WORLD OF RADIO #1184, produced May 28, 2003 by Glenn Hauser

*New edition of companion program Continent of Media has been
 produced, #03-03, starting on RFPI May 29: Thu 2000, UT Fri 0200,
 0830; Sat 2130, Sun 0330, 0930 on 7445, 15039; also available at
*WORLD OF RADIO starts airing on WINB, Pennsylvania, June 7: Sats
 1730 on 13570, thanks to invitation from Hans Johnson
*`Bottle banging against concrete` interfering with WWCR 5070,
 including when WORLD OF RADIO is on, UT Sun 0230; some call it the
 ``bonker``, too close for comfort [on 5072], but may have priority
 as this is a utility band
*Sun June 1, 1300-2200 UT, National Hurricane Center ham station
 conducts its first test as WX4NHC; frequencies on HF, VHF
*CheveronTexaco pulls out of sponsoring Metropolitan Opera
 broadcasts after the 2003-2004 season: more about this on COM 03-03
*June 2 FCC vote to ease restrictions on media concentration is
 finally getting publicity; 99 percent of public comments oppose it;
 only Republican majority and big business are for it. See
 Commissioner Adelstein`s comments in DXLD 3-091, i.a. via
*CBC merges web, radio and TV news operations, consolidating
 resources; but will radio then be `cannibalized` by TV?
*BBC to spend megapounds on leadership training courses; Greg Dyke
 already has employees flashing ``cut the crap`` signs at meetings;
 who will save BBC from its management?
*Rai, Italy, provides lots of goodies to its monitor in Newfoundland,
 Sue Hickey
*Rai has decided to close down SW transmitters at Caltanissetta,
 Sicily, on 6060, 7175 and 9515; same frequencies may still be on air
 at times from Roma
*On 17340-USB, Greek news and weather; probably relay by coastal
 station SVO, Olympia Radio, Athens, 17341
*R. Gardarika, St. Petersburg, Russia, back on SW for a week, June 9-
 16, for NW Europe, 1800-2100 UT on 6235
*A 1969 R. Lebanon QSL card just fetched US$787 on an E-bay auction;
 a typical collection might be worth over US$ 50K. All DXers should
 insure QSL collections, make bequest provisions, and be aware of
 their potential value, says David Ricquish,
*New director of Israel Radio, Ben-Menachem, has close ties with
 PM Sharon, to serve as his proxy?
*R. Kuwait, 15495, heard at 1530 relaying R. Free Iraq service of RFE,
 by mistake? Supposed to be on MW 1548
*Satellite dishes are hot sellers in Baghdad, despite lack of
 electricity; even in flower shops and produce stalls
*Must be getting nervous in Tehran: Iran Democracy Act before the
 US Senate, S. 1082, as in DXLD 3-091, with money for pro-democratic 
 elements to produce radio programs, and requiring reform of R. Farda
 programming to be anti-Iranian government
*V. of Mojahed, clandestine to Iran, disappeared when Basra was under
 attack, but now seems back at *0125 on 6770/6750, 5650/5670, jumping
 around with Iranian-type jammers following it
*R. Nejat (Salvation), on 675 MW mirrors content of Iran`s official
 IRIB, but has subtle differences, not calling Mujahedin e-Khalq
 `hypocrites` and just `Iran`, not `Islamic Republic of Iran`.
 Following on same frequency is clandestine V. of Rebellious Iraq
*VOA and RFE services to Afghanistan now direct from Kabul on 1296,
 new 400 kW transmitter; BBG also installed a 400 kW for R.
 Afghanistan on 1107, for nationwide MW coverage; 1296 was previously
 via Tajikistan
*The media magazine you monitor with your mind, World of Radio 1184,
 woradio at or P O Box 1684, Enid, OK 73702, USA
*Thanks this week for financial support go to Tim Hendel
*Standard disclaimer
*R. Japan temporarily moved relays from Sri Lanka to UK, due to
 transmitter trouble; English at 1400-1500 now on 17870 is
 now heard better in Israel, than was Sri Lanka on 17755
*R. Guangdong, China, is new station via WRN, with weekly quarter
 hour in English, Sat 1600 to Europe and North America; Sun 0800 to
 rest of world
*Sky of BCL, DX program in Chinese from China Huayi Broadcasting
 Station, FuZhou, Sat 0730-0830 on 6185, has added repeat late at
 night when it should propagate further, Sun 1600-1700, but too late
 for North America
*V. of Vietnam heard with home service on 17925, third harmonic of
 5925 [No, it isn`t: fundamental would instead be 5975!]
*R. Pilipinas, English at 0200-0300 monitored on 11885, 15120, 15270
 contrary to outdated announcements
*Solomon Islands had very good signal in New York City, on 5020 at
*ABC is quitting digital TV broadcasting in Australia, due to lack
 of interest, and lack of funding; maybe digital feevee will fly
*R. Cairo testing new frequency for English 1215-1330, 17675, to
 avoid Tahskent on 17775, May 27, 28, 30; audible in New Hampshire
 but in splatter from Finland 17670
*Inadequately identified new service from Libya to Iraq no longer
 heard on 9745, leaving that clear for Bahrain, but still heard on
 7245, 11660 around 2130
*RIZ transmitter factory in Croatia delivered two mobile MW radio
 transmitter centres worth half a megaeuro to Libya`s Info Ministry
*V. of Liberty, Liberia, tentatively heard on 11512.0 at 1730
*Radio UNAM, university station in Mexico City, again being heard
 with improved modulation since May 20; measured on 9597.6 around
 1413, better at 0103, 0300
*Additional frequencies of R. Marti last week had nothing to do with
 solar cycle, just commemorating 101st anniversary of Cuban
 independence; on orders from White House, Commando Solo broadcast
 Marti to Cuba on channels 13, 18, and MW 530 despite Turks & Caicos
*Cuba threatened to retaliate by stepping up power of its MW
 transmitters as in past; 590 had better signal in daytime in
 Clearwater FL, with Rebelde instead of Musical Nacional, then back
 to the classical service
*HCJB DX Partyline has been reprieved, not only via HCJB-Australia,
 but perhaps also on morning service from Ecuador, and relayed by 
 some US SW stations [per DX Partyline last week, not Viva Miami as 
 I said]
*Elusive Paraguyan R. America barely audible in Argentina on 7371.4 
*Current schedule of DRM tests includes BBCWS via Sackville at 23-24
 on 9795, 03-04 11955; RN English from Bonaire, 0430-0530 Sat & Sun
 on 15400; daily 2330-2430 on 15525
*Sky & Telescope Astro-Alert has auroral activity watch May 28-31,
 most likely on 30th, in northern US, Europe, southern Australia, NZ
*Coronal mass ejections to impact earth, worst May 30; A and K indices
 peaking at 35 and 6 on June 3; flux range 140 to 90
*Glenn Hauser, concluding World of Radio 1184   ###