WORLD OF RADIO #1290, produced October 19, 2005 by Glenn Hauser [for full credits listen to show or consult recent DXLDs] *Far-right nutcase at DX Radio School wonders about my health, because of all the WOR Extras lately. Appreciate the concern; I`m OK, and there are other reasons for running Extras *WOR schedule changes: on WOR is now aired 4 times, Universal times and days, Thu 2330, Fri 17, Sat 16, Tue 01 *Occasional pirate puts WOR on: Mystery Radio, 6220, Europe, had WOR Tue Oct 11 at 1525 *New Mundo Radial from Oct 21 on WWCR 15825, Fri & Mon 2115; also on WRMI Sun 1030 on 9955 [make that from Oct 24 on WWCR] *Turnover in key personnel at WWCR the past few weeks: George McClintock retired as GM, will continue engineering; Adam Lock also resigned. So Ask WWCR has new host Dr. Jerry Plummer. New ops manager is Zach Harper. Best wishes to all on their new endeavors *Thought provocation at --- Pres. Bush nominated Mark McKinnon to the BBG, but is he still a Democrat? Or will he occupy a Republican seat on the bipartisan board. See: [later: McKinnon will now be a Republican:] Logic of packing BBG with pro-administration members *R. Sawa`s Egyptian quid pro quo: Senate bill to withhold $227 mega of aid until Egypt agrees to install transmitter for Sawa *Ed Schultz, liberal talk host was to start on AFN Oct. 17. Then Allison Barber nixed it suddenly after staged Bush/soldiers interview *SW relays of WWL and URBONO were last heard Sunday, Oct. 9 *B-05 = new schedules in effect Oct. 30 *KNLS Alaska B-05 English: 08 9615, 10 9615, 12 7355 & 9615, 14 9655 *KNR, Greenland, 3815-USB, finally QSLed a report last winter from northern Finland; now heard even in southern Finland, at 2100 Oct 15; sked is 12-1315 & 21-2215, one hour later from Oct 30 *RCI finally resumed normal schedule, including Sat mornings, 13-16 with 3 hour-long programs, The House, Vinyl Cafe, Quirks & Quarks, squeezing out O`Reilly on Advertising, but that is still on CBC Radio 1 webcast at 11:30 am Saturdays local time across Canada *For B-05 only one frequency for World at Six and As It Happens to USA at 00-02: 9755; but poritons earlier, 23-24 on 6100; 22-2230 on 11990 *Sunday Oct 16, nice choral music on 9530 at 2045-2055, V. of Joy, but whence? Found out it was Sackville, supposedly Saturdays only at 20- 21 during October; Norwegian choir to be back Oct 29; while Oct 22, Sacred Harp singers with shape note singing. Also supposed to appear via R Africa, Equatorial Guine, but totally unconfirmed *BBCWS to terminate Thai service at yearend; official announcment expected 25 Oct; in order to increase Arabic, also ending Easterrn European languages; Thai fans mounting campaign to save the service *Spain on 17595 is normally good here in mornings, but transmitter occasionally goes haywire, such as Oct 19, at 1400, with huge blob of noise 17450-17580, obliterating other signals *Sept 29-30-Oct 1, R. Budapest was atop WWV on 10000 in Hungarian 2200-2258; could be sum of 6025 plus 3975 *RSCG, Yugoslavia, cancelled some SW services, but retains same languages with news on website *R. Tirana, B-05, evacuating 40m hamband, to new 7455, English at 0245-03, and 0330-04; also 7530 for Europe at 1945-20, // 6225; to NAm // 6115. Other English to Eu at 2230-23 on 7110. 7455 has RTTY and avoided so far by other broadcast stations *Bad news, B-05 from Greece via Delano, 15475 at 16-22, again wiping out LRA-36 Antarctica, 15476 at 18-21 M-F; trying to get VOG to find any other frequency *Arabic on 18727 at 1600 turns out to be Information Radio, Iraq, identified by Tarek Zeidan, Egypt, which he also heard at 1700. Gives phone numbers and MW 864 and 756, R. Al-Maluma`at, like the 6125 and 9133 service based in Bahrain. 18727 also heard in UK at 1742; and in Denmark from *1600. This could be a feeder *World of Radio 1290, P O Box 1684, Enid, OK 73702 USA; woradio at for much more info *Tnx this week for financial support to Tom McLaughlin, in memory of our DX friend in Lubbock, TX, who died 5 years ago Oct. 17, Gigi Lytle *WRTVH 2005 gives 9365 for R. Peace, Bagram, Afghanistan, but not heard until now: Mauno Ritola, Finland, IDed the weak 1 kW signal, 09-15, peaking around 1400. Ex 7000, 8700, 9000. Quite a catch, and the only genuine SWBC outlet in Afghanistan until they get the new 100 kW transmitter from India going on other frequencies *Sedaye Hurriat, clandestine for Kashmir, no longer heard after quake. Other services from both sides still heard, including Pakistani 4790 *R. Kashmir, Srinagar, has new Ramadan wake-up special 2255-2356 on 4950, then comes back on for regular broadcdast from *0025 *Revised plan for AIR frequency changes show Gangtok, Sikkim on 4870 ex-3390, (not 4810), including English hour at 1300, from B-05 *Malaysian 7295 missing; had been audible in California at 13-14; networks renamed and this one is Traxx FM, standing for ex-perience the ex-citement. Kuching 7270 is heard, now called Wai FM, at 1335 *Kang Guru Radio English via RRI 9680, Wed and Sun (NOT Sat as I said) at 1000-1020, rescheduled for Ramadan to 0900. But from B-05 WYFR will be on 9680 at both those times *V. of Indonesia, 9525, is showing up again sporadically *E-QSL from Catholic Radio Network, 4960, Papua New Guinea, signed by Fr. Zdzislaw Mlak, news @ *ABC Northern Territory SW service is replacing three transmitters, one at a time, each off 4-6 weeks, first being Tennant Creek, 4910 and 2325; listen to Alice instead on 4835, 2310. Daytime in addition NT service is on Shepparton 11880 at 2330-0900. Old transmitters too unreliable. New 100 kW units operated at 50 and T.C. to have DRM capability *R. UNAM to get a 10 kW SW transmitter, ex-XERMX. Being installed and should start testing by early November, on 9600. May be a lot of QRM, better off on 9705 *XERTA, 4810, Mexico City, now permitted to broadcast every day at 2000-1200, not just weekends *AWR via Bonaire to cease with B-05, so QSL it now: Spanish 22-24 on 6165 *LV del Upano, Ecuador, 6000, reactivated Oct. 11, but usually only briefly; measured on 5999.266 *New Peruvian on 4299.68 tentatively IDed as R. Bella, in Tingo Maria, heard at 0120 and 1030 *R. Nacional del Peru, heard on 4965.82, finally IDed as another new station, R. Santa Ana, relaying RN M-F; located in Santa Ana, Provincia La Convencion, Departamento Cusco *R. Ilucan, Cutervo, Peru, reactivated on 5678 Oct 9, // 4260.4 = 3 x their MW frequency *R. Union, Lima, stronger than before on 6114.86 at 1003 *R. Baluarte, Argentina, 6215 was off the air a week as of Oct 6 [later returned]; R. Bosques, Argentine pirate on 6188.9 approximately [NOT 6118.9 as I misspoke only on first WBCQ airing, but probably also on the file] heard at 2000 to oppose visit of Pres. Bush; also announces 11424 *Polisario for Western Sahara again heard on MW 1550, Spanish at 2300 *Since Oct 10, West African Democracy Radio, Senegal via Europe, supposed to be back on air, 17555, 07-09 in English, 09-11 in French, weekdays? via Rampisham [as announced, but in fact, not yet back on air] *Defunct Gene Scott missing from 5030 Costa Rica, lately, convenient since Burkina Faso is there until 0002* [later: DGS/CR returned] *TWR Benin may already be testing its new 1566, heard Oct 13 *V. of the People, Madagascar to Zimbabwe, still severely jammed at 17-18 on 7120 *Milton Obote, former Ugandan president died Oct 10, godfather of R. Rhino International Africa, Wed & Fri 15-1530 on 17870 via Germany; next broadcast had eulogy, also on website *Djibouti, 4780, 3 hours later than usual until 2306* for Ramadan *KWMO, Washington MO, heard on 3rd harmonic 4049.96 at 11 and 01; could interfere R. Verdad, Guatemala *KFAB, 1110, Omaha, temporarily non-dirrexional for antenna work until Octend, no null toward WBT Charlotte, so heard in the East *Cape Cod DX get-together Sat Nov 19; contact sponsor Chris Black n1cp @ *Trans-Atlantic MW DX excellent lately, e.g. Croatia 1134 in Tulsa, 0100-0120; News in English at 0206; look for many other splits *Long-haul trans-equatorial FM DX, Caribbean to southern Brazil; see DXLD 5-181 *Propagation outlook from Boulder October 18: flux range 80-75-80 *And that concludes another World of Radio, #1290. Glenn Hauser inviting you back next week, after a *Standard disclaimer ###