HOME presents... SELECTED ENGLISH LANGUAGE DX\SWL\MEDIA PROGRAMS ON SHORTWAVE Plus a few selected Mailbags and other goodies! as of March 9, 2025 Compiled by: Glenn Hauser Updates and correxions from users and userettes are always welcome. DST in USA and presumably Cuba starts March 9. WRMI programs on 9955, 9395 and 5950 are expected to shift one UT hour earlier, but the others stay on same UT; this edition shows such expected changes before they could be confirmed! WBCQ, WTWW and WINB times are also shown one UT hour earlier than November-March 8. From March 30 European times shift one UT hour earlier, and the A25 frequency season begins, leading to many more changes. Unique Radio, Australia, as of Apr 27, 2024 said it was off the air, and also off web, as program schedule totally blank. Unique Radio, however does continue with webcasts of CALLING ALL RADIO NUTZZZ and other shows by Jen. Upcoming shows are publicized in major DX groups, and are usually also available shortly ondemand. CARN dates planned were: ``monthly on 29 March and 26 April 2025`` V of Turkey: All English programming canceled as of January 1, 2025, replaced by TRT TV soundtrack! But resumed February 17. LETTERBOX has been reinstated, Sundays/UT Mondays. Cuban listings are highly irregular. Fewer and fewer frequencies on air, and if on, poorly or unmodulated. As of B24, most transmitters are OFF the air. Mailbag has been heard at other times than shown. Viva Miami could be in English, or Spanish. WRMI scheduling subject to frequent changes without notice. Note: our listings are compiled independently of other DX-program schedules, altho they may be compared subsequently UT FRIDAY 0015-0030 WRMI: CQ CALLING 9955 0030-0045 WRMI: VIVA MIAMI 7780 0045-0100 WRMI: CQ CALLING 7780 0100-0130 WRMI: WAVESCAN 5850 0115-0130 WRMI: VIVA MIAMI 9955 0130-0200 WRMI: WAVESCAN 5010 0500-0530 WRMI: WAVESCAN 7780 0530-0600 WRMI: SHORTWAVE RADIOGRAM 7780 1300-1330 WRMI: WORLD OF RADIO 15770 1300-1330 WRMI: WAVESCAN 9955 1500-1530 WRMI: WAVESCAN 15770 2030-2100 WRMI: WORLD OF RADIO 9955 [or webcast only] 2100-2130 IRRS: WAVESCAN 1323-Italy 2100-2130 WRMI: WAVESCAN webcast only 2115-2130 WRMI: CQ CALLING 15770 2130-2200 IRRS: WORLD OF RADIO 1323-Italy 2200-2230 WRMI: WORLD OF RADIO 9955 2330-2400 SW RADIO Germany: WORLD OF RADIO 3975 UT SATURDAY 0030-0100 WRMI: WAVESCAN 9395 0230-0300 WINB: SHORTWAVE RADIOGRAM 9265V 0300-0329 WTWW: WORLD OF RADIO 5085 [irregular] 0530-0600 WRMI: WAVESCAN 7780 0800-0815 WRMI: VIVA MIAMI 5850 0930-1000 WRMI: WORLD OF RADIO 9455 [off, or 7730] 1030-1200 WRMI: WAVESCAN 9955 1130-1145 WRMI: VIVA MIAMI 15770 1230-1300 WRMI: WAVESCAN 5850 1242-1252 Romania: DX MAILBAG alt LISTENERS LETTERBOX 15460 17700 1300-1330 WRMI: WAVESCAN 9955 1500-0830v WA0RCR: GATEWAY 160 AMATEUR RADIO NEWSLETTER 1860-AM 1530-1600 SW RADIO Germany: WORLD OF RADIO 6160 1700-1730 WRN to all areas: WORLD OF RADIO on satellite, webcast 1800-2100 Unique R, CALLING ALL RADIO NUTZZZ webcast: dates above 1830-1900 SW RADIO Germany: WORLD OF RADIO 3975 1842-1852 Romania: DX MAILBAG alt LISTENERS LETTERBOX 9770 1915-1930 WRMI: VIVA MIAMI 15770 1930-2000v WA0RCR: WORLD OF RADIO 1860-AM [1900/2100] 1930-2000 WRMI: WORLD OF RADIO webcast only 2006-2036 New Zealand: MEDIAWATCH 15720 2015-2045 WRMI: WAVESCAN 7730 2030-2100 WRN to North America: WORLD OF RADIO on satellite, webcast 2100-2130 WRN to Europe: WORLD OF RADIO on satellite, webcast 2115-2130 WRMI: VIVA MIAMI 15770 2200-2230 WRMI: WAVESCAN 5950 2245-2300 WRMI: VIVA MIAMI 5950 2300-2330 WRMI: SHORTWAVE RADIOGRAM 7570 and/or 7780 2300-2330 WTWW: WORLD OF RADIO 9475 [suspended] 2300-2400 WBCQ: RADIO TIMTRON WORLDWIDE 6160v 2342-2352 Romania: DX MAILBAG alt LISTENERS LETTERBOX 7220 7325 UT SUNDAY 0000-0830v WA0RCR: GATEWAY AMATEUR RADIO NEWSLETTER 1860-AM [starts 1500 UT Saturday] 0030-0100 NEXUS-IBA/IRRS/IPAR: WORLD OF RADIO webcast only 0030-0100 WRMI: WAVESCAN 7780 0100-0400 WBCQ: SHORTWAVE SATURDAY NIGHT 7490v 0142-0152 Romania: DX MAILBAG alt LISTENERS LETTERBOX 7325 0215-0230 WRMI: CQ CALLING 5800 0230-0300 WRN to N America/Afro/Asia/Pacific: WORLD OF RADIO satellite, webcast 0230/0500v WA0RCR: WORLD OF RADIO 1860-AM [could be as early as 0230 or after 0500; nominal 0315-] 0330-0400 WRMI: WAVESCAN 7780 0430-0500 WRMI: WAVESCAN 15770 9395 9455? 0442-0452 Romania: DX MAILBAG alt LISTENERS LETTERBOX 7410 9510 0600-0800 Holland: DELTA GOES DX 6170 0700-0730 VOHA Zambia: WAVESCAN 9680 0815-0830 WRMI: VIVA MIAMI 5850 0910-0954 New Zealand: MEDIAWATCH 13690 or 13755 0930-1000 WRMI: WAVESCAN 9455 [off the air; or 7730?] 1030-1100 WRMI: WORLD OF RADIO 9955 1045-1100 WRMI: VIVA MIAMI 5850 1115-1130 WRMI: VIVA MIAMI 9955 1130-1200 WRN to N America: WORLD OF RADIO on satellite, webcast 1245-1300 WRMI: VIVA MIAMI 9955 1330-1400 WRN to Europe: WORLD OF RADIO on satellite, webcast 1330-1400 WRMI: WAVESCAN 9955 1345/1415 Turkey: LETTERBOX 13635 1430-1500 CKUT: INTERNATIONAL RADIO REPORT 90.3 Montreal, webcast 1430-1500 WRMI: SHORTWAVE RADIOGRAM 9955 1550-1610 Iran: LISTENERS SPECIAL 9650 or 9795 1600-1605 KTWR: DXERS DIARY [India] 15390-DRM 1745/1815 Turkey: LETTERBOX 9660 1800-1830 VOHA Zambia: WAVESCAN 4965 1945/2015 Turkey: LETTERBOX 6050 1950-2010 Iran: LISTENERS SPECIAL 11880 2000-2030 NEXUS-IBA/IRRS/IPAR: WORLD OF RADIO 1323-Italy 2000-2030 WRN to Europe: WORLD OF RADIO on satellite, webcast 2030-2045 WRMI: VIVA MIAMI 7730 2030-2100 WRMI: WAVESCAN 15770 2145/2215 Turkey: LETTERBOX 9610 2230-2300 SW RADIO Germany: WORLD OF RADIO 3975 2230-2300 WRMI: WAVESCAN 7730 15770 2230-2300 WRMI: WAVESCAN 9955 2230-2300 WRMI: WAVESCAN 9395 2300-2330 WRMI: WAVESCAN 7570 and/or 7780 2300-2400 WBCQ: HARRY SHEARER`S LE SHOW 7490v 2300-2400 WBCQ: RADIO TIMTRON WORLDWIDE 5130v 2315/2345 Turkey: LETTERBOX 5960 or 9610 2330-2400 WRMI: WORLD OF RADIO 7570 and/or 7780 UT MONDAY 0030-0100 WRMI: WORLD OF RADIO 7780 0145-0158v Cuba: THE MAILBAG SHOW 6000? 0200-0300 WRMI: ON THE MEDIA 9395 0230-0300 WRN to N America/Afro/Asia/Pacific: WORLD OF RADIO satellite, webcast 0230-0300 WRMI: WAVESCAN 5800 5850 0345-0358v Cuba: THE MAILBAG SHOW 6000? 0415/0445 Turkey: LETTERBOX 6125 7285 0545-0558v Cuba: THE MAILBAG SHOW 6000? 0800-0830 WRMI: SHORTWAVE RADIOGRAM 5850 0930-1000 SW RADIO Germany: WORLD OF RADIO 6160 1242-1252 Romania: DX MAILBAG alt LISTENERS LETTERBOX 15460 17700 1315-1345 WRMI: WAVESCAN 9955 1400-1430 WRMI: WAVESCAN 9955 1842-1852 Romania: DX MAILBAG alt LISTENERS LETTERBOX 9770 2000-2100 WRMI: ON THE MEDIA 15770 2030-2100 SW RADIO Germany: WORLD OF RADIO 3975 2100-2200 WRMI: ON THE MEDIA 9395 2200-2230 WRMI: WAVESCAN 9955 2300-2315 WRMI: VIVA MIAMI 9395 2342-2352 Romania: DX MAILBAG alt LISTENERS LETTERBOX 7220 7325 UT TUESDAY 0030-0100 WRMI: WAVESCAN 7780 0100-0130 WRMI: WAVESCAN 5850 0130-0145 WRMI: VIVA MIAMI 5010 0142-0152 Romania: DX MAILBAG alt LISTENERS LETTERBOX 7325 0145-0200 WRMI: VIVA MIAMI 5850 0200-0300 WRMI: ON THE MEDIA 9395 0330-0400 WRMI: WORLD OF RADIO 7780 0442-0452 Romania: DX MAILBAG alt LISTENERS LETTERBOX 7410 9510 1130-1145 WRMI: VIVA MIAMI 15770 1300-1330 WRMI: WORLD OF RADIO 9955 1330-1345 WRMI: VIVA MIAMI 9955 1400-1430 WRMI: WORLD OF RADIO 9955 1645-1659 Taiwan: STATUS UPDATE 9405 2030-2100 WRMI: WAVESCAN 7730 2100-2130 NEXUS-IBA/IRRS/IPAR: WORLD OF RADIO 1323-Italy 2130-2200 WRMI: WAVESCAN 9955 2300-2315 WRMI: VIVA MIAMI 9395 2330-2400 WRMI: WORLD OF RADIO 9395 UT WEDNESDAY 0030-0100 SW RADIO Germany: WORLD OF RADIO 3975 0030-0100 WRMI: WAVESCAN 9395 0145-0200 WRMI: CQ CALLING 5850 1101-1107 KTWR: DXERS DIARY [India] 11965 1300-1330 WRMI: WAVESCAN 15770 1330-1345 WRMI: CQ CALLING 9955 1330-1400 WRMI: SHORTWAVE RADIOGRAM 15770 1600-1700 WRMI: ON THE MEDIA 15770 2030-2100 SW RADIO Germany: WORLD OF RADIO 3975 2030-2100 WRMI: WAVESCAN 15770 2100-2130 WBCQ: WORLD OF RADIO 7490v 2100-2200 WRMI: ON THE MEDIA 9955 2230-2300 WRMI: WAVESCAN 9955 2330-2400 WRMI: WAVESCAN 9395 7780? UT THURSDAY 0130-0143v Cuba: THE MAILBAG SHOW 6000? 0130-0200 WRMI: WORLD OF RADIO 5010 0130-0200 WRMI: WAVESCAN 9955 0330-0343v Cuba: THE MAILBAG SHOW 6000? 0800-0815 WRMI: VIVA MIAMI 5850 0815-0830 WRMI: CQ CALLING 5850 1330-1345 WRMI: VIVA MIAMI 9955 1400-1430 WRMI: WAVESCAN 9955 1730-1800 SW RADIO Germany: WORLD OF RADIO 6160 3975 2015-2030 WRMI: CQ CALLING 15770 2100-2200 WRMI: ON THE MEDIA 15770 2100-2300 WBCQ: AMATEUR RADIO ROUNDTABLE 7490v W5KUB.com 2115-2130 WRMI: VIVA MIAMI 9955 2130-2200 WRMI: WAVESCAN 9955 2330-2345 WRMI: CQ CALLING 9395 2330-2400 WINB: SHORTWAVE RADIOGRAM 9265V ============================================================== NOTES: v: frequency, start time, duration, or all may vary. WRMI times for some programs are unreliable due to schedules not matching actual monitoring. WRMI info is a combination of monitoring and not fully updated online skeds. Viva Miami can be in English or sometimes Spanish. Viva Miami sometimes runs for weeks before a new episode. WRMI 9955 only programming can also be heard via phone: +1-641-741-1762. Many broadcasts on WRMI 9955 are jammed by Cuba. Please direct complaints to Radio Habana Cuba. At least one RHCuba frequency is often missing or in wrong language. Leapfrog mixing products and harmonix confirmed by monitoring are included here, and nowhere else. Havana frequency usage is extremely variable and unreliable. Sometimes RHC is heard on spynumber frequencies or vice versa. GLENN HAUSER PROGRAM LINKS WORLD OF RADIO: Latest schedules, including non-shortwave airings: http://www.worldofradio.com/radioskd.html Internet on demand, see Our Current Audio page for availability: http://www.worldofradio.com/audiomid.html WORLD OF RADIO podcasts now available from five sources: RHEIN-MAIN RADIO CLUB FEEDBURNER iTunes YouTube Podcasts TuneIn.com ================================================================== Older notes archive, including outdated info, not to be republished: Unique Radio, Australia as of January 2, still displayed April 1, 2024: THE STATION IS CURRENTLY OFF AIR DUE TO CIRCUMSTANCES BEYOND THE OWNERS CONTROL NB: Streaming will also be on outside of the usual schedule 24/7 ALTERNATIVE STREAM: http://15343.cloudrad.io:9270 96K Bitrate Unique Radio AU As of August 1, 2023, Romania turned off one of two transmitters at each site Tsiganeshti and Galbeni. In Jan 2023, Radio DX, 5045 on the new SWBC country of Norfolk Island, has been testing with WORLD OF RADIO audio, variable times but try around 0730-0830, 1700-1830. Frequent IDs also voiced by gh. Low-power relays via Shortwaveservice, Germany, and via Holland may be one UT hour earlier than shown, unconfirmed. One or two Romania frequencies may be missing until transmitter repairs. Peter Jones, UK, says ``Argentina has a DX show too. It's not regular, but worth checking out the website. This is from the 5th November`` But Peter explains, ``The DX show is in addition to the normal once a week programme. Only available via the website. I'm assuming this will change when they return to their standard schedule`` DST began March 13 in Cuba and North America; most times on SW stations advanced to one real UT hour earlier; except some but not all WRMI frequencies. DST in Europe began March 27 and also the worldwide A-22 season bringing many more time and frequency changes. Among them, WRMI exchanged/swapped all broadcasts on 7730 and 7780! as now shown. However, 7780 is now on a SW antenna rather than WNW as 7730 was. Cuba changes may not finalize until April, or later, if ever. Per WRMI grid, as of Nov 7, 2021, RAE relays in English are on this convoluted sked: Fri 0200 9395, Fri 1130 15770, Sat 0930 9455, Tue 0200 9395, Wed 0930 9455, Wed 2330 7780, Thu 0200 5800 & 7780, Thu 1130 15770. Presumably still producing only one new program per week. Alan Roe observes October 31: ``I noticed today that NHK R Japan's "Friends Around the World" on Sundays at 0510 and 1410 seems to have been either discontinued, or maybe temporarily suspended. (The last edition in early October seems to have been a repeat airing of an earlier edition, and since 10 October, the slot has been filled by other programs).`` So deleted here tfn. But on 9 Nov, Alan says: ``Following a short break, NHK R Japan's "Friends Around the World" has resumed, but is now only 10 minutes, so schedule is now:`` [see Sundays 0510 & 1410] Spain has started a mailbag show, irregular; see Mon & Wed 2300. Alan Roe confirms day changes for program from Belarus` via Germany; and updated Slovakia via Germany and WRMI. Also Cuba Mailbag times have been monitored and added. All India Radio has been off the air since March 23, 2020 due to CV. From January 2021 some languages were to resume, but not immediately and not including English. We have finally removed Faithfully Yours from listings. Sometime in January 2021, DXers Unlimited disappeared from RHC, as Arnie Coro was ``ill and recuperating at home``. It is not known whether he can come back. We had word that other Cuban hams were working on reviving the English DX program. But nothing has shown up yet. We have finally removed DXUL listings. Turkey`s Letterbox has not been heard since August? 2020. Transmissions continue sporadic. As of A-21, still no show; removed. Unique Radio, NSW Australia, resumed SW 3210-USB only as of May 28, 2021 weekends with IRR and three airings of WOR. As of late June dropped SW to webcast music only, so listings removed. Later resumed SW 5035-USB but without DX programs. Updated for the B-20 SW season from Oct 25, notably Romania and Turkey all one UT hour later and different frequencies. Standard time season in North America from November 1 caused further changes, mostly one UT hour later, notably WRMI 9955. In mid-October the 9395 transmitter broke down; back on by November 10. From November 11 past 13, 5950 off the air. From January 2019, Turkey`s Letterbox moved from Fridays to Saturdays + 0415 UT Sunday, and earlier in each hour. Announced as fortnightly, had been appearing weekly. All India Radio times on Mondays have been adjusted according to Alan Roe`s monitoring and cuesheet chex in July 2018. I am tempted to label AIR listings as: ``nominally fortnightly, but unpredictable, as are the exact timings``. Instead of trying to keep up with them. Update from Alan August 7, 2018: ``INDIA. Faithfully Yours was not scheduled in the Daily Cuesheet, and didn't air as expected on August 6th. Next likely airing will therefore probably be on 13 August (but will need confirming next week). Alan Roe, Teddington, UK`` Romania times have been adjusted according to a report from Rumen Pankov, Bulgaria. As of August 2018 one transmitter may be off the air. WRMI continues to juggle programming, Systems and frequencies. Some WOR times have been eliminated; others added without notice. WBCQ 9330 at 2330 had been carrying WORLD OF RADIO unpredictably, sometimes confirmed on Tue or Wed or Thu or Fri. Sometimes mixed with Brother Scare audio not suspended! e.g. September 7, 2018. All these [maybe] times have now been deleted here, altho WOR at 2330 remained on the WBCQ sked for many months! By Sept 2019, 9330 completely deleted pending World`s Last Chance. Alan Roe tracks Voice of Turkey`s Letterbox. It has been appearing every Friday + UT Saturday but announced as 2-weekly. It seems they will not adhere to a rational schedule. Alfredo Cotroneo of IRRS/NEXUS/IBA/IPAR/IRN explains as of April 28, 2017 about the 1 kW Challenger Radio at Villa Estense, Italy: Glenn's program (WOR) is played regularly on a random basis on AM/MW 846 kHz (now replacing the old frequency: 1368 kHz) from 1900 to 0100 CET [17-23 UT] and from 0600 to 0800 CET [04-06 UT], [any day?] as well as on "IRN" (Internet Radio NEXUS), our 24/7 internet stream at http://mp3.nexus.org:8000/irn.mp3 also accessible via players at: http://www.egradio.org Hamburger Lokalradio, Germany, 6190, 7265 & 9485 are circa 1000 watts in USB plus carrier. 7265 suffered huge interference B-17 from China in Hindi, and another Chinese station. But HLR wishes to preserve 7265 as a legacy German frequency, no matter what. However, the 1500- 1600 UT broadcasts in B-17 replaced 7265 with 6190, which had co-channel interference from two other Chinese stations. Summer timings at 1400- 1500 UT, still on 6190 may have less interference, but less daytime propagation. HLR was off the air Sept 22-23 and 29-30, Oct 6-7, 2018, after which returned with some frequency changes. Off the air from November 2019 following death of chief operator Michael Kittner. PROGRAM AND STATION SCHEDULES SOURCES WORLD OF RADIO, CONTINENT OF MEDIA program summaries (Pre-2002 and 2002 are indexes to individual program pages): Pre-2002 [copy and paste]: http://www.angelfire.com/ok/worldofradio/wormid.html 2002: 2002 2003: 2003 2004: 2004 2005: 2005 2006: 2006 2007: 2007 From 2008: not aggregated onto such a page. CONTINENT OF MEDIA (latest edition is 07-03, July 29, 2007 available on the Current Audio page and from dxing.com) MUNDO RADIAL: http://www.worldofradio.com/espanol.html MUNDO RADIAL has come to an end with the Nov-Dec 2007 edition, but text and audio archives remain. OTHER PROGRAMS INFO AND LINKS [Host(s) and/or producer(s) or major contributor(s) name(s), if known, are in brackets *: program is no longer on the air or on hiatus but still maintains a web site. %: on demand from station or program website, at least for a week following. %AMATEUR RADIO MIRROR INTERNATIONAL: http://www.sarl.org.za/public/ARMI/ARMI.asp *%...AND THE GATEPOST featuring DX MIX AND TIPS, DX CORNER [Sandor Laczko, Mike Mitchell]: Budapest Real Audio is at http://real1.radio.hu/nemzeti.htm Select the date, then the transmission. DX CORNER begins at about :22 on late Friday\early UT Saturday; ...AND THE GATEPOST takes up all of the transmission on late Sunday\early UT Monday roughly once a month, but not on a regular schedule (there can be four to six weeks between editions. Times given on their web site are local (UT +1 during winter, UT +2 summer). SW schedules on shows are likely to be outdated; beware! [English broadcasts cancelled as of 7/1/07; archives apparently gone but this entry retained for historical purposes] *COMMUNICATIONS WORLD (VOA) [Kim Elliott]: Scripts archived at http://www.kimandrewelliott.com/index.php?s=CW Dr. Elliott`s main page http://www.kimandrewelliott.com/ *DX CORNER (Turkey): Has been heard as early as :18 into transmission, ending as late as :35, but typically 7 minutes long. Has quoted DX tips from DXLD, Media Network without any credit, but mostly just mailbag, reading reception reports. Lately picks major media news stories with little if any DX items despite title. Can sometimes be found in 1-day Saturday audio archive. But canceled after December 2014. *DXING WITH CUMBRE [Marie Lamb]: Any given airing will not necessarily be the latest edition. http://www.cumbredx.org DXing with Cumbre is available on demand in streaming audio format at: http://cs3.ralabs.com/streams/ (the last five most recent programs only?) In 2009 and 2010 it had been difficult to confirm a single broadcast still on SW. In 2011, 2012 one or two have been. In 2013 it has been produced two-weekly but broadcast (maybe) weekly with repeats. UPDATE: Final edition aired March 9, 2014. DXERS UNLIMITED [Arnie Coro, CO2KK]: Main page (which hasn`t been updated since May 2002) and pre-mid 2002 scripts: http://www.radiohc.org/dxers/ Another site with scripts, from various dates during 2002-7, with a lot of gaps: http://www.dxers-unlimited.dxer.info/ New scripts are sporadically posted on Arnie`s blog Since CUBA jams WRMI indiscriminately during many DX programs even in English, consider boycotting DXUL or complaining to Arnie. *%DX PARTYLINE [Allen Graham]: http://www.hcjb.org/mass_media/dx_partyline/dx_partyline.html DX Partyline was canceled after its 50th anniversary at the end of May 2011. %DX PROGRAM (Bulgaria) [DX editor Dimiter Petrov, LZ1AF; Rumen Pankov, assistant-editor in charge of broadcast tips]: http://bnr.bg/sites/en/lifestyle/dx/Pages/default.aspx Some weeks scripts may be replaced by summaries only. In 2010-2011 the SW info also comes from DX Mix News. SW canceled Jan 31, 2012. R. Bulgaria still webcasts in 2013, but with any DX program?? %FRIENDS AROUND THE WORLD: http://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/english/radio/program/index.html Replaced WORLD INTERACTIVE April 2011 %FUTURE TENSE: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/futuretense/ Future Tense explores the social, cultural, political and economic fault lines arising from rapid change. A critical look at new technologies, new approaches and new ways of thinking. Presented by Anthony Funnell. GATEWAY AMATEUR RADIO NEWSLETTER. 12+ hours of ham radio news, with repeats, Saturday afternoon into Sunday morning from near St. Louis MO. Details: http://www.rrsta.com/wa0rcr/sched.html *HAM RADIO AND MORE [Len Winkler]: http://www.tapr.org/hrm %INTERNATIONAL RADIO REPORT [Sheldon Harvey & David Asselin] On CKUT 90.3 FM Montreal - debuted November 1987 Sundays 1530 UT (winter); 1430 UT (summer). CKUT live streaming on their webpage www.ckut.ca Programs archived at international radio report | CKUT 90.3 FM Program Facebook Group page *%MAILBOX [Adrian Sainsbury & Myra Oh; New Zealand DX League segment]: http://www.radionz.co.nz/international/programmes/mailbox Now with an archive going back 12 months. Canceled after August 4, 2014. *%MAPLE LEAF MAILBAG [Ian Jones]: http://www.rcinet.ca/rci/en/emissions/1450.shtml SW ended with RCI in June, 2012! *MEDIA NETWORK (Radio Netherlands) [Jonathan Marks, original program host; web Andy Sennitt]: http://www.medianetwork.nl Even the website ended in 2012 altho RN exists on the web. *%MEDIA REPORT [Richard Aedy]: Includes scripts. http://www.abc.net.au/rn/mediareport/default.htm Canceled 12/08; replaced by FUTURE TENSE 1/09. MR resumed at some point but canceled again circa 1/16. *MEDIASCAN (Radio Sweden) [George Wood]: http://www.mediascan.org/ No longer attempts to publish news; adds occasional items. BUt not even that any more? *%MEDIA ZONE [Ian Jones]: [website gone as of 4/13/08 check] http://www.rcinet.ca/rci/en/emissions/1473.shtml *MOSCOW MAILBAG [Prepared by Olga Troshina and presented by Tata Mnatsakanyan and Max Gorbachyov.]: http://english.ruvr.ru/radio_broadcast/2248880/ [resumed listing here for A-12 its only four times left, gone in B-12] [formerly rotated among Ol`ga Troshina, Yuri Reshetnikov and Eugene Nikitenko] %MULTIMEDIA: archived for many weeks: http://www.polskieradio.pl/zagranica/news/archiwum.aspx?s=0&k=149 As of January 2010, merged with IN TOUCH program to become MULTITOUCH, and occuping both airtimes on Wed/Thu/Fri/Sun. October 2011 reduced to one SW airing for Europe only. All English SW canceled March 2012. OFF THE HOOK: http://www.2600.com/offthehook/ Originates at WBAI-FM. For some time carried on WBCQ 7415, then shifted to 5110 Area 51, not on SW as of Feb 2010. %QSO WITH TED RANDALL: interviews with hams or radio people. http://www.tedrandall.com *RADIO WAVES [Spain]: Usually consists of a couple of ``radio songs`` with an occasional mention of some aspect of shortwave listening; never any DX news. Not confirmed lately; is it ever on? Not any more with all English canceled 2014. %THE SHORTWAVE REPORT [Dan Roberts]: Not on shortwave but on KZYX&Z, 88.3, 90.7, 91.5 MHz, Mendocino County, California, Saturdays 0030 winter, Fridays 2330 summer, http://www.kzyx.org on WHUS, 91.7 MHz, Storrs, Connecticut, Saturdays 2130 winter, 2030 summer, http://whus.org and on KRFP, 92.5 MHz, Moscow, Idaho, Sundays 1430 UT winter, 1330 summer (WORLD OF RADIO is scheduled preceding) http://www.radiofreemoscow.com/ Program originates in northern California. Program audio page http://www.outfarpress.com/shortwave.shtml ``The Shortwave Report is a 30 minute review of news stories recorded from a shortwave radio,`` tho they sound like webcasts. And always the same three or four stations, really in a rut. Lately has added a few others and blurred the distinxion between SW and webcast, tho the title remains. *%THIS WEEK IN AMATEUR RADIO INTERNATIONAL [MP3 40 MB files]: http://www.twiar.org/ Podcast page: http://www.twiar.org/twiaripodcast.xml Has two versions, one fully produced with music suitable for broadcast and another stripped down to talk only for ham, repeaters, including Gateway on 160 metres, see above. `On hiatus` from WBCQ since May 2011. Or, like, gone for good. *TOM AND DARRYL: http://www.tomanddarryl.org/ No longer on WBCQ, but maybe still on satellite. Website not updated since 8/07. %WAVESCAN: Program now originates in Miami. Audio archive: http://audio.awr.org/asia/Wavescan/AWRWavescan/ Abandoned 2004 website: http://english.awr.org/wavescan/ *THE WHOLE WORLD ON THE RADIO DIAL: Radio Ukraine webcast at rtsp://real.nrcu.gov.ua:7554/encoder/rui.rm or http://www.nrcu.gov.ua/index.php?id=308 but the second link of higher quality seemingly no longer works. New edition once a month, repeated other weeks; but previous month`s show airs on alternating consecutive broadcasts. BUT canceled in February 2009, last repeat April 4, 2009. %WORLDWIDE FRIENDSHIP (Edward Kim, Kim So-yeon): Weekly DX segment by Kevin O`Donovan, Farmington NM. Since 2013 he has to share with two other reporters during each month. http://world.kbs.co.kr/english/ (select WORLDWIDE FRIENDSHIP from dropdown list in KBS WORLD Radio panel) OTHER DX PROGRAM GUIDES The British DX Club publishes a DX Programme Guide, including satellite transmissions. [Euro-centric] http://www.bdxc.org.uk/dxprog.htm Worldwide DX Club list of SWL/Media Programmes in English, German and Spanish. http://www.wwdxc.de/swl.pdf LATEST DX PROGRAM AUDIO LINX [English] RF PROGRAMS no longer much there PROGRAMAS DX AUDIO LINX [Spanish] PROGRAMAS DX PROGRAMAS DX AUDIO LINX [Portuguese] PROGRAMAS DX [but Portuguese mostly not updated since 9/08] ###