WORLD OF RADIO #1228, produced April 20, 2004 by Glenn Hauser

*Standard disclaimer
*Radio for Peace International again carrying World of Radio via
 webcast -- Thu 2000, repeated 4-hourly thru
 Fri 1600; Sat 2130 and 2300, each repeated 8-hourly thru Monday
 1500; may run a bit late; subject to downloadability of our files
*Israeli newspaper reports that V. of Israel SW broadcasts will cease
 in near future, to save money; foreign languages to be heard on
 Internet only. Will it actually happen this time?
*Andy Sennitt on the illogic of broadcasting only on the Internet
*Rumors that R. Slovakia International would close down shortwave  May
 1 are true; little mention of it on their English broadcasts, unlike
 German and Spanish; protests faciliated via
 English to North America: 0100-0130 on 5930, 9440, both with
 interference. Background on this has to do with converting Slovak TV
 networks to commercial funding, overlooking radio
*Recording of Swiss Radio International, Berne, ID and music-box
 interval signal, from final English broadcast audio file at
*Why bother to fill with music instead of English for six months?
 Director admits ``sliding out of shortwave was a huge mistake`` but
 now there is no alternative. Final English was April 9, not 12; back
 in 1966 Switzerland Calling was 75 minutes at 0115 on 9535
*DW cancelled its English on SW to North America; now it`s starting
 a new one-hour program for the US, primetime radio news magazine --
 not on SW, but satellite distributed by WFMT to compete with BBC
*On the contrary, Radio Netherlands is committed to continuing SW in
 English to North America, but news on the 0000, 0100 and 0400 UT
 broadcasts has been dropped, as overnight shift abolished. News
 analysis instead; still news at 1100, also available via web, and
 even by E-mail; sign up at
*Voice of Greece`s English: daily except Tue 0930 on 9420, 15630,
 15650; daily Orientations at 1830-1855 on 12105; two weekly shows:
 Helllenes around the world, Sat 1600 on 17705 Delano, direct on
 15630, 9420, 7375; It`s All Greek to Me (music), now inconvenient for
 us, Sun 0805-0900 on 9420, 15630, 15650
*A-04 schedule of IRRS, Italy, includes 100 kW transmitter, which they
 would like us to believe is in Milano: Fridays only, 1100-1200 on
 15665, 1900-2030 on 5775
*R. Exterior de Espana has a new politically correct name for Lenguas
 Espanolas: Lenguas Cooficiales, i.e. Catlan, Galician and Basque, M-F
 1240 on 21700 21600 21570 21540 15585 15170 13720 11910-via China;
 Costa RIca 11815, 9765
*RVi in English at 0700 on 5985 via Germany is ruined by DRM from
 Luxembourg on 5990 to a minute audience; Mike Barraclough on the
 drawbacks of DRM vs. analog in the 49m band, becoming more crowded;
 exaggerated sales predicted for DRM receivers
*Wales Radio International via England added a relay via Austria,
 Friday at 2030 on 7150, providing better reception back in the UK
*KVOH, Los Angeles, 17775, no longer La Voz de la Esperanza (Hope),
 but opening at 1500 as La Voz de Restauracion, now run by a southern
 California sect; does not mention KVOH
*WSHB may be coming back under new ownership: letter of intent signed
 with an unidentified buyer; why not Brother Scare, to get his own
 SW station nearby to Walterboro?
*Cantonese service of Radio Free Asia, duplicating VOA, will not be
 dropped, following intense lobbying of congress by RFA Guild Unit
*More than half of the 1228th World of Radio has now been heard; P O
 Box 1684, Enid, OK 73702, USA or woradio at  Check our
 primary website for a great deal more info:
*Thanks this week for financial support go to Michael Gorniak
*KNLS, Alaska, next schedule lasts two months; English 0800 11765,
 1300 11870
*AMs moving to FM in Canada, but the reverse for CBC Dawson, as FM
 coverage inadequate; wants 560 kHz with 400 watts, then turn off FM
*In Winnipeg, time running out for CKY AM 580 50 kW; overlap with FM
 replacement to end in mid-May
*Job actions at CBC may lead to strike/lockout, causing programming
 disruptions at RCI
*XERMX, Mexico, still heard April 19 opening before 1200 on 9705
*XEROK, Ciudad Juarez, 800, plan to triple power to licensed 150 kW in
 February did not happen, as would brown out neighborhood; who should
 pay for rebuild?
*Cuba relay of Radio Nacional Venezuela not only on Sunday mornings,
 but also daily for several hours now; obviously Havana as all the
 frequencies are also used by RHC; schedule announced, all in Spanish:
 1900 on 17720 (but heard on 13740), 2000 9550, 15230, 17705; 2100
 11875; 2200 6000(?); 2300 11760; 2315 9820, but the last two both
 start around 2300 tho 1.5 minutes out of sync
*FARC clandestine for Colombia again heard in Venezuela on 10 MHz,
 despite WWV, from 0006 April 11, and again at 2207, Voz de la
 Resistencia, etc.
*La Voz del Llano, Colombia heard between 11895 and 11900; maybe
 nominal 6115 is on 5947 putting out second harmonic?
*Radio Familiar Cristiana, Colombia moved from 4916 to 4933 at 1100
*Radio Melodia, Arequipa, Peru, back from 5907 to 5996.65, football
 evenings, religion mornings; heard in Pennsylvania at 0800
*Also adjusting frequency, R. Victoria, Lima on 9720 ex-9722, at 1100
*R. Pioneira Teresina, Brazil, 5015, stronger than before from 2320
 past 0145 in New York; since April 1 is 24 hours, relaying Radio
 Aparecida overnight
*Radio New Zealand Inernational very good here at 0500 on new 9615;
 already changed at 1750-1950 to 9845
*Special program on Spectrum, National Radio, ANZAC Day, Sun Apr 25 at
 0033, reminiscenses of POW monitoring, maybe repeated Thu 29 at 0806
 and maybe on RNZI SW
*New Catholic Radio Network of Papua New Guinea, mostly FM, but
 authorized for three SW stations, first due on shortly, Vanimo on
 4960; others in Rabaul, Alotau; see DXLD 4-067; carrier already heard
 in Australia on 4960 around 0800; not to be confused with Vanuatu
*Rare English from Indonesian regionals is Australian-produced Kang
 Guru Radio English show, heard Sun 1130 on RRI Gorontalo 3265
*V. of Han BC, Taiwan found on second frequency, 6105, besides 9745
*China Huayi Broadcasting Company, CHBC, a private station: 2230-2400
 and 1300-1700 on 4830; 0000-1300 on 6185 except silent Wed 0400-0830;
 new live stream and used to have some English
 and DX program in Chinese
*China Sea Yacht Race did have weather broadcasts from Hong Kong, but
 on 8749 USB, heard in North America; it`s all over now; maybe another
 chance in October
*R. Tashkent A-04 English: 01 9715 7190; 12 & 1330 17775, 15295, 9715,
 7285; 2030 & 2130 11905, 9545, 5025
*Zimbabwe`s National FM left 4828 again, for 5975; R. Zimbabwe on 3306
 night, 6045 daytime
*Sam Voron back at Radio Galkayo, Somalia, 6980, 04-06, 10-18 with
 English at 1730; only 15 watts currently but heard in Europe
*Glimmer of hope against BPL: ARRL says SWLs do have standing with FCC
 to file interference complaints if it interferes with international
 rather than domestic shortwave broadcasters
*Propagation outlook from Boulder April 13; flux range 120-100
*Glenn Hauser, concluding World of Radio 1228 ###