DX LISTENING DIGEST 7-026, February 27, 2007 Incorporating REVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL BROADCASTING edited by Glenn Hauser, http://www.worldofradio.com Items from DXLD may be reproduced and re-reproduced only if full credit be maintained at all stages and we be provided exchange copies. DXLD may not be reposted in its entirety without permission. Materials taken from Arctic or originating from Olle Alm and not having a commercial copyright are exempt from all restrictions of noncommercial, noncopyrighted reusage except for full credits For restrixions and searchable 2007 contents archive see http://www.worldofradio.com/dxldmid.html For restrixions and searchable 2006 contents archive see http://www.worldofradio.com/dxldmid6.html NOTE: If you are a regular reader of DXLD, and a source of DX news but have not been sending it directly to us, please consider yourself obligated to do so. Thanks, Glenn FIRST SHORTWAVE AIRINGS OF WORLD OF RADIO 1348 Wed 2300 WBCQ 7415 Thu 0000 WBCQ 18910-CLSB Thu 1430 WRMI 7385 Fri 1130 KAIJ 5755 Fri 2000 KAIJ 9480 Fri 2130 WWCR 7465 Latest edition of this schedule version, including AM, FM, satellite and webcasts with hotlinks to station sites and audio, is at: http://www.worldofradio.com/radioskd.html For updates see our Anomaly Alert page: http://www.worldofradio.com/anomaly.html WRN ON DEMAND: http://new.wrn.org/listeners/stations/station.php?StationID=24 OUR ONDEMAND AUDIO [also CONTINENT OF MEDIA, MUNDO RADIAL] http://www.worldofradio.com/audiomid.html or http://wor.worldofradio.org WORLD OF RADIO PODCASTS: www.obriensweb.com/wor.xml DX/SWL/MEDIA PROGRAMS Feb 27: http://www.worldofradio.com/dxpgms.html ** ANGUILLA [and non]. Caribbean Beacon, a.k.a. Defunct Gene Scott, missing from 11775 at 1555 Feb 26, leaving 11780 clear for weak signal from Brasília in sports. After 1600 I still don`t hear Indonesia on 11785 either. 11775 was back on at 1953 check (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** ANTARCTICA. LRA-36 back on the air Monday Feb 26 at 1954 check, but all I could get was a carrier on 15476. During the following hour and as late as 2115, Steve Lare in MI and Raúl Saavedra in Costa Rica were more successful (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Acabo de pasarme unos minutos recibiendo a la LRA 36 por sus 15476, desde las 2044 hasta las 2105 con una programación constante de folklóricas argentinas y sólo una breve ID con muy baja modulación, con respecto a la música. Con condiciones de propagación en bajada, a diferencia de hace un año, me ha sorprendido su débil pero audible señal, por encima de lo escuchado hace dos años y prácticamente nada el año pasado. Tal vez algún colega argentino tenga la gentileza de documentarme acerca de la potencia usada por esta radio, y si ha tenido noticias de arreglos en su antena o transmisor (Raúl Saavedra, Costa Rica, Feb 26, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) I noted LRA36 still running to at least 2115 when I tuned out. I checked again at 2145 and there was nothing on the frequency (Steve Lare Holland, MI USA, ibid.) Sure Steve, that was the same story Glenn mentioned some days ago. So they are staying on the air for fifteen minutes more, not signing off at 2100 as religiously used to be. Anyway, don't you have the same feeling that even with propagation going downhill, we are getting a better signal from Antarctica? BTW, I was tuning the Argentinian feeder 15820 LSB around 2244 and they were coming audible, despite it was nearly mid-afternoon (Raúl Saavedra, Costa Rica, Feb 26, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) Yes, certainly a better signal. I believe someone may have mentioned some transmitter improvements and at least running in DSB once again. (Steve Lare, MI, ibid.) The closing announcement for this transmission was at 2052, canned, by man. They announced there their sked as "Lunes a Viernes de 15 a 18", i.e Mon-Fri 1800-2100. Anyway, the music followed up to 2116 and silent carrier about another 5 minutes (Horacio Nigro, Uruguay, Feb 26, playdxyg via WORLD OF RADIO 1348, DXLD) Slaen had reported that they were announcing a sked of only 19-21 UT now (Glenn Hauser, DXLD) Zuidpolers, Antartica op 15476 zeer sterk niet te geloven maar waar, sinpo 45444 met leuke guitaar muziek en info in Spaans. Signaal start om 1900-2014 UT stabiel. Gr (Maurits van Driessche, Belgium, Feb 27, BDX via DXLD) Dear Glenn, LRA36 is booming in right now in Denmark at 1910 on 15476.06 with SINPO 35343 in Spanish with Argentine songs. LRA36 did fade out at 2020 this evening here (Feb 27) , so one has to listen early during their broadcast, at least here in Northern Europe. Best 73, (Anker Petersen, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** ARGENTINA. I was tuning the Argentinian feeder 15820 LSB around 2244 and they were coming audible, despite it was nearly mid-afternoon (Raúl Saavedra, Costa Rica, Feb 26, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) R. Diez, 710, via LTA, 15820-LSB and not USB, Feb 26 at 2332 with ID, news, traffic report, adstring including Banco Rio; fading in and out but good at peaks (Glenn Hauser, MLPDX, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) MLPDX = DXpedition to Meadowlake Park, Enid, with DX-398 on cells and whip only, while watching fish and geese, low noise level. Next time will bring some wire. (GH) Hey Glenn, I see you are asking too much from that whip, while making that sort of Ecological DX, which I enjoy doing it every time I go out in the country or at the beach. Or must be that Meadowlake Park is a blessed place for DXing if you assure listening that Argentinian feeder on 15820 without wire antenna. If that comes true I'll have to purchase one of those DX-398. I have just verified at 2300z (8 de la noche en Argentina) that Radio Diez was in fact the same station I heard yesterday in place of the usual Radio Continental. Before news announcer said temp. is 24C (Raúl Saavedra, Costa Rica, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** BAHAMAS. 1540 kHz, ZNS NASSAU, 2255 27/02/07, basketball playoffs. Ads for an insurance company, a construction company on Long Island. ID "ZNS, the National Voice of the Bahamas." It's been a while since I have heard this station. They are on their day pattern at the moment so all the islands can hear the game. They are playing Caribbean music in the breaks along with a few local ads. Nice signal (Willis Monk, Old Fort, TN, 149' long wire, Drake R-4C AMFMTVDX at qth.net via DXLD) ZNS-1540-Willis is my Hero! My location in central Alabama is a bit closer to the Bahamas than where Willis lives in Old Fort, TN. It seems to lie inside a "dead zone" in terms of propagation. Three years of on and off trying for this station have only increased my frustration. All that ended last night with Willie's e-mails. I went downstairs and turned on the Icom 746 Pro, and immediately started hearing the slow pace of the play by play announcer during the basketball championship. During a break, I heard locals ads for bank and a clear ID for the station! Adjusting the phaser improved the signal even more---and I sat for at least another 40 minutes listening to the end of the game. Interviews with players, coaches, and more local ads. Within minutes of the end of the game, the signal disappeared back into the slop of 1540 as I'm sure they switched by to night pattern. This has been on my most wanted list along with ZIZ 555khz for years! Thank you Mr. Willis!!!! 73, (Les Rayburn, N1LF, Feb 27, IRCA via DXLD) Willis, Listening to announcers' Islands' accent from the Gulf Stream and Caribbean is a very cheap trip to the tropics. It is big treat this time of the year. Other than the religious broadcasters on other stations, the programming from VI, BVI, and Bahamas has a lot of local favor. I may have mentioned it earlier this month here or on another board, but one of my big radio moments this winter was hearing America the Beautiful played live by a steel drum band on WDHP, Frederiksted, VI. That's good to know about the omni pattern by ZNS1 on special occasions. 73, (Gil NN4CW Stacy, ibid.) Isn't it refreshing to hear announcers modulate the speaking voice to convey subtle nuances without yapping and jump-shifting into alto soprano coloratura hystrionics? A unrepentant 70's jock who now fancies himself a pundit almost had me recently. Driving the unique 93 Roadmaster Estate Wagon, stumbled into him exhorting a nervous caller. Caller was being bullied by Pri/Pub 'partnership', feared retaliation for going public. Talk host insisted correctly that's the sole recourse, nail them with what they most dread - publicity. Compelling? Yeah. Short lived? Yeah. Within moment, back to vocal glissandos & fatuous sitcom idiocy. Mustn't tweak the hole-i-garchs too much, after all. As with Cubano counterparts, ZNS announcers instinctively know one needn't shout like some auditioning dullard to reach an audience. Note: I'm not referring to legendary Bob Grant screaming at callers for dramatic effect. Grant's screaming was spice for his radio banquet. Am instead referring to those who for reasons best explained by them, are compelled to shout everything in variable pitch. Awful. We always enjoyed ZNS-3 810 prior to WMGG 820's prurient HD gleet discharge. With careful aiming, we can still pull Zed w/RatShak Loop and ATS-803A. Dr. Zecchino (PV Zecchino, T.D. Manamodulation Key, FL, ibid.) Willis, Dr. Z., and all, Pleasantly, from my perch just west of the Bahamas – 90 mi due east to Freeport and 180 mi southeast to Nassau, both direct water paths --- I enjoy all three Bahamian AMs day and night. 1240 ZNS2 Nassau though, with only 1 kW is challenged by slop from 1230 WBZT West Palm Beach, 25 mi away and also at 1 kW. ZNS3 (C6B3) Freeport, with 1 kW but on 810 and at half the distance of ZNS1 Nassau, is actually the strongest here. Last night the ZNS1 signal did seem to drop a bit in strength following the sports program. It had been equaling ZNS3. The FCC DB lists 50 kW day and night power, and the same antenna pattern for both, so it's not clear which might have changed. WRTH shows power at 30 kW, so maybe they hit the switch during the game and kicked in those last 20 kW. Or as Willis suggests, they ran non-D during the game. Or both (W. Curt Deegan, Boca Ratón, (southeast) Florida, USA, IRCA via DXLD) ** BOLIVIA. 3310, Radio Mosoj Chaski, 0052, 2/15/07. Male announcer interviewing female singer and playing her music, ID and announcements at 0103 and back into program past 0125 UT. Language was probably Quechua. Good signal and clear frequency tonight (Jim Fedor, Wells, Nevada, Equipment: Icom R-70, various longwires, NASWA Flashsheet via DXLD) ** CANADA. CHU has replaced their warning notice with the good news that ``CHU has been licensed to continue broadcasting on 7.335 MHz`` from :16 to :23 in even-numbered minutes, and the equivalent in French in odd minutes. The pips are still missing during the announcements. What if we need them then? This was monitored on 14670, Feb 26 at 1737-1739, as well as on 7335 at 0731-0733 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 16-23 seconds, not minutes as misspoken on WOR 1348 ** CANADA. 1650.00, 0610 24-02-07, CJRS, Montreal - (NEW STATION !) ID in Canadian French at 0612, piano and sax music. English ID at 0631 test transmission. 24332 (Guido Schotmans, Belgium, BDX via DXLD) 1650, NEW, CJRS all night with IDs at 0100, 0200, 0300, 0400, otherwise instrumental music; excellent English ID at 0615 with phone number & announcing precise transmitter location; these are tests with 1000 watts. 1650 Radio Disney [WHKT Portsmouth VA] mixing CJRS similar strength around 0400 (Steve Whitt, England, Feb 26, MWC via DXLD) Radio in Montreal Yahoo group member, Meir Weiss, forwarded this special message from Radio Shalom in Montreal today. Sheldon Be the pioneers of Radio Shalom! Radio Shalom invites you to participate in the very first on-air testing on 1650 am. Listen to the signal, evaluate its strength and quality, and send us a report by clicking here: http://radio-shalom.ca/rapport.php Your assistance is vital in making us sound as good as possible throughout Montreal. A few seconds of your time, would be appreciated. A drawing will be held to choose 15 or 20 of our listeners to participate on-air in the official launch of Radio Shalom. On your mark…..get set…..GO! Be a part of history by participating in the launch of the first Jewish radio station in North America! (via Sheldon Harvey, Feb 26, WORLD OF RADIO 1348, DXLD) With KCNZ IA off air, I am hearing new CJRS Montreal on 1650, presumably testing, with mostly English oldies and standards, and at 2241 EST 2/27 an ID in English, including an area code 514 phone number. 73 (Bill Dvorak, Madison WI, IRCA via DXLD) ** CONGO DR. 5066.337, Radio Candip, Bunia, Congo, 25 Feb 0405 - chatter by male speaker, mention of Bunia. Mainly poor with a few fair peaks. Station had drifted to 5066.332 by 0420 UT. Very pleased with this one (Brandon Jordan - Monte Sano State Park, AL - WinRadio G313e - Super KAZ antenna, dxldyg via WORLD OF RADIO 1348, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CUBA. CMBF R. Musical Nacional got some more SW airtime again UT Mon Feb 26 as RHC transmitters stayed on past 0700. Missed ID, but obviously this; tuned in 9550 at 0701 for incorrect timecheck as ``exactamente las 2 de la madrugada``, then ``La Opera`` (not ``Teatro de la Opera`` as on schedule from 0630) featuring Richard Tucker recordings. Great stuff. Still going at 0716 when I realized I`d better check for parallels. Yes, same thing on the 6300 spur, and on 6060 but they all went off at 0718, along with 6180 fulcrum which had been playing some other music, source unknown. With DST over in Brasil, RNA is not coming on 6180 so early and there was no clash at this time with Cuba (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CUBA [and non]. A few chex of RHC during a time I seldom monitor, Feb 26: 2336 on 6000, huge collision with R. Praga in Spanish via Sackville; at 2339, found 6000 // 6180 in obsessive discussion of Posada Carriles; 6180 was over Brasil but why should there be any collision here? At 2340, RHC Portuguese was on both 11705 and 17705, while 9550 was in English. At 2400, 6300 was audible with NA and outdated frequency list in Spanish, not, of course, including the frequency where I was hearing it (Glenn Hauser, MLPDX, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CUBA [non]. Had another try at R. República`s frequency change announcement at the end of the 6135 transmission, Feb 26 at 2357. A few days earlier I thought they said they were about to move to 6100 [seis mil cien], but now it`s clearer that they are saying 6010 [seis mil diez]! --- Which IIRC was their original frequency at 0000 when they started about a year ago, but long out of use. How can they be so FUBAR? Furthermore, they still have not managed to coordinate their programming with frequency changes, as at 2358 with 6135 still on the air, another program started, ``Hablando en Serio``, until automatic cutoff at 2359:30. Quick retune to the real successor channel, 6185, and that show continued, having started on the previous frequency (Glenn Hauser, MLPDX, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CUBA [non]. RCI and VOA 6100 kHz at 0200 UT --- Re: ``VOA does have a Spanish broadcast on current sked: 0030-0200 UT, 9480 9885 11840 --- but not on 6100. So did Sackville somehow get VOA rather than RCI audio on the 6100 transmitter by mistake at 01-02? Why would VOA audio even be available at Sackville (or Montreal master control) unless some covert relays of IBB programming are taking place via Sackville? (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST 7-025, Feb. 23, 2007)`` Last Friday (2/24/07 UT date) I suspected it was a mistake on VoA¹s part on 6100 rather than a mis-feed. Nothing Northeast of me was propagating (CBC Northern Service, CHU) and Asia was coming in. However, I now think the same thing happened Friday as tonight: Tonight (2/27/06 UT date), I started listening just before 0100. At 0100 RCI came on in Spanish as expected, with another station at exactly the same time well under RCI. RCI SINPO 33343; other station 21341. Eventually I was able to figure out that it was also in Spanish. (RCI took a music break and Spanish could be heard under the music.) At 0159:30 RCI signed off with 1 iteration of IS. The station under came up right after the RCI transmitter shut down, and after a few sentences by a man, VoA sign off started with the usual English announcement, and ``Yankee Doodle``. I probably heard the same thing on Friday, but with VoA dominant. What is VoA doing there in Spanish at the same time and Frequency as RCI? Oh, and no Radio República until expected sign on at 0300 with ``piano`` ID sequence and into discussion between 2 men in Spanish (Mark Taylor, Madison, WI, dxldyg via WORLD OF RADIO 1348, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CZECH REPUBLIC [non]. R. Prague in Spanish via Sackville, 6000, is still going despite huge collision with Habana we pointed out months ago, Feb 26 at 2336 czeck producing fast SAH and roughly equal levels; but one of them had Slavic bits. No problem on 5990 with CRI Cuban relay only, Prague having cancelled that English relay via Sackville at yearend (Glenn Hauser, MLPDX, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** ECUADOR [non]. Looking around the WRMI website I found a good shot of Alen Grájam; and further down the page, Jeff White, Thaïs White, and Erick Bolívar, who composed the WRMI jingle: http://wrmi.net/about.php (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** ECUADOR. 4909.25, Radio Chaskis, 0454-0515 Feb 25, Flute music noted in passing followed by talk by a man and woman in presumed Quichua. Ore [¿sic] vocals with some talk segments. At 0503 apparently into Spanish with an ID noted prior to a male vocal selection. Poor (Rich D'Angelo, Wyomissing, PA 19610, U.S.A. Equipment: Ten-Tec RX- 340, Drake R-8B, Eton E1, Lowe HF-150, Alpha Delta DX Sloper, RF Systems Mini-Windom, Datong FL3, JPS ANC-4, NASWA Flashsheet via DXLD) ** EGYPT. Finally heard R. Cairo here on 11950, Feb 26 at 2303 with Arabic music, ACI from 11945; 2307 into disco beat mixed with YL talk in seeming English as scheduled; reception deteriorated thereafter (Glenn Hauser, MLPDX, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** ETHIOPIA. VOICE OF THE TIGRAY REVOLUTION ON WEB, SHORTWAVE BBC Monitoring observed radio Voice of the Tigray Revolution commencing their broadcast day at 0355 gmt on 26 February 2007, on their recently-adopted shortwave frequencies of 5980 and 9650 kHz. The transmission started with their call signal - five minutes of a repetitive melody played on a washint (Ethiopian flute) - followed by an identification announcement in Tigrinya and mention of their website address, http://www.dimtsiwoyane.com The website features an extensive audio archive of news bulletins and other programmes available for streaming or downloading. Many of the hypertext links to these files, and the file titles, are dated in accordance with the Ethiopian calendar - a conversion facility for this can be found at http://www.funaba.org/en/calendar-conversion.cgi Voice of the Tigray Revolution (Tigrinya: Dimtsi Woyane Tigray) is affiliated to the Tigray People's Liberation Front, a partner in the country's ruling coalition, the Ethiopian People's Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF). Prior to the overthrow of the Mengistu regime in May 1991 the station operated as a clandestine broadcaster, sharing facilities with other pro-EPRDF radios. Now licensed, it broadcasts on a commercial basis from studios in Mekele, capital of the northern province of Tigray. Source: BBC Monitoring research 27 Feb 07 (via DXLD) ** ETHIOPIA [non]. VT Communications changes: Radio Mustaqbal in Somali to EaAf again on SW from Feb. 19: 0600-0815 on 15455 DHA 250 kW / 240 deg Mon-Wed/Sat (DX Mix News, Bulgaria, Feb 26 via DXLD) ** EUROPE. Radio Odyssey from Greece was heard last weekend in the US & is planning to test again: "Next weekend, I plan to start transmitting late on Saturday evening, about 2200 UT, and stay on for at least two hours. Or, maybe I do the same on Sunday morning, from 0500 to 0700 UT." He also mentioned testing on 13950 kHz, but doesn't have any schedule for that yet (Andrew Yoder, Free Radio Weekly Feb 25 via DXLD) But what was the other frequency? (gh) ** FRANCE [non]. In Mr. Aoki's B06 frequency list [see PUBLICATIONS] there are some "wooden" registrations for Radio France International broadcasts via French Guiana; they might be planned for A07 or be reserved for DRM use or test broadcasts. They're listed for English, all beamed 323 degrees, but one must figure they may be used for French or other language services! 21620 15-16 and 18-19 daily 500 kW 17855 16-19 daily 150 kW 17810 14-16 Sat only 250 kW 17805 14-15 Fri only 250 kW 15-16 daily 250 kW (Joe Hanlon, NJ, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 17810 is Brother Stair, currently in use (Glenn Hauser, DXLD) ** GERMANY. There is no final DW DX Meeting as already had been planned for this week. Could not Uwe have done it by himself this one last time? He was not even mentioned. In the Mailbag ondemand for this week via http://www.dw-world.de/dw/0,2142,4703,00.html Margot and her sidekick spend less than 3 minutes starting at 49:18 into the program talking about the late Wolfram Hess, and a bit later play ``Time To Say Goodbye`` yet again (Glenn Hauser, Feb 25, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Probably it was the same constellation than on the domestic "DX Aktuell" shows. If so Uwe was just an announcer, participating to get another kind of presentation than just a monologue by Wolfram. Yet he could have appeared in this Mailbag show after preparing countless programmes together with Wolfram. Perhaps nobody got this idea because the DX Meeting was produced at the DW TV studios in Berlin, half a thousand kilometres away from DW Radio at Bonn (Kai Ludwig, Germany, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) Last night I heard over the DW mailbag programme about the news and the details covered by DARC International Affairs Committee in their website at http://www.southgatearc.org/news/february2007/wolfram_hess.htm I used to listen to Wolfram Hess's Commentaries, DX Shows since 1984 over the then Radio Berlin International and over DW during recent times. I loved his voice and the style and way he presents the radio shows. I got his personal mail on the occasion of New Year 2007 and it's very unfortunate to know that he is no more. 73! (Hari Madugula, Young Stars Radio Club, Hyderabad, India. http://geocities.com/ysrc_india Feb 25, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) OBIT ** GREECE. 5865, Voice of Greece, 2228, 2/19/07 but barely making it. Presumed to be from the Pyrgos utility station site others have mentioned. Noted again at 0410 on 2/21 but still not as good as it is normally heard (Gerry Dexter, Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, Equipment: NRD 515, NRD 545, Eton E-1, NASWA Flashsheet via DXLD) 5865, Voice of Greece via Olympia Radio (Pyrgos), 0000, 2/19/07 (Mon). They were in Greek until 0010 when they went into English with "Greek In Style," a program of Greek music. The signal was strong -- better than I would expect from reported 10 kW -- but it was USB, and the audio was badly clipped, making it difficult to understand the female announcer even tho speaking good English. It definitely sounded like a ute operation. 9420 was better until around 0030 when it started deteriorating. 5865 went back to Greek at 0110 (Jerry Berg, Lexington, MA 02421, USA Equipment: Drake R8 & Eton E1-XM receiver; 19, 41 & 90 mb dipoles, NASWA Flashsheet via DXLD) FTH 9420 kHz at 1605z, Feb 24. // 9935 and // 15630. At this time should be a daylight path all the way. Did someone say that 15630 is only 10 kW? Good signal (Jerry Lenamon, Waco, Texas, Drake R8B with T2FD, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ``FTH`` may be pushing it a bit, for Foni tis Helladas; as the H is not a separate letter, just an apostrophe, often invisible. WRTH spells it Foni tis Elladas, altho the H should be pronounced anyway, (Glenn Hauser, DXLD) Apodimos: Another enjoyable hour with Andrianna this time, presenting "Greek In Style" from 0010 to 0110 UT Monday with Greek-English titles. She promised songs from the 60's next week. Babis: In the middle of the above program, 9420 was cutting off and on several times. I finally went to 7475 to finish out the program. 5865 was steady without the clicking off and on when I checked it intermittently, maybe they have finally gotten it running right (John Babbis, MD, Feb 26, to ERA, via DX LISTENING DIGEST) Or, shudder, they swapped 9420 Avlis with 5865 Olympia (gh, DXLD) SVO/ERA QSL Today received by post a computer-generated QSL sheet from Olympia Radio/SVO for my 13 Feb 2007 report of ERA relay on 11645 kHz. QSL gives address: C/S Olympia Radio/SVO 153 42 Agia Paraskevi Athens, Greece Envelope gives two addresses: Assemblage of Maritime Radiocommunications (Coast station Olympia Radio/SVO) 85 Patision Str. 104 34 Athens, Greece and: Hellenic Telecommunications Organization S.A. 99, Kifissias Ave. GR-151 24 Maroussi, Athens, Greece v/s was I. Flitouris, Manager of Olympia Radio Technical report was sent by e-mail to shipsva @ otenet.gr (Jari Savolainen, Kuusankoski, Finland, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ERA5 via SVO, 15630, Feb 27 at 1528 check: usual dropouts of carrier during music, but listening carefully, there were also dropouts in modulation during moments when the carrier was on. What wonderful engineering we are being exposed to (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) see also EUROPE (pirate) ** GUAM. USA(non). Frequency changes of KSDA: 2100-2200 NF 5985 SDA 100 kW / 315 deg to CHN in Chinese, ex 7150 2100-2200 NF 6000 SDA 100 kW / 330 deg to EaAs in Korean, ex 20-21 on 6195 (DX Mix News, Bulgaria, Feb 26 via DXLD) ** GUINEA. 7125, Radio Nationale, 2104, 2/24/07. News in French, announcements over local music, full ID around 2114 as "Le Radio Nationale de Republic du Guinee", [sic] lengthy talks in French by OM, Afropop music after 2200; back after 6 months off air, presumably in response to current political crisis in Guinea. Tnx Al Quaglieri (Ralph Brandi, Middletown, New Jersey, United States. Equipment: AOR AR-7030 Plus +DRM, Drake R8, Etón E1, T2FD and 300' mini-Beverage antennas, NASWA Flashsheet via DXLD) [non]. No sign of Conakry on 7125, Feb 26 at 0735, but instead RNW in Dutch. This could be a problem if Guinea really comes back to stay; fortunately RN is on 7125 only during this one hour: 0700-0757 Flevo 7125 123 500 Dutch C + SE Europe (Glenn Hauser, OK, WORLD OF RADIO 1348, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Checking reactivated Conakry, 7125, Feb 26 at 2253 with talk in vernacular mixed with music; at 2347 recheck some shouting in English naming several other African countries, mixed with hilife. At 2356 Guinea was till going under Russian tune-up tones (Glenn Hauser, MLPDX, OK, WORLD OF RADIO 1348, DX LISTENING DIGEST) I was about to say that Conakry left the air today Feb 27 at 2300 and suddenly found it back on its channel of 7125, after quite a long absence. Not as good as before but signal is enhancing while sunset is over Tiquicia. Let's see for how long will remain this time (Raúl Saavedra, Costa Rica, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** HUNGARY. ANGUSTIOSA SITUACIÓN DE LA RADIO HUNGARA Tras más de dos meses sin emitirse el programa "Correo del Aire" de Radio Budapest, esta semana volvió a estar con nosotros. No se pierdan las angustiosas palabras sobre el cierre de la radio húngara de Sergio Pérez. Termina diciendo que el próximo domingo nos ofrecerá el programa "Revista del Diexismo" si aún están en el aire. En esta dirección pueden escuchar el programa: http://programasdx2.multiply.com/music/item/107 Saludos cordiales (José Bueno, Córdoba - España, Feb 26, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) Summary translation of the 7+ minute clip: Sergio Pérez was required to take some vacation time as he had built up too much; thus the absence of the mailbag and DX shows since the beginning of the year. There was no money to pay someone else to do the shows in his absence. Now he is back and hopes to resume them in alternation every week. However, as of March 1, part-time staff are being dismissed, which means two people working in the Spanish section will no longer be heard, just Sergio and one other full-timer. Thus there will have to be more repeats and more music fill, rather than new production, for which he apologizes. He thinks this is the beginning of the end of foreign-language broadcasting from Hungary. The new management which took over last September does not keep the staff informed of their decisions, so changes are abrupt without notice, a very trying situation, since they don`t know if their services will still exist from week to week. Is anyone hearing the English announcers make similar remarx? Well, they are in Italian; a meeting is scheduled for Feb 28 on closing the external service --- (Glenn Hauser, WORLD OF RADIO 1348, DX LISTENING DIGEST) La redazione di Radio Budapest ha reso noto che è probabile la chiusura del servizio italiano, a partire dal primo marzo 2007. La conferma ufficiale sarà data nella trasmissione del 28 febbraio. No comment. 73, (Michele D`Amico, Feb 25, playdx yg via DXLD) Ciao Michele, ho ascoltato anche io la "emozionatissima" Rita Faragò che ha dato l'annuncio che tutto verrà deciso il prossimo 28 febbraio in una riunione che vedrà a confronto l'attuale direzione e quella futura che e ora gestita da radio M4 e che ha deciso di eliminare tutti i collaboratori esterni nella Radio Budapest. Se volete potete riascoltarla alle ore 2230 italiane stasera su 6025 kHz --- e registrare (speriamo di no) l'ultima trasmissione di Rita (Dario Monferini playdx yg via DXLD) ** INDIA. All India Radio being heard now (1840 UT) in Montreal on 11620, SIO 433. There seems to be some kind of listener feedback program and they just happened to be talking about how good the propagation on this frequency is. There was mention of this being a transmission directed toward Europe. In any case, I don't recall hearing All India Radio on shortwave before, so this is a real treat. Reception worsened somewhat in the last half hour, SIO 222 (Ricky Leong, visiting Montreal for a few more hours, 1943 UT Feb 26, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) That would be the mailbag program on Mondays, Faithfully Yours, also at several other times during each transmission. I`d think AIR would make it to Calgary on some broadcasts, if not this one (gh, DXLD) AIR 9425 kHz at 1545z, Feb 24 in English. Passport shows this as a DS from Bangalore in Hindi & English. Just heard English at this time (Jerry Lenamon, Waco, Texas, Drake R8B with sloper, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** INDIA. AIR DRM TEST TRANSMISSIONS TO EUROPE Date: 27th Feb 2007 till 5th Mar 2007 Freq: 9950 kHz Time: 1945-2230 UT Program: GOS IV service. Target: Europe Txer site: Khampur, Delhi Power: 100 kW Reports appreciated at : spectrum-manager @ air.org.in (Alokesh Gupta, New Delhi, Feb 27, WORLD OF RADIO 1348, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** INDONESIA. 3578, RSPD Maluku Tengah, 1430 to 1454, 2/15/07. The one listed here in Passport. Have been listening to this carrier all winter. Finally some audio with man in presumed Indo with vocal music selections (not pop music). Sign off times vary and always at end of a song they just pull the plug. Lately they are off as early as 1440 (pedaling for that generator must get tiring). Programming is not like RRI's. Signal breaks through no earlier than 1425 at this location (Jim Fedor, Wells, Nevada, Equipment: Icom R-70, various longwires, NASWA Flashsheet via DXLD) ** INDONESIA. v11784.918 Voice of Indonesia a little bit Hertz higher today, Noted with fair signal from around 1500 UT, when I switched in. RRI Jakarta at same time on 11860.008, but QRM by RAI Rome 1530-1625 UT co-channel. 73 (Wolfgang Büschel, Germany, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) He sintonizado desde hace dias La Voz de Indonesia, con buena señales por los 11785 khz, pero no termino de saber si siguen siendo programas grabados, lo que si se es que me sigue siendo imposible sintonizarla por los 9525 khz ni los 15150 khz (Tomás González, La Laguna, Canarias, Feb 25, Noticias DX via DXLD) La Voz de Indonesia parece que están emitiendo programas de hace un mes, las noticias que emiten dan referencias al mes de Enero (José Miguel Romero, Spain, ibid.) Today 1545 UT RRI Jakarta on 11860.007, and VOI 11784.866 kHz. But somewhat weaker signal today, compared to previous days. 73 wb (Wolfgang Büschel, Germany, Feb 27, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** INTERNATIONAL VACUUM. ALZAWRAA TV OFF THE NILE SAT! Hello, I noticed today that Alzawraa TV is off the Nile sat and replaced by test channel! According to Aljamhureia news paper that the Nile sat administration stopped transmitting the channel due to some technical problems that affects other networks! That doesn't make sense at all; the common people say that it was due to some pressure from the US department on the Nile sat administration to stop broadcasting that network which was dedicated to broadcasting video files from the Jihadi sites, like the Islamic army in Iraq targeting the US troops in Iraq. All the best (Tarek Zeidan, Cairo, Egypt, Feb 26, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Viz.: IRAQ: AL-ZARWAA TV NO LONGER BROADCASTING ON NILESAT BBC Monitoring notes that the Al-Zawraa television channel is no longer broadcasting via the Nilesat 101 satellite following reports that the station’s broadcasts had been terminated by the operators of the satellite. It was reported by the Cairo-based Al-Jumhuriyah newspaper on 25 February that Al-Zawraa’s transmissions had been shut down due to “interference and jamming” the channel had been causing to other broadcasters. Al-Zawraa, a pro-Sunni television station owned by leader of the Sunni Arab Front for Reconciliation and Liberation, Mishan Juburi, which shows programming comprising video footage of attacks on coalition forces, was banned from operating in Iraq in November 2006 by the Iraqi government for “inciting violence and murder”. The station continues to broadcast on the Arabsat (Badr) satellite at 26 degrees east (11747 MHz vertical polarization, SR 27500 FEC 3/4). (Source: BBC Monitoring research 26 Feb 07)(February 26th, 2007 - 10:20 UTC by Andy, Media Network blog via DXLD) ** INTERNATIONAL WATERS [non?]. Marlo/CMF on 6577 27 Feb 2007 at 1836 noted on 6577U a station with announcement loops. One by female voice, the other by male alternating. Signal was good but the audio a bit muffled. Not sure about the language(s), the female voice sounded a bit Arabic flavoured. Anyway, lot of mentions of Somalia and in between the announcements the familiar "rewind sound". Both announcements mentioned http://www.marlobahrain.org So, a Coalition Maritime Forces/Marlo broadcast to or about pirates along the Somali coast. Went off around 1855 (Jari Savolainen Kuusankoski, Finland, WORLD OF RADIO 1348, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Believe it might possibly be them back at 2225 tune in, but heard under aeronautical traffic on the frequency (Steve Lare, Holland, MI, ibid.) ** JAPAN [non]. Maybe this is SOP for Bonaire, but I still found it odd to hear RN`s carillon IS on 17605 at 2259 Feb 26, then after some clix, at 2300 directly into NHK in Japanese talk, without any NHK IS or theme music (Glenn Hauser, MLPDX, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** KOREA NORTH [non]. VT Communications changes: Radio Sea Breeze/Shiokaze from Feb. 19 1300-1400 on 9950 TAI 100 kW / 002 deg to NoKo, ex 1300-1330 (DX Mix News, Bulgaria, Feb 26 via DXLD) Open Radio for North Korea in Korean from Feb. 13 1400-1500 on 7390 TAC 100 kW / 056 deg to NoKo, ex NVS 200 kW / 110 deg (DX Mix News, Bulgaria, Feb 26 via DXLD) ** LIBYA [non]. Saludos cordiales, hoy 26 de febrero a las 1250 UT he realizado una grabación a Sawt al-Amal emitiendo por 17660 en paralelo por 17665, se puede apreciar en el audio un sonido peculiar producido por emitir la misma señal en dos frecuencias contiguas; verán que a mitad de la grabación hay un corte producido por el cambio de frecuencia de 17665 a 17660. Entonces se puede apreciar a Sawt al-Amal y de fondo a la emisora afro-pop. Audio: http://valenciadx.multiply.com/music/item/476 73 (José Miguel Romero, Spain, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) The het between the two I was hearing on this clip was 5 kHz, so unlikely they were on split frequencies 2.5 kHz apart as previously suggested. It`s AH-mahl, not ah-MAHL (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST) See also SAUDI ARABIA; MALTA ** MADAGASCAR [non]. Re DXLD 7-025 item, 7105 - 26 Feb 2007 checked 7105 at 1635 UT for the reported Madagascar. All I get is strong Radio Japan in French (listed 1630-1650). They had Japanese language lesson at 1645 and signed off at 1650 without any further ID. Madagascar 5010 was already on (under AIR) at 1635 (Jari Savolainen, Kuusankoski, Finland, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** MALTA [and non]. LIBYA AGREES TO LIQUIDATE VOICE OF THE MEDITERRANEAN The Libyan government has agreed to start the process towards the liquidation of the defunct Voice of the Mediterranean (VOM) radio station. Senior diplomats told MaltaToday that in a meeting held in Tripoli last week and attended by Maltese Foreign Minister Michael Frendo, the Libyan government expressed its willingness to accept the Maltese government’s invitation to liquidate and sell the remaining assets belonging to the radio station, set up in the late 1970s as a joint project between the two countries. It is understood that the assets to be liquidated at VOM have an estimated value of at least Lm300,000, (US$921,000)and include furniture and motor vehicles. The monies recovered through the eventual liquidation of VOM are considered crucial for the settlement of long-standing salary arrears to former employees and unpaid bills for services or equipment. Approximately 20 employees lost their job when the enterprise went bankrupt under the chairmanship of former PN junior minister Richard Muscat, who has since been appointed Malta’s ambassador to Ireland. Former Foreign Minister Joe Borg had declared before moving to Brussels in 2004 that “the Libyan authorities had made it clear they are not interested in continuing the project. The Maltese government, on its part, made it clear that it had no objection to continue operating VOM, should the Libyan government reconsider its position by the end of 2003, and pay at least a substantial part of the arrears due, and resumes its annual contributions for the activity of VOM immediately it becomes due. Efforts are continuing to be made to recoup the arrears owed by the Libyan Government.” The reasons behind the closure of VOM sparked a political controversy, with the Opposition requesting and obtaining a full hearing of the case before the Public Accounts Committee. The Voice of the Mediterranean radio station transmitted in seven languages, and was heralded as making a major contribution to the dissemination of Malta’s positive image abroad. (Source: MaltaToday) More background Two Maltese ambassadors summoned over report into Voice of the Mediterranean Ex-MD of Voice of the Mediterranean defends himself against damning report Maltese and Libyan ministers discuss Voice of the Mediterranean Voice of the Mediterranean has finally closed down (see http://blogs.rnw.nl/medianetwork/?p=7396 for further linx) (February 27th, 2007 - 10:13 UTC by Andy, Media Network blog via DXLD) Same: http://www.maltatoday.com.mt/2007/02/25/t18.html (via Mike Terry, dxldyg via DXLD) ** MEXICO. 9599.25, XEYU Radio UNAM, México DF; 1630-1732* 24 February, 2007. Good, with nonstop classical piano solo. Pulled the plug at 1732, and never returned through mid-afternoon (local) checks. Still not active through 1930 check on the 25th (Terry L Krueger, Clearwater, Florida, USA, 27.55.83 N, 82.46.08 W, DX LISTENING DIGEST) XEYU still missing from 9599.2v, Feb 26 at 1523 check; let`s hope, not for long. Julián Santiago says it has been off since Feb 24 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) [and non]. After having been missing for a couple days, XEYU was surely back Feb 26 at 2314 check on 9599, causing the big het with Vatican IS but the latter was on top, Christus Vincit! and 2315 opening Vietnamese. Would Vatican please keep its broadcasts to SE Asia out of North America? Per HFCC this is Santa Maria di Galeria aimed 72 degrees with 500 kW, yet it is stronger than Mexico next door (BTW, until 2245, VR on 9600 is via Pet/Kam or Khabarovsk, Russia). And what is it with Vatican QRMing Mexicans, also a problem on 6185? Could if be the strained relations between the Holy See and the United States of Mexico, where despite the overwhelming Catholicism of the people, the church has not got the perx it thinx it deserve; where Separation of Church and State is taken a bit more seriously than in El Norte (Glenn Hauser, MLPDX, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** MEXICO. XEYU`s frequency has slipped back up again, but still fails to attain nominal 9600.00; Feb 27 at 1455, when the het from 9600 went off, I put it at approximately 9599.44. Method: counting the 40-Hz steps up from original punch-up tuning to 9599.00 on the DX-398, (once the offset error was corrected for), until the signal was more or less zero-beat. Eleven steps = 440 Hz high. But this is not so precise, so I would say somewhere between 9599.4 and 9599.5, altho obviously less than 9599.50 since the pitches were different with 1 kHz stepping between 9599 and 9600 on the YB-400 once its BFO thumbwheel was zeroed on another signal, such as 9610 RCI (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** MEXICO. FM-SCA TECHNOLOGY TO BE DEPLOYED IN MEXICO Compress Technologies, Inc (CTLG) is a technology-based company with patented and protected applications that improve bandwidth and network topographies. CTLG’s North American FM-SCA licensee, Ludwig Enterprises, Inc. (Ludwig), has entered a joint venture partnership with New Century Services, Inc. for deployment of CTLG’s FM-SCA technology into Mexico. New Century Services, Inc, a forward- looking broadcasting group, plans on implementing CTLG’s revolutionary 50 channel broadcast technology in major Mexican markets. Programming content will initially focus on talk radio including a Mexico originated channel devoted to US Immigration polices and activities, political talk radio - one channel for the PRI, one channel for the PRD and one channel for all other political parties, a religious channel, a Ranchera channel, educational channels, English language channel, channels in Haitian, Jamaican, Cuban and Caribbean languages, as well as native Indian languages of Mayan and Nahuatl, and high definition enhanced non- traditional music channels. Under terms of the agreement Compress Technologies will receive royalty payments from Mexican operations. New Century Services intends initially to focus FM-SCA deployment in Mexico City, Acapulco, Puebla, Veracruz, Cancún, Mérida, Monterrey, Toluca and Salina Cruz. Network broadcast of up to 50 channels could be deployed in the top 10 Mexican markets yielding FIFTY times TEN or 500 channels of new programming. CTLG’s revolutionary FM-SCA technology is currently in development and testing. Prototype units have transmitted digital channels adjacent to analogue FM signals. Product distribution is projected in 12-14 months. (Source: Compress Technologies, Inc)( February 26th, 2007 - 16:10 UTC by Andy, Media Network blog via DXLD) ** NEW ZEALAND [and non]. RNZI gone from 9765, checked Feb 26 at 0654, and instead on 9870 with Kermit and Gonzo in comedy skit with Flight of the Bumblebee, then into classic Flanders & Swann on Mozart. This cleared 9765 for Turkey, heard at 0659 with IS in the clear prior to Albanian service, but is that why RNZI moved? Has RNZI overhauled their schedule yet again? Yes, as of today! See http://www.rnzi.com/pages/listen.php 26 Feb 2007 - 26 Mar 2007 UTC kHz band Target Azimuth Days 0559-1058 9870 31 Pacific 0 Daily 1300-1750 5950 49 Pacific 0 Daily 1751-1850 9765 31 NE Pacific, Fiji, Samoa, Cook Islands 35 Daily 1850-1950 11725 25 Pacific 0 Daily 1950-2258 17675 16 Pacific 0 Daily 2259-0558 15720 19 Pacific 0 Daily 2259-1259 13840 21 NW Pacific, Bougainville, PNG, Timor 325 Daily {last one should be 1059-1259! See 7-027 correxion} Noteworthy is that this page makes NO mention of DRM, and there is nothing about a parallel DRM frequency schedule which is supposed to resume this week. What was this comedy show? According to the program grid at http://www.rnzi.com/pages/listen.php this is supposed to be Checkpoint, since it was UT Monday, while National Radio is carried on Sat & Sun, but obviously not so. Would it be too much trouble to show the actual PROGRAMS involved during the long hours RNZI is relaying National Radio, and the real times this happens? Or rather as it is now identified on air, such as at 0658 ``Radio New Zealand, National``? Is there a quick link, at least to RNZN`s own program grid? No, but in fine print at the bottom of one RNZI page we found a link to its homepage http://www.radionz.co.nz/ which then leads to http://www.radionz.co.nz/national/home So what`s on at 1930 local NZDST Mondays? ``7:06 Nights with Bryan Crump --- Entertainment and information, including: 7:30 Canned Laughter`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, WORLD OF RADIO 1348, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** NIGER. La Voix du Sahel the best I`ve heard it, without really trying, on 9705.0, Feb 26 at 0643 almost as soon as I tuned in, with YL ID in French, ``Vous écoutez La Voix du Sahel. . .94 MHz``. WRTH says 93.6 in Niamey so I guess they round it off. This was amid chanting and shouting. SINPO 33333 at first with a bothersome het from 9704, Ethiopia? But after 0650 splatter from WYFR 9715 worsened. At 0652 another such ID this time by OM and music continued (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 9704, La Voix du Sahel; 2106-2128 clear and fair with female singer/ drums highlife, French male announcer (Terry L Krueger, Clearwater, Florida, USA, 27.55.83 N, 82.46.08 W, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Date? Report sent 26 Feb ** OKLAHOMA. Re 7-025, KAMG: Glenn, thanks for the word about the Spanish station being stereo. Maybe your knowledge of Spanish will increase from listening to it! And i don't like your spelling of huxter. In thought for the longest time that is the way it is spelled (Brucey Elving, DX LISTENING DIGEST) We took some photos of the KAMG-LP transmitter site when visiting it: http://www.w4uvh.net/kamg1.jpg http://www.w4uvh.net/kamg2.jpg http://www.w4uvh.net/kamg3.jpg (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** OKLAHOMA. Spotted another Talking House in Enid, this one at 2402 Sherwood, just W of the intersexion of Willow Road and Cleveland. Sign said 1540 kHz, so pulled off and listened to loop. This one mentions the address, a townhome, 3BR with second floor, with a different realtor than the one on 1690, the Fowler Team. Bits of music included in the produxion. Looked around the front and side, but no antenna spotted. The whole thing could be inside, for such limited range. In fact, it became inaudible just across the street, but that was thanks to high noise level overhead powerlines; on Sherwood`s side of the street, buried lines, but still a bad situation. No chance of hearing it 1 or 2 blox away on the caradio, and it`s about twice as far from home QTH so not audible there either, even if KXEL was still silent, around 2130 UT Feb 26. Picked up a flyer and this one is asking $169,900; strangely enough, Fowler not mentioned on it (Glenn Hauser, Enid OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** PAPUA NEW GUINEA. 3385. R East New Britain, Rabaul (presumed). 1130 thru past 1300UTC with much clearer than typical signal(my local sunrise was 1210). Also heard at 0830 which is earlier than usual for my QTH. Latter early reception may have been due to it being sunset on PNG. Thanks to Bruce Churchill for suggesting the availability of the earlier than usual reception.2/26/07 (Steve Bass, Columbus, Ohio, Icom 746PRO and Wellbrook 330S (Note: Discovered a problem with fuse continuously blowing in antenna interface to my 35-40' high outdoor loop...may be corroded BNC, wet connection to loop?). Temporarily installed another Wellbrook several feet outside my door only 4' high and immediately heard PNG at best level of the year. Am learning the hard way that in a very noisy environment, the Wellbrook loops perform best relatively close to the ground!), dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) 3335.0 *Reactivated?* R. East Sepik, Wewak, 25 Feb 1300 - Chatter by male in dialect at tune in then directly into the PNG National Anthem, followed by PNG news in English, brief weather report mentioning thunderstorms and New Ireland then talking about the PNG Electoral Commision. Abrubtly off in mid-sentence at 1304:30 UTC. Decent signal (Brandon Jordan - Monte Sano State Park, AL - WinRadio G313e - Super KAZ antenna, dxldyg via WORLD OF RADIO 1348, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Tropenfreaken, PNG op 3335 nog goed te ontvangen; voor de tijd van het jaar, time 1945 UT, with popmusic, sinpo 43222 Gr (Maurits uit het regenachtige Belgie van Driessche, Feb 25, BDX via WORLD OF RADIO 1348, DXLD) ** PERU. R. Visión, Feb 27, 4790.08 kHz with a good signal at 0330z, dropping to a poor signal by the time I tuned out after the 0400z ID. I've heard this one several times recently but last night was the first time for a good signal (Jerry Lenamon, Waco, Texas, Drake R8B with T2FD, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** PERU. 4857.28, Radio La Hora, (Presumed), 1048-1105 Feb 26. Just noted steady Huaynos and some MOR music with no break on the hour. Note the frequency is above where they normally broadcast. Signal was poor (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, Florida, NRD545, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** PHILIPPINES. VOA Korean, 9555, Feb 27 at 1445 with English lesson, splattering +/- 20 kHz, and especially bothersome to RHC 9550. It was all over by 1500. Not the first time the 9555 transmitter has been so dirty (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** SAUDI ARABIA. Glenn, According to Wolfgang's BSKSA schedule (DXLD 7-024) 15425 (shown as 15225) and 15435 are listed as 1st Program from 1500 to 1800 UT. My previous schedule from A-06 lists 15315 and 15435 from 1500 to 1655 as Call of Islam and from 1700 to 1755 as 1st General Program. Sometime during B-06 (I think it was) 15315 was replaced by 15425. I will try to monitor them this week to determine which it is. Also is there really any difference between Call of Islam and Holy Qur`an? My A-06 schedule refers to the former and my A-05 schedule refers to the latter. A-05 also has a third entry, Voice of Islam from 1500 to 1655 on 15315 and 15435. All very confusing. 73 (Bernie O`Shea, Ont., DX LISTENING DIGEST) Bernie, It seems there is a lot of misleading info in that schedule in 7-024, apparently because as Wolfy said it is a combination of current and planned usage for next season. Yes, I really think Call of Islam is distinct from Holy Qur`an; I don`t recall the details, but programming on 15425/15435 was not parallel to some other Saudi frequencies with HQ. I think Call of Islam and Voice of Islam must be the same thing with two different renderings of the name in English. Check page 470 of 07 WRTH, where these two and the two other Arabic services on SW are delineated by asterisks, #. Call of Islam is only for those two hours a day, while Holy Qur`an is on all the time. 73, (Glenn to Bernie, via DX LISTENING DIGEST) Re 7-025: I found BSKSA French missing from 17785 today (Monday Feb.26) at 0800. A tune down to 15250 produced only a weak Russian transmission (Liberty via PHT I assume). But at 0849 French speech suddenly came on air on 15250 at fair strength, and this was IDed as Saudi Arabia by the march music played at 0900 introducing news in French. Some Arabic was also heard briefly. 0900 was interesting as I also heard Liberty going off and CRI coming on amidst the Saudi time pips (1 second fast!). French continued until 1000 co-channel CRI. And at 1000 the signal cleared sufficiently to hear "You are tuned to the English service of Radio Jeddah". Several FM frequencies were given but I could not copy all of the announcement, and didn't hear if a SW frequency was announced as well (Noel R. Green (NW England), dxldyg via WORLD OF RADIO 1348, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Heard the start of their English Service at 10 UT today. They gave some info which also can be read in the WRTH under Home Services, like 97.7 MHz and their web address. So this new short wave service is a relay of their English home service between 10 and 13 UT. I only hear 15250 kHz. The program can also be heard online at: http://www.saudiradio.net/radio-eurpoean.php?id=4 73, (Erik Køie, Copenhagen, ibid.) Sawt al-Amal was on top of the Afro-pops on 17660 at tune in 1345 today (Feb. 26). When Amal left the air shortly after 1400 the Afro- pop sender was alone on the channel until approx. 1453 when music and French voice (with some Arabic words) were heard mixing. This is now peaking on top of Amal at times at 1500+ and undoubtedly BSKSA. I suggest that BSKSA is aiming at a 1500 sign on, and activates the transmitter a few minutes prior to that time. The broadcast they carry is obviously on air elsewhere already (Noel R. Green (NW England), ibid.) Indeed these broadcasts also go out on FM and a few low powered mediumwave transmitters in Saudi Arabia. See page 345 in WRTH 2007 where they are denoted as "F". After 1600 the "F" feed contains English, thus it is such an interesting question if they now keep this shortwave transmission running beyond 1600 (Kai Ludwig, ibid.) Re: Saudi English at 09-12? Same story here than with 17660 of course. And I think they turn off 15250 at 1155 because the transmitter is in use for something else from 1200. So it appears that the BSKSA network with French and English, dubbed by WRTH as "F", is what is listed elsewhere as "European Broadcast" and goes out via Badr 3 and Nilesat 102 as well? And I assume that "Multilanguage Radio 1" and "Multilanguage Radio 2" (first one carried on Badr 3 only) are the foreign service broadcasts in other languages, the only BSKSA stuff with no domestic FM and/or mediumwave outlets it seems. Cf. http://www.lyngsat.com/freeradio/Saudi-Arabia.html (Kai Ludwig, Germany, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) And yes, 17660 does go beyond 1600 but is then co-channel with Family Radio in Portuguese via ASC until 1700. The problem is to try to find out if BSKSA goes beyond 1700 - and there does seem to be "something" there when ASC goes off air, but still too weak to copy positively. As Kai remarks, English and French are relays of local FM/MW, and SW is opting in / out of the transmission. And re the BSKSA transmitters switching on early - Wolfgang B has already pointed out the co-channel QRM to RNW on 11935 - BSKSA should open at 0900 but is on air before then regularly. I also noticed 21495 on air early today (Feb. 27) before 0900, and 15250 in French from around 0850. (It definitely wasn't on air at the former time of 0800 and so 0900 seems to be the "official" opening time). My guess is that these three transmitters were idle, and were able to switch on early. But such as 21705 17805 and 17615 did not appear before 0900, and were assumedly already in use on - maybe - 15380 17730 and 17740. I'm not sure when Indonesian 21670 came on, but it's on now at 1100 (Noel R. Green (NW England), ibid.) Riyadh on new 15250 kHz English program. And fair signal of S=7 level in Europe at 1115 UT. Co-channel Kunming ends at 1100 UT, leaving BSKSA in the clear. 73 wb (Wolfgang Büschel, ibid.) SAUDI ARABIA Seven x 500 kW units on air from 0900 to 1200 UT. BSKSA Riyadh noted today Feb 27 Holy Qur`an program 11935(on air 0846), 17615(to AS), 21495(from 0847) 1st Program 17805, 21705 (superpower into EUR) Indonesian 21670 And ?0800-1000 UT French 15250(weak in EUR, and suffers by Kunming-CHN co-channel). English 15250 from 1000 UT. Two units start around 0846/0847, the remainings change at about 0854/0856 UT (Wolfgang Büschel, Feb 27, ibid.) Hi dear Noel, BSKSA marked by * all heard yesterday Feb 26th / today Feb 27th. Due of propagation cond, 9415?, 9525, 11855, 17760, and 17775 couldn't be observed here. 9675 not heard today. ----- Original Message ----- From: Noel R Green To: Wolfgang Bueschel Sent: Monday, February 26, 2007 6:02 PM BSKSA appeared to make changes when they dropped transmissions in Turkish (in December/January?). And now others appear to have been retimed. [worksheet in progress based on 7-024 schedule] * 7150 1500 1800 40 RIY 500 40 FARSI FOREIG * (9415 tent. but maybe someone's Burmese instead?, I missed the TURK language ... today. Heavy QRM by VoGRC 9420 adjacent.) ? 9415 1400 1600 23-26,30-35,40,42-45RIY 500 40 TURKISTANI FOREIG (9525 not heard, CHN co-channel.) ? 9525 1600 1700 40E,41NW RIY 500 55 PASHTO FOREIG * 9555 1800 2300 37,38 RIY 500 295 ARABIC 1ST. P * 9580 0300 0600 38E,39,48W JED 50 0 ARABIC 2ND. P * 9580 1700 2200 38E,39,48W JED 50 0 ARABIC 2ND. P ? 9675 0300 0900 39S RIY 500 0 ARABIC 1ST. P ? 9675 0900 1600 39S RIY 500 0 ARABIC 1ST. P (9675 not heard today - would be the 8th 500kW beast on air, but also 9675 Italian noted co-ch.) Delete 9730 1400 1600 23-26,30-35,40,42-45RIY 500 216 TURKISTANI FOREIG * 9870 1800 2300 27,28,37N RIY 500 310 ARABIC 1ST. P *11715 1800 2300 46-48 RIY 500 270 ARABIC HOLY Q Delete 11740 1800 2300 46-48 on11715 instead RIY 5-25 216 ARABICHOLYQ Delete 11745 1400 1600 40 now 7150 RIY 500 40 FARSI FOREIG *11820 1800 2300 27,28,37N RIY 500 320 ARABIC HOLY Q 11855 0600 1700 38E,39,48NW JED 50 0 ARABIC 2ND. P *11915 1800 2300 37,38 RIY 500 295 ARABIC HOLY Q *11935 0900 1200 39N RIY 500 310 ARABIC HOLY Q *13710 1500 1800 37,38 RIY 500 295 ARABIC HOLY Q *15170 0300 0600 19-23,29-31,40 RIY 500 355 ARABIC HOLY Q *15205 1600 1800 27,28,37N RIY 500 320 ARABIC HOLY Q ?15225 1500 1800 37,38 not heard RIY 500 295 ARABIC 1ST. P *15250 0900 1200 46-48 x17785 RIY 500 250 Fr/En FOREIG Delete 15275 0400 0600 28S,39N RIY 500 340 TURKISH FOREIG Delete 15315 1500 1800 37,38 RIY 500 295 ARABIC 1ST. P Delete 15345 1200 1400 41N retimed RIY 500 70 URDU FOREIG *15370 0500 0800 41N x15345 RIY 500 70 URDU FOREIG *15380 0600 0900 39N RIY 500 310 ARABIC HOLY Q *15380 1200 1400 39N RIY 500 310 ARABIC HOLY Q (reserve?15390) 0500 0800 41N on15370instead RIY 500 70 URDU FOREIG) *15425 1500 1800 37,38 RIY 500 295 ARABIC 1ST. P *15435 1500 1800 27,28,37N RIY 500 320 ARABIC 1ST. P (reserve?15250)15470 0900 1200 46-48 RIY 500 250 ENGLISH FOREIG *17560 1600 1800 46-48 RIY 500 270 ARABIC HOLY Q *17615 0900 1200 41,49,50,54 RIY 500 100 ARABIC HOLY Q *17660 1500 1700 46,47 x21600 RIY 500 270 FR/EN FOREIG *17730 0600 0900 37,38 RIY 500 295 ARABIC 1ST. P *17740 0600 0900 27,28,37N RIY 250 310 ARABIC 1ST. P ?17760 0400 0500 48E RIY 500 175 SOMALI FOREIG ?17760 0500 0600 48S,52E,53 RIY 500 190 SWAHILI FOREIG ?17775 1700 1800 46-48 RIY 500 250 BAMBARA FOREIG Delete 17785 0800 1000 46,47 now15250 RIY 500 270 FRENCH FOREIG *17805 0900 1200 37,38 RIY 500 295 ARABIC 1ST. P *17820 1200 1500 41E retimed x15345 RIY 500 70 BANGALI FOREIG (QRM by co-channel DWL UAE Indonesian) *17895 0300 0600 24-26,30-35,40,42-45RIY 500 40 ARABIC HOLY Q *17895 0600 0800 24-26,30-35,40,42-45RIY 500 40 ARABIC HOLY Q *17895 1200 1500 37,38 RIY 500 295 ARABIC HOLY Q *21460 1300 1600 53 RIY 500 190 ARABIC HOLY Q *21495 0900 1200 41,43-45,49,50 RIY 500 70 ARABIC HOLY Q *21505 1200 1500 37,38 RIY 500 295 ARABIC 1ST. P *21600 1200 1400 41,49,50,54 RIY 500 100 ARABIC HOLY Q *21640 1200 1500 27,28,37N RIY 500 310 ARABIC 1ST. P *21670 0900 1200 54 RIY 500 100 INDONESIANFOREIG *21705 0900 1200 27,28,37N RIY 500 310 ARABIC 1ST. P 73 de wb (Wolfgang Büschel, to Noel Green, via DXLD) Hello Wolfgang, Many thanks for this update - I've also sent something to DXLD and mention your logging of 11935 before 0900. I checked today to see if 15250 (French) came on at 0800, but it did not and so I think French will now be one hour only at v0900-1000 then English 1000-1155. And similarly French one hour at v1500-1600 and English at 1600- ?. I've also heard that signal on 9415 but haven't IDed it yet. But I don't think it's Turkestani. Urdu is at 0500-0755 on 15205 and Bengali 1200-1455 on 15345 currently. There are not many changes to Arabic - I have noted the ones you indicate. I tried 9675 this morning before 0900 and after 0900 but I could only hear Brazil and China - I couldn't detect any Arabic. 9675 used to carry the BSKSA 2nd Program // 11855 until 0900, and was never heard after that time. I'll try the frequency again later today. I haven't heard 11855 for some time - the frequency is a busy one and I'm trying to find out when it's clear. And frequency 9715 has also been in use to carry the 1st Program but all I hear currently is WYFR (buzzy noise in audio?) around 0800. Right - RRI was not heard yesterday on v11785 with Spanish etc. after 1700. It looks like something "went bang"! But 11860 was booming in once again. Thanks again and Best 73 from (Noel Green, ibid.) ENGLISH SERVICE FROM SAUDI ARABIA REPORTED BACK ON SHORTWAVE It looks as if the English programme of the Broadcasting Service of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (BSKSA) has finally won its battle to return to shortwave. Contributors to DX Listening Digest report hearing English from Saudi Arabia between 1000 and 1200 UT (exact times to be confirmed) on 15250 kHz. In December 2005, the Saudi English language newspaper and website Arab News published an article about the English Service, in which the Head of the service, Hanan Awad, said that they wanted to to be on shortwave so they can be heard all over the world and they had been promised that this would be considered. Samar Fatani, another member of the English team, said “We wish that the English section would receive more attention and be equal to the other sectors because it’s important to have our voice heard by expatriates here and abroad to combat the negative portrayals of Saudi Arabia, Islam and our culture.” Broadcasting Service of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia http://www.saudiradio.net/ (February 27th, 2007 - 14:32 UTC by Andy, Media Network blog via DXLD) BSKSA, 17660, Feb 27 at 1530, during the minute before co-channel Afropop went off, could be heard with a timesignal running about 5 seconds slow --- not suitable for navigation! And introducing Informations with a Sousa(?) march, starting with diplomatic meeting between Egypt and France (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Radio Riyadh. Western type music for some minutes before 1500 UT on 17660, Tuesday, Feb.27. At 1501 the French transmission began with ID "Radio Riyadh". Very strong signal blocking the Afro-music jammer. Time pips at 1530 and mention of the Broadcasting Service of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (in French), then march music leading into news read by a woman. News ended at 1540 with more march music and what sounded like a commentary by a woman to 1550. Then "Radio Riyadh presents...." prayer and readings, etc. At 1559:40 WYFR Portuguese came on, blocking Riyadh. At 1600, prayers, and could just make out English words under WYFR. Couldn't check again until after 1700. A very weak signal still on 17660. Western type music clear at times but talk very muffled. Did manage to make out a few words of English at 1738. Still there after 1800 and at 1812 some more English. Sounded like a business report of some kind. A male talking to a female interviewer with mention of companies, stakeholders, economy, etc. Faded out again and could not get any clue as to who it was. Was it still Riyadh still in English? At 1830 WYFR French (1830-1930) blocked what little I could hear. Nothing heard yesterday, Monday, on 17660, except Afro-music to 1530 (Bernie O'Shea, Ottawa, Ontario, WORLD OF RADIO 1348, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** SCOTLAND [non]. Re: LATVIA. LETONIA, 9290, Radio Six International, 0703-0800, escuchada el 24 de febrero [Sat only] en inglés a locutor con ID y programa musical, SINPO 45544. Audio: http://valenciadx.multiply.com/music/item/455 Por quedarme trasnochando tuve la suerte de escuchar por primera vez este mismo servicio con señal audible aunque algo débil, parece que antes de las 0700 ya tenían música. SINPO 25432, me pareció que el locutor mencionó Tony Currie y luego pasaron a la música pop. No había hecho este reporte, pues la boda de mi hija en la playa este último sábado me hizo despistarme. Me tiene "picado", pero no me he puesto a investigar por qué a este país le cambia tanto el nombre del inglés al español. 73. (Raúl Saavedra, Costa Rica, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) Changes to Radio Six International schedule Our current schedule of shortwave transmissions via Ulbroka, Latvia on 9290 kHz will end on March 10th, when the last edition of the present series of the "Tony Currie Show" will include listeners' requests on that day. Email your requests to letters @ radiosix.com But we're not abandoning shortwave - this hiatus is purely for operational reasons and we will resume regular shortwave transmissions in June. For the meantime our broadcasts continue 24/t [7?] on http://www.radiosix.com and between 0600 and 0700 GMT via World FM in Wellington, NZ on 88.5; and from 0000 to 0600 GMT via Radio Tatras International in Poprad, Slovakia on 94.2/94.8 plus Astra satellite (Sky channel 0195) and Hotbird (12.523 GHz Horizontal). We've never had a reception report from Hotbird, and would appreciate it if anyone could confirm reception of our programmes on that outlet. A QSL card will be issued; please email reports to letters @ radiosix.com Regards (TONY CURRIE, Programme Director, radio six international Feb 27, WORLD OF RADIO 1348, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** SPAIN. Did a double take upon hearing REE in Spanish on two adjacent frequencies, 7270 and 7275, Feb 26 at 2251, but it`s intentional, as in HFCC, both dated thruout B-06: 7270 1900 2300 37,38W,46 NOB 350 170 234567 ARAB/SPAN E REE REE 7275 1700 2300 18,27-29 NOB 250 50 1234567 SPANISH E REE REE (Glenn Hauser, MLPDX, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** SUDAN [non]. VT Communications changes: Southern Sudan Interactive Radio Instruction in English to EaAf from Feb. 19 0630-0700 on 15445 DHA 250 kW / 240 deg Mon/Wed/Fri, ex till 0730 M-F New UNID station in English from Feb.13 1400-1430 on 15390 ARM 200 kW / 188 deg to EaAf Tue/Thu/Sat (DX Mix News, Bulgaria, Feb 26 via WORLD OF RADIO 1348, DXLD) IDed as Southern Sudan Interactive Radio Instruction programme. 73, (Mauno Ritola, Finland, WORLD OF RADIO 1348, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** TIBET [non]. LOOKS LIKE TIBET IS NO LONGER THE OPPRESSED COUNTRY OF THE MONTH. "At a time when the Bush administration is fighting a war to promote democracy in the world, the White House-appointed Broadcasting Board of Governors voted to reduce funding for government broadcasts to Tibet by more than 20% and the number of broadcasting hours by 50%, leaving Tibetans to rely increasingly on official Chinese radio." Variety, 26 February 2007. See previous post about U.S. international broadcasting cuts and reductions. Posted: 27 Feb 2007 (kimandrewelliott.com via DXLD) CUTS MADE IN TIBET BROADCAST FUNDING --- COUNTRY TO RELY MORE ON Chinese radio By WILLIAM TRIPLETT At a time when the Bush administration is fighting a war to promote democracy in the world, the White House-appointed Broadcasting Board of Governors voted to reduce funding for government broadcasts to Tibet by more than 20% and the number of broadcasting hours by 50%, leaving Tibetans to rely increasingly on official Chinese radio. The Broadcasting Board of Governors, which oversees Radio Free Asia and Voice of America, recently agreed to cut $2 million from the $7.5 million earmarked for Tibetan broadcasts by RFA and VOA. The funding reduction is part of the fiscal 2008 budget package that the White House has proposed to Congress, which has yet to begin debating which parts to approve or change. The BBG does not make its votes public, but according to a source familiar with the latest tally, board member Blanquita Walsh Cullum and chairman Kenneth Y. Tomlinson cast the only ballots against the cuts, which, if approved, will reduce RFA's and VOA's broadcasting hours to Tibet by half. "A lot of people in Tibet and in the exile community listen to those broadcasts," Tenzin Tethong, president of the Dalai Lama Foundation, told Daily Variety. "If the funds do get cut, many people inside Tibet will have no access to anything but official Chinese broadcasts." "Given that the human rights situation in China and Tibet remains serious, these cuts seem to contradict existing U.S. policy," said Mary Beth Markey, VP of international advocacy for the Intl. Campaign for Tibet, which reps the Dalai Lama in D.C. "There is every indication that the Congress at least is still committed to seeking ways to improve human rights and understands the important role that surrogate radio broadcasts play. So it may be that the cuts proposed by the BBG will not be realized." (Variety via kimandrewelliott.com via DXLD) ** U K [non]. China`s demands for frequency hours are so excessive that they have to run Kashi colliding with BBC`s erstwhile Singapore channel 9740 at 14-16, per HFCC B-06, separate targets, to be sure, but still marring BBC reception here at 1522 Feb 26 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U K [and non]. ARRL website http://www.arrl.org/FandES/field/regulations/allocate.html claims that only one ``60 m`` frequency is common with the UK, 5405: General, Advanced and Amateur Extra classes: Channel Center Amateur Tuning Frequency 5332 kHz 5330.5 kHz 5348 kHz 5346.5 kHz 5368 kHz 5366.5 kHz 5373 kHz 5371.5 kHz 5405 kHz (common US/UK) 5403.5 kHz Nevertheless I happened upon a QSO on 5373 USB, Feb 26 at 0724 between Paul, G0HNW and W8SRT in Ohio (Morningstar, Ted A, W8SRT (General), Russels Point, OH 43348). Ted was in a hurry to wrap it up so Paul could try to make some more contacts further west, even the west coast (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A [and non]. Talk to America on VOA Feb 26 is another one to make a point of listening to, now availablized at http://www.voanews.com/english/NewsAnalysis/TTA-New-Past-Shows.cfm I only caught the last quarter-hour with Alan Heil, VOA historian; they said earlier in the hour was current VOA Director Danforth Austin; on the occasion of VOA`s 65th anniversary Feb 24. Good reception atop CCI from China on Tinang 9760. Now TTA ends at 1458, in time for a lengthy list of frequencies to be used for the following hour`s Border Crossings (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A [and non]. As noted a few days ago, BSKSA is colliding with VOA on 15205; in fact, Feb 26 at 1552 check, BSKSA in Arabic was way over VOA during enhanced ME conditions. As Noel Green points out, BSKSA apparently have the bad habit of turning their transmitters on with modulation several minutes ahead of the scheduled hour, but how many, in this case? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) VOA Spanish on 6100 by mistake? See CUBA [non] ** U S A [non]. On 12135, Feb 27 at 1535, something in Farsi, but heavy interference from AFRTS 12133.5-USB and CODAR sweeps; listed as VOA via Morocco at 1530-1630 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A [non]. Frequency changes of IBB from Feb. 27/28, all NEW: 0100-0200 9740 UDO 250 kW / 300 deg, ex 11820 VOA Aap Ki Dunyaa Urdu 1200-1300 9715 IRA 250 kW / 356 deg, ex 9805 RL in Russian 1300-1400 9715 TIN 250 kW / 341 deg, ex 9805 RL in Russian 1500-1600 9440 TIN 250 kW / 315 deg, ex 7535 RFA in Mandarin Chinese 1600-1900 7415 TIN 250 kW / 315 deg, ex 7535 RFA in Mandarin Chinese 1500-1700 5870 TIN 250 kW / 325 deg, ex 5835 RFA in Korean RFA=Radio Free Asia; RL=Radio Liberty; VOA=Voice of America (DX Mix News, Bulgaria, Feb 26 via DXLD) see also TIBET [non] ** U S A [non]. Updated B-06 of Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty: ARABIC 0200-0230 1593 Radio Free IRQ 0330-0700 1593 1500-1530 1593 1930-2300 1593 AVARI 0500-0520 9770 17655 1600-1620 9770 11730 BELORUSSIAN 0400-0600 612 6140 7190 1600-1800 612 9865 11925 1800-2000 612 9750 9865 2000-2200 612 7165 9750 CHECHEN 0520-0540 9770 17655 1620-1640 9770 11730 CHERKESSI 0540-0600 9770 17655 1640-1700 9770 11730 DARI 0330-0430 1296 9335 12140 15690 Radio Free AFG 0530-0630 1296 12140 17530 19010 0730-0830 1296 12140 17535 19010 0930-1030 1296 12140 17535 19010 1130-1230 1296 9335 9990 12140 1330-1430 1296 9335 15215 KAZAKH 0000-0100 6135 7145 0200-0400 7145 9680 1200-1300 9520 15120 1400-1500 6055 15120 1500-1600 6055 9685 PASHTO 0230-0330 1296 9335 12140 15690 Radio Free AFG 0430-0530 1296 12140 17530 19010 0630-0730 1296 12140 17530 19010 0830-0930 1296 12140 17535 19010 1030-1130 1296 9990 12140 19010 1230-1330 1296 9335 9990 12140 PERSIAN 0030-0230 1575 5860 9585 9795 Radio Farda 0230-0400 1575 7105 9585 9795 0400-0600 1575 9585 9795 12015 0600-0830 1575 9585 15560 17675 0830-1030 1575 13680 15690 17730 1030-1230 1575 13680 15690 17595 1230-1400 1575 9555 13680 15690 1400-1600 1575 9865 13680 15410 1600-1700 1575 7580 13680 15410 1700-1800 1575 7520 7580 9770 1800-1900 1575 7520 7580 9595 1900-2000 1575 7580 9335 9570 2000-2130 1575 7580 9335 2130-0030 1575 ROMANIAN 1600-1630 9605 1900-2000 3965 Mon-Fri RUSSIAN 0000-0200 6115 7220 9520 12015 0300-0500 6105 7220 9520 17730 0500-0600 7220 9520 9535 17730 0600-0700 9520 9535 15250 17730 0700-0800 9520 15250 15285 0800-0900 9520 15130 15250 0900-1100 9355 9520 15130 1100-1300 9715 13745 15130 15215 1300-1400 9715 11895 15120 15130 1500-1600 7220 9520 11805 15130 1600-1800 6105 7220 9520 11805 2000-2100 7220 9520 2100-2300 6105 7220 7425 2300-2400 7150 7220 9520 TAJIK 0100-0300 7275 11795 0300-0400 9725 11795 1400-1500 7595 11795 1500-1600 7260 9695 1600-1700 7125 9695 TATAR-BASHKIR 0400-0500 7115 0600-0700 9680 1600-1700 6180 2000-2100 5860 TURKMEN 0200-0300 864 7295 9735 0300-0400 5955 9735 1400-1500 11715 11985 1500-1600 9770 9825 1600-1700 5820 6095 1700-1800 5820 9625 1800-2000 7425 9760 11645 UZBEK 0200-0400 12015 12110 15590 1400-1500 11910 12015 15235 1600-1700 7555 9725 12015 (DX Mix News, Bulgaria, Feb 26 via DXLD) ** U S A. WRMI 7385 ANTENNA DAMAGED Glenn: It looks like the debut of WRN on 7385 will be delayed. [from replacing R. República weekday evenings] Late Friday night or early Saturday morning, we seem to have had some really high winds at the transmitter site, and somehow the elevator assembly broke on the North American antenna, sending the boom crashing down several feet. It was stopped from falling all the way by the guy wires on the antenna, fortunately. But the boom has some broken parts and was bent out of whack, sitting diagonally instead of horizontally. Raúl tried to do a quick fix and get it back up and running, but the transmitter doesn't like the match and keeps turning itself off when we switch to that antenna. So tomorrow he's going to bring it back down again, get some parts locally and see if he can get it working again. However, our consulting engineer is out of the country until Wednesday, and the antenna manufacturer seems to be out of the country as well. So Raúl is estimating that we will probably be off the air on 7385 kHz for two or three days -- hopefully no longer than that. If by some miracle they happen to get it working again before then, I'll let you know. It's a bad deal, but could have been a lot worse, I guess. I'll keep you updated (Jeff White, WRMI, Feb 25, WORLD OF RADIO 1348, DX LISTENING DIGEST) I wonder whether 7385 programming will still be webcast (gh) Glenn: Yes, we'll keep the webcast going all the time (Jeff White, ibid.) Glenn: We just got 7385 back on at about 0100 UT. We're using a temporary dipole antenna while they are still working on repairing the regular antenna, which may take a few days or more. If you get a chance, let me know if you can hear it there. We'll be running 7385 as usual at 1300-1600 daily, plus 2200-0400 UT weeknights. Thanks (Jeff White, WRMI, UT Feb 28, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Jeff, All the computers and TVs are going at the moment, so I stepped outside with the ATS-909 and whip in the yard. I could detect a carrier on 7385 and some mumbling, but too weak to copy. Much weaker than most other signals on band, such as 7375 Costa Rica. And with what programming? Guess I will have to monitor the stream to find out... 73, (Glenn to Jeff, via DXLD) Thanks Glenn. It's WRN at 2200-0200, then Christian Media Network at 0200-0400. They tell me there's an antenna mismatch problem, so it's at very low power right now. Hopefully that will be remedied before long (Jeff White, 0151 UT Feb 28, DX LISTENING DIGEST) See also ECUADOR [non] ** U S A. WBCQ, 18910 was on both LSB and USB, and full AM carrier as far as I could tell, Feb 26 at 2255 with Hembree`s Quick Study Radio, thinly disguised evangelism, as checked on the DX-398 with separate LSB and USB tuning; very good signal (Glenn Hauser, MLPDX, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) The dipole curtain is used on 18910, soon to change back to 17495 this spring. The 400 foot tower we use on 710 kHz AM at 5 kW locally (Allan Weiner, WBCQ, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. Looking periodically for KVOH spurs as previously reported, sometimes I hear nothing but a buzz which cannot be correlated with 17775 audio, except it is on matching offsets around 17630 and 17920, such as Feb 26 at 2258; however, they seemed to be gone a minute later as 17775 continued with ID; perhaps this was a result of temporarily lowered modulation level (Glenn Hauser, MLPDX, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. Frequency change of WEWN in Spanish to CeAm 2300-1300 NF 7455*EWN 500 kW / 220 deg, ex 7540 * co-ch WYFR English to NoAm 0700-1045 (DX Mix News, Bulgaria, Feb 26 via DXLD) ** U S A. The 7455 collision of Christians vs Christians: Feb 26 at 0728 check, huge signal from WYFR in English, and only during pauses and by straining could I detect something underneath, presumably WEWN, which still has 7455 on their schedule at http://www.ewtn.org/radio/freq.htm (Glenn Hauser, OK, WORLD OF RADIO 1348, DX LISTENING DIGEST) WEWN still on 7455 in Spanish but over RTTY, Feb 26 at 2344 check; meanwhile I could hear something else on its former frequency, 7540, which per EiBi and PWBR would be R. Free Asia in Mandarin via Tajikistan, and/or jamming, but only until 2400, so that still doesn`t explain why WEWN shifted to 7455 all the way from 23 to 13, and despite WYFR at 07-11 and despite all the RTTY (Glenn Hauser, MLPDX, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A [non]. VT Communications changes: WYFR Family Radio, new UNID lang, maybe Bangla? 1230-1330 on 12010 DHA 250 kW / 085 deg to SoAs (DX Mix News, Bulgaria, Feb 26 via DXLD) ** U S A. Some changes of WHRA Angel 5: 2000-2300 NF 7520 HRA 250 kW / 045 deg to WeEu Mon-Fri, ex 15665 2000-2300 on 15665 HRA 250 kW / 090 deg to NoAf Sat/Sun, ex Daily (DX Mix News, Bulgaria, Feb 26 via DXLD) ** U S A. WMT off at 1300 CST --- A forwarded message from Bob Timmerman. WMT AM 600 Cedar Rapids, Iowa was very interesting listening last night, being in the midst of a nasty blizzard out that way. I assume they've either got an issue with the power, or something happened to the tower/transmitter. Out this way we fared better, we started out with an icestorm, but it warmed just enough to change into rain (Curtis Sadowski, Paxton, Illinois, Feb 25, WTFDA-AM via DXLD) Viz.: Hi, WMT is off this afternoon, probably due to yesterday's ice storm and high winds. Most of Cedar Rapids lost power last night. If they are still off at sunset, it should be interesting (Bob Timmerman, via Sadowski, ibid.) ``KXEL-1540 is also off at 1400 CST!`` Bob Timmerman's subject line pretty much tells it all. Iowa must be having one wonderful time this afternoon if it knocked WMT and KXEL off. Is WHO next? (Curtis Sadowski, ibid.) From Bob Timmerman via Curt Sadowski, WTFDA-AM comes news that both WMT-600 and KXEL-1540 were off the air Sunday afternoon, presumably due to power loss or something happening to their towers in the winter storm. If they are still off tonight, might open up frequencies for some DX, especially 1540. Can anyone confirm whether they are off or on now? (Glenn Hauser, 0253 UT Feb 26, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Thanks to Glenn Hauser for passing this on to the IRCA list. I had very limited time last night, but left a recorder running, and was rewarded with several IDs for WDCD [1540 Albany NY], not heard here in 20+ years. 73, (Nigel Pimblett, Dunmore, Alberta, ibid.) KXEL is still off. This morning heard WBNL Boonville IN sign on. And at 2040 [CST?] tonight heard KLKC Parsons, KS with high school basketball. KEDA San Antonio is loud and dominant; hard to null out (Bob Timmerman, Cedar Rapids, IA, 0359 UT Feb 27, WTFDA-AM via DXLD) Some details about why they're off the air: RURAL IOWA HIT HARD BY STORM http://www.wcfcourier.com/articles/2007/02/26/news/top_story/8d4aca21970d7e1a8625728e0059849c.txt (Curtis Sadowski, IL, ibid.) TOWER COLLAPSE KNOCKS ONE OF SEVERAL AREA RADIO STATIONS OFF THE AIR WATERLOO --- If a radio tower falls in Iowa, and no one is around to hear it, does it make a noise? In the case of the KHKE tower that collapsed just south of Waterloo, it will not be making any kind of noise for a long time. KHKE (89.5 FM) was one of several area stations to lose its broadcast capabilities on Saturday as a result of the weekend's ice storm. Most stations lost their signal because of power outages on the grids where their transmitters are located, but the University of Northern Iowa-owned KHKE found itself in a far worse situation. For more of this story, click on or type the URL below: http://www.wcfcourier.com/articles/2007/02/27/news/breaking_news/doc45e452616ee35857214882.txt (via Curtis Sadowski, ibid.) same:?? http://www.wcfcourier.com/articles/2007/02/27/news/metro/c288c9006d80066d8625728f0051d181.txt (via Mike Terry, dxldyg via DXLD) ** U S A. Just learned today that KCNZ 1650 Cedar Falls IA has been off air since last weekend, a victim of the severe ice storm/blizzard that affected such a large area of the country. This notice is currently posted on the station's website http://www.kcnzam.com/ === >> IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT FROM THE FAN. 1650 The Fan received damage to it's antenna during the weekend ice storm and is currently off the air. We have a crew working on the problem and hope to resume our regular broadcasting schedule soon. Keep checking this page for continued updates. << On 2/27 at 2000 EST from my QTH in Madison WI, I am hearing WHKT VA (Radio Disney) and KWHN AR, plus one as yet unID, on 1650, with no trace of KCNZ. 73 (Bill Dvorak, Madison WI, Column Editor, NRC DX News DDXD-West, NRC-AM via DXLD) Other could be CJRS; see CANADA ** U S A. Information regarding the new format for KTRB-860 can be located at the following link: http://www.mercurynews.com/mld/mercurynews/entertainment/music/16789882.htm (Mike Hardester, NC, IRCA via DXLD) S.J. Mercury article says conservative talk with promo oriented hosts. Sounds awful! (Don Kaskey, SF, CA, ibid.) ** VATICAN [non]. 6140, RUSSIA Vatican Radio (relay), Atamanovka (listed site); 1302-1316 25 February, 2007. Tune in to the fond sounds of an Old School USSR-era engineer 1 kHz on/off tuning tones till 1313 Vatican Radio interval signal, female Vietnamese ID and programming from 1315. Clear and fair (Terry L Krueger, Clearwater, Florida, USA, 27.55.83 N, 82.46.08 W, DX LISTENING DIGEST) see also MEXICO ** VENEZUELA. Estimados Amigos de la Lista, Como siempre nuestro amado comandante y presidente de Venezuela, mostrando sus dotes de "Gran Democráta", ha tenido una "leve diferencia" con un corresponsal de la televisión brasilera O Globo, cuando éste le comentó acerca de la sanción monetaria que le impuso el gobierno venezolano al Diario Tal Cual y a su conocido humorista Laureano Márquez, por un escrito que publicó tiempo atrás, a su vez por el cierre de Radio Caracas Televisión. Indudablemente que nuestro máximo lider Hugo Chávez es un ejemplo a seguir por el resto de los gobiernos latinoamericanos. ¡Qué verguenza Dios Mio! Véanlo ustedes mismos: http://www.noticierodigital.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=172027 (Jorge García, Feb 25, Noticias DX via DXLD) ** WESTERN SAHARA [non]. 6280, OPPOSITION. Radio Nacional de la RASD, 2215, 2/24/07. Watery signal with many loud QRN blasts. Where to next? (Gerry Dexter, Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, Equipment: NRD 515, NRD 545, Eton E-1, NASWA Flashsheet via DXLD) Will it be there this morning? Haven`t seen any other recent reports of this on 6280 (gh, DXLD) Nothing heard of RASD on SW 6 to 7 MHz in past days here in Germany. Last operation day was Feb 10th. 73 (Wolfgang Büschel, Feb 26, ibid.) Estimados amigos: Espero puedan ayudarme en algunas dudas. Por un lado me pregunto si alguien sabe si la RASD sigue activa; he intentado sintonizarla de 23 a 24 UT pero no hay forma. He barrido desde los 6125 hasta los 7460 kHz pero sin noticias. Además, ¿la Radio de la República Árabe Saharahui transmite desde suelo argelino? (Tomás González, La Laguna, Canarias, Feb 25, Noticias DX via DXLD) Saludos, Tomás, RASD sigue inactiva. Por supuesto emite desde los campos de refugiados en Argel[ia] (José Miguel Romero, Spain, ibid.) No sign of Polisario on 6280, where reported by one listener a couple days ago, when checked at 0720 UT Feb 26, nor anywhere else in the 6200-6500 range (Glenn Hauser, OK, WORLD OF RADIO 1348, DX LISTENING DIGEST) UNIDENTIFIED [non]. Hola Glen[n], Aquí Felip Asenjo en Santiago, Chile. He estado en Santo Domingo, un balneario costero a 130 km de Santiago y he logrado captar y grabar una emisora católica que se identifica como WACC "Radio La Paz". Sin embargo le capté en 850 KHz, pero la identificación habla de 830 KHz. Puedes ayudarme a identificar esto que parece ser un retransmisor? Muchas gracias, (Felip Asenjo http://www.qsl.net/ce3sad Feb 26, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Hola Felip, Hay WACC, 830 en Hialeah, Florida, afiliada a Radio Católica Mundial (EWTN). Supongo que escuchabas a otra afiliada de EWTN, probablemente más cercana. Revisando la lista de frecuencias por 850 en WRTH, hay Radio Maria Auxiliadora en Montero, Bolivia, obviamente católica, pero no sabemos si repite la programación de EWTN, en que mencionaran a WACC por casualidad. Talvez haya otras católicas en 850, entre varias en Sudamérica; no sé. No nos ayuda el sitio web http://www.ewtn.com/spanish/index.asp que no parece disponerse de una lista de emisoras afiliadas en espanol; al contrario en inglés dentro de EE UU. Talvez otra vez puedas conseguir ID cierto. O tratar de identificarla a través de la oficina central de EWTN. 73, (Glenn to Felip, via DXLD) OK, thanks a lot Glenn. You can hear my mp3 record of this dx on: http://cqdx.multiply.com/music/item/5 Under the item "paz" as their station name. I do not think this is a South American station, they come along with the "northen wave" that includes Martí on 1180, Bahamas on 1540, unID on 740 (KCBS?) and Mexico on 1570. Regards, (Felip, ibid.) WACC on 850? --- I received an inquiry from Felip Asenjo in Chile, about WACC heard on 850, altho it`s really on 830 in Hialeah FL, and he has a nice clip of it, `paz` among 3 others here: http://cqdx.multiply.com/music/item/5 NRC AM Log lists WACC as EWTN affiliate in Spanish, so I figured it was some other station maybe in South America just as EWTN was mentioning WACC, but his clip is a full ID for WACC 830, no mention of EWTN. I don`t see anything likelier on 850 than R. Maria Auxiliadora, Montero, Bolivia, obviously Catholic and not too far away, but he says he doesn`t think it`s South American. Any ideas? Tnx, (Glenn Hauser, RealDX yg via DXLD) The answer to Felip Asenjo´s query is probably here, on one of Björn Malm´s pages: ARCHIVE ARCHIVE March - APRIL 2004 On this recording you hear ID for Radio Paz 830 AM but I can not find any "Radio Paz" on 830 kHz. Henrik Klemetz: "Radio San Francisco relays programming ... http://malm.hard-core-dx.com/arch-03-04-2004.html You will find it - and many others - on the site mentioned above. Radio San Francisco, which relays Radio Paz/WACC, is in Guayaquil, Ecuador, and so is Radio Sucre, which is on another of Felip´s audio clips. 73, (Henrik Klemetz, Sweden, ibid.) Henrik once checked one of my recordings of Radio San Fransisco carrying EWTN programmes so this is probably the station you heard. I have listened to them 5 times, always a little low in frequency (Gert Nilsson, ibid.) Thanks, Gert. Here is the full quote from Björn Malm´s site: Quito 5/4 2004: 0849.94, HCVS2, R. San Francisco, Guayaquil (Ecuador) 103 kb 04/2004. I have heard the listed R. San Francisco, Guayaquil with IDs on weekends but the station seems to relay "Radio Paz" on weekdays. On this recording you hear ID for Radio Paz 830 AM but I can not find any "Radio Paz" on 830 kHz. Henrik Klemetz: "Radio San Francisco relays programming from WACC Radio Paz, 8-30 AM. This station is in Miami, FL. Their programming is also live on RealAudio". (all via Henrik Klemetz, DXLD) UNIDENTIFIED. Dear Friends out there, I write again about the mysterious station on 1044 kHz. Thanks to all nice fellows who have tried to solve it. I have got many suggestions, but they all point in various directions (mostly to Morocco, although some of you says that you hear Morocco as well as the other station!). Bengt Ericsson can hear it almost every evening, but has not heard any positive identification. I haven't been able to listen again, so I hope that you all still try to get the correct solution. Ethiopia hasn't replied to my email, but I haden't expected it. Thanks in advance and good hunting! 73 from (Björn Fransson, right now without my equipment, but all day playing with one of my 4 grand children in Östersund, Jämtland, Feb 26, HCDX via DXLD) UNIDENTIFIED. 3250.0, a variety of sweep tones were running here Feb 27 from 0618 for at least 5 minutes; sounded like no two sequences were the same. Any ideas? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) UNIDENTIFIED. 11875 with open carrier and intermittent 1 kHz tone tests, at various times from 1556 past 1700 Feb 26; carrier also went off at times. At 1600, SAH and mixing with a chanting station. The latter would be FEBC via Rwanda per HFCC; the tester with a fairly strong signal could be Cuba, which used to run this frequency for the Venezuelan service on Sundays only; or maybe IBB which does this kind of thing without explanation (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ UNSOLICITED TESTIMONIALS ++++++++++++++++++++++++ Thanks for all your good work that has allowed me the enjoyment of the hobby for the last 25 years since I've gotten back into it. I owe all my DX'ing success to you and to NASWA. Thanks, (Steve Lare, Holland, MI USA, with a check in the mail to Glenn Hauser, P O Box 1684, Enid OK 73702) PUBLICATIONS ++++++++++++ AOKI'S B06 FREQ. SITE AVAILABLE (AGAIN) The B06 schedules, courtesy of the NDXC and Shigenori Aoki, are once again accessible as a text file: http://www.geocities.jp/binewsjp/bib06_1.txt (Joe Hanlon, NJ, Feb 27, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Updated to Feb 26 LANGUAGE LESSONS ++++++++++++++++ Glenn, Re: "** CUBA [non]. Had another try at R. República`s frequency change announcement at the end of the 6135 transmission, Feb 26 at 2357. A few days earlier I thought they said they were about to move to 6100 [seis mil cien], but now it`s clearer that they are saying 6010 [seis mil diez]! " "*Seis mil, cién" is an impossibility in Spanish. Cién is used only adjectively. Also, a phrase or word preceded by "*" indicates a conjectural, or impossible construction. Thought you could remember this linguistic factoid (Charles A Taylor, WD4INP, Greenville, North Carolina, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Hi Charlie, `Seis mil cien` would ordinarily be followed by kilohercios, but the kHz might have been understood, so cien could be considered adjectival. But I`m not so sure this rule is hard and fast. ``Seis mil ciento`` just doesn`t sound right to me standing alone. Of course if it were 6101 you would have to say seis mil ciento y un(o). (Glenn to Charles, via DXLD) DIGITAL BROADCASTING ++++++++++++++++++++ DRM: see also FRANCE [non]; INDIA; NEW ZEALAND Feb 26 at 0733 I noticed two DRM signals centered 20 kHz apart on 7295-7300-7305 and 7315-7320-7325, of roughly equal strength. These appear in the current schedule as daily: 0700-0757 7300 230 SW Europe 40 RNW HOL English Flevo Netherlands 0700-1500 7320 80 Europe 35 BBCWS G English Rampisham Great Britain (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) PROPAGATION +++++++++++ EXCELLENT HAM & SWL PROPAGATION SOFTWARE Just an FYI! G4ILO has written a piece of propagation prediction software called VOAProp. It is actually an interface for the very accurate but otherwise difficult to use VOACAP software written by the Voice Of America and honed to near perfection over many decades. After you download VOAProp you then download VOACAP and the two pieces of software work together in a seamless fashion. When you unzip the VOACAP file called "itshfbc" allow it to install on your C:\ drive directly, not into the "Programs Files" folder. The software covers 160-10 meters and the 120-11 meter shortwave bands. BTW both pieces of software are free. DOWNLOAD G4ILO'S VOAPROP V1.1 http://www.g4ilo.com/voaprop.html DOWNLOAD VOICE OF AMERICA'S VOACAP V05.0119W http://www.its.bldrdoc.gov/elbert/pc_hf/hfwin32.html --... ...--, (Thomas F. Giella, KN4LF, Retired Space Plasma Physicist Lakeland, FL, USA, kn4lf @ earthlink.net KN4LF Solar Space Weather & Geomagnetic Data Archive: http://www.kn4lf.com/kn4lf5.htm KN4LF 160 Meter Propagation Theory Notes: http://www.kn4lf.com/kn4lf8.htm New Scientific Evidence for the Existence of God: http://www.cosmicfingerprints.com/audio/newevidence.htm DX LISTENING DIGEST) :Product: Weekly Highlights and Forecasts :Issued: 2007 Feb 27 2054 UTC # Prepared by the US Dept. of Commerce, NOAA, Space Environment Center # Product description and SEC contact on the Web # http://www.sec.noaa.gov/weekly.html # # Weekly Highlights and Forecasts # Highlights of Solar and Geomagnetic Activity 19 - 25 February 2007 Solar activity was low on 19 February by virtue of a C1/SF flare at 19/0010 UTC from Region 943 (S12, L = 156, class/area Cao/050 on 19 February). A weak Type II radio sweep (estimated shock velocity 500 km/sec) occurred at 19/0018 UTC, but could not be definitively associated with the C1 flare. Activity decreased to very low levels for the rest of the period with no flares observed. No proton events were observed at geosynchronous orbit. The greater than 2 MeV electron flux at geosynchronous orbit reached high levels during 19 - 23 February. The geomagnetic field was quiet at all latitudes during the summary period. FORECAST OF SOLAR AND GEOMAGNETIC ACTIVITY 28 FEBRUARY - 26 MARCH 2007 Solar activity is expected to be at very low levels. No proton events are expected at geosynchronous orbit. The greater than 2 MeV electron flux at geosynchronous orbit is expected to reach high levels during 01 – 03 and 14 – 23 March. The geomagnetic field is expected to be at quiet to active levels on 28 February due to a recurrent coronal hole high-speed stream. Mostly quiet conditions are expected during 01 – 11 March. Field activity is expected to increase to unsettled to minor storm levels during 12 – 13 March due to a recurrent coronal hole high-speed stream. Quiet to unsettled conditions are expected for the remainder of the period. :Product: 27-day Space Weather Outlook Table 27DO.txt :Issued: 2007 Feb 27 2054 UTC # Prepared by the US Dept. of Commerce, NOAA, Space Environment Center # Product description and SEC contact on the Web # http://www.sec.noaa.gov/wwire.html # # 27-day Space Weather Outlook Table # Issued 2007 Feb 27 # # UTC Radio Flux Planetary Largest # Date 10.7 cm A Index Kp Index 2007 Feb 28 75 10 3 2007 Mar 01 75 8 3 2007 Mar 02 75 5 2 2007 Mar 03 75 5 2 2007 Mar 04 75 5 2 2007 Mar 05 75 5 2 2007 Mar 06 80 8 3 2007 Mar 07 80 5 2 2007 Mar 08 80 5 2 2007 Mar 09 75 5 2 2007 Mar 10 75 5 2 2007 Mar 11 75 8 3 2007 Mar 12 75 20 4 2007 Mar 13 75 15 3 2007 Mar 14 75 12 3 2007 Mar 15 75 8 3 2007 Mar 16 75 5 2 2007 Mar 17 75 5 2 2007 Mar 18 75 5 2 2007 Mar 19 75 5 2 2007 Mar 20 75 5 2 2007 Mar 21 75 5 2 2007 Mar 22 75 5 2 2007 Mar 23 75 5 2 2007 Mar 24 75 10 3 2007 Mar 25 75 10 3 2007 Mar 26 75 10 3 (http://www.sec.noaa.gov/radio via WORLD OF RADIO 1348, DXLD) ###