Glenn Hauser Weekly Log Roundups
Last Updated: March 9, 2025
The imposition of DST in North America causes one real UT hour earlier broadcasts
on such stations, except on WRMI, only 9395 and 9955 make the shift. This lasts
until the first Sunday in November, unless DST be made permanent. Axually STANDARD
TIME should be permanentized across the USA.
European time shift one real UT hour earlier two sesquiweeks later, March 30, the
same date when A25 seasonal SW frequency changes are also made.
Changes to WRMI times may occur anytime without notice.
As of July 29, 2024, PIRATE RADIO automated WOR randomly 24/7, exact times not fixed,
so not listed below. New streaming linx:
or via:
As of November 13, renamed LASER PIRATE RADIO; nothing else changed.
There is a new page here: https://laserinternational.bravesites.com/lpr
The old site would close Dec 31, said Gary Drew.
WORLD OF RADIO is back on SW from Europe, thanks to Shortwave Radio, Winsen,
Germany with several airings scheduled on 6160 and/or 3975.
Unique Radio, Australia, is off the air, and not webcasting either, as of
April 27, program sked blank, so removing WOR Wednesdays 1200-1300.
Plans to resume with new website, new name, and SW 5035, 3210.
Older notices of new affiliates, schedule changes are moved below.
#stays at same UT yearound
Fri 0805 World FM, Tawa & Marahau 88.2; Stoke 107.6, New Zealand
Fri 1300# WRMI 15770 [first SW airing each week]
Fri 1700# Global Voice
Fri 2030 WRMI webcast only [but 9955 may cut on by 2053]
Fri 2130 IRRS/NEXUS-IBA/IPAR 1323 AM Italia, Villa Estense, Italy
Fri 2200 WRMI 9955 [jammed? also web-, phonecast]
Fri 2205 World FM, Tawa & Marahau 88.2; Stoke 107.6, New Zealand
Fri 2330 Shortwave Radio, Germany 3975
Sat 0300 WTWW 5085 [irregular, off the air mostly in Feb & Mar]
Sat 0400 VoiceCorps Reading Service, WOSU-FM subcarrier, cable, online with password
Sat 0600v Radio DHT, Poland [0600/0700]
Sat 0600# Global Voice
Sat 0930# WRMI 9455 [has been off air, since Oct 26; or 7730?]
Sat 1530 Shortwave Radio, Germany 6160
Sat 1700 WRN to N America/AfroAsiaPacific
Sat 1700 WRN to Europe
Sat 1830 Shortwave Radio, Germany 3975
Sat 1930v WA0RCR Gateway 160 Meter Radio Newsletter 1860-AM Missouri [1900/2100]
Sat 2030 WRN to N America/AfroAsiaPacific
Sat 2100 WRN to Europe
Sat 2300 WTWW 9475 [suspended]
Sun 0030 IRRS/NEXUS-IBA/IPAR webcast only
Sun 0230 WRN to N America/AfroAsiaPacific
Sun 0230v WA0RCR Gateway 160 Meter Radio Newsletter 1860-AM Missouri
[may vary much later to 0500, nominal 0315]
Sun 1030 WRMI 9955 [jammed? also web-, phonecast]
Sun 1100 KBDB HD2 96.7 Forks, Washington
Sun 1130 WRN to N America/AfroAsiaPacific
Sun 1230 The Classical Channel
Sun 1300 KRFP Moscow ID 90.3
Sun 1330 WRN to Europe
Sun 2000 IRRS/NEXUS-IBA/IPAR 1323 AM Italia, Villa Estense, Italy
Sun 2100 WRN to Europe
Sun 2230 Shortwave Radio, Germany 3975
Sun 2330# WRMI 7570 [and/or 7780; since Dec 29, both]
Mon 0030# WRMI 7780
Mon 0100 Global Community Radio 1
Mon 0100 KFZR-LP 93.3 Frazier Park CA (from GCR1) [unconfirmed]
Mon 0100 KIEZ-LP 106.7 Monroe LA (from GCR1) [unconfirmed]
Mon 0230 WRN to N America/AfroAsiaPacific
Mon 0300v WBCQ Area 51 webcast only [or much later]
Mon 0930 Shortwave Radio, Germany 6160
Mon 1700# Global Voice
Mon 1830+ Sat Zentrale 1800/2000
Mon 2030 Shortwave Radio, Germany 3975
Tue 0305 World FM, Tawa & Marahau 88.2; Stoke 107.6, New Zealand
Tue 0330# WRMI 7780
Tue 1300 WRMI 9955 [jammed? also web-, phonecast]
Tue 1400 WRMI 9955 [jammed? also web-, phonecast]
Tue 2100 IRRS/NEXUS-IBA/IPAR 1323 AM Italia, Villa Estense, Italy
Tue 2330 WRMI 9395
Wed 0030 Shortwave Radio, Germany 3975
Wed 2030 Shortwave Radio, Germany 3975
Wed 2100 WBCQ 7490v
Thu 0130# WRMI 5010
Thu 1730 Shortwave Radio, Germany 3975 6160
Thu 2200# Global Voice
Latest edition of this schedule version, with hotlinks to
station sites and audio, is at:
For updates see our Anomaly Alert page:
Internet on demand, mp3: see Our Current Audio page for
WORLD OF RADIO PODCASTS, from Rhein-Main Radio Club:
RMRC Podcasts were also linked via TUNEIN.COM but non funxional;
does link to some live webcasts of WOR
WOR Podcasts also via:
http://shortwave.am/wor.xml [suspended]
Google Play Music
Webcasts at times shown are available from stations with hotlink
on their schedule entry.
WRN times also relayed by cable systems, FM and satellite stations
Visible audio links:
CC : http://www.radioveronica.us/classicallisten.pls
DHT : https://www.radiodht.com/en/
GV : http://www.theglobalvoice.info/
IPAR: http://mp3.nexus.org:8000/irn.mp3
KRFP: http://radiofreemoscow.org/play.php
PIRATE R: https://pirateradio.bravesites.com/live-stream
SatZ: https://www.satzentrale.de/technikradio/programm.shtml
SWRG: https://shortwaveradio.de/en/listen_live [remotes]
Unique R: http://15343.cloudrad.io:9270 [legacy?]
WBCQ: http://splatterbox.us/area51 [5130v]
http://splatterbox.us/wbcq1 [7490v]
World FM: http://www.worldfm.co.nz/listen/
WRMI: http://wrmi.listen.creek.fm/stream [9955 only]
WRN : http://streaming.edmradio.online:8025/NAMAAP [N America/Africa/Asia/Pacific]
WRN : http://shoutcast.wrn.org:8025/WRN-E [Europe]
Station Locations and weblinx:
CC ----- Classical Channel, West Point, Pennsylvania
DHT ----- Dance, Hands up, Trance, Poland
GCR ----- Global Community Radio, Geneva, New York
GCR1 affiliates
GV ----- Global Voice, London SW, UK
HLR ----- Hamburg, Germany [legacy]
IPAR ----- a.k.a. IRRS/NEXUS/IBA, Milan, Italy [non]
KBDB HD2 - Forks, Washington
KFZR ----- Frazier Park, California
KRFP ----- Moscow, Idaho
LSH ----- UK Laser Soul Hits [legacy]
SatZ ----- Germany
SW Radio Winsen, Germany [a.k.a. SW Gold]
Unique R - Manilla NSW, Australia [legacy]
WA0RCR --- Wentzville, Missouri
WBCQ ----- Monticello, Maine
WCSQ-LP -- Cobleskill, New York [legacy]
WMRI Eu -- London, UK [legacy]
World FM - Tawa, Wellington, New Zealand
WOSU FM -- Columbus, Ohio (VoiceCorps subcarrier)
WRMI ----- Miami, Florida (transmitters: Okeechobee FL)
WRN ----- London, UK
A larger year-by-year archive of WOR schedule changes is in our
Angelfire website.
However, in 2025 we are having trouble updating
it due to 504 GATEWAY TIMEOUT and similar error messages.
WTWW added new time May 25, Sat 2300 on 9475.
WRMI canceled UT Sat 0130 on 5850 but added Sun 2330 on 7570 as of May 19.
WRMI canceled UT Thu 0130 on 9395 as of June 13; and webcast only Fri at
2030 as of June 14. Never mind: last one is back June 21. Webcast only Sun
June 23 at 2000 missing; canceled as of June 30.
Gary Drew Worldwide has changed to PIRATE Radio = Private Internet Radio
Alternative Trial Experiment P.I.R.A.T.E. as of May 5, and WOR times
changed again.
Unique Radio, Australia as of January 2:
NB : Streaming will also be on outside of the usual schedule 24/7
ALTERNATIVE STREAM: http://15343.cloudrad.io:9270 96K Bitrate Unique Radio AU
WORLD OF RADIO is resumed on WTWW-2, Lebanon TN, UT Saturdays at 0500 on
5085, effective March 2. DST shift to 0400 UT from March 16: along with
many others earlied an hour from USA, due to DST from March 10; except
WRMI 5010, 5850, 7780 which stay at same UT. Presumed USA DST changes are
now entered.
As of October 6, WOR on Gary Drew Radio Worldwide ceases every overnight, instead Sat 0730 & Sun 0700.
As of mid-July, Unique Radio, NSW, resumed SW 5035-LSB including WOR Wednesdays only.
In August shifted to USB.
AM Italia broadcasts on 1323 kHz may be unpredictably accompanied by 918
kHz, and maybe even 207 kHz LW, experimentally. 918 heard once in January.
As of August 18-19, 2023, WOR on Gary Drew Radio Worldwide webcast every night
sometime between 2200 and 0600 UT. In Sept changed to 2300/0500.
``NB - As of March 7th 2023 Unique Radio is ceasing streaming and shortwave broadcasting due
to some security issues being experienced.`` Unique Radio, Australia, possibly will resume
on 5035 USB, low power. Sked still shows WOR times: Sunday 0800 & 0830, Wednesday 1000.
Thanks to Gary Drew for webcasting WOR every night for many years, but no more:
``After almost 6 years of dedicated service, Laser Soul Hits will cease broadcasting
sometime on Wednesday 24th May 2023. This website will remain as a tribute for a few months
but in a stripped down format after 2nd June. Thanks for listening.``
Due to ``technical reason``, Sat 1930 on WRMI 15770 did not air after
the first eight words on May 21, 28, 2022, and maybe nevermore.
From March 19, WRMI added Saturday 1930 on 15770 to the NE. From March 23,
added UT Thursday 0130 on 9395. All times on WRMI 7730 & 7780 were
exchanged effective Sunday March 27 as now displayed. But 7780 is now on
SW antenna instead of WNW as 7730 had been.
DST from March 13, when N American times shifted one real UT hour earlier,
except for some but not all WRMI frequencies, now entered as for DST.
European DST started March 27, entailing one real UT hour earlier shifts;
New Zealand ended DST April 3 so World FM times are one UT hour later
than before.
From June 2019, produxion is on Thursdays, so freshest programs
are now on weekends, starting UT Fridays.
As of October 3, 2021, add Sundays 1230 on WMRI Europe via Channel 292,
Germany, 9670, direxional toward N America. From Oct 31, 1330. Stays
at 1330 during DST season in order to avoid QRM at 1230.
European 1-UT-hour-later standard time shifts as of October 31, 2021
have now been entered. American shifts starting November 7 have now
been entered.
WRMI broadcasts of Systems B, G and L are run on Eastern time, which
means these WOR airings shifted one real UT hour later from Sunday
November 7 after 0600 UT, to these new times:
Fri 2330 5950 [later canceled]
Sat 0230 9395
Sun 0030 5950 [later canceled]
Sun 2330 5950
Sun 2330 9955 [later canceled]
Mon 0130 9395
Thu 0130 9395
New? secret time on WRMI: UT Sunday 0030 on 5950, not on schedule
but heard by Hj Biener, August 1. Later dropped; then 7730 at same time.
DELETED times on WRMI 15770 as of July 20/24: Saturday 1300 and
Tuesday 1330.
NEW time on WRMI schedule as of July 3: Saturday 2000 15770 to NE.
NEW time on WRMI schedule, to be confirmed: Tue 1330 on 15770 to
NE. But as of June 30, Wed 2200 on 9955 replaced by something else.
NEW time on WRMI schedule: Sunday 2230 on 9955. But as of June 13,
WRMI Sunday 2300 on 7780 replaced by something else.
As of May 30, Unique Radio, Australia has resumed on 3210-USB only,
three new times for WOR; and also resumed webcasting. But that did
not last long:
On 06/26/2021 9:25 AM Glenn Hauser wrote: ``Tim, I see no mention
whatsoever of shortwave on your website now, so please confirm
whether 3210 is off the air and what your plans for that now are.
I also see no mention of World of Radio, not even a link to it.
So are we done? 73, Glenn``
``Hi Glenn, yes unfortunately I have decided to discontinue
shortwave and to continue with music online podcasts of which seem
to be more popular. Therefore if you want to remove the mentions of
Unique Radio Australia being on Shortwave, then you can of course
do that please. Thanks for supplying the program over the years and
I wish you well, all the best, Tim Gaynor, Unique Radio, Australia``
Since Feb 21, 2015, WOR appears on The Gateway 160 meter Radio
Newsletter, WA0RCR, 1860-AM. Wentzville, Missouri, Saturdays & UT
Sundays. Time may vary considerably, up to 45 minutes later, but
usually only a few minutes late. Depends on variable lengths of
preceding ham shows. Local-quality reception is available via
nearby KiwiSDR at Warrenton MO.
Unique Radio, Australia, stopped SW broadcasts on 3210, or 5045
in mid-August 2020, but continued webcasting
As of Oct 25, no longer webcasting either but says:
``Unique Radio SHORTWAVE Relocation has happened and steps
will be taken to transfer our licences to the new location.
This can take 3 to 6 months with normal ACMA processes.
Enquiries are underway to get a stable fast internet
connection to enable faster in and out gateways to the station.``
UPDATE November 28: resumed webcasting also with expected SW
frequencies apparently not yet resumed, and with time changes.
As of March 29, 2021, neither streaming nor on SW.
As of December 6, 2020, Area 51 broadcast at 0400 UT Monday on
6160v is replaced by 2300 Sunday - because 7490 programming
at that time has to move to 6160 since WHRI has 7490 then.
Laser Soul Hits says on October 25:
LSH is moving to a new server very soon and may fall silent
for a while until the new streams come online. The website
will remain in place during this period with on demand
programming. The new links will be posted here after the
transfer is done but you will need to update any URL's (I.P.
addresses) on your wi-fi radios etc. Apps will update
automatically and you will still be able to hear LSH from
this site. UPDATE Nov 28: back to normal. WOR appears as
close to 0000 as possible, but sometimes after another show.
As of September 12, UT Sat 0130 on 7780 only, 9955 dropped;
but 9955 resumed for Saturday 1130. As of October 2, Friday
2200 on 9955 dropped without notice. But a few weeks later,
Wednesday 2200 on 9955 added. As of November, Sat 1230 on
9955 dropped, Sat 2300 on 7780 dropped from sked but
confirmed really ON, November 7. Beware of false listings on
WRMI skedgrid, such as WOR Wed at 1030 on 5850, confirmed
NOT on air Nov 11, instead Brother Scare. For many months
there have also appeared three WOR airings between 2100
and 2200 on System D but with NO frequencies! Another
imaginairing was Wed 2100 on System F 7780, but reported to
be resumed as of January 6, 2021. WRMI 9955-only programming
can also be heard via phone: +1-641-741-1762
As of Nov 13, additional times found on the WRMI skedgrid:
UT Fri 0130 on 9955, UT Tue 0200 on 9955. As of Dec 1, the
latter gone already. As of Dec 4, former gone already.
As of Dec 26, further reduxions/changes on revised WRMI skeds:
delete Sat 0130 on 7780 and Mon 0130 on 7780; Thu 0130 on 7780,
5010 ex-0100, but pre-empted Dec 31, in effect from January 7.
NO, still not on 7780 at this time, but on 5010.
Most WOR airings on 9955 are jammed by Cuba. Please direct
complaints to Arnie Coro or Arnie Coro whose DX program
is never jammed.
As of August 3, two new times found on WRMI sked not yet
confirmed: UT Sat 0130 on 9955 (but replacing 5010 & 5850,
already still on 7780); and Sat 2300 on 7780. Then confirmed.
But 0300 UT Sun on 5800 deleted Aug 23. Added effective Aug
24: UT Tue 0330 on 5800, UT Thu 0130 on 5850; and unexpected
UT Mon 0230 on 5800 confirmed Aug 24. But as of Sept 4, the
UT Thu 0130 airings changed to UT FRIDAYS at 0130, becoming
the first weekly SW airing of new edition from #2050.
As of June 29, new time first reported by Richard Lemke, AB, and
now on the WRMI skedgrid: UT Monday 0030 on 7730, 285 degrees.
The Saturday 1130 on 9955 gone again from air in early June,
but still shows on sked along with several other imaginaries.
As of May 5, a new time spotted on WRMI schedule, confirmed,
UT Sunday 0300-0329 on 5800.
Radio King Happy Station, which started in 2019, including WOR daily at
1000, is no longer accessible and has not replied to inquiries,
so deleted.
WCSQ-LP 105.9, Radio Cobleskill, NY, sadly informs us that they
have gone off the air as of Feb 29, 2020, so listings removed. But
the license might be transferred to another entity.
Welcome to a new webcast affiliate from November 10, 2019:
A station for those learning English, which likes my dixion:
Initially WOR will air daily at 1100 UT.
{since deleted, missing by April/May 2020}
There have been reports of fragments (15 minutes?) of WOR filling
slots during the IRRS 1900-2000 UT hour on 7290 via Romania; in
addition to the full program on Mondays. However, not repeated
the following week, so pointless to try to list such randomness.
NEW time on WRMI from June 1, UT Sunday 0130 on 5850. This is the only
broadcast across North America northwestward from Florida; all the
others are on SSE, NE or NNW antennas. Not on the air July 28 due to
damage on transmission line. As of July 27, Sat 1130 on 9955 canceled.
Noted in early August, sometime summer 2019, ACB Radio Mainstream
dropped WOR without notice, in a schedule reorganization.
New time but only for two weeks in June was Saturday 2030 on WRMI
15770. Revised sked also showed UT Mon 0130 on 7780 instead of 9955,
and still 7780 one hour later at 0230.
More2 surprise additions on WRMI: Thursday 0000 on 7730; Thursday
0100 on 7780; Sunday 0030 on 7730. Saturday 0130 on 7780. But April
9-10-11 four WRMI WOR broadcasts so far deleted! Later all 7730
broadcasts deleted. New: Friday 2200 9955. As of May 5, Sun 0030 &
0830 on 7730 replaced by `tests` of something else. The Wed 2100 on
9955 sometimes comes on air late, such as May 15 not until *2115, JIP
WOR. Same date, WBCQ 7490v flipped WOR with Goddess Irena, RIP, so
she was at 2100, WOR at 2130; and improvement we hope will stick.
No, WBCQ later resumed WOR Wed at 2100 on 7490v.
Objective was to have each new WOR ready for first broadcast Tuesday
0030, but not always possible; in Feb sometimes not until Wed 0930.
In late March, problems delayed WOR 1975 until March 29 instead of
WRMI 9955 webcast URL has changed to: http://wrmi.listen.creek.fm/stream
During hours 9955 off the air, may play RAE Argentina languages,
Suprememastertv or any other programming.
All Unique Radio via WINB canceled, including WOR; sked on NSW 5045-LSB adjusted.
Unique Radio, low power NSW Australia, from Jan 7, resumes WOR on 5045-
LSB, Wed & Fri & Mon at 0930; alternate Sats also at 0930. And also Sat
1200, same time as on WINB which has not been interrupted. Sometime,
5045 is also going to change to 2368.5 kHz during local nighttime
presumably including at 0930. Latest info at http://www.uniqueradio.biz
Surprise WOR additions: 2200 Saturdays on WRMI 9955 as of December
22. 0830 UT Sundays on WRMI 5850, 5950, 7730; confirmed by Zichi,
Michigan Nov 18 on 5850 at least. But some were interrupted on
December 9.
WRMI from October 21 is carrying WRN for long hours on 5950, sometimes
including WORLD OF RADIO, UT Monday 0130 confirmed Oct 22, not October
29 at 0230, but back November 5 at 0230; latest schedule shows 5950 no
longer with WRN relays in the 01-03 period. Also in daytime confirmed
heard in Florida Saturday at 1600 October 27, and should have shifted
to 1700 from November 3. But finally Dec 29, 1700 Sat confirmed not.
From Nov 12, WRMI carries WOR at 0230 Mondays on 5950, 9395, not from
Produxion moved forward a day to Monday afternoon as of September 10,
allowing the first SW broadcast to be one one of our best frequencies
across North America, 7730, UT Tuesday at 0030 on WRMI. As of
September 11, tho scheduled Tuesdays at 2030 & 2130 both on 5950 &
7780, only confirmed the 2030 on 7780; neither at 2130. Remains the
case in November.
Tim Gaynor of Unique Radio, Australia, has invited WORLD OF RADIO to be
added to his relay schedule via WINB, 9265, Pennsylvania, from September
1, Saturdays at 1230-1300. From November 10, changed to 1200-1230.
Thanks, Tim! Also webcast as linked below
The original WBCQ commitment to air WOR every day at 2330 on 9330v has
eroded; week of August 21-28 it did not appear anyday. Nor week of
September 10-17. Nor ever later altho no longer checked daily.
DST shifts in Europe from October 28 moved most airings one UT hour
later. DST shifts in North America from November 4 moved WOR one UT hour
later on domestic affiliates, WBCQ and WRMI 9955 but not other WRMI
ACB Radio airings sometimes pre-empted, such as July 15, 2011 for
their annual conference coverage, circa this date annually.
Or March 29, 2013, during a pledge drive? First airing is Thursday
at 2100 EST/EDT, repeated 3-hourly thru 1800 EST/EDT Friday.
New affiliate via GCR1, KPDO, 89.3, Pescadero, California, UT
Mondays at 0200. Also then another GCR1 affiliate, KIEZ-LP, 106.7,
Monroe LA.
New affiliate from November 2017: WCSQ-LP 105.9 Cobleskill NY (between
Schenectady and Oneonta), Tue 0430/0330 UT; webcast pending.
Jake Longwell of Global Community Radio informs that three LPFM stations
in LA and CA are relaying it including WOR; see Monday 0200 listings.
From June 2017, WOR added to Laser Soul Hits webcast, Sat & Sun 2300+ UT,
and also random times between 23 and 05 UT Mon-Fri into Tue-Sat. Thanks
to Gary Drew. Later expanded to 7 days a week, winter time 00-06.
Alfredo Cotroneo of IRRS/NEXUS/IBA/IPAR/IRN explains as of April 28,
2017 about the 1 kW Challenger Radio at Villa Estense, Italy:
Glenn's program (WOR) is played regularly on a random basis on AM/MW
846 kHz (now replacing the old frequency: 1368 kHz) from 1900 to 0100
CET [17-23 UT] and from 0600 to 0800 CET [04-06 UT], [any day?] as
well as on "IRN" (Internet Radio NEXUS), our 24/7 internet stream at
also accessible via players at:
New affiliate from January 9, 2017: WQCS 88.9 FM HD2, Fort Pierce FL
New affiliate from October 29, 2016: Radio DHT, online from Poland
Geneva Community Radio has been replaced in late December 2015 by Global
Community Radio, including WOR at same time, UT Mon 0200 [DST: 0100 UT] via
New webcast from Oct 3, 2015: Sat 1900 on Sat Zentrale: eventually
changed without notice to Tuesday 1500. (Winter shift to 1600)
A more exhaustive archive of WOR scheduling changes over the years is
on our Angelfire website.