WORLD OF RADIO #1293, produced November 9, 2005 by Glenn Hauser
       [for full credits listen to show or consult recent DXLDs]

*New B-05 season underway, but as of Nov 9, HFCC schedule still not
 posted; should be out shortly [Nov 17]: in public
 data section, zipped file, incomplete with hundreds of entries
*More complete privately compiled skeds thanks to Eike Bierwirth but
 not finished yet, via in time and frequency
*Nagoya DX Circle too: zipped via
*FCC B-05 schedule for private US SW stations:
 including: WMLK still shown on unused 9955 and 15265, really 9265
 only; WRNO no longer reserving 7355, just 7395 at 22-16 and 15420
 16-23; WWBS Macon GA, off air but still shown, 11900, UT Sat & Sun
 00-02 only; also inactive but shown: WJIE. Only one frequency in
 traditional 41m band, KSDA on 7150; KTWR dips into aero band, 15070
 at 0815-0845 only to see if there are any objexions; OK with ALI?
*Also shows 100 kW units at WHRI and WHRA, old transmitters ex-
 Indiana, but unseem active despite 24h of scheduling; no Angel 6 or
 7 at WHR webpages
*WRMI back on 9955 Nov 6, to Latin America, but not yet 7385 to NAm
 due to greater antenna damage [and still not Nov 15]
*Kenneth Tomlinson ousted from board of CPB on Nov 3 as Inspector
 General reports issued about his activities at CPB and BBG. Accused
 of misusing federal money, phantom unqualified employees. Still
 chairman of BBG; records and e-mail seized, Karl Rove involved, a
 friend of Tomlinson
*Al Hurra also examined by IG for problematic procurement practices
*House subcommittee holding hearing Nov 10 with Tomlinson, and Al-
 Hurra news director
*Modest proposal from Kim Andrew Elliott: give Associated Press a 5-
 year contract to govern US international broadcasting
*AFRTS backed out, now backs into agreement to air progressive talk
 host Ed Schultz; confusing debate on Senate floor about AFRTS
 programming. Yet to be confirmed
*May not be hearing AFRTS on ``Key West`` SSB frequencies, off air
 from 5446.5, 7811 and 12133.5 for a month; blown off by Wilma?
*Temp Winnipeg station back Nov 6-26: CJML, 580, 99 watts with
 longwire, 13-04 UT with nostalgic music and programs from `40s, `50s;
 believe no one has been able to DX it at a distance yet
*New language on HCJB, Kulina, in northern Brazil, daily 2250-2300 on
 12020, but actually only lasts about 3 minutes, bible readings
 starting with Genesis
*R. Bella, Tingo Maria, Peru, 4299.69, now regular at 1000, with clip 
 at  Background on the name: Tingo means
 union (of two rivers), Maria a woman called the Sleeping Beauty, her
 profile in a mountain range
*New Argentine on 1670, probably unlicensed, from Escuela Cientifica
 Basilio, --- seems a cult, reminiscent of
 notorious Aum Shinrikyo
*BBC Calling the Falklands confirmed still on 11680, Tue & Fri 2130-
 2145 tho only carrier audible here, with BBC French Guiana on 11675
*Odd conflicits in new season: BBC Spanish on 6110 at 0003 with severe
 echo since they are using both Ascension and French Guiana,
*On 11655 at 19-20, RN heard with 2-second echo, from both Flevo and
*Radio Netherlands undergoing structural reorganization, people losing
 jobs or moving to other ones
*Amsterdam Forum now 55 minutes on Sundays: Nov 13: Is religion bad
 for society?
*Standard disclaimer
*The media magazine you monitor with your mind, World of Radio 1293,
 from P O Box 1684, Enid, OK 73702 USA; or woradio at
*Thanks this week for financial support via PayPal go to Dennis Sivert
 in Illinois
*RFI changed style of presentation in French; less urgent-sounding
 news theme; tease at hourtop. More emphasis on specific world regions
*R. Vaticano in Spanish at 1600 on 9885; is really a relay via WEWN
 M-F 16-1630 and 22-2230, both also on 15745; not in English
*New director general at Vatican Radio, Fr Federico Lombardi, SJ
*B05 R. Serbia & Montenegro schedule is still curtailed, 1845-22 only,
 English 1930 on 6100
*R. Prague acknowledges relay in English at 04 on 6100 not on schedule
 since it is experimental, via Sackville to C&W NAm
*Holocaust denier Ernst Zuendel went on trial in Germany Nov 8, but
 delayed when judge dismissed defense team member for racist
 conviction; to resume Nov 15 with public defender
*R. Vilnius English: 2330 7325, 0030 9875, but reception of both is
 aboslutely terrible in CT
*R. Station Belarus English schedule now: NAm UT M, Tu, W, Th, F, Sa 
 03 but Su 0330; Eu M, Tu, Th, F, 2030, but Su 22; Eu on 1170, 7125,
 7340, 7440; NAm 5970, 6155, 7210
*V. of Greece English is only: daily 1930-20 Eu 7430; Sun 1105-12 Eu
 music All Greek to Me 12105, 15630, 17525; Sat 15-16 interview 
 Hellenes Around the World, Eu 9420, 12105, 15630, NAm via Delano 9775
*R. Makedonias, 7450, 22 until 2250* with music better than Athens
*Translation of VOG program schedule into English; in DXLD 5-191 at
*Star Radio, Liberia from 0700 in English on 9525 via Ascension;
 denies charges of being mouthpiece of Unity Party
*New clandestine R. Free Southern Cameroons apparently leads to re-
 arrest of one of movement`s leaders; for secession of this English-
 speaking portion; heard again Sunday Nov 6 at 18-19 on 12130 via
*New schedules to Sudan: R. Nile, via Madagascar, now 0400-0500 Sat,
 Sun, Mon and Tue on 12060, 15320
*Sudan Radio Service via UK at 17-18 changed from 11715 to 11705,
 but now collides with V. of the People from Madagascar to Zimbabwe
*Direction-finding from Europe on 18727 Information Radio puts it
 on this line: Adana, W Iraq, Thumrait, Diego Garcia
*KBS World Radio dropped 16 UT to Af/SAs, only convenient broadcast
 for India and Bangladesh
*R. Station Pacific Ocean, Vladivostok, now at 0935-1000 on 5960,
 also 7330
*Maritime stations in Philippines believed to relay news from
 broadcast stations at 2300 in USB: 17260 Manila Radio DZH, 17366
 Manila Bay Radio DZK
*Solomon Islands heard once on reactivated 9545 as well as 5020, at
 0900 clashing with DW
*Palmyra DXpedition until Sat Nov 19 with KH6ND/5 on SSB 160-10 meters
*United Radio Broadcasters of New Orleans cooperative ended Nov 5; WWL
 once again split from Clear Channel stations
*Tone test on 1610 widely heard in E NAm, Nov 7, no IDs and no fix
 yet; maybe experimental like WC2XKX in NC [no, denied], heard even
 after sunrise [maybe Anguilla nonetheless?]
*As of Nov 9, Jeff White, WRMI says 7385 not ready yet, but should be
 by Nov 13 [it wasn`t]; WOR times as shifted: Sat 22, Sun 0930 & 15
*From 2nd weekend in Nov, new Spanish DX news from me on Radio Enlace
 from RN, Fri/Sun plus UT Sat/Mon
*Propagation outlook from Boulder Nov 8: flux range 75-80
*This has been the 1,293rd World of Radio; Glenn Hauser in Oklahoma
 inviting you back next week ###