WORLD OF RADIO #1280, produced July 6, 2005 by Glenn Hauser [for full credits listen to show or consult recent DXLDs] *African news: Mauritania missing from 4845, was one of strongest signals on 60m; also 7245. Hope to be back after a rest. Still on MW 783, often heard trans-Atlantically *Conakry, Guinea, also missing from 7125 *R. Africa, Equatorial Guinea, with US religion, missing from 15190 after a few months`s activity; new address: PanAmerican, 2021 The Alameda, Suite 240, San Jose, CA 95126-1145 *SW Radio Africa, still heard as of July 1 at 17-18 on 15145, heavy jamming heard in Zimbabwe, none over here. Possible end on July 8, so let`s keep checking *Another service for Zimbabwe, V. of People, at 17-18 UT on 7120, and in B season 7190. Must not be anathema to Mugabe as SW Radio Africa, nor is it jammed. Yet it seems to carry independent, factual news. English usually at 1745 *R. Rhino International Africa, from 1 July cuts back to only Wed & Fri, 15-1530 on 17870 due to finances *Radio Freedom, Ethiopian opposition website reports that Ethiopian soldiers in Shilabo massacred civilians listening to BBC news at a restaurant, interviewing a freedom fighter of Ogaden NLF; unconfirmed *Target broadcasts: V. of Unity, via Russia on 15660 has own site with phone, fax in USA, Europe, plus audio *V. of Liberty, via Russia on 15675, accommodated on website of EDP, address vol @ with audio archive *V. of Delina QSL, v/s Tesfa. Tesfa Delina Foundation, 17326 Edwards Rd, A-230, Cerritos CA 90703. Sat only 15-16 on 15660 also mentions other clandestine stations *Can you imagine US Secretary of State trying to persuade DW or BBC not to drop English SW broadcasts to the US? A similar scenario was successful: Indonesian Foreign Minister gets R. Cairo not to terminate its Indonesian service; 1320-1450 on 15890 *V. of Africa, Libya, testing new services from July 1, 12-13 in Swahili, 13-14 in English, on 21675 and 21695, presumably via France *DRM from Germany on 26000 heard in Italy, Campus Radio from Nuernberg, at 1747 with 50 watts; 26000 is really Dillberg, 26012 is Nuernberg *Another DRM on 26000, R. Maria in Italy, but in analog for now *Special Radio, new from Russia, 18-19 Thursdays on 6240, arts and musicians, *Very strong signal in Florida from Iran in English at 2010 on 11860, rather funny mailbag show on Sunday *Collision on 11620 at 1430: V. of the Iranian Nation, via Bulgaria, and All India Radio in English *The 1280th World of Radio, derived from DX Listening Digest material, via P O Box 1684, Enid OK 73702 USA, or woradio at *WOR now available as podcast: *And in mp3 files at *Pleased to be back on RFPI webcasts, Fridays at 20, Mondays at 18, each repeated 4-hourly, 5 times *Thanks this week for financial support, via PayPal, go to Dennis Sivert in Indiana *Remarkable that at high noon in mid-summer, FE signals make it here as low as 9 MHz band; 9355, 9455, 9540, 11700, 15510 Firedrake blocking Radio Free Asia at 2 am in China, 18+ UT *China, enemy of free press, locked up 42 journalists in 2004 *R. Japan does not broadcast English to North America at 1400 UT, but I hear 11730, not too strong, but absolutely clear, intended for South Asia; also on 7200, 11840 *Photos of Wantok Radio Light dedication ceremonies, happy people: *DRM noise heard on 15370-15380 at 1235-1400 or so, presumably HCJB as before, tho not reported in the DRM forums. Seems DRM enthusiasts do not band scan and need to be told which frequencies to punch in *R. Continental, Argentina, 8098-LSB, heard around 0800 in Japan *WMLK, Pennsylvania heard on 9265 at 1535 IDing as if it were still on 9465! Well, 200 kHz off is close enough for them *Another special from KPH, California on 100th anniversary; The Night of Nights, UT July 13 0001-0700+ in CW on 4247, 6477.5, 8642, 12808.5, 17016.8, 22477.5; joined by several other stations and ham ops; see *Trying to be vintage/historical with megacycles and kilocycles, but meaningless without per-unit time. Use MegaHausers instead = Mc/Hour, multiply Mc/s by 3600, e.g. 12889.5 Mc/s = 46402.2 MHs *As in May issue of Monitoring Times, NASA communications frequencies for the shuttle flight July 13 or whenever: *Ham special event from Trinity Site, on its 60th annivesary, July 16 11-21 from W5MPZ, SSB 14330, 21330; CW 14060, QRP 7040; certificate *A&E viewers complain about lack of fine arts or classical music on Breakfast with the Arts on Sunday mornings; but dumped longtime host replaced by Karina Huber; still plan to cover three Colorado music festivals *Space Ghost Coast to Coast is on Cartoon Network as filler, not on schedules, around 0444-0456 UT Mondays, after Tom Goes to the Mayor *New episodes of Trippin` the Rift with incomparably better computer animation, from July 28, UT Thursdays 0200 on Sci-Fi *Pax TV network rebranding as i which stands for independent TV; *New LPFM in Bend OR, KPOV 106.7, with local origination and Pacifica programs *Al Quaglieri thinks BPL and DRM are going nowhere, so don`t worry *IBOC/HD: revealing interview with CEO of Ibiquity at Billboard, admitting portable HD radio would take a car battery; selling points of improved audio, no interference are non-starters *New summer show on CBC and RCI, Red Edge, aboriginal arts and native comics, UT Suns 0030 on 9755, 11990, 13710 *Musings about why there are so few women in DXing *Propagation outlook from Boulder, July 5: flux range 120-80 *Glenn Hauser, concluding World of Radio 1280 ###