presto un poco de atención y compruebo que la emisión en portugués, probablemente Radio Brasil Central. A las 2006 una voz masculina con unas palabras en árabe con señal fuerte y en seguida desparece. A las 2008 chequeo la frecuencia de 9455 y la emisión Firedrake jamming se escucha con fuerza; cualquier emisora en ésta frecuencia quedaría anulada. Un chequeo a la emisión de las 2100 se aprecia unos comienzos muy confusos en 6055 y 9850, locutor con ID y se corta las emisiones, se aprecia señal de portadora en ambas frecuencias pero sin señal; a las 2004 en 6055 comienza la emisión con tremenda fuerza, himno nacional, locutora con presentación y un fragmento musical, SINPO 55544. Sin embargo sin señal 9850 (José Miguel Romero, Spain, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** ARGENTINA. 15820 LSB, Radio Continental, 0958-1035, 19-11, locutor, comentarios, a las 1000 señales horarias, identificación: "Las siete de la mañana, Continental, servicio informativo", locutora, noticias. 24322 (Manuel Méndez, Lugo, Spain, escucha realizada en Friol, 7º 48' 05'' W, 43º 02' 05'' N, Grundig Satellit 500 y Sony ICF SW 7600 G, Antena de cable, 10 metros, orientada WSW, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** ARMENIA. Checking the Arabic section of V. of Armenia today 17/11/2006 around 1800 UT, but I heard them in Armenian, kept on tuning till 1815 and they were only in Armenian. Did they cancel Arabic!? All the best, DXers, (Tarek Zeidan, Cairo, Egypt, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Already cancelled all other foreign languages (gh) ** AZERBAIJAN. Usually Radio Dada Gorgud, the Voice of Azerbaijan on 6110.8 is a strong carrier without practically any audio. On October 23rd at 1647 I noted their Arabic programme with decent level, but extremely distorted audio. Rechecking around 1710, it was in English with Radio Dada Gorgud identifications. At 1730 they started Russian programmes. I hope they'll get the modulation to work properly someday (Jari Savolainen, Finland, Jihad DX via Nov World DX Club Contact via DXLD) ** BIAFRA [non]. S. AFRICA, V. of Biafra International, 7380 kHz, 2138–2159* November 18, 2006. Program in English. Long talk by African accented male on the virtues of Biafra. Different male announcer closed the broadcast with "This has been V. of Biafra Int. broadcast coming to you from Washington, DC transmitting on 7380 kHz frequency in the 41 meterband." SIO 343 with digital comms on 7380, 73, (Kraig Krist, KG4LAC, VA, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) VG; I had been wondering if that was still going and intended to look for it. Saturdays only at 2100 (gh, DXLD) ** BRAZIL. BRASIL, 9695, Rádio Rio Mar, Manáus, 1006-1045, 19-11. Buena señal hoy para esta emisora que muchas veces resulta difícil de escuchar. Locutor, comentarios, canciones brasileñas, muchas identificaciones: "Rádio Rio Mar, Manáus, Amazônia, Brasil", "Rádio Rio Mar... faixa de 49 metros, 6160 kHz.". 34333 variando a 24322 (Manuel Méndez, Lugo, Spain, escucha realizada en Friol, 7º 48' 05'' W, 43º 02' 05'' N, Grundig Satellit 500 y Sony ICF SW 7600 G, Antena de cable, 10 metros, orientada WSW, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CAMEROONS [non]. Radio Free Southern Cameroons NOT heard here at 1800 on their reported new frequency of 11840 (Steve Lare, Holland, MI USA, Sunday Nov 19, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) Glad you remembered, as I meant to post a reminder earlier. But how about in Europe and beyond? Something else could be on that frequency. A-06 was on 15695, Sundays only 1800-1900 (Glenn, ibid.) Yes, there was indeed something else on the frequency until 1830. Seemed like a VOA operation, quite possibly their program in Dari (Radio Ashna) shown on their sked here from 1800 to 1830: http://www.voanews.com/english/about/frequenciesAtoZ_d.cfm No trace of it here either. I think, given the fact that its web site no longer works and that is no longer listed on the TDP schedule, we can safely say that it is no longer on the air (Dave Kenny, UK, ibid.) 11840 is used - as registered - by IBB Lampertheim in Dari at 1800 UT. 12130? / not 11840 http://www.airtime.be/whose.html but link to Radio Free Southern Cameroons http://www.fdrsoutherncameroons.info/ is negative -- broken now. When looked for " fdrsoutherncameroons" Google has an old file in Cache. CRW#193 had an item in Oct 2005 !!! new Radio Free Southern Cameroons station on 12130 via Russia. Radiofreesoutherncameroons from http://www.schoechi.de/crw/crw193.html From 2005: RFSC has been observed on 12130 kHz from 1800 to 1900 on Sunday 30 October; this transmitter is believed to be based in Krasnodar, Russia, but according to a report by AFP on 31 October RFSC was observed on-air on Thursday 27 October when it began broadcasting repeats of the Southern Cameroon National Council (SCNC) national hymn. The report continues that since then the station has continued to air SCNC songs and slogans for several hours each day. RFSC is available at http://www.fdrsoutherncameroons.info/ where archived programming is available (BBC Monitoring Nov 1 via DXLD 5-188, 2005) In B05 was on Saturdays: 12130 1800-1900 46,47 ARM 300 235 7=Saturday 301005 260306 D RUS TDP GFC --- In Europe noted only IBB VOA Lampertheim on 11840 tonight. 73 wb (all via Wolfgang Büschel, ibid.) ** CANADA [and non]. Glenn, here are a few pieces to add to your CBC North Quebec puzzle: http://www.cbc.ca/north/programs/#nordquebec 73, (Ricky Leong, Calgary, Alta., DX LISTENING DIGEST) Lists three programs on the service. I also found a Nord-Québec webstream, but not sure if it is the 100% the same as on 9625 (Glenn Hauser, DXLD) Re 6-171: Glenn, I have to admit I wasn`t paying much attention to the new presence of Radio República on 9630, as it didn`t represent a great problem here, with fair to poor signal. In fact, I thought it was another sudden appearance of the same plague of Radio Martí, when I heard a bubble jammer on that frequency, I think it was last Tuesday. But, as if it weren`t enough with the splatter REE [9620] grants me on 9625, pushing me to move out to 9627 for my favorite CBCNQ nighttime shows on Saturday, now BINGO! --- I`m flanked by this other silly (not only ball games are) and endless talking by ``fueracubanos`` which won`t allow me to listen CBCNQ if they were regularly on the air, unless they make a move to somewhere else in the vast spectrum, but I see that in dreamland, as well as they are interested in a northerly target. So ``salado`` I am, and God make you prophet if CBC switch as you mention to 6065 or 11720. If, as you explain, there are RMI brokers involved and they could implement any change (just for me?...ja, ja, ja!) to take away RR from 9630, I`ll have to plea to my closest friend there ``Saint`` Jeff White (Raúl Saavedra, Costa Rica, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) Checking out Sackville frequencies Nov 19 at 0155, I could detect only very weak carriers on 9625 and 9755, and could not be sure even those were from CBCNQ and RCI English respectively. Heavy jamming against absent R. República, 9630 at 0215, did not help. At 0214, KBS World Radio relay on 9560 was audible, but poorly, and not easily listenable (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Gladly CBCNQ 9625 back with their usual fair to poor signal at 0400 for this Saturday Night Blues Special, not splattered by Radio República 9630, only REE 9620, arriving strong as usual. Sadly, CBC signal faded after 0415. Sure, we can`t always get what we want (Raúl Saavedra, Costa Rica, UT Sunday Nov 19, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) Glad to know 9625 is still on. RR does not operate Sat & Sun nights on 9630, but the jamming goes on anyway (Glenn, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Glenn: I don't know what time CBCNQS is normally on 9625, but I tried last night at around 0500 UT Monday and couldn't hear anything. But I tried this evening just after 0000 UT Tuesday, and there's a fair to weak signal from them on 9625, with a lot of splash from REE on 9620 (Jeff White, FL, Nov 20, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Yet another problem for CBCNQ, 9625: already weak signal, Nov 20 at 2029 was bothered by a much stronger carrier cutting on 9621.0 for one second every three seconds. The same was also going on half an hour earlier. One could not tune to the hi side of 9625 either to escape it, with stronger REE Spain there (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CANADA. I'm in Ottawa on business and have just arrived at my hotel near the airport. After putting away my things and grabbing some very late dinner, I thought I'd do something silly like trying to hear CHU, starting from 0611 UTC. For the record: perfect reception on 3330 and 7335 kHz, medium to near-perfect reception on 14670 kHz. I've never heard this station so clearly. :-P Does anyone know if the Ottawa airport is near the CHU transmission site? (Ricky Leong, Calgarian in Ottawa, Nov 20, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) I think it is to the north and west of a community called Barrhaven; just east of Fallowfield Road, west of the airport. I am guessing here, but I think it is also south of the airport location as well. 73s from an ex Ottawanian "Go Rough Riders!". etc. (Eric Flodén, BC, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CANADA. CHWO - AM 740, TORONTO - IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT Fri Nov 17, 2006 7:52 am (PST) This is a special email and announcement from CHWO, AM 740. 1/ Today, AM 740 starts streaming on the internet. You can now listen to AM 740 anywhere and anytime you are at a computer. It has been a long time coming but it is now here. You can listen by clicking on the link below or by going to the web site and pushing the streaming link there. Listen here: http://player.streamtheworld.com/player.php?callsign=CHWO 2/ Today is the 50th anniversary of CHWO. The station went on the air November 17th, 1956, started by Howard and Jean Caine. You can find out more on the history of the station by going too: http://www.odxa.on.ca/chwo/history.html There is also a book coming out in the new year all about the Caine family and the CHWO. You can find out more at the following links: ECW Press: http://www.ecwpress.com/books/primetime.htm Amazon.Ca: http://snipurl.com/11y69 (Brian Smith - am740 @ rogers.com AM 740 - http://www.am740.ca Reception Reports - http://www.odxa.on.ca/chwo.html Yahoo Group - http://groups.yahoo.com/group/AM740/ Nov 17, odxa yg via DXLD) Congratulations, Brian and everyone at AM740 on your 50th anniversary. Also I'm glad to see you were finally able to provide the station and its great programming online for us to enjoy anytime. If any of you haven't read the history of CHWO, it's worth checking out. The link is in the message below. Fifty years later and the station is still owned by the same people and appeals to the 50 plus generation. Maybe some people in decision making positions could learn some things from this success story regarding radio in this country (Larry Stoler, NRC-AM, via DXLD) Thanks Larry. I know Saul would love it if we went to the internet and got off the radio :-) but it has been an amazing journey. Not too many can claim the same format over the 50 years. And it also interesting to see how many have come over who are under 50 years old, most in their late 30's and 40's. The boss says we are a "lifestyle" radio station, because the music fits a certain lifestyle. It may not be your cup of tea but for many, they love it at any age. Brian Smith PS: Some other trivia, the share holders are exactly the same as they were 50 years ago. Sure, the shares may have gone to the children over the years but they continue to stay in the original families (Brian Smith, ibid.) ** CHINA [non]. 7105, Ming Hui Radio via TAIWAN, Nov 18 2227, fair- good signal with talk in Chinese, several mentions of Falung Gong, orchestral march music at 2230, into presumed news with mentions of President Hu Jintao. No ID, but format matches that of prior logs of this station on other frequencies, and listed as this in NDXC B06 schedules --- link previously given as http://www.geocities.jp/binewsjp/bib06.txt (David Yocis, Harpers Ferry WV, R8B, longwires, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CHINA [and non]. Mystery on 1521 kHz. This is a little large, so I posted it elsewhere: http://www3.telus.net/7dxr/audio/1521kHz_1459UT16nov.mp3 Time and date are in the file name. Oriental sounding string music, maybe some flute or electronic tones in there too, leading up to 3 and 1 pips on the hour. Unfortunately the talk that follows is too bassy to get anything readable. I'd guess Taiwan, but the audio I hear on supposed parallel 6145//7185 may not be Taiwan, as there is also a Chinese broadcaster there that acts as a jammer, isn't there? Any ideas? the music may just be music leading to the hour, but it may be a signature tune recognizable to somebody. Thanks. (Nick Hall- Patch, BC, Nov 18, RealDX yg via DXLD) Taiwan or China on 6145//7185 I'm looking for a parallel for a MW broadcaster, having heard what I think may be Taiwan (R. Taiwan International) on 1521 kHz a couple of mornings ago. Among possible parallels I see listed are 6145 and 7185, which were indeed parallel just before 1800 UT. But, there is also a Chinese broadcaster on those two frequencies that acts as a jammer, isn't there? Does anyone know which one dominates on the North American west coast? best wishes, (Nick Hall-Patch, Victoria, B.C., Canada, HCDX via DXLD) I can`t speak to this specific situation, but as a rule I think China`s shortwave jammers dominate very much as heard in North America, probably because they are more powerful and/or non- direxional. 73, (Glenn Hauser, ibid.) I suspect you're right, Glenn, as they played clangy sort of music up to 1800 UT, then left the air without any sort of announcement. Thanks for your input (Nick Hall-Patch, Victoria, B.C., Canada, ibid.) The ``Clangy`` music is probably Firedrake, widely used by China for SW jamming purposes. It`s the same music all the time, lasting about an hour before repeating, never any announcements. You could get a better feel for it if you listen to that for an hour or as long as you can take it. 73, (Glenn, ibid.) Yesterday I found Firedrake on 6280 on 2223 with a stunning S9+20 db signal. Whom are they jamming? (Zacharias Liangas, Greece, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Family Radio has used this via Taiwan, but apparently not currently. Israel will use it from mid-December (gh, DXLD) Firedrake, 10400 presumably against Sound of Hope, weak Nov 20 at 1419, but much better on // 9930 against Sound of Hope via KWHR, which presumably has a much stronger signal in the target area, and thus requires heavier jamming (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CHINA [non]. Nov. 14 noted CRI, in French, at 1840-1902 UT, on 6055, with song program and ID at 1900 UT. SINPO 45433. So, I've lost the likely unique time segment on which I could hear R. Rwanda!! 73's from Portugal (José Turner, Nov 18, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Via Albania in French at 18-20; what about after 20? (gh, DXLD) ** CHINA. Schedule of CRI in B06: [no key to transmitter sites included, tho most of them should be familiar; sorry, printers of DXLD, as most of these entries would take up only one line if not formatted this way for the original publication --- gh] Albanian 1600-1700 Eu.... 1215/ALB 1900-2000 Eu.... 6020/Ur, 7130/Kun 2100-2130 Eu.... 6145/F Amoy 0100-0200 FE.... 17495/Be 0100-0200 SEA 9460/Kun, 9550/Kun, 9610/Kun, 9860/Jin, 11945/Kun, 11980/Kun, 15425/Xi 1400-1500 SEA... 9655/Be, 11650/Xi Arabic 0500-0700 EAf,ME. 5985/ALB, 7120/ALB, 9590/ALB,17485/Kash 0700-0800 EAf... 15125/Kash 1600-1700 NAf... 7245/Kun, 9610/Kun, 17735/Mali 1600-1700 CAf,EAf.15125/Mali 1600-1700 ME.... 7130/SP 1600-1800 EAf,ME..7300/Kash, 9555/ALB 11725/ALB 1830-1930 CAf 11640/Mali 1830-1930 ME,EAf. 7200/M 1830-1930 NAf.... 13685/Mali 2000-2200 NAf/EAf 6100/Kash, 6185/ALB, 7215/ALB Bengali 0200-0300 SAs 9655/Kun, 11640/Xi 1300-1400 SAs 9600/Xi 1300-1500 SAs 9490/Kash, 11610/Kun 1400-1500 SAs 1269/Yun 1500-1600 SAs 9610/Xi, 9690/Kun Bulgarian 1700-1800 Eu 1458/ALB 1830-1900 Eu 6020/ALB, 7265/Xi, 9695/Jin 2030-2100 Eu 7160/Xi, 9720/Ur Burmese 1130-1200 SEA 1269/Yun, 9880/Kun, 11680/Xi 1300-1400 SEA 1188/Yun, 9880/Kun, 11680Xi Cambodian 0000-0100 SEA 11990/Nn 1030-1130 SEA 684/Dof, 15160/Nn, 17680/Nn 1200-1300 SEA 9440/Nn, 11680/Nn, 17680/Xi 1400-1500 SEA 684/Dof, 6055/Nn, 9600/Xi 2300-0100 SEA 684/Dof, 9765/Nn Cantonese 0000-0100 SEA 11820/Xi, 17495/Be 0400-0500 NAm 9790/HAB, 17540/Kash 0400-0500 FE 15160/Be 0400-0600 FE 13655/Xi 0500-0600 FE 15170/Jin 0700-0900 FE 11640/Be, 13610/Xi 1000-1100 Pac 15440/Kun, 17670/Kun 1100-1200 SEA 603/Dof, 9590/Kun, 9645/Be 1100-1200 Pac 9540/Be, 13580/Kun 1700-1800 EAf,SAf 6090/Kun, 7220/Ur, 9770/Xi 1900-2000 Eu 7215/Be, 9770/Kash 2300-2400 SEA 6140/Kun, 7325/Kun, 9425/Kun, 9460/Kun, 9965/Jin, 119345/Kun Chaozhou 0700-0800 SEA 13730/Xi, 15145/Xi 1100-1200 SEA 9440/Kun, 11875/Kun 1800-1900 Eu 6010/Ur, 7285/Xi Chinese [Standard] 0000-0100 NAm 6005/CAN 0000-0100 SEA 11845/Jin, 13580/Be 0000-0100 FE 11780/Be, 11900/Be 0000-0400 FE 13655/Xi 0100-0400 FE 15160/Be 0200-0300 SAm 7330/Kash, 9410/Be 0200-0300 NAm 7220/Qi 0200-0300 NAm,CAm 9690/Spain 0200-0400 NAm 6020/ALB, 9570/ALB 0300-0400 Eu 9590/Ur 0300-0400 NAm 9720/GUF 0300-0400 SAs 17540/Be 0300-0500 FE 15130/Jin 0400-0500 SAs 13640/Kash, 15170/Kash 0500-0700 RUS 13620/Xi, 15120/Be 0600-0700 SEA 17615/Kun 0600-0700 FE 15170/Be, 15230/Xi 0600-0800 SEA 17740/Xi 0600-0900 Eu 17650/Kash 0700-0800 Eu 11855/ALB 0800-0900 FE 9440/Jin 0800-0900 CAs 15565/Xi, 17560/Xi 0900-1000 FE 7190/Jin, 9440/Xi 0900-1000 SEA 11980/Kun, 15250/Kun, 15340/Kun, 17540/Be 0900-1000 Pac 15440/Kun, 17670/Kun 0900-1100 SAs 15525/Ur, 17500/Kash 1000-1100 FE 5965/Jin 1000-1200 Eu 17650/Kash 1100-1200 Nam 5960/CAN 1100-1200 SAs 9515/Kash, 11980/Kun 1100-1200 FE 7200/Jin 1100-1200 Pac 11620/Xi 1200-1300 NAm 9570/HAB, 15540/Chile 1200-1300 CAs 7180/Kun, 7205/Kash, 15110/Ur 1200-1400 SEA 7160/Nn, 9855/Xi 1300-1400 NAm 15230/CAN 1300-1400 FE 7205/Be 1300-1400 CAs 13650/Ur 1400-1500 FE 7210/Jin 1500-1600 Eu 9700/Kash, 13680/Kash 1500-1600 NAm 13675/CAN 1500-1600 SAs 7265/Kash, 9560/Kash 1500-1600 FE 7150/Be 1730-1830 Eu,NAf 6150/ALB, 7120/Ur 1730-1830 WAf,NAf 7160/Ur, 7315Kun 1730-1830 WAf,CAf 9645/Kun, 9745/Kun 1800-1900 EAf 6100/RSA 2000-2100 Eu 7120/Xi, 7335/Ur 2000-2100 WAf,NAf 7245/Be, 9865/Kun 2000-2100 ME 9865/Kun 2200-2300 Eu 1557Lithuania 2200-2300 FE 7305/Be 2200-2300 EAf,SAf 7190/Xi 2200-2300 SEA 6140/Kun, 7125/Kun, 7220/Kun, 7325/Kun, 9460/Kun 2200-2300 WAf,NAf 7265/Kun 2230-2300 EAf 15505/Mali 2230-2400 WAf,NAf 11975/Mali 2300-2400 WAf 7170/Mali Czech 1900-1930 Eu 7325/Xi 1900-2000 Eu 7150/Ur 1930-2000 Eu 7305/F 2000-2100 Eu 1386/Lithuania 2230-2330 Eu 1458/Alb English (see separate schedule) [not in this issue] Esperanto 1100-1200 FE 6100/Ur, 7210/Ur 1300-1400 SEA 9440/Be, 11650/Xi 1700-1800 Eu 1215/Alb 1930-2030 Eu,NAf 7265/Kash, 9745/Ur 2200-2300 SAm 7315/Kash, 9860/Kash Farsi 1500-1530 ME 6165/Ur, 11700/Kun 1800-1830 ME 7130/SP 1800-1900 ME 7140/Ur, 9670/Kun French 0600-0800 Eu 15220/Kash 0900-1000 Eu 17650/Kash 1200-1300 Eu 17650/Kash 1300-1400 Eu 13710/Kash 1300-1400 EAf 13685/Mali, 17880/Mali 1400-1600 WAf,Eu 11920/ALB, 13670/ALB 1600-1800 Eu 7350/Kash 1800-2000 Eu,WAf 5970/ALB, 6055/ALB, 7180/ALB, 7385/ALB 1830-2030 Eu,NAf 7350/Ur 1830-2030 WAf,CAf 9645/Kun 2030-2130 Eu 7215/Sam 2030-2230 Eu 7200/Ur, 11660/Kash 2100-2200 Eu 1440/LUX 2130-2230 EAf 13630/Mali 2130-2230 NAf 11975/Mali German 0600-0800 Eu 15245/Kash, 17720/Ur 1600-1800 Eu 5970/ALB, 7155/ALB 1800-2000 Eu 6160/Kash, 7170/Kash, 9615/Ur 1900-2000 Eu 1440/LUX Hakka 0000-0100 SEA 6140/Kun, 9460/Kun, 9550/Kun, 9610/Kun, 15100/Jin 0100-0200 SAs 13580/Be, 15140/Xi 0200-0300 SAs 15425/Xi, 17495/Be 0400-0500 SAs 15350/Ur, 17540/Kash 0400-0500 SEA 17505/Xi, 17710/Be 1000-1100 SAs 7255/Xi, 11980/Kun, 13850/Be, 15250/Kun, 15340/Xi, 15525/Ur 1600-1700 EAf,SAf 9770/Ur, 11825/Xi Hausa 1500-1600 WAf 7170/Mali 1630-1730 WAf 9620/Kash, 9670/Kun 1730-1830 WAf 9450/Kash, 9685/Kash 1800-1830 WAf 11640/Mali, 13670/Mali Hindi 0300-0400 SAs 11640/Kash, 13720/Kash, 15210/Kash, 15350/Kash 1300-1400 SAs 1422/Kash, 7265/Kash, 9635/Kash 1500-1600 SAs 7115/Kash 1500-1700 SAs 7235/Ur 1600-1700 SAs 1188/Yun, 1269/Yun, 1422/Kash, 5915/Kash, 7120/Kun Hungarian 1900-1930 Eu 7110/Jin, 9560/Ur 2000-2100 Eu 1458/ALB 2030-2100 Eu 7110/Jin, 9585/Kash 2130-2200 Eu 6145/F, 7120/Xi Indonesian 0830-0930 SEA 15135/Kun, 17735/Be 1030-1130 SEA 11700/Kun, 15135/Kun 1330-1430 SEA 9535/Kun, 11955/Kun Italian 0600-0700 Eu 15620/Kash 1800-1900 Eu 1458/ALB, 7150/Jin, 7340/Kash 2030-2130 Eu 7180/Kash, 7265/Kash Japanese 1000-1100 J 9440/Xi 1000-1600 J 7190/Jin 1100-1200 J 7160/Xi 1100-1600 J 1044/Jiangsu 1200-1300 J 7150/Xi 1300-1400 J 7215/Xi 1400-1500 J 7115/Xi 1500-1600 J 5980/Xi 2200-2300 J 5985/Xi, 7110/Jin 2300-2400 J 9435/Xi, 9695/Jin Korean 1100-1400 FE 1323/Changchun 1100-1500 FE 1017 Changchun, 5965/Xi 2100-2200 FE 7290/Xi 2100-2300 FE 1017/Changchun, 1323/Changchun 2200-2300 FE 7210/Xi Lao 1230-1330 SEA 7360/Kun, 9785/Kun 1430-1530 SEA 1080/Kun, 7360/Kun, 9675/Kun Malay 0930-1030 SEA 15135/Kun, 17680/Nn 1230-1330 SEA 11955/Kun, 15600/Kun Mongolian 0000-0100 MNG 9470/Xi, 11875/Be 1100-1200 MNG 1323/Lhasa, 7110/Hoh, 7170/Xi 1200-1300 MNG 1323/Lhasa, 5915/Hoh, 5990/Hoh 1300-1400 MNG 6100/Be, 7285/Be 1400-1500 MNG 5915/Hoh, 5990/Hoh 2300-2400 MNG 6185/Xi, 7205/Xi Nepali 0130-0230 NPL 11860/Kun 0130-0330 NPL 13780/Kun 0230-0330 NPL 11730/Kun 1400-1500 NPL 7160/Kun, 7180/Be 1400-1500 SEA 1269/Yun 1500-1600 NPL 7215/Kun, 9535/Kun Pashto 0200-0230 ME 6065/Kash, 7150/Kash 1500-1600 ME 9665/Kash 1500-1600 ME,SAs 11880/Kun 1530-1600 ME 6165/Ur Polish 2000-2100 Eu 6020/Kash, 6145/F, 7150/Ur 2100-2200 Eu 1557/Lithuania 2130-2230 Eu 1458/ALB Portuguese 0000-0100 SAm 9435/Kash, 11850/GUF 1100-1200 SAm 15540/Chile 1900-2000 Eu 7180/Xi, 7335/Jin, 9635/Kash 1900-2000 SAf 5985/Xi, 9620/Kash 1930-2000 EAf 11640/Mali, 13630/Mali 2100-2200 SAm 17645/Chile 2200-2300 Eu 7160/ALB 2200-2300 SAm 9410/Kash, 9685/Kash 2300-2400 SAm 13650/HAB 2300-0100 SAm 6100/Be Romanian 0900-1000 Eu 7130/ALB, 9460/ALB 1800-1900 Eu 1215/ALB 1900-1930 Eu 7305/F 1900-2000 Eu 6145/Xi 1930-2000 Eu 7200/Jin 2000-2100 Eu 1548/ALB Russian 0000-0100 CAs,RUS 1521/Ur 0100-0200 CAs 13600/Xi 0200-0300 CAs 5915/Kash, 17640/Xi 0300-0400 CAs 7220/Kash, 11710/Ur, 15435/Xi, 17710/Xi 0300-0500 CAs 9435/Kash, 15425/Xi 0400-0500 CAs 5905/Kash, 17640/Xi 0400-0600 EuRUS 15445/Kash, 15665/Kash 0800-1000 EuRUS 15360/Kash, 15665/Kash 1000-1100 RUS 7110/Hoh 1000-1200 RUS 5915/Hoh 1000-1200 FE 1116/Heilongijang, 7290/ALB 1000-1600 FE 963/Hoh 1100-1200 RUS 6080/Xi 1100-2000 CAs,RUS 1521/Ur 1200-1300 FE 6100/Be, 7140/ALB 1200-1300 EuRUS 9590/Xi, 9685/Ur 1200-1300 CAs 7215/Xi 1200-2000 CAs,RUS 5905/Kash 1300-1400 RUS 5915/Hoh, 5990/Hoh 1300-1400 CAs 7180/Kash 1300-1400 FE 7120/ALB 1300-1500 CAs,RUS 1323/Lhasa 1400-1500 CAs 7330/Xi 1400-1500 RUS 684/SP 1400-1500 FE 9450/ALB 1500-1600 RUS 5915/Hoh, 5990/Hoh 1500-1600 EuRUS.. 6105/ALB, 6180/Be 1500-1600 CAs 6025/Xi 1500-1600 FE 5965/ALB 1530-1730 RUS 1413/ALB 1600-1700 EuRUS 7215/ALB 1600-1800 EuRUS 6040/Ur, 7265/Ur 1700-1800 EuRUS 7105/Xi 1700-1900 CAs 6070/Xi 1800-1900 EuRUS 7190/Ur, 7255/ALB, 9535/F 1900-2000 EuRUS 6100/Be, 7245/Kash 1900-2000 CAs 6110/Xi 1900-2100 Eu 1557/Lithuania 2000-2100 EuRUS 7255/Xi, 9525/Be 2300-0100 RUS 5990/Hoh, 7110/Hoh 2300-0200 CAs 5905/Kash Serbian 1200-1300 Eu 7130/ALB 2000-2030 Eu 7130/Kash, 7180/Jin, 9585/Kash 2100-2130 Eu 7110/Jin, 7160/Ur 2200-2300 Eu 1215/ALB Sinhala 1400-1500 SAs 7265/Kash, 9610/Kun, 11900/Jin 1400-1500 SEA 1188/Yun 2330-0030 SAs 6065/Kash, 9490/Kash Spanish 0000-0100 CAm 5990/HAB, 9745/ANT 0000-0100 SAm 9475/Qi 0100-0300 SAm 9595/Kash, 9710/Kash 0200-0300 SAm 13685/GUF 0300-0400 SAm 9560/CAN, 9665/Brasil 0600-0800 Eu 15135/Kash 2100-2300 Eu 6020/ALB, 9640/Kash 2200-2300 SAm 9490/Be, 13700/CAN 2200-2400 Eu 6175/ALB, 7210/ALB, 7250/Ur 2300-0100 SAm 9590/Kash, 9800/Kash Swahili 1600-1700 EAf 7160/Xi 1600-1800 EAf 5985/Be, 7140/Xi 1700-1800 EAf 11640/Mali, 15125/Mali Tagalog 1130-1200 PHL 7180/Jin 1130-1200 SEA,PHL 1341/Guangdong 1130-1230 PHL 12110/Kun 1200-1230 PHL 9720/Xi 1430-1500 PHL 11695/Xi, 12110/Kun 1430-1500 SEA,PHL 1341/Guangdong Tamil 0200-0300 SAs 11650/Kash, 13610/Kash, 13715/Kash 0300-0400 SAs 13600/Kun, 13735/Kash 1400-1500 SAs 9665/Kun, 11685/Kash 1500-1600 SAs 9490/Kash, 11800/Kash Thai 1130-1230 SEA 7360/Kun, 9785/Kun 1330-1430 SEA 1080/Kun, 7360/Kun, 9785/Kun Turkish 1500-1600 TUR 7120/ALB, 9565/ALB 1600-1700 TUR 6165/Ur, 7325/Xi 1900-2000 TUR 7255/Xi, 9655/Kun 1930-2000 Eu 1170/Kra, 7225/M Urdu 0100-0200 SAs 7155/Kash, 7240/Kash 1400-1600 SAs 1422/Kash, 6075/Kun, 7285Kash Vietnamese 0000-0100 VTN 9665/Kun, 11770/Be, 13680/Xi 0400-0600 VTN 603/Dof, 684/Dof, 11640/Kun, 17740/Xi 1100-1200 VTN 11990/Xi 1100-1300 VTN 11600/Xi 1100-1500 VTN 1296/Kun, 9550/Be 1200-1500 VTN 11990/Kun 1300-1700 VTN 603/Dof 1500-1600 VTN 9455/Kun, 9550/Be 1500-1700 VTN 684/Dof 1600-1700 VTN 6010/Xi, 7360/Kun, 11990/Xi 2300-2400 VTN 7220/Xi, 9415/Be 2300-0100 VTN 603/Dof (various sources, as of Nov 4, WWDXC DX MAGAZINE 11/2006 NEWS ABOUT BROADCASTING, Walter Eibl, ed., via Michael Bethge, DXLD) ** CHINA [non]. The CRI schedule on the NDXC web site http://www2.starcat.ne.jp/~ndxc/cn/cri.htm dated Nov. 6, 2006 listed three broadcasts via site "qvc" 0000-0100 Spanish 9475, 0100-0200 English 7220, 0200-0300 Chinese 7220. Perhaps this is the (new?) Cuba site at Quivicán, mentioned in WRTH 2005. There are similar indications in the CRI schedule recently posted to the dxldyg. If Cuba, it's not being heard here -- and what would Cuba be doing on 7220 anyway? In any event, checked NDXC again tonight and there is a revised CRI schedule dated Nov. 19 -- in the "by-frequency" list "9475qvc" still there in Spanish at 0000, but "7220hab" in English at 0100 (so Cuba for sure) and the 0200 Chinese is gone, but in the "by language" list all three original "qvc" listings are still included. So do this mean that there are plans for CRI via Cuba on 7220? (David Yocis, Harpers Ferry WV, R8B, longwires, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) I doubt it; not the first time CRI has registered imaginary 40m hamband frequencies for use by relays in Region 2. But we know Cuba can operate on that band, as they run lots of jammers there, messing up their own ham radio operations (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** COSTA RICA. REE via Cariari, 9675, Nov 19 at 0230 exhibited the usual undermodulation, muffled audio from this relay, and also had co- channel from Brazilian, presumably R. Canção Nova (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CUBA. As Bernie O`Shea observed the night before, things are changing at RHC, and not everything matches the schedule Arnie Coro gave out a sesquiweek ago. UT Sunday Nov 19 I started monitoring at 0152. 9550 was in French, 9600 was in Spanish plus hum, both VG signals. Nothing on 9820. Heavy jamming on 9515 against ex-Martí frequency. At 0154, found that 9600 was // 6060 and 5965 in Spanish, and the same after hourtop at 0203. At 0154, 6000 // 6180 in music, presumably English service with much better signal on 6180; at 0202 English ID and news. Co-channel QRM audible under 6180, Brasil? By 0213, the 31m channels had become much weaker. But very heavy Cuban pulse jamming against nothing was still strong on 9630, synchronized with 9955, about 5 pulses per second along with all the other noise. (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Spy letters in code, 5800, Sat Nov 18 at 0625, VG signal rivalling the broadcast transmitters of RHC rated 100 or 250 kW. In fact, it could well be one of them, as it is operating in A3 mode, i.e. the carrier stays on as in a normal AM transmission, the modulation merely being tones of about 1 kHz going on and off. Would be useful for code practice, but never uses 16 letters of the alfabet, nor any numbers, punxuation. RHC English, 6180, anti-US items which seem to take up at least half their airtime, giving XEPPM 6185 a rough time, Nov 18 at 0627; at 0637, RHC English on 9600, apparently ex-9550, and Bernie O'Shea, Ottawa, had earlier at 01-02 found languages supposed to be on 9550 mixing in with Spanish on 9600 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Radio Habana Cuba. Audio feed problem from 0100 to 0200 UT Saturday, November 18 on 9600. Spanish heard as listed in schedule (parallel with 5965 and 6140) but also Creole to 0130 followed by French to 0200. Creole and French should be on 9550 according to schedule. Both transmissions on 9600 faded in and out and very poor most of the time but could make out both from time to time. Nothing heard on 9550. English during this hour excellent on 6000 and 6180. Spanish also heard on 6060 instead of English during this hour. English is listed in the B-06 schedule in DXLD 6-167 (Bernie O'Shea, Ottawa, Ontario, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 6300 (mixing product) Radio Havana 0555 Nov 19, 6060 and 6180 mixing 120 kHz up. The mixing product was 10 db over s9 here. The intended frequencies were 40 db over 9 using a Ten Tec Argonaut 516 and 65 foot Windom antenna (David Hodgson, TN, harmonics yg via DXLD) RHC observations: UT Nov 20 at 0613, nothing on 9600, but English back on 9550 // 6180 and synchronized, while 6000 was slightly unsynchronized causing a reverberation/echo, indicating distinct transmitter sites and/or feed routings. BTW, during this block UT Mondays RHC has a traditional Cuban music show, a nice break from all the politics. Hunting for an English PROGRAM schedule on the RHC website wasted my time. I would like to know its title and exactly when it is scheduled on all transmissions. At 1508 Nov 20, I noticed that RHC Spanish frequencies 15230, 12000, 11805, and 11760 were still on the air with open carriers after the nominal closedown at 1500. Then checking 9550, programming in Spanish! But nothing available from RHC itself at this hour. It was a program about Santiago de Cuba, 1513 mentioned Arte y Cultura, ID in passing as CMBF, 1514 into Bach harpsichord music, and cut off at 1514:30. Then checked the other OC frequencies and they were off too. ¡More CMBF! ¡Less RHC! RHC, 9505 in English, Nov 20 at 2032; only fair from one of their low- powered transmitters, and QRM from 2-way zero-beat on frequency, I think in Spanish, which was also audible a few minutes before 2030 when the RHC open carrier was already on. // 11760 was stronger, but bad ACI de WHRA 11765. And at 2035 check 11760 was running about one word behind 9505 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CUBA. Miscellaneous monitoring of the incompetent DentroCuban Jamming Command: Nov 20 at 0619, jamming against nothing on 5970, which is the R. República via Germany frequency in use only M-F at 2300-0400 UT Tue-Sat! 5745, Taiwan via WYFR in German, Nov 20 at 0631 was bothered by lite bubble jamming, since R. Martí also uses 5745 but only at 12-14, or is it 11-14? Jamming pulses against nothing, roughly 92 per minute, on 15380 at 1502 Nov 20, presumably spur from 15330 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CUBA [non]. 9630 NO SIGNAL --- No sign of Radio República, 0400 check, 11/17/06, nor on other checks in the 02-05 period supposedly here via Sackville now. Sometimes Cuban jamming but even that is quite weak. I wasn't aware of this potential new site until gh's mention in HCDX. CBCNQS next door on 9625 also not making it the last few days, tho it has always been consistent in the past (Gerry Dexter, Lake Geneva WI, NASWA Flashsheet via DXLD) ** CZECH REPUBLIC [non]. R. Prague via Sackville 15160, Mon Nov 20 at 1505 with Mailbox, 1509 Letter from Prague, which are Sunday shows. VG reception as usual (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** DOMINICAN REPUBLIC. Mi escucha más reciente: A las 0300 UT pude escuchar a Radio Senda en la frecuencia 1680 AM, transmitiendo desde La República Dominicana con programación religiosa cristiana. Durante todo el tiempo que estuve a la escucha se pedía por la sanación de varias personas y porque la situación de crisis por la que atraviesa La República Domicana cese de una de vez. Pueden escuchar la identificación de Radio Senda en mi sitio web: http://sintoniadx.multiply.com/ Atte: (José Elías Díaz Gómez, Venezuela, Nov 20, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** ECUADOR [non]. Looking for R. Quito, 4919, Nov 18 at 0620, nothing there, just music on 4915, presumably Ghana. Quick check of 60m, Nov 19 at 0208 found music on 4919, presumably R. Quito, on its distinctive frequency. Are they on every night, but not 24h now? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** ECUADOR. Emisora no identificada ¿Peruana? Saludos cordiales, queridos colegas diexistas. Espero que se encuentren muy bien. En la madrugada de hoy Domingo a las 0945 UT pude escuchar en la frecuencia 4910 kHz la señal de una emisora, que para mi es Peruana; lo digo por la música que estaban colocando. La situación es que no logro identificar el nombre de la radio cuando el locutor la anuncia; lo que entiendo es: ésta es "Radio Septicio Anchuster", claro que ese no es el nombre pero es lo que entiendo cuando la identifica el locutor; ¿podría algún colega ayudarme a identificar el nombre de esta radio o decirme de qué emisora se trata? La grabación está en mi sitio: http://sintoniadx.multiply.com/ Espero comentarios. atte: (José Elías Díaz Gómez, Venezuela, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Saludos, José, Es Radio Chaskis, dicen en el quinto segundo (Otavalo, Ecuador). 73, (Glenn, ibid.) Saludos cordiales querido amigo Glenn. Contrale [?] muchas gracias por decirme de qué emisora se trata; la verdad es que no daba con ese nombre, incluso busqué en varias publicaciones y no aparece ese nombre por ninguna parte. Al menos ya sé que se trata de Radio Chasquis. Es la primera vez que la copio y tenía tiempo que no copiaba algo distinto a las emisoras brasileñas en 60 metros. Recibe un fuerte abrazo y de nuevo gracias, querido amigo (José Elías, ibid.) It`s listed in WRTH 2006 and PWBR ``2007`` on 4909.3 (gh, DXLD) ** EQUATORIAL GUINEA. Radio Africa is being heard again here on 15190, October 30th I heard them fair strength at 1140 with two American preachers, went past 1200 but VOA Iranawila signed on then in English and dominated the channel (Mike Barraclough, England, World DX Club Contact via DXLD) ** ETHIOPIA. Hi Glenn! Voice of Democratic Alliance via Radio Ethiopia heard on Nov 18th at 1533 UT in a local language with reports about Afghanistan, Eritrea and democracy on 7165.13. SINPO 34443. This was followed by Radio Ethiopia in English at 1600 with an ID "This is the External Service of Radio Ethiopia", news and popmusic. Now a little bit more interference from neighbouring frequencies. Rx: AOR AR7030 Ant: MK-1 QTH: Leibnitz, AUT 73. (Patrick Robic, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** FRANCE. The strike at RFI appears to have ended for now. A brief announcement at RFI's Web site said plans for a strike to begin Nov. 21 had been lifted, following management's agreement to meet with employees to discuss issues in the dispute (Mike Cooper, GA, Nov 20, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** GABON. RTVG, 4777, yes, a big buzz just like on 9580 and 19160, Nov 18 at 0614; no modulation audible, and fortunately barely not a problem for Nigeria on 4770 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 18 Nov at 1635 checked R Gabon frequency 4777. Strong buzz there, while ANO 9580 and 15475 had clear audio. 4777 signed off around 1656 and the buzz appeared two minutes later on 9580. Unfortunately I was not carefully monitoring 9580 carrier at that time, so can't tell if these was a break and another transmitter was replacing the previous one. Interesting, needs further monitoring (Jari Savolainen, Kuusankoski, Finland, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) The Gabuzz saga: Jari, regarding your monitorings, the only thing I can explain myself is that ANO reduces power at 1700, once transmission of Radio Gabon close down on 4777 with 100 kW, and it seems that same defective transmitter is adjusted to 9580, as I conclude reading your Nov. 18 posting, where you explain that no buzz was heard before 1700 on that frequency. Hard to believe they have two transmitters with the same problem. Could be they stop using 500 kW from that hour, changing to the malfuctioning 100 kW unit. They might be doing the same thing on 15475, which provides a weaker signal after 1700, but that transmitter is OK. Maybe some fellow expert can give us a more technical point of view. 73s (Raúl Saavedra, Costa Rica, ibid.) ANO The Buzz, 19160, Nov 19 at 1511 along with some unintelligible voice modulation; 10 over S9 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 19 Nov I took some time to monitor Gabon frequencies. When checking 9580 at 1340 buzz was there loud. 1559 buzz went off slowly, just like someone turning the "fade the buzz" knob. No break in carrier or audio noticed. The next hour 9580 audio was clean. 1600 same buzz popped up on 4777. 1657 transmitter on 4777 was switched off. 1658 buzz slowly raised on 9580. No break in carrier or audio noted. After some seconds the audio was buried by the buzz. Around 1600 also 15475 was switched on, no buzz, but weak signal due to local noise level. So R Gabon, ANO, buzz, 4777 and 9580 are connected. Now we need explanation to what's happening there :-) (Jari Savolainen, Kuusankoski, Finland, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) And 19160 Today (19 Nov 06) at 1830z I tuned to Gabon, first on 9580 (9579.8) where there was a good signal and the loud buzz. Checking 19160 I noticed that the buzz was loudest at about 19163.3 even though the carrier appeared to be centered at about 19159.6. When listening on 9580 the buzz seemed to be centered around the carrier. On sideband it sounded rather like a multiplex teletype signal (with individual birdies) although I suspect that is simply from the oscillation of whatever is causing the buzz. I imagine they'll notice the noise and get it fixed someday (Jerry Lenamon, Waco, Texas, ibid.) 9580 África Nº 1, 1420-1422, escuchada el 20 de noviembre en francés, se aprecia un fuerte ruido en forma de zumbido y un nivel de audio muy bajo en la transmisión que hace prácticamente inaudible esta emisora en esta señal; el mismo problema se observa en 19160, armónico de esta frecuencia. Fuerte señal pero inaudible, el zumbido es elevado, SINPO 32242 (José Miguel Romero, Burjasot (Valencia), España, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ANO The Buzz, 19160, Nov 20 at 1426 was running only about S5. 9580, Nov 20 at 1943 with some modulation mixed in; at 2025 also on 19160, and a different pitch of buzz was in and out on 17630, perhaps unrelated (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Just for comparison, there seems to be rather similar buzz over a transmission on 11785 at 1500 UT. Don't know who this is at this time, there's Arabic chant underneath (Jari in Finland Savolainen, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) Re 6-171: ¡Hola, estimado colega! Yo entiendo que no se trata de la interferencia de tipo "jamming". Lo que me pregunto ahora es porqué no van a parar completamente las transmisiones hasta que el problema se solve. Otramente, Marueccos-9575 va a volver un poquito desarrambullado por la salpicadura de una transmisión inútil. Voy a averiguar mañana por la tarde si Gabon-9580 está fuera del aire. ¿Cual es la razón del desarrambullo de las emisoras y porqué están siguiendo adelante? ¡Te deseo una noche muy hermosa llena de captaciones especiales y de bellísimos sueños! (Bogdan Chiochiu, QC, Nov 18, condig list via DXLD) That`s what we all wonder (gh) ** GERMANY [non]. DW in English at 1600 excellent here on 9795 via Sri Lanka (Joe Hanlon, NJ, Nov 19, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 345 degrees so indeed toward you (gh, DXLD) ** GOA. 9820 INDIA. AIR (Panaji) (Presumed), *1330-1500*, 11/19/06. For the past week I have been listening to the station on 9820 nearly every local (Tulsa) morning between 1330 when the signal fades in and about 1430 when the signal fades out. The program format is the same just about every morning with talk including several mentions of India by a man and woman with few music breaks in the period up to 1400; at that point there is usually more music both instrumental and vocal; today (11/19/06) the signal lasted until s/off at 1500. The program content between 1430 and 1500 was almost completely music, most of it vocals. There seem to be no ID breaks at the bottom of each hour. The 1500 sign-off leads me to think that what I am hearing is AIR-Panaji as listed in PWBR (Jim Ronda, OK, NASWA Flashsheet via DXLD) ** GREECE. VOG, 9420 with good listenable signal Sat Nov 18 at 1433 during English hour, Hellenes Around the World; this time interviewing a guest in studio rather than phone. Well, I can`t be sure of that; could have been a high-quality satellite hookup as in common use for US public radio interviews, so you`d never know the conversants are not facing each other (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Glenn: I managed to pull up The Voice of Greece B06 Daily, Saturday, and Sunday Program Schedules. I copied the Sunday (Kyriakei) schedule in its entirety (the last part is UT Monday), and a section of the Saturday schedule. The time listed in these schedules is Greek Time; deduct 2 hours for UT. (Look at 1305-1400, 0230-0330, and 1605-1700 Sat. section.) So this is how English on The Voice of Greece works out in UT: Saturday 1405-1500 9420 17525 -- Greeks Everywhere in English [Hellenes Pantou sta Anglika] Sunday 1105-1200 9420 17525 -- Musical Broadcast in English (It's All Greek To Me) [Musike Ekpobe sta Anglika] Monday 0030-0130 7475 9420 12105 -- Musical Broadcast in English (It's All Greek To Me) Regards, (John Babbis, MD, Nov 18, DX LISTENING DIGEST) With gh`s transliterations ** GUIANA FRENCH. NHK Warido in Portuguese news via Montsinéry, 9660, Nov 19 at 0232, with a strange defect. The modulation kept dropping out a few times per second but irregularly, and the carrier level was also dropping as observable on S-meter, but never going completely off. Unlistenable until this cleared up a couple minutes later (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) see also POLAND [non] ** HUNGARY [and non]. R. Budapest, 6110 to NAm in English, Nov 19 at 0200 fair signal and atop co-channel, which would be Rai via Ascension to SAm, but I wouldn`t depend on that always being the case (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** INDIA. 18 Nov at 1310 noted unID AIR station on 4900. At 1330 only "Ye Akashvani He" ID. All the AIR stations nearby seemed to be on their usual frequencies, except 4880 Lucknow was missing. Any ideas? (Jari Savolainen, Kuusankoski, Finland, dxldyg via DXLD) Hmmm, how about Lucknow? Mis-punched frequencies are rather common at AIR (gh, DXLD) According to Alok das Gupta, this was AIR Kurseong mis-tuned. It should be on 4900. Alok says there is nothing on 4900 today, so this seems to have been a one-day mistake (Andy Sennitt, HCDX via DXLD) I believe Kurseong was on its nominal 4895 when I heard the unID 4900. Also 4800 Hyderabad was audible. I couldn't trace 4990 Itanagar, who might have made one digit error when switching to 60 mb. Anyway, today nothing on 4900. 73 (Jari Savolainen, Finland, ibid.) OK, then I agree it's more likely to be Itanagar, as misdialing 4900 for 4895 does seem very unlikely. We'll probably never know for sure :-( (Andy Sennitt, ibid.) Here's a logging from the DSWCI contest held on 18th Nov by T.R. Rajeesh published on dx_india list: 4900, 1308, AIR Guwahati (?) Assamese Prayer heard in Shiva temple by OM priests, 1310-YL talk, song, 1313 OM talk, 4940 is vacant, shifted to 4900? AIR Guwahati - Perhaps a frequency change from 4940 kHz, No sign of even a carrier and on 4900 there is an AIR station with Guwahati characteristics. Need confirmation from further monitoring. 73, (Mauno Ritola, Finland, ibid.) Viz.: AIR Logs by T. R. Rajeesh, Kerala, South India participating in the DSWCI jubilee band monitoring contest --- Date : 18 Nov, 2006 Freq UTC Station Language Program Details 4965 0038 AIR Shimla English/Hindi Eng News relay. QRM from Voice Africa 4835 0058 AIR Gangtok Hindi Sign on, AIR tune... Stn ID by OM 4820 0103 AIR Kolkata Bengali OM talk. QRM from Xizang PBS 4800 0119 AIR Hyderabad Telugu Telugu News-on Electronic media, etc. 4860 0128 AIR New Delhi Hindi Train Timings, details of reservation seats available etc, Instl music to Stn ID 4880 0132 AIR Lucknow Hindi Hindi news relay, Stn ann & ID at 0134 4910 0142 AIR Jaipur Hindi YL host ann at 0144, pgm timings, Hindi film song by YL 4920 0151 AIR Chennai Tamil Tamil News, Problems with txer!, more than 10 kHz bandwith, 2nd harmonic on 9840 4840 0157 AIR Mumbai Marathi Song by OM,, then OM talk, YL host ann, and to Hindi Film song nice old Song! 4810 0202 AIR Bhopal Hindi Bollywood Song, into advt of Mala-D contaceptive pill and again Hindi film songs 5040 0211 AIR Jaypore Oriya Oriya Song by YL, Talk mentioning Oct- Feb, Ann by stn host at 0214 4775 1158 AIR Imphal Eng/Manipuri English popsong by OM, stn ID and ann at 1159, Stn ann and ID, Mention of National Integration 5020 1203 AIR Thiru'puram Malayalam next week`s program Schedule, Hindi music lesson followed (My home station!) 4760 1212 AIR Port Blair Hindi YL talk, Song. 1219 Stn ID 4850 1220 AIR Kohima Angami YL talk in Naga aboriginal language Angami 4970 1235 AIR Shillong NES English Continuous English pops, Popsongs broadcast made this station popular among many SWLs! 4960 1244 AIR Ranchi Hindi OM & YL talk, descriptive talk by YL host, then into discussion pgm 4990 1251 AIR Itanagar Hindi Buddhist prayer (very nice!), mention of lama, 1257-Ann by YL host (Mostly Buddhist people in A.P) 4900 1308 AIR Guwahati (?)Assamese Prayer heard in Shiva temple by OM priests, 1310-YL talk, song, 1313 OM talk, 4940 is vacant, shifted to 4900? 4950 1336 Radio Kashmir Srinagar Urdu Islamic Prayer by OM, talk in Urdu, heard under Voice of the Pujiang on same frequency 4900 1429 AIR Guwahati (?)Assamese Hindi Song by OM, YL ann, 1430-Song by OM, Seems that Guwahati settled on this. Need confirmation from Sources 5015 1600 AIR Delhi Kingsway English Discussion by two YLs, Mention about amendment of Environmental Law etc, New shifted freq from 3365! Explanations: AIR Guwahati 4900 - Perhaps a freq change from 4940 kHz, No sign of even a carrier and on 4900 there is an AIR station with Guwahati characteristics. Need confirmation from further monitoring. Receiver Used: SONY ICF-77 and 5 menters internal wire connected to the extended telescopic antenna. Location: 10 degrees 28 min N, 78 degrees 16 min E. Address: T. R. Rajeesh, Thandiakkal House, Chevoor- P.O, Thrissur, Kerala-680027, INDIA Tel:+91 487 2342689, Mob: +91 9446062689, E-mail: tr.rajeesh @ gmail.com (via Alokesh Gupta, dx_india via DXLD) ** INDIA [and non]. Re 6-171, AIR on 9445: Sure, Glenn. Just when I sent that posting, I was aware of ``why long path?``, if India is completely at the other side of the globe from Costa Rica. I was meaning it in the sense of darkness, but darkness helps as it is pointing to Europe, arriving at us after what could be, a couple of hops? So rare and I should call it ``figured`` long path would be if that azimuth was pointing in opposite direction, and won’t hardly be any reception on 31 m. here. That`s similar to what still intrigues me with VOA English from Philippines at 2200 on 7120, arriving here too early on such low frequency, and don’t thing that signal is coming through dark here. I`ll appreciate a better explanation. Thanks in advance (Raúl Saavedra, Costa Rica, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** INDONESIA. VOI, 9525 in Arabic to EAs and NAm, Nov 18 at 1607 going from Qur`an into talk by woman, VG signal as usual. Suara Indonesia, 9525, Nov 20 at 1416 with music audible under the hum. Yes, it`s // 9680 which during this hour is messed up by all that China/Taiwan stuff (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** IRAN. IRÃ – A Voz do Irã reduziu sensivelmente as freqüências em que emite em espanhol para o período radial que vai até março de 2007. O esquema atual é o seguinte: das 0030 às 0227, apenas em 9680 kHz; das 0530 às 0627, em 13710 e 15320 kHz; das 2030 às 2127, em 7130 e 7350 kHz (Célio Romais, Panorama, @tividade DX Nov 19 via DXLD) IRIB's B2006 English schedule effective October 26, according to email from the station: 1030-1130, 15460 and 17660 Indian sub-continent and Kashmir; 702 for Azerbaijan; 765 for Pakistan; and 100.7 for Tehran. 1530-1630, 7330 and 6160 Indian sub-continent. 1930-2030, 6010 and 7320 to Europe and 9855 and 11695 to South Africa. 0130-0230, 7160 and 6120 to North America. IRIB also broadcasts on satellite at various times (Roger Tidy, UK, October 23, delayed since sent to a hotmail address, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** IRAN [non]. 6250, LITHUANIA, VOIRI (Sitkunai), 2017-2036, 11/13/06 in English. Thanks to tip from Fred Kohlbrenner, Iran was noted with English service (features, instrumental music, news, ID and schedule at sign off) until close at 2027. Instrumental music followed with ID and opening of Spanish service at 2030. Poor but steadily improving (Rich D`Angelo, French Creek DX-pedition, PA, NASWA Flashsheet via DXLD) ** IRAN [non]. 6245, CLANDESTINE, Radio Zamaneh, 2025-2059*, 11/12/06, in Farsi. Beautiful Iranian instrumental music but unfortunately it was continuous until the signal was terminated so no announcements or IDs possible. Good reception. Next day, Nov 13, noted from 1935 with short features with clear IDs at 2000 by a woman and then by a man with violin music in the background. Fair and improving (Rich D`Angelo, French Creek DX-pedition, PA, NASWA Flashsheet via DXLD) ** ISRAEL. Kol Israel produced a heavily distorted broad band signal October 9 at 0430-0459. Centred on scheduled 7530, but no real carrier of English + French service noted. Distorted high whistle tone all over the place, 158 kHz wide from 7451 to 7609. Scheduled 250 kW unit at 330 degrees towards Europe/North America. Distortion noted on three separate receivers (Wolfgang Bueschel, Nov World DX Club Contact via DXLD) ** ITALY. Rai, English to NAm at 0100 on 11800 is barely audible, unusable. They should go to 49m, but they said they don`t have a suitable antenna, altho in past seasons they used 6010. Now the best opening would be 6065, altho before 2300 R. Sweden is there (Joe Hanlon, NJ, Nov 18, DX LISTENING DIGEST) But only until 0100 when WYFR comes on 6065, so still no good for Rai`s English at 01 (gh, DXLD) ** ITALY. Sunday Nov 19 at 1508 Rai with Sunday sports special (calcio?), VG on 21520 to NAm but squealing, // 21550 (not 21552 as in published sked) to SAm, without squeal but also inferior modulation, PLUS unlisted 21490, which must be a leapfrog mixing product between the two, but nothing on 21580 to match. Later at 1516 also found on 17570 which is for Africa (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** KOREA NORTH [non]. Broadcasts for North Korea via Taiwan: 1000-1100 9730 Radio Free North Korea in Korean 1300-1330 9950 Shiokaze in Japanese, English and Korean 1900-2000 9780 Radio Free North Korea in Korean 2000-2030 9795 Open Radio for North Korea in Korean 2030-2100 9645 Shiokaze in Japanese 2100-2130 9795 Open Radio for North Korea in Korean (S. Aoki, NDXC-HQ, controler: S Hasegawa, Nov 19, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** LIBERIA. 5470, Radio Veritas, 2047-2104*, 11/13/06. Call in program called Topical Issues with in-studio expert guest and male host taking phone calls from listeners with a lot of discussion about Nigerian oil situation. After program ended another man gave ID and FM and shortwave frequencies mentioning close of shortwave service. However, next program, a soap opera drama, commenced before carrier was cut. Fair (Rich D`Angelo, French Creek DX-pedition, PA, NASWA Flashsheet via DXLD) ** LIBYA. Re 6-171: Former Libyan SW sites scrapped ?? Have you already noted that after quite some years the online edition of TDP has been updated again? Just in last year Thomson sold two TSW2500 transmitters to Libya, see http://www.tdp.info/lby.html I think it is a not too wild guess that these two transmitters are now on air during the mornings on 15235 and 15415, noted also here today with rather faint signals (15415 being a bit stronger than 15235), so apparently aiming at Africa. Seems they do not consider shortwave as relevant medium in Europe anymore. What is the programming on these transmitters, probably the main Arabic service (// 828/1125/1449 to mention the high power mediumwave outlets) since Voice of Africa is supposed to be not on air in the morning (WRTH 2005 specifies the break as 0400-1000)? I guess no maintenance of the Sabratha transmitters took place since they closed them down, so they are no longer in operational condition, although two were installed as late as 1995. Probably they now changed their minds and had to purchase new transmitters to go on air again, or just purchased them instead of efforts to rescue and restore the old equipment (Kai Ludwig, Germany, Nov 18, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Thanks for this, Kai, and no, I hadn't seen this information via the TDP site. So it seems to explain what is being heard now via 15415 and 15235. And perhaps the one solitary logging I made some weeks ago of Libya on 17750 at around 0800 was a test of one of the units? What I have heard didn't sound like a VoAfrica type of transmission - it's been mostly a debate about something or other. But I haven't heard a complete ID either. So it would seem that the two rather new 1995 transmitters (and not so old 1991 transmitter) have not been repaired - or apparently not. And TDP doesn't indicate that some other older units have been scrapped either. 73 (Noel Green, UK, ibid.) Hi, in late summer I was looking INTENSIVELY on Google Earth images of Libyan (formerly) SW sites [amongst them also Ian and Mauno had an intensive look into Libyan images too]. At least near Tripoli (westwards) an area was detected, like a scrapped formerly SW site area. Sabratha in the south is on low resolution image unfortunately. Maybe one or two of the new transmitters are also used for jamming in the 17630 to 17695 range area in afternoon?? 73 wolfy (Büschel, ibid.) ** LIBYA [non]. Hello DXers, 17/11/2006 around 2015 UT on 7205 I heard time pips followed by ID ``sout afriqia min aljamherya al ozma``, Voice of Africa from Great Jamaheriya, followed by verses from the Green Book written by Ghadaffi, the news headlines, followed by the news in details. All the best, DXers, (Tarek Zeidan, Cairo, Egypt, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** LIBYA [non]. V. of Africa, 17725 via France, Nov 19 at 1513 had regained its big hum with a VG carrier, under which ``Dear listeners`` were being addressed in English; earlier, hum was weakly audible on // 21695 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** LIBYA. 5A, LIBYA. The international team is up and active now as 5A7A with 8 stations on various modes on all bands through November 29th. QSL via DL9USA. Check also their Web site at: http://5a7a.gmxhome.de (KB8NW/OPDX/BARF80 Nov 20 via Dave Raycroft, ODXA via DXLD) ** LITHUANIA. R. Vilnius, English to NAm: 2330 7325, 0030 9875; Eu 0930 9710 (Bob Thomas, CT, Nov 13, DX LISTENING DIGEST) see IRAN ** MALI. Due to the changing season, RT de Mali 11960, 1530z, has been improving its arriving here in TI lately, but its signal was even better this Sunday 19 Nov. SIO 252. They seemed to be in talent contest with some children singing. In fact, is the only African country that can be received on 25m during the daytime (Raúl Saavedra, Costa Rica, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** MEXICO. R. Educación, 6185, uncomfortably close to RHC`s new 6180, monitored Nov 19 at 0225 discussing S. American politix, at the moment holding its own against RHC, especially when RHC was not playing music. As far as I could determine the two had equal signal strength here, which says a lot for XEPPM considering the actual disparity in transmitter power and antenna gain. However, RHC never had any adjacent-channel QRM from 6185. That frequency also had some co- channel under causing a slight ripple, maybe FEBA via UAE as Vatican does not start until 03. I am afraid that Amazônia may shift to 6185 because of Habana on 6180, as it has done in the past (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** MEXICO [non?] http://philcobill.com/sounds/01480-20061118-0201-.mp3 Glenn, the above referenced clip has a mention of XTRA, Baja California, 690 etc. What is going on? The time would be 11/18 0701 UTC and the reception was made at my Maryland listening post. Can someone help sort this out? (Bill Harms, Elkridge, Maryland, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) Bill, Sounds like XERA, the same old confusing ID people have been hearing on 690 itself. My guess would be some US station is picking up news from the W network. There are a number with Spanish/Mexican formats on 1480 in the NRC AM Log, including one near you, WTOX, Glen Allen VA. Why not start there and see which ones can be ruled out? 73, (Glenn Hauser, ibid.) ** MEXICO [non]. Hispanic presence in the US market The Mexican Radio Fórmula network is being heard on various US AM and FM outlets. For a website which is partially in English, see http://www.radioformulanetwork.com For a frequency list and a coverage map, see http://www.radioformulanetwork.com/cobertura.asp http://www.radioformulanetwork.com.mx/amap.htm (Henrik Klemetz, Sweden, Nov 20, HCDX via DXLD) ** MICRONESIA. Pacific Missionary Aviation, Pohnpei, SW plans: More info at http://www.pmapacific.org/projects/radio_station.php The tower for the antenna is 110 feet high (Mike Barraclough, England, Nov World DX Club Contact via DXLD) ** MONGOLIA. 12085, Voice of Mongolia, 1002-1020, 19-11, inglés, locutora, noticias de Mongolia, música y canciones mongol. 34333 (Manuel Méndez, Lugo, Spain, escucha realizada en Friol, 7º 48' 05'' W, 43º 02' 05'' N, Grundig Satellit 500 y Sony ICF SW 7600 G, Antena de cable, 10 metros, orientada WSW, DX LISTENING DIGEST) The only other two VOM English broadcasts, at 15 and 20 on 12015 instead, collide with Korea North (gh) ** MYANMAR. 5770, Defense Forces Broadcasting Station (tentative), Nov 18, 1511-1527*, pop songs, sign off announcement mentioned Myanmar and brief indigenous music (same music as noted in the past at 1330, which is the ToH for them), best level ever heard; Nov 19, weak with pop songs at 1426. Nov 19, best reception after 1500 to 1528*, segments of talking and pop/rock songs (Ron Howard, Monterey, CA, RX340 + T2FD antenna, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** NETHERLANDS [and non]. Definitive frequency schedule for RNW election coverage on 22 Nov: http://blogs.rnw.nl/medianetwork/?p=6573 (via DXLD) No exciting new OTO SW sites but now specified (gh) ** NEW ZEALAND. RNZI DRM missing again, no trace of it on 7145 Nov 18 at 1431. Are any Pacific relayers actually relying on this as their feed source? Both DRM on 9890 and AM on 9870 were coming in well earlier around 0630 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Glenn, I'm bemused that RNZ is using DRM. From its own website the target audience is our Pacific neighbours to the north. Even the most wealthy of those, Fiji has a homeless population of 95,000. The question needs to be asked - who in that potential audience has DRM reception capability? And clearly the service, as you have indicated is unreliable. Best regards, (Adrian Verry, New Zealand, DX LISTENING DIGEST) O, RNZI say that DRM is mainly for affiliates relaying their signal, somehow an improvement over satellite links (dishes get jostled and blown out of alignment, stations don`t now how to get RNZI back, etc.), with analog, while it lasts, still for the general public (gh) Oh, I see. A pity they take up so much bandwidth to achieve that. As it is almost a commercial operation perhaps they would be better using an out of band frequency. Most of our BCB networks have no problems with satellites. Anyway, thanks for the explanation Glenn (Adrian Verry, ibid.) Again Nov 20 at 1411 could not detect any DRM on 7145; indeed, there was a very weak analog carrier from something on 7145, perhaps FEBA Tashkent per HFCC, plus Arabic on 7140, probably BBC Cyprus. Meanwhile, RNZI analog 5950 was audible (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** NIGERIA. FRCN Kaduna noted on both 4770 and 6090 October 26th with reasonable audio; quite a while since I have logged them on 6090 which I heard from 2240 with talk in Hausa, Qur`an, short presumed anthem and off 2301. At 2250 I checked 4770 and could hear the Qur`an carried on 6090 bleeding through on the 4770 audio which was carrying Afropop. Both fair strength, 6090 slightly stronger, some 4770 audio heard there but was not breaking through as much (Mike Barraclough, England, Nov World DX Club Contact via DXLD) ** OKLAHOMA. KTTL 105.7 Alva missing again, or so it seems as KROU 105.7 Spencer-OKC, public radio from OU, is again marginally audible in Enid, Nov 20 at 1906 with Talk of the Nation (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** OMAN. Radio Sultanate of Oman 9760 was heard surprisingly strong this Sunday 19 from 0000 to 0200 with Arabic but with heavy distorted (altho readable) audio (Raúl Saavedra, Costa Rica, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** PAPUA NEW GUINEA. I was very surprised to find *no* hint of the PNG stations at all, from the 11th through the 13th. I was monitoring prior to 1200 UT (when they should still be on the air), but nothing was heard on the usual frequencies, not even on the 4890 kHz national outlet (NBC Port Moresby). (Guy Atkins, Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, Nov, DX LISTENING DIGEST) See DX-PEDITIONS Have not heard nor seen any reports of NBC 4890 lately, much less the occasional daytime frequency 9675. Has anyone heard either of these at any time of day, or know their status? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** PERU. Singing on 4790, Nov 18 at 0615 as I was checking out the Gabuzz on 4777, presumed R. Visión, Chiclayo. I look up the frequency in PWBR ``2007`` in case there could be something else and see nothing but R. Atlántida, Iquitos, the previous occupant of 4790, and anyway not listed on the air at this hour! This shows how outdated a PWBR can be, even if it were not post-dated. R. Visión was first reported in DXLD 6-079 as being heard May 23, 2006, with details of the changeover in 6-081, and numerous other items during June in 6-080, 6-084, 6-086, 6-092 and 6-095, and onwards from there. Of course, PWBR is forbidden to use DXLD as a reference, only since they refuse to acknowledge the existence, much less run a source credit line for, DX Listening Digest, World of Radio, or Glenn Hauser. (If someone does run across any such mention in PWBR, please let us know; reading 420 non-searchable paper pages for that purpose would be a waste of time.) But some reports of Visión taking over 4790 must have appeared in other DX publications PWBR is not forbidden to reference, long before it went to press (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) O, o, is Atlántida back? 4790, PERU, Radio Atlántida (Iquitos), 0328-0435, 11/14/06 in English. Long talk by M, ID at ToH by same M with several mentions of Radio Atlántida, back to talk, fanfare and brief musical interlude, back to talk by same M, Andean music 0415+ with brief talks by same M, mention of Radio Atlántida at BoH. Fair. PWBR shows this as 1/3 kW. Is that true? I`ve had them twice in the past week at fair level recently (Mark Taylor, WI, NASWA Flashsheet via DXLD) ** PERU. 4965, Radio Santa Mónica (Presumed), 1005-1018, 11/13/06, in Spanish. Long continuous talk by a man which appeared to be religious. No ID noted so presumed the one. Poor and much weaker than Santa Ana. Needed LSB to avoid heterodyne from above [below] 4965.8, Radio Santa Ana, 0945-1005, 11/13/06, in Spanish. Lively program of OA vocals hosted by a man announcer with talks, ads, IDs and TCs. 5+1 time pips noted at 1000 followed by jingle ID. Poor to fair (Rich D`Angelo, French Creek DX-pedition, PA, NASWA Flashsheet via DXLD) So these are two different stations? Had been assumed that R. Santa Mónica changed its name to R. Santa Ana. Since the first one was not definitely IDed, we remain unsure (Glenn Hauser, DXLD) ** POLAND [non]. Radio Polonia schedule shows that transmitters in Nauen, Juelich and Wertachtal in Germany, Monte Carlo, Issoudun in France and French Guiana are now being used. English monitored here October 29th, first day of overseas relays, on 5975 Nauen and 9525 Wertachtal 1300 to past 1315 October 29th, both frequencies excellent reception, particularly 9525 which was extremely strong, and good audio (Mike Barraclough, Nov World DX Club Contact via DXLD) R. Polonia, via Guiana French, Nov 20 at 2030 with IS, 2031 opening German, only fair with fades, but in the clear, SINPO 25433. Similar signal at 2215 check in Polish, also back to Europe, on 9660, free for the first time of BBCWS via WHRI collision, which moved to 9480. The only difference is that German is on 35 degree azimuth, and Polish on 40 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) See also GUIANA FRENCH ** PORTUGAL [and non]. RDPI, 17620, colliding with RFI, Sunday Nov 19 at 1515, producing a SAH indicating they are a few Hz apart, and // 21655. According to B-06 RDPI schedule, 17620 is for Africa M-F at 17- 20, but Sat and Sun 15-21. Trouble is, RFI is also scheduled on 17620 for Africa, daily at 15-16, expanding to 15-17 come Feb 25. This collision is totally unnecessary as there are plenty of unused 16m frequencies available (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** RUSSIA. VOR English to NAm monitoring: 0200-0600 not heard on 13665 15425 0200-0300 7250 but splash from 7240 and hams adjacent 0300-0400 7350 excellent to good but 6240 not heard well 0400-0500 not heard on 12030 12010 9840; 7350 good, 7150 very good 0500-0600 not heard on 9840; 7350 good, 7150 very good (Bob Thomas, Bridgeport CT, Nov 13, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** RUSSIA. [A-DX] Hallo a-dx, bis 1759 UT hörte ich auf 5050 kHz ein px der Voice of Russia, dann kam deren Pausenzeichen, gefolgt von dem China Radio International Pausenzeichen. Es folgte ein px in -tent- persisch, s/off war um 1830 UT. Liege ich mit dem Senderstandort TJK richtig? Viele Gruesse, (Uwe Volk, A-DX via Wolfgang Büschel, harmonics yg via DXLD) Spurious 5050 kHz --- Uwe Volk noted two stations on 5050 kHz on Nov 17th, at 1757-1900 UT, CRI in Persian, V of Russia in Arabic. Both CRI and VOR are using transmitters at St. Petersburg at this time slot. Intermodulation products: 5050 / 6090 / 7130 / 8170 kHz. CRI 1600-1657 Arabic 17735M, 15125M, 11725cer, 9555cer, 7300kas, 7130spb <<<< CRI 1800-1827 Persian 7295kun, 7140uru, 7130spb <<<< 7130 kHz in relay Persian at 1600-1657 and 1800-1827 UT. 400 kW 147 degrees St. Petersburg. Spurious signal standard formula: 7130 minus 5050 kHz = 2080 kHz 2080 kHz divided by 2 = 1040 kHz 7130 minus 1040 = 6090 - another St. Petersburg frequency to NE/ME. 5050 plus 1040 = 6090 kHz dto. Another SYMMETRICAL spursignal should be on 7130 plus 1040 = 8170 too! Similar spurious like former Samara 5905 and MW 873 kHz 1200 kW on 5032 kHz. And other 5 MHz - Sitkunai-LTU and Deanovec-Croatia signals there. 73 (Wolfgang Büschel, harmonics yg via DXLD) I.e. leapfrogs (gh) ** RUSSIA. 5960, R. Tikhiy Okean (Pacific Ocean), Nov 19, 0951-1000*, // 7330; they have returned to their former frequencies; ex 9765 & 12065; many IDs for ``Radiostantsiya Tikhiy Okean`` and ``Radio Vladivostok``, often gives phone numbers, usual Russian programming; 5960 strong, 7330 fair (Ron Howard, Monterey, CA, Etón E5, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** SAINT HELENA [non]. One would have been startled to hear R. Saint Helena on 11745, along with adjacent SSB QRM, Nov 19 at 0210 on 11745, but I realized it was just a repeat of Radio DX, with Célio Romais playing tapes of RSHD on CVC A Sua Voz, Miami via Chile, as now scheduled at 0200 UT Sundays, and I had already heard its original airing Friday 1532 on webcast, when also on 15410. It`s surprising how much `bad` DX audio he plays on this show, presumably driving away non-DXer listeners to the station. BTW, checking 15410, Nov 19 at 1536, it was as usual under R. Farda (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** SOUTH CAROLINA [non]. 7310, Brother Scare via "TDF," Nov 19 2147, usual ranting. This was originally listed for 9785, and is indeed so listed as 250 kW via GUF in the B06 HFCC schedule. The new 7310 frequency is now on the Brother Scare web site, still as 250 kW, but the signal strength here seemed undistinguished, similar to other 41 mb ISS at the same hour (7135 RFI in French, 7205 LJB in Arabic). I would think that GUF would have had a better signal, so perhaps this is actually via ISS. Clash on 5745, Nov 19 2208, Taiwan via WYFR in listed Cantonese under Brother S., presumably on WWRB, not yet supposed to be on this frequency. Is the end so near that the good Brother cannot wait for his frequency to clear? (David Yocis, Harpers Ferry WV, R8B longwires, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) see also CUBA for another 5745 clash ** SPAIN. A long time since I checked the CRI relay in Chinese via Spain on 9690, but Nov 19 at 0232 I found it still overmodulated and distorted (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** SPAIN. ESPANHA – Neste período radial, que vai até 25 de março de 2007, a Rádio Exterior da Espanha leva ao ar o programa O Espanhol no Brasil, de terças a sextas-feiras, entre 1800 e 1900, pela freqüência de 21700 kHz. A condução está a cargo da jornalista brasileira Cyntia Floriani. O programa apresenta notícias diárias de economia, política e esportes que relacionam Brasil e Espanha. Também leva ao ar capítulos do curso de espanhol para brasileiros preparado pelo Instituto Cervantes do Rio de Janeiro (RJ). (Célio Romais, Panorama, @tividade DX Nov 19 via DXLD) ** SUDAN [non]. By the way, has anyone heard Radio Nile (New Sudanese Council of Churches) since the start of B06? There is an HFCC entry for Madagascar at 0400-0457 on 12060 and 13725 kHz, but its no longer mentioned on the Radio Netherlands frequency schedule (Dave Kenny, UK, Nov 19, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) Radio Nile is currently off the air. It stopped broadcasting several weeks before the end of A06, apparently due to financial difficulties. The HFCC registration was made some time before we knew that the station would not be broadcasting. Whether this is a temporary or permanent situation isn't clear (Andy Sennitt, Radio Netherlands, ibid.) see also UNIDENTIFIED 9505 ** SYRIA [non]. Clandestine: Alquds Radio, 702 kHz, 17/11/2006 around 2155 UT, YL talking about the meeting of president Assad with the Lebanese singer Julia Butrus in a program called From Week to Week, 2200 a long religious preach by a sheik lasted for about 40 minutes, followed by some religious songs, around 2259 they played the Palestinian national anthem. QRM from Turkey and Saudi Arabia. First time to hear them around that late night time. All the best, DXers, (Tarek Zeidan, Cairo, Egypt, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** TIBET [non]. The Voice of Tibet broadcasts to Tibetan exiles in India and to China. Surprisingly China seems not to jam the broadcasts meant for India. The Voice of Tibet broadcasts to India at 1400-1430 on 17550 via RNW Madagascar and provides excellent reception here in South India. The project Director Oystein Alme is requesting reception reports and offers prompt QSL replies. reports may be sent to: oystalme @ online.no and voti @ online.no They also broadcast to Tibet and China from 1100 on 17560 via Tashkent. This frequency continues to be jammed by China (T R Rajeesh, Nov World DX Club Contact via DXLD) ** TUNISIA. RTT, Arabic on 7190, Sat Nov 18 at 0629, with what sounds like a stand-up act, frequently interrupted by audience laughter, something you don`t hear much on Islamic-world stations, come to think of it. 0631 into a funny song, 0632 phone interview. Apparently this is some kind of humor program. Would be nice to know its title and more about it from some of our Arabic-speakers. Sfax is a good reliable signal here around this time, with 500 kW aimed 265 degrees, while // 7275 at 340 degrees apparently goes off earlier (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** TURKEY. 11735, V. of Turkey, Ankara, 1400-1428* - Superb signal on 11/12 and 13! I was just blown away by the nearly local quality signal of VOT. Programming was in English, with an announcement as "Our English service to Australia". Turkish language lesson at 1410, about how to tell the doctor when you're feeling sick, how to ask for a vaccination, etc. The strong signal was pinning the S-meter on the DE1103 portable. Sign-off at 1428 with interval signal and ID (Guy Atkins, Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, Nov, DX LISTENING DIGEST) See DX- PEDITIONS. Wonder how it compared to // 12035 there? (gh, DXLD) ** UKRAINE. Here is a clarification from Alexandr Yegorov via Mauno Ritola via Olle Alm on the reported Brovary 5970, if not seen yet: "Only one test transmission was made on October 27. If only finance appear, then transmitter on 5970 will start operation." (Kai Ludwig, Nov 18, DX LISTENING DIGEST) This is discussed on Whole World on the Radio Dial on RUI, which I joined in progress at 2222 Sat Nov 18 on webcast. Probably will be repeated the next few weekends (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U K [non]. We have concluded initial testing which was very successful and we are now looking to start a permanent DRM service for Europe at year end (Tim Ayris, World Radio Network, email to editor Mike Barraclough, 25/10, World DX Club Contact via DXLD) ** U S A. Join me Wednesday, 22 November, on VOA's Talk to America for a discussion of recent developments in international broadcasting. The program follows the news at 1400 UTC (9:00 a.m. EST) on these shortwave frequencies or via the VOA News Now Windows Media or RealPlayer live audio streams. Join the conversation by calling +1- 202-619-3111 or e-mail to talk @ voanews.com VOA Talk to America frequencies To Far East Asia, South Asia and Oceania 1400-1500 UTC 7125 9695 9760 11885 12150 kHz To Africa 1400-1600 UTC 4930 6080 15580 17715 17895 kHz To Europe, Middle East and North Africa 1400-1500 UTC 11655 15205 kHz Many frequencies are audible outside the nominal target area. Posted: 18 Nov 2006 (kimandrewelliott.com via DXLD) Pray for no breaking news or other excuses to hold Kim until the last few minutes like they did last time. 11655 and 9760 usually good here (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Or from the VOA website it might be Tuesday --- http://www.voanews.com/english/NewsAnalysis/TTA-New-Upcoming.cfm "Tuesday-21-November-2006 International Broadcasting Update Dr. Kim Elliott: . . . " Is Wednesday a repeat? (Mark Hawkins, swprograms via DXLD) It's Wednesday, not Tuesday -- I just got a note from Kim (Richard Cuff, ibid.) ** U S A. TV MARTÍ OFFICIAL INDICTED --- Federal grand jury indicts senior TV Martí executive Jose M. Miranda, "accusing him of taking more than $100,000 in kickbacks from ... Perfect Image Film and Video Productions, a vendor that was doing business with TV Martí." Miami Herald, 18 November 2006. Internal review by veteran editor Clark Hoyt criticizes the Miami Herald's story about south Florida journalists who took payment from Radio/TV Martí. "The Herald might have broadened the perspective of the story to report, as El Nuevo Herald and then the Herald later did, that journalists in Washington have taken money from other U.S. government broadcasting outlets, such as the Voice of America. I believe that a journalist cannot take pay from the government or a corporation or interest group he or she covers without suffering a loss of credibility. But the presentation and handling of the Herald's story, in the end, was so heavy-handed and one-sided that it amounted to a missed opportunity to explore the issue with the sensitivity it demanded." Editor & Publisher, 17 November 2006. Herald executive editor Tom Fiedler says, "It was a story about how U.S. tax dollars are used to carry out policy and is this appropriate that U.S. tax dollars are going to arms of the government spent on journalists who would be representing independent news media." Editor & Publisher, 17 November 2006. Posted: 18 Nov 2006 (see http://www.kimandrewelliott.com/index.php?id=648 for linx to the four items cited, via DXLD) ** U S A. UTAH, 26190 kHz, NBFM, KOH-710 remote feeder, Salt Lake City; received a blue & white "KSL 1160 Newsradio" logo full-data card in 11 days for a report to "Chief Engineer" and one 39-cent stamp (used). Signed by John [uncopiable], CE, WA7UUJ with frequency and calls filled in on the back, and "60 watts RRU transmitter" listed. Frequency also typed on the front (Terry L Krueger, Clearwater, Florida USA, 27.55.83 N, 82.46.08 W, Nov 18, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A [and non]. WBCQ, 7415 was quite listenable as early as 1935 Nov 20, unthinkable in summer; so would have been on 9329+CLSB with Hembree if it were not for strong het presumably from Syria, with no modulation audible from them. WBCQ, 18910, Sunday Nov 19 with large open carrier at 1512 and still at 1534, 1601. Not rechecked until 1721 when modulation of some preacher was finally underway (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. KAIJ switched from 9340 to 9480 on Nov 19 as its daytime frequency. Nov 20 at 1414, G with Power Hour, and also after 1500. Unfortunately, BBC via WHRI is also supposed to move to 9480, from 9660, starting Nov 20 at 21-23. [Later:] KAIJ, Frisco TX, observations Nov 20: around 1750, 9480 was weak on the caradio, but I was hearing tones about every two seconds. Perhaps a Russian/CIS transmitter was tuning up, as is their wont, but nothing known to be starting at 1800 on 9475, 9480 or 9485. At 2058 I went back to 9480 and heard a SAH of about 5 Hz, no doubt the WHRI/BBC carrier on its new frequency ex-9660 overriding KAIJ, which may have stopped modulating already. The SAH and KAIJ went off at 2101, a sesquiminute after BBC started modulating, so I quickly retuned to 5755 and found that to avoid a new collision, indeed KAIJ was coming up this much earlier on its night frequency, ID before 2101:30. At this location, KAIJ was inbooming on 5755 so it`s an improvement over 9480, anyway. A reminder of KAIJ`s QSL offer, for e-mail reports only sent via gh. Check out new 9480 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. WINB missing from 13570, which it supposedly uses all day, every day, Nov 18 around 1500 tuneby; just CODAR swishes. WINB still missing, nothing on 13570 at 1424 check Nov 20 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. Looking around for what became of WINB, still absent from 13570, Nov 20 at 1940 I tried their only other known frequency, 9265, and found open carrier. But no, that must have been WMLK as scheduled during this time period, and often with undetectable modulation. Recheck at 2011, still OC; recheck at 2033 finally a preacher audible. Consulting FCC B-06, I see that WMLK is still registered for 9955 and 15265 as it has been for several years without ever showing up on them, and does anyone ever hear the overnight broadcast on 9265? --- 9265 1600 2100 WMLK 125 53 27,28,39 234567 291006 250307 9265 0400 0900 WMLK 125 53 27,28,39 1234567 291006 250307 9955 0400 0900 WMLK 125 53 27,28,39 1234567 291006 250307 15265 1700 2200 WMLK 250 57 27,28,39 1234567 291006 250307 ``234567`` for 9265? I thought Saturday-the-Sabbath was the day they were totally silent, not Sunday or Monday. Yes; this says Sunday- Friday: http://www.wmlkradio.net/times.html (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A [and non]. Even Radio Nederland is relaying Harold Camping now; Nov 20 at 1935, there he was on 7395, boring us to tears with his layman`s interpretation of scripture. This is listed as 250 kW at 320 degrees from Madagascar. Wouldn`t it be more apropos to employ this transmitter for RN`s own broadcasts in prime African and European time? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Re WYFR schedules in 6-169, 6-170: And I note that they have bitten on the bullet (or they're having a good chew) and using 7455. It's been audible at weak to fair strength at around 0730 in English accompanied by RTTY and in // with 6855 - this is louder but with occasional digi- ute on the high side. And BTW 6855 has not been heard at 1945+ (Noel R. Green (NW England), dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) Was colliding with a numbers station around 2000, or was it 2100? (gh) ** U S A. Six MW stations running DX tests tonight from Montana, 0700- 0900 UT Sunday (gh) Come join in the fun! You are all cordially invited to the #MWDX StarChat IRC Chat Room for the Big Sky DX Tests Saturday Night/Sunday. See http://www.dxtests.info/2006/10/montana-big-sky-dx-tests-special-event.html for the details of the tests (Bill Harms, Co-Founder #mwdx chat room, NRC-AM via DXLD) Big Sky DX special, Montana on MW, Nov 19: As I write this I have not yet read anyone else`s reports on this. Since I did not record anything but obviously do have e-mail capability, I will not be applying for any e-QSLs. I managed to stay up a bit past 0700 UT, using my bedside Realistic 12-656A with its internal ferrite bar antenna only, aimed toward MT. Promptly at 0700 on 580 I heard VVV DE but could not copy anything further; who else would be running a V marker on that frequency at that hour? Then up to 680, and got plenty of identifiable material, altho always mixed with several other stations. 0703 sweep tones, 0704 phone-off-the-hook, more sweeps; 0705 VVV DE KKGR, sent rather rapidly but I still could copy it on the first try. 0715 recheck, more sweeps on 680. 930 was a lost cause with WKY here, mostly music in Spanish, tho I checked it a couple times. No phasing here! From 0708 to 0713 or so tried 1290 and 1310 but nothing; however, Art Bell from Manila was mentioning propagation on the 20 m band being better in the equatorial regions where ionization lasts into the night. It wasn`t clear to me whether 750 would be on the air or not any during the first hour, but WSB dominates here. It did fade down a couple of times, and MT should have made it if on with 50 kW ND. Thanks to everyone involved in making this sextuple-test [sic] happen (Glenn Hauser, Enid OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) BIG SKY DX Test wrap up. --- The first thing is that we had a lot of fun on #mwdx comparing what we heard or did not hear. Many of us learned almost immediately that KLCY 930 and KGVO 1290 probably were not running the test and knew not to listen for them. We also learned what the testing stations were playing in real time. The biggest kick was just being able to talk to other DXers. Overall, I would rate the conditions to the west at about 4 or 5 on a scale of 0 to 10. It could have been much better, but it was still good enough for stronger stations to make it through if the channels were clear enough. On a personal note, only one of the stations was definitely heard here in Maryland - KERR 750. I had them in for about 15 minutes 0229 to 0245 [EST = 0729-0745 UT] and caught two clear IDs. They played various country music numbers. Despite knocking down WSB several s- units, WSB was still a major problem. There was also interference from an oldies station, a couple of Latin stations, and a Sports station. So much for clear channels. A clip has already been sent off for a QSL. On 580, I had too much WHP, probable Puerto Rico, and other stations to wade through. I did hear some tones, but they were not coherent enough to ID anything and were probably slop from adjacent channels. 680 was all WCBM, my local which loops in roughly the same direction as KKGR. When I nulled WCBM, I heard a mix of WPTR and a Spanish station, possibly Puerto Rico. 930 - was a no show and was probably not run. 1290 - was a no show and was probably not run. 1310 - I camped on this frequency most of the second hour and heard a mix of several domestic stations. I thought I heard some tones a couple of times, but they ended up being from 1300 slop (a local station). In summary, we had a good time on #mwdx and I would consider the test to be a success overall. I have a new state and life is wonderful. (Bill Harms, Elkridge, Maryland, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) UNIDENTIFIED. 4895 - strange, quickly repeating and distorted audio loop of Asian tonal language by female, noted at 1225 on 11/11. I suspect a Chinese or North Korean jammer here, but I have no idea who they might be targeting (Guy Atkins, Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, Nov, DX LISTENING DIGEST) See DX-PEDITIONS UNIDENTIFIED. 9505, Nov 20 at 1943, maybe in African language? But when I went back at 1947 it was gone. Nothing I can find in the listings fits unless maybe it was Sudan just before closing at an odd hour (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) UNIDENTIFIED. 9705, Nov 18 at 1609, some classical piano music, but at 1610 into English discussion of evolution and creation, so enough of that, must be some gospel huxter. Figured I could look it up later, but no luck in HFCC B-06, PWBR ``2007``, Aoki list; nor in ILG A-06 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ THE TINY TRAP +++++++++++++ John Siegenthaler, NBC Eveningly News Saturday anchor, Nov 18 introducing a story about whaling, says Iceland is ``tiny`` (Clara Listensprechen, DX LISTENING DIGEST) DIGITAL BROADCASTING DRM: NEW ZEALAND; UK non ++++++++++++++++++++ DX-PEDITIONS ++++++++++++ TROPICAL BANDS FROM A TROPICAL LAND: PUERTO VALLARTA, MEXICO I apologize for another detour from the SDR-1000, but some readers may be interested in a few comments about my recent vacation to Puerto Vallarta (Nov. 7-14). It was my first trip out of the country (other than visits to nearby Canada) since my 1993 travels to Rarotonga. ¡Degen Sí, Flex-Radio No! On this trip, I had opportunity to tune around on my small Degen DE1103 receiver, before and after local sunrise. I could only dream of taking the SDR-1000 and laptop computer along, but it was out of the question. I nearly took an Etón E1 instead of the Degen, but I didn't want to risk such a nice receiver to possible loss, theft, or damage. The antenna used with the DE1103 was an 80-foot random wire, strung atop a low row of bushes. It was an idyllic setting beneath palm trees, situated between large swimming pools complete with waterfalls and islands, and the Pacific Ocean literally 20 feet away on the other side. Even before the sun rose above the jungle-covered mountains to the east, the tropical bands collapsed abruptly; no slow fadeout like I'm accustomed to in the Northwest USA. Within 10-15 minutes after sunrise the tropicals were gone, and the 31 and 25 meter bands came alive. The rapid change in conditions each morning seemed to skip 41 and 49 meters; only a few signals were noted. . . . http://sdr-1000.blogspot.com/2006/11/tropical-bands-from-tropical-land.html (Guy Atkins, DX LISTENING DIGEST) see PAPUA NEW GUINEA; TURKEY PROPAGATION +++++++++++ OUR EXCLUSIVE HF PROPAGATION UPDATE AND FORECAST Very nice HF propagation conditions will be prevailing during the rest of this weekend and they will be extending from Monday to perhaps Thursday of next week, when we may see some changes. November in the northern hemisphere brings the lowest height of the F2 layer, and that has a beneficial effect on short wave propagation. The Sun has not been quiet at all, and several rather large sized sunspots can be seen on the solar disk. During last year's summer sporadic E season, when I was tuning around 49.9 megaHertz looking for FM point to point systems that usually tell you that the band is open, I picked up a cordless phone conversation that was taking place in Mobile, Alabama!!! Amazing, but perfectly possible when a very intense sporadic E layer is located at the right place and at the right time. And now amigos, as always at the end of the program here is our exclusive HF propagation update and forecast. Solar activity will continue to be at very low to low levels, and no signs of higher activity are seen at this moment. The solar flux is rather stable at around 90 units with a very low A index, something that, as I said at the start of the program will certainly have a positive influence on HF propagation conditions, but be aware that the after local sunset decline in the maximum useable frequency is going to be rather steep. Best bands for amateur radio DXing this weekend and during next week are going to be 17 meters and 20 meters during the daytime, and 80, 40 and possibly 30 meters during your local evening hours (Arnie Coro, CO2KK, RHC DXers Unlimited Nov 18 via ODXA via DXLD) TIPS FOR RATIONAL LIVING ++++++++++++++++++++++++ THE TROOPS OVERSEAS I found a poem online about the soldiers and added my own personal message to it. It's kinda long, but it's very well worth the read. Check it out at: http://www.walkerbroadcasting.com/soldiers.html (Paul Walker, NH, Nov 18, NRC-AM via DXLD) ###