DX LISTENING DIGEST 7-037, March 20, 2007 Incorporating REVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL BROADCASTING edited by Glenn Hauser, http://www.worldofradio.com Items from DXLD may be reproduced and re-reproduced only if full credit be maintained at all stages and we be provided exchange copies. DXLD may not be reposted in its entirety without permission. Materials taken from Arctic or originating from Olle Alm and not having a commercial copyright are exempt from all restrictions of noncommercial, noncopyrighted reusage except for full credits For restrixions and searchable 2007 contents archive see http://www.worldofradio.com/dxldmid.html For restrixions and searchable 2006 contents archive see http://www.worldofradio.com/dxldmid6.html NOTE: If you are a regular reader of DXLD, and a source of DX news but have not been sending it directly to us, please consider yourself obligated to do so. Thanks, Glenn FIRST SHORTWAVE AIRINGS OF WORLD OF RADIO 1351: Wed 2200 WBCQ 7415 Wed 2300 WBCQ 18910-CLSB Thu 1430 WRMI 7385 Thu 1500 KAIJ 9480 Fri 1020 KAIJ 5755 Fri 2030 WWCR 15825 WORLD OF RADIO, CONTINENT OF MEDIA, MUNDO RADIAL SCHEDULE: Latest edition of this schedule version, including AM, FM, satellite and webcasts with hotlinks to station sites and audio, is at: http://www.worldofradio.com/radioskd.html For updates see our Anomaly Alert page: http://www.worldofradio.com/anomaly.html WRN ON DEMAND: http://new.wrn.org/listeners/stations/station.php?StationID=24 OUR ONDEMAND AUDIO [also CONTINENT OF MEDIA, MUNDO RADIAL] http://www.worldofradio.com/audiomid.html or http://wor.worldofradio.org WORLD OF RADIO PODCASTS: www.obriensweb.com/wor.xml DX/SWL/MEDIA PROGRAMS Mar 20: http://www.worldofradio.com/dxpgms.html ATTENTION BLOGGERS: it seems that DXLD is being quoted more and more in blogs. While I have no objexion to this as long as full credit is maintained for each item, I often find out about this only indirectly. Would bloggers please notify me you are using material from DXLD and specify the address for the blog. Such permission does NOT apply to certain clubs and individuals who refuse to cooperate with us. Thanks, gh ** AFGHANISTAN. Die Inder scheinen nach der Vorankuendigung vor 2 Jahren jetzt den 50 kW Sender geliefert zu haben. RTA R Afghanistan hat jetzt 6130 fuer 2200-1500, sowie 7145 fuer 0100-1800 UT in A-07 registriert, natuerlich als Steilstrahlung fuer zone 49 Suedasien mit Antenne 761 CT2/1/0.5. Was heisst das? Corner Tropical, 2 dipols, 1 Ebene, halbe-Lambda ueber dem Boden? (wb) Fast richtig. CT Co-linear Tropical (alle Dipole parallel, nicht abgewinkelt). Details siehe unten. Die Skizze kann ich hier leider nicht mitsenden (Bernhard Weiskopf-D, wwdxc BC-DX Mar 16 via WORLD OF RADIO 1351, DXLD) Aus: "Transmitting Antennas For HF Broadcasting", Pham Nhu Hai, Radiocommunication Bureau, ITU, 11.05.2001 (...) 3.5 Type 5 (CT): 750 - 799 Tropical antenna, arrays of horizontal half-wave dipoles arranged horizontally, without reflector. Arrays of co-linear half wavelength horizontal dipoles arranged in a plane parallel to and at a specified height above the ground. Radiation mainly concentrates at high elevation angles (up to 90 degrees). These antennas are often used for short distance broadcasting in the Tropical Zone. Designation: CT m/n/h m : number of half-wave dipoles in each horizontal row n : number of \\ rows spaced half a wavelength apart h : height above the ground in wavelengths Possible slew and the design frequency are entered in separate requirement fields. Antenna Code and Antenna Definition: (...) 759 CT1/2/1.5 760 CT2/1/0.3 761 CT2/1/0.5 762 CT2/1/0.8 763 CT2/1/1.0 (BCDX March 19 via DXLD) So we finally have times and frequencies for new SW transmitter, 50 kW, it says instead of 100 --- well, there must be two of them with overlapping times, or it is either-or. Or did they decide to split the 100 kW unit in twain? Don`t necessarily expect them to fire up on March 25, but maybe sometime in A-07 (Glenn Hauser, WORLD OF RADIO 1351, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** AFGHANISTAN [non]. R. Solh reception was better than usual, 15265 via Rampisham UK, March 20 at 1430, so was looking forward to another replay of the Solh Theme Song which has been appearing without fail every day at 1451-1457. But not today! Some urgent speaking was going at 1450, and it was not until 1453 that the song which always precedes it started; and not until 1458 till the Solh Theme began, 7 minutes late. And of course was cut off abruptly at 1500 when the transmitter must close down. However, they had the courtesy to fade it down in the last few seconds before cutoff (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** ALBANIA. Updating A-07 sked previously published: R. Tirana is adding a second transmitter for the Albanian broadcasts to Eu and NAm, along with 7 MHz band: 9390 2030 2200 27 SHI 100 310 0 146 1234567 250307 281007 9460 2300 0030 8 SHI 100 310 0 146 1234567 250307 281007 (via Drita Çiço, R. Tirana, March 20, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** ALGERIA. Agence France Presse reported on March 19 that an international radio service from Algeria in four languages began broadcasting at 1100 UT on that date. The launching of the station, which will broadcast 10 hours a day, coincided with the March 19, 1962 cease-fire that ended Algeria's war against France for independence. Officials said the station would broadcast on FM and via satellite in Arabic, French, English and Spanish. AFP said the Entreprise nationale de radio already has three national networks -- in Arabic, Berber and French and 37 regional stations. There is also a "Coran Radio" broadcasting readings from the book 24 hours a day (Mike Cooper, Mar 19, WORLD OF RADIO 1351, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Too bad it`s not on SW (gh, DXLD) Andy Sennitt comments: This is not really a new station, but the rebirth of an old one. Radio Algeria International operated until about 10 years ago in these same four languages. At that time, mediumwave, longwave and shortwave were used. The website of the station http://www.algerian-radio.dz/Radio-International/indexfr.asp was operating very, very slowly when checked this morning, and some of the links don’t work. But we were able to see that the service is on five satellites - Hotbird for Europe, Nilesat and Arabsat for the Arab world, NSS7 for Africa and Galaxy for North America. There is also streaming audio. mms:// (Media Network blog March 20 via WORLD OF RADIO 1351, DXLD) Well, the stream came right up when I tried at 1816 UT March 20, just as Qur`an recitation was starting. I kept listening and it was partly in French, but interrupted by Arabic announcements between segments. 1846 news, 1849 international press review, 1851 a surprise English ID mentioning ``coverage of events across the borders``; more French. 1900 5+1 time signal, opening English with news from R. Algeria International; 1910 weather including for some locations in South and North America, and their winds with a long I; 1912 national press review; announcement about this new service in Arabic, French, English Spanish; 1917 Hilites of the day, events in Iraq; 1920 call to prayer time in Algiers area; 1923 Economic Review, 1926 Sports Magazine, 1928 news headlines, 1929 closing half-hour broadcast until same time tomorrow; by 1931 it was in Spanish with a strange accent. I suppose each languages is aired several times a day, but when exactly for English? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DXLD) ** ALGERIA [non]. U.K. [to Algeria and Africa] Radio Algerienne (Holy Kor`an Service in Arabic) via VT Communications for A-07: 0400-0600 on 7260-Skelton 9540-Woofferton 1900-2000 on 9765-Rampisham 11810-Woofferton 2000-2100 on 9765-Rampisham 12025-Woofferton 2100-2300 on 7150-Rampisham 9710-Woofferton (Wolfgang Büschel, wwdxc BC-DX Mar 20, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** ARGENTINA. 11710, 0200 13/2, RAE Buenos Aires very good signal in English, celebrating RAE’s 49th birthday. Frequency measured as 11710.86 this day and is usually on the high side of 11710. Closes at 0257 just as CRI Beijing opens strongly on 11710 causing massive het. RAE not on air Sunday or Monday (Bryan Clark at Mangawhai, NZ, with AOR7030+ and 100 metre BOGs to NNE, NE, E, SE, March NZ DX Times via DXLD) ** AUSTRALIA [and non]. RA in Chinese was noted at 1300 check 3/18 with announcement by female, fanfare, into "Radio Australia" ID and news; on 11825 via Singapore relay (not mentioned in WRTH07 but it's in the Aoki list); fair-good with 2-second delay // 11660-Shepparton which was only fair (Joe Hanlon, NJ, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** BRAZIL. IBOC --- Mais uma emissora brasileira está apta a realizar testes de radiodifusão sonora digital no modo In-Band On-Channel – IBOC. Pelo Ato nº 64.058, publicado em 15 de março de 2007, a Anatel autorizou a Energia 97 FM, de São Paulo (SP), a avaliar o desempenho do sistema digital num prazo de 60 dias, na freqüência de 97,7 MHz, em FM. A agência reguladora quer, no final, um relatório mostrando a compatibilidade do sinal digital com os analógicos já existentes, além do impacto causado na mesma freqüência e canais vizinhos. Apesar da concessão da Energia 97 FM ser para o Município de Santo André (SP), a emissora está localizada na avenida Paulista, nº 1439, 9º andar, em São Paulo (SP). Detalhes da autorização em: http://www.anatel.gov.br/biblioteca/atos/2007/ato_64058_2007.pdf (Célio Romais, Brasil, March 19, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** BULGARIA. RADIO BULGARIA ENGLISH PROGRAM GUIDE http//www.bnr.bg/RadioBulgaria/Emission_English/scheme.htm Updated on December 27, 2006 at 1213 PM BG. Radio Bulgaria`s programmes are broadcast as follows: w-winter; s-summer [upcoming summer freqs added (via Dmitriy Kutuzov, dxldyg, DXLD)] 2200w\2100s West Europe 9700 7400 kHz winter, 9700 5900 kHz summer (60 min) Sun: News. Views Behind the News. Folk Studio. (Keyword Bulgaria). Walks and Talks. (Folk Studio.) Mon: News. Events and Developments. Sports. Keyword Bulgaria. Time Out for Music. Tue: News. Events and Developments. Magazine Economy. Keyword Bulgaria. Time Out for Music Wed: News. Events and Developments. The Way We Live. Keyword Bulgaria. Time Out for Music. Thu: News. Events and Developments. History Club. Keyword Bulgaria. Time Out for Music. Fri: News. Events and Developments. Keyword Bulgaria. DX Programme. Time Out for Music. Sat: News. Views Behind the News. Keyword Bulgaria. Answering Your Letters. (Time Out for Music). 0000w\2300s North America 9700 7400 kHz winter, 11700 9700 kHz summer (60 min) Repeat of 2200w\2100s [following UT day at 0000] 0300w\0200s North America 9700 7400 kHz winter, 11700 9700 kHz summer (60 min) Repeat of 2200w\2100s [following UT day] 0730w\0630s West Europe 11900 9500 kHz winter, 11600 9600 kHz summer (30 min) Sun: News. (News Briefs). DX Programme. Time Out for Music. Mon: News. Answering Your Letters. (Time Out for Music) Tue: News. Folk Studio. (Walks and Talks). Wed: News. Keyword Bulgaria. (Time Out for Music). Thu: News. Keyword Bulgaria. (Time Out for Music). Fri: News. Keyword Bulgaria. (Time Out for Music). Sat: News. (News Briefs). Keyword Bulgaria. (Time Out For Music). 1230w\1130s West Europe 15700 11700 kHz winter\summer (30 min) Repeat of 0730w\0630s 1830w\1730s West Europe 9400 7400 kHz winter, 9600 5900 kHz summer (30 min) Sun: News. Views Behind the News. Mon: News. Events and Developments. Sports. Tue-Fri: News. Events and Developments. Sat: News. Views Behind the News. There is no explanation as to why some titles are in parenthesis, especially the double (Folk Studio) entry Sunday 2200. (via and edited by John Norfolk, dxldyg, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** BULGARIA. Summer A-07 schedule of RADIO BULGARIA March 25-October 28, 2007 ADDR: 4, Dragan Tsankov Blvd., 1040 Sofia and P.O.Box 900, 1000 Sofia. Tel.:+359 2 933 66 33; fax.:+359 2 865 05 60; Web: http://www.bnr.bg MW: Petritch (G.C: 41N42/023E18): 747 kHz, 500 kW / non-dir Vidin (G.C: 43N49/022E40): 1224 kHz, 500 kW / 205 deg SW: P=Plovdiv (G.C: 42N10/024E42): 2 x 500 kW, 3 x 250 kW S=Sofia (G.C: 42N49/023E13): 2 x 100 kW, 2 x 050 kW V=Varna (G.C: 43N03/027E40): 2 x 100 kW ALBANIAN / e-mail: albanian @ bnr.bg 0530-0600 Mon-Fri Balkans 7400 P250/248, 1224 0600-0700 Sat/Sun Balkans 7400 P250/248, 1224 1100-1130 -daily- Balkans 7400 P250/248 1600-1630 -daily- Balkans 7400 P250/248, 1224 1900-2000 -daily- Balkans 7400 P250/248, 1224, 747 BULGARIAN / e-mail: bulgarian @ bnr.bg 0000-0100 -daily- South America 7400 P250/258, 9400 P250/245 0000-0100 -daily- North America 9700 P500/306, 11700 P500/306 0430-0500 Mon-Fri Balkans 7400 P250/248, 1224 0430-0500 Mon-Fri East Europe 7200 S100/030, 9400 S100/030 0430-0500 Mon-Fri West Europe 9600 P500/306, 11600 P500/306 0400-0500 Sat/Sun Balkans 7400 P250/248, 1224 0400-0500 Sat/Sun East Europe 7200 S100/030, 9400 S100/030 0400-0500 Sat/Sun West Europe 9600 P500/306, 11600 P500/306 1000-1030 -daily- Balkans 7400 P250/248 1000-1030 -daily- East Europe 11600 S100/030, 13600 S100/030 1000-1030 -daily- West Europe 11700 P500/306, 15700 P500/306 1200-1400 -daily- Balkans 1224 1200-1400 -daily- West Europe 11700 P500/306, 15700 P500/306 1500-1600 -daily- Balkans 7400 P250/248, 1224 1500-1600 -daily- East Europe 5900 S100/030, 9400 S100/030 1500-1600 -daily- Middle East 11600 P500/126 1500-1600 -daily- South Africa 15800 P500/185 1800-1900 -daily- Balkans 7400 P250/248, 1224, 747 1800-2000 -daily- Middle East 9800 P250/140 1800-2000 -daily- West Europe 11800 P250/306 ENGLISH / e-mail: english @ bnr.bg 0200-0300 -daily- North America 9700 P500/306, 11700 P500/306 0630-0700 -daily- West Europe 9600 P500/306, 11600 P500/306 1130-1200 -daily- West Europe 11700 P500/306, 15700 P500/306 1730-1800 -daily- West Europe 5900 P500/295, 9600 P500/306 2100-2200 -daily- West Europe 5900 P500/295, 9700 P500/306 2300-2400 -daily- North America 9700 P500/306, 11700 P500/306 FRENCH / e-mail: french @ bnr.bg 0100-0200 -daily- North America 9700 P500/306, 11700 P500/306 0600-0630 -daily- West Europe 9600 P500/306, 11600 P500/306 1100-1130 -daily- West Europe 11700 P500/306, 15700 P500/306 1700-1730 -daily- West Europe 5900 P500/295, 9600 P500/306 2000-2100 -daily- West Europe 5900 P500/295, 9700 P500/306 GERMAN / e-mail: german @ bnr.bg 0500-0530 -daily- West Europe 9600 P500/306, 11600 P500/306 1030-1100 -daily- West Europe 11700 P500/306, 15700 P500/306 1630-1700 -daily- West Europe 5900 P500/295, 9600 P500/306 1900-2000 -daily- West Europe 5900 P500/295, 9700 P500/306 GREEK / e-mail: greek @ bnr.bg 0500-0530 Mon-Fri Balkans 7400 P250/248, 1224 0500-0600 Sat/Sun Balkans 7400 P250/248, 1224 1030-1100 -daily- Balkans 7400 P250/248 1630-1700 -daily- Balkans 7400 P250/248, 1224, 747 2000-2100 -daily- Balkans 7400 P250/248, 1224, 747 RUSSIAN / e-mail: russian @ bnr.bg 0300-0400 -daily- East Europe 7200 S100/030, 9400 S100/030, 1224 0500-0530 -daily- East Europe 7200 S100/030, 9400 S100/030 1030-1100 -daily- East Europe 11600 S100/030, 13600 S100/030 1400-1500 -daily- East Europe 5900 S100/030, 9400 S100/030, 1224 1400-1500 -daily- Central Asia 11700 P250/045 1600-1630 -daily- East Europe 5900 S100/030, 9400 S100/030 1800-1900 -daily- East Europe 5900 S100/030, 9400 S100/030 2300-2400 -daily- Central Asia 11600 P250/045 SERBIAN / e-mail: serbian @ bnr.bg 0600-0630 Mon-Fri Balkans 7400 P250/248, 1224 0700-0800 Sat/Sun Balkans 7400 P250/248, 1224 1130-1200 -daily- Balkans 7400 P250/248 1700-1730 -daily- Balkans 7400 P250/248, 1224, 747 2100-2200 -daily- Balkans 7400 P250/248, 1224, 747 SPANISH / e-mail: spanish @ bnr.bg 0100-0200 -daily- South America 7400 P250/258, 9400 P250/245 0100-0200 -daily- Central America 11600 P250/295 0600-0630 -daily- South Europe 11800 P250/260, 15800 P250/260 1100-1130 -daily- South Europe 11800 P250/260, 15800 P250/260 1630-1700 -daily- South Europe 11800 P250/260, 15800 P250/260 2100-2200 -daily- South Europe 11800 P250/260, 13800 P250/260 2300-2400 -daily- South America 7400 P250/258, 9400 P250/245 TURKISH / e-mail: turkish @ bnr.bg 0500-0530 -daily- Middle East 7300 P250/140, 9800 P250/115 1000-1030 -daily- Middle East 7300 P250/140, 9800 P250/115 1730-1800 -daily- Middle East 9800 P250/115, 1224, 747 RADIO VARNA 2100-2400 Sunday Black Sea 9900 V100/ND 0000-0300 Monday Black Sea 9900 V100/ND DX MIX px in Bulgarian will be on air: 1345-1400 Sun 1224 11700 15700 1945-2000 Sun 9800 11800 DX MIX px in Russian will be on air: 1445-1500 Sat 1224 5900 9400 11700 1615-1630 Sat 5900 9400 1845-1900 Sat 5900 9400 2345-2400 Sat 11600 0345-0400 Sun 1224 7200 9400 0515-0530 Sun 7200 9400 1045-1100 Sun 11600 13600 0515-0530 Mon 7200 9400 1045-1100 Wed 11600 13600 (DX Mix News, Bulgaria, March 20, via DXLD) ** BURKINA FASO. 5030 from 2330 until sign off at 2400 (Sunset here in NYC - 2315) has been coming through with good signals these last days. Really enjoy the great music they play. I typically can't get local stations on 60 meters from this location (Tom Sliva, Grundig 800, 70 feet of copper, NYC, DX LISTENING DIGEST) QSL - Radio Burkina Faso bestaetigte einen Empfangsbericht ueber die Frequenz 5030 kHz nach nur 48 Tagen mit einem freundlichen teildetailierten Brief, wobei die Laufzeit von Ouagadougou bis Remstaedt (Thueringen) 20 Tage betrug. Beigelegen hatte dem Empfangsbericht 1 USD, v/s war Pascal Goba (Chef des Programmes). (Sebastian Arndt, Germany, Feb 27, via Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D, ntt Mar 15 via BC-DX March 19 via DXLD) ** CANADA. RCI in A07: [missing days of week from Alan Roe`s version] ARABIC 0200-0259 5840 5955 Middle East 0300-0359 7230 9520 11790 Middle East 1105-1204 7325 Northeastern United States 1900-1959 13650 15180 Middle East / North Africa 1905-2004 9515 Northeastern United States ENGLISH 0000-0057 11700 South East Asia 1200-1259 9660 151710 Asia / China 1330-1400 7240 DRM Eastern & Central Europe 1500-1557 11675 17720 India 1505-1704 9515 Northeastern United States 1705-1904 9800 DRM Northeastern United States 1800-1859 9530 11765 13730 15235 Sub-Saharan Africa 2000-2059 5850 7235 15325 Europe 2100-2159 9800 DRM Northeastern United States 2305-0004 6100 Central U S (tue-sat -0104) FRENCH 1705-1904 9515 Northeastern United States 1705-1904 9800 DRM Northeastern United States 1900-1959 7235 Sub-Saharan Africa 1900-1959 11765 Sub-Saharan Africa 1900-1959 13730 Sub-Saharan Africa 1900-1959 15235 Sub-Saharan Africa 1900-1959 5850 Europe 1900-1959 15325 Europe 2005-2104 9515 Northeastern United States 2100-2159 7370 North Africa 2100-2159 9690 L'Afrique du nord 2100-2159 15325 L'Afrique du nord 2300-2329 9525 Asia / China 2300-2329 12035 Asia / China 2300-2329 13660 Asia / China MANDARIN 0000-0059 9690 11895 China 0105-0204 6100 Central United States 1300-1329 9660 15170 China 1305-1404 7325 Northeastern United States 1430-1459 11935 15295 China 2105-2204 9515 Northeastern United States 2200-2259 9525 9870 12035 China PORTUGUESE 0005-0034 6100 Central United States [Sun-Mon] 2100-2129 15455 17860 Brazil [Fri-Sat-Sun for all:] 2130-2159 15455 17860 Brazil 2200-2229 17860 Brazil 2230-2259 17860 Brazil 2300-2329 13710 Brazil 2330-2359 13710 Brazil RUSSIAN 1405-1434 9515 Northeastern United States 1435-1504 9515 Northeastern United States [M-F] 1500-1529 11935 Russia 1500-1529 15325 Russia 1600-1629 11935 Russia 1600-1629 15325 Russia SPANISH 0000-0059 11990 13725 Mexico / Latin America 0200-0259 9755 13710 Caribbean / Mexico / Latin America 0205-0304 6075 Central United States 1205-1304 7325 Northeastern United States 2200-2259 11990 15455 South America 2205-2304 6100 Northeastern United States 2300-2359 11990 15455 Caribbean / South America UKRAINIAN 0035-0104 6100 Central United States 1435-1504 9515 Northeastern United States [Sa-Su] 1700-1759 5850 Ukraine [Sat-Sun, via Sweden?] (Last update March 14, 2007 - via BCLNEWS.IT via wwdxc via DXLD) ** CANADA. A new French AM station in Gatineau Quebec/Ottawa ON on 1670 (1 kW) has been approved by the CRTC: http://www.crtc.gc.ca/archive/ENG/Decisions/2007/db2007-89.htm Community radio station in Gatineau/Ottawa 1. The Commission approves the application by Fondation Radio Enfant du Canada, on behalf of a company to be incorporated, for a broadcasting licence to operate a French-language, Type B community AM radio programming undertaking in Gatineau and Ottawa. The station will operate day and night at 1670 kHz with an effective radiated power of 1,000 watts. 2. During each broadcast week, the station will broadcast 126 hours of programming, at least 120 hours of which will be produced by the station. The rest (i.e. at most 6 hours) will be used by the station for broadcasting children’s programs produced outside its territory. These programs will be aimed at enriching the programming and encouraging discussion among young people. 3. The applicant stated that the new station’s programming will target children from 4 to 18 years of age. The programming will be by and for young people and will reflect specific educational objectives drawn from school programs. 73, (via Deane McIntyre, VE6BPO, DXLD) ** CHINA. 7280, Voice of the Strait (Fuzhou) (Presumed), 3/12/07. Euro-pop and Asian style music from 1128 to 1130; heard Fuzhou twice at 1130; then into a bit less frantic Mandarin by man; at 1133 back to music and talk format; at 1140 studio chatter between man and woman; TS, presumed ID, anthem, and into news. During the entire listening period a wide variety of music and talk, all done in a slick, professional manner. Noted again with similar programs in same format on 3/16/07 and 3/18/07 (Jim Ronda, Tulsa, OK, NRD-545, R-75, E-1 + Eavesdropper (and occasionally an E-5), NASWA Flashsheet via DXLD) ** CHINA [non]. MINGHUI RADIO STATION BROADCASTING FALUN GONG PROGRAMMES TO CHINA Since March 5, 2007, Minghui (which means “clear wisdom” in English) Radio Station has been broadcasting programmes 24 hours a day about Falun Gong to Asia. These broadcasts are being directed primarily towards China and Taiwan via the Eutelsat W5 satellite. Minghui Radio provides information about Falun Gong, especially concerning the persecution against the meditation practice happening in China. Currently there are dozens of programmes in its lineup. It was originally broadcast to China via shortwave radio, but now, along with New Tang Dynasty TV, Sound of Hope, Voice of America, and Radio Free Asia, Minghui Radio uses the Eutelsat W5 satellite to broadcast throughout Asia, including mainland China. The parameters for receiving Minghui Radio Station from the W5 Satellite are: Position:70.5 degrees East Downlink frequency: 11334 MHz Polarity: Vertical FEC: 1/2 Symbol Rate: 6511 Minghui Radio still employs two shortwave frequencies for broadcasting to mainland China, twice a day. These two frequencies are: Beijing Time, 6-7 a.m. every morning (2200-2300 UTC) 7105 KHz; and 9-10 p.m. every night (1300-1400 UTC) 6030 KHz. Read more at The Epoch Times: http://en.epochtimes.com/news/7-3-17/52991.html (March 18th, 2007 - 11:33 UTC by Andy, Media Network blog via DXLD) ** CHINA [and non]. Some interesting advice for QSL card collectors: Firstly China – “with CRI transmitting not only from China itself, but from many other relay sites (in the Americas from Sackville, Cuba, Bonaire, French Guiana or Chile, in Africa from Mali or South Africa, in Europe from Russia, Albania, Spain, Luxembourg, England or Lithuania), it is useless for a collector to add a CRI QSL card in his collection unless the card bears complete reception details including the transmitter site. Many letters with explanations of the hobby of SWLing/DXing in general and of what a DXer and QSL card collector requires in particular were sent to CRI English Service Director Wang Gengnian and to Ying Lian [collective name; is the first one too?]. Copies with examples of other broadcasters’ QSLs were enclosed to show how they verify/verified reception of transmissions from their own country and/or via relay transmitters. For example All India Radio from Aligarh, Bangalore, Delhi, Hyderabad, or Thiruvananthapuram; Radio Australia from Carnarvon, Darwin, Lyndhurst, Brandon, Shepparton or Perth; Deutsche Welle from Jülich, Elmshorn, Nauen or Wertachtal; Radio Canada International from Xi’an, Singapore, Kimjae or Dhabayya; Voice of Russia from Xi’an, Dushanbe or Vatican; Radio Japan from Singapore, Gabon, Ascension Island or French Guiana. Now my dream has come true to receive 32 verification cards for 32 detailed reception reports of 2004, 2005 and 2006, each with complete details including “from …”. Thus I can now add the following CRI QSL cards to my collection: from Beijing: 6145, 11635, 17855; from Jinhua: 9785; from Kashi: 5915, 7345, 11795, 11880, 15190, 15465, 17505, 17540, 17750; from Kunming: 6100, 7295, 9570, 11980; from Urumqi: 9435, 9800; from Xi’an: 9695, 9765, 11610, 11690, 17725; from Albania: 9435, 13710; from Sackville: 6080, 13675, 15260; from Cuba: 5990, 9790; from Chile: 15540. My recommendation: Whenever you send a detailed reception report to China Radio International, please, close your letter - just like I do - with a polite request in the last sentence, e. g.: “Please, do not send a card without complete details, as it would be useless for any collector. Thank you very much!“ CRI will fulfill your request and you will not receive a useless piece of paper, but a real valuable verification for your collection.” “The situation is more difficult - at least until now – with Taiwan. The English Service of RTI sent me - for one detailed reception report in 2005 and many reminders - in the meantime 9 (nine!) incomplete QSL cards: One card with incorrect year, four cards without time zone, all cards without transmitter site! My report and each of the reminders requested urgently that the transmitter site (Okeechobee FL, USA) be confirmed. - It must be added that since 2007 RTI QSLs have a separate line saying “Transmitter Site:”; but it is disappointing that the lady/gentleman at RTI just leaves it blank!” (GÜNTER JACOB, Germany, NEW ZEALAND DX TIMES PAGE 28 MARCH 2007 via DXLD) Thanks for these very helpful efforts on behalf of the DX fraternity, Günter! (Bryan Clark, NZ, ibid.) Since we DXers are more knowledgeable about transmitter sites than many station personnel, why don`t we just note the correct sites on the QSLs, making them non-worthless? I wouldn`t try this with lesser stations than CRI, as they might just say the hell with it, no QSLs at all, as several already have (gh, DXLD) ** COLOMBIA. Re 7-026: Gooooooooool...rojo...rojo...rojo... de Santa Feeeeee! Were the first words I heard at 2113 when turned on to verify that 12070 harmonic was no other than 2nd harmonic from La Voz del Guaviare. Altho with deep fadings and high noise level, fútbol was all I needed to confirm this was Colombia with names like Deportivo Pereira, Millonarios, Deportes Tolima, Once Caldas and many other local teams. Just in case, not expecting any propagation on 49m for the early afternoon, I found // 6035 with the same transmission. So, all has been said. La Voz del Guaviare has a 25m channel in the meantime. But, I admit my ignorance: what produces that harmonic effect? 73 (Raúl Saavedra, Costa Rica, dxldyg via WORLD OF RADIO 1351, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Transmitters tend to put out harmonics unless steps are taken to suppress them (gh, DXLD) Saludos colegas: A varios de ustedes debe haberles asistido similar frustración que este servidor, cuando leemos o escuchamos de reportes de ciertas emirosas recepcionadas por varios colegas y que quedan fuera de nuestro alcance, ya sea por nuestra posición geográfica, condiciones inapropiadas, o por no contar con un receptor de primera, aunque por ahí rondaba el dicho entre radioaficionados ticos de que "es preferible tener una peseta de receptor pero un colón en antena", traducido internacionalmente como "pennies in transceiver but a dollar in antenna". Por otra parte a veces me siento un tipo altamente afortunado porque recepciono emisoras que nadie más parece darse cuenta porque no se confirman en sitios como este, como me ocurrió hacia mitad del año pasado con TWR Swazilandia, Mansini en 4775 a las 0400 en alemán e inglés. La vara es que hay un montón de fiebres con el tema de las armónicas, pero nadie más ha dado cuenta de la captación que logré de La Voz del Guaviare en su 2º armónico de 12070 desde el sábado pasado alrededor de las 1330. Luego el domingo 18 por la tarde (2100z) ya no me quedó la mínima duda de la emisora colombiana porque transmitían fútbol entre Santa Fe y Deportivo Pereira. La buena nota fue que pude cotejar el paralelo con la fundamental de 6035, como igualmente lo he vuelto a comprobar ayer lunes 19 y hoy martes 20, tocando música norteña o Tex- Mex a las 2252, con varias menciones del Guaviare. Llamativas resultan sus largas pautas comerciales; como que todo el mundo se anuncia con ellos o tal vez tienen un excelente staff de vendedores de publicidad. Bueno compas, cuestión de que le paren el oído a esos 12070 // 6035 a ver si dejo de ser en esto el Lobo Solitario, que más bien debería ser el Zorro Solitario, tal mi apelativo en el ambiente radial tico. 73s y DX (Raúl Saavedra, Costa Rica, March 20, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** COLOMBIA. R. Líder, 6139.8, may have missed a day, but it was back on March 19 at 0545 check with music (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 6140 kHz, Radio Líder, Bogotá, is back on the air on the 19th (Monday morning) at 0835- past 0900, again with a pretty good signal with slightly off modulation. Latin pop music, ID at 0859. I guess we'll have to see if they were just off on Sunday, or will be back off the air again soon (Roger Chambers, Utica, New York, ODXA via DXLD) Hi Glenn, Radio Líder, Bogotá, on 6140 was alive and well at 0630-0745 on 18th March and today 19th. Heard here with such good reception (SIO 444) that I listened continuously between those times. For me, an interesting alternative to BBC Radio 2 at this time! Some good music and plenty of satisfying IDs. Two item news bulletins just after the hour and half-hour. Best regards (Charles Hendry, Amersham, Bucks., UK, Sony SW7600GR, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CUBA [and non]. Commies vs Catholix! March 19 at 1332 I was getting a quite readable altho not very strong signal from RHC in Spanish on 11715, which is of course a leapfrog mixing product between the very strong // signals on 11805 and 11760; on 11715 there was also a fast SAH and some audio I could recognize as Ave María, so surely KJES as scheduled: another victim of dentroCuban engineering. BTW, RHC was promoting a Mesa Redonda that evening from 6:30 pm local, which is 2230 UT, on 6000, 6180. These roundtables appear on an irregular but frequent basis, almost always to bash the U.S., and on these occasions, stations such as R. Praga, 6000 via Canadá at 2330, better watch out (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGESET) ** CUBA [non]. Radio/TV Marti' has now cost more than $500 million BY JEAN-GUY ALLARD —Special for Granma International— WHILE the United States is accumulating debts and experts are predicting a perilous deterioration of the budget crisis, the fiasco of Radio and TV Marti' – that cannot even be seen – has now cost the taxpayer more than $500 million. . . http://www.granma.cu/ingles/2007/marzo/vier16/12fiasco.html (via Zacharias Liangas, Greece, DXLD) One suspects this source has an ax to grind --- not one nice thing about R/TV Martí --- but there may be some truth in what they say about it (gh, DXLD) ** ECUADOR. 9740, HCJB (or whatever their new name is), 0716-0730, 3/18/07. Religious programming in German by YL. Very nice choir at end. ID 0728 "Quito Ecuador", frequency in German, carrier off at exactly 0730. This must be a new frequency as it is not listed in PWBR. Good (George Herr, CA, WinRadio g303e, R8B and NRD535, 50' wire and AmRad Antennas, NASWA Flashsheet via DXLD) Not new; has been there since at least beginning of A-06 a year ago. Just because it`s not in PWBR doesn`t mean it`s new; they miss a lot of B-06 info with their early publication, but there`s no excuse for missing this already in HCJB`s widely distributed A-06 sked which I just checked (Glenn Hauser, DXLD) ** ECUADOR. I occasionally run across HCJB closing down its all- evening-long Spanish service on 9745, and always the same thing happens. After the national anthem at approximately 0500, and a pause, they start playing some nice Andean music, and that is always interrupted abruptly at precisely 0504* when the transmitter cuts off the air. Why do they do this? Yet another instance of automation gone wild and no human minding the store to control what actually goes on the air. NA traditionally means the end of transmission, so they should not start playing more music after it. If they do, they should at least let it run until it finishes! (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** ECUADOR [and non]. Re my mail of Sunday in which I wrote ``I thought I had HCJB's DRM signal on 9595 on air after 0800 March 18 (after CRI in Arabic left the air)`` My apologies - I should have written AWR in Arabic (via Jülich) and not CRI. And March 19 the digital station heard on Sunday on about 9588 might be the one that started at around 0800 today on about 9702. It started off as if it was having a 'bad day', but settled down to buzzing eventually. It's still on air over an hour later (Noel R. Green, (NW England), dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** ECUADOR [and non]. HCJB`s DRM, 15195-15200-15205, which they insist on running in heavily populated inband areas, was QRMing Arabic on 15195 March 19 at 1515, which HFCC says is V. of Turkey. See also MEXICO (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** ERITREA. 7100, 0358, VOBME Asmara with interval signal till opening with ident in Arabic at 0400. Audible past 0600 3/3. Other frequency of 7175 also opens at 0400 in local dialects – slightly better signal as 7100 sometimes troubled by ham QRM. Both frequencies also audible at closedown with anthem at 1800 (Bryan Clark at Mangawhai, NZ, with AOR7030+ and 100 metre BOGs to NNE, NE, E, SE, March NZ DX Times via DXLD) ** GERMANY [non]. DW, 9755 via Rwanda toward WAf and CNAm, Monday March 19 at 0518 had a fascinating African Focus program about now Eritrea is a nation of poets, interviewing a scholar from Penn State (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** GREECE. Olympia Radio Pyrgos relay. Permit me to make a small addition to our ERA-5 program timetable. At the moment we broadcast ERA-5 program for a short trial period on the following frequencies: 11645 kHz at 0700-1000 UT 15630 kHz at 1100-1545 and ADDITIONALLY at 2030-2200 UT 5865 kHz at 2200-0600 We would appreciate if you took the time to listen to 15630 sometime between 2030 and 2200 too. 5865, Olympia Radio relay of ERA-5 V. of Greece (must be Greece QSL day today!) e-mail QSL received in 16 days for a 2/19 reception in Southern California. Said postal QSL enroute. Signer was Yorgos (George) Stavropoulos, Telecommunications Engineer, Head of HF Stations Section, (Olympia Radio Coastal Station). Because of the data he included and the request for additional reports, I am citing the letter here (note time sensitivity for AM broadcasts - not sure what happens when those are completed. USB?...termination?). Note also the location (near Pyrgos) and even more addresses and e-mails. This address looks like the one to use for technical reports of interest to the station (Bruce W. Churchill, CA, DXplorer Mar 15 via BC-DX March 19 via DXLD) 5865, ERA-5: Breaks occurred again during talks when voice peaks, and transmitter peak control adjusts audio down. But no carrier break (Wolfgang Büschel, Mar 16/17, ibid.) 5865 jetzt um 2320 UT wieder mit den Sprachaussetzern zugange [Maerz 16/17], der tx regelt bei bestimmten peaks zu, auch bei Gesang und Musik. Das war schon mal besser. (wb) Andreas Volk aus Muenchen schrieb mir gestern, dass VoGRC wieder Deutsch auf KW senden wird, in der neuesten xls. File für die Sommersaison A-07 auf 11645 kHz angekuendigt: Albanian 0500, ENGLISH 0600, Fr 0700, Sp 0800, German 0900-0930, Ru 0930-1000 UT (Andreas Volk, Germany, ADDX Mar 16 via BC-DX March 19 via DXLD)) ** GUAM. KTWR noted with IS, ID and then Japanese at 1200 3/17 on 9465, fair level. This service ends on Saturday 3/24; one wonders if that last broadcast will be recorded and put up for the NDXC archives? (Joe Hanlon, NJ, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** GUIANA FRENCH. 17870-17875-17880 got a respite from QRDRM over the weekend, tho allegedly daily per http://www.baseportal.com/cgi-bin/baseportal.pl?htx=/drmdx/main&sort=kHz,UTC and at 1300-2000. Nevertheless, Monday March 19 at 1408 it was still missing, but on when I retunedby at 1432. Seems they turn it on whenever they get around to it cavalierly, and feel no obligation to follow a published schedule. But, the less, the better. OTOH in 7-035 I was complaining about the DRM being on Friday before 1330 QRMing R. Japan on 17870. DRM test, 17870-17875-17880 on March 20 was already buzzing at 1355 check, unlike the day before (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** INDIA. AIR Tamil DX show noted 1138-1153 with fair reception on 15050 3/18; had feature on AWR with tuning signals -- but I noted an error on one IS, it was actually TWR IS from Albania. DX news in English had items on Spain and Italy which the announcer said the 1700 broadcast in Italian was "to Europe" -- no, it's one of the frequencies for Africa. BTW 15050 even showed up on my Grundig G5 with the whip, signal slightly less than on the SW8 with EMF antenna (Joe Hanlon, NJ, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** INDIA. Only AIR Delhi is supposed to be using the aeronautical band frequency 15050, for Sinhala at 1300-1500. Nevertheless, March 19 at 1352 I found a heavy mix of two different services, one of them with Indian vocal music, and the other speaking in an unknown language. Both continued past 1400 without a break, and still at 1408 recheck. At 1411, it sounded like there were THREE different audio streams mixing. By 1440 one speaker mentioned ``Bharat`` and Sri Lanka, so likely the Sinhala service, also at 1449 with the usual chanting closing that service as heard previously on other frequencies. At 1500 everything was off. Meanwhile, I looked up what other external language services AIR has at this time supposedly on various other frequencies. Dari switching to Pashto at 1415; Sindhi; Nepali. The two (or three?) transmitters were well synchronized in frequency as I could not detect any beat. The relative audio levels did vary somewhat, so I think there were at least two on the air, rather than a horrible audio feed mixup radiated from a single unit. Somewhat better coordination among multiple transmitter sites is needed. Can anyone figure out exactly what was happening here? I seem to recall a previous instance of the Dari/Pashto service being on the wrong frequency (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** INDIA. AIR Bhopal 4810 kHz is blijkbaar op prolonged schedule wegens silly ball game. 73, (Guido Schotmans, Belgium, 2117 UT March 18, BDX via DXLD) ** INDIA [non]. BULGARIA/RUSSIA: The new CVC broadcast to Asia on 15735 via Armavir has QRM, Sundays only in the first 30 minutes, from Radio Santec in English via Bulgaria; Aoki list shows it as IRRS Milano, via Sofia, 150 kW/90 deg. This was noted on 3/18; after 1330 CVC was heard at fair level with English features and Asian-style music (Joe Hanlon, NJ, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** INDONESIA. 3266.6, RRI Gorontalo, Sulawesi; Light island vocal ballads at 1148 Mach 18; 1158 IS, Woman in Indo with ID; news by man at 1200 (Steven Wiseblood, Boca Chica Beach, TEXAS, DEGEN DE-1102, 100' Long-wire, dxldyg via WORLD OF RADIO 1351, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 3266.42, RRI Gorontalo (presumed), 1200-1226* Mar 17. Jakarta news relay to 1213, then local programming (M announcer, vocals) to 1226, when the plug was unceremoniously pulled. Fair at tune-in and improving by closedown (John Wilkins, CO, DXplorer Mar 17 via BC-DX March 19 via DXLD) 3266.4, RRI Gorontalo, 1132, 3/16/07. Musical piece with choral sound, YL announcement in language, poor (George Herr, CA, WinRadio g303e, R8B and NRD535, 50' wire and AmRad Antennas, NASWA Flashsheet via WORLD OF RADIO 1351, DXLD) 3266.4, RRI Gorontalo, 1135-1145 March 19. Noticed a male describing a situation using the telephone, to announcers (male and female) in studio. At 1142 music presented briefly, then female comments. At this point in time, it is full daylight here in South Florida. Signal was poor (Chuck Bolland, FL, WORLD OF RADIO 1351, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** INDONESIA. 11784.86 at 1600-2100 UT. Usually VOI missing on Fridays on past weeks. Today Fri March 16th appeared to ME/NE/EUR, but with wrong procedure. Two audio feeds noted in parallel when checked around 1640 til now at 1735 UT. Both programmes La Voz de Indonesia in Spanish as well as Voice of Indonesia in Arabic heard on very same odd frequency. Lazy behaviour is a matter of protest against transmission on Holy Friday? (Wolfgang Büschel, Mar 16, BCDX via DXLD) ** INTERNATIONAL INTERNET. NPR TO FIGHT AGAINST INTERNET RADIO PRICE INCREASES http://www.punknews.org/article/22750 Contributed by an Anonymous Source. Posted by chris on Thursday, March 15, 2007 at 4:30 PM (EDT) Games and Technology [sic] It seems that NPR will be leading the fight against the recently announced increase in internet radio prices. The internationally known public radio station [sic] released a statement condemning the recent move, which estimates to cost most small internet radio stations as much as 100% of revenue, or more. NPR's stance is that internet radio serves a "non-profit" and "public service" function, therefore certain concessions should be made. Additionally, the new rates for internet are also much more expensive than their on-air rates, though oddly enough internet radio reaches a much smaller audience. NPR's VP of communication stated the following about the new rates and NPR's course of action: You can read the full story here http://featuresblogs.chicagotribune.com/technology_internetcritic/2007/03/npr_may_lead_fi.html "This is a stunning, damaging decision for public radio and its commitment to music discovery and education, which has been part of our tradition for more than half a century. Public radio's agreements on royalties with all such organizations, including the RIAA, have always taken into account our public service mission and non-profit status. These new rates, at least 20 times more than what stations have paid in the past, treat us as if we were commercial radio - although by its nature, public radio cannot increase revenue from more listeners or more content, the factors that set this new rate. Also, we are being required to pay an internet royalty fee that is vastly more expensive than what we pay for over-the-air use of music, although for a fraction of the over-the-air audience. This decision penalizes public radio stations for fulfilling their mandate, it penalizes emerging and non-mainstream musical artists who have always relied on public radio for visibility and ultimately it penalizes the American public, whose local station memberships and taxes will be necessary to cover the millions of dollars that will now be required as payment. On behalf of the public radio system, NPR will pursue all possible action to reverse this decision, which threatens to severely reduce local stations' public service and limit the reach of the entire music community. NPR will begin on Friday, March 16 by filing a petition for reconsideration with the CRB panel, the first step in this process. We ask that the online royalties be returned to their historic arrangement and that public radio can continue to provide its vital service to music discovery." (via Zacharias Liangas, Greece, DXLD) ** IRAN [non]. LITHUANIA: Relay schedule of IRIB (VOIRI) via Sitkunai 100kW in A07: 0630-0730 Italian on 11515, 1430-1530 Russian on 9280, 1730-1830 German on 6255, 1830-1930 French on 6255, 1930-2030 English on 6255, 2030-2130 Spanish on 6255. All broadcasts are transmitted with a 259 degree beam, except for Russian which has a 79 degree beam. Note: the schedule has the same UTimes as during the B06 winter season. That means, due to DST in Europe during the A07 season, listeners will find their program on the air one hour later in their local time, compared to the winter season (Bernd Trutenau, Lithuania, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** ITALY. Rai on 11830 at 1845, March 19th, heard anthem/theme, and man in Italian with news and commentary in Italian, with many mentions of Italia; after 1900 back to anthem/theme, then into chirping-bird interval signal, and off at 1906; fair to good overall signal; have not been able to hear their 11800 English broadcast at 0055 in quite awhile and missing it (Eric Bryan, WA, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** ITALY. Rai is still favoring North America with the squealing transmitter, on 17780, in Italian, March 19 at 1408 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** JAPAN. JAPAN SECURES NEW RADIO FREQUENCY FOR SERVICE TARGETING NORTH KOREA | Text of report in English by Japanese news agency Kyodo Tokyo, March 20 Kyodo - An international body regulating telecommunications told the Japanese government Monday it plans to grant Japan a new radio frequency it had been asking for in order to send family messages to possibly surviving Japanese abductees in North Korea, sources familiar with the matter said. The Japanese government had been requesting the Geneva-based International Telecommunication Union to allocate Japan a frequency for the shortwave radio service “Shiokaze” by the Investigation Commission on Missing Japanese Probably Related to North Korea. The government is expected to permit the use of the frequency by the private group looking into possible abductions of Japanese nationals by North Korean agents after the allocation becomes official. The rare move to secure a radio frequency for a private group that is not primarily tasked with broadcasting is believed to reflect the government’s aim to push its view that the abduction issue is a top priority and pressure North Korea. The abduction issue was one of the points of focus at bilateral talks on normalization of ties held in Hanoi earlier this month, but Japan and North Korea failed to reach any agreement. The group began broadcasting “Shiokaze” in October 2005, sending messages by families of victims of North Korea’s abductions and providing information on victims and other missing people in Japanese every day. The service covers North Korea, parts of China bordering North Korea and northern South Korea. But the service has been troubled by jamming, believed to be caused by North Korea, since last May, and was forced to change its frequency as well as broadcasting hours. The group has engaged a British broadcaster to send its messages through facilities in countries surrounding North Korea, but because the company was not Japanese it complicated attempts to solve the problem of jamming. Once the new frequency is given to the group, it can ask the ITU to take measures against obstruction of services. The Japanese government formally recognizes 17 citizens as having been abducted to North Korea in the late 1970s and early 1980s, while Pyongyang in 2002 admitted to abducting 13 Japanese and returned five of them afterward, but has since maintained the eight others are dead or never entered the country. The Investigation Commission on Missing Japanese Probably Related to North Korea claims there are over 30 Japanese suspected of being abduction victims. (Source: Kyodo News Service, Tokyo, in English 1716 gmt 19 Mar 07 via BBC Monitoring, via Media Network blog via DXLD) 2 Responses to “Japan secures new radio frequency for service targeting North Korea” Jonathan Marks Says: March 19th, 2007 at 20:27 e This is the most bizarre story about the way of hiring a few transmitter hours from VT Communications I have ever seen. If this isn’t broadcasting, then a lot of whats going out right now above 3 MHz doesn’t qualify either. Kai Ludwig Says: March 19th, 2007 at 23:51 e The actual subject of this story are the Shiokaze transmissions via Yamata which are to start now: http://blogs.rnw.nl/medianetwork/?p=7496 It’s quite bizarre as well how it can nowadays still be an extraordinary development that anybody else than the official foreign service of a country can use the shortwave transmitters built and operated for this official service. And how should this help against jamming? Will Japan now flood the ITU with complaints about North Korean jamming as soon as they start to target the Yamata outlet of Shiokaze (btw, it appears that its frequency will remain a secret until the last moment)? (Media Network blog via DXLD) ** KOREA NORTH [non]. A broadcast accident of Radio Free North Korea Dear Mr. Glenn Hauser, Hello. My name is Seong Mun, Park. I'm Working to The Institute of North East Asia Broadcasting in Seoul, Korea. 9730, A broadcast accident of Radio Free North Korea 1000-1100 Mar 20. A program of 7390 Open Radio North Korea (1400-1500 UT, Tashkent 100 kW) which sent it out at frequency of Radio Free North Korea 9730 at 1000-1100 (Taiwan 100 kW). But, 1400-1500 7390 Open Radio North Korea is normalcy sent out. Because it my guess broadcast sender VT's error of program delivery to transmitter site. Sincerely yours, (Seong Mun Park, Vice president, The Institute of North East Asia Broadcasting in Seoul Korea, DX LISTENING DIGEST) See also JAPAN ** LIBERIA. 4760, ELWA, No sign of their usual sign-on at 0600 Mar 14; both 4770-Nigeria and 4777-Gabon were in well (Jerry Berg, Lexington, MA, Drake R8 & Eton E1-XM receiver; 19, 41 & 90 mb dipoles, NASWA Flashsheet via DXLD) ** LIBYA [non?]. [FRANCE/LIBYA] LBJ schedule in A-07 7320 2200-2400 ISS 500 180 Arabic F LBJ TDF 9590 1900-2200 ISS 500 180 Arabic F LBJ TDF 11615 1700-1900 ISS 500 180 Arabic F LBJ TDF 11835 1800-2000 ISS 500 162 Various F LBJ TDF 15660 1600-1800 ISS 500 204 French+Hau F LBJ TDF 17600 1200-1600 ISS 500 153 Swah+Engli F LBJ TDF 17695 1600-1800 ISS 500 185 French+Hau F LBJ TDF 17715 1200-1600 ISS 500 153 Swah+Engli F LBJ TDF 17870 1600-1800 ISS 500 153 French+Hau F LBJ TDF Til Sept 1st 15660 1800-2000 ISS 500 185 Various F LBJ TDF From Sept 2nd 11835 1800-2000 ISS 500 185 Various F LBJ TDF Only May 6 til Sep 1 17725 1200-1600 ISS 500 140 Various F LBJ TDF Only Mar 25 til May 5 21695 1200-1600 ISS 500 140 Various F LBJ TDF Only Sep 2 til Oct 28 21695 1200-1600 ISS 500 140 Various F LBJ TDF (BC-DX March 19 via DXLD) Yes, but we think at least two transmitters are axually running from Libya instead now; TDF just backup? See Olle Alm`s recent schedule; notably 21695 and 17725 including English at 14-16 (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 17725 is LBJ registered at Issoudun France 1200-1600 UT towards 153 degr. Path to Germany is about 58 degrees, 600-1000 km. So like null-out at minus 90 degr azimuth. 17725 1200-1600 37E,38W,47,52,53E ISS 500 153 F LBJ TDF around 1300-1400 UT at Stuttgart 17620.00 RFI S=8-9 17630.00 DWL Nauen, S=7, and underneath French program 17635.00 Arabic S=3, ? from Sabrata Libya ? 17640.00 BBCWS S=7 17650.00 CRI French S=9+20 dB 17660.00 GAB - mx station S=9+10 dB 17670.00 AWR Vietnamese via Madagascar 17680.00 CVI Santiago Spanish 17725.00 LBJ via Issoudun, S=2 tiny and UTE RTTY 17694.52. Whistle carriers on 17619.35, 17621.08, 17623.37, 17625.07, 17632.45, 17635.36, 17637.07, 17677.95. 73 wb (Wolfgang Büschel, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) The TDP transmitter project website mentions the installation of two 100 kW SW transmitters in 2006 at a new site in Libya, Ghat: http://www.tdp.info/lby.html This place appears to be located in southwestern Libya: http://www.fallingrain.com/world/LY/30/Ghat.html The TDP website also mentions the installation of two new 500 kW transmitters at Sabratha in 2005. The actual location of a site labelled "Sabratha" appears to be unclear; it seems not to be visible on Google Earth which shows Sabratha in high resolution (Bernd Trutenau, dxldyg via WORLD OF RADIO 1351, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Probably the Ghat entry appeared on this page recently, after November 2006, or had it slipped by my attention when we discussed the 15235/15415 tests? I guess this data originates from Thomson, consisting of a statement that they delivered transmitters to "Ghat". It's interesting to note that this settlement is located next to the Libyan-Algerian border. Re. Sabratha: It appears to me that it must be asked, which one? The coordinates given on the TDP page are located in the outskirts of Tripoli, in accordance with the site designation "Tripoli/Sabratha". However, another Sabratha is located 55 km west of Tripoli (cf. map in the yg's pictures section). (Kai Ludwig, ibid.) ** LIBYA. V. of Africa, 17725, March 19 at 1408 with hilife music; tho modulation was low, signal was roughly equal to Gabon on 17660, 17630, as it has been suggested VOA could also be transmitted from there, what with Libya`s aid to Gabon`s transmitters. However, by 1420 with YL talking, I think in English, 17725 was quite a bit weaker (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Right now at 1230 March 20 I have 17660 much stronger than 17725. Indeed the modulation on 17725 is rather low, probably without dynamic compression, unlike the Moyabi output. The fading patterns don't appear to be identical as well, so I really don't think that 17725 originates from Moyabi. Instead it could well be Tripoli-Sabratha, beaming southwards (thus the weak signal here in Europe), using the two new Thomson transmitters they apparently tested on the old 15235 and 15415 frequencies during November 2006. And 17630 is at present a mess of DW in German with presumed ANO being audible underneath only. Surprise, surprise, it's Nauen, hardly audible ever here, at a distance of 120 km from the transmitter site. 9545 comes in quite nicely as well. And in six weeks from now DW via Nauen will just be history, turning East German shortwave broadcasting into relaying programming from abroad exclusively (Kai Ludwig, Germany, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** MALAYSIA. Following Mauno Ritola`s measurements around 6100, I checked carefully again March 19 at 1318 and the het was on the lower side at approx. 6099.7 --- slightly above middle C in pitch, 256 Hz, I judged it; he says the station off-frequency ON 6099.72 is V. of Malaysia (Glenn Hauser, OK, WORLD OF RADIO 1351, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** MEXICO. Estimados amigos diexistas: aprovechando el día feriado en México, pude escuchar desde las 1855 UT (12:55 Tiempo del centro de México) en los 9600 kHz la señal de XEYU Radio UNAM. Esto después de casi dos semanas de estar fuera del aire. La señal se escucha débil con buen audio sin interferencia. Desconozco por cuánto tiempo estén al aire; espero no tenga XEYU otro contratiempo y mejore la señal. Saludos, (Julián Santiago Díez de Bonilla, DF, 1942 UT March 19, DX LISTENING DIGEST) XEYU 9599v is back on the air after a couple of weeks, from mid-day March 19, says Julián Santiago Díez de Bonilla, DF. I did not hear it earlier that morning in usual 31m bandscan. Checked at 0015 UT March 20, tell-tale het against RHC 9600.0, and HCJB DRM 9590-9595-9600 is already on. No chance for XEYU, but let us hope at certain daytime or early morning hours will still be in clear. I was expecting to hear XEYU, 9599+, March 20 at 1343 check, since it had been reported back on the air the previous afternoon, but nothing (Glenn Hauser, OK, WORLD OF RADIO 1351, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** MEXICO. XEXQ not heard well lately, but classical music detectable on 6045, March 19 at 1310, JBA amid stronger Asian signals (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** MICRONESIA [non]. Whatever is here tonight, started off on 4755.38 kHz when I first tuned in at 2251 UT. Talk in Spanish at that time by an OM. Now, I have a station on 4755, could be the same one, at 0003, with animated talk by an OM in Spanish. Lots of CODAR QRM unfortunately. Just heard a "Radio Huanta Dos Mil" ID at 0008 as I was typing this. This wasn't audible here this morning when I checked at 0930. Looks like getting a solid log of Micronesia will be tough for us on the East Coast, as we've got a possibly Peruvian and Brazilian all around 4755 kHz. Still reviewing my recording of 4755.18 from the other morning, and although the programming does sound religious in nature, it doesn't match the Japanese DXer's recordings when they heard PMA Radio testing the other day (George Maroti, NY, DXplorer Mar 16 via BC-DX March 19 via DXLD) Yes, R. Huanta 2000 also reported by Eramo, Slaen. See PERU Have checked this frequency March 7-10th but [PMA] doesn`t appear to be broadcasting at this stage. Editor. (John Durham, dxissimo, March NZ DX Times via DXLD) ** MOROCCO. Hello DXers, around 0300 UT I noticed a Qur`an recitation on 5980 kHz. I kept on listening for a while; around 0305 a YL in Arabic with an ID " Idha`at mohamed elsades lel Qura`an Al-Kareem" Mohamed the 6th Holy Qur`an Radio. Followed by another type of Qur`an recitation by an Egyptian sheikh. All the best guys (Tarek Zeidan, Cairo, Egypt, March 19, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** NETHERLANDS [and non]. The R. Netherlands A-07 technical schedule as submitted to HFCC is now available in the files section of this yg, tnx to Andy Sennitt. It`s a text file but in the `wide` format which would require a lot of modification to fit in DXLD 71-space format without wrapping (Glenn Hauser, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) It's also now on the Radio Netherlands website in the usual Web format. http://www.radionetherlands.nl/features/media/070325schedule Please note that the text version doesn't include the new morning broadcast of Voice of the People which, incidentally, uses a 250 kW transmitter, so the field strength in Zimbabwe will hopefully make it more difficult to jam effectively (Andy Sennitt, March 19, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) And another version: NETHERLANDS: R. Netherlands A-07 schedule effective 25 Mar to 31 May 2007 Dutch 0300-0400 NAM 6190bo 0400-0500 CAM 5975bo 0500-0600 EU/NAM 5955ho 6165bo 7310fl 0500-0700 sw+seEU 6015fl 9895fl 0600-0700 se+swEU/NZ 7210fl/DRM 9895fl 9625bo 0600-1700 wEU 5955fl 0700-0800 swEU/AU 11935fl 9625bo 9895fl 0700-1000 seEU 11895fl/DRM 0800-1000 EU 6035ho 0800-1500 seEU 13700(Sat/Sun)fl 0800-1700 swEU 9895(Sat/Sun)fl 0930-1015 SAM 6020(Mon-Sat)bo 1000-1330 cEU 7240fl/DRM 1100-1200 seEU 21560dh 1200-1300 eAF 17745ma 1300-1400 FE/AS 13735ma 17585ma 5910pe 1400-1500 cEU 7240fl/DRM 1500-1600 swEU 13600fl/DRM 1500-1700 sEU 9895(Mon-Fri)fl 9895fl 13700fl 13645fl/DRM 1600-1700 ME/EU 13840ma 15335ma 1700-1800 e,c+sAF 11655ma 6020ma 9895ma 1900-2000 swEU 9690fl/DRM 2000-2200 EU 6040gr 2100-2200 EU/AF/SAM 15315bo 17810bo 17895bo 2200-2300 SAM 15315bo 15540bo 2300-2400 N+SAM 11970bo 9525sa English 0000-0100 NAM 9845bo 0100-0200 NAM 9845bo 0200-0300 N+SAM 9830mo/DRM 0400-0500 NAM 6165bo 1000-1100 FE/AS 12065pe 13710ir 13820kh 1100-1200 NAM 11675bo 1400-1600 sAS 11835ma 9345ta 9890ma 1800-1900 c,e+sAF 6020ma 7125ma 11655fl 1900-2100 NAM 15315(Sat/Sun)bo 17660(Sat/Sun)sa 17735(Sat/Sun)bo 1900-2100 AF 17810bo 5905ma 7115ma 2030-2100 NAM 9800sa/DRM Indonesian 1100-1200 Indon. 17585ma 21480ma 9795sn 1200-1300 Indon. 15640ma 17585ma 9795sn 2200-2400 Indon. 6120sn Spanish 0000-0200 SAM 15315bo 6165si 0200-0400 CAM/Car 6165si 9590bo 1100-1130 NAM/Car 6165bo 1130-1200 SAM 6165bo 1200-1230 S+CAM 9715bo 9895bo 2300-2400 SAM 17605bo Transmitters: bo = Bonaire, dh = Dhabbaya, fl = Flevo, gr = Grigoriopol, ho = Hörby, ir = Irkutsk, kh = Khabarovsk, ma = Madagascar, mo = Montsinery, pe = Petropavlovsk- Kamchatski, sa = Sackville, si = Sines, sn = Singapore, ta = Tashkent (RNW Website thx to tip by Andy Sennitt & Glenn Hauser in dxldyg, reformatted by Alan Roe) RADIO NETHERLANDS WORLDWIDE TURNS 60 Since its official opening in April 1947, Radio Netherlands Worldwide has aimed to contribute to a better informed world. In recent decades, we’ve grown to become one of the leading international broadcasters, with our radio, television, SMS, podcasting and internet services in nine languages spanning the globe. Sixty years of building bridges is what we are celebrating, to quote our Director General, Jan Hoek, and you’re invited to join in the festivities, by attending a series of events and conferences that we’re organising, by taking part in debates or by visiting our headquarters in Hilversum during our Open House event, on 15 April. We’ve also published a collection of special articles marking the occasion, and looking ahead to what the future will bring. Each of our language services has produced special pages. Click here for the English version. http://www.radionetherlands.nl/specialseries/RNW60/ (March 20th, 2007 - 16:20 UTC by Andy, Media Network blog via DXLD) RNW APPOINTS ANDY CLARK AS NEW HEAD OF ENGLISH Radio Netherlands Worldwide (RNW) is pleased to announce the appointment of Andy Clark as the new Head of the English Department. Andy will take up his new role in May. The Current Head of English, Mike Shaw, is retiring this summer. Andy Clark joined RNW in 1998 as producer on Newsline, and in 2003 launched the weekly discussion show Amsterdam Forum. In 2006, Andy joined the small editorial team based in The Hague. He returns to work full-time in Hilversum as the English department rolls out its new programming (March 20th, 2007 - 12:57 UTC by Andy, Media Network blog via DXLD) ** NETHERLANDS [non]. Happened across RN, 6165 via Bonaire, March 19 at 0544 when Robert Chessell was trying to defend referring both to Suriname and Netherlands as ``tiny`` (altho Suriname is a lot larger than Netherlands, it is tiny compared to other South American countries). No it isn`t; it is merely smaller. Someone else caught him in the Tiny Trap, but he tried to wiggle out. Apparently was the new mailbag show Echoes, which is not listed as available ondemand here http://www.radionetherlands.nl/listenonline/weeklyarchive tho supposedly all programs are. Since I tuned into the middle of this discussion, I wanted to hear exactly what was said (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** NEW ZEALAND A-07 schedule of RNZI from March 26 till May 6, 2007 0459-0658 9615 050 kW / 000 deg AM All Pacific 0459-0658 9440 050 kW / 000 deg DRM All Pacific 0659-1058 6095 050 kW / 000 deg AM All Pacific 0659-1058 7145 050 kW / 000 deg DRM All Pacific 1059-1258 9870 050 kW / 325 deg AM NW Pac, Bougainville, PNG, Timor 1059-1258 7145 050 kW / 325 deg DRM NW Pac, Bougainville, PNG, Timor 1259-1750 6095 050 kW / 000 deg AM All Pacific 1259-1750 7145 050 kW / 000 deg DRM All Pacific 1751-1850 6095 050 kW / 035 deg AM NE Pac, Fiji, Samoa, Cook Islands 1751-1850 9440 050 kW / 035 deg DRM NE Pac, Fiji, Samoa, Cook Islands 1851-1950 11725 050 kW / 035 deg AM NE Pac, Fiji, Samoa, Cook Islands 1851-1950 11675 050 kW / 035 deg DRM NE Pac, Fiji, Samoa, Cook Islands 1951-2050 15720 050 kW / 000 deg AM All Pacific 1951-2050 11675 050 kW / 000 deg DRM All Pacific 2051-2358 15720 050 kW / 000 deg AM All Pacific 2051-2358 13730 050 kW / 000 deg DRM All Pacific 2359-0458 13730 050 kW / 000 deg AM All Pacific 2359-0458 15720 050 kW / 000 deg DRM All Pacific (DX Mix News, Bulgaria, March 20, via DXLD) ** NIGERIA [non]. unID - 15180 at *1600-1700* UT on Mar 17. Non-stop Afro music station, presume the same one reported by Craighead, came on exactly at *1600 and went off exactly at 1700* with no announcements, just the music. Did not monitor for the whole hour, just spot-checked from time-to-time. Good signal. What/where is "Radio Saa" - have seen nothing else about this station. Did I miss something? (John Wilkins, CO, DXplorer Mar 17 via BC-DX March 19 via DXLD) Radio Saa, 15180 to Nigeria. Today, 17 March, I again heard Radio Saa from 1600 opening, and again the broadcast was entirely music --- no speaking. In fact, it sounded like it could have been a re-broadcast of the program I heard on 14 March. The timings of the 4 songs, by a male singer in presumed Hausa with many mentions of Nigeria and with African percussion accompaniment, were identical to those on Wednesday. One difference: today the station went off at 1659:30 while on 14 March it went off at 1700. Today signal strength was poor, while on Wednesday it was good (Wendel Craighead, KS, DXplorer Mar 18 via BC-DX March 19 via DXLD) ** NORTH AMERICA. Hi Glenn, I just read your tentative logging of WTPR in NASWA Flashsheet #268 on 3/18/07, 6925 kHz USB on 3/18/07 and I can confirm the same on 3/16/07 from 0107 when "The Poor Side of Town" was heard, followed by a clear OM ID as "Radio WTPR," at 0111, when they signed off. Also mentioned the Belfast, NY address and a request for $1.00 to reply to QSL requests. Decent signal at my QTH, too. Just before this logging, I picked up Radio Pigmeat International from 2314 to 2345 s/off, wide range of music and ID's for "Radio Pigmeat International, Free Radio from North America." Also decent signal. 73, (Ed Insinger, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** OKLAHOMA [and non]. Co-editor DAVID RICQUISH comments on listening a few nights on the SuperRadio whilst in Christchurch “I was pleasantly surprised to get armchair level reception of Radio Martí 1180. Absolutely stunning, with many ID’s, music, etc around 1000 UTC. Not just one night, but virtually every night. On 1170, KFAQ Tulsa was audible most nights as well. Hets on 10 kHz spacings right along the dial, so I’d say that conditions with a decent location and receiver should be stunning at present for East Coast Yanks, and mid-west. Conditions with weather etc remind me of the early 1970’s so I’d also venture that Latins should make a major appearance this year.” (March NZ DX Times via DXLD) ** PERU. 4746.89, Radio Huanta 2000 (presumed), Huanta, 2331-2340, Mar 11, Spanish/Quechoa, musical program, comments by man announcer, Ads, mention of Huanta, 24332. 4754.97, Radio Huanta 2000, Huanta, 2312-2322, Mar 15, Quechoa, comments and music, ID "Huanta 2000", 23332 (Nicolás Eramo, Argentina, WORLD OF RADIO 1351, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 4746.8, R. Huanta 2000, Huanta, 2225-2238, 10 Mar, Spanish + Quechua, talks on society's problems & principles, Indian songs; 35342. 4754.94, Radio Huanta 2000 (presumed), new frequency, at 0005-0010 UT March 16, Spanish, TC: "siete de la tarde con 6 minutos", Local news in Spanish by male, 23432. Thanks Nicolas Eramo for the tip (Arnaldo Slaen-ARG, wwdxc BC-DX Mar 17 via WORLD OF RADIO 1351, DXLD) 4754.95, 2320-0055, 15/16-03, R Huanta 2000, Huanta (tentative), Spanish fast talking all the time, mention of Colombia 0041; first 15111 improving to 25121 with very much QRN AP-DNK (Anker Petersen, Denmark, via Dario Monferini, playdx yg via DXLD) See also MICRONESIA [non] Doesn`t 2000 jump back and forth between these frequencies? (gh, DXLD) ** PERU. 4790, 0533 17 Feb, Radio Atlántida (Iquitos).In Spanish. Latin music with OM announcer ID. Sweeper QRM. First log of this station. Poor (Joe Wood, Greenback, TN USA., DX 390 and whip NZ DX Times via DXLD) Here`s another log, tho others think R. Visión is the only Peruvian active around this frequency. But he heard an ID for Atlántida, so? Even more confusion: following log was in frequency order between 4770 and 4930, so could be a typo for 4790 (gh, DXLD) 4890, 0750 2 March. 1 kW. Radio Atlántida. Iquitos. Spanish music and clear ID. Remarkable to listen to - both of us logged it. (FG/PG) (Peter Grenfell (PG), Frank Glen (FG), Tiwai DXPedition, March NZ DX Times via DXLD) This report has some other `strange` logs, such as ``5010 1815 ZNBC Lusaka. Local language style programme. Fair signal. (PA)`` (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Ciao! Stamattina dalle 0520 alle 0600 c'era solo Radio Visión 4790 kHz da Chiclayo, Perú, con LA VOZ DE SALVACION con interviste a "miracolati" (!!!) e Huaynos religiosi superPALLOSI da 10/12 minuti l'uno !!! segnale buono....... fade out dopo le 0600! Ciao (Serginho Nuzzi, Italy? Via Dario Monferini, playdx yg via DXLD) ** POLAND [non]. Radio Polonia has a name change and now identifies as Polskie Radio DLA Zagranicy. The station broadcasts on about 30 SW frequencies via transmitters at Nauen, Wertachtal, Issoudun, Montsinery and Monte Carlo through DTK. Various languages including English and many are well heard here. Under League verification rule 14 all QSLs received can now qualify as new verifications. Polskie Radio DLA Zagranicy verifies with a full data QSL card direct or can be verified via DTK (Ian Cattermole, SW Report, March NZ DX Times via DXLD) Isn`t DLA just a preposition? Why is it in all-caps? So under that rule any change in station name, even with everything else the same, makes it a new station? Perhaps changing it to dla will do that once again (Glenn Hauser, DXLD) ** PORTUGAL. This is the A07 of our RDPi as arrived y/day, 19th inst.: Europe UTC kHz kW º Mon-Fri 0500-0800 7240 300 45 0645-0800 11950 250 55 0800-1200 12020 300 45 1600-1900 11905 300 45 1900-2300* 9820 300 45 Sat+Sun 0700-1355 12020 300 45 0830-1000 11995 250 55 1400-2000 11905 300 45 1900-2300* 9820 300 45 ME+India Mon-Fri only 1300-1500 15770 100 81.5 Africa Mon-Fri 1000-1200 21830 100 142 1600-1900 17680 300 144 1900-2300* 11945 300 144 Sat+Sun 0700-1700 15160 300 144 1000-1700 21830 100 142 1700-2000 17680 300 144 1900-2300 11945* 300 144 N Amer. Mon-Fri 1200-2300* 15560 300 300 2300-0200 9715 300 300 Sat+Sun 1200-2000 15560 300 300 2000-2300 15560 300 300 NW SoAm. Mon-Fri only 2300-0200 13700 100 261 SoAm+WAfr Mon-Fri 1000-1200 15575 300 226 1600-1900 21655 300 226 1900-2000* 21655 300 226 2000-2300* 15295 300 226 Sat+Sun 0700-1000 12000 300 226 1000-2000 21655 300 226 2000-2300* 15295 300 226 *) extra b/casts, typically for sport, major rlgs. events. Pwrs. used: 100/300 kW - RDP, CEOC-Centro Emissor de Onda Curta, São Gabriel; 4x300 kW, 4x100 kW (old reserve units) NB: the listed 100 kW pwr. for the ME+India, Africa-142º & NW SoAm b/casts originates from a 300 kW tx due to antenna limitations only. 250 kW - Pro-Funk GmbH, Sines The b/cast to NW SoAm, VEN in particular, was again dropped on Sat+Sun As usual, the attached doc. was modified by yours truly and some details were added. 73, (Carlos Gonçalves, Portugal, March 20, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** RUSSIA. March 19 at 1349 I noticed some hi-pitched time pips on 15000, on top of WWV/H. There was no announcement until 1350, but some pips were doubled or skipped. Then from 1350 added rapid pips between each second, maybe 10 of them –-- I think this is some kind of binary code, which some timesignal stations do. This was still the case until 1400 when replaced by a continuous carrier. Meanwhile, I realized this was actually centered on 14996, so it must be one of the Russians. Finally at 1409:20 ID repeated several times in code as RWM, which is Moscow. From 1410 the pips every second, some of them double, resumed (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** RUSSIA [and non]. A07 Voice of Russia. World Russian Service. To Europe : 0100-0200 - 603, 936 1200-1300 - 936, 999A, 1431, 1548 1300-1400 - 558, 9450DRM 1700-1800 - 603, 630, 693, 1431, 1575, 9480**, 11630* 1900-2000 - 612M, 1215, 9480**, 11630* 2000-2100 - 999A, 1215, 9795 To Ukraine and Moldavia 2000-2100 - 999§¡ 1200-1300 - 936, 999§¡, 1431 To Baltic countries 1700-1800 - 9480**, 11630*; 1900-2000 - 9480**, 11630* To Near and Middle East 0100-0200 - 648, 972, 1314, 1503 1200-1300 - 1143 1300-1400 - 15540 1500-1600 - 1251, 7130**, 12055, 13650* 1700-1800 - 13885, 15540 2000-2100 - 7165**, 12055* To Africa 0100-0200 - 7330 1300-1400 - 15540 1700-1800 - 15540 To Australia and New Zealand 1200-1400 - 12030 To North America 0100-0200 - 5900B, 9515, 9880C, 9860, 15425 0200-0300 - 6250, 7150, 12010, 12030 To Latin America 0100-0200 - 5900B, 6180C, 7260 0200-0300 - 5900B, 6180C, 7260, 7330D To Asia 0100-0300 - 15735DRM 1200-1300 - 1143, 9640, 9745, 12030 1300-1400 - 9745, 12030 1500-1600 - 1251, 12055 To Middle Asia 0100-0200 - 648, 972, 1503 1200-1300 - 1143 1300-1400 - 1251, 15660 To South-East Asia 1200-1300 - 7165, 12030 1300-1400 - 7165, 12030, 15660 To Caucasian region 2000-2200 - 7285 A) - From 1 April B) - From 1 August §³) - Till 31 July D) - Plus to Atlantica M) - For Moscow *) - Till 1 September **) - From 2 September E-MAIL: postru @ ruvr.ru WEB : http://www.ruvr.ru (Pavel Mikhaylov, Moscow, RusDX March 19 via DXLD) ** SAUDI ARABIA [and non]. Monitored 17660 again March 19 with Afropop music distraxion from Gabon at 1430; by 1438 I could hear some SAH on it; strangely, Afropop ran open carrier from 1440 and I wondered if they were about to close down, but resumed music at 1446. At 1448 the Saudi SAH became quite heavy as their French broadcast was joined (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** SERBIA [non non]. [this should have appeared in an earlier issue, the first news we had about the site actually in use, in the dxldyg] Dear Wolfy, Glenn, and DXers, Today (03/15/2007) I phoned Intl R Serbia SW site Stubline near Obrenovac, Serbia (destroyed in NATO bombing 1999) and here are some latest news: - SW site Obrenovac-Stubline, Serbia INDEED currently BROADCASTING 1400-2200 UTC on 6100 kHz WITH A MOBILE TRANSMITTER WITH 10 kW ONLY!!! - SW site Bijeljina-Jabanusa, Bosnia currently NOT BROADCASTING because of some repairs. The broadcast via Bijeljina WILL RESUME in a 3 months period !!!! Best regards & many 73s! (Dragan Lekic from Subotica, Serbia dxldyg via WORLD OF RADIO 1351, DXLD) Re: 6100 kHz INTERNATIONAL RADIO SERBIA Transmitters See also some statements from Radio Serbia director Milena Jokic, quoted in the item from March 8 at http://www.radioyu.org/Fokus/GermanFokus.htm (probably a similar one appears somewhere in their English section, too): For the first time in years we were able to get a decent budget, at present we're broadcasting from Stubline and thanks to investments it could soon be possible for our shortwave centre at Bijeljina to resume its work. We will work with full force, we again have the old airtimes, and in the meantime we hope that the law on Radio Serbia will be enacted soon (Kal ludwig, March 17, dxldyg WORLD OF RADIO 1351, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** SERBIA. BOSNIA [non], 6100 International Radio Serbia. Wie schon vermutet, International Radio Serbia sendet seit einigen Monaten ueber einen mobilen Ersatzsender vom ansonsten zerbombten alten Radio Belgrade Standort Obrenovac STUBLINE in Serbien, mit einer mini Leistung von 10 kW. Deshalb wurden die Aussendungen seit 6 Monaten auch nur sehr, sehr selten mit dem Pausenzeichen von Radio Jugoslawien aufgenomen. Paul Gager und Michel Aubier hatten sehr spitze Ohren und konnten das Signal kurz ueber der Grasnarbe hoeren. Der Sender Stubline wurde Jahrzehnte lang bis zur NATO Bombardierung in 1999 fuer das Relay des Inlandsdienstes Radio Belgrad auf 7200 oder 9505 kHz eingesetzt, \\ 683/684 kHz MW. (wb, wwdxc BC-DX Mar 16 via DXLD) Meine Empfangsberichte sind nach Belgrad unterwegs. Bei Antwort waere dann SERBIEN als ADDX Land bestaetigt (Paul Gager-AUT, Mar 15, ibid.) "International Radio Serbia" is the follower of former "Radio Jugoslavija". And "Programm scheme" of http://www.radioyu.org/index.php3?language=German shows the usage of a 250 kW unit s t i l l at Bijeljina Bosnia. But I have my doubts, because POWERFUL signal on 6100 kHz left the air in last summer 2006. And now and then, some SWListening people in Europe noted a very tiny - like 5 kW signal - on 6100 kHz via a supposed to be non-directional fountain antenna, even the "International Radio Serbia" program content could N O T be decoded, mostly the old R Yugoslavia interval signal observed in signal peaks. The signal is N O T an effective one, like the former Radio Belgrade outlets on 7200 or 9505 a decade ago. The latest ITU Geneva list from December 2006 (see as .exe attachment): http://www.itu.int/ITU-R/terrestrial/broadcast/hf/refdata/reftables/ shows both Stubline BEO Beograd SCG 44N34 020E09 and BIJ Bijeljina BIH 44N41 019E09 See the Radio Serbia entries in A-07 season table: 7200 0000-2400 27-29,37-39 BEO 10 0 0 925 1234567 250307 281007 scc SCG YRT YRT 9505 0000-2400 27-29,37-39 BEO 10 0 0 925 1234567 250307 281007 scc SCG YRT YRT I have an inquiry to you: May you can contact the former "Radio Srbije I Crne Gore"/"Radio Televizja Srbije" Stubline site by telephone at 381 11 879 02 90 ?? and ask the engineering personel, if the "International Radio Serbia" 6100 kHz outlets shifted from Bijeljina Jabanusa B A C K to Stubline site (former 7200/9505 domestic outlets) ??? (wb, Mar 10, wwdxc BC-DX Mar 19 via DXLD) Your doubts are well founded. (...) I tried to check the actual situation. Though I haven't managed to actually contact people in International Radio Serbia, an old friend, who was working in the TANJUG news agency as a technician on their SW transmitter site, confirmed that Bijeljina site is no longer operational, ever since the central broadcast licensing authority in Bosnia and Herzegovina stopped former Radio Yugoslavia from using the site. Of course, I will try to recheck the actual state of affairs with someone inside Radio Serbia. You may be aware that International Radio Serbia is practically in a "limbo" status, because it is now just a part of the Serbian state broadcaster. Recently they lost a local FM outlet in Belgrade area following a redistribution of FM channels, because the state broadcaster was allowed to keep just a fraction of its former FM network following the closure of the tender for national FM licenses. Funding is getting scarce, and as International Radio Serbia can no longer rely on "federal" funding (as was the case until Montenegro left the state union), its future status is not certain. Stubline site, as you have noted, also suffered some destruction in 1999, not as extensive as the Radio Belgrade main MW site on 684 kHz, but enough to make it much less effective than before. Very probably, the actual equipment used now on 6100 kHz isn't able to produce a better signal than the one observed now (Igor from Serbia, March 14, wwdxc BC-DX Mar 19 via WORLD OF RADIO 1351, DXLD) 08.03.2007. - Der 71. Jahrestag der Gruendung von Radio Serbien (Jugoslawien) --- Das Internationale Radio Serbien (Radio Jugoslawien), der einzige Rundfunkdiffussender im Land, der mittels kurzer Wellen sein Programm in 12 Sprachen in alle Teile der Welt ausstrahlt, feierte heute den 71. Geburtstag. Ein Bericht von Jelica Tapuskovic. . . http://www.radioyu.org/Fokus/GermanFokus.htm (via BC-DX March 19 via DXLD) ** SINGAPORE [non]. GERMANY. AWR via Wertachtal in English with Wavescan heard on new 15495 at 1215 3/18, SIO 343; from 3/25 it will be using 15320 (Joe Hanlon, NJ, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** SOUTH AFRICA. Channel Africa`s morning announcer seems to be under the very mistaken impression she is broadcasting on 9620. Once again March 19 at 0518 on 9685 the ID mentioned only 9620 for ``V. of the African Renaissance``! Going by EiBi, I previously remarked that 9620 would not be on the air until 0700. Correct, but not really in English. Confirmed at Channel Africa`s own site http://www.channelafrica.org/portal/site/channelafrica/menuitem.55105713e14905292aca35505401aeb9/ 9620 at 0700 will be in Chinyanja, and no English on it until 10-12 and 14-16 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** SURINAME. 4989.98, R. Apintie, 0725-0758 18 March, nonstop romantic ballads. Finally simply slightly shouted R. Apintie ID at 0756, then back to music. Haven’t heard this lately and apparently it`s been off about 5 weeks. Fair with a lot of 4985 [Brasil] slop QRM. 73 (Dave Valko, Dunlo PA, HCDX via DXLD) ** TAIWAN. Trying to get f/d QSLs with site: see CHINA [and non] ** TURKEY. VOT managed to bring up the correct frequency, March 19 at 1329, IS heard on 12035 prior to opening English. Nothing audible on // 11735, however, so maybe that transmitter was still on the previous hour`s frequency. See also ECUADOR (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U K [non]. Was able to hear BBC in Mandarin at 1500 3/18 with TS, ID and fanfare, into news, on 15285 via Kranji; later check had English Teaching show until sign-off 1529. SIO 343, and no jamming was noted here -- did Firedrake jammer take a day off? I did note Firedrake somewhere on 25 mb after 1530, can't recall which frequency it was (Joe Hanlon, NJ, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. WTJC, 9370, March 19 at 1325 with a preacher, was overmodulated, distorted and splattering; worse, putting out a distorted spur around 9270; recheck at 1519 it was centered at 9280, and 9370 even more distorted than earlier. At neither time did I find a spur to match on the hi side around 9460 or 9470. So I notified the FBN CE who promptly replied he was working on it. Not rechecked here until 2200 when the spurs were not audible (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 990 open for DX tonite in Atlantic Northeast Hi all, WNTP, 990, Philadelphia, will shut-down tonight at 12 AM Eastern for Antenna system work and sign back on by 6 AM tomorrow morning. [so OFF at 0400-1000 UT Tuesday March 20] Also, WNTP will be operating for the rest of the week at 12.5 KW Non-Directional during daytime hours while we reconfigure the daytime phasor for changes to our pattern. 73, (Rene` F. Tetro, Lansdale, PA, USA, W2FIL, WPXG816, WPXU288, Moderator: http://www.radioveronica.us and http://www.dxhub.com March 19, IRCA via DXLD) I should note that WALE-990 [RI] is off the air at this time, and probably will be until they save up a few more pennies to toss at the electric company (Craig Healy, Providence, RI, ibid.) [this was posted in advance on the dxldyg] ** URUGUAY. Amigos, SODRE tambien escuchada nuevamente en Brasil : 9620, 19/03 0947, Radiodifusión Nacional SODRE, Montevideo, identificação com YL "Somos Radio Uruguay, 1050 AM y Emisora del Sur 1240 AM, Radiodifusión Nacional SODRE, desde Montevideo para todo el País", programa Informe Nacional Primera Edición, 34433. Audio da Identificação : http://scassio.multiply.com/music/item/161 73 (Samuel Cássio Martins, São Carlos-SP, Brasil, condig list via WORLD OF RADIO 1351, DXLD) ** VATICAN [non]. March 19 at 1313 I noted the perpetual collision between Vatican Radio via RVA Philippines and Radio Australia on 6020, VR IS just before closing; tuning on up the band, VR IS again on 6140 at 1314. This was not a Palauig QSY, but instead via Chita, Russia per HFCC. WRTH 2007 shows 6020 is Mandarin until 1330, but they must have guessed wrong since VR refuses to publish the ending times of its broadcasts; 6140 Vietnamese (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** VENEZUELA. SINTONIA DX 15 AÑOS EN EL AIRE Saludos cordiales queridos colegas diexistas. Espero que se encuentren muy bien. Queridos amigos, hoy me siento muy feliz porque mi querido programa Sintonía DX arriba a su aniversario número 15 a través de Ondas Porteñas, hoy Unión Radio Deportes 640. Quiero agradecer a todos los que en estos 15 años han estado siempre con nosotros enviando sus colaboraciones y así mismo agradecer a las emisoras internacionales que siempre nos premian con sus programas, los cuales radiodifundimos con mucho cariño. Este año la celebración como ha sido desde que salimos al año por primera vez en 1992 ha sido triple, nuestro cumpleaños el 14 de Marzo, dia de San José hoy 19 de Marzo y los 15 años de Sintonía DX hoy tambien 19 de Marzo, y para celebrarlo en grande, hoy 19 de Marzo del año 2007, estaremos a las 1900 UT por el canal 19 correspondiente a la frecuencia 27635 en modo usb en la banda de los 11 metros haciendo una transmisión especial via onda corta donde estaré recordando o comentando algunas cosas sobre este querido programa que forma parte de mi vida diexista; estaré de 1900 a 2000 UT por la frecuencia mencionada y aquellos colegas que logren reportar la señal de Sintonía DX participaran en un concurso que haré al finalizar la hora de transmisión, el premio consistirá en un pequeño receptor analogico de onda corta, asi que espero la participación de los colegas interesados. El correo para reportar la señal de Sintonía DX es: sintoniadx @ gmail.com el cual permanecerá abierto para ir informando lo que se reciba. Cabe señalar que el dia de ayer estuve haciendo transmisiones de prueba y mi señal fue captada en Mexico, Brasil, Argentina y España, veremos como nos premia la propagación hoy 19 de Marzo. Queridos amigos reciban todos un abrazo cariñoso. atte: (José Elías Díaz Gómez, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** VENEZUELA [non]. Hola a todos: Acabo de escuchar, a las 2250 UT de hoy domingo, un espacio corto, en rigor un microespacio, a través del Canal Internacional de Radio Nacional de Venezuela, llamado "Contacto con los Diexistas". Se dio lectura y acuse de recepcion de tres cartas recibidas desde Finlandia (1) y Suecia (2). Se reportaba la escucha de la emisora en todos los casos en la frecuencia de 1310 kHz, en la onda media. No se dijo nada acerca del envio de QSL´s. Luego, se dedicó un par de minutos a revisar en qué consiste el Código SINPO. 73 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina, March 18, bclnews.it yg via DXLD) WTFK? At that hour presumably 11670 via Cuba. Could it be at the station they are not aware they are on SW via Cuba? (gh, DXLD) ** YEMEN. 5950, Sana'a Radio verified an e-mail follow up report with a full data electronic reply in 80 days from v/s Ali Ahmed Tashy ali_tashy @ yahoo.com who encouraged further reports (Rich D'Angelo, PA, DXplorer Mar 18 via BC-DX March 19, via DXLD) How long ago was that? Are they currently active on this frequency? WRTH shows 03-13; PWBR 03-15, in either case totally blocked here by WYFR/RTI, and it`s daytime only in Yemen. PWBR says 300 kW, WRTH no power. HFCC says 300 kW ND; Aoki says 03-14 with 50 kW ND. Not in EiBi. Was not in A-06 ILG, remember that? (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST) UNIDENTIFIED. Sunday March 18 at 2352 UT hearing something on 8989.1 USB. M speaking Spanish, seems religious. Not very strong, and moderate QRN from 2-way communications in Spanish on 8990 USB, but can make out many mentions of "en el nombre de Jesus," and also mentions of "en esta frecuencia," "este programa," and "servicio de la palabra." Anyone else hear this/have any idea of what it is? (Alex Vranes, Jr., Harpers Ferry, WV, FRG-100B + 200-ft. dipole, dxldyg via WORLD OF RADIO 1351, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Again hearing something here 3/19/07 at 2310 UT. Even a little weaker than yesterday, but can make out M speaking in Spanish, and have heard several mentions of "Dios," which again leads me to believe is religious in nature. Odd choice of frequency, though. Maybe directed to the pescadores, who operate in the 8850-9000 kHz range? BTW, was gone yesterday by 0025 recheck. Still on at 2357 today. Have to leave for a while now, so now doubt will be gone by the time I get back. Anybody else hearing this? (Alex Vranes, WV, WORLD OF RADIO 1351, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) Fair to good signal here in Italy with a live public sermon (voices from participants also heard in the background). Seemingly a little bit stronger on the southwest lobe of my K9AY (Renato Bruni http://www.radioascolto.org/html/index.php 2338 March 19 WORLD OF RADIO 1351, ibid.) Felicitaciones Renato and good listening! You got it right. From so far as Italy you are able to pick up those low power transmitters at sea and I only can attribute that to your K9AY. I have read great articles about it. I think our Portuguese pal Carlos Gonçalves is using one of those rigs. So, I'm seriously considering to build me one. 73 (Raúl Saavedra, Costa Rica, ibid.) Raul, you should. My K9AY gave me a lot of fun in the last 4 years. I have uploaded a recording of the greetings between the preacher and the crews, you can hear it here: http://www.sendspace.com/file/1r7e6g Thanks a lot for providing some info on such informal network (Renato Bruni, ibid.) Hey, maybe it`s that Canary Islands church rediscovered? Used to be on 6 MHz outofband. Anything in Korean? (Glenn, WORLD OF RADIO 1351, ibid.) No, Glenn. It's in Spanish. "Oraciones" right now. It's quite readable here, but unfortunately [not] any detail useful for identification has been given. They are closing right now and it's clearly aimed to Spanish-speaking fishers, as they're greeting each other in a QSO- style with some name of ship mentioned. Maybe mentions Venezuela and Nicaragua where heard (Renato Bruni, Italy, WORLD OF RADIO 1351, ibid.) 100% Alex! Hope when you come back your inquiries are clarified with this. 8989 is now the gathering frequency for a growing group of Christian fishermen, mostly from Caribbean Nicaragua, who got to struggle day by day a tough living and in some way is heathen people who hardly can talk without cursing and saying bad words. So one of them by the name of Mauricio Coronado was teaching about eternity and after praying, they ended with salutations from other colleagues from Lancha Antorcha, and even a guy from Venezuela who I copied marginal. That ended after 0000 and invitation was made to QSY to 8962, for more talking among brothers, with same clear and good signal. 73 (Raúl Saavedra, Costa Rica, WORLD OF RADIO 1351, ibid.) Hi, Renato, Glenn, and Raul! Just got back home 0215, and saw all the replies! Thanx to you all for your help. Glenn, you know I did think of the Canaries station, but I remembered it was in Korean. And to our friend in Italy Renato, I'm surprised you could hear them with such a signal from so far away. It's been barely audible here near the top of the largest hill in this area using a 200-ft. (about 60.9-m.) dipole hung about 20-25 ft. or so above the ground. A very excellent logging for your location in Europe of an apparently very low-power signal. And finally, to our dear amigo costaricense (Did I get that right? My knowledge of Spanish is very limited!) Raul, thanx so very much for helping to ID this. I kind of thought it was not really a general broadcasting station, and maybe directed to the pescadores who operate in this general area of the band, and you've now confirmed this. (BTW, several weekends ago, I believe on a Sunday, I heard a station in this area, I think it was around 8937 USB or so, broadcasting in Portuguese. It sounded like a Brazilian with futebol match, and I thought probably also a relay directed to fishermen, but didn't have time to copy details or submit a logging. So this might be an area to watch on weekends.) Thanx everyone! 73's. (Alex Vranes, WORLD OF RADIO 1351, ibid.) Raul, Is there a name for this net? Specific schedule? Is there ever any music? Are there ever any legal IDs? If not, would qualify as pirates. 73, (Glenn, WORLD OF RADIO 1351, ibid.) Hi Glenn, I think they mentioned a name, not being sure I'll have to check again tomorrow. Guess they gather at sunset, around 1700 local (2300z) as Alex has been reporting from last Sunday. And no music AFA I heard. They occasionally go on the air in a 2 way mode commenting how fishing is behaving among other topics. So they can talk about politics, women, family and why not, Bible teachings and prayers, altho this is the first time I hear them about it. Honestly I can't tell if by doing so they would be regarded as pirates, and the question is, what are they violating? 73. (Raúl Saavedra, Costa Rica, WORLD OF RADIO 1351, ibid.) FYI, I searched the 7,479 posts in the UDXF yg on 8989, and got only three hits, one of which concerned a voice log: (gh) 08989.0 OMB: unID Belgian AF station 1215 USB working CH05 [BAF C- 130], reporting company reinforcements with Volvo trucks west of the runway at St Hubert airfield. Freq fading, qsy back to YD = 4745.0 - exercise Quick Response 06. (RRE) (22SEP06) Regards, (Ronald Rensen, The Netherlands, UDXF yg via DXLD) UNIDENTIFIED. 10000, 1600, WWVH wiped out by commercial Arabic station (Neville McKenty, Napier, NRD 545 with various aerials, March NZ DX Times via DXLD) No dates are published for this or any utility logs; why? I doubt it`s commercial; more likely a non-commercial governmental broadcaster, such as R. Cairo as in 7-019 (Glenn Hauser, DXLD) UNIDENTIFIED. NO IDENTIFICADA, 18880 kHz, No Identificada, 17-03-07, 1635-1646 UT. Comentarios de locutor con música de fondo, en árabe. SINPO 55555 (Javier Robledillo Jaén - Elche (Alicante) España, Rx: Sangean ATS909 - Ant: Telescópica EA5-1028, Noticias DX via DXLD) One naturally thinx of a possible harmonic from 9440 --- but the only thing on the lists at that hour is Beijing with minority service, which would not be in Arabic (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ UNSOLICITED TESTIMONIALS ++++++++++++++++++++++++ Keep up the great work. You provide a bottomless treasure trough of useful and interesting info for our hobby. 73s (Jim Pogue, KH2AR/WPE9HLJ/KG6DX1A Memphis, Tennessee USA) No doubt you are keeping an eye on DXLD for all the latest Schedules, many thanks to Glenn Hauser as always (Ken Fletcher-0702UTC- 19th March 2007, BDXC-UK) DIGITAL BROADCASTING DRM: see CANADA; ECUADOR; GUIANA FRENCH; MEXICO; ++++++++++++++++++++ NETHERLANDS; NEW ZEALAND; RUSSIA. IBOC: BRAZIL PROPAGATION +++++++++++ A recurrent coronal hole high-speed stream disturbed the geomagnetic field during 12 – 17 March. Field activity ranged from quiet to minor storm levels during the disturbance with brief periods of major to severe storm detected at high latitudes during 12 – 13 March. ACE near-real-time solar wind data indicated the high-speed stream commenced on 11 March accompanied by a solar sector boundary shift (away to toward), increased velocities (peak 739 km/sec at 13/0404 UTC), increased proton densities (peak 49 p/cc at 11/1722 UTC), and increased IMF variability (peak total field intensity 11 nT at 11/1812 UTC; peak southward Bz -9 nT at 11/0913 UTC). Field activity decreased to quiet to unsettled levels during 17 – 18 March as the high-speed stream subsided. FORECAST OF SOLAR AND GEOMAGNETIC ACTIVITY 21 MARCH - 16 APRIL 2007 Solar activity is expected to continue at very low levels. No proton events are expected at geosynchronous orbit. The greater than 2 MeV electron flux at geosynchronous orbit is expected to reach high levels during 21 – 22 March, 28 - 31 March, 03 – 07 April, and 10 – 16 April. Geomagnetic field activity is expected to be at quiet to unsettled levels through 25 March. Activity is expected to increase to unsettled to active levels during 26 – 28 March with minor storm levels possible at high latitudes on 27 March due to a recurrent coronal hole high- speed stream. Quiet to unsettled conditions are expected during 29 March – 01 April. Activity is expected to increase to unsettled to minor storm levels during 02 – 03 April with major storm periods possible at high latitudes due to a recurrent coronal hole high-speed stream. Activity is expected to decrease to quiet to unsettled levels during 04 – 07 April. Activity is expected to increase to unsettled to minor storm levels during 08 – 10 April with major storm periods possible at high latitudes due to a recurrent coronal hole high-speed stream. Quiet to unsettled conditions are expected for the remainder of the period. :Product: 27-day Space Weather Outlook Table 27DO.txt :Issued: 2007 Mar 20 2224 UTC # Prepared by the US Dept. of Commerce, NOAA, Space Environment Center # Product description and SEC contact on the Web # http://www.sec.noaa.gov/wwire.html # # 27-day Space Weather Outlook Table # Issued 2007 Mar 20 # # UTC Radio Flux Planetary Largest # Date 10.7 cm A Index Kp Index 2007 Mar 21 70 5 2 2007 Mar 22 75 5 2 2007 Mar 23 75 8 3 2007 Mar 24 75 8 3 2007 Mar 25 75 5 2 2007 Mar 26 75 10 3 2007 Mar 27 75 15 3 2007 Mar 28 75 10 3 2007 Mar 29 75 5 2 2007 Mar 30 75 5 2 2007 Mar 31 75 5 2 2007 Apr 01 75 10 3 2007 Apr 02 75 20 4 2007 Apr 03 75 15 3 2007 Apr 04 75 5 2 2007 Apr 05 70 5 2 2007 Apr 06 70 5 2 2007 Apr 07 70 10 3 2007 Apr 08 70 15 3 2007 Apr 09 70 20 4 2007 Apr 10 70 15 3 2007 Apr 11 70 10 3 2007 Apr 12 70 10 3 2007 Apr 13 70 5 2 2007 Apr 14 70 5 2 2007 Apr 15 70 5 2 2007 Apr 16 70 5 2 (http://www.sec.noaa.gov/radio via WORLD OF RADIO 1351, DXLD) ###