DX LISTENING DIGEST 7-039, March 26, 2007 Incorporating REVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL BROADCASTING edited by Glenn Hauser, http://www.worldofradio.com Items from DXLD may be reproduced and re-reproduced only if full credit be maintained at all stages and we be provided exchange copies. DXLD may not be reposted in its entirety without permission. Materials taken from Arctic or originating from Olle Alm and not having a commercial copyright are exempt from all restrictions of noncommercial, noncopyrighted reusage except for full credits For restrixions and searchable 2007 contents archive see http://www.worldofradio.com/dxldmid.html For restrixions and searchable 2006 contents archive see http://www.worldofradio.com/dxldmid6.html NOTE: If you are a regular reader of DXLD, and a source of DX news but have not been sending it directly to us, please consider yourself obligated to do so. Thanks, Glenn FIRST SHORTWAVE AIRINGS OF WORLD OF RADIO 1352: Wed 2200 WBCQ 7415 Wed 2300 WBCQ 17495-CLSB [ex-18910; please confirm] Thu 1430 WRMI 7385 Thu 1500 KAIJ 9480 [or last week`s has been airing here] Fri 1130 KAIJ 5755 [do] Fri 2030 WWCR 15825 WORLD OF RADIO, CONTINENT OF MEDIA, MUNDO RADIAL SCHEDULE: Latest edition of this schedule version, including AM, FM, satellite and webcasts with hotlinks to station sites and audio, is at: http://www.worldofradio.com/radioskd.html For updates see our Anomaly Alert page: http://www.worldofradio.com/anomaly.html WRN ON DEMAND: http://new.wrn.org/listeners/stations/station.php?StationID=24 OUR ONDEMAND AUDIO [also CONTINENT OF MEDIA, MUNDO RADIAL] http://www.worldofradio.com/audiomid.html or http://wor.worldofradio.org WORLD OF RADIO PODCASTS: www.obriensweb.com/wor.xml DX/SWL/MEDIA PROGRAMS Mar 27: http://www.worldofradio.com/dxpgms.html ** ABKHAZIA. Re 7-038, Apsua Radio: Checked on 9494.745 at 0650 UT too, also at 1733 UT on 9494.811 kHz, all Mar 22. wb (Wolfgang Büschel, Germany, BCDX via DXLD) ** AFGHANISTAN. 6700, 1855-1915, 23-03, R. Solh, Bagram Air Base, vernacular announcement, Afghan songs 25333. Also heard 0140 on 24-03 (Anker Petersen, Denmark, via Dario Monferini, DXLD) ** AFGHANISTAN [non]. R. Solh, on 17700 [via UK], 1457 26 March, music till 1458. "The song" at 1458 till 1500 / heard time pip at 1500. ID shortly after. Into other music. The male announcer sounds like an American speaking Dari or Pashto. Fairly good here for night path in this band. Will spend some time to get the languages, and try to record "the song". Our local Afghan employees will tell me what it is. They say this kind of group music is common here. Will spend some time on this one. Heard past 1514 (David Norcross, Kabul, Afghanistan, new Sony SW7600GR and AN1 antenna, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** ALBANIA. 7465 2000 2030 27 234567 250307 281007 D ENGLISH 7465 transmission works fine, little fading, no interference at all. S9+20 dB. The very late registered 9390 outlet suffers severe 800 Hertz whistle interference by an unknown station on 9389.21 kHz, like SINPO 2-3 2332. 31 mb signals skip over my head, and is meant for listener audience far north or east in Scotland and Scandinavia. 73 (Wolfgang Büschel, Stuttgart, Germany, March 26, monitoring report to R. Tirana, via DXLD) Checking the broadcasts to NAm UT March 27: late addition 9460 for Albanian at 2300-2430 collides with Cairo in Arabic; Tirana should shift up to 9465 or down to 9455 which are empty here. English at 0145 on 6115 has het, probably Peru, while 6120 is empty (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** ALGERIA. ARGELIA. Un chequeo efectuado el 26 de Marzo a Radio Argelia a las 1900 UT en 9765 en paralelo por 11810 con emisión en árabe, este servicio se prolongó hasta las 2000 UT, SINPO 55555. El servicio en español de Radio Argel sólo en internet desde las 1930 hasta las 1958. En inglés desde las 1900 hasta las 1930. El programa en español está conducido por una locutora con boletín de noticias nacionales e internacionales, pronóstico del tiempo, locutor con noticias deportivas. Se identifica como “Radio Argelia Internacional, nuestra voz en el mundo” (José Miguel Romero, Spain, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** BELGIUM [non]. Radio Vlaanderen International A-07 shortwave schedule, all in Dutch (Flemish). South and Southeast Europe: 0600-0700 UT 13685 1700-1800 UT 13685 South and Southwest Europe: 0700-0800 UT 9590 1800-1900 UT 9590 From brochure received from RVI in mail. No transmitter sites given (Bernie O'Shea, Ottawa, Ontario, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 13685 is Moscow at 240 degrees; 9590 is Skelton at 180 degrees (gh) ** BELIZE [non]. Glenn, Clarification over TWR 'Belize' as in 7-038. David Morris writes: Award yourself a prize if you noticed the error perpetrated by your OTD Editor in the article on the inside back page of March's Communication. My only excuse is that in the warm pub on a wet night, with excellent company and a few beers, Benin sounds like Belize! TWR, as DAVID SHORE politely reminded me, is starting in Benin, and not Central America ! Oops! ('Open To Discussion', BDXC Communication, April 2007 via Chris Brand, General Editor, Communication, BDXC, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** BRAZIL. BRASIL – Depois do idioma espanhol, chegou a vez do inglês. Agora, a Rádio Tupi, de Curitiba (PR), está transmitindo os cultos religiosos do missionário David Miranda com tradução para o idioma de Shakespeare. Foi o que o colunista acompanhou, em Porto Alegre (RS), em 18 de março, às 1927, pela freqüência de 9565 kHz (Célio Romais, Brasil, Panorama, via Conexión Digital March 25 via DXLD) As any native speaker of contemporary English can tell you, the language has changed a lot in the past 400 years, such that the idiom of Shakespeare is not easy to understand fully. I should be very surprised if the translator for this gospel huxter speaks Shakespearean. And I am sure Spanish has changed just as much since Cervantes, or Portuguese since Camões, especially in Brasil, so perhaps it is about time to retire these outdated referents (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** BRAZIL. BRASIL - A Anatel prorrogou até o dia 26 de setembro de 2007 o prazo para que a Rádio Bandeirantes, de São Paulo (SP), realize testes pelo sistema de radiodifusão sonora In-Band On-Channel – IBOC, pela freqüência de 820 kHz, em ondas médias. A medida foi publicada, em 16 de março, através do Ato nº 64.078, da agência reguladora. O mesmo prazo foi concedido para a Band News FM, que emite em 96,9 MHz, por meio do Ato nº 64.080, também editado em 16 de março. BRASIL – A Rádio Gazeta, de São Paulo (SP), permanece emitindo firme e forte em 15325 kHz, em 19 metros. Foi sintonizada, em Porto Alegre (RS), pelo colunista, em 25 de março, às 1910, quando transmitia músicas sertanejas e a identificação “Gazeta 8-9-0!”. BRASIL – A Rádio Inconfidência, de Belo Horizonte (MG), vai operar, em breve, com mais potência em 6010 kHz, na faixa de 49 metros. A informação foi dada na programação da emissora em 25 de março e ouvida pelo Édison Bocorny Jr., em Novo Hamburgo (RS). Atualmente, segundo ele, a Inconfidência emite com 5 kW (Célio Romais, Panorama, @tividade DX March 25 via DXLD) Great news for R. Mil, and LV de tu Conciencia, NOT (gh, DXLD) ** BRAZIL. S.O.S. Rádio Cultura SP - Aos Diretores do DX Clube. Pessoal, hoje a tarde, ouvia nos 40 metros, dois radioamadores. Por N razões não vou mencionar nomes e prefixos. O primeiro dizia ao segundo, que tem aumentado significativamente nos últimos anos, a presença de Broadcastings nas Ondas Curtas. Citou até a Rádio Bandeirantes de S. Paulo que ampliou seu sinal em uma ou duas bandas. (a Rádio Gazeta SP, também voltou aos 49 metros e 31 metros). O segundo, dizia-se surprezo, alegando que há muito não ouve ondas curtas e achava que estava diminuindo, e que inclusive tem informações de que a intenção latente na RÁDIO CULTURA DE SÃO PAULO (fundação Padre Anchieta) é tirar do ar todas suas emissões em Ondas Curtas. (que eu sabia ela tem sinal nos 49 metros, retransmiste a programação da FM, e nos 31 metros, retransmite o sinal da AM). Então meus caros colegas de lista, e caros Diretores do DX clube e demais entidades que congregam radioescutas, e considerando que a RÁDIO CULTURA não é uma emissora particular, e sim pública, destinada a levar música de qualidade para seus ouvintes... e seria um contra-senso... o Governo Paulista, privar os habitantes do interior do Estado, de outros Estados e até do exterior, que há décadas são fiéis ouvintes de sua programação.... tirando o sinal delas (AM e FM) das Ondas Curtas... Também contra-senso, considerando que na esfera federal a RADIOBRÁS tem aumentado a potência e qualidade do sinal da Rádio Nacional do RIO, e da Rádio Nacional da Amazônia (300 kwatts)... Que tal agirmos todos juntos nessa empreitada? Primeiramente, o ideal seria os Clubes DX, como o que criou esta lista, poder de modo oficial cobrar informações do governo do Estado, de Deputados paulistas, SE tal 'rumor' procede e se tais medidas estariam para serem tomadas? O que não dá..., é só deixarmos para bater o bumbo depois que eventualmente tirarem a emissora das OC.... aí já vem alguém e responde que o transmissor foi vendido prá não sei onde... etc... e zé fini... taí ... fica a modesta sugestão para os decanos da lista! abs, EDSON SC. (E. S. Castro, Pu2Lhg, Jaú SP, March 23, radioescutas yg via DXLD) Rádio Cultura de São Paulo Caros amigos: Com relação a Rádio Cultura de São Paulo, Fundação Padre Anchieta o jornalista Ethevaldo Siqueira publicou em sua coluna no Jornal O Estado de São Paulo do dia 11 de março de 2.007, página B 10 um artigo sobre a TV Cultura e no final ele comentou sobre o rádio. No artigo ele comenta que as duas emissoras de rádio(AM e FM) viviam uma situação difícil e que o FM já praticamente em recuperação. Quanto ao AM diz o jornalista que enfrenta o problema de absolescência tecnológica, mas dentro de 30 a 60 dias terá novos equipamentos e novo sistema de transmissão instalado próximo à represa de Guarapiranga. Resta saber como fica as transmissões em ondas curtas (Cassiano Macedo, Programa Encontro DX. Rádio Aparecida - http://www.radioaparecida.com.br sábados ás 19:00 horas horário de Brasília, 22:00 horas UTC. Apresentação: Cassiano Macedo e José Moura, 20 anos no ar divulgando o hobby do rádio, March 26, radioescutas yg via DXLD) ** BULGARIA. Radio Bulgaria via Plovdiv-Padarsko transmitters on 11700 and 15700, wrapping up French at 1130 and continuing with English, suffers from distorted audio. As far as I can tell it sounds identical on both frequencies, so it appears that the problem arises in the audio chain before the transmitters (Kai Ludwig, Germany, March 26, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) 11700 is very bad, and I informed Ivo at Bulgarian radio already an hour ago (Wolfgang Büschel, 1207 UT March 26, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CANADA. 1609.88, CHHA "Voces Latinas," Toronto, ON; 0641-0737 25 March, 2007. Per David Crawford's log, blasting in with nonstop Spanish vocals (ritmo, bachatá, rumba, son, etc.) across top of hour. Quick male canned insert at 0732 with mention of "Voces Latina" then into English vocal ('N Sync, I think). Presume this is the mystery station I've had pieces of here for quite awhile, i.e. December 22 and 23, 2006 logs. And like DC's log, audio best in USB. Pleased to know that the CRTC is as lenient as the FCC on enforcing ID's and frequency adherence. At least the latter allows for being able to log this one so well from Florida. A pretty good feature on this one is at: http://www.travelandtransitions.com/insights/voces_latinas_interview.htm Note the four primary languages aired on this one (Terry L Krueger, Clearwater, Florida, USA, 27.55.83 N, 82.46.08 W, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CHINA. Shortly before 1100 the three strongest signals present on the 16 mb originated from --- of course, China: Powerhouse Kashi with English on 17490 and Chinese on 17650, the latter program also on somewhat weaker // 17540 from Beijing, leaving the air at 1059. After 1100 Kashi carried also Czech on 15225 where at 1106 suddenly a fast SAH erupted. Somebody testing a transmitter? (Kai Ludwig, Germany, March 26, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CONGO DR. This from Rich and Kathy McDonald, back in the saddle in Bukavu, Congo DR: "Though we are still getting over the air travel and colds, Becky and I got the SW on the air today at 2:15 PM, working gradually up to 1010 Watts. Then backed off to 900 watts to be conservative. Everything seems to work just right!! Early this morning we got a phone call from Gen. Dunia in Baraka asking if ours was a technical outage or what. We shared how HCJB had us bring the transmitter for repairs, that we had just returned, and hoped to be on the air that day. Very pleased, he thanked us for the Bible tracts we had sent him such as the one we wrote, "... juu ya Amani," Eternal Peace. We promised to send him more Bible study materials. All the team worked like family today, coming up with lists of listeners who had called in during our absence, stating how much R Kahuzi means to them. The director of the National Radio in Uvira near Bujumbura called many times indicating R Kahuzi was the only way they have had all these years, and now to complete their great outreach into the territories and countries to the South and East with the Bukavu news via our FM and SW signals. So they and the population are very, very happy today to be back in the know again!" The R Kahuzi transmitter is fixed and on the air, presumably still on nominal 6210 and still with same schedule. I never had my hoped-for interview with Rich and Kathy as Rich was sick with the flu almost the entire time they were here in Southern California (Bruce Churchill in DXplorer, Mar 11, via DSWCI DX Window March 21 via DXLD) ** COSTA RICA. 3350, 0550-0600*, 26-03, Radio Exterior de España, de nuevo en esta frecuecia durante el horario de verano, escuchada con buena señal, música, anuncio del programa deportivo "El Vestuario", que se transmite de lunes a viernes. Identificación, despedida de la programación para Centromárica y cierre a las 0600. 35333 (Manuel Méndez, Lugo, España, Escucha realizada en casco urbano de Lugo, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CROATIA. Re: New SW schedule of HRT Croatian Radio HS-1 via Deanovec since Mar 01: 0000-0457 on 6165 (010 kW / ND) New time, low power; 0500-0657 on 6165 (100 kW / ND) ex 0500-2400; 0700-1757 on 9830 (100 kW / ND) ex 0500-1800; 1800-2357 on 6165 (100 kW / ND). (Ivo Ivanov, via BC-DX, Mar 06) Heard 0657 closing on 6165 and starting on 9830, Mar 19. But two 100 kW transmitters were in use, as the open carrier on 6165 first disappeared at about 0708. At 1756* the transmitter on 9830 signed off and at *1800 6165 signed on. It was heard with fair signal until sign off at 2400*, but the 10 kW transmitter which continued the broadcast was only heard here in Denmark with 11331 under strong QRM from R Netherlands, Bonaire (Anker Petersen, DSWCI DX Window March 21 via DXLD) ** CUBA [and non]. 530, FLORIDA AIRSPACE, Radio Martí; *2200-2215 23 March, 2007. "Standard" Rebelde audio feed today (instead of Radio Cadena Habana), parallel 1180, 5025. Air Martí up at exactly 2200 with the usual Martí theme, ID, news. Briefly about equal level with Rebelde, then slowly slipping down. This log again on a local Friday, and no trace of Air Martí the following day at 2200+. 1550, CUBA, jammer; 0750-0758 25 March, 2007. Absolutely huge, rapid, consistent warble as reported by several others, but certainly not the same spastic "wobbler" pattern; clearly this is an intentional jammer with very different characteristics. But who's the target here, WAMI, Tampa with their pathetic night signal? Or are Arnie's Henchmen thinking WRHC, Coral Gables is still on 1550? (Terry L Krueger, Clearwater, Florida, USA, 27.55.83 N, 82.46.08 W, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** DOMINICA. In February, I passed the broadcasting house of the Dominica Broadcasting Corporation in Victoria Street, Roseau. This station is broadcasting on FM only nowadays, but their sign on top of the building still show their former frequency 590 AM! (Dirk Nehring, Burgrieden, Germany, DSWCI DX Window March 21 via DXLD) ** ETHIOPIA. Friends in East Africa tell me that Voice of the Tigray Revolution seems to have disappeared from its new frequencies of 5980 and 9650. Not heard since last week. Is anyone hearing them elsewhere on the dial? Thanks, Chris Greenway, UK, 1548 UT March 26, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) Checked here 26 March around 1630. I think they are on 9650; at least there is a station with similar talks and HOA music. 5980 was totally empty (Jari Savolainen, Kuusankoski, Finland, ibid.) Presumed V of Tigray Revolution audible here on 9650 from 1757 tune-in to (tent) 1900 close. Weak Horn of Africa music, talk (news?) 1801- 1809 then more local music with female announcer (+'phone-in requests?). Heard up to 1900, but by this time splatter from strong 9645 (Vatican) and 9655 making it a difficult copy anyhow (Alan Pennington, Caversham, UK, AOR 7030+ / longwire, ibid.) ** GREECE. At 0730-0740 UT this Monday, I heard the news bulletin from RFI, followed by the regular programme in French from Athens. The signal on 11645 was much weaker than yesterday. I presume Spanish will follow at 0800 UT (Jean-Michel Aubier, France, March 26, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) 11645: Yes, regular foreign service schedule of ERA 5 on air today March 26: noted English at 0600, French at 0700, Spanish at 0800, and hopefully German 0900, and Russian 0930 UT will follow. Tomorrow is maintenance day at Avlis, and 0600/0700-1000 UT portion will be missed, as planned. 15630 fade-in time was very late today, around 0740 UT in Germany. 73 wb (Wolfgang Büschel, ibid.) No German, no Russian, after 0900 and again at recheck after 0930 11645 carried like yesterday the same program in Greek as 9420 and 15630. Previously Andreas Volk talked with ERA's editorial offices in Athens, and they confirmed that German will be on shortwave daily except Tuesday (due to the extended maintenance break), as given in the published schedules. So what's going on there? (Kai Ludwig, Germany, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) 11645 ERA 5 Foreign service "It's all Greek to Me" Instead of promised and planned German 0900/Russian 0930 portion at 0900-1000 UT heard ERA 5 Greek program from \\ 9420 and 15630 kHz today. Address in Greek at 0900, nx at 0901 UT, and lot of Greek music filled up the 60 minute gap in summer A07 season, today March 26th. So, let's wait till Wednesday. 73 (Wolfgang, dxldyg via DXLD) ** GREECE. 12120, ERA 5, Greek program 1100-1700 UT found underneath co-channel KTWR Guam at around 1130 UT. \\ Greek program on 9420 and 15630 kHz. Thessaloniki regional from 1100 UT onwards on 9935 kHz. 9420, 9935, and 15630 are via Avlis site. Program on 12120 kHz is at least 4 seconds behind remaining outlets. So, supposedly this transmission is still via maritime Olympia Radio station at Pyrgos in Western Greece. 73 wb (Wolfgang Büschel, Germany, March 26, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** GREENLAND. Look for special event station OX60AD to be active April 1-30th. Activity is to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the U.S. Air Force and the 56th anniversary of the Defense Treaty between the U.S. and Denmark for the Protection of Greenland. The ``AD`` suffix in OX60AD stands for ``America-Denmark``. Activity will be on 40 \ 20 \ 17 \ 15 \ 10 meters using CW, SSB, and RTTY. QSL via OX3UR (KB8NW\OPDX March 26\BARF-80 posted March 25 on rec.radio.amateur.misc via John Norfolk, dxldyg) ** HONDURAS. Someone may remember my log of 16/2 on 1190 kHz, with the unID station announcing as "Radio Cadena 12". Yesterday I came again on that clip, a little bit skeptical as I was not been able to find any mention of such station anywhere in a whole month of research. You can find the mp3 ID here: http://www.sendspace.com/file/10egg7 Listening again to the clip, my actual opinion is that the station announcer does not say "Radio Cadena Doce", but rather "Radio Cadena Voces". There is actually a station with such name, an FM station located in Honduras http://www.radiocadenavoces.com/ part of http://www.inversionesvoces.com/ Unfortunately their webstream is not working. I did some further research and find some interesting infos, which however should need a confirmation. 1) Orlando Ponce Morazán, a Radio Cadena Voces speaker is described as follows:"...dirigiir el Departamento de Deportes del Circuito Radial Voces, Radio Cadena Voces, 98.3 y Top Music, es uno de los principales comentaristas de los programas de televisión Fútbol a Fondo y Cinco Deportivo y columnista estelar de Diario Deportivo Diez, el primer diario deportivo de Honduras" http://www.radiocadenavoces.com/presentadores.php?pagp_id=13&orden_id=3 So Radio Cadena Voces is somehow linked to a network called Circuito Radial Voces. 2) Such network seems to have acquired in last October, in an economico-political move by some members and advocates of the National Party, a station named "STC Noticias" "En esta línea de pensamiento, la dirigencia del Partido Nacional ha ido emitiendo expresiones en torno a temas como el energético, mientras, resulta interesante la incursión que algunos políticos y empresarios están haciendo en el campo de los medios de comunicación, como la adquisición de la capitalina emisora STC Noticias, ahora, Circuito Radial Voces por accionistas nacionalistas como Camilo Atala, el ex presidente Ricardo Maduro y se menciona también al actual alcalde capitalino, Ricardo Álvarez. " http://www.conexihon.com/home/portada63/portada/t_politica.htm 3) Honduras' communication agency http://www.conatel.hn/DOCUMENTOS_PDF/EMISORAS%20AM.pdf lists the following: 1190 Radio Noticias STC la nueva emisora informativa, HRZQ, El Progreso, Yoro. WRTH 2006 lists a HRZQ for a station named Radio Tegucigalpa in S. Pedro Sula. It's like a Chinese boxes game and there could be nothing but conjectures, but I could have listened to an ID of the FM station Radio Cadena Voces relayed on 1190 by HRZQ Radio STC Noticias. Does it make any sense? Does anyone have further info? Thanks, (Renato Bruni, Italy, March 22, http://www.radioascolto.org/html/index.php MWC via DXLD) Fine research, Renato! I think you have found the station. Unfortunately, the program "Clásicos de siempre" does not match their program schedule --- but it comes close, very close... If you look for Radio Tegucigalpa (which is listed by the WRTH 2007 on 1190 as relaying 580), the latest items related to this station seem to date back to 1999 or so. In other words, we are using a book which lots of obsolete information. Recently, I found out that the DCR network in Honduras is no network any longer, the only AM station working is 940, and the address in the book is wrong. I would not be surprised if the 1190 station you heard is the 1190 relay in El Progreso of 580, which may have merged with Radio Cadena Voces (Henrik Klemetz, Sweden, realdx yg via DXLD) For any Italian DXer it would be hard to receive a Honduran 1 kW AM transmitter, unless he's equipped with a nearly miraculous K9AY antenna. And that's the case of our new friend Renato Bruni. Radio Tegucigalpa's HRZQ 1190 was acquired - or so it seems - by a network called "Radio Cadena Voces" whose main outlet is 98.3 FM, and he got notice they are announcing Radio Cadena Voces STC, la nueva emisora informativa, Progreso (Departamento de) El Yoro. So, it seems they moved that 1190 transmitter to the rural zone where residents are more prone to AM. I told Renato I haven't heard that one, but rather 1090 HRWC Cadena Radial Samaritano with just 1 kW. Well, just happened to me before dawn, around 4.30 (1030z) I was half asleep with lamenting SW propagation conditions but went to 1090 and there is was, Radio Cadena Voces with good signal and a lot of promos, ranging from sports to a Spanish oldies show. Before news they IDed and mention a third channel on AM I couldn't copy. So there it is HRZQ, waiting for DXers to give it a try. Who knows. 73 (Raúl Saavedra, Costa Rica, March 24, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) Thank you, Henrik. The research took a lot of time indeed, but the reward seems to be at least adequate --- a further piece seemingly fits into the puzzle. Got the following reply from the station, after asking them if they were operating on 1190 kHz in parallel with the FM outlet during the last month. "Estaremos piendentes" refers to my proposal to send them the recorded clip and further details of the logging. The final step would be their recognition of the slogan, let's hope. Good dx, (Renato Bruni, realdx yg via DXLD) Viz.: Hola Renato, Un gusto saludarte, Gracias por tu información; estaremos pendientes, en efecto como tú lo indicas tenemos una frecuencia en HONDURAS en am 1190 y estaremos al aire muy pronto en Internet, gracias de nuevo por tu información, Saludos cordiales, desde Tegucigalpa, Honduras Cossette Tong, Gerente de Ventas y Mercadeo, Grupo Invosa ( TOP MUSIC 107.9, AMOR 98.3 Y RADIOCADENA VOCES 93.5 ) Pbx. 290-0700 al 09, 290- 0770Telefax. 290-0774 Celular: 982-63373 ctong @ inversionesvoces.com Blvd Morazán Edifición Classic, 2do Piso, Frente a Banco Ficohsa (via Renato Bruni, March 25, realdx yg via DXLD) Good news indeed, Renato. Let´s hope they´ll QSL. If they are on 1190 (and 580?) this means that the WRTH has altogether lost track of STC Noticias with which RCV seemingly merged not so long ago. 73, (Henrik Klemetz, ibid.) ** INDIA. 26 March 2007 at 1725 noted AIR Delhi again on its old frequency 3365 instead of 5015 (Jari Savolainen, Kuusankoski, Finland, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** INDIA. FUNCTIONING OF PRASAR BHARATI --- 13:58 IST Lok Sabha Via http://pib.nic.in/release/release.asp?relid=26129 Doordarshan has 64 studio centres and 1398 transmitters whereas All India Radio has 225 stations comprising 361 transmitters all over the country. All the 64 studio centres in Doordarshan Network are functional. Two additional studio centres at Calicut (Kerala) and Rajouri (J&K) are technically ready and these are yet to be operationalized. These two studio centres can be operationalized after the requisite staff is sanctioned and deployed. 53 transmitters, out of total 1398 transmitters in Doordarshan network, are presently relaying partial transmission due to non availability of adequate manpower. Staff for operation and maintenance of a large number of Doordarshan stations has not been sanctioned and these have been operationalized by providing limited staff by way of redeployment. In case of All India Radio, all the transmitters/installations are functional except for 1000 kW Medium Wave transmitter at Rajkot which is expected to be replaced by September, 2009 and two 250 kW Short Wave transmitters at Aligarh are shut for want of spares which are expected to be provided by November, 2007. This information was given by Minister of Information & Broadcasting and Parliamentary Affairs, Shri P. R. Dasmunsi in written reply to a question in Lok Sabha today. RS/AS --- Regards & 73's (via Mukesh Kumar, The Cosmos Club, Muzaffarpur, INDIA, DXLD) ** IRAN [non]. Noted IRIB Tehran in Italian via Sitkunai Lithuania, as planned 11515 kHz at 0630-0727 UT. Powerhouse S=9+20 dB (Wolfgang Büschel, Germany, March 26, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** IRAN [non]. UKRAINE/NETHERLANDS [to IRN] Here you will find a new brochure telling about Radio Zamaneh (6245 kHz): http://www.pressnow.nl/upload/publications/zamaneh.pdf (Harald Kuhl-D, DXplorer Mar 21 via BCDX via DXLD) 39 pages, two at a time, slick booklet all in English, but full of platitudes and not much real info. This pdf did not have a page indicator so you have to hit spacebar to proceed or right-click, next page. They ought to put more effort into getting a clear frequency than publishing fancy brochures, or could it be that SWBC is only a minor afterthought (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST) UCRANIA, 6245, Radio Zamaneh, 1831-1835, escuchada el 26 de marzo en farsi a locutor con comentarios, fuertemente interferida por radio teletipo, emisión musical, locutora con ID “Radio Zamaneh”, SINPO 53443 (José Miguel Romero, Spain, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** ISRAEL. Kol Israel with presumed Reshet Bet in Hebrew noted at 1120 on 15760 with a modest signal. This is listed as 50 kW, but I gather from an earlier discussion (DXLD 6-136) that this should in fact be the 100 kW transmitter of the Yavne site (Kai Ludwig, Germany, March 26, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) The Summer 2007 Israel Radio schedule is now on the IBA's website. Again, all times are Israel Time and NOT UTC The PDF version posted is currently still the Winter schedule. I'd expect the new PDF version within the week (I'm probably not going to post again when that happens): http://www.iba.org.il/reception/index.asp?classto=Shortwaves The israelradio.org website has also been updated for the Summer 2007 schedule. All times ARE UTC: http://israelradio.org/summer07.htm (Doni Rosenzweig, March 26, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** ISRAEL. 6973.32, Galei Zahal; 0015-0157 24 March, 2007. The usual eclectic music mix: several techno tracks, then The Beatles "Blackbird" at 0114, Dylan's "Like A Rolling Stone" at 0151. Very good, but drifting between 6973.29-.34 15785.38, Galei Zahal; 1415-1425 24 March, 2007. Clear and briefly fair on fade up with HebePops vocals, Hebrew female DJ. Their daytime channel (Terry L Krueger, Clearwater, Florida, USA, 27.55.83 N, 82.46.08 W, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** JAPAN. Discrepancy With Radio Japan 25 March 0100 Broadcast Glenn, The Radio Japan broadcast of March 25 at 0100 on 11935 via Bonaire was in English as I tuned in at the top of the hour and continued as such through J-MELO at 0110. English was suddenly cut off by Japanese audio at 0119. The quality of it sounded like it was from a TV stream. This was probably because of the earthquake and subsequent tsunami warning that happened about an hour or so before. Does NHK usually broadcast live feeds of tsunami or earthquake warnings on SW? Regards, Jon (Jonathon Pukila, March 26, DX LISTENING DIGEST) I rather doubt it as they are very tightly formatted. Maybe they have an automatic emergency override (Glenn Hauser, DXLD) ** KOREA NORTH [non]. 6045, Shiokaze/Sea Breeze, *2030-2100*, March 25; first day via Yamata transmitter, piano IS, YL non-stop talking (believe in Japanese) over piano music, 2056 sign-off announcement, good reception, no hint of any jamming (Ron Howard, Shanghai, China, Etón E5, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** KOREA SOUTH [non]. Re 7-038, KBS English A07 --- No pop ups this time, but a check of http://rki.kbs.co.kr/english/about/about_time.htm shows the same English schedule. 9770 is to Europe (John Norfolk, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) The 0200-0300 English broadcast via Sackville 9560 has been converted to 0200-0230 Spanish, 0230-0300 English, both to NAm, but on same azimuth 277 degrees? In that case for California, not Central America. Take it away, Raúl and others who have been pushing for this, while English speakers must make do with half as much (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Hi Glenn, that sounds like good news for the Spanish speaking community in California. We'll have to hear tonight what the rest of us are gonna get out from that. Sorry for the English speaking followers of KBS that don't seem to be that huge audience as they are taking a measure like that. 73 (Raúl Saavedra, Costa Rica, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) Consuelo de tontos desde KBS. Por lo menos ahora se percibe que hay algo en español por 9560, como estuve chequeando a las 0220, Martes 27, a diferencia de absolutamente nada por 11810, según sus anteriores esquemas. Razón tiene Glenn, es poco lo que podía esperarse con esa antena en 277º apuntando hacia California. Yo por lo menos escuche un hilo, con tremendo splatter de CRI en 9570, pero que tal con los colegas más al Sur. 73 (Raúl Saavedra, Costa Rica, ibid.) KBS WORLD A-07 Spanish 06:00 ~ 06:30 6045 (Sackville) [to Eu] 02:00 ~ 02:30 9560 (Sackville) 01:00 ~ 02:00 15575 11:00 ~ 12:00 11795 (Sackville) (José Miguel Romero2, Spain, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** LATVIA. RADIO WAVES INTERNATIONAL (R.W.I) & WORLD COMMUNICATION SERVICE (W.C.S) On the Easter's weekend we will use 9290's relay & Our second name of W.C.S World Communication Service with a special QSL card. The planning date & time is: Friday 06/04/2007 time 2300 to 0000 UT (French Service) it'll be Philippe's birthday Saturday 07/04/2007 time 2300 to 0000 UT (Country Music Show) [the 23-24 broadcasts should have a better chance of making it to NAm than the morning ones, tho still no doubt aimed at SAm --- gh] Sunday 08/04/2007 time 1000 to 1100 UT (Pirates memories) Monday 09/04/2007 time 0900 to 1000 UT (W.C.S 's 80's medley) 73's & 88's and have a nice Easter Weekend --- Peter HILLS ---------------------------------------------------------- RADIO WAVES INTERNATIONAL http://go.to/rwi Country music show, French service, Rock City & Pirate memories the sounds on short-waves around the world "on the highway to freedom" Peter HILLS & Philippe " The terrible twins" For review and airplay send your promos to: RADIO WAVES INTERNATIONAL BP 130 92504 RUEIL Cedex, FRANCE (via Dmitry Kutuzov, Ryazan / "open_dx" via Rus-DX via DXLD) ** LIBYA. Today at 1230 I noted Libya strong and stable on 21695. The only other signal audible in the 21 MHz band at that time was DW/Kigali on 21780, which was weak and fluttery. These and other similar observations seem to indicate that 21695, as seen from my location, i) is located within the daytime one-hop distance (4000 km), and ii) is located at or near the far end of this distance. The zone so defined corresponds to the countries along the south and east coast of the Mediterranean and I think it is now safe to conclude that the new LBJ transmitters are not part of the Moyabi complex but are located in Libya proper (or, as an unlikely alternative, in another Mediterranean country). (Olle Alm, Sweden, March 26, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** MALDIVE ISLANDS [and non]. MINIVAN RADIO ENDS SHORTWAVE BROADCASTS IN ANTICIPATION OF FM LICENCE Minivan Radio, the independent station that has been broadcasting on shortwave to the Maldives for several years, has ended its shortwave transmissions. The reason is that the Maldivian government has revealed the draft contract it will offer to private companies who wish to broadcast on FM radio. The contract would regulate private broadcasting in the continued absence of a Broadcasting Bill. The Ministry of Information hope a contract can be agreed with companies in time to meet the government’s target of private broadcasting by World Press Freedom Day on May 3. The media community has been critical of the draft bill for being too vague and not guaranteeing freedoms. Fathimath Shaheeda of Minivan Radio confirmed that substantial concerns remained with the bill, and, by extension, the contract on offer. The Information Ministry is committed to negotiating a contract that is agreeable to broadcasters, but accepts that this might take time. Shaheeda is concerned that the tight government deadline of May 3 may force broadcasters into contracts in which all their concerns have not been resolved. The government has announced that there will be only 5 FM frequencies available for private broadcasters. This further increases the pressure on broadcasters to accept the government contracts, or risk losing out on a licence to competitors. Some broadcasters have started preparations for FM broadcasting. On Sunday 25 March, Minivan Radio stopped broadcasting on shortwave, in anticipation of being granted an FM licence promptly. Until Minivan Radio receives an FM licence, its programmes are now only available via its website. This restricts the access of listeners in remote islands where internet connections are rare. To make matters worse the Ministry of Information has so far failed to provide information on how to apply for an FM licence and one of the five frequencies. There are also legal problems with the contract system. Even if contracts can be negotiated that are acceptable to government and broadcasters, they will not be binding in the long term. It remains to be seen whether Minivan Radio will be successful in obtaining an FM licence, and under what conditions. More details at Minivan News http://www.minivannews.com/news/news.php?id=3044 (March 26th, 2007 - 8:50 UTC by Andy, Media Network blog via DXLD) ** MEXICO. I received the following e-mail this evening from R. UNAM, teohm @ servidor.unam.mx Hopefully a QSL will be in the mailbox soon. This was for a CD sent a couple of weeks ago: "Estimado John, Agradecemos infinitamente su reporte. En breve le haremos llegar la tarjeta QSL. Le invitamos a seguir en sintonía con Radio UNAM. Atentamente, Lic. Teófilo Huerta Moreno, Jefe del Depto. de Planeación y Asistente del Director General, RADIO UNAM, http://www.correo.unam.mx UNAMonos Comunicándonos". (John Sgruletta, Mahopac NY in DXplorer, Mar 07 via DSWCI DX Window March 21 via DXLD) 9599.25, XEYU Radio UNAM, México, DF; 0825-0828 25 March, 2007. Male tenor opera, clear and fair with modulation a bit low. Up to 9599.29 at 1558 check (Terry L Krueger, Clearwater, Florida, USA, 27.55.83 N, 82.46.08 W, DX LISTENING DIGEST) XEYU, 9599.3v, March 26 at 0540 with classical. But at 1256 it was only a het against powerful RHC 9600.0 during Agenda 21 item on basura. XEYU may as well turn off the transmitter whenever Cuba insists on using 9600; however, at 1302 recheck Cuba was off and XEYU in the clear. XEXQ, 6045, also audible around 0540 March 26 with classical; and at 1244 with SAH from FE, deep fades, inferior to Nikkei classical on 6055 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** MOROCCO. Re 7-038: 7135: And noted too the extreme RTM Rabat powerhouse from Briech, 22-24 UT, 250 kW at 27 degrees S=9+30 dB. 27 degree path is via Madrid, Toulouse, Luxembourg, Hamburg... 73 wolfy (Wolfgang Büschel, March 25, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** NETHERLANDS. IMPROVED PROGRAMME INFORMATION ON RNW ENGLISH WEBSITE We’re pleased to announced that our English website now contains a complete 24-hour guide to our programmes, which should be of help to those listening via satellite or online. Select Listening guide on our Home Page http://www.radionetherlands.nl/ then Times and frequencies http://www.radionetherlands.nl/listeningguide/how_to_listen Click on your region of the world, and you will find that the programmes that are available via shortwave are on a shaded background with frequency details. We hope this will make it easier to find out what’s on, and where to listen (March 26th, 2007 - 9:02 UTC by Andy, Media Network blog via DXLD) Good, much needed, altho we still have to pretend we are in Asia or Africa much of the time. And North America specifically: http://www.radionetherlands.nl/listeningguide/how_to_listen_namerica I see it has Amsterdam Forum as half an hour and Echoes as half an hour, altho on March 25 I found Echoes starting at :45 and lasting less than a quarter hour (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST) OK Glenn, Yes, Amsterdam Forum is 42 mins and Echoes is 12 minutes. I have forwarded your comments. I see the schedule is correct for Monday repeats. There are slight differences in playout times from hour to hour, depending whether the transmission block lasts 57, 59 or 60 minutes. But we're getting there... 73, (Andy Sennitt, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** NETHERLANDS. Re Radio Netherlands Worldwide turns 60 --- They have published a collection of special articles marking the occasion, and looking ahead to what the future will bring. Each of our language services has produced special pages. The English pages are at the link below, the RNW comes of age feature includes a programmed made for the 50th anniversary available for streaming or download: http://www.radionetherlands.nl/specialseries/RNW60/ (Mike Barraclough, UK, BDXC-UK via DXLD) And an open house on April 15: Please take a look at the following Radio Netherlands Worldwide article Dear bdx-elcalist, You received this email from Henk Poortvliet. Please click here: http://www.wereldomroep.nl/openhuis (via BDX via DXLD) ** NORTH AMERICA. USA (PIRATE), Channel Z, 15066.76 kHz, full data 4- color 6 X nearly 4-inch, four-color "pirate/ship" logo QSL card and personal letter from the op in 22 days for an e-mail report. Summarizing the letter: 18 watts home-built transmitter, of variant design by LU8EHA. Channel Z's aggregate homebrew transmitters have been heard in 20 US states, Canada, France and the Netherlands. (This log made from his horizontal dipole, cut to 15070 kHz.) "...Four other transmitters are in use. The first transmitter built was a Grenade clone. After that a Corsair and Commando were built, both of which are Dave Martin designs. In addition, I also built the "Guerilla", a design by Radio Anarchy... "... There is a small, dedicated group of hobbyists that like to build their own transmitters, so you will be hearing more and more of these on the air. Right now in the USA, WAZU, WKZP ("K-ZAP"), Ground Zero Radio, and Liquid Radio are broadcasting with their own homebrewed transmitters. I know several people in the Netherlands are doing this also..." (Terry L Krueger, Clearwater, Florida, USA, 27.55.83 N, 82.46.08 W, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** OKLAHOMA [non]. On Feb 22 & 23 the FCC sent Notices of Unauthorized Operation to 8 of the Radio Free Austin transmitter sites in Austin, Georgetown, Dallas, San Antonio and Gonzales. I know this one is off the air: http://www.fcc.gov/eb/FieldNotices/2003/DOC-270825A1.html Are any of the others still on? This should clear things up around UT San Antonio (radiotex, March 25, radio-info.com San Antonio/Austin board via Artie Bigley, OH, DXLD) ** PALAU. QSL - RADIO FREE ASIA via T8BZ, KOROR, 13775 & 15660. Full- data (except program name) card in 20 months. The long "Voice of Hope World Network" map card is the one High Adventure began using several years ago showing their 3 transmitter sites at the time: Palau, South Lebanon, and California. Most of the back of the card is covered with an orange label containing the logging data. It also includes a personal note and is rubber-stamped CONFIRMATION. Signer is Ben Chan. Address: Ben Chan, T88BC, Engineering Manager, High Adventure Ministries, Palau, T8BZ, P.O. Box 66, Koror 96940, Republic of Palau. The card carries 2 colorful un-cancelled Palau bird stamps, and a strip of 3 mint bird stamps and 2 High Adventure stickers were included in the envelope. This is for Vietnamese broadcasts logged in Bao Loc, Lam Dong, Vietnam. T8BZ, HIGH ADVENTURE MINISTRIES PALAU, KOROR, 15725. Full-data Voice of Hope card with stamps, identical to the card for Radio Free Asia, in 20 months and same signer and address. Personal note includes "Many thanks for your helpful reception report . . . You are one of the rare people to report from Vietnam." (Wendel Craighead, on tour in Bao Loc, Lam Dong-VTN / KS-USA, Mar 20, BCDX March 24 via DXLD) Radio Free Asia, altho a very friendly QSLer even with special designs honoring DX meetings, itself refuses to specify sites, even tho the enemy surely knows them! (Glenn Hauser, DXLD) ** PARAGUAY. Re: 12000, R. Licemil, experimental 25 watt station from Liceo Militar "Acosta Nu" (Army School). Was on Mar 15 at 1820-1900 and 1920-2050; interview, etc. student greetings in Sp, En, Port, Guarani. Contact: licemil @ lycos.com tel. 595 275 32311; FAX 595 275 32316. Transmissions only a few days per month, on special dates (Info from Adan Mur, Nemby-PRG, per Slaen-ARG, DXplorer Mar 18 via BCDX via DXLD) DXer Rudolf Grimm, São Bernardo, SP, Brazil asked the station at about which days are they on. This is what Ms. Nelly Martínez, professor at this highschool replied, translated by myself from text in Port: "We are currently broadcasting on Thu 1820-1900 and at around the frame 1920-2050 (UT) on around 12000 kHz, 25 mb. The programming consists of interviews, reports, and other practical training from the course of Arts and Technologies, from the Military Highschool ("Liceo Militar") "Acosta Nu", Ypane, República del Paraguay. They hope to increase the sked further including other courses (via Rudolph Grimm, Brazil. "Radioescutas" YG, via Horacio Nigro-URG, DXplorer Mar 21 via BCDX via DXLD) ** PHILIPPINES. RADIO VERITAS ASIA SHORTWAVE TRANSMISSION SCHEDULE A-07 25 March to 28 October 2007 Bengali 0030–0057 11965 1400–1430 11870 Hindi 0030–0057 11710 1330–1400 11870 Hmong 1000–1027 11780 Indonesian 2300–2327 9505 2300–2327 11820 1200–1227 11730 Kachin 2330–2357 9645 1230–1257 15225 Karen 0000–0027 11935 1200–1230 15225 Mandarin 2100–2257 6115 1000–1157 9615 Burmese 2330–2357 9720 1130–1157 15450 Filipino 2300-2327 9720 Filipino 1500–1530 9615 Filipino 1530-1600 9615 (Wed, Fri & Sun Extended) Russian 0130–0227 17830 1500–1600 9570 Sinhala 0000–0027 11710 0000–0027 9865 1330–1400 9520 Tamil 0030–0057 11935 1400–1427 9520 Telugu 0100–0127 15530 1430–1457 9800 Urdu 0100–0127 15280 0100–0127 17860 1430–1457 11870 Vietnamese 2330–2357 9670 0130–0230 15530 1030–1127 11850 1300–1327 11850 Zomi-Chin 0130-0200 15520 Happy Hunting (via Ashik Eqbal Tokon, Rajshahi, Bangladesh, March 22, dxldyg via DXLD) ** POLAND [non]. POLISH RADIO BEGINS BROADCASTS IN HEBREW http://www.polskieradio.pl/zagranica/gb/dokument.aspx?iid=50205 The Hebrew Section of Polish Radio External Service has finally started broadcasting its half an hour daily transmission. Joanna Najfeld reports The program of the Hebrew section of Polish Radio External Service, inaugurated on Sunday, March 25th, at 1800 hours UT, consists of a news from Poland bulletin and magazines on Polish-Jewish relations, as well as life, traditions and culture of the Jewish community in Poland.[...] 'The program itself is half and hour a day. It's enough time to give basic news from Poland and the European Union, maybe even from Russia, Polish Radio External Service Hebrew Section broadcasts everyday at 1800 in the shortwave spectrum on 9695 kHz with repeats on satellite the following day. If you are fluent in Hebrew and would like to try your hand at journalism, the Hebrew section is open to cooperation. For more information, please contact Polish Radio. 73, (via Paul Gager/Austria, March 26, HCDX via DXLD) Much longer story at link above. Also 3:43 mp3 file in English. But what is the site on 9695? (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Wertachtal. Not only the first ever broadcasts in Hebrew via a transmitter in Germany, also the first transmissions of Polskie Radio for a target area outside Europe after many years. This webpage suggests that the production of Hebrew programming at Polskie Radio started already on March 1st: http://www.poloniatoday.com/briefs.htm And a news item from January: http://blogs.rnw.nl/medianetwork/?p=7154 (Kai Ludwig, Germany, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Originally it was unclear whether it would be on SW or domestic service only (gh, DXLD) ** PORTUGAL. 15575 is amongst the frequencies one associates with the BBC, so I was surprised to find RDP here, at 1114 teasing some upcoming SBG coverage, followed by a pop song. Quite strong signal, apparently the backlobe of a transmission actually aiming at South America. Co-channel BBC was only a faint whisper in the background (Kai Ludwig, Germany, March 26, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** PORTUGAL. Trying to nail down when Caixa Postal/Dexismo really air on RDPI, Monday March 26 I got the DX part ending just before 1800 UT on webcast, so that has moved one UT hour earlier. Strangely enough, the current day`s program schedule http://tv.rtp.pt/EPG/radio/epg-dia.php?datai=&dia=26-03-2007&sem=e&canal=5&gen=&time= still shows local time = UT! I listened to the entire semi-hour Monday March 26 at 2330 UT, and there was an interview with some musicians, no CP/DX, and furthermore, timecheck at 0000 UT was for 1 am. Boy, are they screwed up! CP/DX should have been at 2330 UT since the time shift has really occurred, not at the displayed time of 0030 UT Tuesday, when I did not check (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** RUSSIA. No sign of A07 Sked for Voice of Russia on http://www.vovr.ru at this time. I suppose it is unlikely this will be posted now until after implementation on March 25th 2007 (Ken Fletcher, UK, 2035 UT 23rd March 2007, BDXC-UK via DXLD) The Voice of Russia A07 schedule is now available at http://www.ruvr.ru/main.php?lng=eng&w=129&p= (BDXC-UK moderator, March 26, ibid.) Above has all the English times and frequencies on one page; and more links to program schedules, e.g. to NAm: http://ruvr.ru/main.php?lng=eng&e=154&p= (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** RUSSIA. Voice of Russia English A07 Africa 1600-1700 15540 11985 1700-1800 11985 11510 9850 1800-1900 11510 9850 9745 Australia New Zealand 0500-0700 21790 17635 0700-0900 21790 17635 17495 Europe 0200-0300 603 0300-0400 1548 603 0400-0500 1575 1431 693 630 603 0500-0800 1575 1431 1323 693 630 603 0800-0900 15780*** 12060*** 1575 1431 1323 693 630 603 1200-1300 558 (except Saturday) English Hour in London 1400-1500 9450*** 1500-1600 12040* 9810** 7370 1600-1700 9890 7370 1700-1800 (11675* Sat-Sun) 9890 (9820 Sat-Sun) 7370 (7320** Sat-Sun) (1494 Sat-Sun) 1800-1900 11630* 9890 9480** 7370 1900-2000 12070* 9890 7310 7195 2000-2100 12070* 9890 7195** Middle East 1400-1500 1251 1500-1600 11985 4975 4965 (972 from 1530) 1600-1700 15540 11985 12055 1251 648 1700-1800 1251 North America 0100-0200 13775 9665 7250 0200-0300 13775 13635 9860 9665 0300-0400 13775 13635 12065 (9880 until July 31) 9860 9665 9515 9435 (5900 from August 1) 0400-0500 13775 13635 (9880 until July 31) 9860 9515 9435 (5900 from August 1) Asia 0300-0600 15735*** 0700-0900 1251 1400-1500 15660 15605 11755 9745 7165 6045 1251 1500-1600 9660 9625 (972 from 1530) 1600-1700 12115 12055 9405 7350 6070 1251 1700-1800 9405 7350 1269 1251 * - from March 25 until September 1 ** - from September 1 until October 27 *** - DRM broadcast (Voice of Russia web site via John Norfolk, dxldyg, DXLD) ** SAUDI ARABIA. Today and yesterday I have heard the French service of BSKSA on 17660 1500 to abrupt close mid sentence at 1557 on 17660 which had been continuing in English, no longer transmitted or switched to a different frequency? Have not had a chance yet to check whether the morning English service is still on the air (Mike Barraclough, UK, March 26, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** SERBIA. Radio Serbia noted here, using USB to get away from the drm, March 26th 1730 with interval signal then going into Italian, fair signal, nothing else co-channel, stronger than I would expect if only using 10 kW (Mike Barraclough, Letchworth GC, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) Noted also here in south Italy (Roberto Scaglione, 1740 UT, ibid.) ** SPAIN [and non]. Re 7-038: Non ci bastavano i marocchini, adesso dalle 1800 alle 2200 UTC su 15345 kHz c'è la trasmissione speciale per i militari spagnoli in Libano... qui arriva soltanto 9+60... altro che Argentina... (Roberto Scaglione, Sicily, bclnews.it yg via DXLD) Hola! Es increible el nivel de la estupidez de los técnicos de la Radio Exterior de Espana --- utilizar un canal donde la RAE opera desde más de 40 años. Como puede ser ???????? Por favor es muy urgente una reacción oficial de la RAE a esta situación, por medio de una comunicación por medio de una email a los directores de la R. Exterior de España pidendo inmediatamente el cambio de la frequencia de esta emisión. Quizás esta increíble situación se puede solucionar (Dario Monferini, Italy, 2157 UT March 26, DX LISTENING DIGEST, cc to Argentine DXers Arnaldo Slaen, Nicolás Eramo; Spain`s Pedro Sedano) I already explained how it could happen. RAE is just as much at fault for not registering its few SW frequencies so those who only look at HFCC registrations know about them (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** SPAIN [non]. REE via Costa Rica, 5965 with usual low and muffled modulation, March 26 at 1240 starting Catalan news, so that confirms the new 1240-1255 M-F timing for co-official language services, also on many other frequencies. Oops! This transmission was supposed to be on new 5930; maybe they`ll get around to changing it (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) see also COSTA RICA ** SRI LANKA. SLBC not heard on 11905 & 15745. SLBC Hindi Service noted signing off at 1530 on 9770 (ex 11905) 73 (Jose Jacob, VU2JOS National Institute of Amateur Radio Raj Bhavan Road, Hyderabad 500082, India, March 25, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** SUDAN. Regarding the information in DX-Window no. 317 that R. Miraya should be on SW in March: I asked several of the Sudanese guys working with us about radio in Southern Sudan, their homeland. They tell me there is an FM station operating in Juba, a key city in Southern Sudan. The station is called R Miraya, R Mirror, something to do with the UN program "UN Mirror". The FM outlet is broadcasting on 101 MHz. Other than this little else is known to them, us. Given the UN Missions elsewhere, one has to believe what Jeffery Heyman, UNPRS has told you. SW would be the answer to blanket cover the vast Sudanese bush area. We are far away from Juba and Southern Sudan; we are in the extreme west of Sudan about mid way between the north/south Sudan borders, a stone throw away from the Chad/Sudan frontier. We receive R Sudan SW from Khartoum daily on 7200 kHz; at night the MW band is full of signals from Sudan, Chad, Libya, Central African Republic, Egypt, etc. DX-wise, many good signals from most of Northern Africa; Kenya has a large MW network. Weekend nights bring fair to good signals from several Euro Pirates on SW, which are a big hit here in the compound. If we hear anything more of UN Radio here, I will let you know. Besides my DX gear, the company has a large HF back-up system in the communication bunker, a HF Log Periodic on a 56' tower. I have spent many off duty hours listening off that antenna. I have a small hub of six 250m beverage antennas leading back to my little house in the compound. I brought along a Icom IC-706 MKIIG and a Sony 2010, but Khartoum is not granting Amateur licenses to foreigners in this area of Sudan. So I can only listen to the familiar voices from NA. I have spoken to a few guys working with various NGO's that have been granted licenses, they however are not in the Darfur area (Joe Talbot, Darfur, Sudan, DSWCI DX Window March 21 via DXLD) ** SUDAN [non non]. UNITED KINGDOM, 7140, BBC, via Cyprus, 0525-0615, Mar 06, Arabic discussion, ID, BBC website, news, 44444 heard // 6110, 7325, 9915 and 11820. This was not a Darfur Salaam programme as mentioned in WRTH 2007 on page 510! (Anker Petersen, Denmark, DSWCI DX Window March 21 via DXLD) ** SWAINS ISLAND. DXPEDITION (Update). It is a little over a week to go before members of the N8S Swains Island DXpedition will hit the air between April 4-15th. Then the team will move their operations to the Independent State of Samoa (5W - formerly known as Western Samoa from 1914-1997) as 5W5AA (and possibly other callsigns) between April 17- 24th. Acim, YZ1EW, announced this past week that both the N8S and 5W5AA teams will be active on 60 meters (on 5403.5 kHz), 2m EME and 6 EME with WSJT65 A,B,C (on frequencies 50.375 MHz and 144.375 MHz). He also announced that the following pilot stations for the operation are: Toma\YU1AB for Western Europe, Lee\KH6BZF for the Americas and the Pacific, and Antic\YU1AA for the YU and Eastern Europe areas. Lastly, he stated that the DXpedition team is ready to go. All donations are welcome according to the data on their Web site at: http://www.yt1ad.info/n8s/ Acim also adds (edited): ``The most wanted DXCC country needs HAMSPIRIT on the frequency, and please listen carefully to the operator on the current frequency.`` (KB8NW\OPDX March 26\BARF-80 posted March 25 on rec.radio.amateur.misc via John Norfolk, dxldyg) ** TAIWAN [non]. A pesar que la página web de Radio Taiwán en su servicio en español anuncia emitir por 3965 a las 2000 UT, hoy 26 de marzo he podido escuchar el servicio en francés. A las 2100 empieza el servicio en alemán; por otra parte nada en 5975, antigua frecuencia de ésta emisora, quizás una emisión accidental?? (José Miguel Romero, Spain, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** THAILAND [and non]. R. Thailand on new 9835 in English, March 26 at 1252 with time check for 7:20, so must have been recorded half an hour earlier, news of quake in Japan. Clear frequency for a change. Here are the tentative frequencies for R. Thailand A-07 during English broadcasts via Udorn, with azimuths: 0530-0600 17655 321 Eu 1230-1300 9835 132 SEAs/Au 1400-1430 9805 132 SEAs/Au 1900-2000 7155 329 Eu 2030-2045 9680 321 Eu 0000-0030 9570 276 Af And the relays via USA remain as before: 0030-0100 5890 190 Greenville 0200-0230 5890 180 Delano I notice that the March 25 edition of Conexion Digital published the R. Thailand schedule which just went out of date, without marking it as for B-06 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** TIBET. CHINA, TIBET, 4920, 1748, Xizang PBS Mar 26. Coming in strong tonight. Chinese style 'easy listening', the type of instrumental mx often heard at Chinese restaurants. // 4905. Philips D2999 with pa0rdt Mini-Whip (Jeroen Kloppenburg, Deventer, the Netherlands, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** TURKEY. Re 7-038: ``English at 1230 audible on 13680 to Asia, but not on 15450 to Europe; that transmitter off the air? (Joe Hanlon, NJ, March 25, DX LISTENING DIGEST)`` That should be 13685. Impossible here on either due to RHC 13680 super signal. Looking for VOT`s 1230 UT morning English broadcast to NAm [non], March 26 at 1311, // 15450 was poor at 1314, presumed with Turkishish music. Maybe will be listenable on better days (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Voice of Turkey does not use the Çakirlar site very much now, but after 1100 a Çakirlar transmitter came in with good signal and Turkish programming on 15350. Modulation distorted, tho not as bad as I heard it recently (Kai Ludwig, Germany, March 26, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U A E. Dubai - Lihbab SW Site HISTORICAL SW TXER SITE INFORMATION Hi folks, This tx site has been mentioned at least a couple of times in the past from members within the group regarding speculation as to it coordinates / location. Its location by the SWL community remained a mystery..... until now. I had recalled from literature obtained with the station verification many years ago that the location was 40-42 km from Dubai in the desert. I can tell you that is correct. As a result of the speculation I embarked on some research. Most SW site research results in either a non response or a failure to obtain the required information. I am happy to report today that after 4 weeks of investigations involving a chain of 4 people in the USA & UAE & many emails, etc., that I've been very fortunate on this occasion in obtaining the goods. In one instance this request actually involved one person visiting another person to obtain this information! The former SW site of UAE Radio & Television - Dubai is located near Lihbab, UAE, approx 40 km SE of Dubai. I have found the coordinates to be exactly at: 25 00 07N & 55 30 47E. Although this site was demolished in 2004 (towers were removed) the site is still viewable on Google Earth. I'm still as yet to find Lihbab (sometimes spelt as Lahbab), but I am informed that it is a small township. Hope the group appreciates the work. Any members of the group who haven't made a contribution & would like to volunteer some research time for the group please drop me a line. Have a good weekend all. Regards (Ian Baxter, [SW Station TXer Site Archive], Australia, via DXLD) ** U K. MSF 60 KHZ TRANSMITTER MOVES TO CUMBRIA A reminder that the MSF Rugby 60 kHz time signal station will close on 31st March, with transmissions then coming from Anthorn, Cumbria. The move follows a competitive tendering which was won by VT Communications. Anthorn is an existing military communications site used by VT. Prior to the switchover, Anthorn will be testing at various times during the 1000-1000 UT period, but transmissions from Rugby will continue in parallel. The final handover will be a midnight BST (2300 UT) on 31 March when Rugby will be switched off. Full details of the tests at http://www.npl.co.uk:80/time/msf/schedule.html (Dave Kenny, UK News, March BDXC-UK Communication via DXLD) Time change marking end of an era The change to BST marks the end of an era for British timekeeping British timekeeping will mark the end of an era when the nation switches to summer time in Sunday's early hours. It will be the last time a British time change will be signalled from Rugby, in Warwickshire, which has been the source of the time signal since 1927. From 31 March, the long-wave signal, used to keep the "pips" heard on BBC radio services accurate, will start to be broadcast from Anthorn, Cumbria. . . http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/sci/tech/6483969.stm (via Dan Say, DXLD) Check out my website as it contains more info about the move http://g8szx.mediumwaveradio.org Regards (Dave G8SZX, monitoringmonthly yg via DXLD) ** U S A [non]. VOA`s 9760 via Tinang, Philippines, is sounding rather overmodulated and distorted lately, such as March 26 at 1255 with USG editorial; also at 1330 with headlines. Really needs some adjustment. Similar sound to 9555 in Korean, but at least 9760 is not splattering 25 kHz above and below (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. VOA A-07: Afan Oromo 1730-1800 9875 11500 11675 11905 13870 (mon-fri) Albanian 0500-0530 9460 1600-1630 13740 1830-1900 9840 Amharic 1800-1900 9875 11500 11675 11905 13870 Arabic (Radio Sawa) 0000-0400 990 1170 1431 1548 0400-1645 990 1170 1548 1645-2400 990 1170 1431 1548 Azerbaijani 1730-1800 6050 7235 13725 Bangla 0130-0200 11735 15205 1600-1700 1575 7430 11835 Burmese 1430-1500 1575 9325 11910 12120 1500-1530 9325 11910 12120 1500-1530 1575 (sat-sun) 2330-2400 6185 9505 11980 Cantonese 1300-1500 1170 7115 9355 Chinese (Mandarin) 0000-0200 9545 11830 11925 15150 15385 17765 0200-0300 9545 11830 11925 15385 17765 0700-0900 13610 13740 15250 17780 17855 21705 0900-1000 11825 11965 13610 13740 15250 15665 17780 17855 1000-1100 9575 11825 11965 12040 13610 15250 15665 17855 1100-1200 1170 6110 9575 11785 11825 11990 12040 15205 1200-1230 6110 9845 11785 11825 11990 12040 15205 1230-1300 6110 9845 11785 11805 11825 12040 15205 1300-1400 6110 9845 11785 11805 11965 11990 12040 1400-1500 6110 9845 11805 11965 11990 12040 2200-2300 7190 7200 9510 9845 11925 13775 Creole 1130-1200 11890 15390 (mon-fri) 1630-1700 15390 17565 2100-2130 11895 13725 21555 Croatian 0430-0500 5965 1830-1845 7175 15180 Dari (Radio Ashna) 0130-0230 1296 7555 12140 1500-1530 1296 9335 15090 15120 1630-1730 1296 9335 11565 11580 1800-1830 1296 9335 11565 11580 1930-2030 1296 7555 7595 Deewa Radio (Pashtun) 1300-1600 9310 11510 1600-1900 7510 9310 English to Europe, Middle East, and North Africa 1400-1500 15195 17895 1500-1600 15195 15445 2200-2230 1593 English to Africa 0300-0330 909 1530 4930 6080 7340 9885 12080 15580 0330-0400 909 1530 4930 6080 9885 12080 15580 0400-0430 909 1530 4930 4960 6080 9575 11835 12080 15580 0430-0500 909 4930 4960 6080 9575 11835 12080 15580 0500-0600 909 4930 6080 6180 12080 15580 0600-0700 909 1530 6080 6180 12080 15580 1400-1500 4930 6080 13570 15580 17685 1500-1600 4930 6080 13570 15580 17895 1600-1700 909 1530 4930 6080 15580 1700-1730 6080 15580 1700-1800 4930 (sat-sun) 1730-1800 6080 15410 15580 1800-1830 6080 15410 15580 17895 1800-1830 909 4930 (sat-sun ) 1830-1900 909 4930 6080 15410 15580 17895 1900-2000 909 4930 4940 6080 15410 15445 15580 17895 2000-2030 909 1530 4930 4940 6080 15445 15580 2030-2100 909 1530 4930 6080 15445 15580 2030-2100 4940 (sat-sun) 2100-2200 1530 6080 15580 English to Zimbabwe 1730-1800 909 4930 13755 15775 (mon-fri) English to Afghanistan 0000-0030 1296 7555 2030-2400 1296 7555 English to Far East Asia, South Asia, and Oceania 0100-0200 7430 9600 11705 1100-1130 1575 (sat-sun) 1130-1200 1575 1200-1300 1170 6140 9645 9760 11680 1300-1400 9645 9760 1400-1500 7125 9760 15185 1500-1600 7125 12150 13735 15105 2200-2400 7215 9415 11725 15185 2230-2400 1575 (fri-sat) English-Special 0000-0030 1575 1593 0030-0100 1575 1593 9715 9780 11725 15185 15205 15290 15560 17820 0130-0200 6000 13740 (tue-sat) 1500-1530 6160 9590 9760 12080 15550 1530-1600 1575 6160 9590 9760 12080 15550 1600-1700 12080 13600 17895 1600-1700 1170 (mon-fri) 1900-2000 7480 9670 2230-2330 1593 9570 13755 15145 2330-2400 1593 7260 9570 13725 13755 15145 French to Africa 0530-0600 1530 4960 6035 6095 9885 13710 (mon-fri) 0600-0630 4960 6035 6095 9885 13710 (mon-fri) 1830-2000 1530 9815 9830 12080 15730 17785 2000-2030 9815 9830 11720 12080 15730 2030-2100 9815 9830 11720 12080 15730 (sat-sun) 2100-2130 9815 9830 12035 12080 (mon-fri) Georgian 1530-1600 11945 15475 Hausa 0500-0530 1530 4960 6045 9600 0700-0730 4960 11785 17490 1500-1530 9710 11905 13750 1800-1830 1530 4940 9565 11720 12080 17785 (sat-sun) 2030-2100 4940 9815 9830 11720 12080 15185 (mon-fri) Hindi 1600-1700 7260 9320 Indonesian 0000-0030 9535 11805 13705 1130-1230 9700 9890 12010 1400-1500 13620 15105 2200-2400 7225 9535 11805 Khmer 1330-1430 1575 5955 7155 2200-2230 1575 6060 7130 13725 Kinyarwanda/Kirundi 0330-0430 6095 7340 11905 1600-1630 11905 15430 17725 (sat) Korean 1200-1300 5890 7235 11625 1300-1400 648 5890 7235 11740 1400-1500 5890 7235 11740 2000-2030 6060 7125 9510 Kurdish 0400-0500 9845 15460 17490 1300-1400 1593 11635 15390 17730 1600-1700 9805 11705 15130 1800-1900 7205 11520 11705 1900-2000 1593 Laotian 1230-1300 1575 9510 11930 Mandarin (Chinese) 0000-0200 9545 11830 11925 15150 15385 17765 0200-0300 9545 11830 11925 15385 17765 0700-0900 13610 13740 15250 17780 17855 21705 0900-1000 11825 11965 13610 13740 15250 15665 17780 17855 1000-1100 9575 11825 11965 12040 13610 15250 15665 17855 1100-1200 1170 6110 9575 11785 11825 11990 12040 15205 1200-1230 6110 9845 11785 11825 11990 12040 15205 1230-1300 6110 9845 11785 11805 11825 12040 15205 1300-1400 6110 9845 11785 11805 11965 11990 12040 1400-1500 6110 9845 11805 11965 11990 12040 2200-2300 7190 7200 9510 9845 11925 13775 Ndebele 1800-1830 909 4930 13755 15775 (mon-fri) Pashto 0030-0130 1296 7555 9795 1430-1500 1296 9335 15090 15120 1530-1630 1296 9335 15090 15120 1730-1800 1296 9335 11565 11580 1830-1930 1296 7555 7595 Pashtun (Deewa Radio) 1300-1600 9310 11510 1600-1900 7510 9310 Persian 0230-0330 9695 11870 17855 1530-1700 1593 6040 11520 11780 1700-1730 1593 6040 9760 11520 1730-1800 1593 6040 9760 11925 1800-1830 648 1593 6040 9760 11925 1830-1900 648 5860 6040 11925 1900-1930 5860 6040 11925 Persian (Radio Farda) 0000-0030 1575 0030-0200 1575 7295 9805 9865 0200-0330 1575 9510 9805 9865 0330-0400 1575 5860 9510 9805 9865 0400-0430 1575 5860 9510 9865 15255 0430-0500 1575 5860 9865 15255 0500-0530 1575 5860 9510 9865 15255 0530-0600 1575 9510 9865 15255 15690 0600-0800 1575 9510 15290 15690 17845 0800-0930 1575 15290 15690 17845 21715 0930-1000 1575 15690 17845 21715 1000-1200 1575 7125 15690 21715 1200-1400 1575 7125 15690 17755 1400-1500 1575 15170 17510 17755 1500-1600 1575 15410 17510 17755 1600-1700 1575 15165 15410 17510 1700-1900 1575 7105 7580 9770 1900-1930 1575 7105 7580 9505 1930-2130 1575 5830 7580 9505 2130-2400 1575 Portuguese to Africa 0430-0500 1530 6095 7340 1000-1030 909 17740 21590 (sat-sun) 1700-1730 1530 9565 12080 1730-1800 1530 9565 9815 12080 15730 1800-1830 1530 9565 9815 17785 (mon-fri) Russian 1300-1400 9465 11725 15130 15565 1700-1900 6105 7340 9520 11805 Serbian 0530-0545 9460 1930-2000 9785 2100-2130 7210 (mon-fri) Shona 1700-1730 909 4930 13755 15775 (mon-fri) Somali - New! 1600-1630 1431 11675 15675 (mon-fri) 1700-1730 11675 15675 (mon-fri) Spanish 0030-0200 9560 9885 11815 1100-1230 7370 9535 13790 Swahili 1630-1700 9815 13670 15730 1700-1730 9815 13670 15730 (mon-fri) Tibetan 0000-0100 7255 9855 11690 0400-0600 15265 15490 17685 1400-1500 6030 11520 11975 Tigrigna 1900-1930 9875 11500 11675 11905 13870 (mon-fri) Turkish 0330-0400 7205 (mon-fri) 1030-1045 15205 17740 (mon-fri) 1830-1900 11865 12025 (mon-fri) Ukrainian 2000-2015 7230 11840 2015-2030 7230 11840 (mon-fri) Urdu (Radio Aap ki Dunyaa) 0000-0100 972 0100-0200 972 7145 11805 1400-1500 972 9510 15530 1500-1700 972 1700-1800 972 9320 9780 1800-2400 972 Uzbek 1500-1530 801 11590 11780 15265 17685 Vietnamese 1300-1330 1575 5955 9720 1500-1600 1170 5955 7455 9780 2230-2330 6060 13725 (VOA swebsite via http://www.bclnews.it via Mike Barraclough, worlddxclub via DXLD) ** U S A. ABC`s 20-20 on March 23 had an exposé on Trinity Broadcasting Network`s Crouch family fortune. This and others are monitored at http://www.ministrywatch.com Here`s the 3-year old info about KTBN`s parent ministry, at http://www.ministrywatch.com/mw2.1/pdf/MWDA_031204.pdf TRINITY BROADCASTING NETWORK’S (TBN) COFFERS ARE OVERFLOWING WITH CASH! March 12, 2004 --- The issue: Facts regarding the financial affairs of Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN) should cause donors to prayerfully consider supporting other Christian ministries that will achieve the donor’s objective in a manner that is more transparent and reveals a more efficient and effective use of contributed funds. Huge excess funds, high salaries and very low spending on ministry purposes are grave concerns for donors, particularly when so many other worthy ministries are struggling to find the money to meet the needs of the people the Lord has called them to serve. MinistryWatch Take: MinistryWatch.com believes donors are entitled to make an educated and knowledgeable giving decision based on all the facts about a ministry. Regarding TBN, donors should know: • TBN presently has cash, short term investments and long term investments of about $280 million. This huge cash stockpile should be spent on their charitable purpose and not built ever higher each year. Yet, TBN continues to ask donors for more money without disclosing how much they already have. • The salaries for TBN founders Paul and Jan Crouch were $403,700 and $361,000 respectively for 2002 (the last year such numbers are available). This total of $764,700 is considerably higher than the average for executive pay for nonprofits. • The profits earned by TBN over the past five years amount to $285 million, which raises questions about the claims that Paul and Jan Crouch make regarding the need for additional ministry funding. The profits TBN reports annually are actually larger than the total yearly financial needs of most ministries in the http://www.MinistryWatch.com database! • Most ministries are struggling financially, but still scrimp on salaries and overhead expenses in order to provide aid and comfort to the needy or reach the lost. TBN, however, is financially well off compared to other ministries but spends shockingly little on its charitable programs. TBN’s 2002 program expenses are extremely low at 46%, when compared to the http://www.MinistryWatch.com database average at about 80%. Additionally, TBN’s 2002 savings rate is high at about 36% compared to Wall Watchers’ ministry database average of around zero. • TBN refuses to release consolidated audited financial statements, giving it a Transparency grade of ‘C’ and making it impossible for MinistryWatch to fully and accurately analyze the financial operations of TBN on behalf of donors. • Questions regarding an extravagant lifestyle for the couple remain unanswered. MinistryWatch recommends that donors to TBN strongly consider redirecting their giving to one of the many scripturally sound, needy ministries that can be found in our http://www.MinistryWatch.com database (via DXLD) TRINITY BEAMS GOSPEL SHOWS INTO NON-CHRISTIAN WORLD - Sunday, 03/25/07 http://www.tennessean.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?Date=20070325&Category=BUSINESS01&ArtNo=703250393&SectionCat=&Template=printart (via Mike Cooper, DXLD) ** U S A [non]. ESTADOS UNIDOS via CHILE – Neste novo período radial, iniciado em 25 de março, as emissões em português da CVC - A Sua Voz ocorrem no seguinte esquema: entre 0000 e 0400, em 11745 kHz; das 0400 às 1100, em 6110 kHz; das 1100 às 0000, em 15410 kHz (Célio Romais, Panorama, @tividade DX March 25 via DXLD) ** U S A. Re 7-038, KOHM goes blog --- Hmmm... but if you go to the page on the site where they mention a forthcoming HD2 service, they say that it will be streamed on the net also. So maybe they're planning a relaunch of their streaming operation when the HD2 is ready? But for now, that Public Interactive stream does still work. (Kevin A. Kelly, Bedford, Massachusetts, USA, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. San Francisco Radio Happenings --- RADIO WAVES, by Ben Fong- Torres, San Francisco Chronicle - Sunday, March 25, 2007 For those interested in the radio format happenings of the San Francisco Bay Area, this story covers not simply the activities of AM and FM radio, but semi-interviews of and comments by the DJs that are making things happen. In this article, Gene Nelson tells why he's back and where he has been; "The San Francisco Sound," on KTRB, continues, but on an abbreviated scale; and a few other interesting items. And, no, I'm not connected with any of the above or below, aside from growing up listening to KTRB in my home town of Modesto, California. Original Source: http://tinyurl.com/ytbrjd Long URLs made short: http://tinyurl.com/ (Mike Hardester, Jacksonville, NC, March 25, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** VIETNAM. Does anyone aboard have any knowledge about any SW broadcasts which originate from the former South Vietnam? (Steve Lare, Holland, MI USA, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) Bet you are trying to rack up another radio country as time stands still, hi. Map on page 72 of WRTH 2007 shows a whole bunch of them clustered in the north, and only one in the South: Buon Me Thuot, which is on 6020 and 7210. Wonder why the Commies did not maintain other existing SW transmitters they inherited in the south? (Glenn, ibid.) Well, I've heard the south before, but unfortunately have never QSL'd same! Interesting. I see 7210 Voice of Vietnam 1 2155-1700 and 6020 Voice of Vietnam 4 2200-1600 in the EiBi skeds. Wonder if they are one and the same. [re Commies:] That's a good question (Steve Lare, ibid.) ** ZIMBABWE. ZIMBABWE TO LAUNCH INTERNATIONAL NEWS RADIO BY END OF APRIL - MINISTER News24, a new 24-hour news radio channel owned by ZBC [Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation] is set to start operations by the end of next month, Zimbabwe's information minister announced on ZBC's Spot FM on 22 March. Information and publicity minister Dr Sikhanyiso Ndlovu announced the launch of the station whilst conducting a tour of the ZBC studios in the midlands city of Gweru, Spot FM said. The ZBC Spot FM report said: "News24, the 24-hour radio station which initially was under New Ziana and later transferred to ZBC ownership is set to commence operations in just a month's time. There are just a few touches that need to be made. Dr Ndlovu told ZBC management that if they present their requirements in good time, resources would be availed for the project. He emphasized that priority is to be given to the project which is fundamental in telling the true Zimbabwean story. News24 will use the Short Wave link, which means it will go international. It is hoped the new station will counter negative publicity churned out by the international media." The station also announced that Happison Muchechetere will head the News24 channel, which would "represent Zimbabwean interests, the same way CNN and BBC news channels represent American and British interests." Muchechetere told Spot FM that News24 would broadcast "basically 24 hours, seven days a week. We intend to reach out to SADC [Southern Africa Development Community], as far as North Africa, and as far as Europe. We are going to give a Zimbabwean perspective of news." Source: ZBC Radio Spot FM, Bulawayo, in English 0500 gmt 22 Mar 07 (via BBCM via DXLD) Presumably including SW, but above 6 MHz band??? Every SW transmitter they use for this cannot be used to jam opposition! (gh, DXLD) ** ZIMBABWE [non]. 9765, CLANDESTINE. Radio Voice of the People (Talata, Madagascar), *0400-0414, 3/20/07. Time pips followed by opening music and talk by a man announcer in locals language (Shona?) with several IDs and frequency announcements and numerous mentions of Zimbabwe. After a phone interview there was a selection of tribal vocals and drum music. Fair (Rich D'Angelo, PA, NASWA Flashsheet March 25 via DXLD) UNIDENTIFIED [non]. 7528 AM NO ID, hoy 26 de Marzo desde las 1810 UT estoy escuchando una emisión en idioma desconocido y con música estilo hindú; la señal es buena pero distorsionada y acompañada de mucho ruido (José Miguel Romero, Burjasot (Valencia), España, Sangean ATS 909, Antena Radio Master A-108, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) Pakistan? 7530 1700-1900 18SE,27-29 ISL 250 313 URDU, ENG PAK PBC also at 1915-0045 37,38 ISL 100 252 Urdu to NE/EaAF. 73 wb (Wolfgang Büschel, via JMR2, ibid.) They certainly do vary (gh) This one is Radio Pakistan World Service in Urdu towards Western Europe (sched 1700-1800). The transmitter should be using 7530 but is obviously faulty and sending much distortion as José comments. Parallel frequency is 9380, but this appears to suffer from co-channel interference (Noel R. Green (NW England), HCDX via DXLD) UNIDENTIFIED. 15340 (measured), March 26 at 1315 in Arabic, nothing on 15345 at the moment, as Spain to Lebanon doesn`t open until much later on weekdays. HFCC would lead one to conclude this is WYFR via UAE, at 1230-1330, but no language specified and there are no Arabic-speaking countries at 85 degree azimuth from Dhabayya! Perhaps it was really the unregistered RTM Nador, Morocco, as in WRTH for B-season at 09-15 to Europe (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) see also SPAIN ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ UNSOLICITED TESTIMONIALS ++++++++++++++++++++++++ Really, please take care. I have the utmost respect for you and your work. No one has done more to promote radio than you. Wishing you well and the very best. I think of you often (Chuck Adkins, OH) CONVENTIONS & CONFERENCES +++++++++++++++++++++++++ WINTER SWL FEST Re 7-036: Glenn, Regarding Marty Delfin's complaint that no one provided a comprehensive report regarding the 20th (!) Annual Winter SWL Fest: A shame that Marty couldn't join us in person. We had approximately 170 participants, and most who participated seem to have enjoyed themselves. Perhaps the biggest "news" from the fest was the launch of Ian McFarland's new two-CD set; see http://www.dxer.ca/content/view/1/1/ for more details. Also worth mentioning is a special 20th Anniversary Fest commemorative QSL being issued by Radio Free Asia for reception reports during March. Otherwise, the Fest remained true to its 20-year mission statement of being primarily an opportunity for people to "...relax and 'just talk radio.'" Marty should be advised that Fest remains entirely a volunteer effort; most of us involved in the Fest have a full-time job, families, and other outside interests (gasp!) other than the Fest. We don't always have the personal bandwidth to update the relevant pages as often as we'd like, or compose detailed accounts of the Fest. My contact information, as well as the contact information for co- Festmeister John Figliozzi is readily available on the Fest website; if Marty has any questions about the Fest, he (or anyone else) is invited to take the initiative and contact us. Another way Marty (or any one else) can find out about the Fest is to join our e-mail based discussion group; he can monitor all the conversation that occurs before the Fest, and participate in the follow-up conversation and reminiscing that occurs afterwards. There's other collateral out there; one of the Fest co-founders, Harold "Dr. DX" Cones, wrote an article about the Fest that was published in the March 2007 issue of "Monitoring Times" magazine; Marty is invited to refer to that if he's an MT subscriber. Also, Uncle Skip Arey, N2EI, another well-known radio enthusiast, maintains a website with a lot of Fest-related content; check out http://www.scannerscum.com/ Skip and many of his fellow "Scum" penned reflections on their past participation in Kulpsville and have posted them at the Scum website. Glenn, please pass this along to Marty and others expressing interest in the Fest. You are correct -- Andy Sennitt had planned to join us for #20, but health issues kept him away. Kim Elliott did broadcast a portion of the March 9th edition of "Talk To America" from the Fest; unfortunately I don't believe an online archive is available. I believe Kim interviewed Ian McFarland for a portion of the program; I was also privileged to to be interviewed by Erin Brummett on the program. Other international broadcasters who joined us for the 20th (!) Fest include Toshi Ohtake, of the Japanese Shortwave Club and Radio Japan, plus Lionel Lee of Radio Taiwan International. Best regards, (Richard Cuff, "co-Festmeister", Winter SWL Fest, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 20TH ANNIVERSARY KULPSVILLE PROGRAM Hi Glenn. I trust this finds you well. This is to let you know that Rich Cuff, John Figliozzi and Ian McFarland got together with Bob Thomann and me for a 45-minute Skype conference call discussion about the 20th anniversary edition of the SWL Winterfest, which took place between March 8th and 10th at Kulpsville, PA. The item can be found under "The Two Bobs" section of Switzerland in Sound. 73, (Bob Zanotti, March 26, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Viz.: THE TWO BOBS AND "SWITZERLAND IN SOUND" VISIT THE 20TH SWL FEST Bob Zanotti and Bob Thomann, whom many may remember as "The Two Bobs" from Swiss Radio International's "Swiss Shortwave Merry-Go-'Round", interviewed Ian McFarland, John Figliozzi and me regarding the 20th Fest over a decent-bandwidth Skype connection. You can listen to the 45-minute program at http://www.switzerlandinsound.com/ --- click on "The Two Bobs" and then the link labeled "20th Kulpsville SWL Winterfest". If you didn't have the chance to join us in person this year, you can get a bit of the flavor of the Fest by listening to the program. Thanks to Bob Zanotti for the arrangements! (Richard Cuff / "co- Festmeister" / Allentown, PA USA, March 26, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Hi Rich, I should ask the (pen?)ultimate authority: Is it SWL Winter Fest, or Winter SWL Fest? 73, (Glenn to Rich Cuff, via DXLD) The Fest program calls it the "Winter SWL Fest", and that's the term I normally use, but the "SWL Winterfest" term is used by many, and I don't bother correcting them (Rich Cuff, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 20TH C-BAND REUNION Bob Cooper emails that during April there will be a satellite trade show in Atlanta and part of that will be a “20th C-Band reunion” of old timers who pioneered in the C-band from the late 70s into the late 80s. On Friday, April 19th from 6 to 8 pm [2200-2400 UT[ there will be a web televised dinner ceremony. The dinner will be webavailable at http://www.satelliteguys.us The event is called Old Fogies Gumming Chicken and Getting Drunk. I hate to break it to you guys but prune juice won’t do it. The dinner ceremony will be shot with three cameras and it will be shown in HD, for some unknown reason. Bob asks that if someone records it on a DVD, he would love to have a copy of it sent to him in New Zealand. Also Bob will again be at the Dayton Hamfest in mid-May, at the M-Squared booth. Drop by, bring some prune juice and say hi (Mike Bugaj, April WTFDA VHF-UHF Digest via DXLD) PUBLICATIONS ++++++++++++ NUMBER STATIONS 4 CDs full of number stations are available free of charge at http://www.bblk.net/mateo (Rolf Lövström, Norway, Mar 18, DSWCI DX Window via DXLD) mp3 downloads linked, that is (gh) DIGITAL BROADCASTING ++++++++++++++++++++ DRM ON MW IN EUROPE [see also RUSSIA; SERBIA] Re. DXLD 7-038 Scott Fybush´s question. First of all: I am not in the target area of any of those DRM broadcasts. The only one audible during daytime is Croatia on 594 kHz - but there are several Audio- Dropouts. My observation during nighttime is, that the DRM-noise is reaching a much larger area than a analogue signal (for example on 1485 kHz I have heavy interference from the German DRM´s, but I never heard one of them in the past when they were analogue mode), but the area, where you have good reception - Audio with no or only a few dropouts - is much smaller compared with analogue signals (BBC 1296 kHz could be heard very well in the past, but now with DRM it´s nearly impossible to decode the audiosignal). 73, (Patrick Robic, Austria, DX LISTENING DIGEST) RADIO EQUIPMENT FORUM +++++++++++++++++++++ INTERFERENCE FEARED FROM TELEVISION "WHITE SPACE" PROPOSAL Last week's proposal by a coalition of technology giants asserting that "white space" spectrum between Channels 2 and 51 (CGC #785) could be used to deliver high-speed Internet access has TV broadcasters and others concerned about potential interference. The FCC has been provided with a prototype device to test the theory, but broadcasters warn that if the technology does not work as claimed, the consequences could be serious. http://www.dailybreeze.com/business/articles/6550247.html (CGC Communicator March 22, via Kevin Redding, ABDX via DXLD) “MY WAR WITH THE SQUIRRELS” Several days ago I discovered that squirrels had been chewing on the antenna rope that holds up one end of my 100' long wire. The rope is wrapped around a big oak tree that just happens to be a favorite perch for the squirrels. This is mating season -- the squirrels are all over the tree and themselves. I acted promptly, doubling the thickness of the rope. That was plainly not enough. In an act of sheer defiance the squirrels then began to work over that the extra strong rope with their sharp teeth. I decided that this was a declaration of war that called for extreme measures. Shooting the squirrels was out of the question -- at least so said my wife. In desperation I decided to replace the rope with two lines of #18 gauge wire. I twisted the wire into a single cable, threaded it through the insulator and hoisted the whole thing back up the tree. So far the wire had discouraged further assaults but with these Oklahoma squirrels anything can happen! At least so far I've not seen any critter trying to climb my GMDSS-2 vertical but I know that if the little b_____ds could, they would (Jim Ronda, Tulsa OK, NASWA Flashsheet March 25 via DXLD) ###