DX LISTENING DIGEST 7-033, March 10, 2007 Incorporating REVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL BROADCASTING edited by Glenn Hauser, http://www.worldofradio.com Items from DXLD may be reproduced and re-reproduced only if full credit be maintained at all stages and we be provided exchange copies. DXLD may not be reposted in its entirety without permission. Materials taken from Arctic or originating from Olle Alm and not having a commercial copyright are exempt from all restrictions of noncommercial, noncopyrighted reusage except for full credits For restrixions and searchable 2007 contents archive see http://www.worldofradio.com/dxldmid.html For restrixions and searchable 2006 contents archive see http://www.worldofradio.com/dxldmid6.html NOTE: If you are a regular reader of DXLD, and a source of DX news but have not been sending it directly to us, please consider yourself obligated to do so. Thanks, Glenn NEXT SHORTWAVE AIRINGS OF WORLD OF RADIO 1349 Sun 0330 WOR WWCR3 5070 Sun 0730 WOR WWCR1 3215 Sun 0900 WOR WRMI 9955 [or 0800 with DST?] Mon 0300 WOR WBCQ 9330-CLSB Mon 0415 WOR WBCQ 7415 [time varies] Mon 1330 WOR WRMI 7385 [time unconfirmed] Latest edition of this schedule version, including AM, FM, satellite and webcasts with hotlinks to station sites and audio, is at: http://www.worldofradio.com/radioskd.html For updates see our Anomaly Alert page: http://www.worldofradio.com/anomaly.html WRN ON DEMAND: http://new.wrn.org/listeners/stations/station.php?StationID=24 OUR ONDEMAND AUDIO [also CONTINENT OF MEDIA, MUNDO RADIAL] http://www.worldofradio.com/audiomid.html or http://wor.worldofradio.org WORLD OF RADIO PODCASTS: www.obriensweb.com/wor.xml DX/SWL/MEDIA PROGRAMS March 9: http://www.worldofradio.com/dxpgms.html ** AFGHANISTAN. Most likely test emissions with a new transmitter made in India were received on February 23 between 21 and 22 on 6700 (Rumen Pankov, R. Bulgaria DX March 9 via John Norfolk, dxldyg via DXLD) Not so sure about that, as it`s reported on SSB; does it sound like 100 kW in Europe or S Asia? (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST) To me the mode of 6700 station(s) sounds like both sidebands with reduced carrier. The other (weaker) station on 6700 seems to be off some days , or real weak. On 6700 there is also lot of other traffic, mainly Greek "amateurs" on LSB. These guys also play Greek music at times (LSB). Maybe they feel that Afghan stations have taken over "their frequency". Can't think that the new 100 kW transmitter would be tuned to this off-band frequency. The style of these broadcasts on 6700 is as I earlier reported "psyops program". And there are at times two stations here. And the signal is not like 100 kW. 73, (Jari Savolainen, Kuusankoski, Finland, March 10, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) Radio Solh on 6700 --- This is the second time I listened to this station in that frequency. Complete report here: 6700, Solh, ??, 1810 with Hindi song that time and DSB mod. Short talks at 1828 in [presumed] Dari. Marginal signal, but particular to modulation level with some peaks to S2. Again heard at 2200 with better signal to max S4. Best with AM narrow. Log of March 9th 2007 Solh 6700 2233 9.3.7 clip: http://zlgr.multiply.com/music/item/200 (Zacharias Liangas, Greece, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** AFGHANISTAN [non]. REINO UNIDO, 9875, Radio Solh, 1731-1740, escuchada el 9 de Marzo en idioma Afgano a locutor con comentarios en programa con emisión de música pop local, SINPO 44343 (José Miguel Romero, Burjasot (Valencia), España, Sangean ATS 909, Antena Radio Master A-108, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) Another day in a row that R. Solh plays our favorite tune at exactly the same time on 15265 via UK, March 10 at 1451-1457, but poor reception compared to March 8 and 9. Olle Alm suspects that the entire broadcast replays the same recording every day. That sure must cut down on produxion, and feed costs. All they have to do is spin the same CD at Rampisham. We must admit we`re hooked on this tune, but what about the intended audience? Surely it`s not effective PsyOp to play the same stuff every day without variation, or is there some kind of mind-control theory to the contrary? But the audience presumably is not captive, forced to listen. Or do they pipe it into the prisons? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** ALGERIA [non]. ALGERIA/UNITED KINGDOM, 6055, Radio Algerienne, via Woofferton, 2121-2130, March 03, Arabic, local songs, 22232 //9850 via Rampisham with 34433 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** ANTARCTICA. 15476, 08/03 2021, R. NACIONAL ARCANGEL SAN GABRIEL, ID por om seguida de seleção música folklórica argentina, s/off 2058, SS 25323. Receptor: DEGEN DE1103 (antena dipolo 1/2 onda para 60 metros e interna de ferrite do receptor) (José Ricardo Motta de Oliveira, Rio de Janeiro - RJ, HCDX via DXLD) Today Friday, Nacional San Gabriel, verry strong with sinpo 45444.With nice folkmusic and guitar, time starting transmission 1904 UT, signal stable, 2047 UT. Gr (Maurits van Driescche, Belgium, rx NRD 545 antenna lw. 100m. and 25m. lw, BDX via DXLD) Ja Maurits, ze kwamen wel heel sterk binnen deze avond en dit tot aan hun sign off om 2100 UT. 73 (Hugo Matten, ibid.) ** ARGENTINA. On 15820, Radio Continental, Buenos Aires, full ID and local news about Argentina in Spanish. Best in LSB, time 2100, sinpo 43333. Gr (Maurits van Driessche, Belgium, rx NRD 545 antenna lw 25 m, BDX via DXLD) Only in LSB, I assume (gh, DXLD) ** AUSTRALIA. VL8A, Alice Springs, March 9, 2007 1122 UT, 2310 kHz. Two men with Australian accent announcing football match. Barely heard at times. Heard same programming on 2485 kHz. Both first time for me. Gone by 1200 UT. 73, (Kraig Krist, KG4LAC, VA, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** AUSTRALIA. AUSTRALIAN BUREAU OF METEROLOGY --- AUSTRALIAN WEATHER BROADCASTS A Meteorological broadcast station which gives regular updates on weather forecast about major Australian cities heard regularly on 6230 kHz for past few days. It was first noted by Mhd Shamim in Thiruvananthapuram. The Weather station sign on at 1700 UT and broadcasts include reports on weather indicators, atmospheric pressure, IBS weather warnings etc. The broadcast ends at 1720. Reception is 35444 on March 5. At first I thought they broadcast on Radio Australia's frequency but checking WRTH I find no 6230 kHz allotted to them. There was as announcement "This is the end of the weather broadcast by a male host". Also mentions like "VNW". I heard long lost VNG many years ago on 16000 kHz, and is it they itself by leasing airtime over another transmitter? I appreciate any more information about this station and its QSL address if further details were known (T. R. Rajeesh, Kerala, INDIA, DX LISTENING DIGEST) This is the first I have heard of this, but I will let you know if I learn anything (Jerry Berg, via TRR, ibid.) Australian Bureau of Meteorology. Announced two stations: VMC, "Australia Weather East," with weather for the "northern, eastern and southern waters and ocean areas of Australia," on 2201, 4426, 6507, 8176, 12365 and 16546 kHz.; and VMW, "Australia Weather West," on 2056, 4149, 6230, 81__, 12362 and 16528 kHz. Then silent till 1100 when started giving the weather for N/E/S Australia, which would seem to be at odds with the frequency lineup, as 6230 is supposed to be VMW. Maybe there are two stations on 6230, hence the radical variation in signal strength here. An E-mail reply from Australian Bureau of Meteorology gives some URLs containing details of their services. http://www.bom.gov.au/marine/marine_weather_radio.shtml http://www.bom.gov.au/nmoc/rad_sch/vmw_guide.shtml http://www.bom.gov.au/nmoc/rad_sch/vmc_guide.shtml http://www.bom.gov.au/marine/australia-marine-forecast-map.shtml Says VMW is at Wiluna, Western Australia, at approx 26.5 South, 120.2 East; and VMC is at Charleville, Queensland, at 26.5 South, 146.2 East. Info at these URLs shows power during FAX xmsns as 1 kW, but I don't see a specific reference to the power during voice services. I haven't analyzed the sked info carefully. Reply to follow-up e-mail to Australian Bureau of Meteorology says that both VMC and VMW are 1 kW in both FAX and voice modes. Contact info of the Help desk, which replied to my e-mail: N.M.O.C. Help Desk Bureau of Meteorology, C/O PO Box 1289K Melbourne, 3001 Australia. Email: webops@bom.gov.au Phone: 61 3 9669 4054 Fax: 61 3 9662 1222 URL: http://www.bom.gov.au (Jerry Berg via Rajeesh, ibid.) An Email reply received for my reception report from VMC Greetings, It is good to hear that you've been able to receive our weather transmissions on HF radio. HF conditions must be particularly good at present, as we’ve received three requests for a QSL card this week. I can send this electronically as a graphic image (pdf, gif or png =>faster delivery) or I can send printed copy via postal service. Please advise what is your preference. Kind Regards, Mike Dalakis, (A/SRTE) Bureau of Meteorology, Communication Section, 700 Collins St, Docklands, 3008. AUSTRALIA. Ph: 03-9669 4148 Fax: 03-9669 4128, Email: M.Dalakis @ bom.gov.au (Compiled by T. R. Rajeesh, Kerala, INDIA, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Tnx for this. There has been a lot of info about VMC/VMW in DXLD. Searching the archive for VMC, it appears in these issues: 6-165, 6-140, 6-139, 6-136, 6-114, 6-108, 5-202, 5-152, 4-179 73, (Glenn to TRR, via DXLD) 6230/USB, VMW Wiluna, Australia; 1230-1241+, 4-Mar; Aussie marine weather in English. SIO=3553+ [sic]. 8176/USB, VMC Charleville, Australia (presumed); 2014, 6-Mar; M in English with marine weather. May have quit at 2017. Poor at QRN level. Nothing else heard on any of the VMC/VMW frequencies above 6 MHz. Heard again at 2105 but covered by ute clatter (Harold Frodge, MI, MARE Tipsheet via DXLD) BTW, VMC/VMW is certainly a utility station on utility not broadcast frequencies, with weather info just like several utes in the US (gh) ** BULGARIA. Glenn Hauser, Hola; Hace unos cuantos minutos, la Sra Ludmila Petra me ha enviado el nuevo esquemas de Radio Bulgaria hesquema de verano A-07, para compartir desde el dxlatest Atte, Hector Frias, Chile RADIO BULGARIA, External Service of The Bulgarian National Radio Summer schedule effective from March 25, 2007 to October 28, 2007 ================================================================= ALBANIAN 0530-0600 Mon-Fri Balkans 1224, 7400 0600-0700 Sat/Sun Balkans 1224, 7400 1100-1130 -daily- Balkans 7400 1600-1630 -daily- Balkans 1224, 7400 1900-2000 -daily- Balkans 747, 1224, 7400 ================================================================= BULGARIAN 0000-0100 -daily- South America 7400, 9400 0000-0100 -daily- North America 9700, 11700 0430-0500 Mon-Fri Balkans 1224, 7400 0430-0500 Mon-Fri East Europe 7200, 9400 0430-0500 Mon-Fri West Europe 9600, 11600 0400-0500 Sat/Sun Balkans 1224, 7400 0400-0500 Sat/Sun East Europe 7200, 9400 0400-0500 Sat/Sun West Europe 9600, 11600 1000-1030 -daily- Balkans 7400 1000-1030 -daily- East Europe 11600, 13600 1000-1030 -daily- West Europe 11700, 15700 1200-1400 -daily- Balkans 1224 1200-1400 -daily- West Europe 11700, 15700 1500-1600 -daily- Balkans 1224, 7400 1500-1600 -daily- East Europe 5900, 9400 1500-1600 -daily- Middle East 11600 1500-1600 -daily- South Africa 15800 1800-1900 -daily- Balkans 747, 1224, 7400 1800-2000 -daily- Middle East 9800 1800-2000 -daily- West Europe 11800 ================================================================= ENGLISH 0200-0300 -daily- North America 9700, 11700 0630-0700 -daily- West Europe 9600, 11600 1130-1200 -daily- West Europe 11700, 15700 1730-1800 -daily- West Europe 5900, 9600 2100-2200 -daily- West Europe 5900, 9700 2300-2400 -daily- North America 9700, 11700 ================================================================= FRENCH 0100-0200 -daily- North America 9700, 11700 0600-0630 -daily- West Europe 9600, 11600 1100-1130 -daily- West Europe 11700, 15700 1700-1730 -daily- West Europe 5900, 9600 2000-2100 -daily- West Europe 5900, 9700 ================================================================= GERMAN 0500-0530 -daily- West Europe 9600, 11600 1030-1100 -daily- West Europe 11700, 15700 1630-1700 -daily- West Europe 5900, 9600 1900-2000 -daily- West Europe 5900, 9700 ================================================================= GREEK 0500-0530 Mon-Fri Balkans 1224, 7400 0500-0600 Sat/Sun Balkans 1224, 7400 1030-1100 -daily- Balkans 7400 1630-1700 -daily- Balkans 747, 1224, 7400 2000-2100 -daily- Balkans 747, 1224, 7400 ================================================================= RUSSIAN 0300-0400 -daily- East Europe 1224, 7200, 9400 0500-0530 -daily- East Europe 7200, 9400 1030-1100 -daily- East Europe 11600, 13600 1400-1500 -daily- East Europe 1224, 5900, 9400 1400-1500 -daily- Central Asia 11700 1600-1630 -daily- East Europe 5900, 9400 1800-1900 -daily- East Europe 5900, 9400 2300-2400 -daily- Central Asia 11600 ================================================================= SERBIAN 0600-0630 Mon-Fri Balkans 1224, 7400 0700-0800 Sat/Sun Balkans 1224, 7400 1130-1200 -daily- Balkans 7400 1700-1730 -daily- Balkans 747, 1224, 7400 2100-2200 -daily- Balkans 747, 1224, 7400 ================================================================= SPANISH 0100-0200 -daily- South America 7400, 9400 0100-0200 -daily- Central America 11600 0600-0630 -daily- South Europe 11800, 15800 1100-1130 -daily- South Europe 11800, 15800 1630-1700 -daily- South Europe 11800, 15800 2100-2200 -daily- South Europe 11800, 13800 2300-2400 -daily- South America 7400, 9400 ================================================================= TURKISH 0500-0530 -daily- Middle East 7300, 9800 1000-1030 -daily- Middle East 7300, 9800 1730-1800 -daily- Middle East 747, 1224, 9800 ================================================================= All times are in UTC/GMT (via Hector Frías, Chile, DXLD and via Dmitriy Kutuzov, Ryazan, Russia, dxldyg via DXLD) And Arabic language section additional from July 1st, 2007: 0430-0500 7300 Egypt, Palestine, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Somalia 9800 Syria, Iraq, Kuwait, UAE, Oman 0630-0700 11800 Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco 15800 Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco 0930-1000 7300 Egypt, Palestine, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Somalia 9800 Syria, Iraq, Kuwait, UAE, Oman 1130-1200 11800 Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco 15800 Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco 1530-1600 9500 Egypt, Palestine, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Somalia 11700 Syria, Iraq, Kuwait, UAE, Oman 17500 Egypt, Palestine, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Somalia 2030-2100 11800 Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco 13800 Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco and Bulgarian via Varna site: 9900 2100 Sun to 0300 Mon only 100 kW non-dir 73 wb (Wolfgang Büschel, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CANADA. RCI`s new schedules for the period from 11 March to 24 March 2007 have been posted on the Schedules and Frequencies page of our website at the following address: http://www.rcinet.ca/rci/en/horaires.shtml You will find not only our shortwave broadcast schedules, but also the schedules for our three 24-hour per day satellite channels, the RCI Plus channel on Sirius and the live RCI Viva service on our website. The new A07 schedule goes into effect on 25 March 2007. You will be receiving another notice when those new schedules are posted on our website. We wish you good listening (RADIO CANADA INTERNATIONAL, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC. I have not yet found a reference to the new missionary SW station here in Galcom info, but it smax of yet another fixed-tuned-radio operation, wherein the victims may only listen to approved Protestant transmissions. Which makes me wonder, just how easy or difficult it may be to disable the fixed-tuned feature. We know that savvy North Koreans manage to unsolder whatever keeps their radios tuned to a KCBS frequency, but what about Africans just being hit with this magical technology, voices out of a box in their own language talking about some strange new god they must kowtow to? It would be enlightening if someone could obtain one of these Galcom radios and examine just how they accomplish the fixed-tuning and how vulnerable they are to modification allowing listening to the world of radio beyond the narrow proselytizing interests of the providers (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) See also IRAQ; MICRONESIA ** CUBA. Item five: The City of Havana's latest new TV station is now one year old. CANAL HABANA is broadcasting regularly on UHF Channel 27 since last 28th of January of 2006, and has received a very warm welcome by city TV viewers, because it has a very appealing program schedule. The new UHF channel 27 station is the third UHF on the air here in the Cuban capital; the other two are channel 15 broadcasting the Second Educational Channel, Canal Educativo Dos and channel 44 re- broadcasting the same program to the high rise buildings area of the city, where reception from Channel 15 is difficult. As the sporadic E TV DX season, let me tell you that the most popular DX catch for TV Dxers from Cuba are the Channel 2 stations, one operating in Havana, and another one in Santiago de Cuba. They are both high power, and it is easy to tell that they are from Cuba as they all carry the Tele Rebelde national program most of the time, with just a one or two hour segment devoted to local programming of the City of Havana and the City of Santiago de Cuba. The city of Havana now has FIVE TV stations on the air, TeleRebelde, broadcasting on channels 2 and 10, Cubavisión on Channels 6 and 8, Educational Channel One on channels 4 and 12 and Educational Channel Two on channels 15 and 44. Canal Habana, the fifth station, with local programming is operating on channel 27 from the city's highest building, the Jose Martí Memorial located at Revolution Square. The capital city of Cuba has around two million two hundred thousand population, and practically every family owns a TV set. At this moment about a quarter of a million of those TV receivers will soon be replaced by high tech low energy use “green - environmentally friendly" color sets, that are also capable of tuning to the UHF frequencies, something that was missing from the older TV sets (Arnie Coro, CO2KK, RHC DXers Unlimited March 10, HCDX via DXLD) ** CUBA. Rapid clix, buzz on 6080, March 9 at 0715, and also on 5930 are explained thus: leapfrog mixing products of heavy Cuban jammers against R. Martí on 5980 and 6030, 50 kHz above and below. RHC, 5965, March 9 at 2230 opening Portuguese service which is not supposed to be on this frequency! Per confusing schedule on website, http://www.radiohc.cu/espanol/frecuencia/frecuencias-espanol.htm 5965 at 2230 is Creole. Then checked 17705, which is supposed to be in Guarani, but it was in French, and not Creole. FUBAR. March 10 at 0620 check, too early for Polisario, RHC spur was still there on 6300 in English, 6060 leapfrog over 6180. Wonder how hard Arnie is trying to fix it. March 10 at 1500 on 15190, a couple of Beatles trax, ``Baby, won`t you drive my car`` and something else more familiar to me from Sgt. Pepper. I know RHC had been on 15190 as usual before 1500 in Spanish, and should then have signed off, but I was not listening continuously to know whether the carrier ever went off. Beatles music ended at 1505* so likely RHC fooling around unless some pirate decided to ride on their coattails. Meanwhile, 15370 had gone off by 1500 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CUBA [non]. R. Martí don`t get no respect from the dentro-Cubans and not much from me, but I can`t fault them for quoting from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which the previous Cuba ratified, about free elexions, March 10 at 1429 on 13820; then plugging TV Martí being visible on channel 20, and quoting José Martí. 1432 into Perspectiva Económica with a guy in Wáshington, and fading under the dentroCuban jamming (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CUBA [non]. Hola José Elías: Re Radio República, 1620: Trata de contactar con WRMI RADIO MIAMI INTERNACIONAL que ellos son los que, normalmente, distribuyen los programas entre las emisoras afiliadas. De todas formas también el DIRECTORIO DEMOCRATICO CUBANO difunde sus programas y frecuencias de transmisión. Lamentablemente no tienen QSL pero te agradecen los informes con una larga carta que les cuesta 2$ en franqueo, al menos la última que recibí. Cuestión de "aligerar" el peso y condensar la información: menos papel, menos peso y ahorro de $ para hacer una bella tarjeta. Pero yo no estoy trabajando con ellos y tampoco sé si verdaderamente ese objetivo de tener tarjetas se conseguirá. Todo depende si tienen algún "voluntario" que tenga acceso a una imprenta. Aunque ahora con INTERNET y los ordenadores, se pueden generar cosas preciosas con un bajo coste. 73 (JUAN Franco Crespo, Spain, March 9, Noticias DX via DXLD) I would not expect WRMI to verify RR transmissions it has nothing to do with, such as this one via WDHP Virgin Islands (gh, DXLD) ** DOMINICAN REPUBLIC. Is this OUR Rudy Espinal in the pic? http://www.diariolibre.com/app/article.aspx?id=93018&commentMode=true (Clara Listensprechen, March 10, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Viz.: EL JEFE DE LA POLICÍA REALIZA VISITA A CTN --- 16 de Enero del 2007, 9:07 PM --- Foto: Rodolfo Espinal, el mayor general Bernardo Santana Páez y Miguel Calzada. SD. Caribbean Traveling Network, CTN, recibió en sus instalaciones la cordial visita del jefe de la Policía Nacional, mayor general Bernardo Santana Páez, donde fue recibido por el presidente de este canal, Miguel Calzada León, y por el director del turinformativo, Rodolfo Espinal. Durante la visita del alto oficial se trataron diversos temas relacionados con las medidas tomadas por la Policía Nacional para garantizar la seguridad a los ciudadanos residentes y visitantes a la Republica Dominicana. Santana Páez manifestó la satisfacción que siente de poder contar con este medio de comunicación, que a su vez se hace eco y participe de las actividades de bien para la ciudadanía dominicana (Diario Libre via DXLD) Glenn: Well, he has aged a bit since I last saw him (haven't we all?), but that's definitely Rudy! (Jeff White, FL, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** ECUADOR. We hear HCJB DRM on 15140 as previously reported, but strangely enough the DRM schedule sites http://www.radionetherlands.nl/features/media/dossiers/drm_schedule.html and http://www.baseportal.com/cgi-bin/baseportal.pl?htx=/drmdx/main&sort=Country,UTC both say 15200, and furthermore 9595 instead of 9820; last minute changes one way or the other? 9595 would mess a lot of stuff on 9590-9600: 0000-0630 daily 9595 5 N America 4 HCJB test various Quito Ecuador 0630-0800 daily 9595 351 N America 4 HCJB test various Quito Ecuador 1200-2400 daily 15200 5 N America 4 HCJB test various Quito Ecuador 5, 351 being the azimuths and 4 being the kW. I guess it`s on their still existing huge high-gain antenna? Or has it been dismantled by now? Did not check earlier in the evening UT March 10, but at 0610 there was no DRM audible on 9815-9820-9825 altho NZ was in on 9885-9890- 9895. Propagation was poor; so looked again at 0653 and still nothing, nor on 9595, when HCJB analog 9740 in Low German was audible, altho weaker than usual. And this was after the scheduled DRM beam change further west at 0630 which should have favored me compared to Kulpsville, whichever frequency was in use. Next check at 1414, HCJB DRM also missing from 15140, but instead on 15195-15200-15205, and bothering VOA on 15205! There had been complaints by DRM monitors of some Arabic station QRMing on 15140, Qatar? No, it`s Oman which was there long before HCJB decided to blast it away with DRM. Oman and Qatar are often confused, perhaps because there is only one letter and one country between them, tho they have little in common. At least Omanalog 15140 was audible here at 1457 with music before 1500*, also thanks to WYFR 15130 being weaker than usual (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) There was digital noise on 9595 today (March 10) at around 0755 at weak strength. I didn't note what time it went off air. On Friday I heard a 'ditter' (continuous fast pips) on this same frequency after 0800, but that wasn't detected this morning (or the RTTY type signal on about 9698.8 USB heard same time). There was no audible DRM signal on 15140 on Friday at around 1530 - Oman was a loud 9+10dB at my location (Noel R. Green (NW England), dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) more: DIGITAL BROADCASTING below ** ECUADOR. This is one of the fastest responses I have ever received from a foreign station. It is also the first time I have ever received one via registered mail. ECUADOR, HD2IOA (Guayaquil). Freq: 3810. Time: 0411-0415. Date: 01-20- 07. Received a full data letter and station card confirming my reception via registered mail in 32 days for an English report, applause card, and one IRC. This was my first log of this station, and I am very happy to have received it. V/S Capitan Rafael CABELLO Peòafiel, Capitan de Fragata EM., Subdirector Técnico. Station address: HD2IOA, Instituto Oceanográfico de la Armada, (INOCAR), Via Puerto Marítimo, Código Postal 5940, Guayaquil, Ecuador (Joe Wood, TN, MARE Tipsheeet via DXLD) OK, Joe. What is an applause card??? LC (Liz Cameron, MARE ed., ibid.) He answered this in DXLD some time ago; should be easy to search on that term elsewise unused (gh, DXLD) ** ETHIOPIA [non]. Clandestina para Etiopía. 9485, V. of Oromo Liberation, 1715-1730, escuchada el 9 de Marzo en idioma Oromo a locutora con invitado en entrevista, referencias a Sudán, ID, segmento musical, SINPO 44333 (José Miguel Romero, Burjasot (Valencia), España, Sangean ATS 909, Antena Radio Master A-108, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** FRANCE. RFI PENSA ENCERRAR SERVIÇOS EM LÍNGUA PORTUGUESA A Rádio France International (RFI), que é a divisão internacional da rádio estatal francesa, poderá em breve suprimir as emissões em língua portuguesa para África. A medida está a ser preparada desde Setembro e poderá entrar em vigor "ainda este mês", de acordo com elementos da redacção da RFI. Emitindo actualmente em 19 línguas, para mais de 30 milhões de ouvintes espalhados pela Europa, Ásia, África e América do Norte e Latina, a RFI poderá sofrer em breve uma reestruturação, com base numa nova estratégia de "expansão e descentralização". Esta expansão será, alegadamente, feita com a abertura de novas redacções no estrangeiro, pelo aumento da duração das emissões em inglês, árabe e mandarim para 24 horas por dia, e pela redução ou extinção simultânea dos serviços nas outras línguas. "O português não é uma prioridade" terá afirmado publicamente o director da estação, citado pelo "Jornal de Notícias". "Querem criar uma CNN à francesa para a televisão e rádio, mas não têm meios para isso", explica uma fonte da redacção, que diz ter tido acesso a um "roteiro" que, alegadamenete, contém uma descrição desta estratégia. "Há problemas de ordem financeira", explica outro membro da redacção, que diz estar "na expectativa". Fundada em 1975, a RFI teve inicialmente como objectivo a emissão de programas em francês para os países francófonos, mas rapidamente se tornou multilingue e multicultural. As emissões em português realizam-se desde 1977, abrangendo todo o continente africano (excepto Angola). Trabalham na redacção de língua portuguesa cerca de 15 pessoas, 11 das quais são jornalistas com estatuto permanente. O serviço em português para África é de duas horas diárias, sendo dada especial atenção aos assuntos luso- africanos, desde a política à economia, passando pela cultura e pelo desporto. Existe também na RFI uma divisão em português brasileiro para o Brasil, com um número total de horas e de trabalhadores semelhante, que também poderá estar ameaçado. "Se o nosso estiver ameaçado, o deles também está", assegurou ao PÚBLICO outra fonte da redacção. Um assessor do Ministério dos Negócios Estrangeiros, citado pelo mesmo jornal, limitou-se a dizer que o Governo português "desconhece" a intenção da RFI acabar com as emissões em português. O PÚBLICO contactou ontem a RFI várias vezes, mas os seus responsáveis não estiveram disponíveis para falar sobre o assunto. Fonte: O Público, via Adilson Matos, São Luís (MA). (via Célio Romais, Brasil, March 10, DXLD) RFI is thinking about closing its Portuguese service as early as this month. It`s mainly for Africa (except Angola) but some Brazilians also work there. I often hear the RFI Portuguese hour at 06-07 on 11830 via Meyerton, RSA at 330 degrees, and have to remind myself I am listening to France, but there are no transmissions intended for Brasil; the other to Africa is at 17-18 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** GUINEA. RTG, 7125, 0718 March 9 with hilife music, no sign of co- channel RN Flevo. Tropical paths have the advantage, but wonder if RN is still there (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** INDIA. AIR GUWAHATI AGAIN ON 4900 kHz --- I again found All India Radio-Guwahati on 4900 around 1344 UT on March 8, 2007. 73 & 55 GK (Gautam Sharma, via Alokesh Gupta, dx_india via DXLD) Nominal 4940 ** INDIA [non]. 15735, CVC Voice Asia; 1524-1533+, 3-Mar; Just guessing it's via Australia -- can't find this posted anywhere. M&W in English with religious commentary & IDs; gave Punjab, India address. SIO=152 (Harold Frodge, DXPedition, MARE Tipsheet via DXLD) ARMENIA, as previously in DXLD (gh) ** INDONESIA. 11785: As usual in past weeks, VOI to ME/NE/EU missed on FRIDAYS, also failed today Mar 9th. Only RRI Jakarta in BI noted till about 1710 UT on 11860.005 kHz. 73 wb (Wolfgang Büschel, Germany, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) Tanto hoy 9 de Marzo cómo ayer 8 no se captó señal alguna de La Voz de Indonesia por 11785; tampoco se captó señal alguna en 9525 ni en 15150 (José Miguel Romero, Burjasot (Valencia), España, Sangean ATS 909, Antena Radio Master A-108, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** INDONESIA. Radio Republic of Indonesia Sorong was received in Sofia between 2135 and 2205 hours on 4875 kHz with a program in Indonesian and English. The station has registered the following emissions on short wave: from 0000 to 0755 hours on 9743 kHz; from 0800 to 1115 hours on 4871 kHz and from 2050 to 2300 hours on 4875 kHz. The address is: R.R.I. Sorong, P. O. Box 146, Sorong 98414, Indonesia (Rumen Pankov, R. Bulgaria DX March 9 via John Norfolk, dxldyg via DXLD) Those times and frequencies refer to WRTH 2007. But does Sorong really use two frequencies differing by 4 kHz in morning and evening? Perhaps because of differing interference concerns? PWBR avoids this question by listing both transmissions as 4870v, and of course there is Wamena on 4870 to add to the confusion. And what programming is that in English, and does anyone hear them in English during the 0800-1115 transmission? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) And then there`s ** INDONESIA. 4789.94, RRI Fak Fak, 1208-1220 March 10. Noted a female in Indonesian language comments during period. Signal was very poor, but R. Visión is off this morning, at this time anyway, and Fak Fak is coming in (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, Florida, WR-G305E/PD, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** INTERNATIONAL VACUUM. LTTE BROADCASTING ILLEGALLY IN INTELSAT 12 SATELLITE: WILL BE CLOSED DOWN SOON – Intelsat Ltd. Sat, 2007-03-10 08:20 http://www.asiantribune.com/index.php?q=node/4848 New York, 10 March, (Asiantribune.com): Tamil Tigers are pirates and they are broadcasting illegally in the Intelsat 12 satellite without any proper authorization. The New York based Intelsat Ltd., the world’s largest commercial satellite communications services provider told “Asian Tribune” that that LTTE is not a customer of the Intelsat. “They are pirates.” On 04 March, LTTE news websites reported that Voice of Tigers, the official radio broadcast of Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE), began satellite broadcast to South Asian countries from Vanni starting from that day. Also it was reported S.P. Tamilselvan Head of the LTTE’s political Division participated in the ceremony and said, "We are holding the inauguration ceremony on the 69th birthday of late Anton Balasingham as a mark of respect for his contribution to the progress of Tamil media. I also wish to thank all the staff at VoT for making the station a voice of Tamils." However “Asian Tribune” reported on 05 March, “Anyhow, Pro LTTE websites in their news report about the launching of the satellite broadcast carried a misleading statement stating that “The radio service will use similar frequencies used by the National Television of Tamileelam (NTT), using ‘Eurostar’ at 11.506 GHz symbol rate 2894, vertical polarization, the media unit. “Asian Tribune” report further added “However, Intelsat 12 satellite link clearly shows that National Television of Tamileelam and as well as Pulikalin Kural is with the same frequencies and are hosted by them.” The contention of the “Asian Tribune” was confirmed by Ms. Diam Beever, Intelsat LTd Vice President in charge of Investor Relations and corporate communication, who told “Asian Tribune” that Sri Lanka’s terrorists’ outfit LTTE is presently pirating the Intelsat’s 12 bandwidth without the knowledge of the company. “Intelsat has notified the original customer for the capacity that they are in violation of their contract, and Intelsat has informed them to cease transmissions,” Diam Beever said. When asked to identify the original customer of the Intelsat, Diam Beever refused to disclose the name of the service provider who gas accommodated the LTTE’s medias without the knowledge of the Intelsat Ltd. When asked whether Intelsat was not aware of the fact that LTTE’s National Television of Tamileelam was using the Intelsat 12 satellite bandwidth since 2005. Diam Beever clarified that the Intelsat Ltd acquired PanAmSat only on July 3, 2006, and LTTE’s National Television of Tamil Eelam might have come to share quietly the Intelsat 12 satellite. She said, “We are taking actions to cease their transmission soon.“ Furthermore Diam Beever said, “There are no Sri Lankan shareholders of Intelsat. Intelsat went private in January of 2005 and has had no Sri Lankan investment shares since that time.” - Asian Tribune - (via Zacharias Liangas, DXLD) ** IRAN [non]. QSL received: THE NETHERLANDS, 6245, Radio Zamaneh, Linnaeusstraat 35-F, 1093 EE Ámsterdam, The Netherlands. QSL Card full data in 23 days.- Very nice QSL with my name and all information about the log. The station sent me a card with the Radio Zamaneh Director’s compliments V/S: Mehdi Jami, RZ Director (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina, dxldyg via DXLD) The data was not full if they did not give the transmitter site, which is certainly not the Netherlands (gh, DXLD) ** IRAQ. March 5, 2007 – There are 4 Christian radio stations set up by military in Iraq. We have just sent a quantity of fixed tuned radios to the soldiers. Pray that God will touch the hearts of these soldiers as they face danger on a daily basis and that God will enable us to send over another 1,000 radios shortly (Galcom Urgent Prayer Request via DXLD) The ``military``, i.e. US Government, have no business setting up religious stations of any sort. If true, yet another grievous breach of separation of church and state by the illegitimate Republican Bush regime. Let us pray that those soldiers will be able to listen on some other radios to VOA, BBC, or other international broadcasters striving for truth and objectivity. Galcom`s prayer request for April 24 refers to these as ``Go Ye`` radios. BTW, there is no specific mention of SW in March-April-May Galcom prayer requests, nor in connexion with known SW operations. Colombia Para Cristo is still working on that mountaintop radio station but that surely will be FM, like most of the others (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** JAPAN. We can depend on NHK Warido R. Japan for a wide and entertaining variety of tunes, some of them funny or for children, on Music Time, or whatever they call the mandatory 5-minute music break between the 10-minute news at hourtop and Asian Top News at :15 or on weekends whatever follows. Such as at 1510-1515 UT on 9505, 9875 March 10 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENINGN DIGEST) ** LATVIA. 9290 relays this weekend, Sat March 10th Radio Six Int. 0700-0800 UT Latvia Today 0800-0900 UT Radio City 0900-1100 UT Good Listening (Tom Taylor, March 9, DX LISTENING DIGEST and in advance on the dxldyg) So zilch on Sunday ** LIBYA [non]. MOLDAVIA, 17627.52, Sawt al-Amal, 1252-1300, escuchada el 8 de Marzo en árabe a locutor con invitado, SINPO 44343. 17622.52, Sawt al-Amal, 1353-1400, escuchada el 8 de Marzo en árabe a locutor con comentarios, segmento en francés con traducción simultánea al árabe, SINPO 43443. 17640, Sawt al-Amal, 1356-1400, escuchada el 9 de Marzo en árabe a locutor con comentarios, ID y sintonía, SINPO 43443 (José Miguel Romero, Burjasot (Valencia), España, Sangean ATS 909, Antena Radio Master A-108, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** LITHUANIA. 6255, KBC Radio, 2233-2300, escuchada el 10 de Marzo a locutor con identificación en inglés, cuñas de identificación en alemán y árabe, testimonios sonoros de oyentes, programa musical, SINPO 45554. Audio: http://jmromero782004.podomatic.com/entry/2007-03-10T15_36_24-08_00 (José Miguel Romero, Burjasot (Valencia), España, Sangean ATS 909, Antena Radio Master A-108, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** MALAYSIA [and non]. TRAXXFM GOES GLOBAL WITH RADIO AUSTRALIA LINKAGE KUALA LUMPUR, March 9 (Bernama) -- Traxxfm, RTM's English radio station, goes global by linking up with Radio Australia's "Breakfast Club" to bring to listeners the latest happenings in the region. . . http://www.bernama.com/bernama/v3/news.php?id=250482 (Via Zacharias Liangas, DXLD) ** MICRONESIA. 4755.16 kHz, Pacific Missionary Aviation. Mar. 3 at 0817-0930. SINPO 35332-35333. Mainly pops. ID in English was heard at 0842 as "This is Pacific Missionary ...new station...frequency 89.5 [sic --- should be 88.5] MHz and short wave frequency 4755 kHz... Our phone number..." The same ID was also heard at 0915. But no signal since March 4 (Iwao Nagatani, Japan, Japan Premium March 9 via DXLD) March 5, 2007 - Praise God for the radio station that was put up in Pohnpei, Micronesia recently. It has both FM and Shortwave and will cover an area of approximately 3,000 miles (Galcom Urgent Prayer Request via DXLD) Ambiguous. Square miles or radius? A circle of 3000 square miles area would have a radius of only 31 miles, according to pi-r-squared. Yet 3000 miles radius seems a bit more than they were shooting for, since they were surprised to get reports from Japan. Maybe 3000 miles diameter? Even that is a bit much for reliable reception of 500 watts on 60m. Since GALCOM is involved in this, that means PMA is working on the fixed-tuned-radio principle, you-will-listen-only-to-us; see CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** MONGOLIA. The Mongolian government decided to abolish the shift to DST (which was due on 31 March). The country will be on UTC +8h all year round (Bernd Trutenau, Lithuania, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) I think Mongolia had more than one time zone, but maybe not anymore either? WRTH 2007 in time zone table says some regions are different, see country section. But if you go there it says UT+8 only (and DST +9 was expected) (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) see http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/ or direct http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/city.html?n=720 (Wolfgang Büschel, ibid.) That just deals with Ulaanbaatar, not necessarily the whole country, a drawback of this site emphasizing cities rather than countries (gh, DXLD) http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/results.html?query=Mongolia (Wolfgang Büschel, ibid.) In its history, Mongolia was split into up to 3 different time zones. Now it has a single time zone (Bernd Trutenau, Lithuania, ibid.) Not very trustworthy, see http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/city.html?n=950 (Mauno Ritola, ibid.) Mauno`s link shows Hovd, Mongolia as UT +7. Bernd, what is your source of info about a single timezone? There is even more dispute about Mongolian time zones. A Google search led to: http://www.statoids.com/tmn.html http://home-4.tiscali.nl/~t876506/Multizones.html#mn (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Most websites happen to show incorrect information about the time zones in Mongolia. I received the single time zone information directly from the responsible authority in Mongolia, the Mongolian Agency for Standardization and Metrology (Bernd Trutenau, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) In a decentralised country, locals could still be setting their clox differently, e.g. Kenton OK where as I point out periodically, this tiny town in the NW corner observes Mountain Time, rather than Central, altho you will not find that in any official info or on any map (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** MOROCCO. Radio Morocco [sic] was received with two different programs on the adjacent frequencies of 15335 and 15340 kHz between 14 and 15 hours (Rumen Pankov, R. Bulgaria DX March 9 via John Norfolk, dxldyg via DXLD) WRTH 2007 shows 15340 as Nador, 15345 via IBB Briech, indeed both on the air between 14 and 15, but no details of which home services are carried (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST) I reported this same observation several weeks ago - Breich is via 15335, and it carries a Koran type of programme. It may be a relay of the domestic Q Programme (WRTH 2007 page 293) but I haven't been able to access that service on the internet to check. Maybe an Arabic speaker would try 15335 just before the hour. (Noel R. Green (NW England), dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) And I am still in the dark about how to pronounce Briech (not Breich) --- as in French, or is it some kind of Arabic, or what? Two syllables or one? ch = sh? It looks sorta Germanic, but surely not. No doubt the IBB guys have a way of pronouncing it, but that could be Americanized (gh, DXLD) ** OKLAHOMA. A third Talking House in Enid (and there are probably more as yet undiscovered), at 2409 W. Randolph just west of Cleveland, as notified by roadside sign, this one on 1200 kHz. I pulled off the street to monitor the loop, and tho I was less than 10 meters from the house, there was a lo het, and by the time I had crossed the intersexion WOAI had regained dominance, at 2336 UT March 10. So no point in even trying for it at home. Seems it is a fixer-upper, realtor talking about repairs already made, 580 AC phone number (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** PERU. 6193.08, Radio Cuzco, 1101-1122 March 8. Noted steady Spanish comments which may have been news, during the period. Signal was fair. 6173.87, Radio Tawantinsuyo, 1048-1100 March 9. With a very weak signal, steady Huaynos music until about 1053 when a person comments in Spanish. Noted a canned TC every minute or so over the music. Lots of QRM here. Comment: Trying for the difficult DX this morning. Just purchased the WR-G305E/PD and I am finding it surprisingly good compared to my NRD545. I checked each one of the loggings above on both the NRD545 and the WR-G305E/pd and decided that the 305 was superior in cleaning away the QRM. For example, Radio Tawantinsuyo, above, is surrounded by other stations and one is just 2 kHz above. I filtered out that second station completely with the WR-305, but narrowed the filter on the NRD545 as far as it would reduce and still had the QRM bleeding through, which made copy difficult on the NRD545 and fair on the 305. So I am very satisfied with my new receiver so far. It could use a notch filter and a tone control. However, with the sharp filtering, a notch filter may be redundant? Time will tell (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, Florida, USA, WR-G305E/PD, March 9, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** RUSSIA. Two signals in the ranges of 1190-1199 and 1231-1238 kHz in Russian belong to 1215 Bolshakovo carrying Voice of Russia; AM- modulated spurs symmetrically around 1215 kHz, i.e. they have the same distance on either side and that difference varies over time and also in strength, sometimes they don't exist at all (Jurgen Bartels, Germany, mwdx yg via NRC IDXD March 9 via DXLD ** SAINT HELENA. Has anyone received a QSL from R. St. Helena for the broadcast in November '06 yet? Thanks, (Karl Zuk, N2KZ, March 9, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** SOUTH AMERICA. 6307.57, Radio Piraña Internacional, 1100-1112, Mar 10, Spanish, Musical Program, ID in Spanish and English give the following e-mail address: rpi @ radiopirana.com, SINPO 33333 (Nicolás Eramo, Argentina, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Para quitar las dudas: estaremos hoy desde las 22 UT hasta las 11 UT de mañana con posibilidad de prolongarse hasta las 12 o pasadito... 6307 kHz (Jorge García, RPI, March 10, condig list via DXLD) ** SOUTH CAROLINA. A reminder of the website of Brother Scare detractors, http://www.thenetteam.net/ including 146 pages of testimonials, ever-growing, starting at the very strange URL of http://htmlgear.tripod.com/guest/control.guest?u=tammymcallaster&i=6&a=view (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** SPAIN. Nuevo esquema de horarios y frecuencias para la temporada de verano de REE. Si lo prefiere en formato PDF en este enlace: http://telefonica.net/web2/radioescuchadx/reea07.pdf RADIO EXTERIOR DE ESPAÑA SECRETARÍA TÉCNICA Y DE PROGRAMAS 25 de Marzo de 2007 a 27 de Octubre de 2007 ÁREA FRECUENCIA AZIMUT HORA UT IDIOMA PERIODICIDAD EUROPA 9710 50º 0500-0700 Español Diaria 11920 50º 0500-0700 Español Sábado y Domingo 12035 60º 0500-0900 Español Diaria 13720 0º 0700-1300 Español Lunes a Viernes 13720 0º 0700-1400 Español Sábado y Domingo 15585 60º 0900-1700 Español Diaria 15325 68º 1700-1730 Ruso Lunes a Viernes 9665 0º 1700-2000 Español Domingo 9665 0º 1700-2100 Español Sábado 7275 50º 1700-2300 Español Diaria 9665 50º 1730-1800 Alemán Lunes y Jueves [NOT: below] 9665 50º 1800-1900 Francés Lunes a Viernes 9665 50º 2000-2100 Inglés Lunes a Viernes 9665 50º 2000-2100 Francés Domingo 9840 38º 2100-2200 Inglés Sábado y Domingo 6155 50º 2300-2400 Francés Diaria ORIENTE 11890 98º 0500-0700 Español Diaria 21610 110º 0900-1700 Español Diaria 21610 110º 1700-1900 Árabe Diaria 17745 110º 1825-1855 Sefardí Lunes 9600 110º 1900-2000 Francés Lunes a Viernes 12015 110º 1900-2000 Francés Sábado y Domingo 12015 110º 1900-2100 Árabe Lunes a Viernes 12015 110º 2000-2200 Árabe Sábado y Domingo ÁFRICA ECUATORIAL 21540 161º 0900-1400 Español Diaria 15385 161º 1400-1700 Español Sábado 17755 161º 1400-1900 Español Lunes a Sábado 17755 161º 1400-2000 Español Domingo 15385 161º 1500-1700 Español Lunes a Viernes 11625 161º 1900-2000 Francés Lunes a Viernes 7270 170º 1900-2100 Árabe Lunes a Viernes 11625 161º 2000-2100 Inglés Lunes a Viernes 7270 170º 2000-2200 Árabe Sábado y Domingo 11625 161º 2000-2100 Francés Domingo 11625 161º 2100-2200 Inglés Domingo 11625 161º 2100-2200 Español Lunes a Viernes 11625 161º 2100-2200 Inglés Sábado 7270 170º 2200-2300 Español Diaria 11625 161º 2200-2300 Español Sábado AUSTRALIA 17770 260º 0700-0900 Español Diaria 15270 260º 0700-0900 Español Sábado y Domingo FILIPINAS 11910 138º 1200-1400 Español Diaria (Desde Xian) JAPON 15560 95º 0600-0800 Español Diaria (Desde Pekín) AMÉRICA DEL SUR 6020 110º * 0000-0400 Español Diaria 11795 248º 0115-0145 Sefardí Martes 5965 150º * 0400-0800 Español Diario 21570 230º 0900-1700 Español Lunes a Viernes 5930 110º * 1000-1300 Español Lunes a Viernes 21570 230º 1000-1700 Español Sábado y Domingo 17595 248º 1200-2000 Español Domingo 17595 248º 1200-2100 Español Sábado 11815 110º * 1200-2300 Español Domingo 17595 260º 1500-1900 Español Lunes a Viernes 11815 110º * 1600-2300 Español Sábado 17715 230º 1700-1900 Español Diaria 11815 110º * 1800-2000 Español Lunes a Viernes 11680 230º 2300-0200 Español Diaria 9620 230º 2300-0500 Español Diaria 15160 242º 2300-0200 Español Diaria 6125 242º 0200-0500 Español Diaria AMÉRICA CENTRAL 3350 0º * 0200-0600 Español Diaria 17595 272º 1000-1300 Español Lunes a Viernes 5970 0º * 1100-1400 Español Lunes a Viernes 15170 340º * 1200-1500 Español Domingo 17595 248º 1200-2000 Español Domingo 17595 248º 1200-2100 Español Sábado 9765 0º * 1200-2300 Español Domingo 17595 260º 1500-1900 Español Lunes a Viernes 9765 0º * 1600-2300 Español Sábado 9765 0º * 1800-2000 Español Lunes a Viernes 9535 272º 2300-0500 Español Diaria 15160 242º 2300-0200 Español Diaria 6125 242º 0200-0500 Español Diaria AMÉRICA DEL NORTE 6055 290º 0000-0100 Inglés Diaria 6055 290º 0100-0600 Español Diaria 9630 340º * 0200-0600 Español Diaria 9650 290º 0415-0445 Sefardí Martes 17595 272º 1000-1300 Español Lunes a Viernes 15170 340º * 1100-1400 Español Lunes a Viernes 15170 340º * 1200-1500 Español Domingo 17595 302º 1300-1500 Español Lunes a Viernes 17850 340º * 1500-2300 Español Domingo 17850 340º * 1600-2300 Español Sábado 17850 340º * 1800-2000 Español Lunes a Viernes 15110 302º 1900-2300 Español Diaria 9535 272º 2300-0500 Español Diaria 6055 290º 2300-2400 Francés Diaria * DESDE EL CENTRO EMISOR DE CARIARI, COSTA RICA EMISION ESPECIAL PARA EL LIBANO 15345 92º 1800-2200 Español Lunes a Viernes 15345 92º 1700-2200 Español Sábado 15345 92º 1400-2200 Español Domingo 73, (via José Bueno, Córdoba - España, March 9, Noticias DX via DXLD) Those transmissions for Lebanon would be for a Spanish military contingent? Presently on 12045 and surprisingly well heard here. Also note that per this they are not switching to 15385 for English to NAm at 0000 --- certainly a good idea not to go so high already in April, as several years` experience shows it does not propagate reliably, tho it`s OK in mid-summer; they really need to use some band in between, or even, gasp, Costa Rica for reliable coverage of NAm (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) "9665 31 m 50º 1730-1800 Alemán Lunes y Jueves" ? 73, (Mauno Ritola, Finland, DX LISTENING DIGEST) So seems there will be a new twice weekly service in German (gh, DXLD) Incidentally, I listened last night at 1730 to 9665 - no German heard. Haven't heard German from Spain for a long time. And it is not mentioned in their present schedule: http://www.rtve.es/rne/ree/OndaCorta/0607.htm 73, (Erik Køie, Copenhagen, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) REE Alemán 9665 is a DEAD BODY since August 2004. !!!!!!!!!!! Forget it. 73 wb (Wolfgang Büschel, ibid.) Back then, i.e. in 2004, they answered enquiries about the missing German programs with weasel statements about holiday season, etc. In April 2005 listener Douglas Kähler finally received word that the editor of the German broadcasts had been fired. The transmitter could indeed be on air, but carrying something else instead. Nobody here in Germany bothered to check it out anymore since it became known that the German service is dead and gone (Kai Ludwig, Germany, ibid.) Posible error de la emisora, en B06 también mencionan esta emisión. El esquema lo recibí directamente de Antonio Buitrago de REE. Se lo informo para su confirmación o rectificación. Nuevo para Líbano ?? Un saludo (José Bueno, Spain, ibid.) ¿Hay militares españoles en el Líbano? Parece ser el servicio actual en 12045 hasta las 23 TU. 15345 será un gran problema para Argentina y sus oyentes en Europa! 73, (Glenn, ibid.) Saludos Glenn: Si, tenemos militares en el sur del Líbano bajo bandera de la ONU. Efectivamente dejaremos de escuchar a la RAE antes de las 2200 por los 15345 kHz cambio de 12045 kHz. 73, (José Bueno, ibid.) Saludos Pepe, me ha sorprendido este nuevo servicio; me imagino que va dirigido a las tropas españolas allí apostadas en misión de Paz, aunque ya no se mencione aún seguimos teniendo tropas allí. 73 (José Miguel Romero, ibid.) Saludos Glenn, en efecto hay contingente militar en misión de paz en el Líbano. Noticia de hoy: REGRESAN A ESPAÑA OTROS 225 SOLDADOS QUE FORMARON MISIÓN ONU EN EL LÍBANO Un grupo de 225 soldados españoles, la mayoría pertenecientes a la Brigada de la Legión, regresaron hoy a España en el segundo de los cinco viajes organizados para el relevo de las tropas desplegadas desde hace cuatro meses en el sur del Líbano en el marco de la misión FINUL de Naciones Unidas. Según informó el Ejército de Tierra, los militares partieron de Beirut en la mañana de hoy a bordo de un Airbus de la compañía Air Europa que aterrizó en el aeropuerto de Almería capital sobre las 14.45 horas. Tras descender de la nave un grupo formado por 175 efectivos de la Brigada de la Legión, el avión - con cincuenta militares de diferentes unidades a bordo - despegó nuevamente hacia el aeropuerto de Barajas, en Madrid, donde tiene prevista su llegada sobre las 16.45 horas. Este segundo relevo de los cerca de mil cien soldados que, durante los últimos cuatro meses, velaron por la pacificación y el cese de conflictos en el sur del Líbano se completó con la llegada hoy a Beirut a bordo del mismo vuelo comercial de 230 militares españoles. La llegada de la tercera rotación de relevo al aeropuerto de Almería está prevista para las 14.45 horas del próximo domingo 11 de marzo. Los legionarios españoles, que partieron hacia la base Miguel de Cervantes de forma escalonada a finales del mes de octubre, serán sustituidos en la zona durante otros cuatro meses por 1.100 efectivos pertenecientes en su mayoría a la Brigada de Infantería Ligera Paracaidista 'Almogávares' VI, con sede en Paracuellos del Jarama y Alcalá de Henares, en Madrid. Los legionarios, que conformaron el grueso de la Brigada Multinacional, se ocuparon de apoyar al ejército libanés en la toma de control del país tras la retirada de las tropas israelíes de la zona, que se produjo entre el 30 de septiembre y el 1 de octubre, además de acometer labores de reconstrucción de las zonas rurales (via José Miguel Romero2, ibid.) Estimado Amigo Josè: qui fues el cumpilador original de este elenco ???? Me pareces que hay varios horarios bastante ESTRANOS (Dario Monferini, Italia, Noticias DX via DXLD) Estimado amigo Dario: Efectivamente no se esmeraron mucho en confeccionar el esquema; será por la reducción de personal que está padeciendo la Radio Nacional Española. Traspasaron información de esquemas anteriores. Ya le pasé información a Antonio Buitrago de REE. Un cordial saludo (José Bueno, ibid.) ** SPAIN. I finally remembered to check Radio Waves UT Sunday March 11; I tuned in at 0040 just in time to hear the beginning. At least on this occasion Justin Coe had an item on solar weather, then into the radio song. While listening to this I copied and pasted info on Spain`s English programs, from their web site: REE Spain English Programs http://www.rtve.es/me/ree/ [click ``English``] The English Language Service for Radio Exterior wants to enrich people`s lives with great programs and services that inform, educate and entertain. OUR PROGRAM ... Here in the English Language Service we provide a wide range of programs and news services free of commercial interest and political intentions, a broadcast for everyone. Our audience is the main motor of our broadcast, it moves our programs and our broadcast, everything we do, we do it thinking in you, our listener. Radio Exterior de España is a public institution. The English Language Service isn`t financed by publicity or advertisers; that`s why we have the opportunity to focus on the quality of our broadcast. We have time to concentrate on the creativity of our programs and the precision of the news that appear in our news bulletin. The team of the English Language Service for Radio Exterior wants you to enjoy every minute of our broadcast that`s why we try to keep our broadcasts dynamic and with an accessible style. Our live broadcast is Monday thru Friday and we rebroadcast our weekday programs for listeners who can`t tune in during the week. [next UT day for the 0000-0100 broadcast on 6055 --- gh] Monday News Spain, Day by Day Pop the Rock Sports Page Tuesday News Spain, Day by Day Radio Waves [Does anyone know the time span for this? -- jn] Visitors Book Wednesday News Spain, Day by Day Armchair Travel From Soup to Nuts Spanish Columnists Thursday News Spain, Day by Day Cultural Roundup American Chronicles Friday News Could you believe it? Spain, Day by Day Spain, Now and Then Saturday American Chronicles Visitors Book Spanish Historical Footnotes Armchair Traveling Radio Waves Sunday Cultural Roundup Origins of Spanish Music Spanish Columnists From Soup to Nuts Radio Club The Origins of Spanish Music: A programme dedicated to all those who love Spanish music. It comes as no surprise that the evolution of Spanish music is every bit as extensive and diverse as Spain`s history. No other European country boasts such a unique melting pot of musical elements, each plucked from the various cultures of Spain`s past. In this programme our listeners can learn about the origins of the Spanish music, since the first note of what can be considered Spanish music was played on the Iberia Peninsula up to the 16th century. This programme is a survey of the origins of the Spanish music from the middle ages to the 16th century. We hope you enjoy! Would you believe it? Would you believe it? gives you the oddest news in Spain. In this programme you`ll be able to listen to news that may not seem so, but clearly are. ``Would you believe it?`` gives you the most unbelievable side of the story to bid farewell to the stress of the week, and start off a relaxed weekend with a smile. Directed and Presented by Laura García Historical Footnotes. In this programme we review the key elements that will help everybody get a better understanding of Spanish history. In this programme the English Broadcasting Service offers the key words from the pages of Spanish history. Names, people, places that tend to pop-up in Spanish history books and that can be confusing for the non-Spaniards. In ``Historical Footnotes`` we give our listeners full understanding of these terms that are present in Spanish history. Radio Club The opinion of our listeners accompanied by Spanish music. Have something to say? This is your program. Each week together, we`ll read the e-mails and letters that have arrived in our mailbag that week. We will also play the favorite songs of our listeners. Have a favorite Spanish song or artist and want to chat a bit? This is your program. Want to win a CD of Spanish Rock hits from the 70`s and 80`s? All you have to do is to answer our question correctly. The question appears in our program. Start sending your letters and e-mails! Directed and Presented by Itziar Acosta. From Soup to Nuts. Learn how to make, in your own home, typical Spanish dishes. In ``From Soup to Nuts`` you`ll be able to put to the test your culinary abilities. Each week a new recipe: gazpacho, albondigas, empanadillas, papas arrugadas con mojo ... A long list of Spanish dishes you`ll be able to enjoy in your own home and surprise family and friends. Give it a go, tune in and cook! Directed and Presented by Laura García. Pop the Rock. A look at the best Spanish rock and pop music. Pop and Rock music has 50 years of history. From its American origins in gritty R `n` B and greasy Rock `n` Roll to the Psychedelic and the Heavy Metal. In Pop the Rock you`ll be able to wander around Spanish Pop and Rock music. Well-known and little known artists pick up their guitar and play in this program. Dress up, you have a date with music. Directed and Presented by Mario Borrego. Spain, Day By Day. Includes Press Review, weather forecast, songs and sports news. Our daily magazine where you`ll be able to find all the up to date information of the events of the day that have occurred in Spain. A news bulletin, where we present events as they happen. In our newscast you can find Spanish and international news with particular emphasis on those areas to which the broadcast is directed: Europe, Africa and America. After you can sit back and enjoy a bit of Spanish pop music followed by a daily review of the Spanish press, and each day`s general interest program. Directed and Presented by Deanelle Baker, Itziar Acosta, Laura García and Justin Coe. Cultural Roundup. Spain and its cultural scene. In Cultural Roundup, culture is the protagonist. Each week we take a look at the cultural events that have taken place in Spain or outside of Spanish frontiers but have a direct relation with Spain or Spaniards. A weekly stroll through movies, music, theater, opera, and books. You have a front- row seat reserved each week, join us. Directed and presented by Mario Borrego. American Chronicles. Current affairs in Latin America. American Chronicles offers our listeners a review of recent events that occur in Latin America. A political and social analysis with up to date information of the different regions of Latin America. American Chronicles aims to offer in-depth and thoughtful news and current affairs of Latin America. Directed and Presented by Justin Coe. Spanish Columnists. A review of the best columnists in Spanish papers. Each week you`ll get to know what Spain`s columnists write about: politics, politicians, social events, sports… many are the subjects and many the columnists. Want to know what they wrote about this week? You must tune in to find out. Directed and Presented by Justin Coe. Armchair Traveling. Travel around Spain without leaving your chair. Welcome travelers! Travel and sightseeing are fun and enriching experiences. In ``Armchair Travel`` you`ll be able to discover all the astounding secrets Spain has to offer. Every week we`ll visit together the different charming corners of the Spanish geography. Museums, Monuments, routes, events, typical cuisine of the different regions, and a bit of history of the zone along with music from the area will complete our trip. Grab a chair and be prepared to take a virtual tour around Spain and have a unique experience. Want to win tourist guides, maps and a CD of our program? All you have to do is to answer our monthly question correctly. The question appears in our program. Start sending your letters and e-mails! Directed and presented by Itziar Acosta. Radio Waves. For DX lovers. DXing is the hobby of tuning in and identifying distant radio signals. Radio. This description fits you? You are a DXer and this is your program. Directed and Presented by Justin Coe. Visitors Book. Foreign politicians, actors, actresses, music stars, relevant figures that have visited Spain. Many foreign personalities visit Spain each week. Want to know if Tom Cruise has been in Madrid lately or if Claudia Schiffer has taken a couple of days off in Marbella or maybe if Coldplay gave a concert? Laura García gives us the scoop of the foreign personalities on their visit to Spain. Directed and Presented by Laura García (via John Norfolk, dxldyg, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** SRI LANKA [non]. See INTERNATIONAL VACUUM ** SUDAN [non]. 15445, Southern Sudan Interactive R. Instruction via Dhabayya Mar 02 *0629-0659*, 35433-34433, English, 0629 sign on, ID at 0629, Talk and music (Kouji Hashimoto, Japan, Japan Premium via DXLD) ** SWEDEN [and non]. 12070, Radio Sweden; 1445-1458:43*, 3-Mar; M&W in English with pop tunes & interviews; Off abruptly. SIO=353+. Posted as a new frequency, but not to start till 5-Mar. // 11550, SIO=23-3-; // 15240, SIO=243-, All 3 off at time noted, but 15240 came back on in a few seconds, in Swedish with SIO=3+54. 07 WRTVH says 11550 is from Sweden & 15240 is via Sackville for 1400 English [you mean 1430 --- gh] then from Sweden for Swedish at 1500. Due to the noted signal strengths, I'd say the 1400 & 1500 sources for 15240 may be reversed (Harold Frodge, MI, DXPedition, MARE Tipsheet via DXLD) At the beginning of B-06 we published a detailed sked of when 15240 is Sackville and when it is Hörby, unless they changed it. R. Sweden, 15240 via Canada, March 10 at 1443 playing announcement that they *will* change March 5 from 11550 to 12070 at 1330 due to QRM. Time warp (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** SWEDEN [and non]. Perhaps a little off topic, but because conditions were favouring the NE USA this morning (or at least seemed to be), I thought I’d venture beyond the normal limits to 1710 to see if I could hear the Lubevicher Radio pirate (may have spelled it wrongly!). I didn’t, but did hear an English weather transmission from Stockholm Radio. It ended with “Stockholm Radio, have a good day”. Does anyone know anything about this station – is it aimed at maritime or aviation users? If you would like to try to hear it, the broadcast I heard ended at 0745. 73 (Andrew Brade, UK, March 10, MWC via DXLD) Hi Andrew, you heard one of the maritime frequencies of Stockholm Radio, but the station has also an aeronautical service. More information about this station at http://www.stockholmradio.com/en/ 73 (Fabrizio Magrone, Italy, ibid.) Andrew, have you bumped into the other maritime stations between 1630 and 1700 kHz? Stockholm is in the same category, broadcasting weather info, navigation info, safety warnings etc. They broadcast a regular schedule using USB mode usually in two languages (English + local) 73 (Steve Whitt, UK, ibid.) Thanks Fabrizio. I typed in Stockholm Radio in to a search engine but this page didn’t appear! I see the 1710 transmission seems to be 0.8 kW from Grimeton, home of SAQ. Thanks for the link. 73 (Andrew Brade, ibid.) ** TAIWAN [and non]. RTI's new summer frequencies for 2007 begin Mar 25. There will be several changes to our daily broadcast, starting from March 25, and lasting through October 27. 1) Our broadcast to Europe from 2200 to 2300 UT will be changed from 9355 to 15600 kHz [WYFR] 2) Our broadcast to Japan and Korea on 15465 and 7130 will be canceled due to budget restraints. [time?] 3) Our broadcast via DRM on Fridays will be changed from 1230 to 1330 UT. [via UK, I think; WTFK? --- gh] (RTI web site via Swopan Chakroborty, Kolkata, India, DXLD) In B06 was 1500-1600 Fri wEU 9750 (ex9770) Rampisham 35 kW 95 deg. In A07 RTI 1200-1300 Fri, R Prague 1300-1400 all 9850 Rampisham 35 kW 95 deg (Wolfgang Büschel, Germany, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. James Glassman new BBG chairman? "James Glassman, television pundit, American Enterprise Institute scholar, former editor of Roll Call, former Washington Post columnist and author of books including our favorite -- 'Dow 36,000: The New Strategy for Profiting From the Coming Rise in the Stock Market' -- is said to be getting the job of chairman of the Broadcasting Board of Governors, a part-time -- but time-consuming -- gig overseeing the Voice of America, Radio Free Europe, Radio Free Asia, the Middle East Broadcasting Networks and the Cuba broadcasting operation." Washington Post, 7 March 2007. See also his bio at TCSDaily.com. http://www.tcsdaily.com/Authors.aspx?id=292 (Posted: 07 Mar 2007, kimandrewelliott.com via DXLD) BBG FY 2008 Budget Request VERY DETAILED Executive Summary Dear DXers & Glenn, During my websurfing, I found some interesting details about VOA, BBG. Here are the links. BBG FY 2008 Budget Request Executive Summary (pdf file, 1.7 MB large) [VERY DETAILED]: http://www.bbg.gov/reports/bbg_fy08_budget_request.pdf BBG final Performance and Accountability Report 2006 (pdf file, 5.2 MB large): http://www.bbg.gov/bbg_final_par_to_omb_22dec06.pdf Best regards & many 73s! (Dragan Lekic from Subotica, Serbia, March 10, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. Re 7-032: Following our discussion with WBOH, the spurs have indeed disappeared, when checked March 9 at 0709, nothing on 5890 or 5950, but their own carrier on 5920 had continuous swishing noises, and under-modulation. Again the case March 10 at 0630, altho there was some unID humming and pulsing around 5870, not interfering with anything, which might have been WBOH but not the same noise as before. If there was a match around 5970 it was obscured by Costa Rica 5965 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. Another quick check of the collision between WYFR and WEWN on 7455: March 9 at 0719, WYFR was way on top, with WEWN barely audible underneath, and RTTY not audible at all. And another one March 10 at 0613 before WYFR comes on, found WEWN atop the also audible RTTY (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. KO6BB/B is QRV on 28.248 MCs Hi, While 10M isn't exactly a 'hot' band during this sunspot low, I welcome SWL reports and I WILL QSL any and all reports containing some specifics of the actual transmitted message. I finally got the 10M beacon up and running. Plans call for running it 24/7, though with NO real-estate for antennas, all 7 antennas (Butternut HF-2V, Alpha Delta DX-EE, Inverted Vee's for 15 & 10M, two LF active whips and the new 10M antenna) antennas are unavoidably in closer proximity to each other than I would prefer (all mounted over my mobile home roof/awnings) there 'may' be times I need to shut the beacon down to prevent receiver desensi[tizi]ng while DXing. So far all these antennas being close to each other has worked well, but then I've not tried running "multi" (multiple stations) in any contests etc. Depending on which antenna/band is in use I can hear the receiver "puffing" in time to the beacon keying (The two active whips for LF seem to be especially vulnerable). That means that I may have to shut the beacon down when NDB chasing or doing some other DXing. Specifics. 1. Frequency: 28248 kc/s. May change that later if I receive reports that another beacon and I are QRMing each other. 2. RF Power: 7.3 Watts from "gutted" JC Penny 40 Channel CB. 3. Antenna: Roof mounted 1/4 wave groundplane over approximately 1200 Sq/ft of sheet-metal roof/awning. 1.2/1 SWR at the operating frequency and under 1.5/1 between 28.0 and 29.0 MCs. Under 2.0/1 at 29.7 MCs! 4. Keyer: Old NEC laptop computer running DOS. THE BEACONEER'S LAIR: http://www.geocities.com/ko6bb/ MY RADIO-LOGS: http://www.geocities.com/ko6bb/Logs/ QSL GALLERY: http://photobucket.com/albums/f306/KO6BB/ Merced, Central California, 37.3N 120.48W CM97sh 73 de (Phil, KO6BB, Atchley, March 9, DX begins at the noise floor! swl at qth.net via DXLD) Congratulations Phil! May your CW signal be a beacon unto those in the dark abyss at the bottom of the current solar cycle and guide them from the depths of propagation depression to the uplifting thrill of hearing a faint far flickering flame of a signal that stimulates the spirit of listening for, and capturing, those waves of wonder. I shall try to hear your signal, but given the current deprivation of propagation for ten meters, my chances for success are truly a 'shot in the dark'! However, other listeners in other locations, may experience propagation, so listen up one and all! Good work Phil! (Duane Fischer, MI, W8DBF, ibid.) ** U S A. KSPN VERIE --- A few weeks back when we Northwesterners heard that KIRO was going off for maintenance, I was able to log KSPN and KFIA. Here's what happened when I sent a report (CD) to KSPN [710 Los Angeles]. Earlier this week I received an E-mail from Asst. CE Mike Worrall acknowledging receipt of my report and telling me my verie would be going out by the end of the week. Today I received his full data letter along with an ESPN-710 bumper sticker, coaster and coffee mug shield. In my report I asked him how much power was coming in my direction. He wrote: "The compass radial that connects KSPN to KIRO is 332 degrees, a 'monitor point' for KSPN that we make regular measurements on. At 4.18km from the KSPN site, this field is limited to 17.3 mv/m! As you can see, that's not much 'smoke" headed your way..." Mike Worrall, the Assistant CE, signed it. There used to be a program which would take a station's field strength contour map and tell you the power headed in your direction when you fed in your coordinates. However, it didn't work on a Mac so it didn't do me much good. If someone who has access to that could do that for me, I would appreciate it. KSPN's coordinates are 34-10-26n and 118-24-35w; mine are below. In any case, I think this is a mighty nice way to be treated by someone who has multi-station responsibility so let's hear it for Mike Worrall! (Pete Taylor, Tacoma, WA, 12225w 4719n, ICF2010 + Kiwa air core loop, DX398; Palomar loop, March 10, IRCA via DXLD) ** U S A. Is this a first? I`ve never heard of such a deal before, public radio partnering with Clear Channel, not only to get on a desired frequency, but with CC involved in selling ``underwriting``. Since 640 is a commercial license, could WFCR via WNNZ broadcast real commercials, even tho they say they won`t? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) WNNZ 640 FLIPS FROM SPORTS TO NPR PUBLIC RADIO STATION WIDENS COVERAGE Friday, March 09, 2007 By MARCIA BLOMBERG SPRINGFIELD - Public radio station WFCR will shift its 24-hour news and information programming on AM radio from a small Amherst station to 50,000-watt WNNZ in April. The shift will mean WNNZ-AM, 640, owned by Clear Channel Communications Inc., will drop its all-sports format, which includes local and syndicated sports talk shows as well as broadcast of local high school basketball games and Springfield Falcons hockey games. The public radio station in Amherst, WFCR-FM, 88.5, has provided commercial-free news, information, talk and entertainment programming from National Public Radio through WPNI-AM, 1430, in Amherst for 10 years, said Martin C. Miller, WFCR's general manager. WPNI operates at 5,000 watts during the day, covering Hampshire County and most of Franklin County, Miller said. It does not operate at night. By contrast, WNNZ broadcasts at 50,000 watts from Westfield during the day, which provides "one of the most powerful AM signals in this market," he said. WNNZ's daytime signal covers an area with a population of about 1.9 million. At night, it operates at 1,000 watts. "We've wanted to serve the Springfield audience with this programming for a long time and WPNI has been for sale for quite awhile," Miller said. "We were concerned if it were sold, we wouldn't have a place to put this programming." Miller declined to say how much WFCR will pay Clear Channel for use of the WNNZ frequency. Shaun T. Davey, Clear Channel's vice president and market manager, said partnering with WFCR "wasn't so much about sports in this market" as it was about making sure the public radio news and information WPNI carries could continue. "I always thought that programming would be better suited for us than sports," Davey said. He said the advent of WVEI-FM, 105.5, in Easthampton last October did not play into the decision to move away from sports programming. WVEI simulcasts Boston sports radio station WEEI's programming, including Red Sox and Patriots games. "I actually started working on this long before WVEI came on the air," Davey said. "I'm not a fan of looking over the fence at what other people are doing. I look at how we can be better, how we can grow our cluster of radio stations, so it was a better way to go with this partnership." The deal allows Clear Channel to sell some of the underwriting announcements, Davey said. Miller said the paid announcements will be no different than those from local businesses now carried on WFCR. The broadcasting shift will occur on April 2, Miller said. Miller said WFCR will be obligated to carry the Falcons games on WNNZ until the team's contract with Clear Channel lapses, which he believes is at the end of the season in April. Damon Markiewicz, director of media relations for the Springfield Falcons, said last night that he was unaware of the impending change. Meanwhile, WFCR is raising funds to build a production studio in space it leases at WGBY, channel 57, the public television station in Springfield, Miller said. WFCR, which now operates a one-person Springfield news bureau at the television station, plans to expand it by adding a reporter who speaks both Spanish and English, he said. "We want to and need to be in Springfield and cover Hampden County and surrounding areas better than we have been," he said. Miller said WFCR will not need to hire any staff to make the switch, and Davey said Clear Channel, which shares staff among its five local stations, will not have to lay anyone off. WPNI is owned by Pamal Broadcasting of Albany, N.Y. Officials at Pamal could not be reached for comment yesterday. In related news, Clear Channel is completing its purchase of radio station WRNX-FM 100.9 from Pamal. Davey said the Holyoke-based station is scheduled to move next week into Clear Channel's facility in Springfield. Clear Channel owns five stations in Greater Springfield. In addition to WNNZ, the others are: WHYN-FM, 93.1; WHYN-AM, 560;WPKX-FM, 97.9; and the newly acquired WRNX-FM, 100.9 (The Republican, a newspaper somewhere in MA, via Kevin Redding, ABDX via DXLD) ** U S A. NACE EN EE.UU. UN CANAL PUBLICO EN CASTELLANO 09-MAR/2007 La comunidad latina de EE.UU. tiene un nuevo canal de televisión que emite sólo en castellano. V-me es el nombre de esta cadena que comenzó sus emisiones el lunes 5 de marzo y que pretende llegar al 60% de la población hispana. V-me, que se pronuncia "veme", emite las 24 horas del día a través de los sistemas de suscripción por cable y satélite en asociación con la televisión pública estadounidense. El nuevo canal ha nacido con el objetivo de cubrir las necesidades del mercado hispano, cada vez más numeroso en EE.UU. En principio, V-me podrá verse en 18 ciudades, entre ellas Nueva York, Miami, Los Ángeles, Houston, Chicago y San Francisco, con el propósito de llegar al 60% de la población latina. Programación divulgativa y educativa La programación de V-me gira en torno a películas producidas en Latinoamérica y que no se podían ver hasta ahora en EE.UU., programas de producción propia y espacios de la TV pública americana que se han adaptado para el nuevo canal. Sus responsables han diferenciado cuatro bloques temáticos: Niños, Vida, Actualidad y Cine y programas especiales. El programa estrella es "Viva voz", un espacio nocturno de entrevistas y debate donde se tratarán los temas que más preocupan a los latinos que residen en EE.UU. y que pretende ser un reflejo de la comunidad hispana. Asimismo, el nuevo canal pretende emitir semanalmente 36 horas de contenido educativo dirigido a la población infantil. Para lo cual se han firmado acuerdos de producción con PBS WGBH, Sesame Workshop o Aliance Atlantis, entre otros. En su afán por reflejar la diversidad de la comunidad hispana en los EE.UU., los programas del canal estarán presentados por profesionales de diferentes países latinoamericanos. http://www.radiodifusiondata.com.ar/ (via Nicolás Eramo, Argentina, March 9, condig list via DXLD) {rather than being on satellite or cable, I`ll bet V-me is primarily on secondary channels as they develop, on-air DTV -- gh} ** VENEZUELA. So much for YVTO being a standard frequency station. March 10 at 0624 on 5000 I was hearing WWVH with a SAH of about 10 Hz between the pips, easier to count that way, and also the higher- pitched pips from YVTO and minutely Spanish announcements audible underneath. WWV was also in there but weaker than WWVH and stronger than YVTO. I cannot imagine WWV or WWVH being 10 Hz off frequency, so therefore it must be YVTO (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** VENEZUELA. LIDERAZGO Y VISIÓN BRINDA APOYO A RCTV La organización Liderazgo y Visión emitió este martes un comunicado en el que expresa su solidaridad con Radio Caracas Televisión ante la no renovación de su concesión por parte del gobierno. En dicho comunicado, este grupo llama a todos los venezolanos a ''rechazar el abuso de poder por parte de un gobierno que intenta controlar el sistema de medios de comunicación venezolanos'' así como a crear una entidad que maneje el espectro radioeléctrico de nuestro país de manera imparcial e independiente del Ejecutivo. A continuación presentamos el comunicado original: Cita: GUIADOS por el principio de la dignidad de las personas, por el derecho a expresar nuestras ideas y opiniones, por el derecho de quienes se dedican a la actividad de prensa, por el derecho a estar informados, por el derecho al trabajo, DECIDIDOS a ayudar, por todos los medios democráticos, a que Venezuela se convierta en una sociedad próspera y justa, plural y pacífica, de hombres y mujeres libres y con igualdad de oportunidades, CONSCIENTES de encontrarnos frente a un proyecto de poder orientado a alcanzar lo que algunos de sus voceros denominan "hegemonía comunicacional", que intenta: - minimizar las voces distintas a las de los gobernantes mediante la persecución y la descalificación, para forjar una verdad única, la verdad oficial; - generar un ambiente de miedo e intimidación que conduzca progresivamente a la autocensura; - estatizar - o peor aún, "gubernamentalizar" - el espectro radioeléctrico, patrimonio de la Humanidad y no de ningún Estado; y - usar abiertamente los medios a su disposición para hacer propaganda política y cultivar ambiciones personales; POR las generaciones de venezolanos que conquistaron y defendieronla libertad ante quienes, en su momento, intentaron ejercer sin límites el poder del Estado; por las próximas generaciones de venezolanos, queno perdonarían que esa libertad se perdiese en nuestras manos; DECLARAMOS nuestra solidaridad con Radio Caracas Televisión, bien común de los venezolanos desde hace más de medio siglo y hoy víctima deuna arbitraria decisión del gobierno; y EXHORTAMOS a todos los venezolanos, independientemente de su filiación política, a rechazar el abuso de poder por parte de un gobierno que intenta controlar el sistema de medios de comunicación venezolanos y a trabajar para que surja en nuestro país una autoridad independiente del Ejecutivo que maneje de manera verdaderamente imparcial y profesional el espectro radioeléctrico "Yo no estoy de acuerdo con lo que usted dice, pero me pelearía para que usted pudiera decirlo" Voltaire -- Publicado: Mar 06, 2007 7:17 pm Fuente: http://www.noticierodigital.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=175419 (via Jorge García Rangel, Noticias DX via DXLD) ** WESTERN SAHARA [non]. CLANDESTINA, 6300, 08/03 2108, R. NACIONAL DE LA REPUBLICA ARABE SAHARAUI, mx AA, px AA por om; 23:10, entrevista sobre o Dia Int da Mulher por yl em SS, ID + website http://web.jet.es/rasd/radionacional.htm 2331 SS por OM seguida de mx arabe, px em SS 35444. Receptor: DEGEN DE1103 (antena dipolo 1/2 onda para 60 metros e interna de ferrite do receptor) José Ricardo Motta de Oliveira, Rio de Janeiro - RJ, HCDX via DXLD) ALGERIA: 6300, Radio Nacional Saharaui; 2331, 7 Mar; M commentary in Arabic to RNS ID at 2332 then switched to Spanish. SIO=453+ (Harold Frodge, MI, MARE Tipsheet via DXLD) ARGELIA, 6300, Radio Nacional Saharaui, 1830-1840, escuchada el 9 de Marzo en árabe a locutor con cuña de identificación, emisión de música folklórica local, SINPO 45444 (José Miguel Romero, Burjasot (Valencia), España, Sangean ATS 909, Antena Radio Master A-108, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) 1802 on 9th with S9 with many IDs, 35343. 6300, RASD is back, 2249 March 9, talks by man in Arabic, mention of Maghrebian police and Sahara, 2255 with a tribal song. Some audio buzzer. Signal S9, 44544 (Zacharias Liangas, Greece, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ARGELIA, 6300, Radio Nacional Saharaui, 2300-0001, escuchada el 9 de Marzo en español a locutor con presentación, ID, segmento musical, Rueda de Prensa y Boletín de noticias, SINPO 44444. Audio: http://jmromero782004.podomatic.com/# (José Miguel Romero, Spain, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) RN RASD, 6299.9, March 9 at 0717 in Arabic singing, fair against noise level. On the FRG-7 with BFO on I compared frequency to MW 1300 and found it slightly off. However, also audible March 9 around 2225, closer to 6300, it seemed (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 3 Hertz difference on E1 Radio Etón Lextronix. 6299.997 kHz. Checked it tonight with SpectrumLaboratory against BBC 6195, DWL 6180, ORF 6155, RUS 6145, BBC 6110, and Sines/RMP 6075 kHz. And at 2225 UT wandered to 6299.999 kHz (Wolfgang Büschel, March 10, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) UNIDENTIFIED. Re 7-030, 17477: Glenn, it seems 77 is their favorite number. It reminded me for a while Alfa 77... just a thought. The accent is definitely (Spanish) Cuban. I just tuned after 1600 and they were there on 17477 with good signal. But I heard them even better this same Sat. 10 at 0800 on 7577. We'll have to see what other ...77 they may be using (Raúl Saavedra, Costa Rica, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) Er, you must be thinking of Alfa 66. I don`t believe they kept changing their number like Brasil. So you were hearing spy numbers in Spanish on both these frequencies, not just the tone I reported? 73, (Glenn, ibid.) Er, no second chapter for that Alfa a.f.a we know. Spy numbers on both frequencies indeed. I'll have to keep checking more frequently for the tone, as if it weren't enough with this female that should be singing some "wawanco" (Raúl Saavedra, Costa Rica. ibid.) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ UNSOLICITED TESTIMONIALS ++++++++++++++++++++++++ TNX for World of Radio! (James Gershman, K1JJJ, with a donation via PayPal) Harry Helms, who's been around almost as long as I have, compiled a list of "nominees" for Fathers of DX and shared it with the ABDX list, prompting me to kick in with my two bits worth (using up a sawbuck's worth of space to do so.) Broadcasting historian Donna Halper, who checks in from time to time on the ABDX list, joined in the thread as well. I would not have this material readily available except that I did a complete Google search on myself and discovered that Glenn Hauser had archived a tremendous amount of material that's been spread on these threads, and, thanks to Glenn for that, I saved some of my proseless price that I hadn't considered it important enough to collect before (John Callarman, IRCA via DXLD) WORLD OF HOROLOGY +++++++++++++++++ In Canadian French, summer time is referred to as "heure avancé" whereas standard time is "heure normal" (Ricky Leong, Calgary AB, DX LISTENING DIGEST) see also MONGOLIA! PUBLICATIONS ++++++++++++ Yes, BLANDX IS BACK! Mark April 1, 2007 on your calendars to see our first major release. In the meantime, check out the preview material available on this site. http://www.blandx.com/ OFFICIAL FBI BLANDX ALERT! When the last print version of BLANDX was published in 1994, we all hoped that this incredibly inane chapter in DX history was over. Neverthe less, in 1995 the U.S. Congress authorized the FBI to organize an Official BLANDX Threat Task Force (OBTTF) to give the world an early warning should the threat of a new BLANDX appear. To track this threat, the OBTTF set up the color coded BLANDX alert system. . . http://www.blandx.com/fbi/BlandxAlert.html (BLANDX via DXLD) LANGUAGE LESSONS ++++++++++++++++ THE DIALECTIZER The Dialectizer takes text or other web pages and instantly creates parodies of them, including the following dialects: Redneck, Jive, Cockney, Elmer Fudd, Swedish Chef, Moron, Pig Latin, Hacker. http://www.rinkworks.com/dialect/ (via Elmer Standish, Courtenay, British Columbia, Radio HF Internet Newsletter, March via DXLD) MUSEA +++++ Notice of an exhibition at Beaumanor Hall, Woodhouse, Leicestershire. 10:00 am - 4:00 pm, 26 March - Friday 30 March 2007. Dave G8SZX Subject: Press release: Beaumanor Hall & "Codes!" CODE & CYPHER SYSTEMS AT BEAUMANOR HALL - SITE OF SECRET WW2 LISTENING STATION CONTACT (1): John Alexander Home: 0116 2291080 Mobile: 07968 373881 jalex_uk @ ntlworld.com CONTACT (2): Ian Foulkes Blandford Royal Signals Museum: 01258 482248 John Alexander (Bletchley Park ‘Enigma & Friends’) and Ian Foulkes (Royal Signals Museum Blandford Forum) Announce ‘Codes!’ at Beaumanor Hall Woodhouse. A Five Day Exhibition of Radio Interception Equipment, Codes and Cypher Systems and Machines AT ... Beaumanor Hall, Woodhouse, Leicestershire. 10:00 am - 4:00 pm [BST], 26 March - Friday 30 March 2007. John Alexander is a Leicester-based collector of code and cypher equipment. Ian Foulkes is an Assistant Curator of the Royal Signals Museum at Blandford Camp, Blandford Forum, Dorset. For five days only, the exhibition is open to the general public and at no cost. “Codes’ “ is intended to bring the history of Beaumanor, the ‘Y’ service, the Royal Signals Reg. and the Codebreakers of Bletchley Park to a wider audience .. and with some rarely seen equipment on show. With this compact exhibition space, the visitor can become acquainted with WWII radio receivers as used at Beaumanor, with some British code and cypher systems, the famous German Enigma machine and others- British, American, European, Scandinavian and Russian. Were banks of Radio Receivers based at Beaumanor (and elsewhere) during WWII? Yes, and important they were too. Ian will bring some of these ‘sets’ along to see. A tactical cypher machine used by the Americans during WWII and later? The M209 - one of John’s will be available. What was the British ‘Slidex’? Ian will describe the use of this British battlefield cypher system from WWII and later. Is Mrs Alexander jealous of "NOREEN'? Not really, NOREEN is really a British cypher system originally used in some British embassies abroad. A high level cypher machine used by the Russians during the Cold War? One such system is the M125 ‘Fialka’, a ‘super-Enigma’. Come and see it at Beaumanor. MORE ... This is a not-for-profit exhibition intended to take wartime radio intercept matters, code and cypher systems out to a wider audience and in the beautiful surroundings of Beaumanor Hall. We do of course hope that visitors will want to learn more by visiting Beaumanor Hall, Bletchley Park and The Royal Signals Museum at Blandford Camp. About: John Alexander: Former Police Officer, now involved in 'Technical Surveillance Counter Measures' (TSCM). About: Ian Foulkes: Former Sergeant of The Royal Signals, a highly qualified Assistant at the Royal Signals Museum and collector of military uniforms. About: ‘Enigma & Friends’: A private collection based in Bletchley Park, a collaborative exhibit combining privately collected equipment with cypher systems once used within the British Foreign & Commonwealth Office and around the world. http://www.bletchleypark.org About: Blandford Museum: This is the national museum of Army communications and the exhibits and displays show the part that communications have played in the many wars and campaigns of the last 150 years. http://www.army.mod.uk/royalsignalsmuseum/ - END - (via David Towers, MWC via DXLD) DIGITAL BROADCASTING ++++++++++++++++++++ KULPSVILLE DRM REPORT - SORT OF Was at Kulpsville all day today. Met up with one of the HCJB managers (I forget his name). At my suggestion they dropped the bit rate down to 9K and as if by magic the decode became much better on 15140. Operating conditions for HCJB (from the horse's mouth no less) are 4 KW into their beam. They cannot go higher that 16000 kHz as their exciter won't go up any higher. They are also capped at 4 kW due to power supply and other restrictions. Definition of Power; The ability to have a world respected broadcaster do what you tell them when you tell them ;-}. I loaned my setup to the demo. My Converted FT-847 connected to my iMac running XP/DReaM seemed to be out performing the RX-320D and the TS2000 that are there. All radios are connected to a military grade antenna distribution system which is in turn connected to Kim's doublet. I educated Kim Elliott on how not to use the RX-320D that he "borrowed" from the prize pool. We got much better results from it after that. Noise conditions are severe at the hotel. Probably due to the fact that Kim's doublet antenna is located pretty much directly over the hotel and so picks up all the TV's etc. The low bands are pretty much impossible to use (no DW on 3995, etc.). Did anyone catch the TDF broadcast earlier today? They were sending text greetings messages to Kulpsville as were the Vatican (Mark Phillips, KC2ENI, Randolph NJ, March 9, DRM NA yg via DXLD) Kim Elliott mentioned good DRM direct from Vatican Friday morning. That would be 12-13 on 13770 (gh, DXLD) Thanks for the report. Wish I could be there, maybe next year. Missed TDF, but HCJB Global Voice on 9595 running 17.46 bps AAC + P- Stereo with moderate multipath has 22-24dB SNR here and no dropouts at 0540 UT. Audio sounds good on the SDR-1000 with decent speakers/woofer with great music this late evening! Enjoy the fest (Mel, K0PFX, Whitten, St. Louis, March 10, DRM NA yg via DXLD) see ECUADOR; TAIWAN RADIO EQUIPMENT FORUM +++++++++++++++++++++ VE6JY – DON MOMAN One of the most famous ham radio stations in Canada is Don Moman’s set-up in Lamont, Alberta, northeast of Edmonton. The 80-acre antenna farm is really something to see. This page takes you on a guided tour, including photographs, of this impressive installation. http://www.andor.net/~ve6jy/ (via Sheldon Harvey, Greenfield Park, Quebec, Radio HF Internet Newsletter, March via DXLD) The Icom R9500 receiver Re 7-032: priced at $13,500 at Universal Radio, will be available sometime next month (Joe Hanlon, NJ, March 10, DX LISTENING DIGEST) WR-G305E/PD surprisingly good compared to my NRD545: see PERU FIXED-TUNED RADIOS see CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC PROPAGATION +++++++++++ SOLAR MIN IS NOW New predictions for the solar minimum are coming frequently of late. The monthly smoothed sunspot number forecast for the rest of 2007 from the NOAA Space Environment Center in the weekly Preliminary Report and Forecast has been adjusted again, the third time since the first of the year. The revised tables are on page 9 of issue 1635, and page 10 of issues 1640 and 1644 at, http://www.sec.noaa.gov/weekly/index.html (the table in 1640 is mislabeled at the bottom of the page as 03 January when it is really 06 February). Currently they predict a solar minimum for right now, with a smoothed sunspot number of 6 for March and April 2007, then 7, 8, 10, 11, 13, 16, 18 and 21 for the remaining eight months of this year. As mentioned in past bulletins, these are smoothed sunspot numbers, averaged over a year. So the prediction of 6 for this month means that if the prediction is accurate, at the end of September 2007 you could take half the average of daily sunspot numbers for that month, add it to half the average of daily sunspot numbers for September 2006, add the total to the monthly averages for each month in between, divide by 12, and get 6 as the result. Currently we're seeing higher values, with an average daily sunspot number of 19 for last week, 19.6 the week before, 14.6 for the week prior to that, 6.3 for the previous week, and 28.7 for the week prior to that, which was February 1-7. You can see an explanation of the method for determining the 12 month smoothed sunspot number at, http://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/stp/IONO/sunspot.html (from QST de W1AW, Propagation Forecast Bulletin 11 ARLP011, From Tad Cook, K7RA Seattle, WA March 9, 2007 To all radio amateurs, via Dave Raycroft, ODXA via DXLD) ###